A KulHil I llernrd. The ehlef inudlcul exn miner of the Royal Arcanum reports tbat 103 mem bers committed suicide during 1009. Among the supposed causes were: Do mestic trouble, sixteen; financial dif ficulties, twenty-six; HI health, thirty one; loss of employment, ten. 10O Reward. SHOO. The readers of tills paper will be plPtwdtrt )Mrn that there la at loast one dreaded dis ease that anlenoe ha been able to cure In all ItnitaiM, and that la Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure In the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a eon Stitntional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarrhCureta taken Inter nally, anting; cllrn tly upon the blood and mil eoussurfuoes ot the system, thertiby destroy lngtbe foundation of the dlsensn, and Riving the pn.tle.ut strength by building up the con stitution and assisting naturu In doing its work, 'l'he proprietors have so much fait b In Itsauratlve jiowurs that they offer One Hun dred Dollars (or any ease tbat it falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Ohiset A Co., Tolodo, O. Hold by Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family fills for constipation. Tacglng Fishes. The United States I'ish Commission lias contracted the small boys' hnblt of tagging fishes. Metal tngs are fas tened to marine fishes, which are let loose In the ocean with the Idea of identifying them in case they arc caught at any future time. FlTSpermanentlyonred. No (Its or nervous Cess after first day's use of Dr. Klinu's Great NerveKestorer,atrlulbottleand trentlie free Dr. It. U. Knxa.Ltd., Ml Arch rtt.,l'hilii., Pa. Three hat for Liverpool coachmen cost '8 8s. each; H. If. Gbeen's Poms, of Atlanta, On., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists intho world. Bee their liberal offer in advortlso Bent in another column of this paper. Last year Japan imported foodstuffs ex OSeding over $02,000,000. lamsuroPiso'sCiire forConsumptlon save t iny life three yearn ago. Mrs. Thomas Uob INS, Maple Ht., Norwich, K.lf., Feb. 17, 190J Steam navigation on the Yukon River is practically closed. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary I-otion; never fails. Sold by Drug gists. Mail orders promptly filled by Dr. . Detchon, Crawfordsvifte, Ind. $1. Laborers in India receive four cents for Sixteen hours' work. Catarrh cured ullinine. Throe preparation In one package. Ask your dealer (or 'Dr. Hartley' Great Kumedy." of Itiiltluioru. Mil. A Hint She (archly) Violets are twenty-fivo cents to-day. only He I know It dear, and If I could get a bunch of money as cheap as I .could get a bunch of violets I'd buy you a whole wagon load of flowers. i Detroit Free Press. Automobile "Campaign." General Booth's automobile "cam paign" from Land's End, England, to Aberdeen,' Scotland, took blm over 1,600 miles of road. Everywhere be was received with enthusiasm. I Women who work, store, office or factory, very rarely have the ability to stand 'the strain. The case of Miss Frankie Orser, of Boston, Mass., is interesting to all women, and adds further proof that woman's great friend in need is Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Dear. Mns, Pixeham : I suffered misery for several years. My back ached and I had bearing down pains, and frequent headaches. I would often wake from a restful aleep in audi pain and misery that it would be hours before I could close my eyes again. I dreaded the long night and weary day. I could do no work. 1 consulted different physician hoping to get relief, but, finding that their medicines did not cure me, I tried Lydia JE. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, as it waa highly reoomended to me. I am glad that I did so, for I soon found that it was the medicine for mv case. Very aoon I waa rid of every ache and pain and restored to perfect health. I feel splendid, , have a flue appetite, and have gained in weight a lot." Miss Fbakeix Onsen, 14 Warrenton St., Boston, Mans. Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, sick and discouraged, and exhausted with each day's work. Some derangement of the , feminine organs is reponslble for this exhaustion, following; any ' kind of work or effort. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will help you J tint as it has thousands of other women. ' The cose of firs. Lennox, which follows, proves this. I had for years. 1 gratefully acknowledge its merit. Mas. Ekrt K. Lennox, iw feast m eu, SHkM FORFEIT I' virsiiinl forthwith proline tbeorttlnal letter and ilnatares bf VRI.l l abo twviuionUto, luok aillyru? ihilr b.ilul anuiuiiM. sj J lydla K. tijslkiB Med. Co.. Igrua, Ms THE ORIGIN OF SURNAMES. They War first Used In Normandy Before the Conquest. Neither Hebrews, Egyptians, Assyri ans, Babylonians, Persians nor Greeks had surnames and In the earliest period of their history the same may be said of the Romans, says the W'av erly Magazine. In course of time, however, every Roman citizen had three names the praenomen, or per sonal name; the nomen, or name of the gens or cian, and the cognomen, or family name, as Ptthltns Corelius Srlplo. Conquerors were occasionally complimented by the addition of a fourth name, or agnomen, commemor ative of their conquest, as Publius Cornelius Sclplo Afrlranus. It Is impossible to state with any degree of certainty when the modern system of personal nomenclature be came general. It has been stated that he practice of surnames began In Normandy and extended to Kngland after the Norman conquest, but a document in the Cottonlan manuscript quoted In Turner's "Hlatory of the Anglo-Saxons" contains reference to Hwlta Hatte, a keeper of bees In Hathfelda; to Tate Hatte, hla daugh ter, mother of Wulalge the shooter, and Lulle Hatte, Mster of Wutslge. The date of these records of the Hattes Is not to be ascertained, but they were certainly written before the year 1006. So far as antiquarians have been able to discover Hatto Is the first surname whose exigence can bs traced In England. It is not Improb able that the founder of the Hatte family was so called because of some unusual or noticeable headgear that he was In the habit of wearing. A Sure Thing. A crowd standing around one of the bookmakers at Overland park, Den ver, one day during the races was given an opportunity to have a little Joke on that self-ir.iportant person, who was Interrupted In his talk to the men by a well-dressed man who forced his way to him and said some thing excitedly. The bookmaker beat on the railing before him and called for attention. "Gentlemen," he shouted. "I have been asked to say that a pneketbook containing (500 has been lost or stolen from a gentleman here who says he will give a reward of $50 for it. "Seventy-flve dollars!" yelled some wag on the outskirts of the crowd. "Ninety dollars!" came from some one else Instantly. "One hundred dollars!" "One hun dred and twenty-five dollars!" "One hundred and fifty dollars!" In a moment the enthusiastic bids for the lost purse caused its owned to retreat to the grand stand and the bookmaker to say things which were drowned in the laughter ot his audi ence. whether in the house, " Pr.Atl Mrs. Pinkbam : Last winter I broke flown Kuddcnly and had to seek the advice of a doctor. 1 felt sore all over, with a poundiik in my head, and a dizziness which I had never experienced before. I had a tniberable appetite, nothing tasted good, and gradually my health broke down completely. The doctor said I had female weukneas, but, although I took hla medicine faithfully, found no relief. " After two months I decided to try what a change would do for me, and as Lydla 12. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was Strongly recommended to me I decided to try it. Within three days I felt better, my appetite ' returned, and 1 could sleep. In another week I was able to alt up part of the day, and in ten day more I waa well. My strength had returned, I gained fourteen pounds, ud felt better and stronger thaa very sincerely yours, uixoa, ui- THE KEYSTONE STATE Latest News of Pennsylvania Told in Short Order. To aid Architect J. M. Huston In his plans to extend Capitol Park by acquiring the built-up district in the rear pf the Capitol, the Board oi Trade has appointed the following committee: Mayor Vance McCor mick, Congressman M. E. Olmstead, J. Horace McKarland, Senate Libra rian Herman P. Miller and George A. Gorgas. County Detective Jeffries promise the arrest of the murderer of little Mike Micrksi, who was killed neat Phncnixvillc, some weeks ago. He said: "You can depend upon it that a man will be arrested within the next few days for that crime, and it will nut be a member of the gypsie tribe. Vc now have good case and have a large amount of circumstantial cvi dence pointing to a certain, individual. The gypsies have removed from the neighborhood of Williams' Corner, but they will be here when needed in connection with tiic case." A jury in court at Media found a verdict against I'rank II. Fleer for $47-Jo. The plaintiffs were Ernest l ewis, to years of ane, and his father, Oliver Lewis. Young Lewis alleged that on August t,t. of last year, Mr. Fleer shot him with a rillc while he and another boy were picking apples under a tree at the home of Mr. Fleer, in Yeadon. Mr. Fleer denied that lie had shot the boy on the day in question and testified that on that day lie was visiting relatives in Sea Isle City. He admitted on cross-examination that before that occasion- he had ."hot at boys who went on his place for fruit. The jury pave the boy $too and the father $27.50. The I'honix Silk Company, which operates a "throwing" mill in Potts villc has announced a 10 per cent, gen eral advance in wages. This increase affects over 400 employees. An indignation, meeting of the citi zens of Glcnsidc was held in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, that place, the meet ing being due to V. T. 1(. Roberts' notice tn the citizens of Glcnsidc that he will no longer provide street illu mination and that the citizens must maintain the lamps themselves here after. t. the meeting an Improve ment Association was formed, which will take steps to secure a borough charter for Glcnsidc. To prevent attempts at jnil break ing the County Commissioners have placed arc lights around the Lebanon prison. P.y an explosion of stove polish Mrs. John Hcrnnn, of Tam.iua, was bidly burned, the names destroying most of her hair. The Keystone Furnace, at Island Park, near Easton, has been put in blast after being idle several months. Nearly 200 men are employed. he slaughter house of Simon Czer nick at Shenandoah, which is leased to Martin Lapinskas, a Mahanoy City butcher, was blown up by an explo sion supposed to have been caused by dynamite. John Oric, aged 35, of Clarancc, Center County, stepped from a train at Tamaqua on his way to Lansford, and he had barely reached the waiting room of the station when he died from heart failure. Joseph Savitz was arrested charged with having slashed suits, dresses, overcoats, bedding, carpets, picture! and everything that he could cut in his brother's house, at Wilkcs-Barre, because he was not- allowed to marry the brother's daughter. In the case of Sirs. Sarah, C. Crom ley against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for the recovery of damage for the loss of her husband and son, who were killed by a train on January o, 1002, in Watsontown, the jury gavs the plaintiff a verdict of $7428. A. Young, of Allcntown, was arrest ed on a charge of obtaining money un der false pretense at Stcttiersvillc, Le high County, T. J. Stephens, oi Guthesvillc, who invested $100 in the stock of a cigar factory, which Youns intended to operate, preferred the charge. Casper Sinckle, aged 62. a farmer ol Danboro, committed suicide by hang ing himself. He was in his usual health and spirits at the breakfast ta ble, but went immediately from that meal to the barn and took his life. Sinckle had experienced some finan cial reverses and this fact is supposed to have caused him to commit suicide. Improvements on the Methodist Church, in Washington Borough, have been discontinued and in all proba bility the church will be moved to an other part of the town, as the new freiglrt lire of the Pennsylvania Rail road passes alongside the church.- John W. Hunter, of Philadelphia' aged about 16 years, died at the Ches ter Hospital. While hunting ior rab bits, near Gradyville, lie was acciden tally shot in the knee by a companion. He was considerably weakened by loss of blood before he received attention at the hospital. Michael Bongiorno, a Pottsville merchant, who has returned from It aly, brought with him his own wife and the wives of eighteen other thrif ty Italians. In addition he brought four young women, who will be the bride of Italians in Pottsville, and also twenty-three children, the latter bcloniriiiB to the eiuhtecn wives. The entire party were targed and labeled I in a novel manner. isongiorno brought the company to Pottsville without an accident. The court has re-appointcd William P. Sharpies, William Scattergood and George Kerr, all of West Chester, a inspector of the Chester County Pri on. , Mr. Emily II. Gow, of Seattle, Washington, Uter of Rebecca Hard ing Davis, the well-known author, and aunt of Richard Harding Davis, died at Catalina Island, California. Vice President-elect Fairbanks vis ited the St. Louis Exposition. NEWSY GI.KANI.NaS. Taylng visits by airship is the latest fashionable novelty in Paris. Hoth at Bonn and at Breslnu iei colleges for girls have been opened. Hoy tt Martin, a law 'firm composed of two young women, was formed In New York City, Tho French Postal Department has decided to rephice Its mull couches Iso electric motor cars. Fifty of the largest pfint-ifTI. showed for October an increase iu re ceipts of a. 13 per Lent COMMERCIAL REVIEW. R, G. Dun & Co.' weekly review of trade says: All measures of trade indicated the customary loss due to holiday inter ruption, but subsequently much of the deficit was regained, numerous evi dences of increasing confidence being ccn in the disposition to place order for distant shipment. Increased con sumption of pig iron is also signifi cant, and in other leading branchel of manufacture there is a steadily di minishing percentage of idle machin ery. Woolen mills are busy, despite the fact that it is between seasons and the raw wool market is very strong. Developments in the leading man ufacturing industry are about equal to the most san'guine expectations. Demand is broadening in a wholesome manner, large contract calling for t heavy tonnage of plates, wire, pipe and sheets. Orders (or structural shapes were heavier than at any pre vious time this year, and sales ol bars were made at $2 above the list prices. Footwear manufacturers report a satisfactory volume ot supplementary orders from Eastern jobbers for de livery early next year. Failures this week numbered 213 in the United States, against jSj last year, and 17 in Canada, compared with 27 a year ago. Bradstrcet's says: Wheat, including flour exports foi the week aggregated 1,454,276 bushels, against 1,482,202 last week, 3.65,822 this week last year, 4.440,160 in iooj and 4.983,734 in 1901. Corn export) for the week aggregate 148,051 bush els, against 34.927 bushels last week. 1,688,282 a year ago, 281,901 in 1902 and 629,924 'in 19,01. WHOLESALE MARKETS. Baltimore. F'lour Steady and un changed. Receipts, 9,325 barrels; ex ports, 10,171 barrels. Wheat Firmer. Spot contract, I.l4-54t.I5; November, iMJii'Lij; December, i.iOJgi.iOJJ; May, 1 . 1 o?4 ; steamer No. 2 red. 1.07 1.07; receipts, 6,691 bushels; .Southern, by sample, y8(&l.l5; .Southern, on grade, 1. 04 1. 1 5. Corn Firm. Spot new, SS.'SSIJ; year, 54 5454 I January, 52521 February, 52fa5-'!4; March, 52-0.554 i receipts, 3,225 bushels; new Southern white corn, 48(-54 V2 ' new Southern yellow corn, tf'Afri SA'A- Oats Firm. No. 2 white, 34'a.i4;'4; No. 2 mixed, 3Z'A'Z.',4'i- Rye Dull. No. 2 Western, uptown 90 asked. Butter Firm and unchanged. Fancy imitation, i8(?jio; fancy creamery, 27: fancy ladle, 16(017; store packed, 13 15. Eggs Firm, at 27. Cheese Steady and unchanged. Large 1 1 A(i i jjl ; medium, II "3 1 1 J4 ; small, iij-jjrtiiijji. New York. F'lour Receipts, 28, 286 barrels; exports, 7,928 barrels; sales, 6,800 packages; market firm, with moderate trade; Minnesota pa tent, 6.106.40. Butter Firm, uncliangeJ; receipts, 2,829. Cheese Firm; receipts, 1,808; State full cream, small colored and white, choice, October, io4; do., large color ed, choice, October, lo'A; do., large white, choice, October. 10. Eggs Strong; receipts, 4,662; State Pennsylvania, and near by, fancy se lected, white, extra. 34S35; South erns, )Ctt.2t refrigerators, igtnxl. Potatoes Firm; Long Island, 1 75 2.00; State and Western, 1.301.70; Jersey sweets, 1.5012.25. Peanuts Dull; fancy hand picked, 55'i; other domesttic, 3'S6!4. Cabbages F'irm: per barrel, 5C275. Hops Steady; State, common to choice, 1904, 3K?i40; Pacific Coast, 1904, 3037- Lard Steady; Western stc-anied; 7.50; November closed 1.50, nominal; refined quiet; continent, 7.70; South American, 8.25. Cottonseed Oil Easy; prime crude, nominal; do. yellow, 26(27. Sugar Raw firm; fair refining, 3 15-16; centrifugal, 96 test, 4 7-16; mo lasses sugar, 3 11-16; refined firm. Live Stock. New York. Beeves Medium and good beeves, 10 15c, lower; com mon, dull but steady. Native steers, 375(85.75; choice, 6.50; Westerns and healf-breeds, 3.20(4.50; bulls, 2. 60 300; cows, l.502.25; extra iat cows, J. 85. Cables quoted live cattle quite demoralized at per pound, dressed weight; sheep, steady. Calves Veals, steady; grassers, slow to lower. Veals, 4-25'38.25; grassers, I.75$?2.25; Westerns, nomi nal; dressed calves, slow to lower; city dressc4 YsaJs 7 to n'j; country dressed, 7ffl2!4. Sheep and Lambs Steep, steady; slow to shade lower. Sheep, 3.00(3 4.50; lambs, 5.65(0.6.00; one car extra 6.15; choice Canada Iambi, 5 90; culls 3504-50. 1 logs Receipts, 4,358. Good State hogs. 5 50- Market firm. Chicago. Cattle Market, steady. Good to prime steers, 6.oo(c7.oo; cows, I.254.6o; heifers, t 75l5-5"; canner I.25(?i2.40; bulls, 2.00 4.75; calves 3.50187.00; Western steers, 3005 t5 Hogs Market, 5(5ioc. lower. Mix ed and butchers, 4.855.15; good tc choice heavy, 5.005.15; rough heavy 470(2:4.85; light, 485(25.05; bulk Ol sales, 4.90(05.00. Sheep Sheep, lower; lambs, steady to 10c lower. Good to choice weath ers, 4.35(04.75; fair to choice mixed, 3504.25; native limbs, 425(2625. W0KLD OP LABOR. Brushmakers at Boston have taken steps to establish a union. Worcester (Mass.) newsboy have been organized into a strong union. There are 12,500 boys and 4,059 girl in the industrial school of Great Bri tain at present. The pauperism of England and Wales costs the whole population $2 38 a head yearly. - An effort will be made immediately to organize every branch in all the shipyards in Quinry, Mas. The Wisconsin Free Employment Bureau reports a great shortage oi railroad men and farm laborer. Union carpenter in Connecticut number 17,300. It is estimated that only 400 men in the State are non union. , More than 2,000 skilled workmen have left the French silk fartoritt ol Roubaix and Turcoing within a year for the United State. There is one fairly successful coal mine in Ireland, at Arigna, county Roscommon. The average output is about tons a vurelc i HOW INDIANS CATCH FISH. Finny Prey First Put to Sleep With "Devil's Shoestring." On the 1st of July the Indians will have near Sonora a big fish killing, 'vhlch Is considered great sport by them. Already a supply of "devil' iihocstring" la being gathered for this purpope. This is the root of a certain bush, and owing to the fact that these roots go so deep. In so many direc tions, it Is considered quite a task to get sufficient for use at a fish shoot. On this particular occasion It is said that 2,600 bundles of "devil's shoestring" will be used. The Indians select a portion or hole of water In the river, and some of them will beat up this root and throw It In tho water. This Is repeated by another parly of Indiana a considerable dlntnnce from the drat party, and the water be comes Impregnated with tho Juice, and Ihe effect on whatever fish may be in this particular place In marvel ous. They become sick and float on the surface of the watnr, and ihon the shooting begins. The Indians shoot them with bows and arrows and spear them. After a sufficient quan tlty of fish have bern gathered In, they repair to tho hills and bi.'nks. The cleaning is done by the squaws, and after they are cooked the foast begins. While the fish are sickened and stunned by the juices from the root, the meat Is not affected. Kan sag City Journal. Large Rhode Island Hay Crop. The one salvation of Rhode Island farmei'B this year Is the hay crop, which has been almost phenomenal, the records of tho State Board of A3 rlculture showing a very great In creaae In the size of the crop over preceding years. The after-feed has not come up as well as might be ex ported on account of the cold weath er, but It is on the big hay crop tbat ihe farmer must got his money this year; and very few grangers will bo able to show a balance on tho right side of the lodger with the advantage of incrpasoil hay money, as tho pota toos md fruit In many sections of the state wiH be a dead loss. Providence journal. "WHO.CXS" And What Thrf Mniin, When Old Mollirr Nnltiro gives .von a "wlnick" rpini'iiibiM- "thorp's a veil tnn" sn try and .-;i 'thank you" then sot about II inlintr wluit jnu linvo diii to ili'iniind the vobirUi-. and try an I el back into lino, lor thai' the happy' place aflor nil. Curious how many highly organlzod ppoplo fail to appiv.-iatp a.M hood the first little, genii.? "whacks" of Hip tl old Pump, lint no l iuht a!o:;s Willi thp habit wlialovpi- it may he. Ihat cause? Iipr disapproval. Whiskey. Tobacco, Coffee, Tea or o!!kt unnatural lival tnont of the body, until serious jlir.p.o sets In or some chronic disease. Some ppnplc seem to got on very well Willi those tilings for awhile, and Mother Nature iipparcnily cares b.it littlo what they do. I'erhaps she has no particular plans for them and thinks it little use to waste time hi their training. Thorp lire people, however, who seem to bo selected by Nature to "do th;i;g.' Thp Old .Mother oxppels (hem to can t out some department of lior gr.-al work. A piirlion of these selected ones oft aud n u:i 1 11 seek to stimulate mid then deaden the tool (Ihe body) by some one or more of tho drugs Whis key, Tobacco, Cofl'eo, Tea, Morphine, etc. You kno'.v all of thes-p throw down the same ei.'.ss of alkaloids In Chemical analysis. They stimulate and then de press. 'J'hpy take from man or woman the power to do bis or her best work. After these people have drugged foi a time, Ihpy at a hint, or mild "whack" to remind them Unit th:y have work to do, a mission to perfuuu, and should lie about the business, but are loating along the wayside and become unfitted for the fa:ne nnd fortune that wails for them if they but stick to tho course and keep the ho ly clear of obstructions so It can curry out the behutts of thp mind. .Slekiipss Is n call to "come up high er." These hints come In ailous forms. It may be stomach trouble ot bowels, heart, eyes, kidneys or general nervous prostration. You may depend upon it when a "whack" enmes it's a warning to quit some abuse and do the right and fair thing with the body. l'erlmps It Is Coffee drinking that offends. That is one of the greatest cr.'.is"s of human diiorJcr among Aincucitiis. . Now then If .Mother Nature Is genii with jou ami only gives light, litii "whacks" at Hist to attract attention, don't abuse her consideration, or the will .soon hit you harder, sure. . And you may also be Tuvv she win hit you very, very hard if yen insist on following ihe way you have been su ing.. U seems hard work to give up a hab it, nnd we try till oi-i of plans ti charge our III fe.-llugs to same other cause than tho real one. t'offpe drinker when 111 will ntlrlb lite the trouble to bad fojd, malaria, overwork aud what not, but they keep on beinx sick and gradually gcltin,' worse until they are finally forced o quit entirely, even the "only one cup a day." Then they begin to get better, and unless they have gnue long enouli to set up some llxed organic disrate, they generally get entirely well. It Is easy to quit coffee at once 11 I'd for all, by having well made rusluiu. with Its rich, deep, seal brown color which comes to the twain if ul golden brown when good cream Is added, and tho crisp snap of good, mild Java is there If the Tostum has been boiled long enough to bring It out. It pay to be well and happy for good old Mother Nature then sends 111 her blessing of many aud various kinds aud help u to gain fame and fortune. tltrip off the handicaps, leave out the fleadpulng habit, heed Mother Na ture's hint, quit lelng a loser and be come a winner. 8he will help you sure If you cut out the thing that keep you back. "There's reason" and a profound one. Look In each package for a copy of the famous liillu bouk, "The ltoad to to'dlvlHs." GOVERNOR Uses Pe-m-na . ft For Colds and Excellent Th Magnltlccni atata ;aullol I KAISE FROM THE I)KI(I.'NA i knevvn from the Atlantic to the I'ueuiL. Letier of rnrivriitiilution ami tomineiHliiumi tenin'vum u ihe merits of IViuna us u catarrh r. imilv die piiuriiiK in from e very Slate of the I.' men. Dr. Ilartmn is receiving- hundred- of such letters daily. All kUa-i-h write 1 h, m letteis, from the liiuhct to the limct. The outdoor laborer, the indoor uru-.in, the clerk, the-editor, the Ma!i-mun, the prea. h( r all amp t ti.it I'cruna if the ca tarrh remedy of tie- nfr. The sii've and ron im, rrenjniitins ca- i.urn as uieir grestest rnemv cialiy entliuxiastic in 1 heir itu are expe nd d les- ispinnv h n-ii.t ni!i is '0:1! c:;'wid Anv man who wi-hcs i.crfi -t t 1m be entirely free from catarrh, t'a wel.ii;li iitnv er.-..ii ; aim .-! o'cnipr. I'enina is the en!; al.-oite . known. A coid is the he inuum. of To prevent enids. lo c:nc ,nld.-, is lo catarrh of its victim,. liril neat '( iiihi 11 it oniric irrnruliirrh, hul '. pirvrifs II. I.irril InninrlinUl i." 0111 1 Ik Hiipiilied with this (;-..' i-rm , ! ( 11 7 i, ( ami s Jin t i. The ex (iovernir of tlnu'o:i is .,11 ar.l. -it 1 admirer ol I'cruna. lie kce;,s u coMm 1 tially in liie hou-ie. 1 FACTS ABOUT THE CwiNAGli. Director of the Mint Gives Informs tion as to Old and New l;ues. The director of the mint is ca'le: on to answer such a wide range o questions concerning the values 01 old and ncv,- coins and nn dais that he has found it i.cceKsnry to i: u circulars covering matters of thi fort. It tolls some Interesting f:i i; It appears that the mint docs not b-.:;. old coins or paper money except som rare colonial coins in line conditio:, which are desired for the mint ca: i net. .Mutilated or uncurrent Vni.i ,' Suites gold aud silver coin is pur chafed as bullion. The mint has in pattern pieces for sale. Tho govern ir.ent pays no premium for the return of any of Its coins or paper money New crins cannot be struck until au thorized by an act of congress. The mint Htipplios United States coins on ly anil not of any past date. The $'.0 pold piece and the half-dollar and qunrier-dollar pieces in gold were struck by private parties on the Call fornia coast durini; the 1S49 perio : and not by the I'n'ited States gov eminent. The cfiin.-.pe of the following eoinn ceased In the years named: Hulf and 1-cent, copper, in 157; 1-cent, nickel. 1SII4; half-dime and 3 cent3, silver, and 2 cents bronze, In 1ST3; 20 cents, silver. 18TS; trade dollars. 1883; $1 and S3, cold, and 3 cents, nickel, ISM'. The Columbian half-dollar was coined in 18P3. The Lafayette dollar was struck In the date on tho coin O9U0) being that of the unveiling of the memorial. There are certain markings on ev ery United Simes coin that enable the place of its coinage to be located. Those striirk at the Philadelphia mint have no mint mark, but those struel. at all other mints are distinguishe ' by a small letter on the reverse, near the bottom. These letters are: C foi Charlotte, N. C, discontinued In I8S1 ; CC for Carson City. New, discontinued in 1S93; D for Dahlonega. Ga., discon tinued In 1S61; O for Now Orlc ;:ir and S for San Kranelseo. The coins of the United States r.v.v authorized by law are: In gold, dou ble eagle, eagle, hulf eagle and quar ter eagle; in silver, half dollar, quar terdollar and dime; minor, 6-cent nicltel and 1 cent bronze. A person may buy a proof set of gold coii.t from the mint for J38.D0 and a proof set of silver and minor coins for $1.50. When the business of the mints Is Flack medals may be (-.truck from dies fu-nlshed by individuals, public institutions and Incorporate.! yocletles. at n eharpe sufficient to cor er t'.'O cost cf tC op '-atlon ami tip-vt-luo of the ijicttl. WLDOU J W. L, Couplmm ntmkmm mnd nw tnmn mnw ffnw wnmnui Mtpillil lliM- Sim P-iLlt tZfJrtd7 If ATI ADr;4.f'-,l,il VJ sir I-F WSA ThrM-n W. !. Imitfl:tM $ in nhott nr Hie rrnteit Mllert In th world rvcT tV-Mr teL ifrA tl,cHr mtiiiff anil itirir fi inir gitnlllltM. If 1 culil rliMn i-'U ihr rt ;l r. , o I 1 -n tb bca in 4 dp In in 7 f t-r jr and iIhk of uihrr inuke mid iti liih-irri' lfathMi a- A. ou w. 1 1 tiu-ler un4 lir W. ,. ltouclHi iitj ithitra rt i mors to nmk, hjr IwM tht-tr mIi.ip.'. ht iwr I'MiKfr. mifl Hrir ire der IntrttiHlc mIu fhun iu.y hvr ts.W ibo ou U luAJkcl WUy,aua bl U Mtics fur ihyfr vudtim July i. roi, were RU,?n:l,iM(MK). . , Ih-uuUts Ku.iritiitra ttiir vnlti bf fniiinM hl uaom and prtct oo tbt botluu. look fori Uk no nub.nl m, hold by fliu dealers avurywUcia. SUPERIOR IN FIT, COMFORT AND WEAR. "I w won! W. L. IKufhu ft 40 V for IV Uttl Iwrlrt rrt n'k ' lo VM-h. S. tlrt'l K, Drp". f-"l7ll. g. int. Rn,Ht. K 'lm J. la. W. T.. imi.cln nm I'omiis Colt. kin In lil .l.SO shoo. ',.ron Colt U con reded tm t th fliivot J'aieul Lcatlicr ui.i.le. tail ,.T.,r Km lei bxhI elulvlit. W. L. OOUOLAS, Brvktartt Mmmaaahmmftm. BEST FOR P,A, I H cu '' trouble, appendicitis, hllieuenese, bad bmik, ka4 leod. wlodooH.e.tnm.th bleelrd aowrU, loul mouth, bexlaclle, inHirnliea, pi In p lea. )eln.afteratlBC.IIrtTouble,all9wililnan4di.4lneem. W.o yuur be'wela dalitt moV, lofularly you rlc. Cautipatioa kill I a mure ioii. ihu .11 .1 .. .Li-iuL-ViT . . .f " v' ""s. n miKtc wi.ii aim vhi, eiprr talclntl C, btARhJ lda, ia you wilf never e well ..nd slay rll unl.l you Jo! you, bvel! right lake our advice, atart with Cauarela lo.l.v uJ.r ablute ua4atMa cu.-a e EEl'A.!- ";"" !. .tamped C C C. He.., .old l,T lula. u.l. aa4 I tjrll thrsme jl!n,nli BuB .r aUlatl41i . ix ovn"ur v-i'mnssftv ( ii spu ot fejw OF OREGON In His Family Finds II an Remedy rsuilums &ulm. vrtBon EX-GOVERNOR OF 0BEG3N. In a letter to '1 he I'eruiin Mrdicme Cok he kujh State ok (im-nov 1 Kxri rrivt. Dkcaim jik.m . f The I'rnma Medicine Co.. ( o.uinous. O. . M (- ti ii'c , a.,in to Hue ioor Vriiiid p,i'c,o- my am tin 'or (. ti ,l a prim: it tit be an r.rc llitit rrmrrfii. I havr tint had oi ranlmi In iiNP It or nthrr atlmenta. 1 i.ui'N rrcy truly, II . M. .on It will he noticed that the ex iovernor says he Ii.lk not had occasion to uw PcruiiA tor Dlhel aiillicllts Th,. reason lor tins i. I irio-t ot hct ai.Mictils hcfin wilh a cold 1 I siiij I'enin.i to roinptly cure coids. iie j plotccts his l.i 1 1 1 1 i y .leanest oilier ai.nici . I lies 1- ey telly Wll.il cer o'her fa! I J ; in I'm- I'n. ted Mates shoaid do hcep i'e- ; I I.H.I 111 l IH ' l.-f I -e II I. II Itls. I-O..U, i.'H I ,l pc ami otlu l e, 1111, ,li. atl'-el ;ons ol , .ind ttiere will tie no other aiimeriLs in the le'ii-e. .-'I' ll larinii.s shoiiid provide 1 iieinselves with a coin ot )r. I l.ut man tree book, 1 n' 1' !. d "l in -0 ;ie ( 'atari li " A bhesn Hi . H ll.irtin.in. I'l.-s dnit of lie- ll.iitnii.'i s-atn; .mum, 1 '.cum. ' ihio. A 1 foi icsp. Ii'lel.. e lie.d StlKtiy n.atldcQ- I .'. Ii!t5!(iH0fllEriS!iKEVffiFAIia . " IN A WET TIME. . 1 - v t-' 71 v!V. .ttf AND KSSP CiYJ W 'WARE Of IM!TATi?NJ. ICC. 0 At0t ISADC KAtH I UIob-. Ir.,,n,i,tni .r. , ma iiaij A. ,T. TOWER CO.. B -ton. ilin.. U. 9. A. TOVcrH CAN AEc.VN CO . Lt I.. T-ir?i" ,. mi mm t.. m1 l.Vi.;-. r..nM.tMl ...... (tti)ni'U'ii t (i. i r in 11 ,m . '1 in tr (.-i.fi 1.. nn I ..i i lit i tin kHtn.'V-. -V Ml .n .1 .1 '.1 M'ilf'ii f. t',lli-IU'l .Hill -. t ' tr iu m' A im- . t At in Parsona' Pills .totiijtn ti -lirc'tt"!)". v '1 i'v I U-.lIi.' II. - ti Mini S-iw.-U, in .Ciiruti- 1 ,,t l.v.r. N't: dt.tl i .Mtt ti 'h ml II i i ('.(. - mi i v i tt't A tf.l't-U rf ti- l-l H.. 'il 1..H" Ulf I.Ul'.'I J"' I t, ll.ffkill . it ,ui I t:e '"ii -..-x,"i. fci." at - t t rv. ptNSIONFORAGf " orj.ir rile m at one., foi hi.ink. ne.l -..-n i-::i,iu Fri- cf eliariev No I', len.ii. So P.. v. l.,lr, W. II. M ILLS. Wiil. Hi il.lit.ir :ii h :i ,iv. U ii.liirrloii. II i;. I'ul.-M- I.I.I Maikt olii-iiist. drop SYri'zir: Natl look ( tMl.uatait () J , , i'.iaH k rt: Or U OiitN Lm jX J ii.ta, . ad'e:uisl' l. I 111- I A. i.i. AYS r1oMorBllndKor$8i5o:M,'tS5 or Kjm. brrj C'oH low i Hj .u-.bav ur car !SS2SSM5nS3ar LUNtS Vlrln,c Ail I l.'.'ls Best Coiili rt-iip. 'I'a.irs i..-sl. f in I '"," S. ' 1 It fl-::.i;.. c-.'..-,iJSsat,ii0 mmftm mo mmn'm 93. DO moturm in tna worm. THE 50WEL5 .' . . . ' ft A ''.ifii B 3srr s