FULTON COUNTV NEWS. ! Published Every Thursday.! B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. NOVEMBER 30, 1904. Published Weekly. $1.00 per Annum in Advance. ' ADTERTM1NO RATEI. Per nire of line S times SO. Per t.juare each subsequent Insertion.... 50. All Hdvertlsement.fi Inserted for lend than tiree months charged by the square. 3 in w. Hmos. I yr. One-fourth column lft.00. One-ti'xif nnlumo 2.VOO. One Column 40.00. SJOOO. 40 00. ftft.OO. HO 00 ftO.OO 75.00 Nothing Inserted for less than t l'rofi sHlonal Cards one Tear ft STOPPED MR. CREELV'S PAPER. A Subscriber Who Wished Editorial Alwayt to be In Accord With tilt View. An acquaintances met Horace G reefy 00.3 day and said: "'Mr. Greely I've stopped your paper," "ilavo you ?" said Horace. 'Well that's too bad," and the old white hat wont its way. The next morning Greely met his subscriber ag in, and said: "I thought you had stopped the Tribune?" "So I did." "Then there must be some mi .take," said Horace, for I just came from the office and the presses were runuing, the clerks were as busy as ever, the compositors were hard at work and the busiuess was going the same as yes'erday and the day before. " "Oh !" eja culated the subscriber, "I didn't mean that I had stopped the pa per. I stopped only my copy of in because i didn't like your edi torials "Pshaw?" retorted Greely, "It wasn't worth taking up my time t te 1 such a trifle as that. My umv sir, if you expect to control the u ttnrauces of the 'Tribune' by I ie purchase of one copy a day, o: if s'ou thiDg to bud any newspa per worth reading that will never t . press convictions at right an j. os with your own, you are doom e i to disappointment." And the o' 1 white hat went its way again. A Policeman's Testimony. J. N. Patterson, night police ii'in of Nashua, la., writes, "Last winter I had a bad cold on my lung. and tried at least a half cW.en advertised cough medicines E'iJ had treatment from two phy sicians without getting any bene fit.. A friend recommended Fol ey's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottle cured me. I c i isider it the greatest cough aud lung medicine in the world." S' !d at Trout's drug store. Grains of Gold. What makes life dreary is want To find fault is easy; to do bet to.' may be difficult. (iayety is often the reckless ripple over dispair. From the errors of others a w ise man corrects his own. ivindness is the golden chain bv which society is bound. Self-possession isanother name fur self-forgetfulness. All that is human must retro grade if it does not advance. Ignorance is less removed from the truth than prejudice. Mau is nearsighted on the side v here he thinks it would pay to r in. God gives every bird its food, but he does not throw it into the nest. Obedience is not truly perform i d by the body if the heart is dis HatUtied. Whether happiness may come or not, one should try and pre pare to do without it. We have not learnel how to rest until we have learned how to livu one day at a time. No matter how bright the pleas ures of bin may be, they are only pleasures for a season. . Uiches do not half so much ex hilarato us with their possession as they torment us with their lis. ANXIOUS MOMENTS. Some of the most anxious hours f a mother' life are those when thy little ones of the household have the croup. There is no oth er medicine so ,effective la this terrible malady as Foley's Honey and Tar. It is a household favor ite for throat and lung troubles, and as it contains no opiates or Mi.r poisons, it can be safely given. Sold at Trout's drug st re. A True lucldenl of the Civil War. In 18S5. a Potomac river steam boat was carrying a party of ex cursionists. Among the passen gers was a mau who, surround ed by a party of friends on ne side of the steamer, was singing a hymn. When he had conclud ed ho was approached by a man who had been attracted by the soug and who inquired of the singer if he had served in Virgin ia during the civil war. He re plied that he had; that he was un der Grant and was In Virginia at the time mentioned by the inquir ing stranger. 'Then,' said the stranger, "I heard you sin; this hymn before. I was eulisted iu the Southern army and on a cer tain night was instructed by my officer to shoot the Federal Sei tincl stationed atacertitiu post, so that a night attack might be made. I crept up into the bush es within a few feet f sentry as he was pacing back aud forth. 1 heard him singing in a low tone. My rifle was pointed at, his heart but my curiosity prompted me to listen and if possible catch his words. I paused and as he drew oear I caught the words: "Cover my defenseless head with the shadow of thy wing," My rifle dropped by my side aud 1 coul I not shoot, and your life was sav ed." "Oh," said he, "I remem bar the night well. I went out into the darkness feeling that tMs was in last night on earth. My mind finally reverted to the little bid home church audi began huminiug in alow tone this hymn which was my favorite. 1 did not imagine that I sang loud enough for auy one even a few rods away toheai me. 1 remem ber, however, the quiet peace which came over me after 1 fin ished the hymn, but I never knew until this hour that my life had been saved by the prayer of my heart as it went up iii song from my lips on that eventful night." A Sure Thin);. It is said that nothing is sure except death aud taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thousands cau testify to that. Mrs. C. H. Van Metro, of Shepherdtown, W. Va , says "I had a severe case of bron chitis and for a year tried every thing I heard of, but got no re lief. One bottle of Dr. King's NTew Discovery then cured mo absolutely." It's infallible ft r croup, whooping cough, t'rip, pneumonia and consumption. Try it. It's guaranteed at. Trout's Irug store. Trial bottles free. Reg. sizes 50c, $ 1 00. Hotel (or Working (iirls, A hotel for working girls aud working women will soon bo built in New York city, if tho plans now under consideration ire carried out. Philanthropists and business men will be combin ed in the running of the hotel. It will probably be in the neighbor hood of the large department stores on the west side where many girls and women are em ployed. Their board at tho hotel will bo about J cr i a week. They will have tho use of the ho tel laundry when they do up their collars, handkerchiefs and cuffs and such light articles. There will bo a room with sewing ma chines at their service, when they ant to do mending. A number )f small reception rooms will be on tho first floor, where the girls may receive friends. Nothing will be said to the quests about relig ion or their family affairs. I f the girls are out of employment at auy time tho management will try to tide them over until they get work. Molheri Praise It. Mothers every where praise One Minute Cough Cure for tlio suf ferings it has relieved aud tho lives of their little ones it has sav ed. A certain cure for coughs, croup and whooping cough. A. L. Spafford, Postmaster, of Ches ter. Mich., says : Our little girl was unconscious from strangula tion during a sudden and terrible attacu of croup. One Minute Cough Cure relieved and cured her and I cannot praise it too highly." Ono Minute Cough Cure relieves coughs, makes breathing easy, cuts out phlegm, draws out infiamation and removes every cause of "a cough and strain on lungs. Sold at Trout'sdrug store. FoimnoinnrAEAR Administrator's Notice. Loiter of nritnmlst nllnn od the estate of .luhii ,l, Lorlr hit of liruwh Vreok township, Knit in oouniv I'ii..(1icinihi1. Iih viwr hern s runt eel hv Hit' Ki'iVl term Will fur I niton county, to I lit.' siilM!rtbrr. u Iiumi poitomcr nililiess Is K'.i.ii.uvliit Kulton ouni v. t'n.. u 1 r-nns who tire Ituli'hlcil to thr sulci rsttitn !li please iiiul; - puymi'in. mill those huviiw; eliiliui w It Ore ii.'iii then to V M. Lois IK. Xov40. l'n. AdmiiiiMiuuir. Auditor's Notice. Notice is hereby (tlven that tlio iiudcnilKtied auditor nppoluiccl to tihikc clistHijuLlou of the fumls In the hiitwls of M, it Sh:iffnrr executor of the esla'e ol .lohn A. Wink lute of llelfust loMoshlp, rti'.'i'iisttl. will sit In hl ofllce In McCnnnellHhnrjr. l'u, for I'm perform mice of suld fluty on Friday, Peci'iiiticr !;!, I l. in 10 o'clock, ii ni., when hud where till persons Interested mny ntleud If they see proper. S. W.. KIHK. II :Oo. Auditor. A Heavy Load. To lift that load off the stomach take Kodol Dyspepsia t'uro It digests what you cat. Sour stom ach, belching, gas on stomach, aud all disorders of tho stomach that are curable, are instantly re lieved and permanently cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. S. P. Storrs, a druggist at .'.)7 Main street, New Britain, Conn., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is giving such universal satisfaction and is so surely becoming the positive relief and consequent cure for this distressing ailment feel that I am always sure to satisfy and gratify my custom ers1 hy recommending it to them. T write this to show how well the remedy is spoken of here." Kod ol Dyspepsia Cure was discovi r ed lifter years of scientific exper iments and will positively cure all stomach troubles. Sold at Trout s drug store. Something About Man. Man is a funny little cuss and ! in mii 't long to stay, he Hies around and makes a fuss, and then he hikes away. Some men imagine thoy are great, and try to tear up Jack, but each one meets the same olil fate, and trots the same old truck. Great Caesar's dead aud turned today, and so is Cicero, ind Alexander's (.lo the way the rest of us must go. The sages, heroes, poets, all the men of wealth and worth, iutoan open grave must fall aud crumble back in earth. Then let's not join the mad af fray, and struggle like the deuce, ind agonize our life away, for really what's the use? Let's live .mil love aud sing the while, aud work some now mid then, and give to Mvcry one a smile that cheers the hearts of men. And whether we are crowned with Mowers or chilled with winter snows, with happiners let's till the house, ere we turn up our toes ! Exchange. lie Could Hardly Oct t p. 1'. II. Duffy, of Ashley, III., vrites, "This is to certify that I rjavo taken two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure and it has helped me more than any other medicine. I tried manyadvertised remedies, but none of them gave me any re lief. My druggist recommend Foley's Kidney Cure and it has cured me. Hefore commencing its use I was in such a shape that could hardly get up when'once down." Sold at Trout's drug store. The Moon a Powerful Axent. The moou is the most powerful agent in producing the tides on the earth; it also prod upes some slight variations in the earth's magnetism. So far as science has been able to investigate, there is absolutely no change in the weather which can he attributed to the moon, although half or more of mankind seem to believe hatthomovi don have sons control over tho weather. All such beliefs including the time for planting gardens and for go ing tinning, are mere supersti tions the survivals of an ago of ignorance. A Startling Tent. To save a life, Dr. T. O. Mer ri't, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling test resulting in a won derful cure. Ho writes, "a pa tient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcer ation of the stomach. I had of ten found Electric Hitters excel lent for a ;u to stomach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. Tho patientgaiued from the lirst, and has not had an attack in 14 months." Electric Hitters are positively guaranteed for dysjiep sia, indigestiou, constipation and Htdney troubles. Try them. On ly 50c at Trout's druif store. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware We can furnish you auything you may need In our line. Write for free catalogue. SajiO. Mac TIN & Co , h ck Box 217 Ilarri bjrg.I'u COALI COAtr The undersigned have opened a new mine on the top of Rays Hill on the road loading from New Grenada to Robertsdale, about 3 mhes from New Grenada, and are prepared to furnish any grade of coal at lowest mine prices. We guarantee to give every pound ol coal we ask pay for. Prices for 2,000 lbs : Lime coal, 75c; Run of Mine, 1 25: all Lump i? 1.75. Wm. Alloway, Geo. Sleeman, Proprietors, New Grenada, Pa. Notice to Tresspassers. All persons arc hereby forewarned nains! tresspassing on any hinds of tho undersigned citizens of Brush (.'reck township, Fulton county, l'u., by either hunting, lishing, or other wise, under penalty of the law provid ed for tresspassing Julian Mills, K. D. Akers, Anthony Spade, M. E. Hartou, Christopher Spude, E. E. Akers, Frank Spade, C. V. Conner, Mrs K. 11. Lodge, S. Clevenger, Geo W. I li s. son, .lohii X. Hixson, M. J. Hixson, S. W. Hart. F. M. X. B. W. F M. A II. M Lodge, .1. C. 13arton, Hanks, .lozulicd Lodge, Burton, C R AUers. Barkman, dates Slelinjr, .Tackso-i, II. X. Burton, Jacob Spade. Hubert K. Diehl, Nathaniel Allison. Huston Diehl, Albert Plessinger, E. A. Diehl, L'riah Diehl, . Carey Layton, VVillinm J. Liiyton, Lemuel Smith, lai'li.-l Ilait, Henry Sharp. Isaiah Luytou, C. C. Mellott, Eliza Jane Hoopengardner'g Heirs. Howui'd Garland und Howard Lityton, Amos I'lesginger. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. All persons lire hereby forewarned against trespussing on liny lands of ihe undersigned citizens of Taylor township, Fulton county, Fa., by either hunting, lishing, or otherwise, umk'r penalty of the law provided for trest passing. I). A. Black, D. M. Black, lames Catchall, iJunii-l G. Kineliait Joseph A. Shaw, Howard Burnett, Josiah Witter, A. X. Witter, Wm. Leidy, Wm. S. Crucey, James Burnett, I suae W. Buker, Wil bur Berks! resser, James Benson, Jeremiuli CiladfeiU'r, Jno A. Black's Heirs, I!bert Miller. Warning to Trespassers. All persons uro hereby forewarned against trespassing on uny lands of the undersigned citizens of Wells town ship, Fulton county, l'u., by hunting, lishing, or otherwise, under penalty of the law provided for the punishment of trespassers. fohj A. Wishart. James W. Barnetl, George Young, W. II. Spangler, S. 1'. Wishart, Harvey Wishart, Geo. A. Stewart, A. . Griltith, J. W. Gibson, W. E. Bivens, I'eter Guillurd, Sr. l'enn. Luinlier Co. Orchard Grove r PRICES. Hutter, 2i; Krj, (iood, suited Reef Hides 7c., lb. In trotting ready to "lutchor come, and tret lard cans, .'l'i and 4.tc; popper, tine salt, 20c; in the trruin, 17c; course salt, IS. McNeil's I'aln Kxterniinator 111, 38, 70c; Munyon's Witch Hazel Hoap, i:ic, or 2 for &"c. ' lumlio Baked Means with Tomato sauce, 4i and Ik'. Still some bed haps und blankets left to tro at cost and curriuife. W. L. BEEKSTEESSER, Manager. INSTITUTE BARGAINS. Millinery and Fancy Goods Sn i-iii 1 nd.iction during Institute week, dune one and all and seethe iatu fill bargains. Just received from New York a lot of mid-winter half, especially for Institute, Id vel v.t, II'.:, ft It, baaver, and plush from ,'i cents up. Collars from j cents up to (1.50. Tarn-o-shanters at 45 cents, stocking-leg Toques at 22 cents, mUsos and chil dren's corsets 25 cents up. Stamped linens ut low prices. Special bar gains In Ilibbons this week. We will give during Institute week a hat pin with every $1.00 hat, and ev ery hat over tl 00 a linen doily 'iiiie and see goods and gut prices be fore buying as we can save 25 cents on a dollar Trimming done free of charge. Hespectfully, Opposite Post-otlice. lrs. A. F. Little, McConnellsburg. WHY YOU SHOULD VISIT THE WORLD'S FAIR. Thn principal reason why a visit should bo made to this Kirn test of Ex positions Is on ncr.ount of Its educa tional value. A visit to the World's Fair is in itself a trip iiround the. world, for fifty cents, the price pf ad mission. 'The president of one of our greatest universities lias suld "To the ! bright student the Exposition Is worth a thousand college lectures." The op portunity of a life-time is ud'orded In which to acquire, by a few days' so journ at the Fair, an education which could not otherwise tie received, The World's Fuir (troiind's cover ovi r 1200 acres, being more than twice us largo as those of the World's Colum bian Exposition at, Chicago. Only n lev weeks remain in which to toko advantage of this great oppor tunity Every day from now until the close of the Fuir Is n "special" dy. The waiiash is selling duily excur sion tickets to the Fuir at greutly re duced rule: oil SI. Louis n ml re turn, on sale daily, xcept Fridays und Saturday. Tickets good in I 'a luce Ueelining Chair Curs! $15.00, St Louis und return. Tickets on sale duily, und good in either l'uluce Ueelining Chair Cars or l'ullmun Sleepers. The. wa hash operates thro-gh trains from Pittsburg to tlie World's Fuir Main Entronce, all truins leaving the mag nillcent new pa.1-Mincer station, Corner of Liberty Avenue und Ferry Street, ut 2:001'. M. mid X::sI M. dailv, City Time. Detailed information regurding rates und train service, tn St.. Loui.s, us well as to many Homeseekers' points in tho west, northwest und southwest, cheerfully furnished ut tlhnsh City Ticket Office. Il.'ll I I fill Avenue-, He pi it I ieket Office, Wuhiisli Stuiiim. I INew Falling Top Buggies, both Factory and Handmade from $35 to 385 Surreys Wagons Large !. ck on hutid all tho time to select limn. W. R. 5 VANS, Iluslontmvn, Pa. W.H.NESBIT Sells MACHINE OILS from 2H cunts to ti" cents n gal lon Don't be deceived no body will sell you ft liO-cent oil for 2" cents. Mower Sections and guards for all kinds of machiues ut prices lower than you have ever heard. BINDERS on hand; Hinder twine, Horse Kakes In fact furmer's should rememtH'r if they want any thing in tho machinery lino that I can help them if anybody can. V. H. NESBIT, MConnellsburg KILLthb cough AMD CURE the LUNGS . ECini WITH s pftr? g OliOiU and Price EOo &I1.00 Fres Trial. 4 Scieot cud Ueicicens Cure lor alt ' YJinOAT r.nJ LU'Wft TR0U3 J I.EP, or irOWiY liAOK. CHICBtLSSm ESSSUSH 381VB0YAL FilLS ar. Alnava rellablr. Ladlra, uk UriicaUl (j, IIK'lliNI r.H H l .l.llll in Urd uihI 4iol4 liu-uilliu biixi-H, mili-a with tiluii rdibun. luk aaoilirr. Ilel'u daiiltfl'niM UU. J. Iiatloakanlkil lutllHlluil. llui t.l your lun.. 01 mud 4r. in iuii.h l.,r parllmliin, 1r.il. MOMlala aii'l Keller for l.iaUiea." 11 Irmr, 111 ra-lurw Hall. lU.OOtt 'iuMlatuulkia.. ou'fl lit Ail tltutwi,u. CUIOHUbTKB CHUMIOAI. CO. SI mUms kmuare, VUIVA 14.. MarUaa (SU MMn 1 KTITSlfclfTIMtl I THE x FULTON x COUNTY ' NEWS A Covers the Field. 2& In every part of the County faithful re porters i:z located that gather the daily happenings. Then there is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Fanner and Mechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Markets. The bun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian Enaeavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. THE JOB DEPARTMENT 18 COMPLETE. 4 4 ; ; X SALE BILLS, : ; i ; 4 , 4 4 . 4 FOSTERS, LETTER HEADS, NYELOI'ES, CARDS, 4c, In fact anything and everything in the best style along that line. " 'Sample copies of the NEWS sent to any of your friends on request. -V4444 ' 4 44.44-4 .-., UM BFl.l.A . D V A LLEV TIME TA 111. -Nov 1H04 Leiiv.-- . uu. tf,no. EiUu.lUj I u Winchester M'.irtlnKh'iri-. HHKerMn" r. ijroenru-ri' iMi'rUL'lNUn:K ' IP M 4 no i i 41 1 H 8 O' S Hi 8 :::l :i hv -i ;: : I'h.'.aibcrHiiurtf.. WuylieNbiiro Sliippephburtf ... S'fVVillC Cuilfsie Medtiuniosbuiif.. Oiilsburt; Arr, HrriNliuii; Arr. I'lillH Arr. New York. rr. I.lultlmore.. 1 II, U 7 on! ; 4ii in s WHO V., 1 OUi ilsi Co CR 1 Ul -:;! 1 4i! 4 us 4 r' 8 45I0 M 0 II 10 II 7 II! W ii ai 5 HI 9 -M 41 8 03 i s;i ft x 6 M ft l D 4i S -IS US 10 07 i; 17 b3, II M. 1 f 471 ft OS 0 ID S All ii a 9 if III II 4K l! Id I '.' I ft V. M. 4 l 1 U 0 CO t 20 1'. M. p. u A. M. Trulu No 13 east runs Holly except Sunday 'etwen Hnnerslo vrn uml llttrrlKliurir, lebvlcn iUKurMtown i.uft and urnviUK ut Uarrlsburn at '..ki Adilltlimal eutt-bouud locul trains will run liilir. exeunt bumlity. as lolluwn: Leave i,'nrlllu 7. OA u. m., ll.SM p.m. 8. Id pin., leave McuhuuioNburi; ft.nl n. m., 7.S19 a. in., lifci p. m.. t.W p.m. Leuve Wllsburif ft.aft a. ru., 10.00 a. ni., p. iu., Trains Nun. 2,8 und 110 run dally between Ha entown and Uuri-lsourff. IXilly. liKliy except Sunday. beuvo do. I no. S.no. o no. 7 no. s 109 P.M AM AM AM P M P.M. liultlmore II ftn 4 41 s ftfi i 00 4 t 8 HO Nuw York 7 ISftj IU 10 ft (ft 8 hs ft ;,6 I'hlla Ii 40 4 "ft 8 40 II 40 ;ft 80 8 lift iluirlsburg ft 0O 7 MS II 4i IK 8 '.'ft II 16 oilln'jurK H t i V ... . vlvchanlosliurtr.. ft II' In IS 03 8 41 8 48 11 191 :irMBie ft 40 8 87jllJW 4(11 04 11 41! Vewvll.e 8 01 S f N 12 4H 4 l 8 i4 12 02 Shlipi;n.sbur,r... fl 11 Mir I in 4 86 v it it 18 Wuyiiehboro IU 1.7 x to ft 4H ''Ii!ii;ibt-rsliur.. d 10 I 27 4 HI 10 00 12 96 MiM-oersu'ir.. . H 1ft IU 80 ft M Ireouonhtie .... 7 Oft w Mi 1 60 ft a 10 SI 12 M HiiirorHlown .... 7 10 -,' 2 10 ft 41 10 46 1 16 vluriiitsbur 8 ui II tS: 0 24 Ar. Winchester. 9 1ft 11 to! 7 10 M . M IP. M. P. M P. M A.M. rrmn No. 17 west runH dm y exoept Snnday netweeu lliirrlHliurir urd HiiKemloHn, leav ing llii' iKliur' ut ft.lft p.m. and arrlviuK at Ha-h-crstuw n at 7.67 p. m. Aiiiiitluuai locul train will leavo BarrUburg ,11 1 1, Mows: for Carlmlo aud Intermediate station- hi 8 :i7 u. in., x.uu p. m. and 6.80 p. ic, alvo forWcohiinicsiiurg DlHshurg and Intermedial ttit'onsat 7 30 u. ro.. 8.10 n. tn. and 8.30 p. m. Trams No. I. 8 and loi run dally between Harrihur. nnd HrtKerstown. l'ull:Min ualitoe Meeplng car between New York and Knoxvllle, Teiin., on tralnn I weal md 110 oust uml between Phlladclph a and A'tilslion N. A VV. Railway un trains lo west mil Iii oust, except tliat on kiunduy the Phlitt lelpUla sleeper will run east on No. 2. TliroiiKh ooiiohes to and from Philadelphia 00 irnius 2 und 4 rant and 7 and S went. l;llly. t Dully except Sunday. SOUTHERN I'KNN'A R B. TRAINS. Tan. Piiv Mix. I t'lv 11 111 1 I I'. M 4 M A M In' 9 41 8 ftft ft HI M 7 14 ft M 10 l 8 16 1:1 10 SM 8 M) ) 1 1 06 9 O S H M A. M AH 1 -as, A M Mil Paa W8 P. M, 4 00 1 46 1 10 t 48 2 40 P. M. Lve. Arr. HhumberNburs.. Marlon ..&lercenihurff. . .... . IjOUdOD ....Ulubr-oud.... A M 8 46 8 83 8 00 II &0 II 8V 10 M T H 9 42 T 80 1 80 I U A I. O. KKNNKHY, OKO. W. MARTIN, Vine l'i. A (Inn. Supt. hupt. II. A. H1UULK. (Jen. fosa. Agent. l44l4. BO YEARS' JXUL V EXPERIENCE ' r if f 1 Copy many 6lG. An rone Wnnitim a nbfttrh and dvrrtntWm nriav qitlt-m jr wiMy iAHi our opinion frM wturtliar ma 19 rMlalllLjUl4K. rintuiuiitik. ii-hi nirici if fNtnntiwit nt frim. 4)tlic tureii I'tiluitta talk tin thru ttui nirtctt fNtnatlwiUoJ. llwdbookon Hmeud . nt Irvm. 4)t1ut ureiMTjr ftr atKHirlinf iHtttHU. I'taivitt takin thruuKti Munu it Co. roiTl UvUi notice without fctitinisj. inn huu Scientific Jir.crlca. I hanilHimelr lllnlrlil wiwlrlr f.armt eir "HlMlliill fif mtif anlHlillUil liiuriiAl, l enna. 811 l I"ur n.oi.iua, L fcold bi all Tienli S61Br44hnr.r "'V Trff ff. lrw 1 1 1 1 r "vl nmm dirlcuw. IIAKnl us, R. M. DOWNLS, Fihst Class Tonsorial Artist, MoOONNKLLSCIt'RU. I'A. A Clean Cup and Towel with pficn f-hav. EverythiiiK Amisepilo. . Ruura Sterilized. WShop In room lately occupied ty Ml llnike ISAAC IN. WATSON, Tonsorial Artisi. Strictly up to date In :.ll Mylrn nf buir cut tliuf. Vtiick. etiny shuv' liny-rum. Crrm:-Viich-tmr.ttl. wlihnui exin i:lmre. Krih towel lo ench eust(n,cr. l.uti-Ni Improved Lp, punitiifl for Hterlltzliitf tool t'uriois opputiile Fulton House. lAtVIIIIS, M. R. SHAFFNER. Attorney at Law, OUice on Squnre. " McConnellsburtf, Pa. All legal buslnrw und collections etitmMcd will ecefve careful imd pron pi fotpniloti. CHI KCIIF.S. PrksHYTKWAN. Kev. V. A. Wet, D. 1)., Pastor. Preaching ervlces each alternate Sabbath :itl0::!0a. m. and every Sunday evenlip ut 7:1)0. Services at Green Hill on alternate Sabbaths nt 10:.'!fl a. m. MubLnUi school at 9:15. junior Christian Kn deavor nt 2:00. ChrlNtiun Kndeavov at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday eveniui; ut 7.00. Methodist wiscopal-Kev. j. v. Adams, I'astor, Sunday School at 9:.'W a. ru. Preaching every othe Sunday mot dIii; ut lo:.W iit.d everv Suuua eveuinu ut 7.id. L'.pworth Iacue ut 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eveulnjr at 7:0l. United preshytkhian liev. J. J,. Grove, I'astor. Sunday school at UM" a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn ing et 10:30, and every other Sundtiv evening at 7:00. The alternate Subbi.ii evenings uro used by the Young Peo ple's Christian Prion ut 7:00 p. m.. Prayer meeting Wednesday eveuiwc at 7:00. Jl.VANOKI.ioAo UVTH KUAN Kev. A. G. Wolf, Pusior. Sunday school :1". a. m. Preaching every other Suud.v mornitig ut 10::!0 nnd every othtr Snrl day eveninjr at 7:00. Christian IXti deflvor ut 0:00 p. m. Prayer nieetit.f on Wednesday evenitig at 7:00. Uetor.mkd Her. C. M. Smith, Pns tor. Sunday school ut H::l a. u,. Preaehinjj :m alternate Sabbaths i 10:00 a. in. und 7:00 p. m. C'hrlstii.E Kndeavor nt (5:00 p. m. I'rayer trin t Ing on Wednesday even'nsr ut 7:0o. TERMS OF rot RT. The lirst term of the Courts of Pul ton county in the year shull commence ou the Tuesday following the. second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. in. The second term commences on the third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock p. m. The third term on tVe Tuesday nerl following the second Monday of Ju;:", ut 10 o'clock a. ni. The fourth term on the tivst Mond.ii f Ojtobnr, at 2 o'clo i'c n. in. UOUllI fill OH I. KRS. Justice of the Peace Thomas P. Sloan, L. H. Wible. Constable John IT. Doyle. Burgess H. W. Scott. fnilnpllninn T Vi. .lyl T -.1 ir. j. . i. i.-,,n, IAIIUU I Kl j Hohman, Samuel llender.M. W.Is'ace. , CleiK Wiltian: Hull. High Constable Wm.Baumgardner. School Directors A. V. K ace. John A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M. Taylor, John Comerer, C. H. Stevens. Gl:.HAL DIKI.CTORY. President Judge Hon S.Mc. Swope. Associate Judges Lemuel Klrk,Da vid Nelson. Prothonotary, kc Geo. A. Harris. District Attorney George B. Pun lels. Treasurer George H. Mellott. Sheritf Daniel C. Fleck. Deputy SherilT D. T. Fields. Jury Commissioners C. H. E. Plum mer, Anthony Lynch. Auditors John S. Harris, W. C. Davis, S L; Garland. Commissioners S. D. Mejlott, Geo Slgel, and H. V. Palmer. Clerk Frank Henry.' County Surveyor Jonas Lake. County Superintendent Charles E Barton. Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J. Nelson Sipos, Thomas F. Sloan, F. McN Johnston, M. H. Shaffuer, Geo. B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W. Kirk. SOCIETIKS Odd Follows M'ConnellKbui'irT.odiTo No. 744 meets every Friday evening In tne Comerer Building iu ilct'onnells burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets every Saturday evening in the Cromer building at Port Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No. 007 meoU every Kat irday evening in Odd Fel lows Hall at Wells Tannery. Harrlsonvllle Ixidge No. "01 meets, every Hat urdav evening hi Odd Fel-" lows' Uall at llarrisoiivlllo. Waterfall Lodpe No. 773 meets ev ery Saturday evening In Odd Fellows' Uall at Waterfall Mills. Warfordsburg Lodge No. 001 meet in Warfordsburg every Saturday evening. King Post O. A. R. No. 3(15 meets In McConuellsbtirg In Odd Follows' Hal) tlio first Saturday In every month at 1 p. m. Royal Arcanum.Tuscurora Council, No. 121, meets on alternate Monday evenings in P. O. S. of A. Hall, In McConnellsburg. Washington Camp No. 497, P. O. S, A.of New Grenada, moots every Kat- . uriJuy evening In P. O. S. of A. Hall Washington Camp, No. 554, P. O.S.I of A., Ilustoutown, meets every Butur- urd ay evening in P. O. b. or A. Uall, John Q. Taylor Post O. A. It,., No. 5?0, meets every Saturday, on or just preceding full moon in Lashley hall, at 2 p. m,, at Ituck Valley. Woman's Relief Corns, No. SO meets at same date and place at 4 p.m. Gen. U. R. McKlbbln Post No. 4C2, G. A- H., meets the second and fourth Haturdays in each month at Pleasa n Rldgw. - , ADVERTISE IN The Falton County Hews, iarn. wuauMiuu. d c. I 1