The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 16, 1904, Image 4

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Published Livery Thursday.
B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
NOVEMBER 16, 1904. "
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per vjuure of 8 linen S time (0.
Pr iunre each aubHequent Innertlon.... 60.
All advortliementa Inaerted for leu then
tli re uiuntha charged by ibe aquare.
it moi. S mm, I y r.
One-fourth column.
One-half column....
One Column
.lift 00.
, . W OO.
.. 40.00.
120 00.
40 00.
AO 00
Nothing Inserted for I cm than II
I'rotemlonal Cards one rear 16
A Little ( Everything.
South Dakota lias such a glor
ious wheat crop that she can af
ford to slack up a httlo ia the di
vorce business.
A Kiddy mail-carrier of the
youthful ajro of eighty has mar
ried a New York girl. Sort of a
swapping mail for female.
"Papa, what makes a man give
a riuj? to a woman when they are
engaged ?"
"The woman."
The Czar was all in readiness
for a hunting trip when Kuropat
kin got wind of it and wired him
all liis am munition would be need
ed. "Now, Elsie," said the teacher, J
"can you tell me what a panther
"Yeth, ma'am." lisped Elsie,
"He is a man that maketh panths. "
Hewitt "Do you think long
'hair makes a man look intellect-!
uai ?"
Jewett "Not when his wife
finds it on his coat; it makes him
look foolish."
Muggins "I understand your
son has finished hiscollege course.
Did he graduate with honors?"
Buggies "Honors ! Gee, you
ought to see his batting average!"
"I cuinu to nsk you for your !
"Uutsheis theonly one I have."
"Well, I don't want but one. I
hope you don't take me for a big
amist." A Inn j: the street she passed ho neat,
So pretty, charming and so sweet,
A mere clip of a girl,
To see this girl was quite a treut,
But a banana peel disturbed her feet
'Twos a mere slip of a girl.
Tommy Mamma, myfeethurt
in these new shoes.
Mamma My dear, you have
thorn on the wrong feet !
Tommy But, mam ma, I have
no other feet.
Hix 1 suppose you were touch
ed when your wife gave you that I
hundred-dollar watch on your
birthday. j
Dix I should say I was touch-'
ed. How do you think she got!
that hundred dollars.
Grayce Maud tells me that
Ferdy kissed her hand last night.
Now, what do you think of that?
Edyth Well, I suppose the
poor man had to do something
and couldn't go her face.
He You say you like a manly
man. What is your idea of a
manly man ?
She Well, for instance, one
who doesn't stay and stay and
stay just because he knows the
girl isn't strong rnough to throw
him out.
According to sciipture the
prophet Elijah was taked up loto
Heaven soul and body. Elijah
No. 2 (Dowie) finds the heavenly
chariot rather tardy in arriving,
so to be sure cf "landing" be is
building an air-ship.
"Where is Mr. Soke, James?"
asked the caller of that genial
gentlnman's servant
"In his room, sir."
"Getting drunk, I suppose."
"No, sir. I'm surprised at you,
sir, saying such a thing. He is
getting sober."
- ASUrtiiu Test.
To save a life, Dr. T. G. Mer
. rl't, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made
a startling test resulting in a won
derful cure. He writes, "a pa
tient was attacked with violent
hemorrhages, caused by ulcer
ation of the stomach. I had of
ten Mud Electric Bitters excel
lent for a?ute stomach and liver
troubles so I prescribed them.
The patient gained from the first,
aud has not bad an attack in 14
months." Electric Bitters art
Mitively guaranteed for dyspep
sia, indigestion, constipation and
a id ney troubles. Try them. On
ly 50c at Trout's draff store.
Michael lxwe, the genial old
siKirt from Grecnsburg, la., is
spending his ninth annual huut
in this vicinity.
M. W. Nacp, of McConnells
burg, accompanied Prof. B. 0.
Lamberson home last Friday ev
ening and spent the following day
huutiug birds with fair success.
Come again, Merrill.
John Catchall, near Williams
burg, Pa., is visiting his parents,
Wm. Outchall and wifr of this
Norman E. Laidig was home
from Pitcairn for three days lust
week, and returned last Thurs
dry, accompanied by Miss Dora
Speck, who expects to spend the
winter in Pittsburg.
Rev. B. A. Salter will preach a
P. O. S. of A. memorial sermon
in the M. E. church on Saturday
night, November oth. All pat
riotic citizens are cordially invit
ed to attend.
The U. B. protracted meeting
is in progress at this place.
Elmer Goss, of Pittsburg, re
turned to his home last Saturday
after having spent ten days hunt
ing with his friend, T. S. Shoe
maker. Prof. Frank Davis, of Williams
port, is visiting his brother-in-law
Dr. A. K. Davis, tie expects to
return home on Tuesday.
Ilev. B. A. Salter left last week
to attend a family reunion at his
home in Shamokin, Pa. He will
be accompanied homo from Sun
bury by his wife, who has been
visiting her parents in that place
for some time.
.xiuC, n umi.o "ijduced rates: 1:2 (JO St. Louis and re-
this township, and a member of i turn, on sale daily, c.-r.-cpt Fridays and
W. C. No. 554 P. O. S. of A., Husi j Saturdays. Tic'ncis good in 1'alaec
tontown, at a recent practice of j UceiinirigChairCars: t Louis
the 14th regiment at Pittsburg, an,etu,,,. Ti'tou or. sale daily, and
, , , , , , good in either Palace Keeiining Chair
won a gold medal valued at 4.,.00 ! Curs m. ,,, KU.,.IM.r!l. Tll V,A.
for the best shooting in field prac hash operates thro-gh trains from
tlCe. Sam is a member of Com-' f'lttsburg to the World's Fair Main
pany E. 14th regiment and wo are ! Fntranc..-, all trains leaving the mag
proud Of his SUCCeSS. ' I,ill,;Hnt Dl'W VW station, Corner
... .... t , r ' liberty Avenue and Ferry Street.
weutenantofpohceJohnDawn-. 2.0(M. M and 8.:i0, M. lilVi litv
ey, patrolman Montague Dawney Time.
and wife and Scott H. Dawney Detailcdiiiformationregiirdiiig rates
left for their respectivo homes iu nn1 tl,ai service, to st. Louis, a-
Chicago last Monday. well as to many Ilomcseekers' poiu'
II m n I t Unnnl. .... ...... t I
Mrs. t rank Deshong, of Fan-:
nettsburg, was visiting friends
in this place Saturday aud Suu
day. A Heavy Load.
To lift that load off the stomach
tako Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It
digests what you eat. Sour stom- helpfulness, will h.. weic-omud m
ach, belching, gas on stomach, ; every home. Tins fashi.xi rw
and all disorders of the stomach , are uuufuaHy ;.iti miive,
that are curable, are instantly re-'. tr.i'.iug a d doscriin-ig tin; ver'
lieved and permanently cured by Infest modes in a way to make
the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, their const! uction tluriug ihe
S. P. Storrs, a druggist at i'!)7 ; busy festive seasou a pkasui u in
Main street, New Britain, Conn., ; stead of a task, and the literary
says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is ' and pictorial features areofnire
giving such universal satisfaction excellence. A selection of Love
and is so surely becoming the j Songs from the Wagner Operas,
positive relief and consequent ; rendered mto Kiitflish by Richard
cure for this distressing ailment j de (iallieiinetind beautifully illus
I feel that I am always sure to i tratod in colors by J. J. Leyen
satisfy and gratify my custom-j decker, occupies a prominent
ers by recommending it to them. ;
I write this to show how well the
remedy is spoken of here." Kod
ol Dyspepsia Cure was discovi r
ed after years of scientific exper
iments and will positively cure all
stomach troubles. Sold at Trout s
drug store.
School Report.
Report of Oakdalo school for ! w ls hilu' l" wruc in,,n l"! u"
the second month ending Novem- i me cin:K,s ,,f -,,-y- There are
bor 11, 1904. Number of pupils Hl,ort slorU!S f,,"n l'"8 of p
enrolled during month: Males, 5; ""P1"" Sraitl'. Grunt,
females, 12; total, 17. Average Alico Urowi-.-Mary Sto-iirt Cut
attendance during the mouth: tin"' ,uk1 Elmo K holt Peake,
Males, 3; females, 12; total, 15. ! and such "torostuig vritors as
Per cent, of attendanco durmg i JoNa Magruder, L Frank llaum,
month: Males, 08; females, 100; J 'ncJ c McUowun Cook hold
i m '. . , ,, the attention of the children.
luuti, vv. oi iiiu lourteen enroll
ed at beginning of month 13. at
tended every day. Names of those
attending every day: Mary, Ida, Christmas teust. in rulditiou,
and Olive Peck, Lena and Matt.e thoreara iheregulanlepartmems
u r ,- t u "r he magazine, with ninny spec
Barnbart, Goidie Mellott, Mary, iul ,irticl(.H V)1H.H M.Ia;ill(, lo
Anna, and Laura Sigel; Lucy My-j woman's interests within audi
ers, Katie and Retta Spiker, and j without the home.
Russell Peck.
Lktitia Peck, teacher.
, A Sun Tniof.
It is said that nothing is sure
except death and taxes, but that
Is not altogether true. Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption
is a sure cure for all lung aud
throat troubles. Thousands can
testify to that., Mrs. C. B. Van
Metre, of tinepherdtowu, W. Va ,
says "I had a severe case of bron
chitis and for a year tried every
thing I heard of, but got no re
lief. One bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery then cured me
absolutely." It's infalllblo for
croup, whooping cough, yrip,
pneumonia and consumption.
Try It, It's guaranteed at Trout's
drug store. Trial bottle free.
Reg. sizes &0c,l.00.
Administrator's Notici.
IrftMerA of H.l uii uit ntHin on tlw .--.tiiiiM'f
.lnlin M, !:it nl Mi ivh I'rc.-lv tniv n.l,in.
r til ton yi Mill iv .il ire'- . lin v Mill li ill ill't
ertliylhv Herfl-ter f e.'lh- for ftilteti eniirnv.
to fhe Hulni'nhf-r, ivhihi- p,i riwile-i ihIiIv." .
F.minuvlilc. 1 tiitnii I'ounry. ru . u I iii'i mis
who are tnde htril w the uid ejtinc i nl pleuse
ItlHk - pHvmt-m. HtiM Ifioe tiavil;!? t;i ifi". 1.
bf'etic ttifin tn
I. ml.
Adminisrator's Nolice.
Notice Is hereby u ven llnil It-p r.of Aittn n
Islr.'inoo en the estilte ol .lulci 1. 1 . :li nl
lim n -liiti. Flll'nn en ilil y li.. ilei-r.i --d. l.:ie
been irmntt-tl to the lei-.iv'ti'l 1 'it nil
piTMii.N liiilrlit oil to intil eaiuie wi I nmUe p.y
meut. utio tiiine hiiviiof oktun uil i:-'-eiit
them properly neilienlleiiied fur puyinent.
II. S. 1i.;,,I,h,
ll;m-i-iO-jvl!i Pit.
J;XECUTOirs NOTIK. f.nt will and leMie
in.'nt of lute of SumncMlotiii. Well town
Kh'p. r'ulton cmmiilv. PKunsylvanui. oeee.lsed
Letter tust.iiiient:iry on thu iiimvu eNt.nie
hiiviup been Kruiitetl to the umlei-r.ii.'U'.-d, till
pe.-son" ilulehletl to I tie iiiul elnle are re
itesteil to nitike )i:iyineiit. nriil llioe liuvliii.'
elulin4 to present ihe !.;une wii hunt ileli.y to
KLI K. SHrtltr.. "-.xeeutor.
10 IK Ol. Hulielsylllf. Pa.
The principal reu.Kin why a i-it
should be mnili! to this grout out (if Im
positions N n iuw until, of its eiliim
tional viilur. A visit lo tin." World's
I'air is in itself u trip around the
world, for fifty rents., the price of ad
mission. The president of one of our
greatest universities bus said "To ihe
bright student the Exposition i-i worth
a thousand college lectures. " The op
portunity of a life-time is afTorded in
which to acquire, by a few day' u
jonrn at the Fair, an education which
could not otherwise be received. The
World's Fair Oronnd's cover over
1200 acres, being more than twice n.
largo as those of the World's Co'iiiii
hi a n Kxposition ut Chicago.
Only a few weeks remain in which to
take advantage of this greut oppor
tunity K.very day from now until the
close of the Fair is u "special'' (lay.
The W A hash is Helling daily exvur.
i.., t..1,,.j t,. .1... i..,: ,ii
" J
111 Ul" wpst nortnwest and southwest,
cheerfully furnished at
Wnhash City Ticket office. l lftli Av
enue, Depot I icKct office, Wnhash Station
The Ci'ristnias Ililincalur.
The December Deliiiciioi', villi
its messago of good cheer and
piaCe, and a chapter in the Com-
posers' Series, relating lh Ro
mance of Wagner and Cosimo, is
an interesting siippleiueut to the
lyrics. A very clever paper en
titled "The Court Circles of the
Republic,"desci itvs ,sotr.einique
phases of Washington social life
j is from an unnatin d contributor,
..I . - - 1 a. r a I.
Many Christmas suggestions are
given in needlework and the Conk- j
ery natres arc redolent of tliei
i anxmi.'smumi mts.
Some of too tnoslauious hours
of a mother's life are those when
t ho little ones of the household
have the croup. There is no oth
er medicine so elTectivii in this
j terriolo malady as Foley's Honey
and Tar. It is a houseliold favor
ite for throat and trouble,
and as it contains no opiates or
other jmiisoiis, it ciiu bo s'i for
given. Sold ut, Trout's , druir
st to.
George Deshong find wife, who
Iihvo been si -k, are convalescing.
Miss Chloo Chestiut is ill
I George Tenley and wifn were
visitors in the home of Mr. and
M rs. Gi-orif h Siynw last S.ttu rdiiy
Miss Minnie fc'.n turners h vi-i'..
ing friends in this neighbor h Kid
The undersigned havp opened
aiiowinine on the top of Rays
Hill on the road leading from New
Grenada to Robertsdale, about 3
ruiies from New Grenada, and are
prepared to furnish any gradu of
coal at lowest mine prices. We
guarantee to give every pound ol
coal wo ask pay for.
Prices for 2,000 lbs : Lime ( oal,
75c; Run of Miue, $1.25; all Lump
Wm. At.loway,
t; Kl. Slf.eman,
New Grenada, Pa.
Notice to Tresspassers.
All persons are hereby forewarned
ugainst tresspassing on any lands of
the undersigned citizens of Brush
Creek township, Fulton eonnty, l'a.,
by either hunting, hshing, or other
wise, tinder penalty of the law provid
ed for tresspassing.
Julian Mills,
Anthony Spade.
Christopher Spade,
Frank Spade,
I". D. Akers,
M. K. Barton,
I'. K. Akers,
i. W. Conner,
W. S. Clovenger,
John N. Hixson,
S. W. Hart,
J. C. Barton,
Jozabed Lodge,
C. II Akers,
Gates Sieling,
H.. N. Barton,
Kobert E. Diehl,
Boston Diehl,
K. A. Diehl,
Carey Layton,
lAMiiuel Smith,
Henry Sharp,
Mrs I'.. IL Lodge,
Ceo W. Hixson,
M. J. Hixson,
F. M. Lodge,
N. H. Hanks,
W. F. Barton,
M. A. Harkman,
H. M. Jackson,
Jacob Spade.
Nathaniel Allison,
Albei t l'lessinger,
I'riah Dirhl,
William ,1. Lavton,
': :rV'l M.,tt. "
Isaiah .Layton,'
C. C. Mellott,
l-li.a Jane Hoo))engardner's Heirs.
Howard Garland and Howard Layton,
Amos 1 'lessinger.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
"'ablets. All druggists refund
the money if it fails to cure. E.
W. Grov.'s signature is on each
iox. i.'5c.
All persons an; horeby forewarned
against trc-spussing ou any lands of
the undersigned citizens of Taylor
township. Fulton county. Pa., by either
hunting, lishing, or otherwise, under
penalty of the law provided for tres
pasin'. D. A. Black, Josiah Witter,
D. M. Black, A. N. Witter,
James Ci.teh.ill, Wm. Leidy,
Daniel (i. Uinehart, Wm. S. Uracey,
Joi,epu A. Shaw, James Barnett,
Hownrd .Marnett, fsaac W. Baker,
Wilbur Hcrkslresser, James Benson,
Jeremiah Cladreltcr, .Tuo. A. Black's
Heirs, Robert Miller.
Warninx to Trespassers.
All persous are hereby forewarned
against trtspussing on any lands of
the undersigned citizens of Wells town
ship, Fulton county, Fa , by hunting,
lishing, or otherwise under penalty of
the luw provided for the punishment of
Joh.i A. '.'isl,art, James W. Harnett,
George Young, W. II. Spangler,
S. V. Wishott, Harvey Wlshart,
Geo. A. Stenatt, A. O. Grillith,
J. W. Cilisou, W. K. Biveus.
Pet uuiilard, Sr. l'ti.u. Luu,br Co.
Orchard Grove
Butter, 20; Fggs, 2.
Good, salted Beef Hides "c, lb.
fn getting ready to butcher come and
get lard cans, ;15 and 4fc; pepper,
tine salt, 20c; in the grain, 17c;
coarse salt, 18,
McNeil's I'aio Kxtcrminator .18,
70c; Mitnyon's Witch Hazel Hoap,
l.'tc, or 2 for 2'c.
Jumbo Baked Beans with Tomato
sauce, 4i and He.
Still some Ui haps and blankets left
to go at cost and carriage.
. and
Mf Wihtor
After taking in the styles of the east
t i n aud western cities, are now
ready to show you all of the latest
creation in Millinery and Fancy
Goods, Hundreds of Ueady-to,
wear Hals, and the finest lot of
Heady trimmed hats ever brought
to this town. Tam-o-shantcr, In
funts Caps, Neckwear, Corsets,
Misses corsets, Waists, Medal
lions, Embroideries, Laces, Rib
bons, Volvets and Pompadour
Come one, and all, and you will be
uston'i.hed to find what money you
can save at our store. "
A fancy hat pin given sway with ev
ery dollar hat. , i ,
Opposite Post-ofllce.
HatJ trimmed free of charge.
Air;. A. F. Little,
Falling Top
both Factory and Handmade from
$35 to $85
Surreys J
Large stock on hand all the time
to select from.
Hustontown, Pa.
from 20 cents to cn cents a gal
lon. Don't be deceived no
body will sell you a 60-cent
oil for 25 cents.
c Sections
and guards for all kinds of
machines at prices lower than
you have ever heard.
on hand; Binder twine, Horse
Rakes in fact farmer's should
rememlier if they want any
thing in the machinery line
that I can help them if anybody
I Learnto Staff Birds,
Anlals, t
II s h e s ,
mount i
beads, J
tan skins,
etc. We X
can teach
an teach T
ou by X
mil. E,v X
ery hunt- J
e r , an- T
'gler, nuiuie-iover, should be t
able to save the line specimens
secured. Taxidermy is very fas- 1
cinating aud profitable. AllguD T
expences easily paid, by mount-
ing and selling specimens. Eas- X
liy and quickly learned by MKN, T
.-oii:N aud hoys
The shooting season Is at hand 1
and you will secure many fine T
trophies, Why not mount them
I yourself? Our school has-thous- X
X ands of successful students, and
j Is endorsed by all the leading
4 sportsmen, and sporting maga
X nines. Our rates are very low
t New illustrated catalogue is now
ready. A limited number FREE
: if you mention the Ft'LTOK
County news. Send for one
f to-day. A request on postal
X brings it.
X Suite 306 Com. National
Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
One Minute Cough Cure
For Cough, Colds and Croup.
i guiai ii 1 1 1 11 Minn im mi
Or. King's
Mew Kscovery
CUGHgand- S0o4t1.00
OLD 3 Fr Trial.
,-Jureet und Uuickeet Cure for U
arr. Alwvmllbli-. LltM.aHI Drunrlll tr
niHiitttmn anoLimi n, u!i
Uulit wrulllc buira, wi, whu blue ritibon.
Take aio wilier. nro 4tri uball
lutlwiukDa imitation. Iluy ul your inn -iii-:
at M-uil 4, 111 Mnri,,.. for 6Br4lralra, Tm.i
moulaU aixl llr fur liwlra." In h-ur
br reaurw Mall. K.KM'l'twi.wiuk eu'U by
all lirucKtiiu.
tt MaulUM Mun, lHIL.'kl WA.
ftflUMrmmi 0m, euro Mm
x J.
t Covers the Field.
In every part of the
County faithful re
porters are located
that gather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan- '
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
Markets. The Sunday-
School Lesson, '
Helps for Christian
Enaeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
erybody. H
CARDS, &c.,-
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style along that line.
" 'Sample copies of
the News sent to any
or your mends on
.May 29, 1004
TIM K r m I-
Leuvu iiu , no. 0 no. C do. 10
'-. "'AM P. M tP. U p.
tvmaht-tr ,i J s.V ... oo 0 So
MurtlnMixirir I s , S 41 Y 14
lle-i.i-ii... i j i 17 Id 8 00 0 IP
(..reenoiuilK ... . u,, I i , i 8 M t w 31
Mwi"'- ' -v 1 w o. 1 41 3, :l -jy
(.UiUiBoinuiirg.. t . u ,o 1 do 4 7 8 4S 10 64
W.iyocaboro 1 Oill 18 00 J ....
ShippeuHburv... 7 4U;lfl 00 1 ti 447 8 08 11 is
Newvllle 8 07 10 IS 141 B Oil 24 II 87
l.'mlUle 8 S 10 SO 8 OS 6 S3 4A 11! OK
Meouunioaburg,. 8 4S II 00 8 S3 6 MS 10 07 1 21
UUsburg 10 CO iM
Ait, Harrikburg. 9 06 II 4) ( 40 6 In 10 . IS 40
Arr. I'bUa 1148 8 17 8 47 8 60 483 4211
Arr. New York. 8 6 IW 8 0M II 1 t 18 7 IS
Arr. Baltimore.. It 16 11SOO4820T15
P. M P. M. P.M. V. H. A. U. A. M
Train No. 12 em runs dally exoept Sunday
between Hasenuown and Uarrisburs, leavfoy
Hagenvowa 1.06 and arriving at Hurrlaburg at
Additional cant-bound looal trains will run
dully, except Hunday, aa follows: Leavt
Carllxle 7. a, m., I2.H0 p. m. 8.16 p.m., leave
Meooaniosourg 6.04 a. m., 7.ew a. m.. 12..M 11. m.
s.30 p. m. Leavo DllUburg 6.36 a. m.. 10.00 a.
ni., 6.8 p. m.,
Trains Not. 2, 8 and 1 10 run dally betw een Ha
vivwwa sun narrwDurg. -
4 Dally exoept Sunday.
lno. lino. bo. oino. Tino. 81 108
p. 11
New York
Meroeraburg.. .
(jreeuoomle ....
Hugerntown ....
Ar. Wlnonealor.
II 66
8 66
II 46
12 00
8 90
7 66
8 66
6 V
U A 4
II 40
8 80
8 m
11 06
11 28
6 00
4 Ov!
6 IM 8
12 03
14 24
12 4m
I 031
8 87
8 67
t 40
II 4
4 83
6 6H
4 62
6 4X
6 It)
12 02
12 18
12 X
12 64
1 16
6 80
t 00
t 40
8 16
1 06
I 87
10 00
1 60
1 ei
8 24
I 10
6 37
6 24
T 10
A. M.
P. M
p. m.a.H
Train No. 17 weat run dui'y exoept Snaday
u.wcbu nnrnnutiru- Mii nuKentiown, leav
ing HarrNburg ut 6.16 p.m. and arriving at Ha
geraiowu at 7.67 p. in.
Additional looal tralna will leave ilairlabun
atfotlowh: ForCarlinle and lotormedtate mIiv
tlona at ff.87 a. m.. 8.00 p. m. aud 0.80 p. jc., also
lurMeooaaioeourg. iuiHDurg ana intennodlate
taUouaat 1 80 a. m., 8.10 p. u. and 8.30 p. m.
Tralna Nua. I, 8 and loo run dally between
HarrtslMirt. and Hageratown.
Hulluiua palace deeping oara between Nev
York and Knoxvllle, Tenn., on trolna 1 vmi
and 110 eat and between Phlladelnh a and
WelKh on N. w. Hallway on tralna 100 weat
and 12 eavt, exoept tbat ou Sunday the Phl.e-
rfviuuia wueptfr wiu run eaKt on mo. X.
Through ooaohee to and from PliUadnlpbU
OD'ln 8 and 4 earn and T aud 8 weat . .
t Deli? exoept Sunday.
4 t6
8 M
P. M
4 M
Lve. An.
6 00
t 46
8 46
8 83
8 00
? 88
T 80
II 60
6 II
8 67
6 1
T 14
. .Ileroentburg ..
.... .luoudoo. ....
....Rlunr ond..
II 82
10 SOI
10 6H
11 06
8 16
8 to
( C6
10 80
8 SC
t 6'
8 61
8 41
P. U
-A. H
A. M
P. U.
U. O. KENNKrjY. - OIX). W. MABT1N,
Vice Prea. 1 Oen. Sunt. Hunt.
11. A. iUUliLE, Uen. I'aaa. Agent.
k4l4! BO YEARS'
Tim D( Maim
4P DcsioNa
rt, CopTrnoKT etc.
Anyone wading aaaetrk and eaaanpUna may
luloslv IHWUII bur oiunkin fM. w list hr mm
IliTanllon I. probably pawinlahle, romniunlm.
uouaptrMiiyeuuDoautlaL uauaaooeoa rataote
ant t raa. Uldaal aaatior for Meuriug MUeeu.
raianta talum tatoagk Nana it C. nwriva
IptUU tutttd, without aliarae, la the
6 handaoMal UlaMiatad waakt I.rawl aH.
rulatum of any mwiiuio farual. l'rtu, at a
tmri (nurmunuia, 8L auMbyail nae"lera.
r. mTdownes,
First clas
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cup and Towrl with eaoh Shave
Everything Antiseptic. .
Kazora Sterilized.
""Shop In room lntoly occuploilby Ed Hi -ike
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up to dnte In nil atylea of hnir t-i.t-ttnit.
(nick, euny Hlinvev. Hav-rutn, CreHiim
Wltch hHZol. without extra charge. Frob
towel to each oiiNtomer. Katei luiproved ip(
paratim for aterlllr.lng tools. Parlor opponlte
Fulton House.
Attorney at Law,
Ofiice on Scjuare,
AcConnellsburg, Pa
All legal buslnem and coliecllonn entruated
will eceive careful and prompt attention.
Phesbyterian. Kev. W. A. Wutt,
D. D.. Pastor. Prpacblrje nrrvices
each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.
and every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Servicei at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:.I0 a. tn. Sahbnth
school at 9:15. Junior Christian Kn
deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Methodist lauscopAi, Rev. J. V.
Adams, Pastor. Sunday School
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday mornlnp at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7 :i"D. Epworth
league at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching every "Sunday morn
ing et 10:30, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 9:15
a. m. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian En
deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on V.'ednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed Rev. C. M. Smith, Pu
tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching oa alternate Sabbaths ut
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christiim
Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
The first term of the Courts of Ful
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth terra on the first Mondav
f Octob3r, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Justice of the Peace Thomas F.
Sloan, L. H. Witle.
Constable John H. Doyle.
Burgess n. W. Scott.
Councilraen D. T. Fields, Leonard
Hohman, Samuel Uonder.M. W. Nao.
Clerk William Hull.
High Constable Wm.Baumgardner.
School Directors A. U. Nace. John
A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M.
Taylor, John Comerer, C. B. Stevens.
President Judge Hon 3.Mc. Swope.
Associate Judges Lemuel Kirk, Da
vid Nelson.
Prothonotary, 4tc. Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney George B. Dan
iels. Treasurer George B. Mellott.
Sheriff Daniel C. Fleck.
Deputy Sheriff D. T. Fields.
Jury Commissioners C. H. E. Plum
mer, Anthony Lynch.
Auditors John S. Harris, W. C.
Davis, 8 L. Garland.
Commissioners S. D. Mellott. Geo
Sigel, and H. P. Palmer.
ClerkFrank Henry.
County Surveyor Jonas Lake.
County Superintendent Charles E.
Barton. .
Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J.
Nelson Sipes, Thomag F. Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. R. Shaffner, Geo.
B. Daniels, John P. Shies, S. W.
Odd Fellows M'Connellsburg Lodge
No. 744 innate avapv Ft-lrlnu nv.nln,, In
toe Comerer Building in McConnolls-
Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets
everv Saturday ni-nmnj- in t.lio fmn,..
building at Fort Littleton. .
Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meets
every Satirday evening in Odd Fel-
1 , TT 1 1 n.-ii. n.
Harrlsonvllle "Lodge No. 701 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' tlall at llarrlsonvllle. '
Waterfall Lodo-e Kn. 77.1 ,uitu uu.
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows'
TTn11 . ...11 ft till..
nan nv ir sioriau umia.
Warfordsburtr 1,oi1it vn. urn moota
in Warfordsbui-o- evarv StHini-rli, v
King PoatG. A. R. No. 305 meets in
MoConnelluburu' in llilil Plliva HU
the first Saturday In every month at 1
p. m.
Roval Aiianiiin.'ri)uai.ti.L r'nur,,.!!
No. 121. . OlH'tV Oil altfirilHl XlnnHnJ
evfininaa in 1. O. K nf A 11.11
Washlntrton Cidid No. 407. P. O. S.
a., ui urunaua, meets every ocr
urday evenlug In P. O. b. of A. Hl.
Washington Camp, No. 5M, P. O.6.
of A., Uuittontown, meets every Butor
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hull.
John O. Tmvlnp t'oat fl. A. H . N
A XT -j . . . . .
589, meets every Saturday, on or just
preceding full moon tn La Mb ley ball,
t 2 p. in., at Buck Valley..
Woman's Relief Corps, No. 80
eeta at same date and iilace at 4 t m.
O., A. S., meets the aeoond and fourth
Saturday in each month at Plena n
Tba Ffllton Connty Ks,