IS ftKEsTING PARAGRAPHS 01 Local and General Interest, Gathered al Home or Clipped from our Exchange. CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS Paul Wagner is paying 7 and 8 cents a pound for beef liides. Fou Salk. Quiet family bay horse. Good driver gentle and Hiife Inquire at the News office. S. A. Nesbit took a sledload of tho .young folks to Fort Littleton last night. Miss Jennie Stewart of Green hill, spent last Thursday night the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Wtble. , Fatal kidney and bladder trou bles can always be prevented- by tho ue ol Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by all dealers. A sledding party from town spent Tupsday evening very pleas antly at tho homo of Miss Katie Foro Knobsville. Kx-Commissioner John Stunk ard, Hunter Truax and A. D. Keith all of Wells, spent Tues day night at tho Fulton House. J. L. llichard and son Charles, were in town yostorday. Charles has been in Ohio during the past fifteen years and is homo now for a two weeks visit. Hesaystimes arc brisk out in Ohio. Tho many friends of G. H. Hau san, Engineer L. E. & W. U. R., at present living in Lima, Oliio., will be pleased to know of his re covery fiom threatened kidney disease Ho writes: "I was cured by using Foley's Kidney Cure, which I recommend to all, espec ially trainmen who are usually similarly attlictod. " Gem. Prof. 15. N. Palmer and Miss Mae McEldowney, and Harvey Snyder and Miss Etta Evans at tended Dunkard church Sunday evening. A merry hob-sled party attend ed Miss Minnie Funk's institute at Gordon's school in Bethel town ship. The crowd was composed of Prof. 15. N. Palmer, Miss Mae McEldowney, Harvey Snyder, Miss .flattie Funk, II. L. Peck, Miss iWa Funk, Charles Fittery, Miss Orphu Snyder, S. L. Wink and MissT. M.Snyder. A good time is reported and tho institute a suc cess. There will bo a local institute at Maplo Grove school Friday night. Our merchant, G. J. Mellott, put up ice last week. Mr. Sum Hess and Pott McKee are hauling limestone for a kiln. Mrs.C.W. Snyder is on tho sick list. Mr. X. H. Peck expects to re turn to his homo Wednesday, aft er visiting two weeks with rela tives and friends in Fulton. CLEAR RIOOH. Everybody seems to be enjoy ing the tine sleighing. Th! re vival services are going on, and many persons are con fessing Christ. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens and little daughter, of McCon uellsburp, visited Mrs. Stevens' parents N. B. Henry and wife, over Saturday night. Mrs. Mintio Miller spent Mon day at tho home of J. W. Mowers and wife. James Deaver, of Woodvale, spent Sunday with, J. K. Wood cock's family. John Alexander and wife, near Dry linn, and Miss Millie Fields, of Fort Littleton, we're guests of rand mother Fields last Satur day. Joseph Alexander, of Willow Hill, was tho guest of his sister, Mrs. J. H. Mowers, Tuesday night. Charlie Arasley and wife re- lurned from Franklin county to the homo of tho latter's parents, J. V. Car mack's last Sunday. Miss Louio Brown visited last weak at tho heme of Amos Sipes, near Fort Littleton. Mrs. J. P. Kerliu had the mis fortune to fall a short time ago and has boon nursing a crippled arm .since. .'Jert ljenry and family were visiting J. , P. Kerhn's last Sun day. A SURMISE PARTY. A pleasant surprise party may ho given to your stomach and liv t'.r, by taking a medicine which will relievo their pain and discom tort, vi.; )r. Kiug's Now Life Pills. They are a. most wonder ful remedy, affording sure reltef and cure, for headache, dizziness and constipation, 5o at Trout's drug store. Local Instituted ' Tho third educational meeting of Tod township, -was held at Summer's school, Friday even ing, January 13th. The meeting was called to order by the teach er, (J. C. ltotz, who was elected chairman. The questions for discussion ..... . i were: 1. What snouia a cniia know when he enters school? The main thought of the different teachers was: willing obedience, honesty and industry. 2. The functions of the Public School. The school has two main func tions. It owes on to the State, and the other to the children to train them to be good, honest, in dustrious citizens. 3. How can we keep out of the rut? Have a definite aim, and keep up with the times by reading and study. Attend the local insti tutes and associate with other teachers, were the principal thoughts suggested by tho speak ers. Superintendent Barton was present and took part in the dis cussion of each qnestion, and the teachers present were: Prof. Thomas, Prof. Lamoerson, Amos Peightel, Jessie Gress, Minnie Mock, Beckie Rotz, Blanche Peck and Louise Everts. The discussions were inter spersed by a number of songs and recitations by the pupils, and also by music given by seme col ored men. The next meeting will be held at Woodburn, January 27. Olive Grissinger, Secretary. There' will be a local institute at Clear Ri dge school, Friday ev ening, January 27th. Topics for discussion: 1. How May the Teacher Gain and Retain the At tendance of the class? 2 The school as a Social Factor 3. What is the best course to pursue with persistently idle pupils ? All teachers, patronsand friends of education are invited to attend and tako part in the discussions. Elsie Baker, teacher. The third educational meeting of the teachers of Bethel town ship, was held at Gordon's school last Friday evening. The meet ing was called to order by the teacher, Minnie Funk, and J, H. H. Lewis was chosen chairman. The questions were: 1. Oral and written reviews: Importance; How conducted. 2. Reading; Im portance; How taught. 3. The influence of school upon pupil, patron and community. All the teachers from the town ship were present but one, Miss Letitia Peck from Thompson was present, and Prof. B. N. Palmer brought a sled load of teachers from Belfast. The school rendered some songs and recitations. The meeting was well attended and excellent or der was maintained. Chas. Fegley, secretory. In Bed Four Week! with La Grippe. . We have received tho following letter from Mr. Roy Kemp, of Angola, Ind. "I was in bod four weeks with la grippe and 1 tried many remedies and spent consid erable for treatment, but I re ceived no relief until I tried Fo ley's Honey and Tar. Two small bottles of this medicine cured me and now I use it exclusively in my family." Talre no substitutes. Sold by all dealers. STONY RIDUE. C. M. Sipe has been engaged in making shingles these cold snowy days. That is right 0. M. There was a party held at Al fred Sipes' last Saturday even ing in which there were many pleasant games played. ISoys, lisien for wedding bells close to Atidover. Amos D. Peightel, teacher of Compulsion, received a fine Christmas present from part of his scholars. Harry Sipe spent Saturday and Sunday the guest of Amos Peigh tel and attended tho institute at Summers', Friday evening. Died: Infant son ol Gilbert Dishong and wife. There was quite an interesting spelling match called to order by Harry and Richard Sipe at Com pulsion last, Friday, and when the smoke of the battle had clear ed away it was found that every one was standing. Hurrah for Compulsion ! Who cm boat it? Edward Mellott, of Ilhnoisfis visiting among relatives and fnonds in this community. Miss Allie Lewis Married. Miss Alice Virginia Lewi9, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. Tl. H. Lewis of Franklin Mills, was ou the 23J of last mouth married to 'Mr. Fraiicu M. Doylo at Fres no, California. Miss Lewis wa9 formerly one of Fulton's best teachers, and her husband since his return from the Philippines is successful druggist in Fresno, a beautiful city ol .,000 people, where they' will reside. Mrs. Doyle will ac cept the best wishes of her many Fulton county friends. Bnya and Cljare.led. Probate Officer W. C. Johusou ! of Kansas City, addressing an j audience of several hundred boys in that city, said cigarettes caus ed nearly all the downfalls among youths. "Out of 40 boys who have been taken into the juvenile court," said Mr. Johnson, D." per cent were cigarette smokers. I never saw a boy who played hookey from school but did not also smoke cigarettes. This hab'.t is the beginning of crime. I know a little fellow on tho West side who lies on the bed for two and three hours at a time smoking cigarettes. Ho has become ad dicted to the habit and says he cannot stop it. Ho will bo sent to a reform school where ho can't get the poisonous things. Two boys were caught stealing in a store not long ago. Each was a cigarette smoker. In nearly ev ery case where a boy breaks into a store the first thing he steals is tobacco." The connection- between tobac co and toughness in a boy seems to be much the same as that be tween whiskey and crime in a man. The injury of cigarette smoking to youth is not merely physical. It mvariubiy leads h i ci intoibad associations that pervert his ideas of mauliuess. A gang of boys secretly smoking cigar ettes submit to the leadership of tho toughest in the gang. There is magic power in tho practice to lower all to the level of tho lowest. The boy who things it is manly to smoke has a wrong u otiou of manliness. Hois training him self to admire and emulate man's vices instead of ihs virtues. He is cultivating the qualities that count for failure instead of suc cess. The companionship and moral influence that a boy comes into through cigarettes is like that which a man comes into through drink the kind that de bases. Beat Iter Double. "I knew no one for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mrs. An nie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa, "and when I got better, although 1 had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double, and had to rest my hands on my knees when I walked. Prom this terrible affliction I was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restor ed my health and strength, and now 1 can walk as straight as ev er. They aro simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney disorders; at Trout's drug store; price 50c. COAL! COAL I The undersigned have opened a new mine on the top of Rays Hill on the road leading from New Grenada to Robertsdale, about 3 miies from New Grenada, and are prepared to furnish any grade of coal at lowest mine prices. We guarantee to give every pound ol coal we ask pay for. Prices f r 2,000 lbs : Limer oal, 75c; Run of Mine, $1.25; all Lump $1.75. Wm. Alloway, Gko. Sleeman, Proprietors, New Gionada, Pa. OaWIH'a LI ittie. sbutriv Miavrs The f amoui little pills. tjfe JAYNE'S Tcke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Sovon MiOion loiet o)d In povt 13 months. ThlS Signature, PAUL REVERE The above is an illustration of our beautiful Paul Kovere Tea-spoon. This graceful pattern U ono of Iho handsomest styles ever put upon the American market. It is made only in Sterling Silver and the de sign Is patented. Tea-spoons (s all size) $10 do.. !K)e each. Tea spoons (full size) ?12 and $14 dozen. Dessert-spoons 20 do. , $.1.50 pair. Dessert r'orks ' $20 do.., $1.75 each. Table-spoons $27 do., 4-2 ill! -;n-li. Pesort Knives $:I0 dozen. Dinner Knives .'17 .do.. Shall we mall you u siitnplw? to' V M SX 0 H0 A0 0 n.0 M n.0 f Mllf 1 0 0.0mM, rtJ'lllf Jfi 0 0 I A Blizzard 0 0 to 0. 0 to 0X 0. 0 0 0 lias no terrors for the man who is clad in one of those warm STOKM OVKUCOATKS sold at tho store o! A. I'. NACK SOX. They not only have a 1 i .r lot of storm coats with hg warm eollars, but they can suit you in any kind of an overcoat for street or dress. It does not piiy to bother making .suits for the chil dren when you have such a variety to select from at Mace's: and the low prices will astonish you. We have just marked the price of a lare lot of Hoy's Suits away down. Thero is practically no end to the1 as sortment of I'udcrwear, Suspenders, Collars and Gloves. It means a whole lot to jret the rijjht kind of a HAT when you buy not only in price, but In quality and style. V e have the correct style. to 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 i A. U, 0 to 0 0 to McConnellsburg, Pa. js a 00m000m000000)t-00000l000'0m00 0l000JI 0T0,0000.V.'-0H00W0'K0.00,0-0 C0y, ;1 American i" Review The more Magazines Indispensable is The Review of Reviews "Indispensable." "The one magazine I fuel I must take," "The world under a field-plass," "An education in public altairs and current literature," these are come of the phrasw one hears from noted people who read the Review of Reviews. T he more magazines there are, the more rwcuary is the Review of Reviews, because it brings together the best that I is in all the most important monthlies ot trie woriu. ourn mo nooa or periodical literature that nowadays people say that the only wcy to keep up ...:.U : .. A r-.-l iKm l?,vii-unf 1?v!.lv p'nlirelu nver nnfl jilinvi-this review. ing section, it has more original matter and illustrations than most magazines, and the most timely and important articles printed in any monthly. Probably the most useful section of all is Dr. Albert Shaw'n illusl rated "Prog. ( .L.. " uliM mil. lie vn!.. nnrl i4tie arf n,l hnrimh velv And liiruilv explained in every issue. Many a subscriber writes, " This department alone is worth more than the price of the magazine." The unique cartoon department, depicting current history in caricature, is another favorite. The Review ol Review covers live Continents, and yet is American, first and foremost. Men in P'iblic life, the members of Congress, professional men, and the great captains or uiciusiry wno must Keep women til over America, have decided THE REVIEW OF 13 Astor P!n?e, New York Rff s mi s pnTPm bniUriLDtLiViJ e CMPI tP9 (.ilUhlUII mm L PILLS ftnf. Always rllnble. Indira, tvilc rtniplst fbr 1114 III HTIJt N l.rll nt KmI Hii.l 4s)oli MH.lulllC! bOXl'S, Ktfivll'li Willi I'tUt) nhll'lt), TiiUe n illir. lli'fimt diiiiitvroir ulMli ultinnud liuit a(lHN. liny wl you. . tn,i, or Htii(i -!. in niunij. lor lartli'ilant, iti uionluU tin 'I "tHfilrf I'nr lulif." intr"i by riuin null. 1U.OUU TesUmuiilnla, tiu'u j U irutiiiir. OHlOHliiUTl-IR CHEMICAL CO. luO ndliua Miur, fHMLAn PA AlMCtlou thU pmpv. -3L 1 Cf I f 0 -At To Ciire a Cold in One Day WM. II. LUDWIG, Jeweler and Silversmith, v Chambcrsbiini, Pa. Y 0 V r 0 : p 0' . 0 to 0 a 0 0 m 0 0 0 r 0 f e 0 Si Year - - is Monthly Reviews there are, the more up wan uic nine, minuem men aim that it is indispensable. REVIEWS COMPANY Pneumonia follows La Grippe but never follows the use of Honey and Tar It stops the Cough end henls the luogi. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption. Ma. Q. VAcnau, of 157 Osgood St., Chicago, vrltos: "My wife had la ffrippa and it left har with very bad coukq on har luugs which koLBi's HoMiti 4NO Tab cured oompleUly," - For Sale at Trout's Druer Storo J W 4i 11 tumoio .nianiriu rorncuy lor cir ea&es of ' the Throat, and Lungs, known used tiiu world over for almost u Century. Cure Crip In Two Days. on every (yA CfrV DOX.Z3C NACE & SON, FOLEY'S The Racket Store, Wc give the Red TratT- i.ig Stamps Prices for Lndips' rublicr IiboIm 15c pair. Mou'g rubber hceN 20c " Pen tablets 5, H and 0e. Pencil talilets 1, .'I tind 5c. Composition bonks 4c. I I leeeipt books 4c. l'otintuin pens ( Kiltie make) 1.25. I!ox paper 5. 8, 10, and l.'lo. Checker boards !)c. Lead pencils I to 4c. Men's Moeco uti'l kid (rloves 2:Ho !tt)c. A ten cent cuke toilet soap 4c. Dominoes 4c. Ladies' vests, j;ood 21c. ioytilieavy llriced sbirt and drawers24c We have sold now 1 caso or .'12 do.., ol'tlie l!lo. nu n' underwear autl liuve trot in another lot of sumo goods. Try it no better made i:tc. Men's guaranteed wool underweiir M0c Men's heavy cotton and wool top shirts 4"i, liH, and !0e. Men's work crlov.-'s and mittens 2'l, 45, 75 and '.!. We f -el it our dut, to lliunlc the people of l'ulton county for the nice In crease in our biisineMj this year. We have sold more horse blankets, cordu roy pants, and bed blankets, and on underwear we have never sold so much. Call and see this line even if you have bought. See our children's clothinjr. HULL Sc B NDER, Proprietors. ' Don't You Forget It! Wo (rpow larger, while oilier ret smaller; Others pet shorter, while wo jsrow taller: Others in trade, make a bij,' "holler;" Hut "just the same'' we've the trade by the collar. And Don't you fortrnt it. C. F Scott, McConnellsburg, Pa. J Opposite I'ostollice. J Geo. 1 Have their new FALL ; WINTER Their stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's Wraps, and Ladies' Skirts Ready-to-wear, is the largest ever put in the house. Give them a call. Geo. I. Reisner $ Co, MicCoiinellsbra"-! And have the . Premiums. Docombor. Boys' mittens nnd (floves 10 to, 4'k. Gray and white cotton bed blankets (irnj to $1.00. Lace curtains "(I, 63c and tl 00. Men'scotton flannel (rloves 8,10and l.V. Children's and ladies' levins .IS to4i'. Far muffs . 8c. Lunch boxes ft' Stove pipes 12 to 14c. Elbows that you can stand on 10c. Crochet cotton all colors 4c. A nice assortment of spectacles 12. The alloy frames 25c. Heavy screw case watches i.1 85, Scissors 10, 12, 15, and lc. Razors 22. 48, 85 to $1.15. Don't faTl to sec our school shoes for children with the small low heel on 5 to H, 75c; 84 to 12, 8!c; 12J to 2, !8c. Wo will n (;ree that there are cheaper shoes than these and we can give them to you. Hut this Is what some, of the mcrehauts are selling at Wc, ! and f I 25. See them. Reisner a Co., GOODS