The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 21, 1904, Image 8

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    Air. Abram Dltic, a v,iil Kutiwri ' ' PLCasant PinoR.
fitizon died at his hutiio utl'.wk- i Mr. (!rj.'? Morton, Sr., is very
head, Md., on tli" 7t!i insl. ! low.
Dont be imposed uion by tak- : B A Trua3C Wa9 lu towu kst
ing substitutes offered forFoley's 1 W-'d day
Honey and Tar. Sold hy all deal-1 Sadi" K M,,u" visltpd her
era. ' mother last Friday.
r i n . . i - A- Truax took a load of buck-
W. Riley. Danidn has drilled an wlieat ,lour lo uanC()Ck
artesianwellat ushanMuThomp-j Jaines W. Mcllott ttnd MUs
son and ia having erected a w.nd-j rJ()ui; 1Iami visited Lewis Mel-
mill to do the pumping ( oU,8 famiIy TlluPsday ttflcrU(Mu.
Foil SALE. Span of rituli-M, (j: Miss Kuzy Wink spent last
years old, weigh-about l.OfO, j week with friends at Pleasant
black, well mated and work any-j Uidge.
where. ' Lisa Deshoug and family sjuiut
L. K. (Jline, ! Thursday atternooti at J. '.
Burnt Cabins, Pa. Deshong's.
Wanted at Paul Waguer's tan- Lewis Mellott, wife, son Alearl,
i.ory, McConnellsburg, tallow, and daugliter Georgia, visited M.
lMK'fhides, horsehides, callskins, ! E. Mellott' Thursday,
an I sheepskins, for which the i J. W. Mellott and Miss Jessie
highest market price in cash will
be paid
Hancock now has a regular
train service eastward over the
new Wabash railroad. The fare
from llaucock to llagerstowu is
K) cents; round trip $1.4r.
There will be preaching at the
Salvation Army church near Big
Cove Tannery, Saturday evening
at 7:lo, on Sunday at 10:530 a. m.,
2:CU p. m.. and at 7 nVlrv-.k n
Christmas entertain moat. All !
are welcome.
J. C. Atkinson, a Mercersbnrg
citizen, offers two acres of land i
any person who will establish u
luufacturingplaut .that will em
ploy at least 75 per cent, female
help. Tho land is within ten tniii
utes' walk of the South i'euu rail
road station at Mercersburg.
The water front i'i tho rang.? a' Arliugtou Hotel, Bud fu.'ri, ex
ploded one morning recently ;i ti
er the tire had been nude, ind a
piece .of the stock struck Mrs.
John Crouse, fracturing her jaw
in two places and injuring her so
budly that she died at noon of the
same day.
Charles Quest, tho lad who shot
and killed his sister et Greeacas
tlo recently, has been released
from the county prison and taken
to the home of his uncle, Harry.
iMickley, near Fairplay, Md.,
where he will remain. The court
made the boy's father understand .
he must not return to his former
it has taken four years to div
co. er the appalling fact, but the
census has revealed it at last.
There isn't girls enough to go
round. Somebody will be a sweet
heart short, because the men out
number the women in these Unit
ed States. Yes, and they out
u .; inber them considerably, there
being 1,638,321 more males than
fv-i!i:iJes. These facts are not
made public with the purpose of
causing the sweet thiugs to carry
their heads any higher, to get ;
.... J. 7 7 F ' . ' !
i.KM.ojocus merely to uotiry the
boys to get a move on, or
may be among the million and a j
nan wno are iwuua w oe leit.
Cumberland Alleghaniau.
At this season of coughs and
colds it is well to know that Fo
ley's Iloney and Tar is tho great
est throat and lung remedy, it
.n, ,j o n 4 i
mis results from a cold. Sold at I
Ti out's drug store.
Tbil Boy ol Youri.
I keep a boy contented, says . fup Hck sucn ag are bciD worn
a writer who is on tho right track, , across tho waU,rSi aud a bulletin
g.vo him something to do and seel fro-n ,,arill deHC,.ibeg a number
to it that he gets something tor of iiU.isian "creations." In tho
doing it Do not make him work , lltorary part of tho magazine,
t-,o hard, or too long hours at aj Wrs- (jonstmce Fuller Mclutyre
time; divide it iuto parts and en- discusses "Tho Hachelor Maid"
courage him to do each part well. in her v!vacious way, whilo any
ithim save his own money and j woman who n;(8 uvor ontered tt
buy his own clothes, giving hirn a I busIIltss otnce in the capacity of
voice iu the selection of the same. I an emploveo W1n feu) a r(!Sponhive
Let him have his own httlo room, p(;ho iu readiDff Ksperance (iood
n comfortable bed, and let him , ,)V0.H ,.Tho KtiqU(jttG ofU)e 1Jus.
t tck up all the pictures he wants j ,npHH Woman;.. ..Tho Steerage"
toonthewalls-yourboyisworthjdeHcribos nuniquo prlvato anti.
more than tho plaster in your , (W s Jn ft wcatl)er.b(iale
lnne. That mind of his is going , barDi u,)d Dl. ArU(ur w Ya()
to work on something. Study Cflt)tribuU)S a chat on "'Pho Train
him to find out what h- l.kcs and . iH Nur8e Ul Pact auJ Fiution...
gratify him in anything that is j ..AQuotionolHe.rloom."throw
good for him sofar4as you are j a n(JW ,ight 0 tho ubjoclof aDtl.
able. It will he like putting you rj furniture. "I'ordiU" tells
money out at good interest. Try ! .g iwe versatile housek.ep-
i inc to conditions iu Paris, and
ao pill U as pleasantnd poni-1
tive as De Witts Little Early Kin- i
era, DeWitt's Little Early K'm- J
ers are so mild and effective that ;
children, delicate Ind ies and weak j
people enjoy their cleansing et-
icct, while strong people say they
' are tbe best liver pills sold, Sold
t Trout's drug store.
Mellott wore at preaching Wed-
nesday night.
F. D. SkiIcs and Miss Maud
Llillattendedchurch Friday night.
Revs, fjogue and Powers were
welcome callers at J. W. Lake's
Thursday afternoon.
Miss Bessie Souders, of the
Big Cove, is spending a tow days
the guest "f A. W. Deshong.
Burns Desliong, Levi Morton,
Mollie Mellott and Nellie Morton
llttendo(1 Poaching Friday uight.
! .MichaH Mellott, wife and
daughter Laura visitod Lowis
Mellott's family one day last
week. .
Mrs. M.irlha A. Bushoug ha
returned to her homo at Goo II.
Hoop's after spending a few iuyt
with her son, J. W. Deshong.
Wydo Strait and his lady friend
Miss Ada Barton attended pivfn::i
iug Wedii'.'isilay uight at tin-'."'liri.-jl.ian
Geo. C. Deshong, wi'e .-md
daughter Leuora, and Mr. Lngue
visited Geo. R. Hoop's last Wed
nesday. II. V.'. Mellott, of Knobsville,
came- down last Friday and stay
ed uutil Saturday with his moth
or. Mrs. M.E. Mellott. "Doc"
is so busy he don't sot ' home of
teu. Quite a big snow fell last Sat
urday. Tho people are making
good use of it attending tho big
meeting at Sideling Hill Christian
church hold by Uevs. Logue and
Geo. S. Mellott purchased a
new buggy last week. Mr. Mel
lott, getting the word at night
that his buggy was at tho station,
! hitched up. drove to the shop,
got Jarnes Mellott to "rough" his
horse arid leaving the shop at raid
i night, drove to the station, got
, his buggy and was homo by tho
next morning. Look out girls.
! There will be oue lucky one that
; wins tho buggy ride.
Living at an out of the w iy
place, remote from civilization, a
family is often driven to desper-
' ation in case of accident, result
iug m burns, cuts, wounds
lrfirsf!t sunn)v ol
, j ri v
Tlnr.blnn'a Ainwn WoIwa Ta tlio
begt on earth-
I'.'c, at Trout's
drug store.
There aro a great many good
j suggestions on what to wear in
' the New Idea Woman's Magazine
'for January. For women, an ar
i tk'.le on "Negligees" shows three
graceful stj les in wrappers and
, . , ....
dressing sacas, wnuo lor men
the subject of "Evening Dress-'
discussed. Two
Knirlish cuts show a blouse and a
! there aro three stories for grown-
! ups and threo for little people.
of tho health vt your children,
Look out for coughs, colds, croup
and whooping cough. Stop them
In time One Minute Cough Cure
is the beet remedy. Harmless
and pleasant. Sold at Trout's
drugstore.' ,
She Enjoy the "New."
Mrs. liachel Drant, who Ims
been residiu at Parkersbnrg for
some time, is now visitiug Iter ; .
brother at Geneva, Ohio, and asks j i
that her "N.?ws" be forwarded lo j J
the latter place. M rs. 15 rant was k
joueamoug the tlrHt subscriber j
to tho "News" and says she feels j 1
greatly disappointed when it does j
not reach her promptly at tho end j
of each week. Sho says that (e- j
neva is a lovely little town ofj
about L',r00 people, and is situate j
about four , miles south of Lake I
Erie. It has two railroads, stree: j
cars, and the llnest walks she has
ever seen in a small town. The j
surrounding country is level as a j
Hour, soil rich, and an abundance
of fruit is produced. j
Itching, blind, bleeding or pro
truding piles. Druggists refund
money if Pazo Ointment fails to
cure any case, no matter of how
long standing, in li to 14 days.
First Application gives ease and
rest. r0c. If your drugisthasn't
it send uOc in stamps and it will
by forwarded post paid by Paris
Medicine Co , Si. Loui, Mo.
Important Decision Rendered.
j Judge Stewart, of Franklin
I county, iu a recent decision said
in reference lo the right of way,
that podestriiius (Mine first, then
vehicles, buggies, ( to., and then
the H'Jtomoiiiht. I t should bori
iiH;iiitereil ) d".-triacs have
the right of wiiy on regular street
crohsings and corporations uud
driv'ers of any kind of vehicles,
may be legally stopped to allow
persons to cross from one side of
tin; street to another, but per
sons should alway cross at street
crossings. Should any one be in
jured at any other place than reg
ular crossings, tho risk is their
own, and no damage can be col
Would quickly leave you, if you
used Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Thousands of sufferers have prov
ed their matchless merit for stck
and nervous headaches. They
make pure blood and build up
your hcal'h. Only L'5 cents, mon
ey back if not cured. Sold at
Trout's drug store.
Local Institute.
The sixth local institute of Dub
lin township was held at Smith's
school fast Friday evening. The
meeting was called to order by
the teacher, Emma Lyle, who ap
pointed John Woodcock presi
dent. The lolltwing subjects
were discussed. 1. Our schools
and .their progress. 2. llome
study. 3. Aro we aiming at book
kuowledge or a practical educa
tion ': and why ? 1. How to teach
The questions were discussed
by Miss Elsie 3aker, Roy Mor
'ton, D. K. Ches.iut, John Wood
cock, Levi Morten, Lewis Harris,
and three ex-teachers, Miss Lil
lian Fleming, Mrs. Harry Hamil,
and Don Morton.
The questions were well dis
cussed and several excellent re
citations were given by the pu
pils. The order was good. The
next institute will be In Id at Bat
tle liidgo Dec. 30.
Myrtle Stevens,
J. CI. Tiluck, Superintendent,
t'l uulytown, W. Va., writes: "Af
ter tryin;; all other advertised
icouyli medicines we have decided
to use Foloy'n Honey and Tar ex
clusively iu tho West Virginia Ke
form School, i lind it the most
effoctivo and absolutely harm
less. "Sold at Trout's drugstore.
Work ol s Stray Shut.
On tho lfithinst., Harmon StulTt,
ayounjr man about H years of ago
in cmnpary with a Mr. Walter was
malting n trip to Hertford. As they
roaclmd the summit of the hill
north of Cessna the report of a
tiro iirm was heard and theyoung
man,' throwing up h;n hand, ex
claimed "I'm shot" an examina
tion was made and it was found
that tho bullet hud lodged in the
boys right shoulder.
It is not known to a certainty
who tired tho shot, but as a huck
ster wagon was approaching in
which two men wore ridmg, it is
believed that the shot came from
the wagon,, although both men
deny having tired the shot .
Subscribe for tho Nbws.
The Store for
T. J. Wiener,
Hancock, Md.
Ladies' Sweaters,
Kid Gloves,
Sensible Practical
Table Linen, Towels,
Bureau Scarfs, HanJ
kerchiefs.Ho.siery.Fan cy Hair Pins, l'ancy
Hat Pins, PwT Combs.
Side Combs, Stick
Pins, Hair Brushes,
Toikt Combs, Purses,
Element Black "Petti
oats, H
Beautiful Shirt-waist Patterns in silk, velvets, and novel
ty tjoods.
l!ot trade prices for l'gijs and Poultry.
License Notice.
II I-. tirtlort-il Unit nil tippHt'Htioiis forllcfiiNi-h
for tlii- siiiir ul viiwniN. tiirittus. tnitll. or brew
tl Hiuni-. Mholt'MiW- or i-i-tuil. for the yeiir
l!. will l.r linuiil un Tuesday, llielOlh liny if
.liiiiuuiy. 1 1 k .". ut H' it'ehH-'k it. in., nl vrliieh
iimu all )er-.iiiM upiilyintf or liiuklu' olijeolious
to nppiieittiiiiis. will hi- Iiinu'u Itv eviilelice,
tttlou, rL-muutriince or COUI1-.I-I.
There must lie uo coiumiioieiiiion at miy tiiue
upon the Milijeet. wiih the .IuiIu'uk perHouulty
either hy lei ter or uuy otht?r private way.
The petltlim. vorlilf.lliyitllldavlt oruppllciint,
i-huil he ia coiifoi-niity with tin; re(iiirenieiilK
of th- :u-ts of Asi-iijlily. .lmli.'fni-nt IhiikI Nhall
he exiM-uieil in the pi-nal Mini or t:inm. with no
1!n thiiDi vvoiepuiuiile i rtM-holiler-of I he eoun
lym Niireties. eneh of Ihelu lo lie a Ihiiiu Ihle
owner of re-il estate in the eounty of Kullon
wolth. ovifr anil ahove all ineinnhrauees. the
Mlill of i.'LM (or other leyul eeurlly ifiven)
Hoirl eiindil ionetl for the faithful ohservnnee
of all the In ws lo the n-lliriir or furnish.
Inu of lIiiors. anil to pay all ilauiau'eH whieh
sliull la' l-i-eoveseil llaiiisl tlie lieeioeii. ami
all eoxiM. lines null peutiltieH u iifeh maylie Im
posed on hinmmU-r any Inilietmeiit for violating
saiil laws; and the sureties limy lie reipiired to
appear in Court aud justify under oath.
The Court shall in ull eases refuse the uppll
eution whenever. In the opinion of Hie Court,
having due regard to the nuinheranil eliaraeter
of the petitioners for uud against the appliea.
tlou. sueh lleense is not ueeessary for the au
eoniiniHlntion of the puhlie and entertaiiimeut
of sirauuersnnd travelers, ortiiat theupplleuut
Is not a lit porsoti lo whom sueh lieeuse shoitltl
he irunted.
retllious lo in- tllt-.l with tlie Clerk of the
Court not later tliiiu Mouituy. the lutli day of
Oeeeinlier. 11U4. Olijeetiolis and renionstrau-4N-s
to he tiled not Inter tliiin Tuesday, the :Jrd
day of .Inuuiirv. l'.i'-"i. I'pou sulllcieut eaue lie
In sliowuor proo) lielnir made lo tlie t'ourt thai
the purty iioli1ini lleense lu.s violated any law
of the Tolumotiw ealth relatilnr to the sale of
liquor, the Court shall. uoii notiee beiDrf ifiv
en lo the pei-sou lieensed. revoke the lieeuse.
Ifv the Court.
Allesi: 1. J.
IIKO. A. IIAKH1S. Clerk ). S.
Nov. M. imil.
Register and Clerk's Notice.
Notice ih hereliy ulveu that the followliiM
named af.eouniants have hied their aeeouniii
in Hie Iteiflsler and .lerk's otllee of FulloD
county. 1'a., aud that Hie same will lie present
ed to Ihe Orphans' Court of said county for
eouHmmiiou on rruesilay followiair the itnd
Moutiav of January next, bc-lnv the lUth dav.
at IU o floek A. M.
I. First and tlnal account of T. Klllott Klem
Inir., adinitilstrutor of the estate of JumeH
L, Kerlin. lete of 'I'Aylor township, deceased.
It. Second and tluitl aoeouut of M. K. ShalT
ner. Ksi.. a'tiuiuistrutor. e. t a., of the estate
of Catharine t-'lx. lute of Tod township, de
ceased. Keiflster's Office. i CKO. A. HAR(U4.
Ore. i, 1 '.X. i Ueglstor.
- Auditor's Notice.
Notice Ih hereliy ulven thut the undcr-Hmcd
nuditor appointed to muke distribution of the
(unds iu the hands of M. it. ShaiTner. executor
of i he estate of .lohn A Wink late of Itelfast
township, deceased, will bit In his olllce
In McConucllsltuiv. la., for the pertorm
tince of said duty on Friday. Oeceiuber '1.
liml. at lo o'clock, a. in., when aud where
all persons Interested may utteud If they see
M. W. UlllH.
! IliOni. Auditor.
Administratrix's Notice
NoiIck Is ut-rehy iflvt-u. that IrtU'rx of nd
inluiitriitluu ou till I'slalt of Mrs. Kva I'alhe
rine Kukfi t iat. of Tod lownsuip, Fulton ciouu
ty. dvi-iiasL-d. liavlun Iwru ifrunti-il to the uu
derslk'in-d, lv tliu Iti-Klsti-r of Kult a
coniiiv. Nollnti is hureby tiiven loall ptrsous
luiii-kilf-d to suid ijslatKtoiuake luilu.fliaU-pa-nu
ut. uud ,t hose havinu ulaiiiisuvuliisi the same
to preseul them lo the undersigned, duly uu
theuticated for setili.meni,
::ireeu St.,
Kee. -il. . Vnrlt, l'a.
Notice i- hereby given that my wife,
Annlo K. I'ntfor. Iius left tny bed and
liourfl without just cause, and I here
by ivuni nil pi-i Kiins not to trust her on
my aecotint us I will my no dehu of
her eontraetlnp.
.1. MILTON I 'NO Kit,
lit. McCdiinollalitiry,
Going at Cost.
Having sold my real estate aud
expocting to remove from th
countv, i am closing my entire
stock of general merchandise out
at cost and below cost. Come
S. K. Pitt man,
Mr. Kossio Mellott, of McKtb
bin, spent last Sunday and Mon
day )n the home of his uncle and
aunt, Georgo H. Mellott and wife,
in this place.
Thrifty People
Ladles' and Children's
ward) Gloves, Mit
tens, Fascinators.
Christmas Gifts
Pocket Books. Chate
laine Bas.Wrist Bags,
Shirtwaist Sets. Velvet
Belts, Silk Belts, Hose
Supjiorteis, Fancy
Neck-wear, Ladies un
der Vests, Children's
union suits, Men's un
derwear. Sacritice
sale ot ladies' and chil
dren's hats.
Writ, today for weekly prlce-llt We pay
the highest market price for
Hides, Calf-Skins, Pelts and Tallow
In any size lots Prompt payments Our
reputation 10 years' fair dealing Bank
references furnished
Force, Sauer & Co.
South Canal St. ALLEGHENY, PA.
Greatest bargains ever of
fered from now until the
1st of .Urclv as we will
not carry any hats' over.
They must ;o regardless
of cost.
Tam-o-shanters 40c; baby
oaps. trom 10c up; stock
ing Icl; caps, 22c; corsets
at ci st. Ribbons from lc
per yard up. Ribbons, re
duced from 40c a yard to
30c; also, from 25c to 20c
ptr yard.
Come, examine goods,
and get prices. You are
Opposite l'ost-otlice.
Mr. A. F. Little,
At Private Sale.
The undersigned, on account of ad
vancing yeura, and a desire to retire
from the active management of busi
ness affuit-s, offers at private sale hia
Farm and Mill Property, situate 4J
miles north of Hancock, Md., and
mile north ot Wurfordsburg, Va.
contains 150 ACRES of finest qual
ity of LIMESTONE LAND, neurly all
of which is cleared and in high state
of cultivation. The Improvements
consist of TWO GOOD FRAME
and other outbuildings.
as to size, condition, location, large
uiihtotn, and improved machinery, Is
one of the most desirable mill proper
titts in the county The Baltimore &
Ohio railroad,, and also the Wabash,
are only 4J imles distant, and the new
II & O "cut-off" will be within three
quarters of a mile of the mill 'Hie
mill Is right In the heart of a rich fer
tile section of country, and Is provided
with first class steam power to supple
ment in u dry lime tho usually linn
water supply.
This property will bo SOLD AT A
For further particulars inquire of
, Warfordsburg, Pa.
McConnellsburg, Pa. I
DeWitt's M Oclvo
For Piles Burnt, tor$)fc
You cau have tho NEWS one
wholo year for a dollar.
Formal at TroutV dro lorij.
Is What You Make It.
We can help you to make your's a pleasure. Cold
weather is coming and you will want a new
stove. 40 different patterns now in stock
from JJ52.00 up to 525.00 each.
Beautiful Rag carpets at 35 cents per yard. Rag
with wool stripes 50 and 55 cents a vard. In
grains at 30 cents a yard. '
People should not be judged by the clothes they
wear, out a store
liWe have iust received
week, many of them
est Parisians styles.
in Brown, Tan, Castor, etc. They are beau
ties. Also, the latest things in Ladies' Skirts.
You want a new Fur to, do you not ? Any kind
color, or size you want. Prices 75 cents to
510.00 each.
Breech Loading Shot Guns full choka 53.50. Smoke
less or Black Powder Shells.
Three Springs, Pa.
J. G. Turner & Co
Hancocli, Md.
We Are Ready
What to give ?" is readily answered HERE "Where
to buy ?" is as promptly answered Here. We of
fer a store full ot staple and holiday goods at low prices
for good qualities.
f All gifts goods are at one regulai profit we don't add extra
We invite the public to call and see our lines and get prices.
We wish to thank you all for your mauv favors and wish
you all "A Merry Christmas."
A Dbv Hue
of Furs this
week for
Jas. 6. Turner & Co.,
Hancock, VyVd,
J. K. Johnston.
Read These Prices.
Heavy work coats
Drena coata and vesta
uooa single coata ij. d
Cord paula lined through $1.75
Youth's cord pants lined through l..r0
Boys' cord knee pants -rjQo
Men's bluck worsted suits $2.4U
Men's tine clay worsted suits $4.85
Men's bualueaa suits, extra good $."
Men's fancy dress suits $8.50
Men's 18 ox. clay worsted suits $10
Men's dress overcoats $5
Men's line dress overcoats $H
Men's ulsters 48 Inches lonjj $11
Men's ulsters 60 Inches lony $8.50
Men's storm overcoats $U
Men's sweaters, extra heavy $1
Men's heavy plush caps 40c
Men's heavy fleeced shirts and drawer
25c; extra heavy 40c
10 do.. Noft-fronts shirt just received,
(the $1 kind) 50c
Canvas gloves
Goat skin gloves
The best heavy, liox calf shoes
Ilili top ht-uvy Uox calf shops
lilli top, double sole "
j Hoys' high cut ahoes
Hoys' high cut Box calf shoes
Hoys' fleeced shirts and drawers
All styles and colors In outing cloths, guinea cloth, and cottons of all kinds
1 leant if ul silk shirts waist patterns aud cloth for jacket suits. AU grades
of blankets from 50c to $i per pair. Carpets and straw mattings,
J. K. Johnston,
McConnellsburg Pa .
. , TVt$l-0OkaUUaiinlalMaMMnMitliMlu.klchHli(art0ewla,
raanasa ui at tss lAsuarroav of . '
B. C. 17XTT tt COtirAWV. CU1CACO. I'LZm
is judged ny ine style it
Kf V
a lot of Ladies' Hats this
imported. All the lat
for Christmas.
A Tew odd
sizes Id la-
dren's Coals
at low prices
Children's toques 25c
Children's Tamoshanters 50c
Men's wool overshlrts 50c and $ .
Boys' sweaters 50 and 85c
Pretty cupes 75o
U roc ado capes 91.25
Cloth capes 27 Inches long $2.25
B ack jackets $3
Tun Melton jackets $.1.25
Extra fine Melton jackets $5
Extra line black jackets $7 and !l
Beautiful fur scarf 75c, $1, $1.50, $2,
$i.50, $4.50.
Muffs to mutch $1, $1.50, $2
Tailor made skirts $2
Tailor made heavy gray cloth $2 75
Tailor made heavy black cloth $3.50
Tailor mudebhie.brown and gray 45
Ladies' fascinators 25 and 50u
Ladies' Hoods 50u
Lad ies
mittens 10, '15 and 25i
beautiful Golf glove
Box call shoes
Ladles' fine kid dress sho
Ladies' kntt underskirts
Ladies' bluck underskirts
Ladies' undervests and drawers
Children's union suits
Children's shoes 50c, 75o, andll,