The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 08, 1905, Image 5

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    , i X-
Of Local and General Interest, Gathered
at Home or Clipped from our
Paul Wajaruor is paying 7 and 8
cents a pound for beef hides.
Andrew J. Uolinger af lay lor,
spent a few hours in town yester
day. Miss Hons Trout is visiting her
sister, Mrs. W. L. Sloan and oth
er friends in Buffalo, N. Y.
Miss Mnude Brotherton, of
Waynesboro, s the guest of Miss
Boss Patterson in the (Jove.
An unusually large number of
now subscribers have been added
to the News since the first of Jan
uary. Fob S le. An Estey organ
good as uew at a bargain. In
quire of
Mus. Maria Laioig,
Hustontown. Pa.
llowevpr good you may be you
have faults; howevpr dull you may
be, you ran find o it what some of
them are; and however slight
they mav be, you had better make
some effort to get rid of them.
An edu:ational meeting will be
held at Franklin Mills school, Sat
urday evening, February 11th.
Question for discu jsion: 1. Gram
mar its importar ce; how taught.
2. Ilome study. .!. What consti
tutes a good cho( 1. All are cor
dially invited. Lertha Golden,
t cher.
Kidney eomplant kills more
People than any ol her disease.
This is due to the disease being
so insidious that it gets a good
hold (,n the syst.'m before it
recognized. Foley 's Kidne; Cure
will prevent the i.evelopment of
f.j.ial disease if taken in time. Sold
by all dealers.
George W. Ilixson, of Em ma
villo, who has recently been ap
pointed mercantile appraiser,
was in town Monday, getting the
necessary books, ' blanks and in
" 'structions for the discharge of
his du.ies. The merchant.; of
the county may expect to see
George's smiling countenance to
ward the last of the month.
The. an promo court of South
Dakota has handed down a decis
ion which practically outlaws
nearly every saloon in the state.
The p)int at issue was the right
of a town board to grant a license
where there hsd been no affirma
tive vote was required every year
before a liceuso could be issued,
and in this ho has been affirmed
by the supreme court. This
mansthat there is not a leal
saloon in the sttte except in
towns when' licen.-.e was voted in
the election last spi lug. and it af
fects inn't of the towns of the
Profanity is one of the worst
evils that the worldha to contend
with. What is more disgusting
than a vilo touguod wretch who
has uo regard whatever for the
language ho puts oat ? In the first
place it is a disgrace to the user
himself and there is nothing in it
at all. Shearing does riot help
anything, it only calls forth the
wrath of Gcd upon the soul of the
user and hurts him alone, no one
else. Some men think it is the
sign of a "man" t use large ad
jectives even in lain conversa
tion, let alone who i they become
indigoant. It is an erroneous
, u. night. Tr.o highest type of a
man is determined by his pure
language as well a i body, and. in
: 'ie close relation that he sustains
a his fellow man ind his Maker.
Proa' ity gains nothing at home,
in business, in sot ial life, in poli
tics, in the wovld. It losos uvery
i.h'mg ou the other hand self-respect,
esteem of men, the confl
dence and affection of women,
power for good, title of gentle
man, eternal life. Don't be guilty
of such a thing !
Private Sale.
Intruding to quit the lumber
business aud go to Pittsburg, 1
will sell at private sale 2 good
draft horses, will work anywhere,
1 good bay mare 7 years old, 1
colt 7 months old, 1 Milburn wag
ou good as new, guaranteed to
carry 5 tons, 2 sets Yankee har
uess. For further particulars
call on or address
W. II. Spade,
Locust Grove, Pa.
DaViitt's Wt Oalvo,
For FU8 Curat, Kotos
Tbe'Slpci School Bill.
There seend'to be a disposition
on the part of some rnn pie to try
to create a sentiment ugamst the
bill introduced by Jno. P. Sipes
for the relief of the over burden
ed school districts m the State.
Th.'v try to make it appear that
every district must levy at least
ten mills. The bill does not mean
anything of the kind and does not
say so. Where a district can pay
its salaries on a two mill tax or a
one mill tax, with the aid of the
State appropriation as it is now,
the new bill does not apply. The
object of the bill is to preclude
the necessity of going beyond 10
mills instead of to 13 mills in or
der to get the appropriation; and
that where 10 mills do not reach,
then the Stato makes good all the
shortage. The Ilarrisburg Pa
triot says ;
While the general effect of the
law passed two years ago, making
the minimum salary of school
teachers throughout the State
$35 per month, has been excel
lent, it appears that great hard
ship has been wrought in some
"It is said that there are cer
tain districts in the State where
the land is so unproductive and
so cheap that a 13 mill rate is nec
essary to raise the school tax
alone. In these sections the peo
ple are necessarily poor and mar
kets remote. The taxes they are
compelled to pay do ot come out
of any surplus, but are skimped
from the actual necessaries of
"To remedy these conditions,
Representative John P. Sipes. of
Fulton county, has introduced in
the Legislature a bill fixing the
maximum of school tax ac ten
mills in the dollar and providing
that in districts where that rate
will not produce sufficient reve
nue to pay teachers $35 per month
the State ehall make up the deficiency.
"This seems to be a reasonable
measure and is said to have the
support of prominent men deeply
interested in tho common schools
of the State. If such a bill would
meet the constitutional provision
prohibiting the passage of local
or spocial laws, it would seem to
be a proper measure to enact."
There will be a meeting of the
lot holders of Union Cemetery on
Friday, February 10, 1905, at 2
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
electing officers, auditing the
treasurer's account, etc. Let all
interested attend.
R. M. Kendall,
To cure constipation and liver
troubles by gently moving the
bowels and acting as a tonic to
the liver, take Little Early Risers.
These famous little pills are mild,
pleasant and harmless, but effect
ive and sure. Their universal use
for many years is a strong guar
antee of their popularity and
usefulness. Sold at Trout's drug
Misses Louie Kerlin and Elsie
Baker spent a day recently with
the family of Frank Madden uear
Alfred Brown is on the sick
Miss Mary Kerlin spent the
past week in the home of her
uncle Wm. Henry.
C. R. Shore and sister Miss
Mertie, and Ada Fleming, spent
Sunday with Misses Maye and
Alice Keebaugh. - .
Amos J. Sipe and wife, of Fort
Littleton, spent Saturday with
the family of T. E. Fleming.
Mrs. J. P. Kerlin, who had the
misfortune to fall on the ice and
sustain a fractured wrist is get
ting along nicely.
Baldwin Fraker of Fort Little
ton, attended lodge here on Sat
urday night.
Harry Huston will take charge-
of the store at Saltillo formerly
in the hands of C. B. Cruni.
Elmer Horton, teacher of Cher
ry Grove school, is on the sick list
and Thomas Huston taught the
school the past week.
J. H. Fields and wife spent
Saturday evening with friends at
tUHliup Aq pig uii ti Mf)
SlltfJ 3S13 11V 3U3KMS7Jn3
" ' Vu itoJU Drffl.-r.
Written for tlio Ncivi by I) ().
Whilst traveling through the
la d of niyrtu I, boy Iiko, was
building air castlos. I nervd a
man say he liked boys to build air
cas'les if they put foundations
under them. As it is the unture
of boys to sleep, I laid mo down
to sleep. I dreamed I was put
ting foundations under those nir
castles; so I got we a wife, a farm
and stock, and the necessaries
of life, and the best of all three
fine little children which Anna
and I appreciate very much. So
Anna aud I went with a hustle
aud bustle to get those lounda
tians built. But Anna would in
terrupt me now and thon by say
ing we ought to go to church, and
to this and that funeral really
she was sort o' good to the poor;
but I was so busy building found
ations I had no time for any thi:g
like that. Anna would say, "We
ought to sot a better example be
fore our children." I would tel'
her she could set the example.
Then she would say, "That is not
we." Then I would say, "1 have
not time to run to all theso things;
and besides, i think I am just as
good as ono hall of the church
members. 1 am honest, attend
to my own business, and 1 "
Buti jsttheu I iwokeand behold !
it. was a dream, Oh, how I wished
it was real; but like the sluggard
as the door on its hinges turn,
so 1 turned over- on my side to
think over the dream, and behold !
I wont to sleep, as boys do. As 1
slept, I dreaui jd another dream.
The work 1 had done in ray first
dream appeared very nice to the
eye; but. then I heard a small still
voice sayinjr, "Mick, Mick, there
is no spiritual work in all you
have done your treasures are nil
earthly and will perish ! Is it i -written
that where your treasure
is there your hi. art will bo also;
'Know ye not that by your actions
you are influencing your wife and
your children to lay up their
treasures whore rust doth cor
rupt and thieves break through
aD'l steal, and take away "II they
possess even their life. You say
say to this wife and to your ' il
dron the very life of the home
that it is not necessary to repent
aud believe on the Lord J jsus
Christ. Know yy tho parable of
the rich man this night thy soul
will be required .f tee, and it
was said of him ye had your good
things in this life and Lazarus
his evil things. ' Then 1 cried out
"Oh is this death," and I awoke;
but did not wish this dream true.
D. G.
Winter coughs are apt to result
in consumption neglected. They
can be soon broken up by using
Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by
all dealers.
We have been hav ingzero weath
er for several days. The roads
have not been in good condition
for sleiqrhing or sledding for sev
eral days. There is snow enough
but it is not well distributed.
The contracts for carrying the
mail have been made known and
it is found that Howard H. Lay
ton is carrier from Locust Grove
to Hancock, and Aaron Layton,
from Locust Grove to Crystal
Little Tilda Hoopengardner has
been very ill for several days.
Most people are sitting close
to the fire these cold days read
ing the Fulto" County News.
Asa MelloU's house caught fire
the other day and before it was
discovered a large hole had been
burned in the roof. Prompt ac
tion extinguished the (lames, and
saved his home.
Johnnie Martin, who has be
working in Haucock, spent a f
days at his home in the Cove, re
cently. Howard H. Luyton has sold his
share of the, goods and fixtures
in the store of Layton & Garland
to his partner who will conduct
tho business at tho old stand.
toaia tli coutf hand healaluntf
To Cure a GoM in One uay I
Trice Laxative Bronio QpMnm relets. e7
Seven MilHon boe oM In past 13 months. This sisnatUTC, ' .X7trtS'i POX. 25C. I
, . i - -i-
After March 1st, 190!), we will occupy tho Main
Strict stoic room in the Chninbcrsburp Try-t Com
pany Uulldinp looatrd on tho Public Square, for
tho better accomodation and convenience of our pa
trons and the public generally, we deemed, this " ovo
necessary. Several new deparlmri.ts av'u l ap
pertaining to the jewelry business will be added, of
which dun announcement will be made. Tf v.e rea
lize our expectations our new More will bo quite
handsome, commodious, cheei !nl ttrxl inviting, all
of which will bo because of a sonorous public, to
whom we ure very grateful.
Very respoctfully,
Wm. XL Ludwig,
Jeweler & Silversmith,
Chanibersbiucj. Pa.
50 tons feed and Hour
Brand, SI. 25; Flour,
p Mifflinburg Spring Wagons
9 and Buggies
Wagons $0 to 8. Buggies S75.
One car York A Cr i lo Burbles 1 spol:es, rivets rira,
leather cu-hiona, dust-proof bo.v, bra, :er on .'.haf! . full
rul)her top-4-bow, 1S.
1 car of Beaver
iiueiy panned, long nouml, ro.nicl coupling pole, steel
skein, $55, ?i5, and 75.
Standard Fertilizers 13.00. Standard Bono and Pot
ash $14.50. I can supply you with fertilizers any time
from April 1st, to Xo ember 1st.
from 20 cents to 00 cents a gal
lon. Don't be deceived no
body will sell you a 60-cent
oil for 25 cents. ,
Mower og
e. Sections
ami guards for all kinds of
machines at prices lower than
you have ever heard.
on hand; Binder twine, Horse
Hakes in fact farmer's should
remember If they want any
thing in the machinery lino
that I can help them if anybody -can,
The undersigned have oponed
a new mine on the top of Kays
Hill ou the rono" leading from New
Grenada to Robert . dale, about 3
miies from Now Grenada, and are
prepared to furnish any grado of
coal at lowest mine prices. We
?,'narnntee to cive ever j pound ot
coal we ask pay for.
Prices for L'.OOOlbs : Lii'f-oal,
"Sc.; Run of M'ne, 1 2"; all Lump
Wm. Allowav,
Grco. Slkkman,
Proprietor ,
New Grenada. Pa.
Subscribo for tho News.
For Corahs, Ccl:",3 asid Croup,
your nczui una
a ptefcsa.'-', potfr.t, and rifnmsaent
.- j
on hand. Pure fc -ain chop, 1.35;
$1.25 to fl.OO. One carload of
Spring - hand made Farm Wngous, jpt
tho highest market t-.-.ces for
Bides, Calf-Skin?, Pelts and Tallow
In any 8fz?f los-Prompt payments Cur
reputation 10 yonrs' fair dealing Bark
references furnished
FrerGB, Saucs &, Co.
Falling Top
both Factory and Handmade from
$35 to $85
Largo stock on hand all the time
to select from.
Hustontown, Pa.
5' ? 1 F? i 5 vu WW
Prieo j:
50 & 1 1.00 3
Free Trial.
0URt!5 and
fciurebt ai'! UutckeHt C'uro for nil
'HCIT r.d 1TOVB-
USS, or 2COi.'2Y BACK.
t UxtiVU 3 tt a Him G fiLa
flnro. ,lwnv:: i 'Mr hN-. ton, iik TnirfflHt tut
itiA nutnllic Uotos. nciiW'M wild blue rilK)U.
1hino 'ii'. K'rtif ditiiuormii n .-M-luiOiiMuni.
UuiufcUoiiM. Hu ul mr lrtiKli,
in it id lv. in - mi. p. fur I'nr'iculart .Vnf.
in. .intm mi' ;T.)' f,,r l nrti,.,," in lrttr;
fl,,r IM.MOO luetuno:m.! bold t
M0 ifc..iMoii Htj are. I HH,AfA,
JUup;!qii tt.s ppr
..JLi n vmn
Irsvrgoiv.tor fir WOMEN,
Cctlt from your Dru2SsC
Prices for February and March.
30 lb., building paper, per roll. . ..75c.
Tar roofing paper 7."c and $1.
3 07.., bottle of machii e oil 4c.
2 qt., covered bucket 5o.
3 and 4 qt., covered bucket. .8 and 10c.
C and 8 ij! covered buckets ..13 and 20c.
The heaviest No. 8 :r-h boilers. .Krc.
Wood saw double brace..; 40c.
l'.utt traces 4lc.
Lonjf traces per pair. . .48, 58 and 0"c.
Breast chains, per pair 3!c
10 qt tin buckets 10c.
10 qt dairy pails 15c.
12 qt dairy pails 17c.
14 qt dairy pails 20c.
Cobbler seta complete 42c.
Axle grease in buckets 23c.
5 ft cross cut Sriws !ISc.
5 ft cross cut kuws. . . . $1.10.
12- ln. shoeing pincers Orj.
8-in. caryntor pincers 24c.
13- in. wood files Lie.
Wilson whips OPc
ColVee mills
Table oil oloth
..18 and 32c.
We arc now handling tho Walkover shoes at fit. 50 and certainly have sold
a lot of Iheui. See them. We now have a nice lot of new shoes and It will
pay you to see them. In taking an inventory, we find that we have about six
pairs of shoes that we had last yer at this tima.
Don't You Forget it I
We prow larger, while other pet smaller;
Others pet shorter, while we prow talVr;
Others In trade, make a big "holler;"
Put "just the same" we've the trade by tho collar.
And Don't you forgtl it.
Lowney's Goods,
Mixtures nd
Penny Goods.
C. F Scott,
jMcConncllsburp Pa.
J Opposite
Have their new
. Their stock of
Ladies', Misses and
Children's Wraps, and
Ladies' Skirts Ready-to-wear,
is the largest
ever put in the house.
Give them a call.
Geo. W. Rimer Co
VViDdow blinds or shades 8 ' ' .
Curtain poles
Telescopes ".
Suitcases tl '" " - '
Cotton bats ! Ho
Bed blankets O.'i t vl.
Men's overalls ...3H lo 7"c,
Men's cotton pants. Wte t41.1-.
Rolling pins .l"c.
Double spring traps '.' .
Wire cutters and plyers ''
Heavy bridle bits )''
Dinner buckets - S ki.
Dietz lanterns 4
Seo our 53c..ais , , '
A nice matting., f. 10o.
Better ones at ..12, 111, to 25c.
Trunks at ull prices $1.60 to 3.
Lantern globes 5c.
Lamp burners 5 and l'.c.
We have some bargain iJ hnts for
boys and men, a bat that we sold at
45c now is 35c: 8l)c ones at 70c; $1.20
j ones at !)0c, and $1.00, these are b;.r-
t trains.
Fit Right
! Prices.
Reisner a m