FULTON COUNT V NEWS. , r'ublblijJ livery fliimd.is B. . PECK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONMii.LSDUKG. I'A. OCTOBER 26, 1904. Published Weekly. $1.00 per Annum in Advance. AflVIIIVISINO HATFS. I'ersquure of (i line 3 tlmo-i , ft.i. I'er s,ii,re each Huhseqjcnt Insertion . . . . fu. All advertisement inserted for :es t,h:m three month ctiarired by the qu inv a ii x. ! - I V. One-fourth column . . . One-h:ilf column One Column . .t ir-.-iri. . . J.Yd-1. .. 40.00. 2f -X. I to i. ftf-.oo. I 41,0.) 75.00 Nothln Inserted for less thitn V Professional Cards one year f'i Hustontown, 34; Wells Tannery, IS. Hustontowu, Oct. L ItL. In u beautiful little valley situated iu the northwestern part of FuU'ni county, lives a hunch of ball play ers that had a dro.im. They dreamed they could beat tho litis tontown boys jlay ing ball. Hence they jourueved across the moun tain and found their dream to be like most all other dreams the reverse. The visitors received a solarplexis blow in the li:st in ning, wh(5n the home team shut them out without allowing a man to reach first base. The viviors probably did the best they could, but were unable to hit our pitcher. Our boys played an almnot error less game. Pitcher Siiafer of the visiting team did jjond work, but lucked support. It was t he most har monious game of the season which bears out. the statement that the baseball team from Wells Tannery is maun up of perfect gentlemen. Owing to the late ness of the season, an-.l some of our players being uu.-inie to be with us on next Saturday it will bo impossible to return the. game this seasou; but they hoj .u to cross bats with the Taunery hovs early iu the lOOn season. .Struck out by Hoover ti, by Shafer by Shore 1. Umpires, Allowjy and McClain. Hustontown Hoo.er, W., Lambersou Hoover, N., Si pes Shore Deavor Woodcock Chesnut Barton Wells Tatuiery Sinif'er florton 15-ui niurduer Si unk ird Kliae Smith Worsibg Alloway Testier P c lb -'b 3b ss rf cf If Ilustontown 3 3 ti ." - 11 1 n x 'M V. Tannery -0 2 10-1 :: J J 1-1.1 Spent More than $1000. W. W. Haker, ' iJlainview, ; Neb., writes: "My wife suiVered from lung trouble for fifteen , years. She tried a number of doctors audspent over 1000 with out relief. Sho became very 1 w and lost all hope. A frieud re- ... A , T.'VI If. .1 "Jmua utu " Ilu," v auu ' distribution muoug the worthy Tar and thanks to this great rem-)00r a.d a ,.no uho m edy it saved ner life. Sheeujoys v.-.Uing to eontribule will be con better health than she has known hWoroi a momh(.r. (;entleme., in ten years." Refuse su!,sti j who T;; y ut vcpy sl.fill tutes. Sold at Trout's drug ! thfJ nw;( ' , ,)U)! .,.sl. store. Notice to Tresspassers. All persotiH arc. hereby for vwun.ej aguinst tre.sHpusiainu; on liny luuils of tho unilerif;iied eUizens of Uru-h Creek townshii, l'ui'on i-oiintv, l'u., , by eithur huntinir, lisliin;.', or otlier- wUe, umler in-iiiiky uf the l:iw iriiv'nl-! ed for trmj!iiassliii,' Julian MilU, K. . A kern, Anthony Sau.e, M. K. liurton, ChrUtopher Spade, K. K. Aki-r,, i - . i . i (J. W. Coniier, V. S. Cli vt-ner, .John . llixson, S. V. Hart, .1. (.'. liurton, .lozahcrl hodye, -. It Aker. Oaten Slelin, II. X. liaiton, IJobert I'.. Dit-hl, I'.Klt.lll Di.-hl, I). A. lllehl, Curry I.nyton, Mm. K. II. Lode, Ceo. W. Ilixnon, M. .1. Hix soti, F. M. Lole;e, N. 15. Hanks, W. V. Harton, M. A. liarkman, II. M. .lark so ., Ja:ot Spade. Nathaniel Allison, Alb-r, l'lesslner, L'rlah liehl, 'William J. l.uytci), I inucl .L'.iii.:!i, r.ai hel Hart, Henry sharp, l.alah I -ay ion, ('. C. .Mi-IIotl, WIza Jaiifi IfonpunirunJ net 's Heirrt. Howard (iui lbn l and Howard I.ayton, Anios l'lexiiner. A Voitn Time a Mjbi. Mr. Owen Dunn, of Uenton Ferry, W. Va, write:" I have hod kidney and bladder trouble for yearn, and it became ho bad that I was obliged to get up at Wt a dozeu times a uizht. I never received any permanont henent from any medicine until I trhl Foley ' Kidney Cure. After lining two bottles, I am cured." 8"ld at Trout' drug utore. :y' was f,umi o: '.hi jtc el, Mrs. Kfv.i;i.I')hnst.rn s Inst .YicMiclrt.y ifiurn'mg ti week. Tin- nwin'v c.'iii have it ly cfillin tins office iiul paying 'S coots fof tlii Iioliott. i I-.MK. Woodcock, of Kind, has i : a gxUmhIoiI trip to Al - .t:is. tfOIIO II ii (Jreei' i.-s critically ill. r ..i i rl..,., i- ...,,l I 1... J' I, i : lfu 1U,1X J,ul John olioneU ; blilit a OOal shed fur the U. L5. I Church j I Mrs. .Too Wilson of MflplotOi), ! is vim tin;; her brother, David Ireen. Mrs. Sarah Harnett, of EmJ, Mrs. Jonathiin Harnett, of Wa.'-rfall, are visiting friends at Everett. Frank McClaiu, of Huston town made a Hying trip through the Valley recent! v. Harry and X. S. Edwards are going to Uobortsdaic to build u house for Jesse O. Mct'lain. '.ere will be ur institute hold at No. I! school in Wells, Oct. :Mh. All I'riei.ds of education are very cordially invited to be present. Wells Valley High school is progressing very nicely under the- superior inanag meutof I'rof. Ii. M. Griffith. Emery Eli. is and sister Laura, were visiting their sister, Mrs Joseph Stevens at Dublin Mills. The Wells Valley ball team, al though bud ;y ' torn up" played a losing g'ime a' liustonluwn last Saturday and came away with a score l'.t to the bad. The iioys are evidently a set of gentlemen, and are expected to play on the Wells grounds next Saturday. ile sure aud come. I'reaching at the. U. H. chin ch Suud.iy evening was very well at tended I'reaching in two weeks at 7 p. .ii. Marion Edwards of Moredale, where she is teaching, is at homo visiting her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Edwards. Jo Trims is contemplating painting his house in the near fu-tin-'.-. J. M. Morse aud wife were vis- I ti.ing 1 heir d lughter, Mrs. Lizzie ) Stevens ;it, Sixrnile Hun. i Laura Foster and Cynthia Keith ; were viit;ng Mr. and Mrs. Dick ! Trmix Sunday. Mi. 1,1-1 S' Mrs. day. s Mary iind Jetniie Lam-v.-.M-e visiting Mr. and John iirideiistine last Sun- f0 Cl'.E A COLD IN OMf: UVY Take Laxative Hromo Cuinine Tablets. All drui'gisls refund tin; money if it f ids to cure. E. '.V. (irov.'s signature is on each ll'iV. Ij.'lC. Tho M(.-CiiielUburtf brunch of the Xooalouo, k Guild of Arnorica will inoct at th.s homo of Miss Mary Sloan on Frulay afternoon at ;i o'clock ffr thocluction of of li ners. Tho object of this organiza tion is to collect new i:armints for I Al! are cor-iiuliy invited to iitt-md. "WATCH Till: KIDSLYS" "When they are aife-aed, life is in danger," says Dr. Abernethy, tlie grefit English j-hysieian. Fol cy's K'idney Cure m ikes sound iddoevs. Sold at Trout's druf ' .store. WHARFAGE FREE AT ST. LOUIS Twenty Miles of River Front For Wa ter Craft ct World's Fair City, l- rcc . hiirl';ik,e w ill l.i) given to nil hunts hm.liiiu lit St. l.uuls iluriui; the World'.1! I'uir. 'J'rullle Malinger 1 111-It-ury of tlie Kxp-isitliii) mid JiiKi-ph 1'. Whyie. hiirhur mnl wlmrf eoiniiilHskni T f St. I.mis. have tieelded on the lo intl'iiis iissiueil to the vuriotis klnJ- lf llllMtS. Ynrhu. utivim Inttiteheii nnil nil boats Iirii.elli-1 I y their own power have 1-ccn i sf.i:.i-,l i It i i f spare b, l v.eeli Cluli-.m in-i-tuie itu-J iiiihile i'.;-ei't. Tui se ni'M-tsi. lur iiir e ist uud west, fiinii t'le hutiMlrry linen for the.ei'ii Irnl t)ii,liie;. tiintrli't of tli- el?v. House h.i.ils h:ie l.ee'.l fissioned wlmrf s;)iie iiirili uf l.lddli. utieet Mid Kontli of ('hull-ait 'ii venue. St. Lniiin lias ii rivi front of Itvcii fy mil".. The I'.roTihvny line of the Trnti.-ilt is.pioi.iiv pnrallils the river fr.'iin flie illy limits mi the norlli to JelTcrsuii H irrai-l.' on the s-it-.th.' At no point rre the eiirs ino'e thnn tlv blot-!, i fr-ini Hie fissNs:ppl fiver. The tt-..,.i- i-..i i... . ..t.... i r.. """" " ' " lure i v ir iiisrerriiiu io iin.v m nie i t. i.i n- i.i mi,, . "'' '"-" i,r,''1 w,,y "'"'iS";-''!.!,, No !,itrp will be imnJe for whnif- K'- I'iJlIrntUiri for imce hmuU lie iiilMlnni r nt t!i City I lull, on Tivi'lfrt vtiwt.' ltw Q Market Btrtvt and i goo SAVE THE COMMON- WEALTH. PROCLAMATION IGENLHALELECTION 1 IIKUK is. jt, 1;ml by an nr! of Hie i-ni.-ni 'n'-iv r tin- coiniiioniiii:hor I'l-nti-yivui niii. I'liillli'il. ".Mi lift ri-lutliiu totlio elections ,,, ,m,..,,.w.,,it." ,m,m.i u, ih.i, l,i,v or.li.u-. Auuo Domini Ism, uml amended tin- :iil tiny or June Anno Domini 1F!i;i, It Is miule the duty of the Sheriff of every county wi,hi" 1M! 'l'"I,,neiiltli toxlve puljliunotleo iu i -H ut-rsii i'.jt'tMion unci in sueii nutlet's lo i-iniiMT.il,- tlit- i.iili-ri-s to lie fleeted and uiven a: nil tin- u-Miiiiuinoii-. inailf. mid lie -.iirtmtc piiiff nt w hii-h tin- fli-ethiu is to lif held. TMW.M-iKOItK. I 1'AMI.i. C. Kl.liei;. llii-li Sheriff of the fo.n.iv of 1'iiiion. do hi-ri'iiy miiUe known um! five liii I'l Iliac NOI'K lito the J'.lee tolN of 111'.- I'O'lnly of -'iioii. til. II on I lie I irt I tu-sJiiy nftcr tlic l-'li-l MollJny of Xnu-inhi-r next. King tlicKtli Jny if t!iv month A liencriil l-iifi-liou wiii lif In-Ill at the M'vernl lilfflli.M OUtr-lft, i-i.ihlM:f(l l.v hi In sni.l i.'oi-iit.v. iitnl iinlili-hi-il lu-loiv. ori i' i.ns to in: Ki.i-.c i KU. Tlllli I V-l oI ll I'KliSONS to be i-lrlnr I'r. Ki.li-ni in,. VI,-,. 'r, ili-iil of tin- I n, , SI ill . OXK I'KIISON to nil ll,,. iil,-.' ,,f .ln,l,.. i,f tin! Supri-nii- Com i - I I'm-sinti. m I'l-minylviiiiiii. OSI-: I'KllsnV to till Hi nllli-e of lt.'ir, n-ii. Utivi- in Ciiio-n , lor tin ilivlrlrt i-iiliipiKi-il ill " niilii-mil Kr.-inklili, ruliiin. Illintliiii-liiii, Miilliu. .lutiial'i. sny.ii-r a-i-l I n on. ONI-: I'Kl'.SOS ti, ri-,ri-iu HI the Coillilv of I'-iUiill ill the (I, -in nil Asri-nil.il- of 1'i lilevlla niu. oM. i'I'iisdn to iii- the onu-e or .rmieui tin -I. -Ill nl 'Cum I Pliai.nl llli, I'll 1 1 - llri-l I ii-li.-l,, IH-tf-irt. t.iiii i u..-, of the rtmiitu-H nt A-l:,niw an, I l-'iillfiii, Slat-! of IV-liln.ylvniilH. 'INK IM'.IIS lN In fi II,,. rti,.e (,r Sh.-i ill uf I'llltiill i--iiit,ly, I'l llli-i Ivulilll OM-: I'KI'.soN to Mil tin- oltli-M or Cuiiiitv 'I'ri-aMir.-r ol' t-'ultnn c'-utitv. IViiiifVlvniiiit. ON K. I'KKH.iN In fill l ha nllli-o uf Coiinlv Sur vei or nl 1 n I ti . ii i-oihty, l'1'iin-.vlv hii in I ll.ee i-llliliii-riiK-d the iilllfer. In lie fleeted nnil In-i-e n-iiilish -.in- following list of CAN'III llA'I'liS fi-rlillfd I..V the Seeretat-.v of State iiii-l i.'oifiiy euimUi--oijf i. REPUBLICAN. Fur I'ri-i-l.lt nl mi. I Vli-e I r -1 , l.-tit. ROOSEVELT FAIRBANKS. PRESIDENTIAL ELCCTORS. (Min k 31.) l'.-iln-rt I'llruirii, i.evi li. M.-l'ii-ili i , t.enriti .1. l-'.lln.ll .' .Iom-I'Ii II H.-i i, II. Itiilii-it e II. liro -k. -Iiilili K Ki-i burn, U-iiim-'Iv I'm iin. Kiluiir'l V l':itiiii, .liiliii 'l iivliir WullVntli-ii, .lu,-;-li llu-li-r. - : III II I. Ill-li'. i -in-- w. ri-hz. I r 1--1 i,-k i ' -f . . It H1.0 li . '.'.'hit. i- -I 'l,i!,'ll,,ll.-, ' I; :t r I. - I' -V , I ! t . . toll ii II. Unmi,. !--l.v ll.l II S. I.h li.-lin. iviiiiHin i; .ii--- ii-ii, ,-v . s,"jir Aii-vni.,1 -r, I'.hli ri.iv. iilimii l.iiiiiii-i . i ii-mi u-ii I, 1 ii- tr-l'in!', .1 .itni-F- l irl, tli-ln I! run iliiu.li, -I II. N. sl- y. l-:il h li.-Ml." '.Vi-.iii!-! s. I'ii: k.-i. I .!.,lm l.. Sun i-iil,, Ari liitiil-I -In1' Hi-. im. .1. I-1 unk i.i.-ill, I r lillln. i iMrli-M V 1 Mltlini i-, All ,-il I' lliin lilklil, .1 W.-llr.-il lliilin , Williuiii Mi!C-ittiv. DEMOCRATIC. For rriwlileniHiiil Vice Prc-hiilunl. PARKER AND DAVIS. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. (M irk III ! Itiib-tt Wilsun Irwin. Stanli-v WoiiiIh iir-l liavi-liport. Marry Nli-Inlls. -Iui-e,li Iti-i-v.-ii Wlllnw llit. -Iiilin M. Hinil"-ll, luliirs .M . M. an . II. MrtXMI'l' KuWlltll'l, Musis eall;, Flllll Hull. li-i..'llillli Strrllni.' .iiil.llpiil,, w iiiinui llsvi-. Oi i .-1-. Wiiliiita I'rsl. I ..li It Mi'l lahri-li, 4 . ii i.i. I''. KtliK, Alvln liluitst-r, .Inhli Sullivan. illllll II. Cli'llstlill, A I.iiiii.iis Wallt. ShIIIIH'I .. flswIll'l-k-T, l :-(..-1 1 i: w..iKi, v 1.11,'MII ll. W'liiiii ijll , N- vin VViiiini-r. 'I inn,-!. v I-., i :i,sii-llii, Wilii.iiii r. Mii'liiii , Kiiokv..-ll Mm I tin, I I11.1 Irs II . A kenn. .lailli n I'. I'l.lt.-I , M . Ft'siik ('iinlb4il,li, A ill r.l W Mnitlry. s. h . Wiilker. H.-nrv .Miyrr, I hi. la s It. Fi,li-y. (ii-iir4.-e II--iil,l, CllHI Ins il ravin-. PROHIBITION. t-'i-r I'rcMttlfnt nnil Vtr I'rttWfnt. SWALLOW AND CARROLL. PRES1DZNTIAL LLECfORS. (Mark 34.) lJMtiU'1 H IliftKll li kf, A. l'utrr Mmliu, l.ilwitril h. CitttiHT. I K'tWatil U .M-ilil.;u'X. I li.n lt ( .i; Jiiu, AHirui'-t t Jirin iit. I .) hltn tiiii i.-ivt'iiHiii, rbil' I'ulii. t-r. Ilowat'i I.hmmi.i, H 1 I'Mlfui, U'llllHIII W. t,rlltl if.n, Wti4ru htntttmii Hvili I si, tlnv Al i t It 1 l.'if 1. m W lLtll:j.u,iv. lltllM-M Mltllx't. li Kmtil 4jt:-ini, I ri'iut ili Miiwt'tn VftikY. .Inhit It 4i(Ht.iil, .i.iu.'llniiy IlKinr. ; r;;. T;;:;- .Itiliii H hutr. l nrv 4!. Uioirnm i .1 l'..M r, Vnth' f H. hirviii SOCIALIST. Kor Prerlilent ami Vine I'renlilent. DEBS AND HANF0RD. . PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. (Mark 31.) Kilunif! ( f'uiik, Hi'lirv I'ctiT. Ittlili S, llnliiif, Wiihmit l Alininn, 'riiiiniiiH -. 'n )m Irk, Ailri'v- i'. Mower. Klwoml W l.i ill.'r, lloin-it It. Hnmler, . Jolin II. Nhh-, AiirtMl t'lhiiclali,, Kdwrtrtl A . Kv'Him. Hi rrmul V. Kt-nif d Wlllilllll H. KfM'VHM, Wn'lir Ni lftin I cxIiM, i't'li i r. II yiliick, ItHVI" , . ('tlllhT, ;oiir.t i hv'i-liiU'ltM'f A rt Jin r -I hi liiilh Fnitik It I'lriil. W litlll a , iii,U,t lolil. I'. It III,.. (: I MM-r 11 iiimut .(hii A. Slur Ik. I'l.lnrk SliHlh J.iLv iI K ii 'f r r. U i, h r W. Kill i, .hiltiis U.-l.-r. Ini It VVr -ifl-, Uri.-Tiiiti ! i. H- i iiiun I, mki . Ail ).h ' A. v i'KciMi, ll ti M-v W. shuv. SOCIALIST LABOR. Kur I'liclili-i.t Hliil Vli-e Prei-lilMil. C0RREGAN AND COX. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. (Mrk 34.) I.illlilitn'l Srhl,-, (;ilrl f I Mil IILT, t II llll'H l.tWlll, Jt'tlft U.'l.'l.T, Albert t;-v, IJHIMV i Mil. William "'iiitel, Unit'.- It-.iv, Alitith. IN'ii-i KiHhU::tii, f .(Ml in Kh.. .111,1- II Iti kt;l . ImvIiI U iMiicr. .It.lin Ititrh. Mi ritiHii lttitl, I. imiiiuuliiiiii. I - !'. (iluui-iiliiicli . I. Schh-H li.T. .1. I' V. A ItUrk, .lnoi-pll M lillrli, K. H. MmkUy. ttiliii A . Kiiriun, ImIiii K it'll liMiktn .laincr. Hurry Ifiikiiir, . A. Htortli. AiJfc. i h'VT. P. (J. XchwMI. INDEPENDENCE. I"oi 1'renliluiit bihI Vice Prenlilont. PARKER AND DAVIS. PfiESIOENTIAL ELECTORS. ( Viiirk :il. ) Kiiln il WlU -u Irn-in. Miiniev NS'iiiiilniir-l lluvi-i'ii'irt, I llnnv Ni. lii.M" j .Iiim-Ii Uii-vi-M WulMirUlii, , .I..I. I, M I'lllll;,"- 1. ) .Ihiiiim M M.-wt.lt I II. I-ixiIi I;, mi l l, I. Mi)pi-h '.-'i:. i I. mil Hull. ' lii-iijiiii-in M.'itin .IiiIiiihiii. . IVHII.iiii ll I-.,-, li- i l . I Wlil. hiii l-inj. i .l--llll l -l i - III . II. ! ' Ii-ik I-- Kl". I.! lit t I. ; i.iltll .-- -1 0 1 v .. ! .I,.h,i -i i ,iiii-i-'ii. A,.ll"li- I- Vii vh. s.iliiu. I 7. 1 1 -i ' . ii--i-ki r, , Cnii'-ii r. u'li-v. I l.iu-iiui I Wmii, I r it IV, .Ni-vtli M. v niii i-i . , 1 llni.lliv I) i i-Hli-ilu. U ill, ..in I' M--,-lilinii. Kiiikwrll MHlietlil. I hHil. II Aki-l., .limn I', e-iller, M. Frnl'll l 'Hilliiiuli, llr- -l W Simlev, S V.. WHlki-r, Hi nrv M'-xi-r. I liuiiiin. I i'1-y, o.'iir,fi- IIi-hiiI. eiiuili-H it. I'mviik. i iiwimmwii iwiwi mnl Tun r JUDUE Of THE SUPREME COURT. (Murk Ono ) UnpiibliiMii. .Julin J. Klkin. ItinorrUii', Miiinit! (iuwtino ThomMn. I inlL'i'lMHli'lH't. MiiiHK-i Uuf'lnc Thonipfuin. 1'iohlH'tlitii. A. A.'HteVrin. S CtHlUt. tietti'mi W. Min'j'ii. SM'lnlist l.ultur, ArcliunlJ A. (irutit. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. (Mark One.) il !illtlil'HII, Tliail-li'ils M .Malum Ili!iiiuiralii!. i .. C. Diiwi I's. I'riililliltliiii. .1 S. Yanki-y. REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. (Murk One.) Kl!illhlll-Hll. l-sln- W. Si-vUr. I)i-lliiirr:llli-. Jul, n i". Sip i. Fiuhibiiiiiii- (iriiiiii! V. Keii-iii-r, UDG OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. (Mark Oim.) Iliipnliiii-an l-.i4,,l- U-0. hWllpl!. Ili-niilt-rail--, I Iiiii I- S. lum-ll. SHERFF. (Murk Oiih.) .(Mill' ll. All lltl!f. a. K -ilWitt.U. C0UNTV TKEAiUHEK. ( Msi k out- ) lteitll,l rsit, M, rii:l W. Nu n. Ileni n-r-it-i- aiI.iiu i. iuv.-r. I'lillllt'ltt II i.ry Waif COUNTY SURVEYOR. ( Mark Oui ) It -pub lean. Fuiii.-i" M. I'avl ii llin .i-iiiii-. A. I. I'.in . I !si. it reliv iu ile kiiovd oni iflve Botie. taut ttiu place o! holipnir Uieurorcsiild election U the s-v,.-r,.i 1hii-.ii.wIis aud Vownsulua wllluu s, til eouutv lire us follows, lo wll: Tfio Klftrtorn of Avr town diip tn rnf i i- lit LHe I'nhlio Hohool lloune iifur Wh-(tr Mliix. Thr Elector of Ilrthrl township ta liioM t. lh Puhllo School limine ni WiirronWhili, In hbitl township The r.lntor of IMfii' t truvnhlp to mt t'X nl I tho plate Intcly llxetl for said purpose, iu v.it: The frame buljdiuj? near to the lte rfsUleiuie : of Dentils Melloti. I i ' The Kloctont of Mm,t) Crec't town Oil n to ! meet nt the plueelntely ttxctl for M0 p'dposf, f to wit: (he 'i4nMitPr wliori of t'. Mclloit. t.t i Knuiiuvllle. in stiul township j The Klecior: of Ouhlln tort n-hip lo nu'i't hi i Ktist room on ttrt lioor of h;ifli1inir nn ri v o) tHwIie M. S- Will h Hotel, on hui'H of i.iiii Will In Fort Kit il t.m , The Kleetov of IJ4'Uintf Crerk tovMi-tlilp to meet ill the plnee Ititi-ty tlxed for thui p.iip.ise, to u it: John ii. Mi;tzler - hotel. 1 1 urrNotivU - The Kleotors of Tiiylor township to tneet nt ine p.uee inteiy ii:;ea for inn t pmpor. to wiu j. U . Ciiteliall H store room, in f.uiU tort u-hlp-- The Kleotor of Turt town-hip to meet ill the Pouklui School House, iu ulil tuwDxiiip- The Kieetom of ThiimpsDii townshli) to meet ntl'enti-e Seliool lionie. No, 'I, in Maid toivu - Ii ! 1 - The KleeliiiM of Mel'oiiiiell-.liini! Il-iruiu-li lo meet lit the phiee luielv llxeil for Hint iuio-e. to wit: The ' 'oiiiiiiH-.loui-n,' olllee nt liie I o u t lloii-e In st-Ul llorouifh - The Kleetoi-M of t nlon town-hip to ineeMit the iuee luielv llxeil for suiil puipo-e. lo wit: i ieorue Sereivcr's eurpenler -hup. neurl ieol'Ke Selielroinpf iu;e. In kuIi! toivulilp The F.leetoi i of Well township to meet nt the sehool house, neur tiie Alelhoillsi ehureh. Iu snlil toivuship. F.very person exeeptltitf Jiistlee or (he I'enee w ho shuli hoiil uuv ulilee or iippoiutiiient of prollt or trust umler the (ioveiiniient of th Uulteil Stales or of this suite, or of uuv eity or Incorporated district, whether u commission ed officer or otherwise, a Hiiiinrdluiite oiileer or UKent. w llo Is. or shnll be. eiuploved miller the leirisliitlve. exei-ullve or juclleiiirv depiirlnient of this suite or of the United Suites, or of uuv c-itv or iueoi poriileiUllstrlet.iiudiilsothiit every nieinljcrof t'oin're-s nnil of the Stute l.ivlsin. Hire, mid of the select or coiiiiiimi couneil of iiuy city, or eomuilssloiiers of uuv lncorp-ir.ited dl.trlct. Is by liiw luciipiilile of holdinit or exer cising, at the same time, the olllee or uppoinl iiieni of .luiltfi!, luspeeior or Clerk of imy elec liou of this Ooniiuouwciiltli: unil no Insiu-cior Jinlire. or other officer of uuv such election, slmll he eliiiilile to uuv olllee to be then voted for, except that ol nu election ofllcer. yUALIFICATIONS OK VOTKItK- Every male cltlxeu twentv-one veiusi of me possessing the following iiiiuliflcatious. shall be entitled to vote at nil eleciious: First, he shall have been a citizen of the Hulled St uletitlcsi one month. Second, he shall have resliicil iu the Stiiieoiieyear (or if. haviutrprevioiislv been u quiilllled elector or native Ihii-ii eiti.eu of the State, he shnll have removed therufrom uud re turned, within six mouths) Immediately prei-ed-Inu the election. Third, He shall have resided In the election district where he slmll oticr to vote at least two months Immedliitelv picceil iiilt the election. Fourth. If twemv-two years of aue or upwanls lie shall have paid within two years u stale or Couuty tax. which shall have been assessed at least two mouths aud pilitl at least oue month before the eleetiou. Stute Constitution, Article VIII. Sectiuu, I. (ilven under my hauil. nt my o-.llce. Iu the Uorouiih of MnConnellsbiiir, the ith day of October. A. U. imi. aud of the Independence of thfe I'nlted States, the one hundred unil twen-ly-nliith. HANIKI. C. FI.KCK. Shel l IT. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. All persons are hereby forewarned against trespassing on any lands of the undersigned citizens of Taylor township, Fulton county. Pa., by either huntiii(f, fishing, or otherwise, under penalty of the law provided for tres passing. I). A. Black, Josiah Witter, D. M. Hlack, A. N." Witter, James Cuteha.ll, Wm. Leidy, Daniel G. Itinehart, Win. S. Grauey, Joseph A. Shaw, James Harnett, Howard Harnett, Isaac W. Haker, Wilbur Berks' cesser, James Benson, Jeremiah Glailfultor, .Ir.o A. Hlnek's Heirs, Robert Miller. Warning to Trespassers. All persons are hereby forewarned against tr spansinu -on iii- lunds of the undersigned cit izens of Wells town shii, l''ult,on county, Ha., by hunting, iisliinjr, or otherwise, under penalty of I ho law provided for the punishment of trespassers. Johu A. Wishart, James W. Harnett, George Young, W. H. Spangler, S. V. Wishart, Harvey Wishart, Geo. A. Stewart, A. O. Gritlith, J. W. Gibson, W. K. Hivens, 1'oter Guillard, Sr. I'eun. Lumber Co. i Notice to Trespassers. All persons are hereby forewarned against trespassing on any lands of the undersigned citizens of Wells township, Fulton county, Ha., by either hunting, lllshing, or otherwise, under penalty of the law provided for tres passing Henry Howe, J. C. Foster, W. R. Keith, w. li. Foster, .'. A. Plummer, Hcott Uolinger, A. H. Stevens, H. P." Metzler, K. A. Alloway, John M. Schonck, Jas. L. Grlssingcr, K. W. McClain, Hamul i Houp, Rosswell Stains, Newton Stains. Orchard Grove PRICES. Hutter, 17; Kggs, 20. Corn, No 1. 1.00 bbl. Wheat 1.00 per (10 lbs. Rye 7-jc. Buckwheat UOc, for silver hull. Buckwheat S-'ic, for othergrade. Oats -10c. Green coffee and six brands of roast ed to select from. The genuine Hoss washer iii.2.'. Fall Dry Goods all In ready for ex amination at prices that will suit you, will give you more Information next week. W. L. BERKSTRESSER, ( Manager. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. CM CY'O KIDNEY CURE It I rULCI 0 6uaraBtuil RiBsdf or money refunded, Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the vest for Kidney and Bladder troubles. l'r S"' h Trovil'n Prujjr rHtoro. om tU oala ad !! Unn WHY YOU SHOULD VISIT THE WORLD'S FAIR. , j The principal renson 'why a-visit should bo ma Jo to. this greatest of Ex positions is u aci ount of lis educa tional v nine. A visit to the World's I'n it- is In its, -If u trip around the wiii hl, for ft fiy cents, the price of ad mission. The president of one of our gn ute.st universities has said "To the bright student the Kx position is worth a thousand cuili-e lectures." The op portunity i.r.a life-time Is afforded In which to iu iiuire, by a few days' so journ at thtt Fair, tin education which could not otherwise be received, The World's Fair Ground's cover ' over 12110 ae res. being more than twice as larjje tis ihose of the World's Colum bian F.xposition at Chicago Only a few weeks remain in which to take advantage of this great .oppor tunity livi r.v day from now until the close of the Fair is u "special" day. The WAHASti is selling daily excur sion tickets to the Fair at greatly re duced rates: $ 12 tiO St. Louis and re turn, on sale daily, except Fridays and Saturday1. Tickets good iu Palace Reclining Chair Cars! $15.00, St Louis and return. Tickets on sale daily, and good in either Palace Reclining Chair Cars or Pullman Sleepers. The WA hash operates through trains from Pittsburg to the World's Fuir Main K.ntrauce, all trains leaving the mag nificent new passenger station, Corner of Liberty Avenue and Ferry Street, at 2:00 P. M. and S:.'li) P. M. dully, City Time. Detailed information regarding rates and train service, to St. Louis, as well as to many Homeseekers' points in the west, northwest and southwest, cheerfully furnished at Wii hash City Ticket Office, 320 Fifth Av cntiu. Hcpot I ickct Office. W abash Station- Coach Repairing The undersigned has opened a Coach Shop iu this place and is prepared to BUILD AND REPAIR light vehicles of all kinds on short notice. Painting and Trimming a specialty. You are invited to call and inspect work. Aaron Steele SLop formerly occupied by Albert Helkes I Learn ta StuiT Birds. I gler, ii-. uble to save thi; line specimens secured.' Taxidermy is very fas cinating and profitable. Allgun J expences easily paid, by mounts ing and selling specimens. Fas- liy aud fiuic'.cly learned by mkn, J WOMKN and HOYS' The shooting season is at hand and you will secure many line i trophies. Why not mount thein t yourself? Our school has thous- X ands of successful students, and t is endorsed by all the leading T sp'irtsiumi, und sporting niaga- av .lues. Our rates are very low. i New illustrated catalogue is now ready. A limited number FREE if jou montion the Fulton J County news. Send for one to-day. A request on postal brings It. T THE NORTHWESTERN SCHOOL OF TAXIDERMY, Suite 303 Com. National r Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. One Minute Cough Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup. KELLtke couch ;AN3 CURES the LUNGS 1 t"S mw Eigscevary Pnj!'iM3TirM Piico FOR I t'llCMJird COc &$t.00 Freo Trial. I Buiei.t vr.d Uiccrt Oure lor all THP.OA.l' uud LUO TBOUiJ LEC, or LICXEY BA.CS. g.r.7i, ".iL.iiii : .: y a5TJgrs'---a::r.T3 CH!CKE3TER,3 ?EHHVBOYAL PILLS 0' -V. lir. Alwv n -ii .-. 3,fif.r.AAl iruirfrUt flit t tii4 iikhi i:a h ku.,iii ui i.ii Tiwld niftaili'- U-rtm. ..!. un!i t!ut riUior rU v ih r. itWit. ilnttKviti mi.m.11 uliwiitntlfi i.Mtlaltr -. ;i i. v-.hi J m i-: I avtul m -i7'..)t, jr'ar'MtfHrv, 'I aiODtulH JMWl -tkftlfl 1 ' ;vit-. . by miurn Mtl. lu, ita JYi;it.iiii:tj,, . u i--. ii I'iiiMi'fj, 0 1 t ' 'i Animals, T rf li s h e s, X X vjt " 11 t s&, v "t" v,' v'er. should be T i rrj a " iS New Falling Top Buggies, both Factory and Handmade from $35 to $85 Surreys !S and ff Wagons Large stock on hand all the time to select from. W. R. EVANS, Hustontown, Pa. W.H. NESBIT Sells MACHINE OILS from 20 cents to GO cents a gal lon. Don't be deceived no body will sell you a 00-cent oil for 25 cents. Mower c Sections and guards for all kinds of machines at price's lower than you have ever heard. BINDERS ' ' ou hand; Binder twine, Horse Rakes in fact farmer's should remember if they want any thing in tho machinery line that I can help them if anybody can. . W. H. NESBIT, MConnellsburg UMBERLAND VALLEY TIMF. TABLE. May 29, 1904. Leave no. i no 4lno. 8 no. tjno.lO no Winchester Til.... g 00 6 80 furtliisbiirf( 8 10 2 4? 7 14 lliiKBrstown .... I" S M I'J 17 8 33 8 00 10 10 - irvv-ni.-iMUo .... ( rt l It Hii 8 fill 8 HI '(I SI -'"'' e rit., n-.. .... S 00 10 3-' SO .. I.I.....IUCI- K 7 "il 9 40, I 0U 4 S7" V IUM WnviieslHiro 7 0-1- IS V 8 !tt .... Slllp!li'liBbul,'... Ilil lllOO I 'l 47 9 06 II It NowvIIIb S 07 110 IH 141 A Oil 9 24 11 17 UiMl'sle S vhilos.) 2 M ft 3 4ft 12 vi Meehuniusbuig.. 8 4S 11 00 2 -il ft N 10 07 12 21 DtllhonrK ill 10 ft 2a Arr. Hnii.HburK. 0ft II 20 2 10 I - 10 2ft 12 40 Arr. Pliilu II 4b 8 17 6 47 8 fto 4 23 4 28 Arr. New York. 2 S ft 53 8 OS II gx 1 is 7 IS An JUltltnore.. 12 IS 8 11 6 00 4S 2 20 1 1ft ii P. M. P. M. P. M. A. H. A. M Truln No. 13 ;ast runs dally except Sunday between HiiKerstown and Harrlsburg, leaving HuKurKlown 4.06 and arrlvlnK at Harrlsburg at a.30. AUdltlonul euxt-bound local trains will run dully, except Sunday, as follows; Leave Carlisle 7.0ft a. m., 12.30 p. m. 8.16 p.m., leave MeobunlcNburK ft.61 a. in., 7.2U a. m.. 12.62 p. m.. 8.8U p. in. Leave Dlllsburg 6.85 a. m., 10.00 a. ui.. tt.'Si p. m.. Tralnii Nos. 2.8 and 1 10 run dally between Ha gerstown and . Uarrluburv Daily. t Daily except Sunday. Ieave no. l no. 8 no. ono. 7 no. 9i 10B . , , P.M A.M A.M A.H P.M P.M. Haltimore 11 f 4 44 KM 12 00 486 8 SO New York T 6ft 12 10 8 6A 2 66 6 66 Hlilltt 1140 42A H 40 11 40 J& 80 826 Hnrrlsburg 6 00 766 11 45 820 826 11 06 OUlstjurg 8 60 4 02 ... . Moulnmlesburtf.. 6 19 8 Ift 12 OS 8 87 8 48 11 28 Cm-lisle 6 40 8 87 12 24 8 67 04 11 42 Newville ( 01 9 00 12 4S 4 is a 24 12 02 Shlpiiensburg... 0 20 9 IH I Oil 4 88 8 4.' 12 IS Waynesboro 10 82 8 00 6 6S .... Cbiiiubersburg.. 6 40 9 811 1 27 4 62 10 00 12 HO Mercersburv.. . 8 lft 10 80 6 4S Greencastle .... 7 Oft 10 01 1 60 6 HI 10 '.'I 12 M Hagemtown .... 7 27 10 22 2 10 6 87 10 45 1 16 MarllnsburK 8 24 II 10 6 24 Ar. Winchester. 10 11 6ft 7 10 A. M. A. M. P. U. P. M. P. M A.M. Truin No. 17 west runs dm y exoept Bnnday between Ilarrisburg and HaKeratuwn, leav inn Hurrlsburv nt 6.1ft p.m. and arriving at Ha Kerslown at 7.57 p. in. Additional local trains wlil leave Barrlaburg as follows: For Carlisle and Intermedial sta tions at e.x7 a. m.. 2.00 p. m. and 6.80 p. m., alao forMechaniusbiiig. Uillsburg and intermediate umlotisui 1 80 a. m., 8.10 p. in. and 6.80 p. m. Tritlns Nos. . 8 and toS run dally between Harriabur, and liaicenitown. Puiluian pulaoe nieeplng oars between Nw York aud Knoxvllle, Tenn., on train I west and no cant and between Fhlladelph a and Welsh on N. W. Hallway on trains 100 west and 12 east, exoept that on Sunday the 1'blia lelpliia Weeper will run east on No. 2. Through coaches to and from Philadelphia on trains 2 and i east and 7 aud 9 west. tMlly. t belly exoept Sunday. ' SOUTHERN I'KNN'A R. B. TRAINS. Mix. Ia t P.M. 4 16 t4 rs Lve. Arr. A M A M Cbamberaburg.. 8 46 8 83 11 60 II 82 .... .Marlon . .Mcroersburg.. Loudon ....Hlohr-ond.... 8 14 8 00 10 Sol I 20 T SSI 42 2 ft- T 2d ( 80 2 61 P. w. A. M A. M m. o. kknnkuy. aisa W. MARTIN. Vice 1'ies. S. lien. Suiil. Supt. ll. A. ttlOULi; Gon. V mm. Agent. vM44o SO YCARS' KXPCRieNCf aw a i nRUi mnpvn rr. sA Dcsiqni COPYRtGHTt LO AnTona nnlnlr a akirtrh and AetsriMUHi mm UnU-kif awwriAin oar opinion ft- whHhr ma iiivMiiiTon m prunnuif niueiiutoits, . (tinniBitiicsxv tli 'th Htriutlt-oiiUilatttuU. Handbook ou PtUmtxt iviUeiititbi. t'tHiimmilcKV qm-tui notice without chjnra.'ttt to Scientific Jlctrlxx K hiindiinmaly lllnitntted WMtlr I-amat r iilstlnll of anv si-lcnlino journal. Tvruia. 82 a ir i four roontlia, 8 L Mum by all newadoaJere. nntTM r W. Waahlwtua. D. CL Klodcl Dyspepsia Curo Clg ts mmt you mmX. ADVERTISE IN The Folton Conntj Y,ri faaJpus. Mix. to7 4(W till KM 4 M AM 6 00 9 45 0 6ft 5 11 9 &7 7 14 6 H 10 30 8 II OS 10 6H 8 60 6 lft 11 ft, 9 0ft P. M A. H M.