The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 02, 1904, Image 5

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Ml Local and (tenefal Interest, (lathered
at Home or Clipped from our
. h'oley'n Honey an A Tar always
stops the cough aud heals the
lungs. Refuse substitutes. Sold
at Trout's drug store.
Mi.-trt Klliu M flli at, a stenog
rapher of Bowling Greeu, Ohio,
is the guest of Miss Ella Mann at
Popular Salesman Married.
At the home of the bride's cous
in, Mr. W. O. NeUon, 508 Fulton
avenue, Baltimore, Md., on Thurs
day evening, October 27, 1904, by
KdV. Dr. Robbins of the Fulton
Avenue Presbyterian church,
Mr. Elmer Pec'f, traveling sales
man for a large Martin&burg
House, and Miss Laura Kitchen
both of Martinsburg, W. Va.
The bride is accompanying her
husband this week on his trip
through this county.
The institute held here last Fri
day night was well attended.
John Smith and family, and
sisters, Miss Flora and Grace, of
Emmaville, and Geo. F. Diehl
spent Sunday with Samuel Diehl
and wife.
Abner Mellott vie i ted at Geo.
B. Diehl's Sunday.
After visiting relatives and
friends at Blue Mound, and Fair
mount, 111.', and the World's Fair,
Miss Belle Diehl aud Samuel re
turned home very much pleased
with their visit.
Mrs. W. V. Hart, we are glad
to hear is slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Pee and
sou Grant, of Breeze wood, Pa.,
Spjut Saturday mgnt and Sun
day with Mrs. Pee's father Mr.
Cornelius Diehl.
Prince Hanry of Prussia' Joke
a Paaaant.
The kaiser's popular brother,
Prince Henry of Prussia, with his
jovial maimer and keen sense of hu
mor, always enjoys a joke.
The other day the prince, who is
an ardent autoraobilist, was riding
in his automobile on a country road
near Kiel, and a peasant insisted
on staying in the center of the nar
row road with his farm wagon. No
amount of blowing of the horn by
the prince could make him budge.
Seeing that the peasant evidently
enjoyed being able to keen the au
tomobile from passing him, the
prince, putting on speed, pushed
his wagon to one aide of the road
and pusfcd by with a amile, which
broadened as he heard the paaant
ahout after him that he waa a clum
ay fool, not tit to run a wheelbar
row. - A little farther on he atopped and
Bent bin companion back to the
"When you called one el ua a
clumsy fool," the officer said, "I
suppose you meant hia royal high'
"His royal highness!" the peas
ant stammered, turning pale, while
visions of a cell in jail arose before
him. "What royal highness?
"Prince Henry ol Prussia, who
drove the automobilo and who sent
nit; lac!; to hand you thin twenty
murk piece for not being afraid of
sHving what you mean.
A Ravaria.
Her at mine uh Ionic yaars ao,
rv yet my heart bad grown to know
Tha potency of woman's ami!,
I aat and amoved In bachelor atria
And baaked hmtvn tba tna;!' (low.
1 What enrad 1 than for wind and anowT
ltt atomy blaaia of wlntar blow,
Caralaaa I puffl my plaa tha wblle
Hera at mine eaa. ,
' Tk Una nara obansad- Tfe loa aa
la but a dream, a fleetlne abuw.
No peaceful pipe; I cannot amlta
Oh. how can I contrlva my pUa
Ta elotha theaa doaen kids or so
Hara at my knaaaT r
A, DalT In Catholic ItanaaM aad
Ttti Mountain School.
iii the beautiful mountains n
Landour, 1 baveciuauieuced a lit-!
tie Sunday s.'hnol claa of thim',
and I aiu very biifjpy iu my first
mission effort in Hindustani. Two
little children of the heathen cook
come every day to see me, and
though we learn hymns ou week
days, on Sunday afternoons 1 try
to give them a Bible lesson. Bhag
uam, the little girl, is about nix,
a dear small brown little body,
with the brightest of black fcyes,
and always a sore face or foot,
which bas to be doctored after
the lesson. She is so fond :)f
dawa (medicine), that Itis evident- j
ly an inducement for her to come, , Hull last Friday night, that was a
but she is learning the hymns j success, both tiDaucially and so
and Biblo verses, the Lord's j cially.
Prayer, a child's hymn, and some Moses' Starr, wife and little
simple questions and answers, a ' daughter, of Orbisouia, spout sev
catechism which I prepared out ei'l days last week with relatives
of my acquired store of Hindu- in this place,
stun. Then, bv way of reward, j Mrs. Lizzie Chesnut and daugh
shehasa writing lesson in the ter, Mrs. Alice Hanger, of Cum
Hindi characters, and pictures to ! berland, Md.. spent lust week at
cutout. On Sabbath, Bliaguani's j the home of Dr. A. K. Davis,
eighteen-year-old married sister Mrs. Scott Deuisar left last
and her little brother, Na ider i Saturday to visit her husband,
Lai, come for about the same les- j who is employed in Altoona.
son. ezcerjt the writing and nie- !
tures. I am planning for a Sun- j
day-school for all the children a- j
bout, if I come up here next year, ;
as there are swarms of them who ! ious illness of his wife,
have never been taught any thing, j. The new iron cemetery fence
They are so quick, bright and in- is now completed and is a fence
teresting that, with God's bless- j the citizens of this community
ing, there is no doubt but that ! niay well be Di oud of, it being one
some at least may be won for the I of the handsomest cemetery fenc
Saviour. ' es in the county.
A Policeman's Testimony. !
J. N. Patterson, night ' poli c e
man of Nashua, la., writes, "Last
winter I had a bad cold on my
lung? and tried at least a half j
dozen advertised cough medicines i
and had treatment from two phy-'
... ,r J
siciaus without getting any bene-
. ... , , , r, ,
fit. A friend recommended Fol-j
, tT . , ,
thirds of a bottle cured me. I
consider it the greatest cough
and luug medicine in the world."
Sold at Trout's drug store.
Heeler Sipes.
Mr. Joshua W. Ileeter of Dub
lin Mills, and Miss Sadie N. Sipes
of Fort Littleton, were united in
marriage on Wednesday, October j
Ctl triA a. I TTT l ! a ft I
o, iiKM.MtiHi nMninj5Hiuaouem0lMftf mah f.,1(1 strain nn
McConnellsburg, Pa., by thelluils s(,ld atTrout'sdrua 9toi-.
bride s paste, Kev. J. V. Adam.
of the M. E. church.
Miss Emma Raker near Mc
Connellsburg, attended the bride
as maid of honor, and Charles E
Stevens of Dublin Mills, a friend
of the groom, filled the ro'e as
beat man. Immediately after the
ceremony tbey returned to the
home of the bride where a host of
friends of the contracting parties
awaited their return where re
freshments were served. During
the evening the Caluithmpians
turned out in an old time sere-
nad ,
On Thursday evening they ar
rived at the home of the groom
where an elaborate supper was
served.. The bride was handsome
ly gowned and looked very pret
ty. The groom is an industrious
young tnau formerly employed as
a dry goods clerk iu Altoona, and
has been engaged in the picture
business for the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. Ileeter will reside
at Fort Littleton. Their many
friends join in extending congrat
ulation. He Could Hardly del Lp.
P. U. Duffy, of Ashley, III,
writes, "This i to certify that I
have taken two bottles of Foley's
Kidney Cure and it has helped
me more than any other medicine.
I tried many advertised remedies,
but none of them gave me any re
lief. My druggist recommend
Foley's Kidney Cure and it has
cured me. Before commencing
its use I was in such a shape that
I could hardly get up when once
down." Sold at Trout's drug
Frank Barber, of Orbisouia,
was taken to the Huntingdon jail
Friday morning, The lad refus
ed to go to school aud played
"hooky" iu spite of everything
that could be done. Ue was final
ly taken betoe Squiro Carrigan
wlio ordered him taken to jail.
Reports received by Secretary
Kalbfus, of the state game com
mission, aro that quail, wild turk
eys and squirrels are plentiful all
over the state. Last week forty'
three turkeys were shot in the n
cinity of Shippenaburg.
.W'ph Delwilcr, of Pifccatrti, Is
vi-uiii.; friends iu this viridity.
had S Shoemukur 1 home on
I ft vUit trtnu Hollidnysbuiy.
Jouoh, ot O reeiipastle, aud
ArcluoMcAllen.of Fannettsburg,
visited the former's brother, John
Jones, t this plnre one day last
Samuel McElhaney, near this
placp, had two head of sheep kill
ed by dogs lust week.
A. 0. Mellott, wife and little
son, of Pittsburg, spent Satur
day at the home of Geo. Cleven
ger. The ''Peak sisters" gave an en
tertainment in the P. O. S. of A.
Mr. Geo. Deshou? was
to his home in this place from Al-1
buquerque, New Mexico, last j
Saturday on account of the ser-,
Miss Lena Laidig, of Hunting
don, is visitiug her parents, W,
F. Laidigand wife, near this place,
Mothers Praise It.
Mothers everywhere praise One
Minute Cough Cure for the suf-
,. .... . ...
lives ot their little ones it has sav-
, A . . , ,
ed. A certain cure for coughs,
, . . .
croup and whooping cough. A.
: L. SpuH'ord, Postmaster, of dies
iter. Mich., says: Our little girl
' was unconscious from strangula-
tiou during a sudden and terrible I
i attaclt of croup. One Minute j
j Cough Cure relieved and cured;
her aud I cannot praise it too
highly." One Minute Cough Cure i
relieves coughs, makes breathing
easy, cuts out phlegm, draws out
ina,uatiou aud
removes every
Ill All News.
A newspaper is just what the
word implies-the avenue through
which the public gains a knowl
edge of the day. Every column
of a paper is a news column. Ev
en the advertisements are busi
ness news. The shrewd mer
chants realize the fact and let the
people know through a well word-1
ed advertisement what news
there is in the way of bargains.
A clean cut and to the point ad
vertisement has lots of news to
many people every day.
A Startling Test.
To save a life, Dr. T. G. Mer-;
ritt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made
a startling test resulting in a won
derful cure, lie 'writes, "a pa
tient was attacked with violent
hemorrhages, caused by ulcer
ation of the stomach. I had of
ten found Electric Bitters excel-1
lent for aiute stomach and liver
troubles so I prescribed them.
The patient gained from the first,
and has uot had an attack in 14
months." Electric Bitters are
positively guaranteed for dyspep
sia, indigestion, constipation and
Kidney troubles. Try them. On
ly 50c at Trout's drug store.
In remitting two dollars to ad
vance his supscription to the
"News" Ab Mathias, formerly of
Burnt Cabins, but now of Monte
Vista, Colorado, wishes to be re
membered to his old time friends
and wonders if there are any!
Democrats left in Fulton county1
excopt "Uncle Jake" Miller. Ab j
ner, just wait till you see the
election returns.
T Lcsctivo Drcmo Quinine t&x &
SvaaKkoMSoMhlat !3onUs. Thi alSXtXire,
'lHie hiKlorslK'it'd have ipened
a now niiuo ii Lite top uftliiiy-
Mill ou the mad leading froiNVw
C i eiiuda to UnbertdaU1. nbvii ! y
miies from New Grenada, and are
prepared to furnish any trrade of
coal at lowest mtuo prices. We
guarantee to give every )hiiik1 ol
coal we ask jmy for.
Prices for 2,000 lbs : Lime oal,
7"r: Run of Mine, fcl "Ta nil r.nmn
Wm Allow ay,
New Grenada, Pa.
Watches, Cloiks, Jewelry and Silverware.
We can iurn,ish you anything
you may need in our lino. Write
for fro catalogue. Sam G. Mak-
tin A- Co , Box 247 Harris-
burp, Pa.
looking is the man who wears clothes made at the
Fashionable Merchant Tailoring establishment of
I 'r
1A. U. IN ACE & SOIN. p
i. . . t
The latest things in
C 1, I f r, rte rt .' . .
.juiiiiif;, auu ai yucca llldl Will SIT1KC y UU il llIll
You will find there a lull line of all kinds of
ll Gents Furnishing Goods
Their old customers all stay with them, and new
ones are coming to them every day.
McConnellsburg, Pa. 5:
Wool Carding
carpet weaving
H. H. HERTZLER still contiuues Carding and Weaving at thoj
WILLOW GltOVE MILLS at Burnt Cabins.
Carpet Chain always on hand
I will take in Wool and work at tin following places, namely, Frank ;
Bare's, Fort Littleton: Michael Laidig's, Dublin Mills; W. K. !
Speer's, Suluvia; C. W. Lynch's, Crystal Springs; J. K. Jack- j
son's, Akersville; Caleb Uarton's, Hustontown; A. N. Witter's, !
Waterfall; Harry Huston's, Clear Uidge; W, L. Uerkstresser s
Orchard Grove. i
I Will Visit these places monthly during the season. Thankful for !
past favors, 1 hope lor a continuance ot the same.
H. H. Hertzler, j
Burnt Cabins, Pa.
seven year
old, full
quarts for $3.00.
Jjft' Our goods is aged in the wood, and Upuivund mellow; better than
any you have bad from others for the price, ur your money back.
& Any bank In Pittsburg: or the editor or this paper will tell you that
Off, our word is good, and that we are renpoi)slhlo. We do not humbug
ri you like so many advertising an culled "Uis'lllers."
fjK By buying from us you get an honest article, made from honest.
select grain, ty honest people. Send foi-onr private price list.
II you win send us me names ni iu
good families in your vicinity who
"S&J and to whom we may send our price
f! list, we will send you, with your lirsl
f& order, one quart of Pure Virginia
foi Homemade blackberry Wine, Freo.
t. use wniMKev mi nicnic&j nuruust.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Octobar Our meixlmot,
t nail 13 uiiium;; tne improve
mentola new wood shed, of which
Prof. H. Y Palmer is tbe oi,:i
Mrs. Susan Shu for is visiting
among her Need more friends.
Mrs. Bernhard and her daugh
ter, Mrs. Rachel Garlaud, were
guests of the family of Lemuel
Garland last Sunday.
J. (.!. Fisher, who uad been very
sick, is convalescing.
Elder Arlingtou J. Garland and
wife expect to return to their
home at Manassas, Va,, next
IIeury L' tiarland l,ad the m1v ;
fortune of hravi,u "D0 f .
; gers. CUt 0tT the drl11 whlle i
j seudmS. ;
j You can have the NEWS one '
j whole year for a dollar.
0 i
all kinds of Cassimeres and W
iL.i ...Ml i 1 . ' ...I. L
Wool put into bats for Haps.
cm $
Packed in plain,
scaled eases, ex
pressae prepaid
to your nearest
Cor. 2nd Ave. & Smith
field St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Dept. 285
An almost Infallible remedy for dlt-
tes of the Throat and Lunut,
known rzt itted the world ovar for
almost a Century.
lb Two Days,
on every
box. 25c
s eco art Pottery
li .0 .li -.uui.1 l .itiwu tliui it in ail; u nfw bid in the decorative arl.
It clinstont s.4 of nM liurmony of decoration, its new and
unique ia.e, it velvety, (.''"ssli'ss finish and soft moss green, crys
talline color am; Urn riflnu-nM of its tones, apiicul to the lover ol the
i.rnnl ifnl. Ti'.;o Ai i I'oit. r , i ut : -.tory of men of enthusiasm. Mon
ty without .Mint luis Imch nsi-ii: ul-o th most modern chemical anil
microscopical laboratories, and in fuiM every possihle factory appli
ance: and these coupled with artist potters of unsurpnssad skill have
made the "dates I'otterien famous the world over. The parlor, re
i e)tion hall, den, library are each nmdc more attractive and inviting
by an appropriate piece of Teco, a id those who renllv love art for
art's sal-, wili flint keen enjoyment in its possession. We have bn
innde th' nseru nj.'ents for this bi a itiful product
All Visitois Welcome.
Rouss Racket
Has just received tlieir tall slock ,l lirtivv lloor oilcloths and lenol
lums and think they are the ui. "t e have had .vet. - yd. lenol
lums 8'x;, yd., cedar tuh, ")2-ti( unil o , galvanized tubs 40,
4" and 4c., .r ft. cross cut saw? w ith handles !c, .Ut. 1.10.
Simon's thin oack with hau ! :i.4". The best double
bitted axe in the county fo) 4"-., 'his is a job Manu
axes 0 I: :ul "..
Just received a nice carpet at 25c, yard
same as other ; ask 35c. for.
Horse blankets, we handle the Keriuii." blanket Don't fail to see them,
H'j, 95, $1.20, 111.2.'), fl.tiO, Sl.'A 2. 3.V 2.1" and 2.1'. These Kouds are all
u-a except the ones, and when a niei '1111111 1 ells yon that lu- is the only man
that handles 5-a, don't believe him. V'e can save you 2, per cent. The nic
est robe you ever saw for 2.'W.
A3 Have Shoes For Every One
Wash boilers, tin bottom ti'.lc. The Vitvi. s! metallic bottom wash boilers
8")C. If you are looking for a jiair of
! 8!c, huskinjj gloves 4hi, cotton tlannel
j of the Shipiiensburg corduroy pants t
! they are the best that money can buy, i
' cheaper ones at $1.4.". Knee corduroys
I ones are
We trive Star trading stamps at
Geo. W. Reisner & Co.,
Have their new
Their stock of
Ladies', Misses and
Children's Wraps, and
Ladies' Skirts Ready-to-wear,
is the largest
ever put in the house.
Give them a call.
Geo. W. Reisner i Co,
Jeweler and Silversmith,
CImnibcrsburg, Pa.
hv . or mittens look at ours, 23 to
,'luvcs '. and li1. We have sold mote
U as,,n than .vor. why 't because
- . - .d . -s; tin- same, we have a few of the
.") to 11 year-, I'i. 7" and h'k;. The8Tc
-eain en
I huvcth" uooils to select from.