The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 26, 1904, Image 7

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    Ken:. The following artlcla hat
been widely published mid 1 one of
the roost reinaiknble illnntratiotis ol
the value of careful niiii-hnlllng unit
tntljii" of facts iu presi'iitlDB a tub
jeet to the public.
The Mianloa of M,lilky, Tobacco and
Coflee, '
The Creator rcado all things, we be
lieve. If to, He must have nude these.
We know what lie rrmde food und
water for, and air and tmislilnc but
tvhy Whisky, Tobacco und CotTteV
Thoy are here sure enough and each
performing its work.
There must bo some jrreat plan be
hind it nil: the thoughtful man seek
to understand something of that plun
and thereby to Judge these articles for
their true worth.
Let us not say "bad" or "good" with
out tiiking tesdmoay.
There ure thaes and conditions when
It certainly seems to the cms mil observ
er that these stimulant luircotk-s are
lenl blessings.
H.'iilil there Is the ntiiliusb that eon
ecu Is u "killing" enemy.
One can slip into the hnbit of either
whisky, tobacco or coffee ciisy enough,
lint to "untungle" Is often a fearful
It seems plain tliuj there are circum
stances when the narcotic effect of
these poison fs for the moment bene
tit'iul, but the fearful argument ngiiliiRt
them Is that seldom ever does one find
n steady user of either whisky, cof
fee or tobacco free from disease of
tome kind.
Certainly powerful elements la their
effect on the human race.
It Is a matter of dally history testi
fied to by literally millions of people,
Hint Whisky, Tobacco and Coffee aro
smiling, promising, beguiling friends
on the start, but always false as hell
Itself In the end. uiK-e mey get mm
i. old enough to show their strength,
they Insist upon governing and drive
I lie victim steadily towards ill health
;n some form; If permitted to continue
to rule, they will not let up until phy
sical 11 nd mental ruin sets in.
A man under that spell (and "under
the spell" Is correct), of uny one of
these drugs, frequently assures him
self and his friends, "Why, I can leave
off any time I want to. I did quit for
a week Just to show I could." It Is a
sure mark of the slave when one gets
to that stage. He wiggled through a
week fighting every day to break the
spell, was finally whipped, and began
his slavery all over again.
The slave' (Coffee slave as well ns
Tobacco and Whisky) dally reviews bis
condition, sees perfectly plain the
steady encroachments of disease, how
the nerves get weaker day by day and
demand the drug that seems to smile
and offer relief for a few minutes and
then leave the diseased condition
plainer to view than ever and grow
ing worse. Many times the Coffee
slave realises that he is between two
fires. He feels bad if he leaves off,
and a little worse if he drinks and al
lows the effect to wear off.
So it goes on ti-om auy to day. Every
night the struggling victim promises
himself that be will break the habit
and next day when be feels a little
bad (as be is quite sure to), breaks,
not the .habit, but bis own resolution.
It is nearly always a tough fight, with
disaster ahead sure if ;ho habit wins.
There hove hevu hundreds of thou
sands of people driven to their graves
through disease brought on by coffee
drinking alone, and it is quite certain
that more humnu misery is caused by
coffee and tobacco than by whisky, for
the two first are more widely used,
atd more hidden and insidious in the
effect on nerves, heart and other vital
organs, and are thus unsuspected un
til much of the dangerous work is
Now, Reader, what is your opinion
as to the real use the Creator has for
these thiugs? Take a look at the ques
tion from this point of view.
There is a law of Nature and of Na
ture's God that things slowly evolve
from lower planes to higher, a sturdy,
steady-aud 'digulfled advance toward
more perfect things in both the Phy
sical and. Spiritual ' world. The pon
derous tread of evolutionary develop
ment is fixed by the Infinite and will
not be quickened out of natural law
by any of man's methods.
Therefore we see many (lustrations
showing bow nature checks too rapid
advance. Illinois raises phenomenal
crops of corn for two or three years.
If she continued to do so every year
her farmers would advance in wealth
far beyond those of. other sections or
countries. So Nature Interposes a bar
every three or four years aud brings
on a "bad year."
Here we see the leveling Influence
at work.
A man is prosperous in hit business
for number of years and grow rich.
Then Nature sets the "leveling influ
ence" at work on htm. Some of his
investments lose, he become luxuri
ous and lazy. , Ferbapp It Is whltky, to
bacco, coffee, women, gambling, or
some other form. The inteut and pur
pose i to level blm. Keep bim from
evolving too far ahead of the masses.
A nutlou becomes -prosperous and
great Jlke ancient Rome. If no leveling
Influence' set in she would dominate
the world perhaps for nil time. But
Da mo Nature set her army of "level
- on" at work. Luxury, over eating and
drinking, licentiousness, waste and ex
travagance, Indulgence of all kinds,
then come the wreck. Sure, Sure,
Sure. .
" xue law of the unit is the law of the
mutts. Mun goes through the same
process. ,, Weakness . (In childhood),
gradual growth of strength, energy,
Mhrlft, problt prosperity, wealth,
comfort, ease, relaxation, telf-lndnl-genco,
Injury, Idleness, watte, de
bauchery, disease, and the wreck fol
low. The "levelera" are In the buthra
along the pathway of every successful
man and woman and they bag the ma
jority. Only now and then can a man stand
out against these "levelem" and hold
hi fortune, fain and health to the
So tb Creator ba nso for Whisky.
Tobacco and Coffee to level down the
soccesaful one and those who show
Ign of being successful, and keep
the nark In the race, to that tb great
field" (the maatei) may not be left
too far belaud,...
And yet we must admit thnt same all
wise Creator ling placed it in the pow
er of man to stand upright, clothed in
the armor of a clean cut, steady mind
nnjl say unto himself, "1 decline to ex
change my birthright for a mess of
"I will not. denden my senses, weak
en my grip on nlTalrs und keep myself
cheap, common nmt behind in fortune
and fome by drugging with whisky,
tobacco or coffee; life Is too short. It
is hard enough to win the good things,
without any sort of handicap, so a man
Is certainly n 'fool trader' when he
trades strength, health, money, and the
good things that come with power, for
the half-asleep condUlon of the 'd rug
ger' with the certainty of sickness and
Tisease abend."
It Is a mutter each individual must
doclde for himself. He can be a lead
er and seml-i;j,i If be will, or he can
go along through life a drugged clown,
n cheap "hewer of wood or carrier of
Certain it Is that whlln tho Great
Fctlier of us nil does not seiu to
"mind" if some of His children are
foolish and stupid, He seems to select
others (perhaps those He intends for
some special work) and allows them to
be ihl'celM-H miiU cum i.i led uiusi car-
fully by theRc "levelers."
If a man tries flirting with these lev
elers awhile, and gets a few slxps a
a bint, he bad belter take the hint or
a good solid blow will follow.
When n man tries to live upright,
clean, thrifty, sober, an. nndrugsed,
manifesting as near as he knows what
the Creator intends be should, happi
ness, health and peace seem to come
to blm. Does it pay?
This article was written to set peo
ple thinking, to rouse the "God with
in," for every highly organized man
and woman has times when they feel
a something calling from within for
thorn to press 'o the front and "be
about the Father's business;" don't
mistake it; the spark of the Infinite
is there and it pays in every way,
health, happiness, peace, and even
worldly prosperity, to break off tbe
habits and strip clean for the work
cut out for ms.
It has been the business if the writ
er .lo provide a practical and easy way
for people to break away from tbe
coffee habit and bo assured of a return
t. health and all of the good things
that brings, provided the abuse ha
not gone too far, and even then tbe
cases where the body has been rebuilt
on a basis of strength and health run the thousands.
It is an easy and comfortable step to
stop coffee Instantly by having well
made Tostum Food Coffee served rich
and hot with good cream, for the col
or nnd flavor Is there, but none of tho
caffeine or other nerve destroying el
ements of ordinary coffee.
On the contrary, the most powerful
rebuilding elements furnished by Na
ture are in Postum and they quickly
set about repairing tbe damage. Sel
dom Is it more than two days after
tho chango is made before the old
stomach or bowel troubles or com
plaints of kidneys, heart, head or
nerves show unmistakable evidence of
getting better and ten days' time
changes things wonderfully.
Literally millions of brain working
Americans to-day use Postum, having
found the value aud common sense in
the change.
Records Date Back Almost to Begin
ning of Authentic History.
Of all food plants there is none
which has been so long known or been
possessed of so distinguished a line
age as the asparagus. Its records
reach back almost to the beginning
of authentic history, and it Is men
tioned by the comic poet . Cratlnus,
who died about 425 B. C. The Ro
mans held the vegetable In high es
teem. The elder Cato wrote a work
which Is siill extant, "Do re Hustlca,"
and It treat at length of the virtue
and proper cultivation of asparagus.
Pliny, In his natural history, written
about 60 A. D has much to say about
It. He feelingly observes: "Of all
the products of your garden your chlet
care should he asparagus," and he de
votes several chapters to it many
good qualities and the best method
of raising It. He asserts that the soil
about Ravenna was so favorable to
Its production that three heads grown
In that district had been known to
weigh a Roman pound. This pound
seem to have been about equal to
eleven ounces in our day, so it would
apparently have taken four of the
stalk to have reached a pound of our
The asparagus being essentially a
southern plant, it is possible that the
slock growinc In Italy was of a more
vigorous growth than that of our
northern clime. It 1 found all around
tho shores of the Mediterranean and
branches off Into four or five distinct
species beside the one ordinarily
used for edible purposes.
Country Justice' Two Good Reasons
for Decision.
. well remember one case before
4 Justice in which I acted as respond
ent's counsel in a criminal action and
In which an older and well-known at
torney wa my opponent. A I
.thought then, and a I know now, tbe
law and tbe evidence wa well In fa
vor of my client, and at the close of
the argument I looked with great con
fidence for a prompt acquittal. Judge
of my astonishment when my unfortu
nate client wa found guilty and sen
tenced to thirty day in Jail. I prompt
ly entered an appeal and furnished
sureties to prqsccute the same. Be
fore I left the court room the Justice
took occasion to take me aside and
say: "Young man, I kinder thought
ye war right, but I knowed ju.(jge
(naming njy opponent) i a
sight older'n yon be, and a sight bet-
. ter lawyer'n yon be, and so of course
I gin him Judgment" Judge Bbute In
Leslie' Monthly.
Brok Into Swarm of Bs
Bee swarmed through a hole which
Ernest Mill made in the wall of the
town lookup at Martlnsburg, Va.,and
lung him untU ha shouted for help.
The bee hava a oast between the
plaster and clapboardlng. Mill ad
mits ha waa trying to escape,, bat he
aaya ha will sua th town for damage.
Carn'OKl Icing.
Stir Into a gill of cream n p'.non or
baking soda, add a cup of brown sugar,
and boll without stirring for live min
utes. Then add two tnblespoonfuls of
burnt sugar or caramel, and, while
warm, pour over the cake, smoothing
With a knife dipped in hot water.
Candled Flnenpple),
reel the pineapple, take out the
"eyes"- and sllco thin. Weigh and boll
until clear In a syrup made of half the
weight of the fruit in granulated sugar
end Just enough water to moisten this
slightly. The Juice from the fruit will
snpply any liquid that might be lack
ing. When clear remove with a fork
and lay on platters set In the sun to
Crjatal Applea.
This is a delicious breakfast dish, and
one that deserves to be better known.
Wash, halve and core four large ap
ples. Make a syrup of one cupful of
granulated sugar and a cup aud a half
of boiling water. As the syrup thick
ens drop in the apples and cook until
tender. Lift out carefully, roll each
piece in granulated sugar nnd return
to the syrup. Cover with oatmeal
porridge made by cooking one cupful
of prepared oats in two cupfuls of boil
ing water with a teaspoonful of salt
for twenty minutes. Serve with cream,
plain or whipped. If preferred, the
apples may be left whole and simply
cored, the cavities being filled with
chopped dates, raisins, figs or any
other frnit Another variation Is the
addition of ground nuts butternuts,
walnuts or almonds.
Milk Tonat.
The very best way to moke milk
toast Is by the time-honored recipe
bnuded down from our grandmothers.
They browned and buttered the toast,
setting it aside to keep hot while they
heated and stirred smoothly together
over the fire one tablcspoonful each of
flour and butter and one-quarter tea
poonful of salt to each cup of milk.
The hot milk was added and nil cooked
to a smooth, slightly thickened cream.
Then the slices of toast were bathed
In the liquid long enough to soften
them, before the whole was dished and
sent In to the table. This, it may be
repeated, is the best way, but, if the
milk Is rather limited, an allowable
variation is to add a pinch of salt to
each slice of toast, pour boiling water
quickly over, and then replace It with
the hot, Ihlckened milk on the nlUer
on which it is to be served.
From Cellar to Garret.
Blood stains on a silk gown can be
removed by cold strong borax water.
A faded cotton dress can be made
white by boiling iu cream of tartar
Potatoes will bake more rapidly if a
pan of water is put into the oven with
Coarse salt and vinegar will clean
enameled ware that has been burned
or discolored.
A little soap mixed with stove black
lug will produce better und more last
ing lustre than without.
The wax from dripping candles cun
be removed from table linen by a
generous application of alcohol.
No odor from onions will pervade
the boune, it is said, if a generous piece
of stale bread is cooked with them.
A nut pick kept on the kitchen table
is tbe most convenient utensil for re
moving the paper cover from the milk
Never use newspapers to wrap about
anything eatable. It is economy to
have a supply of pnrafllu paper always
on hand.
Eggs should bo kept in a reccptucle
to themselves since, the shells (when
fresh) ore so porous every strong odor
is absorbed.
The smart woman saves time and
patience by keeping a shoo horn with
the children's rubbers to make their
donning easy.
Alum, tbe size of a hickory nut, dis
lolved lu a pint of stureb, will brighten
the color in muslins, ginghams and
calicoes after washing.
Cold rain water and soap will re
move machine grease. To remove
peach stains soak fabric In spirits of
camphor before wetting.
Grass stains on linen should be
soaked for a few minutes In kerosene;
then washed In very hot water with a
generous supply of soap.
After a ran of condensed milk has
been opened, keep tbe lid raised, or
better still, cut it off so the contents
will be exposed to the air.
For the meringue on pies use one
tablcspoonful of grauulated sugar to
the white of one egg. It is more sat
isfactory ttan powdered sugar.
Perch or other small fish are much
better If fried quickly-In deep, hot
fat. Larger fish can be fried slowly
In a skillet In hot salt pork fat.
Stand the Jar to be filled with hot
fruit on a steel knife blade or a cloth
wet with very hot water, and there
will ba no danger of a broken Jur.
After table silver has been polished,
If laid away, It will keep bright for a
year In a paper box well covered with
flour that has been thoroughly dried.
When sweet corn 1 served on the
ob, leave a few of the Inner busks on
the ear when boiling, a it will be
much sweeter and keep warm longer.
The novice should memorize this
rule: White meat well done, dark
meat underdone, except iln fowls,
which ihoald always be thoroughly
A novel pickle 1 made by combining
west corn and cabbage, each cooked
separately, then (raided In sweet
iploed vinegar and canned for use.
Th Pilgrim.
Clean enameled shoes with sweet
milk after all dnst and dirt have been
removed, allowing the milk to remain
on for a minute, then wiping with a
soft dry cloth.
Photographs can bo nicely cleaned
with soft cloth saturated with luke
warm water to which a little ammonia
has been added. Us very lightly and
Immediately wipe th picture with a
soft, dry cloth. . - -
R. C. Dun & Cp.'s Weekly Rcvicvl
of Trade ays:
Progress is slow but sure in the
leading branches of manufacture, con
tract being more readily placed fot
distant delivery, while the percentage
of idle machinery steadily decreases
Satisfactory news from leading iron
and steel centers tends to strengthen
confidence elsewhere, as the consump
tion of iron has been found a good
barometer of business conditions.
Jobbing and wholesale trade in Fall
and Winter wearing apparel expand
gradually, and such Spring lines as are
opened meet with a fairly satisfactory
reception considering the recent indis
position to provide for future require
ments. At many points the return ol
warm weather checked the revival ol
retail trade in heavy gonds, but a;
that movement had begun much ear
lier than usual, the net result thus far
is better than last year. Building op
erations have expanded, at some cities
establishing a noteworthy record fot
the month of September, and the per
mits recently issued promise well tot
the future.
Labor is fairly well employed, ac
cording to, the latent ofheia! trades
union reports. Latest returns of for
eign commerce compare very favor
ably with the corresponding time last
year, and railway earnings in the first
week of October were 6;r per cent,
larger than in 1903.
Failures this week were 208 in the
United States, against 20S last year,
and in Canada 24, compared with 28
a year ago.
Bradstreets says: Wheat, including
flour, exports for the week aggregate
I.J57, 1 75 bushels, against 1,105,928 last
week. Corn exports for llic week ag
gregate 857,517 bushels, against 652,
811 last week.
Baltimore, Md. FLOUR Firm and
unchanged; receipts, 4,29.1 barrels; ex
ports, 148 barrels.
WHEAT Strong; spot, contract
I,l8!.t8;4 i spot No. 2 red Western
J. 20 .20'A October, 1.18 I.l8'4 ;
November, 1. 18)4 1.19; December
i.I9?4I2o; May, I224'fft.2.?; steam
er No. 2 red, 1.13(1.13(4; receipts
9,430 bushels; Southern by sample, 8c
(al io; Southern on grade, ioHiVi 1.18
CORN Steady; year, SO$(i-,oA.
January, 49)4 50; February, 49)i'ir,o
receipts, 100 bushels; Southern whitt
corn, 55(458; Southern yellow corn
OATS Quiet; No. 2 white, 34'??:
34 (-5; No. 2 mixed, 33'A bid; receipts
15,090 bushels.
RYE Steady; No. 2 Western, 8y;
receipts, 848 bushels.
BUTTER Firm, unchanged; fan
cy imitation, I7i8; fancy creamery,
2i22; 'fancy ladle, 14(3:15; ftorc
packed, I2lj.
EGGS Firm, unchanged; 21.
ult'A; medium, n'Aixyil tmall.
New York. FOUR Receipts, aa,
521 barrels; exports, 8,121 barrels;
sales, 3,800 packages. Market steady,
with fair demand.
LARD Weak. Western steam, 7.70
PORK Quiet. Family, 16.00; short
clear, 14.00(0)17.00; mess, 12.50(1300.
crude, nominal; do., yellow, 2"ia2H.
POTATOES Firm. Long Island,
1 752.oo; State and Western, i..?stf
1-75: Jersey sweets, 1 .25'fi) t 75.
PEANUTS Dull. "Fancy hand
picked, 5i5!4: other domestic, ,Vi6'.;.
CABBAGES Steady; per barrel,
with outside figures rather extreme
Common are quoted at A'A'sl prime,
at 4)45; choice, at S'AA(; fancy, at
BUTTER Firm; receipts, 3.509
Street prices, extra creamery, 20V4.
Official prices, creamery common to
extra, iio'A; State dairy, common
to extra.. UrtJlO.
CHEESE Quiet and unchanged;
receipts. 3.&21.
EGGS Firm and unchanged; re
ceipts, 3,671.
POULTRY Alive, weak; Western
chickens, 135-5; fovVls, 14: turkeys, 13
14. Dressed, irregular; Western chick
ens, I2l4; fowls, 13'A; turkeys, ij
3i6. .
Live Stock,
Chicago. CATTLE Market toe
lower; good to prime steers, 5.701670;
poor t medium, 3.50(5.60: stocken
and feeds, 3.25134.00; cows, 1.50W4.20;
heifers, 2.oocffj5.oo; canncrs, 1. 50V12.40;
bulls, 2.oo435; calves, j.oo.oo;
Texas fed steers, 3.75(55 5; Western
steers, 3 oo5.25. .
HOGS 5c. to 10c. lower; mixeJ
and butchers', 5-5$75: Hood to
choice heavy, 5-50(?575; rough heavy,
5.oo5.25; light, 5-'S(i5-05; bulk ol
s-alcs, 5-355-55.
SHEEP Sheep, strong; lambs,
weak; good to choice wrthors, 3.50
420; fair to choice, mixed, 3.25375:
lambs, 4.oo5 )o; Western lambs, 4.00
fit $.60.
New York BEEVES Medium to
good steers, firm to 10c. higher; com
mon, more active, and firm; bulls
strong; cows, steady to strong; native
steers, 4.00 5-5o; halfbrceds and
Westerns, 3 00(4.15; oxen, 3003.50;
bulls, 2.50(3-40; cows. 3I3.V25
dressed beef, steady; exports. 3.40c
quarters of beef; tomorrow, 3 500 quar
ters of beef.
CALVES Veals, barely steady;
grassers, unchanged; Westerns, low
er; veals, 5.oo8.5o; no very choice
here; grassers, 3.00(3312; Westerns
3. Soffit xx.
HOGS Market 10c. lower; prim
State and Pennsylvania hogs. 5.9c
A school for salesmen has been
opened recently in Chicago.
Plans for the forming of two locals
of bellboys' .unions in Boston, Mass.,
are being made.
In Durban, Natal, bricklayer and
plasterers receive 16s. a (lay, carpen
ters 15. and plumbers and painters
from 10s. to las. . -
San I-'rancisco (Cal.) union butch
er will follow the wake of the Oak
land butchers aid establish co-operative
thoot over th ritv.
Female elgrarmaker (t Nottingham,
England, have struck in tyniptthy
MHth the Loudon employes of the Im
perial Tobacco Company.
Scotland lead the world in the pro
portion of its working populannj en-
Sgcd in mining and manufacture,
4 per cent, being thut engaged.
Tbe movement to inaugurate t
building trade council at Memphis,
Tenn., wa laiinrbed tevcral week
ago by the Painter and Decorators'
It it estimated that in England gen
erally ooo.oco men at present need employment.
New England Induttry.
An Interesting Instance of pers'st.
ent industry Is offered by the case of
J. P. Keyee of Poland, Mass., who
two weeks ago misted his Saturday
trip with butter to Conway village for
the first time In twenty-six years. Mr
Kcyes is about 70 years old, and al
though hi homo Is reached by hilly
roads that are badly drifted In winter,
he has alwaya managed to get
Fine View From High Peak.
From Mt. Genevieve, a peak In Oil
pin County, Colorado, a person caD
see Into four state and one territory.
On a clear day the observer can dis
cern the Uintah Mountains of eastern
Utah, the Medicine Bow range of
Wyoming, the tips of the Rockies In
New Mexico and the principal peaks
of Colorado. The plains, stretchlne
to the east, are plainly visible clear
Into Nebraska.
New Us for Automobile.
The Ceylon government Is seriously
considering the proposition of substi
tuting on all (It roads light automo
biles for the old stage coaches which
etill exist on Important routes for mall
wind passenger traffic. The remilrarf
I speed Is thirty miles an hour, and
cacn venicie must carry six passen
gers, 300 pounds of letter and 26
pounds of baggage.
Coin of George III.
A. O. Peabody of Wilton, N. H.,
picked up' a coin a few days since,
On one side are tbe letters "Deorglua
III Del Gratia." In the center was a
cut of a king. On the other tide
were the letters MBFET H-REX FD
BETLDSRIATE, coat of arms with
crown upon name. The date on the
piece was 1797.
The man of substance was proud to
be mentioned in connection with to
high nn office, but be would not be a
"This rock," he exclaimed, pointing
to a great grnuite bowlder, "shall fly
from its firm base as soon as mine "
Here the committee of notification
withdrew, perceiving that their mis
sion was hopeleRS. Puck.
BewiK ot Olnttnnnta For Catarrh Ttit
Contain Meroarr,
us mercury will surely destroy the sense ot
smell ami completely dorange the wholesy
tern wheu oaterinir It through the uiueoui
eurfaeea. Huohartlolosshould never be use I
except on proscriptions from reputable phy
sicians, as tbe damaijo they will do Is ten (oid
to the good you cao pos-ilbly derive from
them. Han's Catarrii Care, manufacture!
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and is taken Internally, aotln-?
directly upoa tbe blood and mucoaj surfaces
of thesystem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
be sure you get tbe genuine. It Is taken In
ternally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.
J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by Drustfists; price, 75c. per bottle.
'lake Hall's Family FIIIh for constipation.
Labor-Baring nanct Organi.
Labor-saving devices have got to
the hand organs at last, says the New
York Sun. In one of the latest, in
stead of the organ mau turning the
crank, he presses a button. The music
plays on till he releases his finger. The
music Is sweeter than that of other or
gans and it can be heard blocks away.
I FITS permanently cure I. No lllsornnrvon.
ness aftr tlrst day's ninf !r. Klin-'n (irf-a.
I Nervoltestoror.titrlal bottlcnnil treatise fron
I Dr. It. H. Kline. Ltd., "J3J Aroli St.. l'hiln., P i.
The railway up Mont Kane is to lie com
pleted within six years.
riso'sCurefor Consumption is an infallible
medicine for coupcli aud colds. N. W.
bAUUKL, Oeoitn tirove, N. ,f,, l-'cb. 17, 193 J.
The first London borough to supply elec
tricity was St. l'ancras.
('a-.urrli c-uri-n ul noin. I hn-. i,r.-rirntiori In
one I'.ickaK.. As!; your dealer (or Dr. Huriluy'i
ureal Kuiiicuy." 01 uuitlmore.
1 Deer Just Looked Around.
A deer entered the garden of Chas.
I Morgrage of Goffstown, N. H., and
I wandered around quite a while, not
offering to eat anything. At last It
squeezed out between the barbed
wires of the fence on one side of tho
railroad, passed across and through
the other barbed wire fence without
injuring Itself In the least.
I - ft
Mr. HayrV Flrfit Letter Appeal"
lug to Mr. lMukham for Ilelpi
" Dear Mas. Pinkh tu : I have been
under Boston doctors' treatment for a
long time without any relief. They
tell me I have a fibroid' tumor. I can
not Bit down without great pain, and
the soreness extends up my spine. I
have bearing-down pain both back
and front. My abdomen is swollen,
and I hero had flowing spells for three
year. My appetite is not good. lean
not walk or be on my feet for any
length of time.
' The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor
Siren in your little book accurately
caeribo my caae, ao I write to you for
advice" (Signed) aina, i-.. r. uateb,
252 Dudley 8t (lioxbury), Boston, Mas.
Mrs. Iloye' 8econd Letter t
"Dkab Mr. PiNssLiift Sometime
ago I wrote to you describing my tymp
tomt and aako'd your ad vied. You re-
Blied, nnd I followed all your diree--ons
carefully, and to-dny I am a well
The use of Lydia E. Plnkham'a
Vegetable Coaipounrl entirely ex
pelled the tumor and strengthened Buy
whole avstem. I ran walk mile now.
"Lydia, II Pinlth.nn'a Vege
table) Compound i worth five dol
lar a drop. I advise all women who
are afflicted with tumors or female
trouble of any kind to gtv '.t a faithful
trial. " (Signed) Mas. E. F. lUraa,
I5 Iudlv St (ttoibnry). lWton, Ma.
- $$000 frrftH If trltlmml tf mt ImtfnpnBlmg
TiftirT;is"" r
J I Si!
Cvuca Bnjpk Timu Ouuo, Vm I I
Rev. Jacob D. Van Dorcn, of 57 Sixth
street, Fond ru Lac. Wis., I'resby
tnriun clergyman, taj: "I bad at-
tuekt of kidney disor
ders which kept me In
the boitfe for days ut 11
lime, unable to do any
thing. What I suffered
can hardly be told.
Complications cot in,
tbp particulars of
which I will be pleased
to give in a personal
Interview to any ono
who requires informa
tion. This I can ron
scieiitlnnsly tay, Doan'
Kidney Tills caused a
neniTHl Improvement
In my health. They
brought great relief by lessening the
pflln and correcting the action of the
kidney seerotlnns."
FJonn's Kidnry Fills are for tulc by
nil dealers. Price. GO rents. Fosler
Mllbum Co., Buffalo. N. y.
Dogs Became Intoxicated.
A beer wagon collided with an Ice
cream stand at Providence, R. 1., and
the stock of cream was precipitated
Into the street. A leaky beer barrel
turned the mass Into a Rort of frozen
pudding, which was partaken of by
several dogs. Two of the more vora
cious of the animals became badly In
toxicated and wandered aimlessly
about In a most amusing manner for
a long time.
The Antiquity of Chtir.
Chairs were in use In Egypt so long
ago as S399 B. C. The Chinese em
ployed them from about 1300 B. C. Id
India they were used, ond are men
tioned as dating from 1100 B. C. House
chairs, with backs, were In use in
India A. D. S00. They are known tc
have been employed In Rome so ea-lj
as A. D. 70, being mentioned by Pliny
at that date. Chairs with foot rests
were used in Rome A. D. 150.
On the followed the
1 from Texoi
ivith Fish Brand 1V?sh brad
Pommel Sticker
Slicker, used lot
an overcoat when
.cold. wind coat
when wtacy, a rain coat when It rained,
and for a cover at night If we (ot to bed,
and I will ey that I have gotten more
comfort out of your altcker than any ether
on artiste that I ever owned,"
( Ta. aem. Md addrtM of the
vmur ei tel, aafollciie lat
ter Bay be &4 ea epoUculoa.)
Wat Weather Oarmente for Rldior.
Walking, Working or
Botroa, s...a. tSnUiS
CO., Limited tTs
f 1' 10 d.Tl' U..U..M
. Br. a a. oasis' soaa, a., a. AUite, ata
Sore Eye, tarry Cw low City, U.,hv a aur cur
m 7 ! .LUBt' fnr bowel trouble., appendleitle. hlllouenm. bed brcaili, had
Diooa, wind on the blcatfd oowela, foul mouth, hfud.che, indir-tion, rimrlc.
palne after eatinir. liver imnhl. .t,. .11... u- ' . ' '
1.. ; . J. . ' ...... .u
I?JrV. k yu,u ,ick- Con.tipation l:Mli more
r iBrl nri-, itinoni sno loop year. 01 ivint-rmi;.
right Take our advice, atart wfth Ca.ceret. today under ab.olute eu.r.nte
money refunded. The genuine tahlet eurnped C C C. Nevr .old in bulk. 6
oooalet free. Addrwes Rterline Remedy Company. ChJraro or New York.
. . oaay, lor you win never
1 W. at Doualmm mmkmm mnti
aaaaawiia 1 ae,aiuwananKwavmaniMeeBJ
mnomm tnmn mny othmr mmnutmcturm in tho woriu.
There win W. L. Itmiala $a M ahoeaare the irre;iteat pellera In the wrld la N-eitiv of their exrel.
lent atvle. e,itty fltttnn and u irtr.r wenrmf qimilTu-v If I cm Id Ph'n tu the d T "er i-e t en- p. n
eboe made In nif factory and ihnae of other make and the hJul.-sr . !e:itlnrii'ei yen wrlil i.ii- rr
atand why W. L. 1 routine fa. fin tho poet inrre to n :e, hv thry ho'ri thnr !' r1. ft le'-r, -r
U' hBr. nnd are of trreuter Intrinsic value than any ttir f-W at-i cu Ibe o.urkvl Vj day, Ld why tue
Mle for the year emllng July 1. 1904, wero (l.'.'0:l."4O.lH),
W, L. iNMiuleia gu;ir.ititeeo their value ljr aian.i iiu Li name and trie on tho bo t turn. Lout for It
Ukenoauiunituto. hold by aboe dealer eveiywhfie.
Arree irem W, .. flout)! at fi ,V or the la it U't fwi ittth otoi,.t
t'tfac iiu. Una ttitm lupwrtor m tit. ft mf- rt ami u
.90 to 97.W-H. S. Mrtrl ., fiept. Coll.. ('. .S. Jit.
W. L. Tone;lRa uiwhi Comma Coltokln In hi a)ie(i. Titrnna ( n't U conrcdnl to
b tha Unvat Jatot Lrt) titer mulp, yni l'Tr t ylrt UM-rf a lun cly,
W. L. DOUGLAS, Droaklon, fcmmmmchustXIm.
(M FREE to
4 fgSa. t WHTH $3.00 ( j I
3t 1?, I 7lAeaaeai- . 3a-etln of a pair o X A '
IT V if I 1 " r. 1 V 'fT' 'nu,"'"'i.'e f o e l ti 1 1
r- . V Jkm J t tJltf V". iif.f.lMe tick-t. "
aM'f iCIS-e B ,.,,V , Pr of ll-lnp-, .pleudtd ooltt.
Ii Lny$rW ul larrtr-twe of our fine aiulltf at Kte e.S
tIaaaV; iV KVKKfi-.otiY ir- HANiiKtiii jiif i-i" ouirL: Vast
-fLt ij.i:kh-kn1) XO m: iv- wk trl-h- vein with
i-l V-rVTe TU HaNllKKBrHlLM Tfi l till. " V0 W'TB
'"iCl, jf'ewT Ju mi, "od. m J 'd TOO will reeelra at ej
Vl3jJ&Ui3XSjJlrM J. and MMr at ene.. J!l!
t f- ' rV aflti il.,a,ii, 1 ill. 7 li - -
le Tvn ReinHFiil
a Rtiniona avDAV Don, aro a vtirtr
rrir. KiKitv may uoi.i.v.
OI'HU KUtY Ii;H,L UaWgkrautr.elaberaf.lrdmie.
avpw kead. ruilr Lair, ''? iolai.a tudi. .Ie.i.
avi arei, dnvMd la rill l a an ia a ', clcaaat
wwK, wvw .1.0 e. i.-w a eji,.c w.
a U'.e
rer.lre at aai-e
).il . 11 f)t WB f I,L
CHAHi.ES. ff A at
winan rnnnii'iii,
Lc Hoyne Handkerchief
IZlW l4thSt.,N-wYork.
OIH 1-VfcVtY DAT Irfl.I, u
KiTllA Itthiilkhl kM.hJ japaaaw aoO tu
u4 a'U a aW.1 daiub eoll fc.adkyi-M.fa. we (Tie rMl th. eotlr. Jc.fl awitt far eH'txi aid,
tbfrtT-te ef or C-e au.HlT fercit'rf, at Wi. arh
111 a: HP' t:il. i'IP.'V i Kl.t" rw 'J...
u. raa Bter-eT. iu win
Itlilunttn?,. ft Irk HVailiiclirniWi
till Llwr ntul IlimH 4 mi
Vlalnt run b cured lijr utnif
ncecirtllng to ltrrtton"
Parsons' Pills
Thy do not Irrltntn the ntmii
r h himI iMiWf U likt violent
otu Km, net prtMl j Hrtfi
Kfi.lljN Tukro nfh-r ilimifr ly
lit rty futcr thfjr rttm hII of
'iH rent n bottle; tire ftl.nn
at HnieiiiUt. or nnt hj mall
nn receipt of price.
1. S. JOHNSON d CO., Iloiton, Mau.
Th Tr-lter Mining Kir.eltlnvCo. MNB
PltOlll INt. .OI.I Ml MS, with fin -ter
""ver, ti the httf f.f (mia.-. Miif'. -over1m 5
arreti, On hit vr,rMi tmt of frtv- mill nr or
tn t'trht water 1' el a vera! n 114 H iter tou,
and there are r'Ol'UTf.KN ether le.l-es No pro
in' Urn unrk I-feet nt ttinni The Company
i fTer lii'.imt ah are. 1 (t tt-fc at onlv Hk a M.are,
Cr value 41. mt. fr ne it thirtv rU for t ha pnrpo
f'f e.-e-'tntf a rntll with fifty t.-n Ai rpaefty.
1 M will net Sit' aday afer paying all eirent-e.
M per i ent . annual dlMrtend on par val ie "f all
pti.rk i.niied dt.U r invpten imaa to Improve
tt:j pr je-tv KF.MEMHKIt. our -Pperfy lit In the
the Vhh nf a nonderlully rl.-h irdd dutrl.-t A few
nnnireil dollar invented now will tofin tnr o
M i in value, mid prcd'n-e an In m fT li!e Hiiro
et Hank referfiv-en furnished U--,vM by b'.r.k Ft
( iiunar.'ur write lor 111 itratM rr"; e--tu tc. A W.
Cl'NNlNOUAM.over first Nat'l bar.4. Wicu, Tex.
Write mo at onr fnr Mnnka nd irtloni.
Fro.- rf chnrjr" No peminn. Nnby, Addrt
W. H . WILLS. Wills HitlMlnir. Ave..
HehtrirTii. 1. C. Patents and 1 nvk'-MarkJ
Knllf itwl.
A "Snrrpas" Training School.
Coldey Course It n HuMMr-i. and 4hnrthan4
Srhbol tnat mttri a freclnltr of tralntna: lt
Mlldi-nn for-hTfrlNEcSBrrOEsS " l0Ta.
uatee with two flrnie. Prurient, from Geur
c-ia to New S'crk. Write for eittiil'jguf. Addrrut
Guide? College, Box uuOu, UmiuRton, Del.
Will puil il-fn.ii .lump nuhoiit
help Gun'mured tn ntnnd et-ain
,f SMI.WHJ IU. Cata!ciie nn die.
ernm" uddres MOVAItril
Gill D1IKK CO.. Lune Tree. la.
u,.. ,,rna. t urn your oc'A-ia i mux,
people then all othi-r di.ea.s tr. ther. It
No matter what
its vou. start takine
well and etay well until you g' t your bowele
to cure or
Samp!-; aod
mctm moM mnn'm B3.RQ I
tturt M.'mn It
Jnt. iirt t-.-.taf. A'lt'(f15., t'd.
1 b K.$fZi
aetl.. I
Kii - ur
. .
1 SjefT.i.
rr -mill m 1 1 1