The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 21, 1904, Image 5

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01 Local and General Interest, Gathered
at Home or Clipped from our
100 new suits of clothes receiv
ed this week at Johnston's.
Timothy Seod for sale at Stout
eagle Brothers'.
Services in the Reformed
church in this place next Sunday
morning and evening.
Merchant J. G. Heisner is in
the city purchasing goods for
their fall and winter trade.
Mr. John V. Stouteagle and
daughter, Olive, are visiting in
llrush Creek Valley.
Ltllie Campbell, who had been
spending the summer atHollidays
bur)?, has returned to the home
ot her aunt, Mrs B. W. Peck.
Heavy blankets at J. K. John
ston's from 50 cents to $5 a pair.
Avoid serious results of kidney
or .bladder disorder by takmg
Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold at
Trout's drug store.
Headquarters for well made
clothing. Goods in the piece, and
Goldsmith, the Tailor.
Mr. Geo. A. Smith, a druggist
of Patterson, N. J., is visiting his
brother, Rev. C. M. Smith of this
Everybody should see the new
line of 11.25 shoes at Johnston's.
Mrs. S. R. Campbell and Mrs.
Geo. Benner and son, Freddie, of
Holiday sburg, Pa., are visiting in
the home of the editor and his
wife. .
Rev. A. G. B. Powers will preach
at Antioch the first Sunday in
October, at 3 o'clock, and at Oak
ley the third Sunday in October
at 8 o'clock.,
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Wi
ble, near Knobsville, were guests
of their grand daughter, Mrs.
Minnie King, at Hiram, last Sat
urday and Sunday.
J. K. Tritle, on the Ridge west
oi town, nas lor sale about 200
ready hewed first class locust
wire-fence posts. He could fur
nish 500 in a short time.
lion, aiid Mrs. S. P. Wishart,
of Wells Valley, were guests of
the Misses Dickson in this place
on Monday night on their return
from the Antietam battlefield.
Foley's Kidney Cure make the
diseased kidneys sound so they
will eliminate the poisons from
the blood. Sold at Trout's drug
Rev. Lewis Chambers spent a
few hours in town Monday. Not
withstanding the fact that broth
- er Chambers has been a resident
of this planet for about 84 years,
lis ta lrtnlrinav ttrall on1 m nnaa
"around as briskly as miny per
sons a score of years younger.
Wanted. Quickly, few per
sons to represent long establish
ed, wholesale house among retail
merchants and agents. Local
- territory of few" counties. $18
salary and expenses paid weekly.
Expense money advanced. Com-
missioi extra. Permanent en
gagement. Business successful.
. Pi evious experience not essen
tial. Enclose selt addressed en
velope Address, jsupertinten
"dent Travelers, 825 Dearborn
' St, Chicago.
Miss Nettie Knauff, who spent
the past two weeks very pleas
antly at Atlantic City and in Phil
adelphia, returned home Satur
day. While in Philadelphia Miss
Knauff visited the Blind Home,
and was heartily welcomed there
by Miss Elizabeth Height former
ly of Ayr township, who has been
an inmate of this Home during
the past five y ear s. Miss Height
my s 'she would be delighted to
have auy of her Fulton county
friends call on her, as it would
be fully worth coming to see the
work that is done by the blind.
His Wonderful Discovery Pronounced
the Greatest Boon of the Age.
Rings for the Children, $1 Each.
Prof. C. U. Hoke, German.
Prof. Hoke's endorsements of
the newspapers where he did
business before he came to
Chambersburg. If a man has
such endorsements he need
not take a back seat.
Extracts from Lancaster Papers.
"Although Prof. Hoke, the Electric
Magnetic Specialist, has gained a
merited reputation throughout Lan
caster coun'.y for many remarkable
cures effected since locating here two
years ago, yet it Is possible that the
general public are not aware of the
serious nature of the many cases he
has successfully treated. We cite for
the benefit of the suffering some of the
(Here are appended sketches of some
of the most remarkable of Prof. Hoke's
cures. )
Say the Lancaster New Era.
A representative of this paper hav
ing heard of a marvelous cure wrought
by Prof. Hoke's Electric Magentic
Treatment, determined to investigate
the case and found it true. The case
is that of a boy who for two years suf
fered from Catarrh of the stomach.
His father, Joseph Kokenhour, one of
the most prominent farmers in Lan
caster county, told us this : "I tried
the best physicians in the city, but the
boy grew worse. I heard of Prof.
Hoke's wonderful cures. Called on
him. He thnuirlit h nmiM hnln Klin
The boy could not even dress himself.
I took his Electric Magnetic Belt and
Insoles home; put them on the boy.
In two weeks' time he was able to call
at Prof. Hoke's ofllce. In three months
he was almost as well as ever.
He had not been able to attend school
for two years, now goes daily, and
enjoys himself like the other boys."
A superb collection of rings for the little ones now on view in our
window', mounted with Pearls, Garnets, Opals, Turquoise, Anie-;
thysts, etc. All the birth stones represented In the collection. These j
rings were made by a well known ring manufacturer and are solid
Shall we mail you un assortment?
Jeweler and Silversmith,
Chainbcrsburn. Pa.
In our last ad we mentioned Castor Machine oil at SMc gallon and said It
was the same goods sold by other merchants at 35c. We have now
m sold well on to 50 gallons, and are told by responsible farmers
that It is better oil than they paid 35c a gallon for.
sufastfsWw kf
1 pint glass jars 45c; quarts, 4Hc; half gallon, (15c. Jar cups with rings 2(k;,
the heaviest jar gums 5c, lighter ones 3c doen. The heaviest milk
cans on the market 8 gallon size and the one you have been
paying $2.35 for our price $1.95.
ss! Shoes! Shoes!
It is impossible for us to give you prices on these goods. We would like to
have you call and see the largest and best line of shoes you have ever
looked at, and at prices that can't be matched In the county.
From the York P.) Dispatch.
A representative of the Dispatch
who Investigated many of Prof. C. U.
Hoke's miraculous cures when in York
a few years ago, can testify to many
cases there where he gave permanent
relief to scores of men and women aft
er years of suffering and useless treat
ment from various doctors. Those
cured of Stomach Troubles, Rheuma
tism, Paralysis and Female Com
plaints have told the writer they were
cured by Prof. Hoke when all else fail
ed, after years of misery.
We have the nicest line of buckets and granite ware we ever had. We have
the blue, green and white inside in preserving kettles and pans
from 15 to 4Ks. Tin buckets 10 quarts to 14 quarts, 10
to 35c; also, coffee pots of same ware.
Shirts and overalls all sizes and at all prices.
Call and see our line, it wont cost you one cent.
Wool Carding
From People's Register, Chambersburir.
Patrons of the Register have un
doubtedly become familiar with the
advertisements which have appeared
from week to ' week in this paper by
Prof. Hoke, who is the inventor and
patentee of the so-called "electric
magnetic" appliances. The relief ob
tained by patients who tutve tried the
appliances, as well as the oures effect
ed, fully attest to the efficacy of Prof.-
Hoke's treatment. Almost every mall
brings to Prof. Hoke testimonials from
those who have tried the cure, these
being enthusiastic In his praise and
thanking hlra again and again for his
Prof. Hoke is very gentlemanly, and
has won for himself an enviable name
in the'communlty, being fully prepar
ed to substantiate all claims as to his
ability to oure certain complaints and
to prove the statements made In his
Everything Is la a name when
It comes to Witch Hazel Salve,
E. C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago,
discovered some years ago how
to make a salve from Witch Haz
el that is a specific for piles. For
blind, bleeding, itching and pro
trodingpiles, eczema, cuts, burns,
bruises and all ski a diseases,
De Witt's Salve has, no equal.
This has given rise to numerous
worthless counterfeits. Ask for
DrtWitt's the genuine. Sold at
Trout's drug store.
ate Jtm mmngh mm Is Is Ymmf
carpet weaving
The people of Newburg are greatly
surprised to see Edwaad Watson walk
around town without crutches Mr.
Watson is a sufferer for 20 years;
more than a year could not walk
through the room without crutches.
Last Tuesday two weeks ago, he tried
Boke'i Genuine Electro Magnetic Appliances,
und the following Haturday Mr. Wat
son walked up town without crutches,
und since then took walks outside of
town. It Is a great surprise' to his
friends to see hlra up town, as be has
not done so for many months
It ts very seldom Prof. Hoke adver
tises names, but Mr. Watson wanted
his utune advertised. He said that
every sufferer ought to know what
Hoke's appliances have done fur hlin,
Wonderful statements frou Waynes
boro, Lebmaster, Mercersburg and
Chambersburg people challenge any
treatment whatever to ahow equal re
sults. Prof. C. U. Hoke la the Inventor ot
Hoke's Genuine Magnetic Medicated
Appliances, such as Body Belts, Chest
Pads, Limb Belts, Female Supporters,
Insoles, &o
Hoke and wife will be at the
Washington Rouse In .McCoonellsburg the
Drst week In October.
H. H. HERTZLER still contiuues Carding and Weaving at the
Carpet Chain always on hand Wool put mto bats for HaDS.
I will take in Wool and work at tho following places, namely, Frank
Bare's, Fort Littleton: Michael Laldig's, Dublin Mills; W. R.
Speer's, Saluvia; C. W. Lyijch's, Crystal Springs; J. E. Jack
son's, Akersville; Caleb Barton's, Hustontown; A. N. Wltter's,
Waterfall; Harry Huston's, Clear Ridge; W, L. Berkstresser s
Orchard Grove.
I Will Visit these places monthly during the season. Thaukful for
past favors, I hope for a continflance of the same.
H. H. Hertzler,
Burnt Cabins, Pa.
Read Our Guarantee Offer.
seven year
old, 4 full
quarts for $3.00.
We pay all ex
prcs hare
and pack in plain
sealed cases.
Do vou use Whiskey in your home for medical purposes? We
guarantee our goods to be PURE and WHOLESOME. Send us a flrx
trisl order and If the goods does not prove all we cluliu f.jr It aiid if
It Is not better for the money, than anything you have had from nth-
ers, then return it, at our expense, ami wit will return your money tt
The editor of this paper or any bunk of Pituburg will tell you '2
we are responsible. Send for our private price-list. "4 ,
Cor. 2nd Avei & Smithfield St., J '
Dept. 285 Pittsburg, Pa. S j
is the people's paper.
$1.00 a Tear in Advance.
I Jayne's Carminative Balsam
The StaadaH Remedy for Susamer Complaint, Cramps. Colic, CrieJitg Ms. Sour
Bottle of
Stossech mM Vomiting,' also for Dysentery, DiarriKM er looseness, A
Cholera. Chotara Morbas, essl Ckotara Infantum. JAYNK'5 CAJtMINATIVE BALSAM has Mm sn
great success for Ti year. W. wH um4 Free to any .arson who will enclose a two-cent sui
9 kl A . m mm. mm. m mm mmm A m, m . m. mmm.m OK mm tm A mmmt
part mvbssm for tM wans, a trtai sue souh or jaynk s bARninA i ivs. daiw.
Write your Name, Tow tmi Slot plainly to insure year getting the same.
PIMM BMlltioa tilln frnmrnf wt
: M'hwotim
G. W. Reisner $ Co.
Have Their
Ladies, Misses,
and the Best Line for
They have ever had
See them.
Geo. W. Reisner & Co
In Addition to tho Regular Froo Premiums
rentelcf-iiTmtl. IT . .. LI dm. VTT
Woouson Spice Co
like a Check like This?
W Uvo ItMOriloif f9A ArMi flfl Cash to lion Cofee users In our Great World's Fair Content
v twm-m .twiww 213J people get checks. Z139 more will gel mem in to.
Prosidontial Vote Gontosf
tiicasujux ,
What will be the total popular voU cast
for President (votes lor all can
dldates combined) at tK. elect I
November 8, 1904 T
la 1900 election, 13,059,653 people voted
lor President. For nearest correct esti
mates received in Woolson Spice Com
pany's ottice, Toledo, y., on or before
November 5, 1904, we will give first
prire (or the nearest correct estiruute.
second prixe to the next nearest, etc.,
etc., as follows:
Aireu; tX D. JAYKX O SON, PhibdelpUa.
Flv Lion Heads cut from Lion
Coffee Packages and a 2 cent
tamp entitle you (In addition to
the regular tree premiums) to
olte vote; The a-cent atamp cov
ers our acknowledgment to you
that your estimate Is recorded.
You can send as many estl
mates as desired.
Grind Firtt Prlzi of 15,000.00
will be awarded to the one who Is nearest
correct on both our World's Fair and Presl
deatlal Vote Contests. ,
W. alio offer 15,000.00 Stwclal Cub FtIms to Grocers'
, CUrks. (Particulars In sack eM of LIodCoITm.)
How Would Your Homo Look on One of Those Checks?
Everybody uses code If Ton will use LIOX tort EE lon .oouifh to Ret acquainted with It, you will be eulred and
convinced there ts no other such valu. for the money. Then you will use nootner ana that's why we advrrii. An-i
we are using our advertising money so that both of us you as well as we will get a benefit. Hence lor your Ll Sfo44
Complete Detailed Particulars In Every Package of
1rir ms.
Second Prls.
a PrUes SftOO.OO each
0 Prties aoO.OO "
lO Prlaes JOO.OO "
30 Prlaea fiO.OO "
BO PrUea 20 OO "
aoo Prliea JO.OO "
1800 Prises O.OO " ,
ai3oTIlIEI. I f I
. I ,ooo.o I
. I ,OOO.Of I
. i .000.00 , i I
. 1 .000.00 I
.a.ouo.uo I
. I I
TOTAL, I30.000.00