The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 01, 1905, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
FEBRUARY 1, 1905.
.Published Weekly. 51.00 per
1 Annum in Advance.
AlV ehtihino nun.
f'.'r -xiuure of Mines 3 times 81 50.
Pit square ptieh Hulwcquent Insertion.... 50.
, aav'risctnrnr.N inserted for tens than
lh; 'r ttioDilischurtred by tne square.
3 in.m. is tnos. 1 yr.
$if on. 1 l.Yi.nri.
;) no. 4i).(X).
40 00. I VvOO.
Ono-hlf 'otumii....
Oi'rt Col'euri
Noth'n. Inserted for lew than II
Profe--''onji Card, one year 86
Some men's ideaa of charity is
to contribute to a campaign fund.
The average man has a better
opinion of himself than tho Lord
has of hi in.
The new woman was a failure
because there were uo new men
to match.
ft is easier for an orator to
make a speech than it is for the
speech to make him.
When a man flatters you put
onyour spectacles and look around
for the ax he has to grind.
Th Niagara river is 36 miles
long, 22 from lake Erie to the falls
and 14 from the falls to lake On
tario. Goat island contains. 61
A California p'i . sician has prov
ed that the prmuss of digestion
is electrical. IJut perhaps the
man cxperimated on was fu!; of
c arreuts.
"Gwandma" said Molhe, look
ing at the wrinkled forehead of
the dear nld lady. "1 finks you
ought logo to the lauudwy and
det your head ironed."
Sen tor Stewart of Nevada be
, gan ui 16 to grow the full beard
" from which time and evolution
have brought his pn-setvt silvery
cmp of whiskers, lie has never
been shaved.
An Arabian woman who is in
mnurning for a near relative ab
stains from drinking milk for
eight days, on tho theory that the
clor of the liquid does not har
monize with her mental form. I understand you are
trying to pay your debts.
Shortleigh Yes, that's right.
DeLong Are you making any
progress? ;
Shortleigh Sure. Why, only
this irvoruing I succeeded in oor
rov i g sjC) from Green for the
purpose of paying Brown the 3
I o-e him.
don't know what to make of
said the lecturer. "I am
afrai'l I ain at the end of my rope.
f li-H'ii fii'ivfiit tit., .f of..r.i.
net's between seven and ten o'
clock at night that 1 can hardly
keepa wake through my lectures."
"I shon'd think the snoring of
3'our audiences would keep you
awake," said Cynicus.
"Didn't 1 understand that you
llirew tho hammer at Yalo ?"
"Yea, I did."
"Well, couldn't you help us out
with some of the hard work to
night? I've been dancing with
that elephant over there till I'm
nearly dead. Try her for the
next d.iuce; she isn't engaged."
"I beg your pardon, she I. en
gaged; we're to be married next
Every evil and wasteful habit
draws upon our strength and re
sources without making any
proper return. On the other
baud, every task faithfully done,
every responsibility manfully
borno in the path of duty, stead
ies us like well-bestowed ballast.
There are loads that help as well
as loads that hinder. The first
we should cheerfully take up and
the latter resolutely cast off.
A Thousand Dollar Throws Away.
Mr. W. W. Baker, of Piainview,
Neb., writes: " My wife had lung
trouble for over fifteen years.
We tried a number of doctors
and spent over a thousand dol
lars without any relief. She was
very low and 1 lost all hope, when
a friond suggested trying Foley's
Hooey and Tar. which L did; and
thanks be to this great remedy,
it saved her life. She is strong
er and eujoys better health than
she has ever kuown in ten years.
We shall nevei bo without Foley's
Honey and Tar and would ask
those afflicted to try it." Sold
by all (h'-ilers.
Penna. State Cap
Park Should Be Extended (o AN
ford 5ettinff For State Building.
A bill will shortly be presented in
tbo state legislature at Harrisburg for
the extension of the state capitol park,
a project which haa been urged for
years, and which In the oplulon of
everyone who has seen the new state
capitol. Is needed if -the magnificent
structure Is to be given an adequate
setting. This measure has been out
lined and will receive the hearty sup
port of members of the legislature
Crom all parts of the state.
The plan for park extension has
been endorsed by Architect Huston,
whose plans have been carried out for
the new capitol, and to whom is due
the splendor of the building which is
rising on historic Capitol Hill. It has
been a subject which has received
periodical attention for many years,
but which never took definite shape
before. Now general lntotest In all
parts of the state has been aroused,
md since tho proportions of the state's
new official home can be seen it Is
realized that unless something is done
to provide more room the structure, on
which there has been expended a
wealth of Idea and millions of state
money, will be practically hidden. A
building notable for its stately appear
ance, Its handsome decoration and
beautiful material, is bring built in the
midst of a city, so that it -will be un
appreciated unless one goes almost bo
side it.
In order to appreciate this condition
it Is necessary to give some idea of
the location of the state house at Har
rlsburg. The building is being erected
on Capitol Hill, an eminence which is
from eight to 15 feet above the streets
In the heart of Harrisburg, and which
Is bounded on all sides by paved thor
oughfares lined with business and resi
dential buildings, some of which, es
pecially on the side which it is pro
posed to take, are anything but beau
tiful. On the west tide of the capitol
park stretches the chief residence dis
trict of the city containing many tine
homes, several of the city's largest
churches, the new Y. M. C. A. building,
one new theatre, the government's
stately granite building and for which
ore projected a Masonic temple and a
Roman Catholic cathedral, which will
cost far over half a million dol
lars, In addition to other buildings. To
extend on this side would be Manifest
ly impossible because of the expeiiso
even though it is bounded two squares
from the capitol by the beautiful Sus
quehanna. The proposed improvements are to
be on the east side. If It bad been
destined by the founders and builders
of the capitol to have It taken into the
park some day It could not have been
planned better. It has never been de
veloped worth speaking about. It con
tains some industrial plants, none of
them attractively built, a soap factory
or two, a market and some small
churches, the bulk of the buildings be
ing small and many of them rickety
frame buildings, characteristic of tho
poorest sect inn of a city. ome ld"a
of their character can oh gleaned from
the photographs presented.
Because oi' (his growth of the city
there are just two point i from which,
there can be nhialrmd food views of
the new state house. One is on Slate
street, west, where from a distance of
a block a view embracing about, he.lf
of the front of the building, with i'.s
flight of steps, can oe hnd. Kxtension
of the park there Is considered out of
the question because of the expense.
On the east side State street givs the
other view, equally circumscribed. At
no place can there be obtained a view
of the state house o that its decora
tion and graceful outline an be satis
factorily observed. On the side where
it is proposed to make the extension
of the park the capitol rises from a city
street, towering so that even on the
opposite Bide of the highway It Is
necessary to crane, on' neck to see
(jive Your Stomach a ktsl.
Your food must be properly di
gested and assimilated to be of
any value to you. If your stom
ach is weak or diseased take Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests
what you eat and gives tho stom
ach a rest, euabling it Lo recuper
ate, take on new life and grow
strong again. Kodol cures sour
stomach, gas bloating and heart
palpitation and all digestive dis
orders. L. A. Soper, of Little
Rock, Ky., writes us: "We feel
that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure de
serves all the commendation that
can be Riven It, as it saved the
life of our little girl when she was
three years old. She Is now six
and we have, kept it for her con
stantly, but of course she only
takes it now when anything dis
agrees with her." Sold at Trout's
drug store.
I! I I I I pifyf W
tol Building as it will appear when ccinijleted
tho balustrade on top of the main
The section which It Is proposed to
take contains four streets running
north nnd south and an equnl numher
Toward Capital Building from
whom the eastern outlook from the
capitol has been -in yesore, and who
realize that at comparatively small
cost the pprk can V extended sc that.
the $,f,Po,tso capitol will not be hid-
J L-'i
T- tl lira f a lit
Looking west on South
Nathan Truax and bister, Miss
Franoie, of Sipes Mill, spent from
Friday until Suudav with the
family of N. II. Evans.
C. W. Snyder spent Sunday at
his home near f Jein.
VV. II. Peck spout Sunday with
his mother Mrs. Nancy Peek.
G. J. Mellott iias recovered his
missing dog, after a bug trip in
Whips Cove.
Tho young peoplo are making
use of the fine sleddiug.
The Gem items that appeared
in tho Fulton County News of
January. 18th, were all true not
a word was exaggerated. The
poem "veraoity" in the News of
January L'.'ih, was not bad for a
beginner. Withalittlepraaicetho
author may come forth a a liter
ary star of tho first miqguitndo.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R Mellott,
of McConnellsburg, wjre visiting
relatives in this vu hiu
y lust Sun-
rtmnl!!-. east i-ml west, tti"r i;eirer niso
sever." 1 alloy wlio.-e removal would
be a go'ii ihiu,: f r all cmirc ,'uoil. This
project Li's l.-issr n a favorite one
with I.!W: i ' a;id Mate of'.icj-l.i to
M ': ! III. -
Fifth Street on North Avenue.
den, but can b ; I v i : :i a setting like
those ft otin-r stre.-, r.hil where the
i citizen of i'l'invylvev! n:ay view
! with r' i'l" tin: nniu-'tl- !:i d i ar-Iio! of
his fctnt-.
!,;' ;-
-,r, WlZ,
Avenue from Fifth Street,
Public is AroicJ.
The public isarousr-d toakuowl
j edge of tho curative morts of
I that medicinal tonic, Eu:c-
! teir. 1 '.ititii'j f. .c t:il.' .1
liver and Mary II, Wai
ters, of fill) St. lair Ave , Colum
bus, Ohio, writes: "For several
months 1 was given up to die. 1
had fever and ague, my nerves
were wrecked; 1 could not sleep,
and ' my stomach was so weak
, from useless doctors' drugs, that
1 1 could not. Soon attcr beginning
to take Electric Bitters, I obtain
ed relief, and in a short time I
jwas entirely cured." Guaian
! teed at T 'out's drug store; price
I :,0a.
Grocer C. C. Homier has been
I cot. fined to his imrno for sevorUl
I days bn ae-connt of an uyl y attack
orijuinsy. Claroeco Seville has
Mm. mmm
ri A ! f I -Y "A '' L V.rS 1' v i ' iJi.l i IFaI 1
cliarge of the storo.
Miss Elsie Laidig of this place,
spent last week as fruunt of her
cousin, Miss Pearl, near Ilustou
town. Miss Maude Fields of Clear
Ridge, was tho guest of Miss Lil
lian Miller Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Maud is the teacher of Wine
gardner school which is progress
ing nicely under her instructions.
J. D. Kuopper and C. E. Stev
ens attended the institute at Clear
Uidgo Friday night.
Tho guests of Howard llaruelt
at Waterfall last Sunday were
David Kjoppyr, wite and son,
Win, Kueppor and wife, and Mis
Flossi', Fred, Howard, Mary and
little Ei' man.
That Ticklinn in Hie Throat.
Ono minute after taking Oue
Minute Cough Cure that tickling
in the throat is gone. It acts in
the throat not the stomach.
Harmless good for children. A.
L SpolTord, postmaster at Ches
ter, Mich , says: '-Our little girl
was unconscious from strangula
tion d'ltiDg a suddeirand terrible
attack of croup. Three doses of
One Mi nute Cough Cure half an
hour apart speedily cured her. I
cannot praise One Minute Cough
Cure too much for what it has
done in our family." It always
ives relief. Sold at Trout's
drug store.
Falling Top
both Factory and Handmade from
$35 to 385
.Larue stock on band all the time
to select from.
w. re. EVANS,
Ilustontown, Pa.
from 2" i-i'iiU to fil cents a gal
lon. Don't be deceived no
body will soil you a 60-cent
oil for 2o cents.
and pruards for all kinds of
machines at prices lower than '
you have ever heard.
on band; Binder twine, Horse
Hakes in fact farmer's should
remember if they want any
thing in the machinery line
that I can holp them if anybody
YL Connellsbu rg
Private Sale.
Intending to quit the lumber
business and go to Pittsburg, 1
'.vill sell at private salo '2 good
I raft horses, will workany where,
t good bay mare 7 years old, 1
cilt 7 months old, 1 Milburu wag
on good as new, guaranteed to
carry 5 tons, 2 sets Yankee har
ness. For further particulars
call on or address
W. II. Sl'Ai.K,
Locust Grove, Pa.
The undersigned have opened
a no ninio on the top of Kays
Hill ou tho road leading from New
Greuada to Kobertsdale, about 3
niiies from New Grenada, and are
prepared to furnish any grade of
coal at lowest mine prices. We
guarantee to give every pound ol
coal we ask pay for.
Prices for 2,000 lbs: Lime coal,
75i: ; lttiri of Mine, 1 25; all Lump
Wm Ai.i.owav,
Gko. Buckman,
I . Proprietors,
Now Grenada, Pa. '
om tHm cough aAcl lunrfa
,V4 t
! ii. r-': i
vuvtrs xne rieiu.
X In every part of the
X County faithful re-
X porters are located
X that gather the daily
Then there is the
t State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
Markets. The Sun
day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
Endeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style along that line.
I (Sample copies of
tne news sent to any
oi your triends on
TIME TABLE. Nov 27, 1904 0
p. u
10 10
io m
10 54
II 16
II tl
12 02
12 21
18 40
4 23
7 13
Train No. 12 east runs dally except Sunday
'letween llagerxtown and Uurrisburg, leaving
HaKuratowu i.o5 and arriving- at Uurrlbbur at
Additional eant-bound looul trulus will run
latly, exueut Sunday, aa rollowH: Leave
Oarllsle 7.0ft a. m 12.30 p. m. 3.15 p. m,. leave
ucuiiuuiuBiiurK o.m m., t.ea a. m.. i-b p. m.i
.uu p. ui. i.citvo uuMuurg a, m.. jo.oo a
:n., 6.23 p. ra..
Tralmi Noh. 2.8 and 110 run dally between Ha-
sdidluwu Miiu nambUurK-
Daily except Sunday.
Leave no. i uo 4 no. S uo. t:o.lo
. . t. m p. u ti. a
Vinohester 7 i .... 2 () 6 Su
-lartlnsbui-K H 15 2 4" 7 14
ilaui-rstown .... 8 4-! it () it 17 3 8:1 8 00
lieeuoiiMlu .... 031 0 21112 HH 3 Ni H 21
Vjereoreburir I uilO 3u 8j....
:huiuLun,l)iirg.. 1 t. o V 1 00 4 ai iTib
Vuynehboro 7 0o 12 00 3 so ....
ihlpiicusburg... 7 411 10 05 1 21 4 50 9 0(1
1ewvme 8 0? 10 2K 1 41 5 00 9 24
HI lisle 8 fH 10 44 2 0H IS 113 a 4ft
.levhunlciburs,. 8 4X II OS 223 AM 10 07
Hllsbuin 10 oo B 23
vrr, ilurrisburK. 9 05 II 20 2 40 8 10 10 2fi
rr. Phllu 11 4H 8 17 5 47 8 50 i at
Vrr. New York. (03 5 53 8 on II 23 7 13
Vrr Hultlmore.. 12 15 8 11 6 (Hi 9 4H 20
I. U. P. li. P. M. P. II. A. M.
lave no. 1 no. 8 no. o no. 7 no. B 100
P." .M A.M 4.M p. M P.M.
lialtlmore UN, 4 44 8 56 12 00 i 1,6 8 30
N e w If oi k 7 55 12 10 8 55 2 55 5 56
!'nll IH0 4 26 8 40 II 40 5 30 8 25
lurrlHburtt 6 00 7 55 II 46 8 26 8 26 11 05
I Ullsburif 850 40c
.'.leuhanicsburg.. 6 19 8 16 12 03 8 II 8 43 11 23
'arlwle 6 40 8 37 12 21 4 0" 9 04 II 42
ewvllle 8 01 8 6K 12 4 4 IO 9 24 12 02
Shlppensburg... 20 9 17 1 111 4 80 9 42 12 18
A'ayncNboro 10 87 8 00 6 4M
i:haiubersburtf.. 8 40 9 36 1 27 4 6(1 10 00 12 3fl
Meroertihurif.. . 8 16 10 80 5 63 . ..
lireenuaHlle .... 7 06 0 Hi 1 50 5 21 10 24 12 58
lUKerotown .... 7 27 10 22 8 10 6 41 10 45 I 15
MartlnHliurir 8 20 11 0" 8 21...
Ar. Wlnohemor. 9 16 11 50 7 10
A. M. A. M. r. M. P. M. P. M A. M.
Iniin No. 17 went run daily except Snnday
between llurrlsburir and HuirAr.i..uin ii-.
'ng HarrlNbui g at 6.15 p,m. and urrlvlng at Htt-
Additional local trains will leave Harrisburg
us follows: For Carlisle and Intermediate sta
tion!: ai 11.37 a. in.. 2.00 p. in. and 8.30 p. m., also
(orMechunlcsburg, Dlfisburg and Intermediate
Hiiuioiihui 7 au a. in., x.10 p. in. and 8.30 p. m.
Trains Nos. 1, 8 and 109 run dally between
tlarrlsbun and tlagerstown.
Hullmun palace sleeping oars between Nev.
York and Knoxvll e, Tenn., on trains I west
(Mid 110 east and beLwenn MhllRilHlnh a anil
Welsh on N. & W. Hallway on trains 109 west
ano i east, except that on Sunday the Phlla
leliihla sleeper will run east on No. 8.
Through coaches to and from I'hlladelpblo
on trains 2 and 4 east and 7 and t west.
t Dally exoept Sunday. .
P. M
i 06
6 1'i
P. H,
4 01
1 40
a in
8 4H
8 40
P. H.
9 41
9 5(1
6 M) 10 80
8 13 10 5s
8 20111 Of,
Vice Pres. & iiea. Supt. SuDt.
H. A. RIDDLE, Ueu. Pass. Agont.
Dr. King's
lhi Discovery
Consumption ?rie
tun I CU(1HS and 500 &si.oo
W()-DS Fret Trial.
f Buryat had Uuickost Cure for U
Mix Pas. Mix.
till t4 t68
A u Lve. Arr. amah
8 65 Cuambereburg.. 8 45 11 50
7 14 .... .Marion 8 33 II 82
8 16 ..Meroursburg.. 8 00 10 80
8 50 Loudon 7 38 9 42
9 05 ....Riohivoad.... 7 80 9 80
A. M; A. U. A. it.
First class
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cup and To wo I with each Shave
Everything AntUfptio,
Kaxorn Steiiliz.tO.
r8hop In room lately ocoupled by V3 lliske
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up to date in nil style nf hair rut
ting Vnlok, easy shuvex. iiuv-riiui. Crenn.s-
Iti'h-liilr.el. without ertrft vhargo. Kiesh
el to each customer. Latest Improved i p,
oArntuN for sterilizing tools, i'arloit. pptmito
Fulton House.
Attorney at Law,
Ollice on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All legal business and colleitlloDS entrust!
will ei'elve careful and prompt uttent.lon.
D. p.. Pastor. PrrttcMnjr ' i-vlt'.9
each alternate Sahbnlh ui 10:30 a. in.
and every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Services at Groon' Hill on aHernntc
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. bhbbnt.h
school at 9:15. Junior Christian I'.n
deavor at 2:00. Christian Kndeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Methodist KPiscoPAi-Kev. J. V.
Adams, Pntnr. Sunday School
at. 9:30 a. m. Preachlnr every other
Sunday morning at 1"..:0 and every
Sunday evening at l-.w. F,iwortii
ragut at fi:iK) p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday eveuinu at 7:00.
United Presbyterian Hev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school ijl !):,'!U
a. m. Preachinp every Sunday inorq
Ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday
ovoning at":00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by the Youn Peo-
plo's Christian Union at 7:00 p. i.
Prayer niectiiiL' Wcdnoriday evor.l '
at 7:00.
M'AN(.:r i, .,, 1 .I"."!1R!AS--I!ev. A.
G. Wolf, 1 i, :-tint:i:y school H:l.i
a. m. 1'rein'liini! ocry oilier buntlsy
tnornino; at 10:30 and e 1 y ollu-r Sun
day (iveninp at 1:H). c'hrlstiua I'.n
deavor at 6:00 p. ri. 1 'raver meetlnjr
on Wedriestluy evenintr n.l."7:00.
Rekohmicd Itev. C. M. Smith, Pa -tor.
Sunday school t 9:30 a. m.
Preaching on altcrnato Sabbaths at
10:00 a. in. and 7:00 p. m. C hrist un
Endeavor at 0:00 p. m. l'rayrr meet-'
injr on Wednesday evening- pit, 7:00.
ti.hms or corn r.
The first term of the Courts ..f F
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday fnllowintf th" second
Monday of Januory.ut 10 t cock 11. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, tit. 2 o't.ork
p. m.
The third term on the Tucsdav net
following the bccord Jlonday ofjui ,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
f Outuhur, at :i'-c p. m.
llOUlllCll Ol TICKKS.
Justice of the Peace Thomas V.
Sloan, L. IX. Wihle.
Constable John IX. Doyle.
Iturtress II. W. Scott.
Cotineilmen D. T. Fields, Leonard
Hohman, Samuel Hender.M. W. Kuce.
Clerk William Pull.
II i(rh Constable Wm.Hanninfardner.
School Directors A. U. Nave. John
A. lrvtin, Thomas F. Sloun. F. M.
Taylor, John Comerer, C. U. Sievens.
President Judge Hon. S.Mc. Swone.
Associate Judges David Nelson. W.
II. Mender.
Prothonotary, Ac Ceo. A. Harris.
District Attorney George li. Dan
iels. Treasure! A. CJ. Lauver.
Sheritr J. G. Alexander.
Deputy SherirT W. II. Nesbit .
Jury Commissioners Simon Desh
ong. Dennett A. Truax.
Auditors W. C. Davis, Ceo. W.
Glenn, J. A Myers.
Commissioners S. D. Mellott, Geo
Sigel, and H. P. Palmer. .
Clerk Frank Henry.
County Surveyor A. J. F .re.
County Superintendent Charles ft
Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J.
Nelson Sipes, Thomas 1 Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. K. olistiTupr, Gee.
B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W.
Kirk. '
Odd Fellows -M'Coir.ieiIsbur.'Loilfrn
No. Hi meets every Fridav evening iu
tne Comerer Building In McCoe.ella
burg. Fort Lltt.1nt.nn T.r1
--wuu W! JJJT- '
very Saturday evening in the Cromer
uuiuuiijf at r ort Liittieton.
Wells Vnllev T..,rlo !, Iin7 n...f
every Safardav evening in Odd l-'ei-lows'
Hall at Wells Tar -ry.
Hinrisoiivillo Lodge No. 701 meets
every Saturday evening iu Odd Fel
lows' Uall at HarrisoijvilK!. , v.
Wafcrf H 11 Lflflirfl n. 7'.'t mnfila txw
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows'
XI.. 11 a tl r ........ 1 1 ,;tl
riiu at y uteriaii .viins,
WarfordsburB- Lodye No. (101 m..f.i.a
In Warfordsbiui' verv Kutnniu
Kino- PostG. A. TV ant ,., 1.,
MoOmnellsburg In Odd Fellows' Mall
the tirst Saturday in every month at 1
U. Ill,
TTnvnl Aivummi fr,, ........ r...
No. 121. mnit.u An 11 li ..... t.. 1.r,.1,...
evenings In P.. O. S. of A. Hall, In
McConnellsburg. '
Washington Camp No.l7, P. O. S.
A XT 1 . ...
n... ui iibw urenatia, meets every t-ut-urday
evening in P. O, S. of A. Hall.
Washington Caum, No. 554, P. O.S.
of A., Ilustontown, meets every Satur
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hull.
Jnlm O To .,!... Pij. C. A I XT.,
w ...... I.J . wnv v.. Jfc., U.
589, meets every Saturday, on or ju.ij
rtln..trl1nfV full ilifum in T u.1.1,...
at 2 p. ni., at Buck Va!l'y.
Woman's Keller Corns, No. 80
meets at same date and plaoe at 4 p.m.
Gun" II. fi. Mi-KDil.ln xt,, j.o
O. A. S., meets the second atd fourth
"aitiraays in e&cn month st 1'leasa n
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Tbe Fultca Canty Nns.
For Cou-!, Val'a jtnJ Croe