The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 08, 1905, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
MARCH 8, 1905.
Published Weekly. 1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per square of line 1 time II V.
I'or square each subsequent Insertion.... 50.
A:l advertisements inserted for leu than
tbree month charged by the square.
9 mos. If mos. I t yr, I t-jo.oo. I noon
. . :K.on. 40.00. sooo
, .. 40.00. I (5.00. 76.00
On-fourth column...
Or.v ti.ur column
Une Ooluuiu
N'i 'ng Inserted for Icrs than II
I'rofe?slonal Cards one year 15
Good Stories.
It happened in a railway sta
tion. Tin; baby cried and cried and
"Perhaps he desires his battle,"
su.r jested a fatherly looking1 old
"He has not been raised on a
bottle," cuttiuly replied the
handsome young woman who held
the infant.
The baby's shrieks grew terri
fic. He made unmistakable signs
that he wanted his dinner.
"Beg pardon, ma'am," said the
elderly party, "but may 1 sug
gest that you er permit the
child to er take nourishment?"
"Tills baby belongs to ray sis
ter," replied the young lady,
blushing furiously, "and she won't
bo here for half an hour, I'm hold
ing it for her."
Then all the men in the room
went out on the front platform.
"Down in Oregou, I won't say
just where, there is settlement
of Scotch Presbyterians, who re
tain nil their old country habits,"
said a globe trotter the other day.
"Not long ago the minister, while
in the midst of his sermon, notic
ed oue of his parishioners peace
fully sleeping. The divine sus
pended his discourseandaddress
ed "Wullie" in a loud tone, wak
ing him up, and then gave him a
severe rebuke.
"Wullie was very angry and af
ter services were concluded went
up to the pastor and made an in
dignant speech, protesting
against the humiliation which
had been put upon him. Ue con
cluded by saying:
"Your ain wife was sleepin' at
the time. I saw her before I
went to sleep mysel'. "
"The pastor tried to smooth
the matter over, and told Wullie
that it he should ever see the pas
tor's wife sleeping in church
thereafter, to raise his hand and
she should receive the same cor
rection which had been imposed
upon Wullie.
"The next Sunday when the
sermon had reached about fourth
ly, Wullie's hand went up. The
minister looked over at his fam
ily pew, and there, sure enough,
his spouse was wrapped in slum
ber. Mindful of his word, the
preacher thus addressed the wife
of his bosom:
"Susan ! Susan ! I dinna mar
ry ye for your fortune, for ye had
none. 1 dinna marry ye fur your
beauty the whole congregation
can see that; and il ye hae nae
grace I've made a sair bargain."
Seattle Post-Inteihgeocer.
boon after Congressman Rob
ert CJ. Cousins' advent at Wash
ington he was invited to a func
tion of very stately formality.
Kvery thing was new to him then,
even to the evening dress just
from the furnisher's.
As he left the hotel to enter a
waitiug carriage he was spied by
Thomas B. Keed, who took him
all in at a glance.
"Ileho, Hob," drawled iho irre
pressible Reed; "what ails you?"
"I feel like an ass in a lion's
skin," said Mr. Cou.lns.
"You look as though you had a
be; in your bonnet."
"Wal," said Mr. Cousins, who
also lias a peculiarly resonant
drawl, "it isn't a Presidential
And for once Mr. Reed was at
a loss for a reply. Harper's
A young recruit was sent on
sentry duty, and was, of course,
new to his duty. A good-natured
comrade brought him a sand
wich from the canteen, and the
recruit was about to eat It when
tho major appeared. An the of
fWr " rt o unif r.ti t s
try did not recognize him and did
not salute. The major took in
the situation and asked:
"What's that?"
"A sandwich," replied the re
cruit, "havo a bit?"
"Do you know who I am ?" asic
od tho major,
"Don't know you from a crow;
perhaps you're the major's coach
man." "No I'm not."
"His groom, perhaps?"
"No; try again."
"Perhaps theoldchaplnm self?"
"Right this timo, " said the
"Oh, good gracious," exclaim
ed the frightened sentry, "hold
the sandwich while I present
arms !"
A Dinner Imitation.
After a hearty meal a dose of
Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure will pre
vent an attack of indigestion.
lvodol is a thorough digestaut and
u guaranteed cure for indigestion,
dyspepsia, gas on tho stomach,
sour risings, bad breath ancTall
stomach troubles. N. Watkins.
Lesbus. Ky., says: "1 can testi
fy to the efficacy of Kodol in the
cure of stomach trouble. I was
atllicted with stomach trouble for
fifteen years and have taken six
bottles of your Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, which entirely cured me.
The six bottles were worth 1, 000
tome." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will digest any quantity of all the
A-holesome food you want to eat
while your stomach takes a rest
recuperates and grows strong.
This wonderfull preparation is
justly entitled to all of its many
remarkablecures. SoklatTrout's
drug store.
To Prevent Appendicitis.
If there is any means of pre
venting the coining of a dreadful
disease, even to one person the
world should know what that pre
ventive is. Only those who haVe
been threatened with a surgical
operation, or who have actually
passed through the experience,
can understand the terror arous
ed by an attack of appendicitis.
The best physiciaus appear to
think that surgery is not always
necessary in such cases, but
sometimes it is, and whether so
or not, its prevention is of as
great importance as its cure.
In the Nineteenth Century for
January, Dr. Joseph Kidd, a
prominent physician oi London,
gives some suggestions worth con
side ring as means of preventing
the ravages of this dread disease.
First, he inhibits purgatives. All
aperient salts, waters or pills
which tend to create violent ac
tion, and reaction, he would do
away. Some people are always
taking physic, and hence they
always have to do so, or think
they do. They seem to imagine
that nature does not understand 1
her own business, and they pro- i
pose to allow her no chance to I
prove that she does. Secondly, i
he recommends slow eating, with j
perfect mastication of food. No !
bolting, no hurrying, no washing ' a cough. One Minute Cough Cure
down with cold water, or tea, of ; cuts the mucus, draws the iDllam
unchewed lumps. Stop, think. I mation out of the throat, lungs
If you have not time to eat a full j and bronchial tubes, heals soothes
meal without bolting it, eat a half ! and cur-is. A quick cure for croup
meal, or none. Better be hungry ! and whooping cough. One Min-
than deathly sick. Thirdly, avoid
drafts when warm, or fatigued.
Avoid them always, but especial
ly when the body is in condition
for easy chilling. A chill arrests j
vital action. Both the bowels j
and the blood feel its power. If
the appendix is slightly inflamed
from any cau.), a chill will aggra
vate tho conditions and precipi
tate dangerous conditions. Ex
posures, excesses and abuse of
drugs should be studiously avoid
ed. Like Finding Money.
Finding health is like finding
money so think those who are
sick. When you have a cough, cold
sore throat, or chest irritation,
better act promptly like W. C.
Barber, of Saudy Level, Va. He
says: "I had a terrible chest trou
ble, caused by smoke and coa
dust on my lungs; but alter find
ing no relief in other remedies, I
was cured by Dr. King's New Dis
covery fjr consumption, coughs
and colds." Greatest sale ot any
cough or lung rnodicine in the
world. AtTrout's drug store; DOc
and 1.00; guaranteed. Trial bot
tle free.
One Minute Cough Cure
For Coughs, Colds and Croup.
Subscribe for the News.
Voir brut l.-r.-ve cue.
In this day we are undoubtedly
fortunate in that we have laid
Hide a great deal that was objec
tionable in customs and habits
tifty years ago. But have we not
also done away with much that
was very sweet and lovely ? Ono
of tho most noticeable, and per
haps most objectionable, changes
that has takeu place is that tho
young person of to day lacks the
respect for age that characteriz
ed the young porson of half a cen
tury ago. Then the girl who did
not show proper rcvereuco for
the gray-haired man or woman
was considered ill-bred and un
mannerly. Now, too often, youth
is intolerant of old age. The mod
el n girl smiles lofty superiority
at the opinions advanced by her
grandmother, or even by her
mother. She has no patience
with what she terms "old-fashioned
notions." Of course there
are exceptions to this rule even
in this day of tho supremacy of
the young person. There are a
few f;iris who have not forgotten
the consideration due those who,
id though they may not belong to
the advanced school of idea- and
beliefs, still merit love and re
spect, because they have lived
aud toiled through the life upon
whoso threshold our girls are on
ly standing. The coming woman
would do well to add to her other
accomplishments that of giving a
grateful word to those who have
helped her, and who are always
willing to give her a "Godspeed"
on the journey she is begiuning.
Cures coughs aud colds.
Cures bronchitis and asthma.
Cures croup and whooping cough,
inures hoarseness and bronchial
Cures pneumonia and la grippe.
Sold by all dealers.
February 23. The institute at
Sipes Hill was well attended last
Saturday evening.
E. N. Akers aud Levi Mellott
made a business trip to Warfords
burg last Fridry.
A merry sledding party coin
posed of J. Truax and wife, Thom
as Truax, wife and little daugh
tor, and Ross Mellott and B. II.
Kline, spent last Tuesday evening
very pleasantly in the home of
W. II. Mellott.
Quite a number of our people
spent last Thursday evening in
the homo of Nathan Mellott.
Charles S. Mellott and wife are
on the sick list at this writing.
B. U. Chne was cutting wood
at Ross Melloit's last week.
A largo number of persons at
tended tho "party" at VV. R. Pal
mer's, iiud all report a most en
jo yablo time.
II. M. Truax and Alexander
Bradshaw were cutting logs for
W. II. Mellott last week.
Thomas S. Mellott is bmy haul
ing limekiln wood.
Pleasant and Harmless.
Don't drug the stomach to euro
ute Cough Cure relieves a cough
in one minuto because it acts first
on the mucous membrane right
where tho cough troubles iu the
throator deep-seated on the lungs,
Sold at Trout's drug store,
Mrs. Geo. Summers was on tho
sick list last week, as was also,
Noah 'Mellott.
Quite a social gathering was
held at Mr. Calvin Summers' last
Friday evening. Those present
were Mrs. Mary C. Sines, Miss
Minnie Crothers, Eflio Tritle,
Bessie Tritle, John Tritle, and
John Summers. All had a pleas
ant evening.
Goo. W. Summers went to Fort
Loudon and Mercersburgon busi
ness last week. Wo all hope ho
will succeed.
Miss Minnie Summers, who
has been visiting friends in Hub
tontown, returned home Monday.
Hezekiah Sum mers aud his lady
friend, spent a delightful evening
at Newton Mellott's last Satur
day evening
. 1 V
Toice iaxauvc uromo limine TaMou.
Seven Million boxes sold in pant 12 months. This signature.
$1,000 TO $10,000 A YEAR.
Traveling Knlt-Mium, Clerk, .vf t'l-C'linnt-IVo
irlattrr What Tour Present n.islue!
A COMPLETE reorganization of the producing department of the
Company in this section affords achatico lor a few good men.
Eight vacancies on the agency force in this rich territory re
main oj en for men of character and ability; you can iind out by
writing whether it will be worth your while to mako a change. No
previous experience is necessary.
A course of professional instruction given free.
The Mutual Life Insurance Company ofN.Y.,
RICHARD A. McCURDY, President,
Address, GEORGE T. DEXTER, Superintendent of Domestic
Agencies, !!2 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y.
To draw tho (ire out of a burn
or heal a cut without leaving a
scar, use ue v iti, s mtcn Hazel
Salve. A specific for piles. G
tho genuine. J. L. Tucker, editor
of the Uarmonizer, Centre, Al
writes: "I have used DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve in my family
fjr piles, cuts and burns. It is
the best salve on tho market. Ev
ery family should keep it on hand.
Sold by Trout's drug store.
Word from Fannettsburg tells
ol tho steady improvements of
IlampsheV Karper, who sustain
ed a fracture of one of his legs
several weeks ago in a
fall at that place. Mr. and Mrs.
F. C. Karper havo returned from
a visit to tho injured man, who is
quite anxious to return to his
home at Chambcrsburg. It is
announced that the surgeon at
tending will place the injured
limb iu a plaster paris cast with
the hope that Mr. Karper will be
able to go home in about two
Greatest bargains ever of
fered irom now until the
1st of March, as we will
not carry any hats over.
They must go regardless
of cost.
Tam-o-shanters 40c; baby
oaps, from 10c up; stock-
in? kg caps, 22c; corsets
at cost. Ribbons lrom lc 1
per yard up. Ribbons, re-!
duced irom 40c a yard to J
30c; also, from 25c to 20c t
per yard.
Come, examine goods,
and get prices. You are
Opposite Post-olllco.
Mrs. A. F. Little,
;A TAI.lnil K
i i.a-.ik; viockinon TDIICCCC
loos Sphino Oaiidhh St., Philadelphia, l'n.
Cure ColJs; Prevents Pneumonia
(Wv ;
Mnff. Alwttvft r.-lfiililr. I, h.i !., fcS UrticaiHt for
MM II KH I lt S K.4. , i u.,l ami
l.olrt im-Uillu: luxen, hitiilt-d wild tilu nlAxiii.
Tllktf UU lllMT. Itru 4lit!lCfrIUH tllMt.
tulioiihuuil Imliittioiik. liuv.ii vmr innm-M,
or wii-i It. 111 Mimij.H .,r lrf Jriilar.
munlitln und lt-H-r for l.nilie." in trier,
by rffurii JImII. lO.OOO 'ishiimimtlj, hold by
l litlitlL'.MH.
vluO SliidUua iuur, tkllt,.i !,
To Core a Cold in One Day
. .
gFalling. Top
both Factory and Handmade from
$35 to $85
Surreys J
Large stock on baud ull the time
to select from.
Hustontown, Fa.
from 20 cents to HO cunts a gal
lon. Don't 1)0 deceived no
body will sell you a CD-cent
oil for 2 cents.
s Sections
and guards for all kinds of
machines at prices lower than
you have ever heard.
on hand; Binder twine, Horso
Hakes in fact farmer's should
remember if they want any
thing In the machinery lino
that I can help them if anybody
Ybk.UA Franco's
Safe, Quick. Reliable Regulator
Ktipnrhii' to othiT remedies Kil4 at hluti prlcet.
00.000 WiHiH'H,
i-M vn a run icen . niwreiuiuiiy uhmi ny over
ri-. 2!i ( t-tiitai. tlriia-
ii or by muil. I
. Iaft'rttiicor
llmi'iilaln & hooktut free., p.
r, King's
MGHS and
60c &S1.00
Froe Trial.
burest and Uuickcat (Jure for all
' Write today for weekly prlce-llat-We pay
the highest market prices for
Hides, Calf-Skins, Pelts and Tallow
In any size lots Prompt payments Our
reputatlon-10 years' fair dealing Bank
referencts furnished
Farce, Sauer & Co.
South Canal St. ALLEGHENY, PA.
Cures Crip
In Two Days.
' w
on every
box. 25c.
t NEWS " I
Covers the Field.
2& I
In every part of the
County faithful re
porters are located
that Rather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
AUrkets, The Sun
day School Lesson,
Helps .for Christian
Endeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
erybody. t
t CARDS, Ac,
In fact anything and
X everything in the best
X style along that line.
5 Sample copies of
the News sent to any
I of your friends cn
TIMETABLE. Nov 27, 1904 fl
Luuve mo. i nu 4. no. B no. t no.lii no
... . A.B tA.MltA. u p. initp.w pii
v'iuotister ? ail.... ifou 8 ;)o
'lurllriHburi; H IS 7 7
tiiiKurNiuwn .... 64a nKl!'il7 :l 3:; H (Ki 10 10
'ii-eenoiiMile .... 1 wi ffsiiiaM 3 ,v 8 a iU w
MerCHrsliui-K f h oom p h w ....
.'hamiiersburii.. 7 1 0 4f, 1 oti "aTTlB ItfM
Wnyneslioro 7 0) i 00 8 ai .
Shlppensburg... 7 10 OR 1 al 4 fvj 9 (HI 11 16
JewvllIo 8 07 10 S 141 ft (ill 9 2)1111?
3U.I !inle 8WI0 II 8 0:1 IS iti 45I2
Vluchimlosburg,. 8 4h II 1 2 VI ft hs io 07 It 21
JIUsIiuik 10 0(1 ft Zi
Arr, H urrlsburg. 9 Oh II ai a 40 6 10 10 2S IS 40
Arr. 1'hllu II 4K 3 IT 6 47 H f0 4 1 4 23
Arr. New York. 2 03 ft Kt 8 W II i& 1 13 7 13
Vrr llulllmoiu.. 12 IA 8 11 6 (Ki 9 4 2 20 7 1;
I'- ! M. P.M.P. U. A. M. A. M
'IVlLln n. 11 pn.r runs dull.. Av..a...
letWCl'.n 11 Uirrulj.u-n u.i.l ll.i ..i.l... I i-...
HiiKcrHlowii 1.U0 uad ui tivIdk ut HurriKburif ul
Addltlonnl eiiKt-bound local tiulna will run
aully, except SuDdiiy, uh followh: Leave
UurliHln 7.05 a. m., I '.ju p. m. 8.15 p.m., leave
ivieisnuuicsmiris n.itt a m.. 7.29 a. m.. 12.62 p. n
:l.3U p. m. Leave UllNlium 6.35 a. m.. 10.00 u
iu.. 6.23 b. m.,
Trains Noh. 2,8 and 110 run dully between IIu
geretown aud Hurrluburg.
4- Dally except Sunday.
no. no. 8 no. 3ino. 7 no. 9
P. U A M A. M A.H P. M
II 55 4 41 K 6il2 00 4 35
7 6fi 12 10 .... 8 65 2 65
II 40 4 5 8 44. 1 1 1 40 (6 30
500 7 55 11 46 8 2a 825
8 60 4 00
5 II) 8 IS 12 0:1 8 II 8 43
i 40 H 87 12 21 4 0 9 04
6 01 H 5K 12 4H i III g 24
20 9 17 I Oil 4 Wl 9 il
10 37 2 00 ft 4K
10 9 85 1 27 4 51! 10 00
8 ISllO !10 6 63
7 06;9 511 1 5f ft 21 10 21
7 27 10 22 2 10 ft 41 10 45
8 Kill I C 6 2-1
9 15(11 60 7 10
A. m.a. II. P. U. P. U p. II.
New Vork
Sbippeusburir. ..
MoreorHburif.. .
i.reenuuhlle ....
MuKerNtowu ....
Ar. Winchester.
8 M
ft 55
8 25
II 06
II 28
11 42
12 02
12 18
12 86
12 M
I 15
I ruin no. 17 went runH daily except Snnduy
between llarrlsbiiru and HiiKemtown, leav
ing Harrlsburif ut 6.16 p,m. uud arriving ut Hu-,'ei-Ktowu
ut 7.57 p. m.
Additional local trams will leave HarrlHburg
asfoilowN: i'or Carlisle and Intermediate atu
lloim at 9.37 a. m.. 2,uo p. m. and 6.30 p. m., uIno
forMecbanlesburg, Dlllsburg and Intermediate
stutlouNat 7 ;0 a. in., 8.10 p. m. and 6.:io p. m.
TraiuH No. 1, 8 and 109 run dally between'
I! irrlNbur and Hugemtown.
1'uUuuiq palace sleeping ears between New
Yorlt and Knoxvllle, Tenn., on trulnn 1 wesl
and 110 cast uud between ftailadelph a and
Welsh on N. & W. Hallway on tralus 109 west
and 2 eust, except that on Huuday the 1-hlla-lelphla
sleeper will run eustou No. .
Through coaches to uud from Philadelphia
on trains 2 uud 4 euut and 7 and 9 west.
t Dally except Sunday.
t'as. Pas.
47 16.1
P. M,
4 00
8 HI
1 10
2 18
8 40
P. M
ft 05
ft HI
ft f;i
6 13;
a si
9 41
a M
10 30
10 5S
11 05
I. M.l
p. a.-
Vice 1'rcs. & (Jen. Supt. Sunt
h. A. UlDULIilluu. Pitu. Agent.
Pneumonia follow La Orlpp
but never follow the uae of
It stops the Congb and heals the lung.
Prevent Pueumonls and Coniurnptlon,
Ha. a. Vaoh, ef 151 Ossood St., Chlco,
vrltwi "Uj wife bad la (rlpp tod It Uft her
with a ?arf bad sough oa bsr Ions' wblob
Vousi' Uoaas oTab sorsd MsspUtaly." '
For Bi.le ut Trout'a Drug Store
Mix. M'as. Mix.
tl 464 r
A 11 Lve. Arr. A u A 11
6 55 Ohambersburg.. 8 46 11 60
7 14 Marlon .. 8 83 II 82
8 16 ..Mercnraburg.. 8 00 10 30
8 50 Iioudnn 7 3s 9 43
9 05 ....KlchPond.... 1 80 9 30
A.M. A. U. A. H.
First Class
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cup and Towel with each Shave.
Kveryihlng Aniisi,iUc.
Huzors Sterilized.
lT-8hop In roojn lately occupied by l,d Ilr.iiic
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up to date In all stylos of hair rut
ting. Quick, easy shaves. Iliiv-rum. (Jreuinv
Wlich-hur.el. without extra charge. J-'rcsh
towel to each customer. Latest Improved up,
fiirulu for sterilising tools, l'urlors opponKe
ulton House.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All legal huBlness nd colleotlnns entrusted
will ccelve careful and prompt attention.
PiiKsnYTKRiAN. Hev. W. A. Webt,
D. D., 1'astur. Preachinir si rvlcos
eoxjh alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.
and every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Services ut Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:110 a. m. Sabbath
school at 0:15. Junior Christian En
deavor at 2:00. Christian Kndeavor
at 0:0(i. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Adams, Pastor. Sundsy School
at 9:110 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10::tO and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Kpwort'h
League at 0:00 p. m. Prayer moetiiig
Thursday evening at 7:00.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:.'t0
a. m. Preaching every'Surday morn
ing at 10:.'0, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternute SabbaUi
evenings are used by the Young Peo
pled Christian Union at 7:00 p. 111.
Prayer meeting Weduisduy evening
at 7:00.
G. Wolf. I Sunday school H:l.r
a. m. Pieurliing every other Sunday
morning at 10:.'i() and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian I'.n
deavor ut 0:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at "7:00.
Reformed lie v. C. M. Smith, Pas
tor. Sunduy school at U:."50 a. n..
Preaching on alurnate Sabbaths ut
10:00 u. m. und 7:00 p. m. Cht istiiiD
F.ndeavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing or Wednesday evening at 7:00.
The first term of the Courts of Pul
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of lo o'clock a. 111.
The second term commences on the
third Monduy of March, ut.2 o'clock
p. in.
Tho third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monduy of'juue,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on tho first Monduy
f October, at 2 o'clock p. :n.
iKiiioroi! on ici.iis.
Justice of the Peuce Thornns V.
Sloun, L. H. Wible.
Constable John H. Doyle.
Burgess II. W. Scott. !
Councilmcn 1). T. Fields, Ieoimrd
Hohmun, Samuel l!ender,M. W. Nace.
Clerk William Hull.
HighConstublo Wm.Piiurngardner.
School Directors A. U. Nuce. Jcdin
A. Irwin, Thomas P. Sloun, P. M.
Taylor, John Comerer, C. U. Stevens.
President Judge Hon. S.Me. Swoi-e.
Associate Judges David Nelson. W.
H. Uender.
Protlionotary, &o. Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney George U. Dan
iels. Treasurer A, C. Lauver.
Sheriff J. G. Alexander.
Deputy Sheriff W. II. Nesbit.
Jury Commissioners Simon Desh-.
ong, lienuett A. Truax.
Auditors W. C. Davis, Ceo, W.
Glenn, J. A Myers.
Commissioners S. D. Mellott, Geo
Sigel, Bad H. 1'. Palmer;
Clei k Prank Henry.
County Surveyor- -A. J. Fore.
County Superintendent t buries K
Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J.
Nelson Sipes, Thomas P. Sloan, P.
McN. Johubton, M. K. Sliaffner, Ceo.
B. Daniels, Joiin P. Sipes, W.
Odd Fellows M'Connellsburg Lodge
No. 744 meets everv Frld R.V ftViMninir in
tne Comerer Building in McConnells
burg. Fort Littleton Lodcu No. 4H4
every Saturday evoning In the Cromer
ouiiuuig at r ort Ljittleton.
Wells Valley Lodse No. 007 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows uaii at wells Tannery.
Ilarrisonville Lodire No. 701 m-et
every Suturduy evening iii Odd Pel
lows- nan at Ilurr sonvl e.
Waterfall Lodire No. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday evening In Odd Fellows'
uhu at wuterluU Mills.
Warfordsburir Lodtre No. 001 iii.m
iu Warfordsburir every Suturduv
Kinif PostO. A. P.. No. ,'!(!5 moem U
MoConnellsburg in Odd Fellows' Hall
the tirst Saturday In every month nt 1
Hoyal Arcanum, Tuscc.rora fVmnetl,
No. 121, meets on alternate Mondnv
evenings in P. O. n of A. Hull, in
Washington Camp No. 4117, P. O. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every But
urday evening in P. O, S. of A. 'Hall.
Washington Cump, No. 654, P. O.S.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur
urday evening in p. O. S. of A Uull.
John Q. Taylor Post G. A. .., No.
Mi), meets every Saturday, on or just
preceding full moon in Lash ley hall,
at 2 p. 111., at Bijck Valley.
Woman's Relief Corps, No. 80
meets at same date und place at i p.m.
Gen. U. B. McKlbbin Post No. 402.
G. A. S., meets tho second and fourth
Haturiiuys In each month at Pleas n
The Folton Connt; News,