The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 01, 1905, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
MARCH 1, 1905,
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per quBre of g linens tlmen II SO.
I'er guare each Nubnequent Imiertlon.... 50.
An advertisement Innerted ftr lew tban
three montna charged by tha square.
8 nj m. dmoi. 1 yr.
One-fourth column IIS 00. -00.
One-hair column 00. I 40.00.
One Column 41 00. MOO.
w 00
Noth'nft Inserted for lea tht a II
Profrlonal Carrie one Teai lr
Birthday Honors to the
First Presl-
Not for tnauy years lias the ob
servance of Washington's birth
day run so general ason last Wed
nesday in McConnellsburg. The
employes in the public offices and
stores, and the children of the
public schools enjoyed a holiday
and many evidences were given
convincing us that with the
lengthening of theyears the mem
ory of Washington is cherished
more fondly, and that "his soul
goes marching on." The spirit of
'70 is yet very much alive in little
Fulton, and we still prefer to be
lieve with Roosevelt, that "Wash
ington was the best among the
great men, and greatest among
the good men of the world. ' ' We
still have an indestructible faith
in the hatchet story and regard
with disfavor any attempt to dis
illusion us. A very enjoyable
feature of the day's doings, was
the entertainment given in the
Court House by the pupils of the
public schools under the direc
tion of the Woman's Relief Corps,
fine hundred and twenty-five chil
dren took part in the exercises,
which consisted of music, reci
tations, flag drills, and tableaux.
The excellence of every perform
ance reflected much credit on all
the actors, and especially on their
director, Mrs. Chas. B. Stevens,
the patriotic instructor of King
(! rps, No. 1h.
A Hag drill given by sixteen
boys and girls is worthy of espe
cial mention as a most pleasing
feature. The uniformity of move
ment and grace of manner in tnis
drill were particularly noticeable
and called forth hearty applause.
( ne little "nig" sang the praises
of "Uucle Abe" as emancipator,
and one small boy wore the Wash
ington garb most becomingly. A
beautiful young lady posed as the
"Goddess of Liberty," and one of
the Urge boys from the Grammar
School impersonated en costume
"Uucle Sam."
The hall was profusely trim
mod with bunting. One section
of seats was most elaborately dec
orated and assigned to the mem
bers of the G. A. R. our most
precious war relic, who attend
ed in a body; a similar section
was reserved for their auxiliary
the Relief Corps. A group of
young ladies acted as ushers and
did their utmost to seat the crowd
that outgrew the seating acom
modr.tions. Solos were render
ed by Rev. J. V. Adams and Miss
Kmily Greathead and were high
ly appreciated.
A noticeably distinctive feature
was the presence of so many
mothers with their little children.
The "free admission" clause in
the bills had done its perfect work
aud many who find the price of
admission to many literary treats
prohibitive took a day olT and en
joyed the treat with their little
ones. Most welcome guests were
the schools who came in great
sled loads from theruraldistricK
This they were enabled to do
through the liberality of farmers
who, in the practical spirit of pa
, U'iotism, put their teams at their
It is eminently fitting that we
appropriately observe Buch anni
versaries, and, ny bo doing, study
the heroism of times past in the
characters of those who made
such heroism possible
The family of Andrew Hoover
lake this method of extending
thanka to their McC'oonellsburg
friend for kindness shown on
occasion of his f uuerul.
Subscribe for the News.
liar,-y W. Cutchall.
Harry W. Cutchall, youngest
son of Wilson Cutchall, lately de
ceased of Taylor township, near
Clear Ridge, died Saturday Feb
ruary 18, 1905, of pneumonia, at
Conemaugh, and was brought to
the home of his brother John,
who lives on the home farm, on
Mjuday of last week, and was in
terred in Clear Ridge cemetery
on Tuesday.
He was seemingly, a very stout i
robust young man, and in the '
prime of health uutil the disease '
which caused his death set in,
only a few days before his death
nis sister, wholivesinConemaugh
and his brother John of Clea
Ridge and also a trained nurse
were there to administer to all
his wants: but it was all to no avail
When his friends spoke to him of
leaving this world, he gave them
the blessed assurance that he was
not afraid to g j.
Rev. Salter of Hustontown
preached the funeral sermon.
Harry is survived by one sister,
Laura McClain, of Conemaugh;
two brothers Collins, of Correc
tionville, Iowa, and John of Clear
Ividge, besides a host of other
A Severe Cold for Three Months.
The following letter from A. J.
Xusbaum, of BatesviUe, Ind., tells and took a sledload of -2 from No.
its own story. "I suffered for 4 school here on Wednesday night
three months with a severe cold. ; to Washington Birthday exercis
A druggist prepared me some es at Waterfall school house,
medicine, and a physician pre- j Martha Black visited a few
scribed for me, yet i did not im-! days at the home of ex-Commis-
prove. I then tried Foley's Hon
ey and Tar, and eight doses cur
ed me." Refuse substitutes.
Sold by all dealers.
Mrs. Narissa Price spent the
past week in the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. Jas. McElhaney near
John W. Mower and w.fe spent
a lew clays in Alowersvulc last
ween on account of the illness and
death of her sister, Mrs. Kore.
Mrs. Win. L. Fields is on the
sick list.
Mrs. Etta Long, who is employ
ed at Seylars hotel in McConuells j
burg,'spentafew clays with mends
at this place recently
Mrs. Humphrey Aller, of Hus
tontown, spent Saturday and part
of Sunday here.
Wnson Fleming and Wife, of
Waterloo, who had been spending
a week with his brother here, left
tor hnrrm on I nnrwrlnv nrm wora
.... j ..
accompanied by their nephew and
niece Sharpo and Lillian Fleming
to Shade Gap.
Ou Wednesday night all busi
ness closed in our town for a few
hours and everybody went to Hus
tontown to attend the entertain
ment given by the Ladies Aid So
ciety. Mrs. J. W. Mowers attended
thefunerslof her aunt, Mrs. Susan
Crouse at Waterloo this week.
Like Finding Money.
Finding health
is like finding
money-so think those who re Wieir "lgf tmns J" B00 con"
sick. When you have acough.cold ' Wlth ,E'eClno Hltter8- S"
sore throat, or chest irritation, ' A" own 0f Bennettsville, S. C,
better act promptly like W. C. ys: ' for years my wife suffer
Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. lie e?. lnteDse y, from d.VsPepia com
"I had a terrible chest trou
ble, caused by smoke and coa
rlioat. mi m v lnniru' Kill, nttor firifl.
ing no relief in other remedies, I ormrf self- f ien 8 ,he tried
was cured by Dr. King's New Dis tnc I?lt,frs' wlnch lielPed hur ftt
covery for consumption, coughs I "nee made hsr entire
and colds." Greatest sale ot any : 'y 1K SI ls now stronS and
cough or lung medicine m the . heUhy', rrout s the drut
world. AtTroufs drug store; 50c ' 8e" 8 ttt.nd Sutoe them, at T.Oc
; and l.(X.i; guaranteed. Trial bot- ; a bott a
i tle free. j The Ursinus Bulletin for Janu-
j A chestnut tree was lately cut
'on Fernando Decker's farm 1J
miles south of Saluvia, which
: measured 10 ft 4 in., in circum
ference 5 feet above the ground.
A 7 -foot stick was hauled to the
' saw-mill and made 2ii so,., ft., of
; very tine quarter sawed lumber.
The school scholars of Licking
Creek made good use ot the sled
ding during the past week.
Miss Louie Everts and her pu-
; pils of Siloam school visited Salu
via school last Thursday after-
j noon.
A sledding party was organiz
ed by the scholars of Forest Dale
, last Monday evening and visited
jGeo. S. Mellott near Pleasant
i Very graciously Mr. Mellott wel-
corned the guests to his home,
i and the evening was very pleas
; antly spent by all in telling old
; fashioned Btones and singing
j songs.
Harvey Strait purchased a tine
J lot of barb wire. He evidently ex
poets to put op a long string of
i fence.
NiiW i'iRLNuA.
inai lengthy article in las
week's "News," signed "X. G.,"
to make people believe it was
written i'i Xew Grenada, was the
handy work of a senhe troin
neighbor Taylor township, and
was a niasterniece of work,
which your scribe enjoyed as well
as many other readers of the
Xrcws. Perhaps when su miner
cornes, and Colonel Diogenes
awakens and gets out of the tub,
may give the writer something
tl'so to think about in the way of
Coal measures in N. G. Webster
says: "Diogenes was a Greek
Cynic Philosopher, who lived in a
tub, meaning a salivated state of
mind, etc." We have our reply
fully outlined and may come in
later on. Thanks, Mr. Supt. at
North Point.
Wither Mills, wife mid son,
Fred, of Creekside, Pa , visited
their parents, John Bergstresser
and wife, at Waterfall, aud F. G.
Mills and wife, New Grenada, a
couple weeks.
Frank Thomas is still on the
sick list.
Verua Shafer weut to Maple
ton last week.
j Hon. M. W. Houck has been
I confined to the house during the
' past few days.
! James Grissinger volunteered
siouer, A. M. Corbin, of Taylor.
GameCommissiouer o. Warden!
Uusler of Cumberland county, son !
of Thomas Busier, Ft. Littleton,!
spent a few days here looking up 1
the game business. What good '
may result from it, we may seel
in the future.
While off-bearing at the saw!
mill n f 1 khiinu tltoAth.,, !., r
Jes.e !linger and Emerv Mc-,
Claiu had uarrow escapes from j
injury. Jesse, reaching too near :'
the large circular saw, had the j
back of his glove caught in the j
teeth ol" the saw, and Emery had
me eiia or one 01 ins hugerslacer-
Quito an excitement over the
wires was raised last Sunday ev
ening, when was circulated mat
some one was
in need of
lelp at 1
ivi A. Allovvay s barn. Not until j
neighbors reached the scene j
when it was found one of the barn I
1 floors him fnllon nn .Inrl.- Toiy.t.,.
... L 4
. ... .. .
?s holding hi in fast in the I
suosv. ills screams, which were
, heard a long distance, no doubt
i saved him much suffering and
I perhaps his life.
Mrs. Hayes Witter, of Wator
; fall, made Hayes a useful and val
uable present on Saturday eveu
, ing. When he gets big enough,
j he will help Pap dig coal.
Are You Cngaged ?
Engaged people should remem
ber, that, after marriage, many
a . u".aumeu ep-
muri'nlii inn ni.i.1n1 l I
1 , . v " 1 u uvu' ' u,uu
sne josi nerstrengtn ana vigor,
and became a mere wreck of her
ary contains the official announce
ments of Ursinus College at Col
legeville for l!i0."-l!K)t;. .Them,
stitut'on nas twenty-four profes
sors and instructors, offers sev
enty courses of instruction and
has two hundred and twenty sov
. en students representing ten
states and foreign countries
j The Kepublican state conven
tion will be held at Ilarrisburg on
: the 'Jiith of April. Under the
I new apportionment based upon
the late prfsidontial vote, the
uu in ner or delegates will be
The convention will nominate a
candidate for state treasurer and
three candidates for judge of the
superior court, to be voted for at
the fall electc ns. The judges
whose terms will expire next
January are Judges Rice, Beaver
atid Orlady.
Bflrt Couh Snip. Tiotei Good.
Uh la tima. Sold If duIM.
$1,000 TO $10,000 A YEAR.
I'm velinR Salesman, Clerk. Merchant
o .Matter Wliut Your Present limine!
COMI'LKTK reorganization of the producing department of the
Company in this section affords a chance for a few good men.
Eight vacancies on the agency force in this rich territory re
niuiii open for men of character and ability; you can lind out by
writing whether it will be worth your while to make a change. No
previous experience is necessary.
A course of professional instruction given free.
The Mutual Life Insurance Company of li Y.
RICHARD A. McCURDY, President,
Address, GEORGE T. DEXTElt, Superintendent of Domestic
Agencies, :2 Nassau Street, Now York, N. Y.
Greatest banins everof
l'ercd irom now until the
1st ol March, as we will
not carry any hats over.
They must jjo regardless
of cost.
Tam-o-shanters40c; baby
oaps, lroin 10c up; stock
ing leg caps, 22c; corsets
at cosV Ribbons trom lc
per yard up. Ribbons, re
duced trom 40c a yard to
30c; also, from 25c to 20c
per yard.
Come, examine goods,
and get prices. You are!
welcome. J
Opposite Post-otlice.
Airs. A. F. Little,:
McConuellsburg. J
Fl mCI I P sri-Fiuou ItANOAGK.S
rLAVLLL o wkitk kokcataloock
1.1. iNin; stock IN is Tnnpprp
AltiHlMlNAI.Sl'l'IMlltrKliK I riUOOLO
!l)3 Sl'lUKi) Oahuf.n Ml' , lliiln'IHihm, 1'H.
Edward J. Hoover loft last
Thursday for his borne in Super-
ior, Wis., where he expects to en-
gage in the hardware business,
D. S. Deuisar is home on a visit '
from Altoona. Scott reports !
u. ..:rt.,.. I.;
a little duirnt present.
v 1 c
Enis Wink aud niece, Miss
Clark, of Mattie, Bedford county,
spent Friday and Saturday with
friends iu this vicinity.
Clem C lesuut and Harry
Dawney are able to be about
again after having been confined
to the house for a few days. Oth
ers on the sick list at presout are
Miss Lizzie House, Geo. W. Clev
euger and Mrs. J. C. Lam hers on.
All those having in contempla
tion the attendance of Mrs. Kate
Shoemaker's sale ou Saturday,
March 11, may come with the as
surauce that the inner man will
not suffer (provided they have the
price), as the Ladies' Aid Society
expect to serve oysters and other
refreshments ou that occasion.
The "Envelope" Social on Wed
nesday night of last week was a
grand success, both from a social
and a financial standpoint excel
lent music being furnished for
the occasion by the Hustontown
Cornet Band.
Mr. C. Hoover, of Superior,
Wis., tarried here list Friday
night on his way to attend the
funeral of his brother Andrew, at
McConnellsburs on Saturday.
Dan Bishop and family have
moved back to town again from
Ft. Littleton into the house own
ed by Joseph Uanck, now occu
pied by Geo. Deshong's family.
Welcome, Dan !
Onco more the dog poisoner
ha ; made his appearance in town
this time, last Monday morning,
the victim being a watcfi do:? he
longing to Sam Lamberso'i, " and tlirmlcts.
Don't drug the stomach to cure
a cough. One Minute Cough Cure
cuts the mucus, draws the inllam
mation out of the throat, lungs
and bronchial tubes, heals soothes
and cur 's. A juick euro for croup
and whooping cough. One Min
ute Cough Cure telieves a cough
iu one minute because it acts first
on the mucous mninbrnne right
where tho cough troubles in the
throatordeep-seatedon the lungs.
Sold at Trout's dru store,
t.urij aaiavra
Tho famous littls plllu
Falling Top
both Factory anil Handmade from
$35 to $85
Large stock on band all the dime
to select from. j
Hustontown, Fa.
from 20 cents to (10 cents a gal
lon. Don't be deceived no
body will sell you a G0-cent
oil for i cents.
Mo Aver
und gruui'd.s for all kinds of
machines at prices lower than
you have ever heard.
on hand; Binder twine, Horse
Rakes in fact farmer's should
remember if they want anything-
in the machinery line
that I can help them if anybody
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator
Htiportur to othi-r romdim sold at hlpli prli'i.
C, .im iMinnuilifil. binfus'ully UM'il li)r over
JIMi.lMKI imirii. Trice, 'JS .VulK. iIiuk
H .iMor lv mull. Tuilllll'"italH s liookii-t frt-1.
1r. t.ul'ruuu, rhllaclclplilu,
Cure Colds; Prevents Pneumonia
y" ri lnh1' - l a-sk nniRtriat flit :v,i.iii , Kd and
.flirt IIHlulllO IxiXfH, WHll'll Willi blUB ribllDII.
oilier. H.-ruxv duiiiit-rum nlli.
; luli.nHunil iiiiiiulioiiH. litn' of your Imiiu-i.-ii,
I or M-iid !. In Mi.inpH lur I'UI lii'iilir. Tri.ll
Mininli. an.t Keller for l.i.ill. .." (, lnl,r,
! Ill rrluru Hall, lu.OIMI linliiuoi.iiilj. Bo'u ur
i M liriiKi-'iNli..
aluo Mndlaun H.iusre, l-llll..i PA.
I HrrU.ikl. ..,.
KILLthe couch
,TH Or. King's
im Discovery
60c & $1.00
Fre Trial.
BuruBt and QuiukeBt Cure for nil
vine iiinu in uuuc:ii uuro
' For Coughs, Colds and Croup.
Covers the Field.
In everv Dart of the
X County faithful re-
t porters are located
X that gather the daily
X happenings.
Then there is the
X State and National,
X News, War News, a
Department for the
t Farmer and Mechan-
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
X latest New York, Bal
X timore, Philadelphia
Markets. The Sun
X day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
Endeavorers, and a
X Good Sermon for ev-
i . i
CARDS, &c,
In fact anything- and
everything in the best
style along that line.
3 Sample copies of
the News sent to any J
of your friends on
request, j
TIMETABLE. Nov. :7, 1904
iio. i uo 4;no. U
OO. t
'A. M tA.Mit. U
iliitff rstowu ....
ireeniMistle ....
lercersburif . . ..
.V uyneHboro
Sc vllle
A rr, H urrisburg.
Arr. I'hllii
Vrr. New Yorli.
Arr Hultlmore..
P. u
8 15
(m! i'i l"
P. V
t 00
a '
7 14
8 00
8 111
i ir
X Xi
6 4-!
10 10
10 30
i at
8 .Ml1
; mi
7 Oil
7 4(1
8 (7
8 1H
0 Of.
1 l
IS 15
I', it.
i otii
12 oo
4 an I 8 45110 54
10 OS
III -.
10 44
11 lA
it 31
4 50
5 Ml
5 XV,
b 55
5 -a
6 10
9 on
9 1
9 45
10 07,
ii ie
I 41
n P7
,o ...I
1 21
2 Oil
1 1 All 8 40
10 25
12 40
4 2.1
7 13
7 15
3 17
6 Kll
6 47
K 501 4 l!
8 OH
9 4H
P. M.
7 13
3 II
P. U.
e oo
2 20
A. N
Truln No. rs east runii dully except Sunday
etween llaerstown and HurrlKburK. leuvioii
iluKeratown 1.05 and uirlvlng at Uurrlnburv at
Additional eant-bound loeul trains will run
ially, rcept Sunday, as IoIIowh: Leave
r'urllslo .ofi u. ui., 12.30 p. m. 8.15 p.m leave
vleclianltiHburK 5.54 a m., 7.20 a. in.. 12.52 p. ui.,
t.30 p. m. Leave DULsbury 6.85 a, nx., 10.00 a.
ui., 5.23 p. ui.,
TrulDB Non. 2.8 and 110 run daily between Ha
vermown and tlurrisburit.
Dully exoept Sunduv.
Leave no. I1 no. 8 no. o no. 7 no. 109
, , , P-M A. m a.m a.m r.u P.M.
'laltlmore u ftSl 4 41 k 55:12 00 4 35 8 30
Jew York 7 55 12 10 1 K 55 2 55 5 Ml
'hilu 1 1 40 4 25 8 40 1 1 40 J5 30 8 25
ifurrlNburtf b 00 7 Mill 45 8 2n 8 25 11 05
'minburn 8 601 4 01!
lecliunluaburg.. B Hi 1512 03 8 41 8 43 II 23
-'llillxle 6 40 8 87I2 24 4 III 9 0-11142
Vewville 6 01 5 12 in 4 hi 9 24 12 (
Shlppensburtr... t) 20 9 1V I IK 4 8l 9 42 12 18
WayueMjoru 10 37 8 00 6 4
..'bumbursburif.. 8 40 9 8 1 27 4 5M 10 (X) 12 38
Morcei-Kburi;.. . 8 1510 30 6 63
. (.-BUUilhtJu .... 7 05 9 60 1 60 6 21 10 24 12 64
HuKentlown .... 7 27jl0 22 8 10 6 II 10 46 I 15
viurtinsburif 8 2iiill O1 8 24
Ar. VVlnoboiitur. 9 16!l 60 7 10 ......
A. A9.IA. M.IP. U. P. U. P. II. A.M.
Train No. 17 west runs duny exoept Snnduy
oetweun HurrlMliuru and HiiKerHlown, leuv
inn HurrlaburK at 5.16 aud ai rlvlnu at Uu
erntowu ill 7.57 p. in.
Additional looul trains will leave HarrlHburg
us follows: For Carlisle and Intermediate sta
tions at 9.37 a. ni.. 2.00 p. m. and 0.30 p. ui., also
lorMeohunlc.sburn. Dlflsburg and Intormodlaui
vtullousut 7 30 a. m., 8.10 p. in. aud ti.So p. in.
Trains Nos. 1,3 and 109 run dally between
(lurrlsbum und ilugeretown.
I'ullinau puluoo sleeping eura between New
York and Knoxvllle. Tenu.. on trains 1 wesl
and 110 east and botween flilladelph a and
Welsh ou N. & W. Kullwuyon trains lo west
und 12 east, except that on Sunduy tbe I'blia
iulphlii Klecpur will run eust ou No. 8.
Through, ooaohns to und from Philadelphia
on mil ns 2 und 4 east aud 7 and 9 west.
t Dullv except Sunduv.
I'as. I Pas.
8 45
8 83:
-H17 im
Mix. IPu.
P. M A H
6 06 9 41
A U P. u,
6 ml
II 601
II 82
10 30
9 611
4 00
5 53
a 13
10 :m
10 5S
11 (15
2 13
2 40
P. II.
8 W
7 8Hi
7 801
6 20
9 4:
p. u
9 30
A. M
M. ). KKVNKUY, JhX). W. MAl'lN,
Vice 1'ies. ii (irn. Supt. Supt.
H. A. HIUIU.K, (ieu. Pass. Aifent.
Pneumonia follow La Orlpp
but never follow the ue of
Itttopi th Congh tod teals the luogo.
Preveuti Pneumonl od Consamptloo.
Ma. Q. Tiobrb, of 1ST Oacood St., Cbloaco,
erlUai "Mr wlU had la grlpp and it Uft bar
with very bad cough on br laud white
full I 't Uoi AMD Tai tatti ManpUuli,"
For ni.le at Trout's Drug Storo
A M Lve. Arr.
6 65 Chuinbersburg..
7 II Murlon
8 16 ..Meroeruburg..
8 60 Loudon
9 05 ....Uluho-ond ...
A. u
First class
Tonsorial Artist,
McCONNK.l.LHlU'Ktl, I'A. .
A Clean Cup and Towel with each Shave.
Kverythlng Anti-,nic.
Kuzorx Sterilized.
"Shop In room lately occupied by 11 Hi ulic
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up to date In all Mylen of hair cut
tlnv Uulcli, easy shuvrs. Iluy-rum, Crpums
V itch-hur.el. without extra churge. Fresh
towel to euch customer. Lutest Improved up,
uaratus for stcrlllzlug tools. Parlors opposite
Fulton House.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburtf, Pa.
All legal business and collections entrusted
will ecolve cureful and prompt attention.
Prhsuyterian. nev. W. A. West,
D. D.. Pastor, Preacbitip servicps
each altfirnatfl Sabbath at 10:30 a. ni.
and every Sunday evening nt, 7:oo.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:,'i0 a. m. Sabbath
school at 0:15. Junior Christian Kn
deavor at ii:00. Christian Endeavor
at 0:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Mf.thodist episcopal lie v. J. V.
Adams, Pastor. Sunday School
at U:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Kpworth
Lenguo at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday eveuing at 7:00.
Unitf.d fresuytf.rian Kev. J.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing ot 10:l0, and f very other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Subbnth
evenings are used by the Young Pen
pie's Christian Union at 7:00 p. ni.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
ilvang-t.i..a,, i.,lthf.ran Rev. A.
G. Wolf, 1 ustor. Sunday school 9:10
a. m. Pi-euWiing every other Sunday
morning at 10:.'i0 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian En
deavor ot li:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at7:00.
Uf.formkd Kev. C. M. Smith, Pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:;!0 a. m.
Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Endeavor at 0:00 p. in. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
tfrms of coi'ut.
The first term of the CottTts of Ful
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock n. m.
Tho second term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
The third term on tho Tuesday nc.-.t
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on tho first Monday
f October, at 2 o'clock p. in.
Justice of the Peace Thomas F,
"loan, L. II. Wible.
(Unstable John II. Doyle.
.Burgess II. W. Scott.
Councilmen 1). T. Fields, Leonard
Hoiiman, Samuel Bender,M. XV. Race.
Clerk William Hull.
High Constable Wm.Haumgardner.
School Directors A. U. K an'. John
A. Irwin, Thomas V. Sloan, F. M.
Taylor, John Comerer, C 13. Stevens.
President Judge IIonS.Mc. Swoiie.
Associate Judges David Nelson. W.
H. Hender. '
I'rotlinnotary, &c Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney George n. Dan
iels. Treasurer A. C. La u vrr.
Sheriff J. G. Alexander.
Deputy Sheriff W. H. Nesbit.
Jury Commissioners Simon Desh
ong, Hennett A. Truax.
Auditors W. C. Davis, Geo. VV.
Glenn, J. A Myers.
Commissioners S. D. Mellott, Ceo.
Sigel, and II. P. Palmer.
Clerk Frank Henry.
County Surveyor A. J. Fore.
, County Superintendent Charles E
Attorneys W Scon Alexander, J.
Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. H. Shaffner, Ceo.
H. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W.
Od d Fol lows M'Coiiueli slu rg Lod g e
No. 744 meets every Friday evening in
tne Comerer Buildiug in McConnelN
burg. B'ort Littleton Lodge No. 4H4 meets
every Saturday evening in the Cromer
building at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 007 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Hari-lsonville Lodge No, 701 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Pel
lows' Hall at IIarrlsonv,ille.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 Wets ev
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows'
Hull at Waterfall Mills. ,
Warfordsburg Lodge No. f!01 meets
In Warfordsburg every Saturday
King PostG. A. P.. No. 3fi.r) meets In
McConnollsburg in Odd Fellows' Hall
the tlrst Saturday in every month at 1
p. m.
Uoval Arcanum, Ttiscarora Council,
No. 121, mnuts on alternate Monday
evenings In P. O, S. of A. Hall, in
Washington Camp Net 407, P. O. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening in J'. o. S, of A.'Hali.
Washington Camp, No. 5M, P. O.S.
of A., Hustontown, menu every Satur
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post G. A. K., No.
581), meets every Saturday, on or just
preceding full jnoon in Lashley hall,
at 2 p. in., at Uuck Valley.
Woman's Keller Corps, No. 80
meets at same date and place nt 4 p.m,
Gen. D. H. McKibbin Post No. 4C2,
G. A. 8., meets the second and fourth
Saturdays in each month at Plesan
Kidge ;
Tlie Fulton County News,