Brush Creek. - Krnost Ilixsou, win) ha,, beea employed in Tittsbur for some time, h visiting hi.- parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. AmoFIix?on, n?nr Crys tal Spring. Mrs. Boyd Jackson, of Everett, i visiting her mother, Mrs. E. II. Lodge, of Emmaville. Miss Adii Burton, who is teach ing school in Licking Creek town ship, spent lust Saturday and Sun. day with her parents at Crystal Springs. X. B. Hanks left lust week for Georgia. lie was accompanied by his daughter, Miss Jennie, who expects to spend the winter in the South. Miss Gertrude Barton has re turned home after spending sever al weeks with friends and relatives at Andover and McConnellsburg. Miss Etta Hockensmith, of An dover, spent last Saturday and Sunday with M. E. Barton and family at Crystal Springs. Ueo. Lodge and Miss Jessie Mason attended the institute, at Akersville last Friday night. C. A. Barton, one of Well's successful teachers, spent last Sun day at his homo and attended the institute at Akersville. The institute held at Akersville last Friday night was a grand suc cess, eight teachers were present and the uestions were well dis cussed. The literary work by the school was excellent. They were also entertained by music on the graphophone. Buffalo school is progressing nicely under the management of Edward Lodge. THOUSANDS CURED. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has cured thousands of cases of piles. 'I bought a box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve on the recommenda tion of our druggist," so writes C. H. LaCroix, of Zavalla, Tex., and used it for a stubborn case of piles. It cured me permanent ly. " 3old at Trout's drug store. 1'lcusant Kidge. Mrs. Simon Deshong is on the sick list. J. W. Lake and wife spent Sun day with friends and relatives at Xeedmore. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deshong and daughter Anna spent Sunday afternoon at D. P. Deshong's. Miss Alto Lake has returned home from Philadelphia where she had gone on a visit to friends. Mr. Harvey Kanck of Warfords burg spent from Friday until Sun day the guest of Miss Alto Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Tute of West Virginia, accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Mellott of Xeedmore, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lake at Pleasant Kidge. WEST PI BUN. James S. Clevenger, of Pitts burg, is spending a short time with the family of his father Hi ram Clevenger. The Smoky City seems to agree with James. He has a pleasant position in a rail road oflice there. L. B. Johnson, of Waynesburg, Greene county, is spending a short time at the home bf his parents, J. F. Johnson, and hunt ing on Sideling Hill. He was ac companied here by Messrs. Had ley, Cree, Silvens ana Gump, of the same place. They got one deer besides some smaller game. Saturday night they hid an oys ter supper at John Murama's, af ter which they went hunting for coons; with what success we have not learned. QUICK ARREST. J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles caus ing 24 tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed, Bucklen's Ar nica Salve quickly arrested fur ther inflamation and cured him. It conquers aches and kills pain. 25c. at Trout's drug store. SCHOOL REPORT. Morton's Point school, second month, number enrolled, 29; aver age attendance during the month 28; per cent. 9H. Those who have attended every day during the month are: Nellie Morton, Ida Bard, Blanche Wink, Mabel and Bertha Truax, Sallie Kellner, Rebecca Deshong, Maggie Mel lott, Pearl KaufJmun, Luella Mc Iluay, Jessie Truax, George and Heed Mellott, John and Clarence Morton, Foster Uollenshead, and Roy, Dewey, and Hobart Truax, and Clyde Strait Cora Funk, teacher, Local Institute. The. second local institute in Belfast township this season, was held at Jacob Lake's school Friday evening, November 11, and was called to order bf Ibc teacher, Miss Anna Deshong, Mr. Amos Mellott was elected president. The following ouestions were i discussed by the teachers pres ent: 1. Self-reliance Value of, and how Taught. 2. Importance of Thorough and Practical Work in School. 3. The Valueof a Com mon School Education. Teach ers present: Howard Mellott, Amos Mellott, Gilbert Mellott, Misses Orpha Snyder, Queen Lake, Minnie Mellott, Ada Bar ton aud Cora Punk. We were also highly favored by having with us Prof. B. N. Pal mer, who gave some instructive, as well as entertaining thoughts upon the subjects. A very interesting program was prepared by the teacher, consisting of recitations, music, etc., which were rendered very creditably by the pupils. Cora A. Funk, Secretary. There will be a local institute at Rockhill school in Ayr towj ship on Friday evening, Decem ber 2, beginning 7:30. Topics for discussions : 1. Grammar Its Importance: How Taught? 2. The Personality of he Teacher : a, In the School Room; b, On the Playground; c, In Public Places. 3. Who is Responsible for Pupils waste of Time ? 4. Do the Teach er's Duties End in the School Room f Teachers and ail friends of ed ucation are invited to attend. Vikgie Truax, teacher. MADE YOUNU AGAIN. "One of Dr. King's New Lift Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again," writes D. H. Turner, of Dempsey town, Pa. They're the best iu world for 1 iver.stomach and bow els. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at Trout's drug store. A Man ind Woman Wanted. Good position lor the right par ty at a saw mill in Allen's Valley, one mile from Knobsvile, this county. For particulars call on or address H. Kalhach & Sox, Richmond Furnace, Pa. 65 WRITING LESSONS, MAIL, $2.50. Williamsport (Pa.) Commercial College. FREE. First lesson in Writ ing. Bookkeeping.Shorthand.and Letter Writing. Sale Register. Thursday, November 24, E. A. Alloway will sell at his residence near the Camp Ground, 1 mile south of New Grenada, horses, cattle, hogs, hay, grain, farming implements and household goods. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Saturday, December 10, John Newman, intending to quit farm ing, will sell at his residence, 1 miles north of Waterfall, 3 hors es, 2 milch cows, 1 new Deering mower, 1 new hay-rake, 1 two horse wagon, plows, harrows, a lot of corn, and many other arti cles. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. BURNT CABINS. G. S. Doran returned to his home from the World's Fair last Friday evening. Uncle Jake Miller was on the sick list last Friday, but is better at this writing. Mrs. Chas. Wagner, of Markes, Franklin county, spentThursday night and Friday with Dora John son. Agor Morrow, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. Alex Skinner, of Fa ti ne Lts burg, spent Tuesday among friends. Pres Cowan and Prof. Harris made a bu iness trip to McCon nellsburg last Saturday. Chas. Roof, of Richmond, and Stanley Roof, of Cbambersburg, speut Saturday with' their aunt, Mrs. Mary Oliver. Jas. Ueory.of McConnellsburg, spent Sunday at the home tf Chas. McGehee. Mrs. Sam'l Bowman, who has been Buffering with something like blood-poisou for some time, is not improving very much. PHVSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT. Many broad minded physicians prescribe Foley's Honey and Tar as they have never found so safe and reliable a remedy for throat and lung troubles as this great medicine. Bold at Trout's drug tore. VALUAHLL TARM. and MILL PROPERTY At Private Sale. The undersigned, on account of ad vancing years, anil a desire to retire from the active mnnngeint-nt of busi ness a fruit'?. offers at private snip his Form nnd Mill l'roperty, situate 4J miles north of Hancock, Md.. and ; mile north ot VVurftirdaliurg, 1'n. THE FARU contains 150 ACRES of lincst qual ity of LIMESTOXK LAND, nearly all of which is cleared und in high state or cultivation. The improvements consist of TWO GOOD Pit AM K DWELLING HOUSES, GOOD BAHN and other outbuildings. THE MILL as to size, condition, location, large custom, and improved machinery, is one of the most desirable mill proper tied In the county The Baltimore Ohio railroad, and also the Wulmsh, are only 4 miles distant, and the new H. ic O "cut-off" will be within tlirei quarters of a mile of the mill The mill is right in the heart of a rich fer tile section of country, and Is provided with first class steam power to supple ment in a dry time the usually line water supply. This property will be SOLD AT A BARGAIN, and ON EASY TKItMS. For further particulars inquire of BALTU3 STIGERS, Warfordsburg, Pa. or FRANK P. LYNCH, Agent, McConnellsburg, Pa. Farm and Store for Sale. Desiring to move West I offer for sole on private terms my farm adjoin ing the town of Burnt Cabins, contain ing J lit acres more or les of which HO acres are cleared and under good state of cultivation. This land has been limed over twice in the last few years, having received over 17,500 bushels of lime; has a new BANK BABN 45xii7 feet with wagon shed and straw shed attached; a good stream ol water running into the barn yard: house large enough for two families, and being situate near town, gives par ty purchasing, every convenience ol school, postollice, stores, mill, Ac. I also offer for sale my storu build ing and dwelling with all. or part, ol store goods. This property contain? a lot of KS perches of ground, is situ ated in the center of the town of Burnt Cabins, and at the junction of all the main roads leading into the place: consequently, it is the bent location for business in the town. Call on or address L. C. KELLY, Burnt Cabins, l'a. Auditor's Notice. The uudt rMKUcil auditor appolnti'd by tin' Orphans' Court of Fulton county to pus upou exceptions, uuel to uriki' dNi ributlnu of tin tiuluuoe of the funds in tue hands of the Keul Kstute Trust C'oinpuuv of l'hiluile'phln. trustee for Kim K. MeKlhbln. minor uhilil of Alexander MuKlhuln. hue of t'nlon township, deeeused. will sit for the piirpo.t; of his uppolutnient ut his olllou In .MeCoijuellslmri.'. lu , on Krldn v. the Iflth duy of December. Iik'l, nt lo o'clock, u. m. of Kitld duy, when nil persons huvlnt' claims uKnluat xuld estnte muv uppc:tr und niuke proof of surae or otherwise be forever debarred from punlcipitiiu' l'i the fund. H1ANK I' LYNCH. I w. Auditor. A 000D COMI'LKXION. "Sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks , restored by usiug De Witt's Little E;irly Risers," so writes S. P. Moore, of Nacogdo ches, Tex. A certain cure for biliousness, constipation, otc. Small pill easy to take easy to act. Sold at Trout's drugstore. Iliistontown. Mr. and Mrs. lvlwiird J. Hoo ver and little son I'nul of Superi or, Wis., arrived in this place Inst Friday and will spend the winter here. (leo. Miinima, a Votin;r!ioiiso employe, arrived at the home of his father, 1. It. Mummu, last Saturday and will spend a week looking for game. Six hunters from near Philadel phia are spending the week at the "Indian Queen." James Clevenger of Pittsburg was a frequent visitor to our town last week. John K. Jones, the A. T. & T. lineman at this place, was called to York, Pa., last week to help make good the damage ilono the line by the recent snow storm. Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Deshong, both of whom have been on the sick list for ho i in' time, arc, we are glad to say, convalescing. Mrs. Frank Wiblo of Knubsvillu was a visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. I). Ma thias, last Sunday. Don't forget f,o hoar the patriot ic sermon by Kev. 15. A. S.ilter next Saturday evening. Men Wanted. Men wanted t a woods aud on ftaw mill. Inquire of or address II. Kalhach & Sox, Richmond Furnace, Pa. Goods Bought 2& Vre An entire closing out of our Winter Millinery every Trim med, Unt rimmed and Ready-to-wear Hat at Cost. All fresh Stock to select from. Beautiful selections n all the new shades of Ribbons, Silks, Velvets, Plumes, Tips, Wings, iSic. We cany in every length the popular "Bert" Walking Skirt. Dame fashion has been busy this season, and our Ladies' Coats, Furs, Shirtwaists and Petticoats are woith looking at. In dress goods we can show you every con ceivable frabric and color, broadcloth. Scotch suitings, extra heavy for unhned skirts and jackets. An unlimited supply of Black Goods. Specials at special price's. 6 pop ular styles of corsets that will fit you. Winter underwear for men, women and children. Fas cinators, Mittens, Gloves, Neckwear, Veilings, Hosiery. We have added to our stock a compleee line of gent's furnish ing goods. "BANNER PATTERNS" easily comprehended. Children's winter dress and coat patterns 10 cents. Best trade prices for Eggs and Poultry. T. J. WIENER, HANCOCK, MD. A. J. IRWIN & CO., FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY A full line of Hats and Bonnets in all the very latest shapes, shades and colors This is to be a season of soft effects and bril liant colors. Very happily have the manufacturers of fancy silks and velvets met the demand of fashion. We have an element lino of UIBBONS, SILKS, VELVETS, FANCY FKATHKHS, TIPS and AMAZON PLUMES. In fact, we have every thing in a FIKST CLASS MILLINERY STOKE. Special attention will be given to Trimming. Keim-mbi-i' that our long experience in the millinery business enables us to select nothing but the most fashionable Roods. All we ask is that you give us a call, see our goods and get our ju ices. Our goods sell themselves. . J. Irwin & Co, McConnellsburg, Pa. (JEWEL STOVES and RANGES keep on saving all winter and you will have lome'.I'iri; more than a pile of ashes mnl half burned coal to show l-.r your money in a Genuine Jewel Stove hearing the above trn mail;, Jil'KN all the coal .u put in tlii.'in and ffet out a'l heat the cual contains. That's why we aay they are FUEL SAVERS ;i:nl s-Mi pay themselves in reduced furl 'ul:-.. You arc invited to call and see and l-k iUu; Ji'V.' U. . .:.y ccr f.o :.:o::c ALBERT Bargains in Villinery DURIjfi THIS fljVD VEX'? WEEK. Cut Prices on all goods. The lady Teachers will lind it to their advan tage to come in and see for themselves during in stitute week. Trading stamps with every purchase. Mays Johnston, McConnellsburg, Pa. Valuable Hotel Property at Private Sale. Tho undersigned will sell at pri vate salt. tho well known Washing ton House property tn McCon nellsbnrg, situated on Court House Sijuaro. This is one of moat desirable hotel properties in tho town, and ha a splendid patronage. The proRent owner has conducted it for a xnod of tweuty-tlve years and has no oth er rnoti.'e for selling than a desire to retire from active business. For further information cull on or address , 8. H. WOOLLKT, , McConnellsburg, Pa. Mr. Nathan Evert and Miss Noll Trout, of this place were at Morcersburg last Saturday wit oessiug the Field Dny exercises at the Academy. "Right" Bound To Sell the Spring tunc. o THAN COMMON 8TCV:3 STONER. WANTED. We want your wants and .You want your wants supplied : Therefore If vou want to buy Groceries; If vou want to Exchange; If you want to sell Buckwheat . Flour; If, in tact, you want anything in the Grocery Line, and want to sell anything in the line of Country Pro duce, Tell your wants to C. F. Scott, McConnsIlsburg, Pa. Coach Repairing The unUnrsitriU'd has 0ened a Coach Shop In this place and U prepared to BUILD AND REPAIR lltfht. vehicle of all kind on abort not lee. Pahitli) and Tt-iinuiluif a eclully. You are luviti-d to null and luif't work. Aaron Steele Shop formerly occupied by Alter! Uelkes Subscribe for the News. for Sale at Trout's drug store, liA5fT':EfnriiiTSr:;'ig Good Values For Christmas 1904. Holiday Goods Nearer and nearer the Holidays aro approaching and you will soon be select ing your GIFTS Our CflRIS'FJdflJS G00DJS both In novelties, and staple lines, are now on display ready lor your inspection. It will give us pleasure to have you look at these lines. We are o,ultc sure you will Und many new and beautiful things. ' I n getting ready for Christmas we have not overlooked our other lines. You will always llnd a clean t'p-to-Dato stock at the HIGHT PRICES for good qualities. As we want to close out our Millinery lino for this season we have made a SWEEPING REDUCTION of our Ladies', Misses and Children's Hats both in trimmed and untrimmed shapes. Will be glad to have you call and get prices on these goods. Ladies' and j Misses Coats and Furs. Jas. G. Turner & Co., Hancock, Md. The "Bert" Walking Skirt. y. o LIRE Is What You Make It. We can help you to make yours a pleasure. Cold weather is coming and you will want a new stove. 40 different patterns now in stock from $2.00 up to 25.00 each. : Beautiful Rag Carpets at 35 cents per yard. Rag jj ' with wool stripes 50 and 55 cents a vard. In- i grains at 30 cents a yard. I People should not be judged by the clothes they I wear. But a store carries. '"S'We have just received & week, many of them imported. All the lat- Hj do est r;iribia.nj btyiei. I LADIES' COATS in Brown, Tan, Castor, etc. They are beau- M ties. Also, the latest things in Ladies' Skirts. g You v.'.int a new Fur to. do you not ? Any. kind ft' color, or size you want. Prices 75 cents to $().( -0 each. - - . Breech Loading Shot Gunsfull choke 53.50. Smoke La or Black Powder Shells. GL,Y PARK, Three Springs, Pa. J. K. Johnston Read These Prices. MEN'S CLOTHING. Heavy work coats $1.40 Dress coats und vests $4.50 Good single coats 2.75 Cord pants lined through $1 . Youth's cord pants lined through $1..U Boys' cord knee pants 50p Men's black worsted suits $2.4" Men's line clay worsted suits $4.8." Men's buriiness suits, extra good $5 Men's fancy dress suits $8.50 Men's IH oz. clay worsted suits $10 Men s dress overcouts $. Men's fine dress overcoats $8 Men's ulsters 48 inches lonj; $i Men's ulsters 50 inches Ion? $8.50 Men's storm overcoats $ Men's sweaters, extra heavy $1 Mefi's heavy plush caps 40c Men's heavy llwced shirts and drawer extra heavy 40c 10 doz. soft-fronts shirt just received, (the $1 kind) 50c Canvas gloves lik Ooat skin gloves 25c The best hoavy, Box ealf shoes $1.20 High lop heavy Box calf shoes $1.85 High top, double sole " $2.5i Hoys' high cut shoes , $1.2.") Hoys' hi'li cut Uox calf shoes It 20 Hoys' fleeced shirts and drawers 25c All styles and colors In outing cloths. ;;uliicii cloth, and cottons of all kind Beautiful silk shirts wniisL nuUi-rnu ami c'nih fur'lrnf. unli.i ' All m.u,lUJ of blaukeu from to $l per pair. J. K. Johnston, McConnellsburg, Pa. DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT TU $1.00 bottteeonuint 24 l(mith trtl u, which Mil lor SO cant nilUlt CKL.V AT TWl UkMATOV OK U C. DcWXTT Ac Low Prices on all Don't keep any article bought here If unsatis factory. ' 5-... AAA AA A AAA A"A AA A A" A" C ! is judged by the style it J &f a lot of Ladies' Hats, this i o': . r..YYT: Children's toques j, ' . . 25c Children's Tamoshanteys 50o Men's wool overshirts . 50c and I . Boys' sweaters 50 and 85c LADIES' CLOTHING Pretty capes ,75o Brocade capes . 41.25 Cloth capes 27 indies long $2.25 B ack jackets ; Tan IkMton jackets $3.25' Extra fine Melton jackets $.' Kxtra lino black jackets $7 and $1). Beautiful fur scarf 75c, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $4.50. . Mull's to match $1; $1.50, $2 Tailor made skirts . . . $2 Tailor niudo heavy gray cloth $2 75 Tailor made heavy black cloth $.1.50 Tailor made bluu,brown and gray 3 Ladies' fascinators 25 and 5Uc Ladies' Hoods 60c Ladies' mittens 10, 15 and 25c Ladies' beautiful Golf glove 25e Ladies' Box calf shoes ' $ 1 25 ' Ladies' fine kid dress shoe $2 Ladles' kuit uiMle!'.-.ltU'ts 50c Ladies' black underskirts , II' '. LsditV umlerveits aud drawers 22c Childreu's uulon suits . 25o Children's shoes 50c, 75c, and 91, - Carpets and straw mattings. COUIXNY, CUXCACO.