FULTON COUNTY NEW. Published Every Thursday. B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. FEBRUARY 15, 1905. Published Weekly. 1.00 per Annum in Advance. ADTIRTUIHO RAT HI. Per square of 8 lines 8 times II SO. Par square each subsequent Insertion.... 60. Ail nUvertlseraen.i Inserted for lew than threo nonttu charged by the square. 8 urns. Omo. I yr. 0in-'urth column 116.00. I fJ0.no. I $30 00 O i t-h ilf column 'JS.0O. 40 (. 6000 Or e Column 40.00. 66.00. 75.00 X .thinrr Inserted for less than It Prufcsiioual Cards one year 15 Locust rove. There was a quilting ptu ty at tlie lioine of Mr. nd Mrs. Satuud 1 io!il on Saturday for Mrs. K. A. Diehl. Those present were Mr. nml .frn. John Smith of Eiiinia ville: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pies singer and daughter Achsuli; Mr. and Mrs. Allison, Mrs. Eineline Diehl, Bertha and Helle Diehl, Misses Jessie Mason and Sophia Hohnian of McConnellsburg, Mr. Reed Downs of Franklin Mills, and Watson Plessinger. The men kept lire and did the errands for the ladies, while the latter took turns at quilting and preparing dinner. All went nicely until one of the ladies gave the alarm that some ferocious animal was about to carry off one of the happy members. Samuel, soldier like, with a club for his musket, made a stately march toward the enemj', while the rest were hiding and ex pecting that every minute would be their next, all supposing Sam uel had been carried off: but to their surprise he returned smiling and informed them that it was on ly a 'possum. They could not be lieve for a time but that their eyes were deceiving them; finally, Sam convinced them that there was no cause for alarm, but it took them quite a while to get over the ex citement. Considering all their troubl s and excitement they did well and seemed to enjoy the day, and in the evening Avent to the protracted meeting to give thanks for being spared through the day. The protracted meeting at Je rusalem is well attended. Mrs. Abraham I'lessinger, who has been sick for the past few weeks, we are glad to say is" slow ly improving. David Smith, who has been ail ing for years, is some bet ter. Mr. Keed Downs and Miss Sophie Ilohman spent Sunday with Miss Jessie Mason. Watson Plessinger spent Sun day night at Emmaville. Kmory A. Diehl purchased the house and lot belonging to Sam uel Hart, of Emmaville and ex pects to move there in the near future, where he expects to go in to the mercantile business. I I A Touching Story is ibe saviog from death of the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cum berland, Md. He writes: "At the age of 11 months, our little girl was in declining health, with se rious throat trouble.and two phy sicians gave her up. We were al most in despair, when we resolv ed to try Dr. King's New Discov ery for consumption, coughs and colds. The first bottle gave re lief; after taking four bottles she was cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. At Trout's drug store; uOc and 1.00 guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Si. Valentine's Day. Miss Anna Mayne, of Fort Lit tleton, gave a p-uiy on last Tues day evening Thos'j prest-nt were: Misses Anna liucklry, Frances Field3, EmmaLyle, Bess Wilson, Mar garet Cltnp, and Messrs. N. E. Hoover an 1 Dr. McClain of Hus tontown. The games were Exchange, Flinch and Sherlock Holmes. The' Fliuch and Exchange prizes were captured by Miss Frances Fields. The guests partook of delicious refreshments, then returned home wishing for another such St. Valentine party. Inauguration, March 4th. Eadies, go to the store of T. J. Wiener in Hancock and you will H id just what you want in trav i'liug, ready-to-wear, tailored out tits; early spring styles, as well, in nats, veilings, neck wear, gloves, i tc , and the prices are right. A Ltt;t of Eterythint. A flllmhpr if litilrura in Wnah. I ington are making preparations to adopt a new baking process, whereby the bread will remain fresh for weeks at a time. The Emperor of (jermany wants a few of our college profes sors. We have a lew who claim never to have kissed a girl -he can have them as they are no good over here. A furrier makes his novel bid for custom by announcing in a daily paper that "Mr. Blank is willing to make up capes, jackets, and coats for ladies out of their own skins." The Chicago authorities having captured the man with twenty five wives have decided that it will bepunishmont enough to turn him over to the mercy of his own collection. "Old Blimson is the queerest, rich man I've read about in along time." "What's the matter with Blim son?" "Why, he's got ten million dol lars and says he intends to' die rich if he can." An indignant letter, dictated by a clever old gentleman, runs thus: "Sir, my stenographer, be ing a lady, cannot take down what I think of you. I, being a gentle man, cannot express it: but you, being neither, can readily divine it." One of Alabama's nearroes ! claims to have done a great deal for his church without giving money. He has .invented an alarm clock to be lastened on to the collection basket to wake the people up while it is being pass ed around. An extraordinary discovery of rubies, sapphires and emeralds has been made near Ficksburg, in the Orange River colony. Near ly a bucketful of thesa precious stones, totaling 30 karats, was exhibited to the share-holders of the company owning the ground as the result of the wash of two loads of earth. , When butter is kept in tubs or earthen vessels, it must be pack ed as closely as possible, with no interstices or vacant spaces left, for the butter quickly spoils around these interstices and the evil spreads through the whole tub. In Jarge establishments it is considered essential that a tub be filled with butter made all in one day. Charles Lever, the novelist, had little faith in the sincerity of Ne apolitan beggars. He once said that wheh he threw out a hand ful ot small coins to them the blind were the first to see it, the paralyzed to run for it, the maim ed to pick it up, the naked to put it in their pocHets and the dumb to blaspheme their ill-luck in be ing out of the scramble. Martha, the colored washerwo man, was complaining of her hus band's health to one of her pat rons. He's ve'y po'ly ma'am; ve'y po'ly. He's got exclamatory rheumatism." "You mean inflam matory, Martha. Exclamatory is from 'exclaim,' which means to cry out." "Yes, miss," answered Martha, with conviction, 'dat's what it is. He hollers all de time." "Now, my dear childrea," said the Arch deacon, "I will ask you a few questions in your cato cnism. Which of you can tell me the two things necessary in bap tism? Quite right, 'water.' Wa ter is one thing and what is the other? What! Can none of you think what else is necessary? Well, little girl, what do you say?" "Please, sir, a baby," was the reply- They were- skating by moon light. His name was Jack Jones. "You have a pretty name," ven tured Ernestine, just to break the monotony. "Yes," he replied, softly, "but I wish my name was Jack Frost." "And why?" "Because I heard you say Jack F'rost often kissed your cheeks." After much confusion she said he might change his name for a minute. DKSnitVhD POrTLARITV. To cure constipation and liver troubles by gently moving the bowels and acting as a tonic to the liver, take Little Early Risers. These famous little pills are mild, pleasant and harmless, but elect ive and sure. Their universal use for many years is a etroug guar antee of their popularity and usefulness. Sold at Trout' drug state. Clto. Hiley (inrlund lost a tine horse last week. Bert Seville was at John Car bangh')) lust Sunday. Web. Seville is happy over the arrival of a little daughter. Dr. J. B. Mellottwas at Kiley (iarland's Saturday night and Sun day. (ieorge llutoi baugh's son Wil liam cut his foot splitting wood one day last week. While Dr. J. B. Mellotl and wife and daughters Khoda M., Hora Belle and Nettie Grace, all in ono sled, driving the Doctor's spirited horse, were on their way to Uiley Garland's, the sled over turned, throwing all the occupants out, cutting a gash in Mr. Mel lott's face. Mrs. Mellott and old est (laughter were injured and both shafts of the sled were bro ken. Neither Mr. Mellott nor the horse got excited, and Isaiah Mel lott furnished a pair of shafts and the party went on their journey. That Tickling in the Throat. One minute after taking One Minute Cough Cure that tickling in the throat is gone. It acts in the throat not the stomach. Harmless good for children. A. L Spofford, postmaster at Ches ter, Mich, says: 'Our little girl was unconscious from strangula tion during a sudden and terrible attack of croup. Three doses of One Minute Cough Cure half an hour apart speedily cured her. I caunot praise One Minute Cough Cure too much for what it has done in our family." It always gives relief. Sold at Trout's drug store. Comerer Trout. One of the social events of Mcr cersburg society was the manage, on Thursday evening, at o'clock, of Mr. Jacob II. Comerer, of this place, and Miss Edith Trout, of Mercersburg. There were v2 guests present at the ceremony. A brother of the bride was best man and Miss Nellie Comerer, of this place, bridesmaid. After the ceremony a sumptuous wed ding feast was partaken of. The gooin is one of McCounells burg's best young men. is a tailor by trade, and a sober, industrious 3'oung man. The bride is a hand some young lady and well thought of at her home. Fulton Republi can. Mr. and Mrs. Comerer. will be gin housekeeping about the first of April in the house with Charles Eiteniiller. For a little outing the Huston town cornet band gathered them selves together Monday ufternoou, hired a good team and went to Mc Connellsburg. After thawing the frost out of their horns at the Fulton House they appeared on the streets and treated the people of that staid old town to some ex cellent music. As circuses do not strike McConnellsburg very often, the people there do not often hear a band, and the way the boys and some of the girls fell over themselves following the music around was ample compensation for the sacrifice the Hustontown boys made to furnish the music. I)ANKI, OK OKA Nl) ANI TKAVKKSK JL'UOKS drawn to the March Term, Wirt, roniriiemiiiig on rue ;ia Aioimsy, being tlie imw day ol' Ihe luoutu. OKANI) JUKOKS. Nallisn II. Mellott. Farmer, Hnll'astj Edward rtroaksll, Laborer, Thompson; KilwHril tlooil m m, Farmer, llethul. John 1. Duvsll, Marum, Well; William Houilers, Farmer, Thumpttoii; (ieorge K Mellott, Farmer, Avr ,lno. W. Wood work. Farmer, Taylor; Scott Wsizinr, Farmer. lluSlili; .laiuiis b unk, Farmer, Tuoinjiiton; Sam nel HeitderMiot, Farmer, I'nlorr; ;uo. .Ni;reiver, Fanner, Union; Clayton K. Mellott, Farmer, Hetliel; Iwiao Itealtv, Farmer, t.'iiioii; C O. Hot, Teacher, i'rdd; A. K. College, Laborer, ToiM; IE. F. lJanielK. Farmer, HellaHt; Harry Miller, Partner, lotilln; Frank Serelver, Car lntcr, I tiion; Kdward Blank. Miner, Taylor; Oeo. dress, Fanner, Todd; Harry Hamil, Land lord, lJiiblln; John K. Jones, operator. Ta1 lor; Aaron M. Oarlatid. Farmer, Ifellartj Joseph W. Mellott, Karrner Tboinou. We the undesigned Sheriff and Jury Commis sioners ut' Pulton County, Fa., on the lath day of February, I'ioo, did draw from the wheel con taining the lieneral Jr'ane.1 for the year l'.05, the above named persons together with their occu pation end residence to he (Hand Juror hi the County Com ta ol' Fulton County, on Monday the L'Ulh day or March, llin.1. ,1AM KM O. AI.KXANllllIt, tttest: SIMON l);.SIlo.N(l, Levi P. Morton. 11. A.TKUAX. TF.T1T JUKOHS. K. K. Harm. Farmer, Licking Creek; N. S. Kd ward, Farmer, Wells; Samuel (1. Amlrewa, La borer, Bethel, Nelson Booth, F'armer, Bethel; W. M. Bare, Farmer, Licking Creek; W. M. Lake, Fofl Master, tielt'ttst; Martin A.llarkman, Farmer, Brimh (.'reek; Kruanuei Mill. F'armer, HruMU '.'reek; F.ra ( 'leveimer, Laborei, Taylor; Oliver Hill, Farmer, Bethel; Ituder Lainberaoii, Farmer, Taylor; Oavid Steven. Laborer, Ayr; Albert llixon, Farmer, Bethel; Kliner (lluiit. Laljorar. Todd; Welta (ireathead, Clerk, Mc on nelUhurrj; lianlel Mock, Farmer, Todd; Oavld Laidig. Fanner, Taylor; Samuei Truai, Fai mar, Bcllat; l alvin Maun, Miller, Ayr; Thoa. Com erer. Merchant, Mci'ounelUbiirg; James Mum nia. Faruin, Licking (.reek; llov M Hlea, Farmer, Licking ( reek; John llollemhead, farmer, Hella.t; HI, hard Allowav, Miner, Wells; (Irani Moimr, Farmer. Tuoui'on; Wil liam Kdward, ( arienter, Taylor; James it. (.'ooper, LalMirer, Ayr; (Irani llreakall, Laborer, ThoiupNOn; James W. Trusell, Farmer, Thomp son; Alex. LaiuberMjii, Farmer, Avr: James K. Mellott, Farmer. Bethel; Silas Melioit . Farmer, llellal; Harvey Sharp, Teacher, Thompson; Wllllaiu K. halso. Farmer. I'nlillu: John Long, Faruiur, llublln; John A. Helders. Farmer, Ar; 1. J. comerer. Farmer, Taylor; Jacob Winters, Fanner, Biuku creek; Amos Nigel, Farmer, I'liion; Jacob C. Mellott, Farmer, LicklngCreek; John X. Nlpea Faiuier, Dublin; John Serelver, Farmer, I nlon; William Hebner, Farmer, I n Ion; William ' ilishall, Farmer, Taylor; John Halnwlii, Miller, Dublin; Mcholas W. Hubmaii Farmer. Ayr; Jaiuea lllrea, fanner, Union; Da vid L. Fulton, Farmer, Ayr. We the nnderitlgned HherlrTand Jury Commls loners or Fullon county, I's .on the ISI.li day ut February, HSlo, did draw from the whe i con. taiiiing the (ieneral Panel for the yeas iu iA, Ihe above named persons together with their occu pation and residence to he Petit Jurors In the ounry t ouruoi r uimn county on Monday the fnu uay vi siarcu, tiroo. i .IAMRM O. AI.RKANDKU, M.sawa. OhiniH I I u in ip lf iTi r. murvip, 0, , 1 ttUAA GoodValues SRRIINO GOODS now for SALE SHOES Harrisburg Shoes l-or ( Ladies, "j Owinp to our Slum P(iai'tmenl bclnjf over stocked anil winning to make room for our nprlnu; lino, we will jrive a reduction of 10 per cent, on all shoes bought from us this month. We have nothing In this ne but the famous Harrisburg Shoes for ladies, misses and chlldron, a new up-to-date stock. We also have a nice lino of men's, boy's and youth's shoes which we include in this sale. For Ladies Hosiery lt us show you this lino of good vaTiteg. Here is mnney savincr for you. Walking Skirts We have over fifty styles to select from, and have made a reduction of 20 per cent. EM we wish to close out this line before our spring styles come In. Ladies' muslinwear, gowns, corset covers, drawers and skirts. American beauty Corsets. Invisible Lacing corsets. inery Greatest bargains ever of fered from now until the 1st of March, as we will not carry any hats over. They must go regardless of cost. Tam-o-shanters40c; baby oaps, trom 10c up: stock in"; leg caps, 22c; corsets at cost. Ribbons trom lc per yard up. Ribbons, re duced Irom 40c a yard to 30c; also, from 25c to 20c per yard. Come, examine goods, and get prices. You are welcome. Opposite 1'ost-olHoe. A F,: ,Littlc' McConnellsburs WHITE LANE. Miss Lillie M. Uislioug spent a couple of days with Blaine tiertz ler and wifo, near Burnt Cabins. AndrewTruax has returned from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Ada Woodal in the Cove. Emery Dishong is staying a few weeks with his brother Dan iel E. Dishong, near Big Cove Tannery. . Mrs. Matilda Deshong and son Orville, and daughter, Kebecca, visited Mrs. Kebecca Dishong one day last week. Morgan Deshong and Mrs. Lewis Mellottareontlie sick list. George W. Morton and Michael Melbtt are busy hauling ties to Loudon. Judge Morton made a trip to this side of the mountain last week. Mrs. Mollie Shives is able to bo out again. Puhlic Is Aroused. The pu blic is aroused to a knowl edge of the curative merts of that great medicinal tonic, Elec tric Bitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Wal ters, of 5H) St. Clair Ave., Colum bus, Ohio, writes; "For several months 1 was given up to die. 1 had fever and ague, my nerves were wrecked; i could uot sleep, and my stomach was so weak from useless doctors' drugs, that i could not. Hoon atter beginning to take Electric Bitters, I obtain ed relief, and in a short time I was entirely cured." Guaran teed at T "out's drug store; price 50c. Farmer's Local Institute. 4 , It has been decided to hold a farmers institute at the school hous6 at Webster Mills on the af ternoon of March 3, 1905. A pro gram fot the occasion has been prepared, which the pupils of the school will assist In carrying out. A full attendance of the frlonds of agriculture is demred, , W. 0. PATTKltNON, 86C. tmMaip Xq ffog ui v esfl 'frcoo ioisij, '4tvU3 111103 (sag S1IVJ3S1311VaHIS3Un3 Mil Low. Prices For Children. For Children Jas. G. Turners Co., Hancock, VoI. New Falling Top Buggies, both Fttctory and Handmade from $35 to $85 Surreys and Wagons Largo stock on hand all the time to select from. W. R. EVINS, Hustontown, Pa. ! W. H. NESBIT Sells MACHINE ' OILS from 20 cents to HO cents a gal lon. Don't bo deeelved no body will sell you a 10-eent oil for 2t cents. Mower Sections and guards for all kinds of machines at prices lower than you have ever heard. BINDERS on hand; Binder twine, Horse Kalces In fact farmer's should remember If they want any thing In the machinery line that I can help them If anybody I can. W. H. MS BIT, M'Connellsburg LADIES i'5:v- jiDR.LA Franco's COMPOUND, Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Hujmrlor tn other nmdlN ol(t at high priret. ('urn pimriinirc... bui-ut iwif ully liat'tt by over riOO.OOO V ihu. Print, 'J.I renin, lni- tiUlN or I')' niuil. Tertl.jii'HilalK . booklet tree, Dr. LalTuucui IMillud.-.jli.uf !, CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS i mm K rt.lt N t:il.lfcii in He a and Tail .Vi:? "h "In. b,. in, "l"'"? ""' V.Mir U.UL-KUl, .i..luls un.1 ..,,.,1r ,r l..l.,.."'( ,,', fiKuLVIIuj MMM 'i'estimuiiUls. Bu'U l)f OHICH1JBTEB CHEMICAL CO. IOO madlsun Hh,ur, rillLArt, KsrUsa Mis ssssr. KILLthe COUGH and CURE THE LUNC8 WITH Dr. 111 'A Umi Discovery 'ONSUVPTION Price 0UGH3 ana OLDS 6O0 4 $1.00 Fruo Trial. Surest and Uuicket Cure tor &U THROAT and LVNO TKOUB LEK, or MONEY BA.C1C -V .M THE FULTON COUNTY $S NEWS " Covers the Field. In every part of tfie County faithful re porters are located that pather the daily happenings. Then there is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Farmer and Aechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Markets. The bun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian i Endeavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. THE JOB DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. SALE BILLS, POSTERS, LETTER HEADS, HVELOPES, CARDS, &i, In fact anything and everything in the best style along that line. I fSample copies of the News sent to any of your friends on request, QUMBERLAND VALLEY TIME TABLk! -Nov. 27, 1904 Leave nu. i nu i no. (J, no. g! no. 10, A.MtA.MltA.II Winchester tiiirtlusburK..., HaKemiown .... 'JreenoiiHtle .... MeroerNlitirjf .... i..,humtier.sliur((.. Waynesboro ShlppenKburg... Newvllle CuilLslc Mcuhanlcsburg,. Utllsburtc Arr, Httrrigburg. Arr. Phlla Arr. New York. Arr Ualtlmore.. iJP.M I'l! on itP.M i h ir,i e 8o 7 14 8 00 8 21 0 Vi Wvt v. 1 Oil V 112 8D .... H (HI ho :to 47 8 8 H 8 20 10 10 10 30 1 aii n 1 om I ou 4 8 SI0 M SOfi'll 18 21 II ?7 6 4h 12 02 12 00 7 41) 10 0 8 20 1 21 I 4! 4 M b 00 5 Xt t M r 8 10 8 M) 8 0? 8 H 8 IX ID 10 w 11 IK i! m 8 Zi 10 07 io 25 4 2:t 1 18 10 Oil 12 21 9 06 II 4N ILH II 20 3 17 8 II 2 40 6 47 8 OH 18 40 4 i. 1 IS T f 12 lf a ooj II 2.') a 4k 20 P. M. P. u. P. M P. M A. M A. M Train No. 12 east runs dally exoept Sunday ontweeti HaKeratown and Harrlsburif. leaving Htrerstown j.os and arriving ut Hurrlsburg at Additional east-bound looiil trains will run aally, except Sunday, as follows: Lea'e Carlisle 7.06 a. m., 12.30 p.m. 8.1ft p.m., leave Mecnuulosburg S.M a m., 7.29 a. m.. 12.JS p. m., t.tJtl p. m. Leave Ulllsburg 6.86 a. m.. lo;oo a. in., 6.28 p. m., Trains Nos. 2,8 and 110 run dally between Ha ierslown and Uarrlsburg. Dally. t Dally exoept Sunday. Lave I no. 1 7 no. 8 no. o:no. 7 no. 9 159 Malll more New York I'hlla Harrlsburg Dlllsburg Meehanlosburg.. Carlisle Newville Shlppensburg... Waynesboro.... Chambersburg. . Meroeraburg,. . Ureenoastle .... Hagersiown .... Martlnsburg Ar. Winchester. P. M 11 6ft 4 44 t 66 12 00 12 10 8 6r P. M 1 66 4 85, 2 66 P.M. 8 80 6 55 8 25 II 40 T 66'll 46 4 26 8 40 11 40 6 00 1.5 SO 8 2A 4 Or) 601 8 25 sis 6 Itt 8 If. 12 03 t 40 6 01 S 80 'tj'io 8 15 8 II 4 CO 11 tui 8 87 12 21 8 Sx 9 04 12 4X 4 10 11 42 9 IT 10 87 8 .I'l 9 U 1 Oil 2 00 12 02 4 an 6 (H 4 6 5 U 6 21 5 II 6 24 7 10 9 it 12 18 10 30 10 00 7 OS 8 fi'ii 1 60 7 27,10 22 8 20 II C S 15 11 60 10 24 8 10 12 64 10 46 1 16 Ia. m.u. m. IP. M. Train No. IT west runs daily except Snmiay ntt tu.un II I. nHlu .. ...... ... . inn Hurrlsliurir ut 6.16 p.m. and arrlvlnii at Ha Keistownat7.67p. m. Additional local trains will leave Harrlsburg is follows: For Carlisle and Intermediate sta tions at 9.87 a. m.. 2.00 p. m. and a.30 p. m., also lurrauonaniosDurg, IJillRburg and Intermediate suitlonsat 7 80 a. m., 8.10 p. m. and 8.80 p. m. I'rultis Nos. 1,8 and 109 run dully between Harrlsbur, and HaKerstown. I'ulluian palace sleeping oars between New V irl. ttnA lVnniiij rf . . and 110 east and between fhlladclnh a and ., ...u uu n. itauwayon trains iiw west and 12 east, exoept that on Huuday the Phlla lelphla sleeper 111 run east ou No. 8. I'llrtlllvl, .Huh.. n a. A Ul,tli,SlKV.I. on trains It and 4 east and 7 aud 9 west. Daily. t Uallv exoept Sunday. SOUTHERN PENN A B. R TRAINS. Pas. 117 Pas. Mil " H'as. Mil. Pas. t08 P. M 103 till A MLve. Arr. 0 66 Chamlersburg.. T 14 Marlon 8 16 ..Mercersburg.. 8 60 . ,', . . I-oudoD 9 06 .... Richmond..,. 1. M. t4 too A M 6 06 8 111 t 68 18 t 20i 4 M 9 41 a tvi 8 46 III 60 P. M, t Will 82 i (10 I 4n I 10 t 18 i 40 P. M. 10 80 10 6H; 8 00 1 DM 10 80 I 06 9 42 9 80 ; 8o P. M. . M. Ia. u. M. 0. KENNEDY", (JK0. W. MARTIN. Vice l'res. & (len. Sunt. Sunt H. A. KIUUI.E, Oen. Pass. AgenC. Pneumonia follow La Qrlpp nV4r toiiow trt of FOLEY'S Honey and Tar It ltOD thl Con (7 h and lieali the lunira. Preveou poeumonU and Coniumptlon. If . Q. Yaohi, of 1ST Osgood B Chloaao. Tltas: "My wife had la ripp and it left hsr with very bad aoogb on her long whisk totai'l Boas AMoTAasursd soaplislf.v ' For gale at Trout's Drujr Store nmm diklcm., HAKIH.HS. R. M. DOWNES, . First clash Tonsorial Artist, MoOUNNKl.LBlUIHU, VA. A Clean Cup and Towel with each Shave. ISvrrythltig Antlnpptlu. Katora Sterlllzrd. fWBhop In room lately oooupiedby M Drake ISAAC N. WATSON, Tonsorial Artist. Strictly up to date In all styles of hair nut ting, sjiiick, easy shaves. Kay-rum, Creams-Wltoh-ltazcl. without extra chArKe. Krih towel to euch customer. Latest improved up, paratus for sterilising tools. I'arlors opposite Fullon House. LAYVYKKS. M. K. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Office on Sauare, McConnellsburg, Pa. All legal business and collections entrusted will eeelve careful and prompt attention. cm hi ii fs. Prksuyterian. lie v. W. A. West, D. I).. Pastor. Preltclilnff services ea!h alternate Sabbath at 10:80 a. tn. and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Services at Green Hill on' alternate Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabboth school at 9:15. Junior Christian En deavoi Ht 2:00. Christian Bindeavor at 6:0(). Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. Methodist nanscoPAt.-rUiv. JV. Aaums, Pastor, Sunday S c h o o 1 at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every titbuv Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Suuday evening at 7:00. Kiworth League at 0:00 p. m. . Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:00. United presdYterian Kev. J. L. Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath evenings are usid by th- Young Peo ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. aVAWGEIJuAi, L.UTHERAN riev. A. G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 11:1.') a. m. Pivui liiiig every other Sunday morning at 10:30 and every other Sun day evening at 7:00. Christian En deavor at :00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:00. Reformed Rev, C. M. Smith, Tas tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. n. Preaching . :n alternate Sabbuths at 10:00 a. m. Htid 7:00 p. m. ChriBtlan Endeavor at 6:00 p. in. Prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00. TF.RMS OF COI KT. The first term of the Courts of Ful ton county in the yeur shall commence on the Tuesday following the second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. in. The second term commences on the third Monduy of Match, at 2 o'clock p. m. The third terra on the Tuesday next following the second Monday of June, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on tho first Monday f October, at 2 o'clock p. in. ItOHOI Gil OI'I ICERS. Justice of the Peace Thomas 7". Cln T rr urn i Constable John IT. Doyle. Burgess II. W. Scott. Couucilmen D. T. Fields, Leonard Hohman, Samuel Hcnder.M. W. Nace. Clerk William Hull. HighConstable Wm.Bnumgardner. School Directors A. U. Nace. John A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M. Taylor, John Comerer, C. B. Stevens. QF.NKHAi DIRECTORY. President Judge Hon. S.Mc. Swone. Associate Judges DavidNelHon.W. H. Bender. " Prothonotary, &o. Geo. A. Harris. District Attorney Ceorge B. Dan iels. Treasurer A. C. Lauver. Sheriff J. G. Alexander. Deputy Sheriff W. II. Nesbit. Jury Commissioners Simon Desh ong, Bennett A. Truux. . Auditors W. C. Davis, Geo. W. Glenn, J. A Myers. Con n issloners S: D. Mellott, Geo Sigel, and H. P. Palmer. Clerk Frank Henry. County Surveyor A., 1. lore. - County Superintendent -Charles E Barton. Attnrnflvs W ftpnr.r. Alo.anrin. t Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sit ;.n, F. mcin. jonnston, M. it, ShalTat;!', Geo, B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W. Kirk. SOCIETIES Odd Fellows M'Cotinellsburg Lodge No. 744 meets every Friday evening in tne Comerer Building McConnells burg. B'ort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets every Saturday evening in tlie Cromer building at Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No. 007 meet every Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows' Hall at Wolls Tannery. Ilarrisonville Lodge No. 701 menu evwy Suturday evening in Odd Pel lows' Hall at UarriHonvllle. Waterfall Lodge No, 773 meetH ev ery Saturday evening in Odd F Hows' Hall at Waterfall Mills. Warfordsburg Lodgo No, fiOl meets in -Warfordsburg every Saturday evening. King Post G. A. P.. No. 305 meets In McConnellsburg in Odd Fellows' Ball the lirst Saturday in every month at 1 p. m. Uoyal Arcanum, Tusciitora Council, No. 121. meets nrr nlinritu ia Yi..M,in.. . .... .... VAJ .111,(11..., evenings in P. O. 8. of A. Ball, in McConnellsburg. Washington CaPip No. 407, P. O. B. A., ol rew (jrenuJu, meets everv Sat urday evening it. 1'. O. S. of A. Ball. Washington Camp, No. DM, P. O.S, of A., Hustontown, meets every Satin urday evening in 1'. O. S. of A. Hall, John O. Tavlrm V'.iut. n A If XT-. 68U, meets every Saturday, on or jusi nrecedinir full mniin In T.iiVil.. V...I1 at 2 p. m., at Buck Vallev. Womtrjn'e llelief Corps, No. 80 meets at same date and place at 4 p. in Uen. IJ. H. MiiK II. i n V'..ut. -Mr. ir.o G. A. S., meets the second and fourth Baturaays in each mouth at Pleas n KUlge. y ' ADVERTISE IN. The folton Connty Kfiws,