ROJESTYENSKYJS BLAMED "flpeaiojr f Fire Not J.s.ificd" Si) CoHiaisswn. WAS SIGHT IN BEING CAUTIOUS. rU Torpedo Boats to lb Vicinity of tht Hall Flsalof Fleet Wfcta Ro)estvenskj's Warships Opened Flrt loan tfco Trawltrs All ik CooctotUos Froa la British Prrseatatloa I Fact Art Sastalaed. Paris (I'.y Cable). Tlic North Sim inquiry commission, which lias been taking evidence to place the responsibil ity for tlic firing on F.nglish fi-hitig boats off Dogger Hunk, at its final ses sion Saturday announced tliat t!ie evi dence adduced showed that Ad:niral Kn jeslvetisky's act in tiring on tlic fishing boats when there were no torpedo boats present was unjustifiable. Tins opinion was signed by a major ity of the commissioners, i'ic only dis puting voice being that of Admiral lioubaaiof, the Russian mnnUr of the rnmniis.siou. He held that the action of the unknown vessels was responsible for what happened. The commission convened in solemn assemblage at the Foreign (.Mice at ,t : to o'clock V. M. The room was crow tied with deeply interested spectators. Im mediately upon the opening oi the ses sions tht findings of the sc-sion were read aioud. The findings consist of thir teen typewritten pages ami scvcntien paragraph. The decision opened with a declara tion that all facts adduced by tlic com mission make plain the causes and con seipiences of the affair. Then follows a resume of the facts in the cast: It appears that Admiral Iv ijestvcnskv , on leaving Keval, took the inmost pre cautions against attacks, and was justi fied in doing so by the reports of imper ial agents. At Skagen, Kojestvciisky re ceived a report that four torpedo boa's without lights bad been sighted and this induced him to advance his depart ure twenty lour hours. The Knglish ttcanu-r Zero passed different sections of the squadron, tin la-t vessel passed be ing the Kamchatka, which was ten miles behind the rest, ov ing to an accident to her engines. "This," svs the report, "was perhaps incidentally the cause of the event which followed." The opinion of the majority of the commissioners is that the ac: and its consequences fall on Kojcsl veu-ky. The majority of the commissioners realize that specific details arc lacking that arc necessary to decide as to what was tired ar, out tney unanimously recognize the fishermen bad committed uu 1 1 act. The majority arc of the opinion there were no torpedo boats present al that and hence Admiral Kojestvciisky was not justified in firing. The majority of the commissioners are of the opinion that the Aurora and jh rhaps other Russian ships were re tarded and provoked the tire, which was tuns Hit result ot an optical dent i.ioii. The majority think the lire lasiel longer than was neccsary, but that Ro ie.stvensky did his utmost t,, proieot the boats known to lie fishing craft. They decided that, under the circumstances there was sufficient uncertainly to justi fy Kojestvensky in continuing on 'his way. Ncverthelcsii, they regret that he did not inform the naval powers in the channel of the fishermen's proximity to the firing and that the fishermen m g'n require lulp. (in that same nigh!, com tunes the de cision, the Russian cruiser Kamchatka tired on the Swedish ship A'deharau un known to the other vessels o' the squad ron. This fact -was probably due to the fact that the other ves-i Is' commanders were preoccupied and a!-o to the iso lation of the Kamchatka. The officer-, of the Kamchatka wired to Ad uira! Ro jestvcrisky telling of the damage her engini s and al-o advised bun that -be had been attacked by torpedo boats. Ro iestvrnsky consequently ordered u re doubling of the vigilance.' The fact was brought out that there was i unanimous evidenci- by the Kng lish witnesses at the hearing that the fifteen Hull fishing boats bad the regula tion lights; that Admiral Folkcr.-ain passed them and recognized them as in offensive, and that as Ri ije-t v en-k v 's di vision arrived ihe fishermen tired rock ets, the accepted'. The commissioner., , .;,,,. ,,,, state ments regarding the indenmitv. which will fie settled by direct in goi ia; ;, m, be- : tvveeu Fhigland and b'tissia. I The report was read by Admiral Font j titer, the I'n-iich im.mUr of the coat ji un.sion. i rso Ctasul at Muihwang. Xiiicbwang ( I'.y (Tabic i . The a;i Consulate at Viu, iiwa.ig i, ii oi a hnftl l-'.ngli-h niircliani. also rv present nig Gerni i 'v Am. i cha: vv ho ml Xi ilu rlands. In view of m. rv: tertsi, in Maiichui i.i. local r. ,a!ui gard it as a mistake to have no t at the only treaty port. A ripitin : he Kti--ian raids nngln a: anv bring the lighting to Vinkow al : .vai-u it is fill tha a strong man's ci'ci would Ik- necessary. Fan- Baroctf la Death. Ia-k( r.sburg. . a. (Special). I ves were lo-a in two lin-s near ir.burg. Sai.nul White, his nifi 10 children and Jacob l.e vv ere big in Mr. Whiles homi , at l'i;,k pre- loilll-Park- and .leep , C:ii- houn ciiunlv. whin (ire wa-. discover' I ar .1 oVIoik. Mr. lee and two of tin. White children were sleeping upstairs ami were burned to death. The rest . i the family escaped. Mardtraaa Yauuli (auiat l.a Culonido Mexico (Sucial. -The Mexican fon ti under I'.eneral 'I'orr. s, inimU-riiig alKUil 400, have Is ills 1 .;o aiii and taken I07 prisoners in two days' liattlc with the s.nage, in Lie ninuiitaiiis east ,f ibis ramp. It is said .(no arru-r were surround ed bv JTorres 111 tlie Maaton Mountains. t'.Kiul lid of these broke the M.-xic in hues mid esca(td, but ihe main force was dn ven Lack with finally siirntiderrd. icavy o ind Vabw IrM at UOO.ufig. PiSisliurB (Special I.- The .tales of Northern and Southern foundry iron, be-cimr pig iron and bavic iron in ibis section during the U,t 15 (;jjs j, said 10 I.Hal over ado.ino tons, with a valuation "icdmg f ,,.5( K),oo. .Salur Jay ihe Cuitcu States Steel Corjiotation bought 23,000 Ions of besciiier from ihe Uesstnier I'ig Iron AsvK-iaiioii, 0 the Mahoning and .Sbenango ValU-yt, and isM) tons lr:ii Pinsbuig concerns for March deliver). The price wa.-, a tun. NEWS IN SIIORT OFPER. The littit ntpptainf,! Condensed for Rapid Rcitltr. Domestic, The police of Montr lair, N. J., are t'ying to find Robert Harris. aiH to have come from Attlrboro, Mass., in the hipc that he can identify the coach man who has been missing smce Mrs. Hannah Kos was found ( in h.T burned house. J. C. Hoffman, Frank Shipley. Ceo, Voting. James Young and W in. Hum mel, all of Lebanon. Pa.. rr arrested, charged with making anil passing coun terfeit dol'iir and half dollars. The body of Mantel Mill.. Jr.. press ag nt for Keith's Theater, in New York, was found Iving on the tracks of the Prooklyn Kjpid Transit Krooklyn. Judge l'dward F. Mm.; mou.iy nominated hv the Company, in ar was unani Democrats of "Pop" Anson, yer, for city iwo war- the l.rivri'iic( v ille. The c-'i- C'.ncago for mayor, and the former baseball p';. cl. rk. For the tliird lime in iiv:-c business -eejion of Pa., was destroyed by !i niaied lo.s is $;o.ixto. No "ace has lerti found M ss Marv (I sp. Ag'if- Flvnn, who mv -'i :' pea red while on 1: r vvav t a X'-w York. I'r. Albert Hi-niaiiiiii I've-co !or of ;hc chemical laborim-rii1 I n. v i rs tt.v of Michigan, died dir. -of th" ! Am Arbor. Frank Hurke and his wife, of Chicago, were sentenced ill Ch-cago 1o IS year in the penitentiary for mtirdrr. young man shot and killed bim-elf during a v..udcvlie pcifo'-inance in v'hi cago. P'ortnrr ' '.ovcrnor Kou: well, of Miissa c'utsetts. js critically ill m '"iroton. Mass. Mrs. Chadwick was placed on the -land in bankruptcy proceedings in Cleveland, hut refused to testify, claim ing that her testimony might injure her in criminal proceedings. Trustees of Princeton l"n' vcr-lty haw a-ked alvmiui of the institution to add $J.? to the endowment fund with winch to cMend ill- tutorial system. F.nipernr Wiiliam lias pre-enied t'i Harvard that pan of the German cvhib it ar the St. Loin- Kp. sition which represents social e;h:cs of (",e rniiiny. Mr-. Thomas F. Ryan, of Xew York, will establish three ho.ptals at d'ft'er cnt point- on tin- Sraboa:.' Air l.iiie lor employes of that At Hutler, Mo., Charles Knit, on trial for .aliened hood'hig while a member of the St. Louis Ci:.." Council, wa- ac quitted hv a iurv. According to a rcpori i ci-co, the 1 int'iiingtosis. 'fouids. are backing thi cttic Railroad project. Tile sjiecia! g-and in on San ! and not Western ran thc Pa- ury ordered by at Chicago, has the Meat Tru-t. on. president of War Yi tenuis. Fi-dira! Judge Kohiaa: been drawn for trial of Major James C. Carl the National Mexican is dead at Hcdford. hid. Very Rev. William Ku.-ell McKim, lean of Christ hipi-copa! I"; thedral, at j S Kan.. married at Little Sarah l.. heeler. I!.. X to Mi l-ie' glitv guests had a narrow escape fl'o dci.ii in the I Peel Pemi, in Read- ing. Pa., -everal I l!itrvl-:or window aken from the if the burning build liig. .1 ciatlia i Ro-s, former chief in ot In Supreme Court of Verm died in Joiitistniry rtrom itl.iuric his sleigh was struck bv ceivtd when rain. The Massachusetts State Hoard of Trade has prepared a meiiior'a! urging extension oi the one in which neutral ships -hiil! be exempt from seizure. ! Mr-. Jennie Daly, who helped W ilham ;' lli-nry llicks-Hond to murder her liu - - I baud in Hoise, Idaho, was man-:;:nght r. A lilt re.-ult of a en. v icled "' expio near heen ui the Shamrock Coal Mine-, I den. -c. Ky., three men have j e. ounded. Pruvi- fatally James ocme, a w can in to death Sena, a Italian con in Newark, former em- -tgiied a schools for lie Southern tractor, was -not X. J.. be Frank ' ' e. Governor lloch. of Kan-i providing for separate a -.e- and blacks in Kan-a Kev. I o-'ana Godbev, of t u::iod s- ,-hurch. died in I'.rrhcl Ridg Ky.. a; the age of r,.- wars. .X tnely-nvo bmi-r. t recovered from the 'i Pir.uiiigliam, Ah,. thus far ;a Mines, been near I oinju. Ulei-iciiu ih'egat. f the Ivcanitel ica in lirrh'n, arm.. sir.-, !o til....,- tto ae c. 1. ion-ran I -i Th. l-.-n- -..r d. :ns' the i-ter bbev of eriuam ami a I'n i!:-a! The T: .-i'.-l 1 tor '1 P of : -tains. Seine ii bet V ee ! rc. s failed 1 Maud Hid her I I Ml - d. .,-!-!. . w in en she has ir id , ,!,,, ' "' d p. of r and id -ev rii he-t ned. pi-.iml.-: po'ici if T, c mg mi r.-iiaii: - 1 V ( been lllllllifl si si--mined. Kev are being circui, .led. S.x North G.-riii, ,u l.loy.l , the pa-: -,w i-u-g:aii!-, a ii. ' k, -:.r-ni.-i-tlv s.i.nd from I'.-.- iien rying in all x.i 1 imigarian-. King Frederick, ..:' Saxony, repr..,. 1 Mr. Koerner for -tveri nininirr, taken against the King's divorced wife, and Mr. Koerner has re-igiad :u c cjrt. pos The trial by court -ina ;". in '. rd'-red of Captain MavidolT iher others and three men loti with the tiring of shot h: hi ru ami ihrec n connec in ihe di- rrctioii 1. the iVar it tlie cerentoiiv 1 b'e-sing the Neva. 'Ihe g:gaiitic work of piercing the Si npioii I'mmel through the A'ps has been coinp'eted. The tunnel is u miles long and the vv irk has cost 1 ;,( .-xj.orKi. Troops guard 1 In War-aw-St. Peters lung l.ailr.nid lo prevent the strikers cutting off c iminunicaiiou. The rail road strikes continue to spread. A baitioioii ot 050 I urkish troop timed on board a steamer, seized impri-oncd tin- officers and ouii inn and lied tlic captain 10 put pack to ,Sur. Although Sir Henry Irving's condi tio:! has somewhat improved, he will likely cancel his engagements in tht I'mted Stales. Ten of the I la iihin-g Aim ri. an Fine steamers hive been sold for protect ion, Kiis.ia lo pay for the ves-cls if captured. The. ailing governor general of In land declares ihnt ihe strike agitation is MA-ialistic, but not revolutionary. Fire destroyed $00,000 worth, of'-rop '.r:y at Beaver Falls, I'a. MANY ARE HOMELESS One Square Mile of dot Springs Swept Bv Conflagration. THREE CHARRED BODIES FOl'ND. Haiti Guests Drlvta Out By tbt Flanea -Failure ! Water Pressure and a High Wind Caused the Blare It Ott Beyond Conltei- Mi) or B:ldlnf l.tadi Work al Sg.ctrlof tht llcitllnte. Hot Springs, Ark (Special). F'iie swept the southern portion of this city, doing immense damage and causing the death of losses are Jl.llOo.OISJ .t least three variously t o persons, imated at The from Three charred corp. have been found among the ruins, and as .several persons are reported niis-ing. the death li-i may increa-c. The identity of th" victims has not been established. One of the bodie. is supposed to be that of ii iiinale irticst of the ('.rand Centra! Hotel. Tlie lire, which .'.arted at :,V o'clock A. M. was the vvor-t this State has eve: experienced, and in tive hours had burn ed over an area of one uuarc mile, lllock after block of residences, busi ness houses, hotels and other buildings we-c swept away, aid the entire town became panic-stricken. St reel-car wires and telegraph and telephone poles were j destroyed, and these serv ices were trm 1 porarily demoralized. The fire-swept area includes every j house on Chapel street, all of Market j street from Central avenue west. Orange i -tree! to ('.rami avenue and a portion of Oak street. Among the buildings destroyed are the Grand Central Hotel, the Hon-c, j Moody Hotel. Plateau Hotel, Columbia Hotel, the County Court House, jail, j First Methodist Church, the Jewish , Sv nagoguc and a large number of resi dences and stores, conservatively esti : mated at .'no to j.;o. ! The blac started in the I '.rand Central I Hotel, and its origin is a mystery. All ;, of the gm -ts had retired and only the iiighi clerk and watchman were on duty. A strong north w ind was blowing, and before the Fire Mepartmtni could reach ; the scene ihe llames spread rapidly to ! adiohiing building.-. Bucket br gades were then formed, cit- iens and visitors alike volunteering 1 their service-. F'.xciiement was general when the tlamcs nt beyond control. ; Many hulking hmi-es and cheap restatt j rants were directly in the paths of the j tile, and the occupants were hurriedly I apprised of their danger. Many, in their anxiety, jumped from windows and siis I tamed severu bruises and shock. "At daybreak the wind increased in j force and fanned the flames into a seeth- ing glare, which 1:1 up the country for mi cs around. The lire swept along Central avenue south, em-doping building after build- ling before the occupants could n cover. their valuables, and many persons bare ly escaped with thir lives. f'n the west sjde of Central avenue a strip of woods cowriup about 10 acres sted the progress of the tire in that j direction. The Park Hotel, owing to a favorable hifi in the wind, rscaprd destruction. Flic gnels were hurriedly summoned i from their room, and many of lhem packed trunks and valises and made their way to the streets. The Arlington and Kasiiuan Hotels were not in the threaten! d district. Mayor Ceorge lit Idi'ig took personal charge of the fire and police forces and directed their effort-. With the assist- "lance of Sheriff William, ealrols hit.' established and the crowds kept hack I to the danger lines. STATIE assesshd AS MLTAI- Duty Paid lader Pretest I'endlnt General Appraisers' Action. Xew York (Special). Over the li loic representation in brom-c and ivory, "La tiellotie," by Gcrome, a controvef.-y has ari-en between the government an 1 the firm which imported it. It is :hc contention of the appraisers that the figure is not a statue and a work of ar within the meaning of the law, ani should be assessed as "manufacture. I melal." 1'nder lh tariff laws it would be held 11! J'i per cent, if considered as statuary. It is maintained by Tiffany & Co. that it is on a par with any work of sculp- O'l a vahiatioii of about S0.000 "l.a 1 He'.lone" would be compelled to give Ja tribute of -i,Soo bcf. 'e -he could be I 1" rmi'.ted to enter. s "mamifaciured tin till." such m I sba-.-i s and bra-s candlestick-, "I.i j P.e!k.tie" i- a-e.sed a; the rate of 15 i I"'' l ( ."I. aiorcm, w lncti means an entrance I. e ot s 4.050 limy was pail mull r prou-i. and tbc i-., will go be ( 1. c 1 .it la -ar. 1 01 1, em ra! ,pr.f-ers. ! 100 BODIES RtiCOVtKED. Not More Than Seven Now TIiuukHI lo Be in VirfJala City Mine. I 1 :-,iiiii!iaiii, Ala ( Speciid I. - ith recf.very of loo bodes from the tll I mine at Virginia City, the work ( scue was abandoned until loinor Mine officials now mihi Conlideui not more than -even more bodies t iii fa'. of n.w tha '1-1 in the mine, and 1: i- able this three or nnm er will "e deerea-ed li Pipe, are being laid in the mine to pump out I he water, which in sonic places is too fei t deep in the lifts. The remaining bodies are all thought to be under water, and it may be several t'.a is hefore ihev are recovered. I act al $2,76) a Yard. New York (Special). A; the closing (--i..n of the liengulal sale in ihe American An Calhrics unusually hb,'h jj'ices were paid for the old lace.-. A bi'yir who was understood lo be acting i'..r one of the G utlds gave $'.,(100 for two and one-half yards of rose-point enetian lace and $Voo for another pieie a liith- less than lime yards long. The same buyer gave S.i.coo for an Ital- v clvel v civ ( t Cope wall and $.'..)oo for a Sp: Hanging. Institute (ids SMO.AOO. Nashville, Tcim I Special ).- The Court of Vppea's has decided the fa noits Gnodwyi," will case, by which the 'loodwyn Institute al Memphis will gel iboiit ifs'K ,txx). W. A. Gonilvvyii, a Nashville capitalist, formerly of M.m ihis, decreed in his will that at hi- wi.l- m's death tile bulk 'if hi s c-late s',10 ml.-! pi to ihe founding of the Goodwyn In .titute lit Memphis, in memory of their lead children. Relative of Mri. Cood vyu after her deaih sought y break he will ami have a disirib.jtiiMi the estate. LIVE WASHINGTON AFFAIRS, Special Session al Senile Called. The President issued a proclamation convening the Senate in special esion at u o'clock noon 011 March 4 next 10 "receive communications as may be made by the K.xcrulivc." The proclamation follows: "I'.y the President of the Cnited Stales of America. A proclamation. "Whereas, Public inurct require thi't the Senate of the I'nited States con vene al 11 o'clock on the 4th day of March next to receive such cntiimtmica lions as may be made by the Executive: Now, therefore, 1, Theodore Koose veil. President of the I'nited Stales of America, do hereby proclaim and de clare that an extraordinary occasion re quires the Senate of the Cnfled Slates to conv ene al the Capitol in the city . f Washington on Ihe 41I1 day of March next, al 11 o'clock noon, of which all persons who shall at that time be en titled to act as members of that body are hereby required to take notice. Coven under my hand and the sea' of the I'nited Suites at nshir.gtoo, the .'.id day of February, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and live, and of the independence of the Cnited Sta.q-s the one hundred and :vv cntv-nitith. f 1JF.OMOK1. KOOSKVUI.T. I'.y the President : JOHN HAY. Secretarv of State. Army Appropriation Bill. The conferees on the Army Appro priarioil Bill perfected an agreement which covers all points of difference. The amendment regarded is most im portant is that affecting the pay of re tired officers and involv ing the pay if Genera! Miles, which at 'present is the full pay of a lieutenant general. The effect of the agreement as to Genera! Miles is to give him his full retired p-iy. without reference to any compensation he may receive for service on the staff of the Governor of Massachusetts. The provision agreed on reads: "That retired otticers of the Army above the grpde of major heretofore r hereafter assigned to active duty .shall hereafter receive their full retired ,viy and sbnll receive no fnrthcr nav or al lowances from the I'nited States; pro- vided, further, that a colonel or lieu- lenant colonel so a-sigurd -hall receive the full pay and allowances of a major on the acive list. Of the ,W amendment- in the hill hi I conference, the Senate recedes fro. 11 j four, and the House accepts, the others. I Of the four which go out of the hill. two arc s'-'ght increases in amounts, and two cover a provision thai no army posts shall be established without ilu consent of the Secretary of War. Disease Germs In Money. Paper money will carry disease germs for one month; metal money will carry such germs only J4 hours, according 10 ihe conclusion of Mr. Thomas Darling ton, president oi the New York Ciiy Board of Health, who has been experi menting with bacteria on money and who presented the re-ult to the House Committee on Hanking anil Currency. The germs of only two d; senses have been experimented with consumption and diphtheria and both of these may be communicated from one person 'o another on mriney. Mr. I ar!ingtou presented the conclu sion of the Advisory committee of t ic .xew York City Hoard of Health: "That it is desirable in the intcri -t of public health that soiled bills be withdrawn from circulation as soon as practicable." The hearing was hefore a suhconinrl tee, which has under consideration -everal "clean-money hills. No action was taken. I.tal Tobacco Trust ? Keprcscntativc Kclioc ( Kentucky ) in troduced a resolution for an investiga tion by the Mrpartnient of Commerce and Labor as to the cau-e of. the difttr ence between the price of leaf tobacco and the manufactured article, especially in Kentucky, Ohio and, and whether the s,;me is due to a trust or combination in the .form of a conspiracy in restraint of trade. It is desired O know what has caused the low price of leaf tobacco, and whether there is .my corporation or joint stock company e.i gagid in handling tobacco; whether such company uses ihe boycott or blacklist in its purchases, or has taken any meas ures lo prevent competition. The re.-.i-Intinn requires a full investigation oi such corporation or joint Mock company. To Prosecute Load Frauds. As the result of conferences held at the White House with President Roose velt further developments in the land fraud cases in Oregon and California may be expected at no distant day. Since the first steps were taken look ing to the prosecution of the alleged offenders the President has shown a keen intere-t in the investigations which have been made and the indictinci.l.s which followed. The Pie-idem proposes to cany the prosecutions to a final conclusion a.s vig orously as were the po-tofficc ca-es. Notes ol the Departments. Pie-idem Wooscvelt has accepted in invitation to attend commencement e.x ercisrs of Clark I'nivif -ity, Worcester, Mas.,., in June. lion. Carroil M. right, formerly commissioner of hdi r, is pres ident of the institution. Afnr pas-iug a umiibir of bills, the House sent the Panama Canal Pill as amended to conference anH began con sideration of the Sundry Civil Appro priation Hill. Four hours for general debate was allowed. Gen. F'iti.hugh Lie, preside, 11 of ill. Jamestown F.xposjtion Company, called upon the President ill behalf of pend ing legislation for the l.xn.'i.sitinu. 'I he House of KVprr-r iita: i ves turned he annua! appropriation of $ Uf the rental of the old New York custom house by the City National Hauls, a Standard Oil concern. The Senate adop'.rd a resolution re ported by Mr. Lodge from the Comtnii lee on Ktilcs directing the sergeant -alarm not to permit (lowers to be hroiigij. into the Senate chamber. Tip' rale committee of the Interstate Commerce Committee will ask the Sen ate lo give lhem an opportunity during the rec( ss of Congress 10 pr. pare a ra; road rale bill Complaint is made to th.- Inited Slates government thai a ti'ibii.-.ering expedition is o'!.' al Mobile, Ala, lo be directed against ihe isthmian re public. The Jsivers and Harbor Pill, includ ing ihe appropriation' for liahimoje har bor, which his passed ihe, was presented ill the Senate and referred. President Koo-i veil has been i-,i,ie.'-id lo app iul as second lieuu iiani , ihe army cadets dismissed from Wc,i Point in 1 X Washington i, beginning to assume a lioliduy appearance brcaiisr of ptvp; ia '.iotis for the im;i'gura:iu:i. JAPANESE MAKE ATTACK The Czar Determined That (he Shall Go On. Var ALL PEACE TALK INOPPfRTlNE. Kasilaa Press Censor Saoltloj. Dona 00 News From Ibt Froal-Ta Ciar Assured by the War Party at Court That Field Marshal Oyoma la la panjer ( Defeat laps' Tiirnlnf Xovei. 1 The Czar lun decided that the wit shall continue, and has so advised F.m peror William. Kuxsian War Jlfiicc offi cials have assured the Czar that Field Mar-hal Oyama not only cannot defeat Gmcral Kuropatkiu, but is in daiig.r of defeat himself. It is now believed that King F.dwar I and l-'.'.nperor William, as we'd as the President of France, have tried to m Hurncc the Czar to make peace, but thai Ihe conn-el of the Kuss-an war party has prevailed. Diplomats in W'ashmg ton believe that the recent revival of the peace movement is a step nearer to the ending of the greal struggle, notwith standing the reported ileci-ioit of ll.c (Var that the war shah go on. The third Russian Pacific .quadi-.i-.i, commanded by Hear Admiral Xrhoun toff, sailed from Skagen Pay, bending westward. Continued activity of the Japanese on the Russian right and left flank-, and the damage (kmc by them to the Man churia:) Railroad, together with the fact thai the Russian press censors are again cutting out much of the news from the front, indicate that an important engage ment has either begun or is imminent. Marshal Oyama evidently has several movements in progress for ihe purpose of endeavoring to cut Kuropa;kin's lines of communication. Say Japanese Will Be Defeated. Ihrlin (My Cable). The F.mperor of Russia has elected to continue the war. His position is absolutely firm, and the Germ in Court has been advised in thai sense. The war will be pressed wi'h the inmost etiergv. the domestic it;ta- i tioii being now vviihiii the con::'"! of the i authorit ies. i Those who have advised peace and suggested inquiries for Japan's terms. ;ic French and liritis'i government-, arc for the present silent, and are likely to rr niai'i so, unless events of an extraordi nary character shake the Ku-sian Flm peror's resolution. The consideration-, that led lo the F'mperor's deci- oii as understood are : First. Tlie judgment of the chiefs of the army that Field Marsha! Oyama not only rannoi defeat Central Kuropatkiu, but stnud- in danger of defeat himself. I low cow ardly, therefore, for Kit-sia to ask .for mercy with .'ill the men and money essential to a successful war. Second. All the forces of criticism now directed against the government for having fought rather than yield to le gitimate interests and for having failed to win victories would be continued with added fury against the government that accepted war and then betrayed the country. A government that would crave peace ot Ku-sia's enemy while still capable of winning vic.tor.y would be giving the party of change genuine grounds for a revolution. The facts ot the military situation, love of country and arguments of ex pediency were all against peace and for pressing tlic war hopefully. THE MINSTREL'S REVENUE. Killed Ihe Man Who Stole His Girl, Thc-j Killed Himself. lChuira. N. Y ( Special ). lir!rt ard Keating, a minstrel, shot a;id killed James F'ulford 011 ihe .streets of Corn ing, and then committed suicide by tak ing carbolic acid. F'ulford and bis w-ife had been spending the evening out and were on their way home. Keating ap proached tlic couple, and when within a few feet of them drew a revolver aul shot F'ulford in ihe neck, the bullet sev ering the jugular vein. Keating rati and was caught by a policeman, but not before he had swallowed a fatal draught of carbolic acid. The officer took him back to the scene of his crime, and he died beside his victim in a nearby store. Fuiford recently married Mabel Pres ton, and Keating accused linn of "sic! ing his girl.'' WILL COST FIFTV MILLIONS. New Railroad From the Lakes lo the Atlantic Seaboard. Norfolk, Ya (Special). -The Coun cils of Norfolk, a.s 11 committee of the whole, voted to appropriate $05,000 10 guarantee a right of way from the ouili rrn branch of the ICIizabcth River to Sew alls Point, a distance of I t miles. to be u,ed by the Tidewater Railway. j This action gives the railway a deep- , water terminus for a trunk hue that will ' extend from the Lake.- to the Atlantic ; Seaboard, and will be in direct competi tion with ihe Penn-ylvaiiia interest- a, a coal carrier. Cou-triiction at this end of the road will begin inimed-iitely. The road will cost .--sO.ixki.oco. Prominent Georgian's aulcide. ilauta. Ga (Special ). Col. Charhs A. Arnal. one of the best-known insur ance ineii in tlie South and a distin guished citizen of Atlanta, committed suicide at his residence by shooting. No reason is known for ihe acl. He repre sented a Hartford (Cl.) company. Indictments lor Peonage. Montgomery, Ala (Special). The grand jury in the Cnited Slates Court for the middle district of Alabama re ported a number of true bills charging peonage and whin-capping. S. I). May, slierilT of Crenshaw- county, who re cently disappeared, wa.s indieicd for pi image. The jury invest igau-d one lynch ing case, but failed lo return an iudici mt lit. It i- alleged ihat several wit nesses were -piriled away. Mrs. Dnwalni'a Home Looted. Allegheny, Pa (Special). The bcan liful home at 1700 Irwin a venue, whi. h Pill-burg Phil gave to his mother, Mrs. I'.lizi.betli Downing, jusi before he was :akiii down in his lust Miner's, lias been looted by burglars during the absence of Mis. Downing in New York. Mrs. Downing returned lo her home ami nur absence. The robbers ev idently In I found the hou,e had been ransacked in the idea tha; some of (he immense! f ir itin.s which "Phil" in now known 'o have left was lO-.K-csile.- atoui! the house. TWENTY-THREE MINERS ENTOMBED. Fifleea Bodies Takea From Shf. at Wllcoi. P.huficld, W. Y'a (Sprcial).--As a re sult of an explosion in shaft No. 1, of the I'nited States Coal and Coke Com pany, at U'ilcoc, not far from Welch, W. V:i.. 2$ miners are supposed 10 have lot their lives, and it is pos.sibb; that the number will exceed thif. The explosion was of terrific force and shattered glass windows a mile dis tant. Immediately after ;lic shock great numbers of miners, who were olT duty, il being Sunday, rushed to the shaft to tind grcal clouds of smoke and dust gn-hhij; from its mouth. Mothers, chil dren and other relatives soon were weep ing and pleading for the rescue of those dear 10 lin n entombed in the mine. The officials of the mines, including General Manager Reis, were soon on the g-onnd and the work of rescuing min er ;s now being directed by Mr. Rcis. Tile dead miners thus far recovered are all Italians and Hungarians, and have no: us v -: been identified. The . npiriy usually work in this ' ahmit 75 mimrs. but being Sun day the men were not all in the mine., and the small !os of life can be attrib uted only to this fact. The i'niied States Coi:l ami Coke Company, vvnh principal unices in Pitts burg, is a part of Ilu I'nited States Steel Corporation. The cause of the (Xplosinn has not a yet been determined, and. since il is hardly probable any of Iho-c in the mine will be recovered alive, the cause of ihe rxpin-i.m may never hi known. RAILROAD CLEARINQ HOI'SE. By lis -leans it It Hoped to Save Many .Millions Every Year. Chicago ( Spccia M. blaster and Western railroad companies will plan for the establishment of a national clear inghouse by which it is expected that the railroad- of the country will he saved at !e:i"t $Io,O0'),oe-0 annual!, and possi bly double that amour.:. J. W. Midglcy lias been employed to brmg he matP r to a successful issue by the pre-idem- o; the Illinois Central, New Y'ork Central, Iv-ir. Lehigh Valley. Santa Fe and Southern Railroads, with the approval of J. P. Morgan Sr Co. It :- now proposed to have? all dam age claims adjusted by a clearing iiou e and pas-cd upon by officials of that body for the railroad-. Tlie new bureau, if ii is c-tabli-hd, will have to do with all accounting between railroads with respect lo interchange of cars and every thing for which one road can owe an other. Cashier's Slayer Identified. Vernal, I'tah (Special). Albert I.. Cahlwcll and David Fraughter, who an: held 1:1 jail here on a charge ol grand larceny, have been identified as the Cody hank robbers, tor whom there is a re ward ot J.s.ikhi. Sherill Horton. of Car bon county, y has avrived here wttii . L. U alts, who was an eye-witness to the killing oi the hank cashier. Walts positively identified Caldwell as the man who did the shooting and Fraughter as the accomplice. W ill Beck Pay J.10,000? Stoux City, Invva. ( Special). Just as Herman. Peck, a wealthy .fanner, was un.oading several boxes containing .t.noo rpiail at the railroad station tu FUk Point. S. M., today. Slate Game War den James Holiday appeared. Uesk lied, leaving the ipiai! behind. An officer was sent alter him. The fine for having quail out oi season is $10 a bird. This would make tlie total tine against Beck s.vO.000, which Game Warden Holiday says IJtck will have to pay. People Win From Combine. Springfield, 111 Special). The Illinois Supreme Court, in the case of the Wil mington Coal Company vs. the People, sustained Ihe judgments of the Cook County Circuit Court and appellate court in the cases where the Wilmington and 10 other coal companies were found guilty of a conspiracy to control the price of coal. The Supreme Court says thai actual agreement is riot necessary in order to constitute the offense charged. Proprietor W'as Killed. Marusville. Cal ( Special ). The roof of a building under reconstruction for a theater collapsed here on account of a destructive trr,--. A number of work men and others were in the building, but all escaped injury except A. Merry, of Sucramcn'o. proprietor of the theater, who was Uil'ed, and two workmen were srriott-'y hurt, Would Include Texas Fields. Texas (Special). A petition is bring circulated litre asking Congress man Pinckney lo retpic-t President Koo-exeh to include the Texas oiltichls in ihe invalidation ol the Standard Oil open.liil.s 111 Kan-as. Fouiht Duel With knives. Circieviiie, O (Special). In a dud with b.itc'ur knives in the warehouse of the Hosier Packing Company, Henry Wibbe stabbed John Price in the heart, killing him iiis'.antly, after Price had cu! Wibhi's chin and nose almost off. Run ning home. Wibbe told bis mother of the crime and disappeared. FINANCIAL. London was large siller of America, securities. New York bank have lost during the week $.,,(xi3,mo cash. Philadelphia hank clearings were io ou.oon, an increase of $-',.150,000. Philadelphia' Rapid Transit's earn ings in January were $55,000 greater than in tiie same month last year. Some people think that Armour and not Gales is the real power hack of the great corner in May wheat. There was a decline of t cents in May w heal in Chicago. ( )ne firm sold l.Jo, noo bushel. Weather conditions arc gowl for the Whiter wheat crop in most parts of the country. A cal! for an assessment of $ a share has been made upon the stock of the American li'on & Steel Company. It is proposed to reduce the capital from $i;.oon,ooo to $.',500,000 by giving one fuil-piiid share, par $50, for 6 v-,) shares of the present, common slock. Presi dent Sternberg says in his statement that the company has spent $1,500,000 on im provements, of which $(160,000 was bor rowed. The company has no bonds, SIMPLON TUNNEL BORED1 One of tbe World's Mantis Engineering. TWELVE MILES INDER TBE ALPS. Stupendous Obstacles Encountered and Over.; come The Work at One Time Slopped By Hot Sprints, "tVcS Caused Such hi tense Heat That tbe Men Could Net Work--' Tunnel to Re Opened March i. Coudo, Svv:'7rr!aiid 1 I'.y Cable).--Piercing oi the Simplon Tunnel through the Alps w,is eoiuph tcly at ;jo o'clock Friday morning. The wo-k was com menced in Tlie meeting of ihe two boring par ties (Swiss .ind Italian) was signaled throughout Switzerland by ringing of church bri's and salute by cannon. Many mirxpertrd ob-oicle.-. were en countered, the most scrio.'s being hot springs, winch threatened to .vrcek the whole eu'erpr:e. and a temperature at o ic time roc in l.u degree P.ihr., mak ing a continuance ot ihe work impossi ble until the engineers found means oi cooling ; ,.' atmosphere. Now that the. borers have mi , wa'er accumulated in ihe north gallery can bs1 drawn off. The work of preparing the tunnel for a permanent way will be pushed as rap idly as possible, and it is lioocd to be gin il-, ii-d about March -0. The greal Shnplon Tunnel derives i.s 1 name from the celebrated Shnplon Pass built by Napoleon in 1801-180(1. This pass, which is forty mites long .composed of magnificent glides, small tunnels and bridges, and is today used as a stage road for passing over the ; mountains. The pass is from twenty five lo thirty feel broad and 4a mile long. It is carried across 61 1 bridges, jovcr galleries cut of solid rack and through great tunnels. I Tlie scheme fur ihe Simplon Tunnel was .put forward in iffi by the Jiira-Simplon ! Railway and was the culmination oC years of planning to have a railway .near the Simplon road pass. The plan I consisted broadly of piercing '.he Alps between Prig:;, which is situated in the Rhone Valley, and I'.cllc, oil The Ita! ian .side, from which village the rail vvay descends to the southern terminu. 1 at D01110 d'Associa, a distance of abour1 ill miles. I From Priga the line; running gently up the valley, enters rhc tunnel on a curve to the right of 1,050 feet radius. ' At a distance of 15J yards from the en--! trance the siraight section of the tunnef .commences and extends Uj j miles. Tho ! line then curves to tlic left with a radi ius of 1,311 feet before emerging. Com ' mencing at 1hc northern entrance, gradient of 1 to 500 miles for a lengtii of 5! j miles to a level length of 55a yards in the center and then a gradient of 1 in 14.1 descends 10 the Italian side.' Il will be a double tunnel; that iv iherc will eventually be two parallel tubes, each carrying one line of railway Their centers will be 50 feet apart. Tho . tunnel, whose boring has just been conk plctcd; is known as No. I, No. 2 beinj? left, masonry lined where necessary, of future developments. Jn cross section tunnel No. I is 1.1 feet " inches wide at tlic bottom ami 16 fed 5 inches at the widest part, w'ih a total height of 18 feet above the road level. The material pcr.cfratcd is roc'. Rotary drilb, operated by hydraubtf pressure, were used, there being an elaborate water power plant at each end of the tunnel. The C's.-i of the tunnel is about 000,000. The succrv fill outcome of this engi neering ftit may have an important bearing upon the project of Chief Engi neer Wallace, of ihe Panama Canal, to make that waterway a sca-lcve.1 canal by (ir; ing a tunnel four miles lontf under a mountain to divert the surplus waters of the Chngres rivers. Follow ing ate .some of ihe great tunnels of thf world : ' MiUs Simplon ( Switzcr'and-ltaly) . ..12l lothard (France-Italy) 054 Mt. Ccnis (France-Italy) Arlberg (Austria) t Tecjuix(,tii.ic (Mex'co) 6 Hoosac (Ma'sachiisctt.s) 4jjJ Severn (Fngland) 4 Albula (Switzerland) ...34 Trans-Andean (Argentina),.., 3 raveholz (Norway) 3 Mullan (Montana) a'j Khojal; ( India) 2 Busk (Colorado) 1J4 . Stampede (Washington State), lj St. Clair (Canada) iy, ' "Pelt Line (Baltimore) Mersey 1 F.ngl.tnd) jj MILLIONS. WASTED AT CAVITE. t.leutcncnl lloifm-n Says Ri; Navy Yard Is Useless. New Orleans (Special), "Millions have been wasted by Congrc.-s on the Caritc Navy Yard, which is absolutely useless f ir any purpose," said Lieut. W. II. Hoffman, of the I'nited States Navy, who has just -ciurncd from a four years' .cruise in Kasiein waters. "It is absolutely impossible to dock any large-sii'ed vessel in Cavite. All. the millions ihat have been spent on it are wasted as much as if they had been thrown into the sea. Congressional com mittees have been sent out there, but have done nothing e.xc'cpt s junket around." Once Claimed Several Slates. VVa!la "Walla, Wash (Special). Jer ry McCrath, a unique figure in the early history of tlie Northwest, is dead at the county poor farm. McCrath gained cou-' sidcrable notoriety sonic years ago by filing a claim in Ran lrancisco to the largest part of what is now Oregon, Washington and Idaho, under an old Spanish grant. He fought the case un til his means were exhausted and he was obliged to work hi:; pipage back to Walla Walla. Indictments lor Timber Frauds. San Francisco, Cal (Special). The federal grand jury has completed its labors in the land and timber frauds in the Heeding district, and has returned an indictment againM Harry W. Miller, Frank IL Kincart and William II. Bo rcn, charging them with subornation of. perjury. Miller in under indictment by the United States grand jury of Ore-I gon for a similar offense, alleged to have been committed in that state. Kincirr is under arrest at Portland, and Doreii ! is in the hands of the United State..,! marshal of this district.