The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 23, 1904, Image 5

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Of Local aad deneral Interest, Oathered
at Home or Clipped from oar
Exchangee .
lied trading stamps given at
(Jharlos K. Mellott of fcMpes Mill
spent a day in town the first of
tlio woek.
Fern Sale. Quiet family bay
horse. Good driver gentle and
mfo. Inquire at the News office.
New crop New Orleans molas
ses at Irwin:s.
This is a good time- to sub
scribe for the t ulton Count v
News. Only a dollar a year m ad
Buy cranberries, raisins, cur
rants, fiys, prunes, peaches, &c,
at Irwin's.
For Sale. Holstein bull, 18
months old.
N. I. Finiff,
Tod township
Fou Sale. Heavy one-horse,
or light two-horse, wagon.
' S. S. Hann,
Webster Mills, Pa.
David Ilann and Polk Sipes
butchered two porkers for S. K.
Pitt man at Harrison ville last
Thursday that tipped the beam
to the tune of 787 pounds. One
sti-ingof the sausage measured
21) feet in length.
Foley's Honey and Tar for
coughs and colds; reliable, tried
and tested, safe and sure. Sold
at Trout's drug store.
The Irwin store is packed with
new and beautiful goods for the
coming holidays. Give us a call.
There will be preaching servic
es at the Salvation Army church
near Big Uove Tannery, Satur
day evening at 7:30, and on bun
day at 10:30, 2:30 and 7:30. All
are welcome.
The Hebron congregation of
the Reformed church near Big
Cove Tannery will celebrate the
Lord's Supper this coming Sun
day at 10:80 a. m. Preparatory
services on Saturday at 2:30 p. ru.
C, M. Smith, Pastor.
There is no cough medicine so
p ipular as Foleys Honey and Tar.
It contains no opiates or poisons
and never fails to cure. Sold at
Trout's drug store.
Dr. Frank H. Hmmert, the
Chatnbersburg specialist in the
treatment of diseases of the eye,
ear and throat, will be at Dr. J.
W. Mosser's office in this place,
on Thursday, December 8th, to
examine eyes, fit glasses, and to
treat all cases that may present
themselves in his line of work. ;
Wanted at Paul Wagner's tan
neryi McConnellsburg, tallow,
beefhides, horsebides, callskins,
and sheepskins, for which the
highest market price in cash will
be paid.
W. A. Herren, of Finch, Ark.,
writes, " I wish to report that
Foley's Kidney Cure has cured a
terrible case of kidney and blad
der trouble that two doctors had
given up." Sold at Trout's drug
store. '
Some of the most anxious hours
of a mother's life are those when
the little ones of the household
have the croup. There is no oth
er medicine so effective iu this
terrible malady as Foley's Honey
and Tar. It is a household favor
ite for throat and lung troubles,
and as it contains no opiates or
other poisons, it can be safely
given. Sold at Trout's 'drug
Fancy Pastry.
- Mrs. Mertie Harr announce
that she is prepared to receive
orders for cakes, cookies, ginger
bread, custards, &c, at her home
in this place. Next Saturday af
ternoon she will have a supply of
fresh cakoB, Ac, and on each suc
ceeding Saturday. Your p itron
age solicited.
He CmU Hardly Ott Up.
P. U. Duffy, of Ashley, III.,
writes, "Thi8ia to certify that I
have taken two bottles. of Foley's
Kidney Cure and it baa. helped
me more than any other medicine.
I tried many advertised remedies,
but none of them gave me any re
lief My druggist recommend
Folny'it Kidney Core aud it has
c u rod me. ..Before commencing
Hm uso I was iu such a shape that
I cnild hardly get up when once
William Mellott and wife of In
diana, are spending a couple of
months very pleasuntly among
their many friend in this vicini
ty. Miss Ada BarloQ, one ot, Lick
ing Creek's most successful
teacher!, spent from Friday un
til Sunday the guest of Miss
Anna Deshong and attended the
institute at Jacob Lake's.
Thornton and Thomas Mellott,
of Johnstown, passed through
this place enroute to their home
on Pleasant Ilidge.
H. 11. Deshong and wife were
called to the bedside of the for
mer's sister-in-law, Mrs. Simon
Deshong, who is critically ill.
E. B. Morton of Pittsburg, was
circulating among his many
friends of this place a couple of
days last week.
Miss Tempie Snyder, of Gem,
is spending this week in the fam
ily of Mrs. Effie Wink, who -is ly
ing very low at her home.
Mr. Fermen Tate and wife, of '
Clearfield, are visiting the latter 's '
mother, Mrs. Miriam Mellott. !
The second institute of Belfast, !
was held at Jacob Lake's school
last Friday evening. The meet
ing was called to order by the
teacher Miss Anna Deshong, and
Amos Mellott was elected chair
man. The questions were well
discussed by the nine teachers
present; also, Prof. B. N. Palmer
was present and gave some very
interesting talks. The next in
stitute will be held at Pleasant
Grove, Dec. 2nd.
Mothers Praise It.
Mothersevery where praise One
Minute Cough Cure for the suf
ferings it has relieved and the
lives of their little ones it has sav
ed. A certain cure for coughs,
croup and whooping cough. A.
L. Spafford, Postmaster, of Ches
ter. Mich., says : Our little girl
was unconscious from strangula
tion during a sudden and terrible
attack of croup. One Minute
Cough Cure relieved and cured
her and I cannot praise it too
highly." One Minute Cough Cure
relieves coughs, makes breathing
easy, cuts out phlegm, draws out
inflamation and removes every
cause of a cough and strain on
luugs. Sold at Trout's drug store.
The house of J. P. Carmack at
Clear Ridge was moved and plac
ed on a uew foundation last Sat
urday under the management of
N. B. Henry and son "Cab." Ex
County Treasurer John A. Hen
ry with his black horse Charley
furnished the motive power, as
sisted by the following willing
neighbors: Squire Fleming, John
and William Henry, Wm. Grove,
Jacob Winegardner, James and
John Carmack, and David and
Frank Briggs. Everything work
ed like a charm. While the men
were on the outside moving the
house, Mrs. Calvin Baker and
Miss Hettie Briggs were busy
inside preparinga sumptuous din
n ;r, and everything was com
pleted by 2 o'clock in the after
noon. -
Foley's Honey and Tar always
stops the cough and heals the
lungs. Refuse substitutes. Sold
at Trout's drug store. ,
Twenty Mile f River Front Far Wa
Up Craft at World's Fair City.
Free whurfage wilt be given to all
boat landing at St. Louts during tin
World's Fair. Traffic Manager Ull
leary of the Exposition and Joseph P.
Whyte. harbor and wharf commission
er of St. Louts, hare decided on the lo
cations assigned to the various kinds
of boats.
Yachts, steam launches aud all boats
propelled by their own power bave
been assigned wharf apace between
Choteau avenue and Blddle street
Theae streets, running east and West,
form the boundary tinea for the cen
tral business district of the city.
Hons boat bave been .assigned
wharf space north of Blddle street
and south of Choteau avenue.
St Louis has a river front of twen
ty roller The Broadway line of .the
Transit company parallels the river
from the city limits on the north to
Jefferson Barracks on the south.' At
no point are the cars more than five
blocks from the Mississippi river. The
World's Fair may be reached for 'one
fare by transferring to any of tbe
eight lines that cross Broadway and
reach the Exposition grounds.
No charge will be made for wharf
age. Application for space should be
made to the harbor and wharf com
mlMloDwr at the City Hall, on Twelftk
street, between Market street anal
Ctaric avenue.
Bast Cestk Smw. Tuts Cms.
Use Is nne. Bets' aninM.
Local lostltate.
The fourth local institute 'ot
Taylor township, was held at
Pleasant Grovo last Friday nveu
ing. The meeting was called to
order by the teacher Miss Maudo
Kields, who appointed John II.
Woodcock president. Subjects
for discussion were: 1. System;
Its Use, and How Obtained. 2.
Tardiness; Its Effects, aud How
Prevented. 3. What is Your Aim
as a Teacher 5"
Discussed by Miss Huston,
John Woodcock, Miss Keebaugh,
Elmer Horton, Roy Morton and
Bessie Morton.
The program was interspersed Hock Hill Friday evening, Decern
with songs, recitatious and dla 'ber2.
logues. Botn the literary work
and discussions were .interesting
aud instructive.
The next iustitute will be held
at No. 5. All teachers, patrons
aud friends are cordially invited
to attend aud take part in the
work and help advance the cause
ot education.
D. K. Chesnut,
The local institute at Akers
ville, November 18, was attended
by a large crowd of people inter
ested in education. The meet
ing was called to order by S. E.
Walters, teacher, and A. W. Duv
all was then elected chairman and
C. A. Barton, secretary.
The following questions were
discussed: 1. Dai'y Program. 2.
Value of Personal Influence of
Teacher, Pupil and Patron. 3. In
fluence of Educated over Unedu
cated. 4. System and Adaptation.
The following teachers were
preseut: Jessie Mason, Grace
Lodge, Nora Fisher, W. C. Hanks,
Ed M. Lodge, S. E. Walters, C.
A. Barton and Harry Barton, and
Mr. McGee and Daniel Baugh
man, from Bedford county.
' Qnite a number of recitations
and songs were well rendered by
the school which reflects much
credit on both teacher and pupils.
M. M. Barton rendered some
choice graphophone selections
which were very well received.
, The next meeting will be ar
ranged for at the County Insti
tute. C. A. Barton.
A Sure Tales.
It is said that nothing is sure1'
except deatn and taxes, but that i
is not altogether true. Dr. King's ;
New Discovery for consumption
is a snre cure for all lung and
throat troubles. Thousands can
testify to that. Mrs. C. B. Van-
Metre, of Shepherdtown, W. Va ,
says "1 bad a severe case of bron
chitis and for a year tried every
tmng inearao out got no re
New Discovery theu cured me
absolutely." It's infallible for
croup, whooping cough, grip,
pneumonia and consumption.
Try it. It's guaranteed at Trout's
drug store. Trial bottles free.
Reg. sizes 50c, 1.00.
The teachers of Dublin town
ship, Fulton county and Dublin
township, Huntingdon county,
will hold their annual distrct in
stitute in the M. E. church at
Burnt Cabins beginning Friday
evening November 25th and con
tinuing Saturday forenoon and
afternoon. An interesting pro
gram lias been prepared and a
large attendance is expected.
On HlUnute Cough Cure
For Cough! Colds and Croup
Pneumonia follows) La Orlpp
. but nave follows th us of
It stops the Cough end heals the lunge.
Prevents Pneumonia aad Consumption.
Ms. fl. Vacssb. ot UI Otfood St., Chioo,
VTitM! "Mi wito h4 U crisps sod U U(t kt
with very bd eoab em bar lnns whiok
Volbi'S Bom AMBTASsarsdsoBptettlj. '
For Sale at Trout's Drug Store.
Tci Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
SaotekoBMtMfaii3Boiitha. This signatore, VJ'
tTJ vrrr. ::ztn.
fSTi J
Local Institute.
'' The fourth local institute of
Ayr township was held at the
Corner hcIhhiI huuso lust Friday
avomng. ThM meeting was call
ed to order by thn teacher NjUs
Maude Rinedollar. Rev. A. G.
Wolf was elected president.
The following teachers were
present: Gilbert Mdlott, Hattie
Kendall, Helen Johuston, Carrie
Humbert, Olive Kendall, Maude
lUinedollar and Maye Mellott.
We were pleased to have with us
Rev. Wolf who gave several very
intereresting and beneficial talks.
The next institute will be held at
Sale Register.
Thursday, December 8, F. M.
Lodge, administrator, will sell at
the late residence of John M. !and had treatment from two pliy
Lodge, deceased, one mile north ; 8iciuns without getting any bene
of Emmaville, horses, cattle, tarm ! flt a friend recommended F1
iog implements, carpenters tools, ey'8 Honey and Tar and two
household goods, &c. Sale be-1 thirds of a bottle cured me. T
gius at 10 o'clock. Credit six j congder it the greatest cough
mouth?. j an(j iung medicino in the world."
Saturday, Decembea 3, W. U. :Sol(1 at Trout's drug store.
Nesbit will sell at his residence
iu McConnellsburg, 4 buggies, Going at Cost,
doublecornplows.barshearplows, i Having sold my real estate and
single and double shovel plows, expecting to remove from the
harrows, cornpianters, grain county, 1 am closing my entire
drills, mowers, bay forks, Sew
ing Machine, corn by the barrel
and many other articles. Sale be
gins at 1 o'clock p. m. Credit 0
looking is the man who wears clothes made at the
Fashinnnhlf Mprrhnnt
!A. U. IN ACE & S0INJ)
Q The latest things in
Suitings, and at prices that will strike you as right.
You will find there a lull line of all kinds ot
Gents Furnishing Goods
Their old customers all stay with them, and new
ones are coming to them every day.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Buy Your Whiskey
seven year
old, 4 full
quarts for $3.00.
Our goods is aged iu tbe wood, and is pure aud mellow; hotter than
any you have had from others for the )rivi, or your money buck.
Any bank- In Pittsburg or tne editor of this paper will tell you that
!j our word is good, and that we art) rcsponsllilo. Wu do not liuinbug
t you like so many advertising so railed "Diti liters."
j By buying from us you get an honest article, made from honest,
t.1 select graiu, by honest people. Send for our private prion list.
If yc
ood f
fou will send us the names of
good families in your vicinity wno
use whiskey for medical purposes,
and to whom we may send our price
list, we will send you, with your lirst.
order, one ouart of Pure Virginia
Homemade Blackberry Wine, Free.
is the people's paper.
$1.00 a Tear in Advance.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
S . II A-.i almost '.(ifu'Jikto roratV 'r IIs- 1
Curtis K 'so and' lady frVn. ,-
'tli Wil-liM, M!!-!ldl.Ml tn t Hiy
at IIumIouIovvii .'-uin.lay iiihi.
Mil H-irbnt.i l'oro is wv
'(:' iy.
Mary CarbiiD . ) indL"la Wil
son attended pitacliiug at llua
tontown Sunday night.
Auntiu CAriiHiijih is i.iitiug in
I'Yauliliu county a cuiiplo da,ys.
Mrs. Cyrus Wagner and Miss
Elsie Wagner visited Mrs Aus
tin Carbaunh last wi-ek.
A couple of our Knoboviile boys
were on the wrong road Sunday
APolicemao't Testimony.
J. N. Patterson, night p )Uc e
man of Nashua. Ia.. writes. "Last i
winter I had a oad cold on my
lune. and tried at least a half
j dozen advertised cough medicinps
stock of general merchandise out
at cost and below cost. Come
0 1
Tailnrinp- establishment of
k m
. I
0 i
all kinds ot Cassimeres and
Direct From the Maker,
ft V.
ft I
Packed in plain,
sealed cases, ex
pressage prepaid
to your nearest
ft .A 1
10 ,lnnmo mn- D
Cor. 2nd Ave. & Smith
field St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Dept. 285
Cures Crip
fat Two Day,
on every
pox. 25c.
eute of Um Throat, snti LuaS
known (th ed tha vorH over tor
almost Corstiin',
We Regret
that up to this writing, ne have not received A SINOLE ESSAY on our
Conococheagnp watch from any teacher of Fulton county, to whom
the offer was made. November 16th, the time fixed for receding the
last essay having jfone hy, the offer Is now closed with regret. The
subject being a dinicitlt one upon which to writ any extended essay
by those unfamiliar with our watch and It name sake "Conoco
Hiuautit;," wo huvr therefore derided u,)Oii something easier l wri.
To any reader of this article who Mends to us before Dh I'ter I'1. '!l l
larpest list of words, nsinj only the letters In (Conococheaicue
Wat. h) we w ill award one r I the articles. Bhould the winner be a
lady, the prize will be the i imninnd and Opal rlntf and If a male
should win, the prize will le I'm; watch. Now, here Is your opportu
nity. . eo the prizes at Trout's drug store.
All Visitors Welcome.
Jeweler and Silversmith,
Chanibcrsburg, Pa.
Rouss Racket
Has just received their fall stock f Iwavy Moor oilcloths and lenol
iums and think they are the nh-i'st we have had yet. 2 yd. lenol
iums 85c, yd., cedar tubs, 52-fi!i and S.'ic , ?alv&ni?.fd tubs 40,
45 and 48o., 5 ft. cro99 cut saws with bundles c, r,$ft. f 1.10,
Simon's thin back with hann l('9:5. 45. Thebest doublo
bitted axe in the county for 45c. , this is a job Mann
axes 80 v ml 5e.
Just received a nice carpet at 25c, yardt
same as others ask 35c. for.
Horse blankets, we handle the genuine 5-a blankot Don't fail to see them,
65, 95, $1.20, $1.25, f 1.00, $1.1)8, f 2. 35, 2.45 and 2. 75. These (foods are all
5-a except the 65c ones, and when a merchant tells you that ho is the only man
that handles 5-a, don't believe him. We can save you 25 r cent. The nic
est robe you evei- saw for t2.'!0.
Ae Have Shoes
Wash boilers, tin bottom 69c. The
85c. If you are looking for a pair of gloves or mittens look at ours, 23 to
j 8!)c, huskinc gloves 45c. cotton tlannel '.'loves !t and 12o. We have sold more
I of the Shippensburg corduroy pants this seuson than ever, why? because
1 they are the best that money can buy, and cost the same, we have a few of t,he
1 cheaper ones at 41.45. Knee corduroys 5 to 15 years, 45, 75 and S5c The 85c
! ones are scam ess.
I Wo give Star trading stamps ai.d have the goods to select from.
Geo. W. Reisner & Co..
Have their new
Their stock of
I -rirc9 TVI i o o o n nrl
uauico ivi ioooo auu
Children's Wraps, and
Ladies' Skirts Ready-to-wear,
is the largest
ever put in the house.
Give them a call.
to Announce
For Every One
heaviest metallic bottom wash boilers
., Sold at Trout'a drug