INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS 01 Local amf General Interest, Gathered at Home or Clipped from our Exchanges. CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS 100 new suits of clothes receiv ed this week at Johnston's. Dr. F. l Stevens, of this place, is spending a week in Uarus burg. Country Lard and Bacon for aale at Stouteagle Brothers'. The ai d is 10 cents a pound. Sheriff D. C. Fleck aud L. ll. Wible, of McConnellsburg, were in Fort Littleton last Saturday. Ileavy blankets at J. K. John ston's from 50 cents to $5 a pair. Miss Esther Sloan, who had been spending the summer in Denver, Col., has returned to her home in the Cove. . The M. E. church at Center willbe dedicated Sunday, October 80th, and there will be preaching every evening during the follow ing weak. J. K. Johnston is selling boys' cord pants at 50 cents; men's at 1.75. The ladies of the Lutheran Mite Society will give a chicken and waffle supper at the home of Mrs. Geo. Reisner, Saturday evening, October 29. Mr. W. F. Stouteagle is spend ing a day or two in Philadelphia this week. His daughters, Mary and Nettie, accompanied him to Chambersburg. Everybody should see the new line ot $1.25 shoes at Johnston's. Rev. Robert A. EUwood, Wil mington, Del., will lecture in the Court House Friday evening, on the subject of temperance. Eve rybody welcome. Mason Thomas of Sixmile Run, is spending this week among lriends in Licking Creek town ship, ' taking, advantage of the hunting season. No danger of consumption if you use Foley 's Honey and Tar to cure that stubborn cough. Sold at Trout's drug store. Miss Dorothy Deshoog, teacher of F a est Dale school iu Licking Creek township, called at the News office last Saturday to ad vance her subscription. A Bedford huckster l.t a roll of $50 recently, aud he awarded the tiudur, u little girl, with the magnamiaous gift of two toma toes, whicn he haaded down from his wagon. A. C. Mellott, wife and little son, Willis, of Pittsburg, and Mr. Mellott's sister, Mrs. S. K. Pitt man, and her little son George, of Harrisonville, spent a diy last week among friends in this place. You will find the most beauti ful line of Furs at J. K. Johnston's store, at prices from 75 cetits up. Every lady should see them. S. A. Nesbit, who had been vis iting his old home in Perry coun ty, was accompanied on his re turn home last Saturday by his Mister, Miss Sarah A. Nesbit, of New Bloomfield, who will spend a few weeks with her brothers in this place and the Cove. Our veteran friend John W. Mowers, of Clear Ridge, gladden ed the printer's heart with a lit tle cash last Wednesday. Mr. Mowers saw much service in the Civil War, and has many interest ing experiences to relate. Mr. J. G. Dillan, of Delaware counlv, and Mr. J. L. Richards, with whom Mr. Dillan is staying a lew days, walked from Mr. Richards' home down near the Tannery, up along the mountain, through theMeadowgroundp, aud on to town until noon, and in the afternoon returned by foot to Mr. Richards' home. On f Many. H. A. Tisdale, of Sumnaerton, S: C, suffered for twenty years with the piles. Specialists were employed and many remedies us ed but. relief and permanent good was lound only in the use of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. This is only one of the many cures that have been effected by this won derful remedy. In buying Witch Hazel Salve it is only necessary to see that you get the genuine De Witt's, made by E. C. DeWltt A Co. in Chicago, and a cure is cer tain. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures all kinds of piles, cuts, barns, bruises, eczema, tetter, ringworm, ' skin diseases, etc. Sold at Trout's drug store. WKST DUBLIN. There was a large congregation of friends and neighbors at the funeral of Nina Kirk, at Fairview, Saturday afternoou. Rev. Salter conducted the funeral services, preaching from Psalms 10-3:15. The family have the sympathy of their many friends in' their be raavoment. Mrs. J. E. Lyon has returned from St. Louis, where she visited the World's Fair. Caivin Itensod and wife, of Trough Creek, Huntingdon coun ty, are visiting relatives in this township. Foster Ambrose and Edward Deshong, of Licking Creek, were hunting coons on Saturday night. R. E. t.. Moseby, of Wells Val ley, passed through this vicinity Saturday afternoon on his way to the I. O. O. F. banquet at Fort Littleton. Epbraim Mellott aud J. H. Ed wards each bought a pair of bron chos at the horse sale at Fort Lit tleton. B. L. Waguer attended a party at John Winegardner's last Fri day night. Chester Brant attended the Hagerstown Fair last week, and is now husking corn at Fairview, Md. Robbed tbe Orave. A startling incident, is narrat ed by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: "I was in au awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coat ed, pain continually in back aud sides, no appetite, growing weak er day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was ad vised to use Electric Bitters; to my great joy, the first bottle made a decided improvement. 1 continued their use for three we-k8, and am now a well mau. 1 know they robbed the grave of another vbtim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents, guaranteed at Trout's drug store. HUSTONTOWN. "Davy" Strait prepared his new winter house for the winter last week by giving it two coats of paint. Leslie W. Seylar, Republican nominee for the legislature was iu this secti a of the county last week working ou his political fences. Our town was quite lively last Saturday on account of the Hus-1 tontown Wells Tannery baseball i game. Frank Deshong, wife and sou Ralph, of Fannettsburg, were vis iting friends in this place laat Sunday and Monday. Jesse Woodcock and wife visit ed the latter 'a brother, Daniel Lamberson of Everett, the first part of last week. . , Mrs. B. A. Salter is visiting at the home of her parents in Sun- bury, Pa. Brown C. Dawney and wife re turned to their home in Philadel phia last Monday. Mrs. Geo. Deshong is serious ly ill with typhoid fever. , Married AtBerkley.Springs, W. Va., 'October 19th, Mr. John Sollers of Broadtop City, and Miss Lou Huston of this place. Cm Yon Eit? J. B. Taylor, a promfueut mer chant of Chriesman, Tex., says: "I could not eat because of a weak stomach. I lost 11 strength and ran down in weight. All that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Hear ing of some wonderful cures ef fected by use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cue, I concluded to try it. The first bottle benefited me, and af ter taking four b ittles, 1 am ful ly restored to mr usual strength, weight and health." Kodol Dys pepsia Cure digests what you eat and cares. , Sold at Trout's drug store. There will be a locul institute at Forest Dale school house, Fri day evening, November 4th. Sub jects for discussion: 1. Question ing; Importance of; KindWhen Used; Results to be Obtained. 2 Reading Classes. 8. Self-reliance; How Secured; Value of. Dora Deshong, teacher. Duier la FU CoM. Fall colds are liable to haug ou all winter leaving the seeds of pneumonia, bronchitis or con sumption. Foley's Honey aud Tar cures quickly aud prevents serious Tesults. It is old and re liable, tried and tested, safo and sure. Contains no opiates and will not constipate. Sold at Trout's drug store. ' CLEAR KIDUL. Mrs. Joshua Gnsml and Mrs. Margie Saylor ot Cav.'illf vern the guests of H. T. 11 -ntco ,i f.jv days. Mrs. AiiKiiida Cromwell auU son Oscar visitod hr uncle and aunt near Harrisonville over Sun day. N. B. Henry aud wife were at County Seat last Saturday. J. H. Baker returned home laxt Saturday evening after an ab sence ot several weeks. Cleve Fields intends to. clerk for Jacob Wioegardner this wi li ter. Jacob Winegardner and wife, and Bert Brown, wife and daugh ter, Euuice, were visitiu John Madden atid family Saturday and Sunday. Miss Goldie Fields is living with her uncle, John A. Heury's family, . Mame Fields spent Saturday flUlin Srto anrl Knnrlau tna frnnot nf Henry Wilson's family. William Lebard and wife of HnntSncrl.-itl namn TV T . .v. .1 . . and remained until Saturday with her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. John Heury. Gilbert Stake and wife of Dry Run, spent a day recently with J. W. Mowers and wife. Mary Carmack, who has been away for sometime, spent Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. N. B. Heury aud sou Char ley spent a few days the guest of her brother, Alex Richardson of Franklin county. Ephrairu Anderson, wife and son Owen, spent Sunday in the home of I. D. Stevens at Fort Lit tleton. Charley Wilson and family near Orbisonia, spent Sunday with his paren ts. Misses Ray and Elsie Baker speut a day recently with her sis ter, Mrs. Frank Madden at Mad densville. Miss Elizabeth Fields speut last Monday and Tuesday in the home of her brother, W. L Fields. Mrs. J. W. Mower returned home on Monday from a visit to friends in Franklin county. Mrs. T. E. Fleming spent Sun day at John Henry's. The Huston family attended the Porter Irwin wedding at McConnellsburg last Wednesday ; evening. John Hustou, who graduated last week in Book keeping and I Banking at Eastman Buiuess College, is expected week. home tins A Great Sensation. There was a big sensation in Lee8Ville, lnd.,when W. H. Brown that place, who was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. He writes: "I endur ed insufferable agonies from asth ma but your Now Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure. Simihar cures of consump tion, pneumonia, bronchitis and grip are numerous. It's the peer less remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c, and $1.00. Guaranteed by TroutV drug store. Trial bottle free. Local Institute. The first local institute iu Bel fast township, of this season, was held October 21, at Need more. The meeting was called to order by the teacher, Howard C. Mel lott, and Martin L. Truax was elected chairman. The questions were thoroughly discussed by the eleven teachers present. Prof. Palmer and Supt. Bat ton took an active part in the discussions. The school rendered some very interesting recitations and songs. The next institute in Belfast will be held at Jacob Lake's school Nov. 11. Everybody interested in education, is invited to attend. J. P. Oakland, Secretary. Tda Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets. COAL I COAL I ; Local Institute. The undersigned have opened! The third local institute in Duu 'ti ne-v rump nn ih trj of Rays i lin ins held at Chesnut's school I iill on the i'':id lending from NuW his I Friday evening. The meet t ' renaila to Uitn'Vt.rlnle, niiotit. 3 ; itig .n ended to order by the miies from New Grenada, and are J teacher, IJimey M. Sipe, and prepared to furnish any jrnide of Prof. 11 G.Lainiierson was elect eeal nt lowest, nun" prices. Wo guarantee to give every pound ot coal wo ask pay for. Prices fur 2,000 lbs : Lime' oul, 75c: linn of Mine, 1 -27k all Ltimp 1.7.".. WM A L 1.(1 WAV, Geo. Slkkman, I i n, New Grenada, I ',i. Watches, Clocks Jwtlry and Silverware. We can furnish you anything you may need in our hue. Write for free CHtnlo-ue. S.mG. Mak - i tin Co , L ck Box :47 Harris ! burp, I 'a. i - i I !Ii-?1i?f S-?55f ..--' i. -v am -J J. h I in 5 Vi-JL Xl JL Md 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. i 0 K0 0 0 k 0A J 0 .0 ft luokmif is the man who wears clothes made at the Fashionable Merchant Tailoring establishment of p Ac 0. MACE. & SON. I The latest things in Suitings, and at prices that will strike you as right You will tind there a full line of all kinds ol 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 . 0 0 I Gents Furnishing Goods Their old customers all stay with them, and new ones are coming to them evetv da v. A. D. NACE & 0 McConnellsburg, Pa. 0 0 00Sf 00000000LI0.00)iM00 i0-0p Wool Carding: and carpet Aeainio; H. H. HERTZLEf? still continues Cardinsr and Wi-i'vins' WILLOW GKOVK MILLS ut J!m..t Cabins. Carpet Chain always on hand Wool put uito huts for Hans. I will take iij Wool aud work at the following places, namely, Frank Hare's, Fort Littleton: .Midiacl Laidig's, Dublin MilU: W. II. Speer'd, Saluvia; C. W. Lynch', Crystal Springs; J. K. Jack son's, Akersville; Caleb Harlon's, Hubtoutown; A. X. Witter's, Waterfall; Harry Huston's, Clear Hide: V, L. llcrkstresser s Orchard Grove. I Will Visit those places monthly during the season. Thankful for past favors, 1 hope lor a continuance ot Uie same. H. H. Hertzler, Burnt Cabins, Pa. Read Our Guarantee Offer. l:orst's seven year old,. 4 full quarts for $3.0(1. m Io you into Whiskey Iu your homo for medical purposes t We guarantee our (foods to be I'l'HK ami WHOLKSOMK. Send us a trial order and if the cnodd flora nut imira nil ... i,iim f ... i. .. ...i if Vii It. la twit. Iiftlun fnp thn tiwinuv llmii ! ? erH' tl,L'n ,-turn It, at our expense, lf , ine euiior 01 mis paper or JJ wo are responsible. Send for our jirivuto price-list. - MORRIS FORST &. CO., C!or. 2nd Ave. &. Smithfielc! St., gj Dept. 285 Pittsburg, Pa your Health and S'i'RiG'fii" with JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE, a pleasant, potent, and ucrmfinent Invigorator for WOMEN, CHILI)RF rrj MEN.- Cet It from your DruggUt To Cure a Cold in One Day ed president. Theso following questions were discussed by I ho following teach ers: Prof. 1 V. Lambersou, Juo. VVufxlcek, W. U. W i d-, Lewis Harris and Levi Vortoi), l. Value of Self-i i liatjce, and How Taught. L yiin i R. -sponsible for the PupiU' Waste of Timer b How In M:ik" Pui-iU T'didf. I. A i till- cial incentives. i The program was interspersed j WItl' s""- "n1 ! 'Xt lustituty to he held at Mud Level in three wceUs. D. K. Chf.snut, Secretary. r000n0.0n0r0''0 rtAArtAAMV gH iLd jLd 0 all kinds ol Cassimeres and O 0 0. 0 0 Y0 0 0 0. f ;: 0 .0 0 A 0 0. 0 0 ' 0 0 H 0 .' Kfi It I . 0 at the We pay all ex press charges and pack in plain scaled cases. Si Si ,U , Bliu l- n .i.-tl. In... u t....i ... - .1. :W and we will return your money ft uny luuk of IMMnir v.-ill tell you Cures Crip la Two Days, mL on every dox.; SON 1 JB To The School Teacher O Fulton County who will mail to us before November l."ith, next, the best essay on our famoun "Conoeorheatfuc" wateli, we will present to lier a beautiful Oia inond anil ( )pal llinjr. .Should the best essay be written by a nialo teacher, then tho prize will lie a Conoeoeheaif ue watch. The value of either article is $12.00. The watch and rinf are now on view at Trout's Drug Store in McConnellsburjr. The essay need not be lengthy, ten to lift pen lines preferred. Those wotehes were named after Franklin eouiily'n lai'irest ereelc. I'mUier informal ion will be ni;iileil upon ap plication. The prize will be awarded to the u inner by he eilitnr of the "I'liltou County News." WM. H. LUDWIG, Jeweler and Silversmith, Chambersburg, Pa. R ouss Racket STORE has now the Tar Rope, Guns and Shells, Winter Suit., and Samples, t'nderwear, Shoes, Hats and Caps, and, in fact, all their Winter Goods; and we are in shape to do businsss in all of these lines. AVe sell the best .Sisal tar rope by the cut at cents a pound: by the coil at 75 cents. If you lind a t. tread of juto In this rope, we will give it to you. This is the year to buy yourself a good gun cheap. The combination is broken. Single barrel, 3.4"j and :i.7.1: double barrel, i'.A, 7.!Ht. .!I0, and $10.00. Sixteen gauge shells, 40c a box: 12 gauge. 42, 45, and lit) cents. Our smokeless shells are loaded with Ballistlte powder. Hunting coats. In underwear we have the same goods we had last year, and prices are all right. I Soys' and men's corduroy pants. We have just received another lot of those halters and team bridles -t;5, sj, and !is cents bli the halters, and the bridles are i. .". I'eit window shades m cents. Coat and hat hooks 8c a doz. Mrs. Potts sad irons W cents a set. 100 split rivets "c, tubular .V. Blacksmith ham mers 24 and 35c, Monkey wrenches Sin., 2'ic: 10-in., 21c: i'--in., 2ilc. No. 8 tin wash boilers with metallic bottom, tide. Xo. 8 extra heavy metallic bottom wash boilers .V. Don't fall to see them. Double bitted u.cs 45, no. 75, ami liuc. Seasoned home-made handles IS'. Lufliu ,v Kan I Hack pow der 2.1c a pound; shot 8c lb: lead wc: gun caps 5c: wads 5 and 15! for 250. l'riniers 17 a box. Carpet turns 4 luxes for 5c, aud .'c a box. HULL Sc BENDER, Proprietors. Geo. W. Reisner & Co., Have their new FALL WINTER Their stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's Wraps, and Ladies' Skirts Ready-to-wear, is the largest ever put in the house. Give them a call. Geo. W. Reisner & Co, McConnellsburg. GOODS