The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 14, 1904, Image 8

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    Miss Nina Kirk, near Hiram, is
oritirally ill.
This In a tfooil tirufl to sub
scribe for the b ulton County
News. Only a dollar aypar in ml
Mr. David VYinegarduer of Dab
Jin Mills, brought, us a new sub
scriber when lie came to town
last Tuesday.
This state leat?s all others in the
number of pensioners on thepov
ernment rolls, a total of KX),700
pensioners being residents of this
Mr. Abram Runyan, of this
place, spent a few hours Tuesday
with his son-in-law and daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K Dawnoy,
at llustontown.
Dr. Frauk Em mer t the Eye and
Ear Specialist of Uhambersburg,
will be at Dr. Mosser's office to
morrow. Eyes fitted with glasses
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Hon. and Mrs. S. 1'. Wishart,
of Wells Taunery, were here at
tending the Sabbath convention.
They left this morning for an ov
erland trip to the Antietam bat
tleground. The many friends of Mrs. M.
E. Dawney, of llustontown, who
has been ill since the Reunion, is
now convalescing, and we hope
she may soon be entirely well.
Every sportsman should see
the new catalogue of The North
western School of Taxidermy.
They teach the mounting of all
kinds of Birds by mail. See their
ad in another column.
Reports from all sections claim
the oyster crop for the coming
season will be far in excess of
any ever known iu America. The
bivalves are said to bo healthy
and growing large and fat.
Wanted. A man to canvass
Fulton county for a reliablehouse.
Permanent position to a hustler.
Party who can furnish team pre
ferred. Address Box IS!),
Mercersburg, Pa.
The house and barn on the
farm belonging to II. E. Wilson,
about four miles from Three
Springs, were entirely destroyed
by lire. Twenty-one loads of hay
won- stored in the barn. We are
told there is no insurance.
Now York capitalists will erect
a largo modern hotel at Harris
burg iu the near future. It is to
take the place of the Common
wealth Hotel, which will be torn
down in a short time. It will be
much larger and liner than the
Dr. J. J. Palmer will be at llus
tontown next Saturday, Septem
ber 17th from !) o'clock, a. m., un
til 4 p. in. Dr. Palmer is a suc
cessful specialist in the treatment
of all diseases of the eye, and will
tit glasses and guarantee satisfac
tion. Give him atrial.
Mr. J. Wesley Johnston, wife
and daughter, of Minneapolis,
Minn., arevisitingMr. Johnston's
sister, Mrs. W. II. Bauragardner
at Wells Tannery. Jhe Johnston
family were former residents ol
Wells Valley but have been in the
West eighteen years.
lion. John W. Smith, an ex
member of the legislature, from
Bedford couuty, spent Monday j
night at the Washington House.
Mr. Smith and Landlord Wojlet
were comrades in the 110th Penn
sylvania Infantry and soldiered
together in the early sixties.
Foley's Honey and Tar is pecul
iarly adapted for chronic throat
troubles and will jositively cure
bronchitis, hoarseness and all
bronchial diseases. Refuse sub
stitutes. Sod at Trout's drug
A union meeting of the young
people's societies of this place
will bo held in the Methodist
Episcopal church next Sunday
evening at 7:30 o'clock, la conse
quence of which there will not be
preaching services in any of the
churches in town that evening.
Ex-Associate Judge John Nel
son of Bedford county, died at
his home at Cessna ou the 5th
lust., in his 84th year. Ho ser
ved with distinction is tho Civil
War and received a wound in the
riht leg which necessitated tlie
amputation of that member and
compelled his discharge.
One day, as Mrs. Ilinkle, of
Cumberland county, was about
her work in tho kitchen, a large
rattlesnake came crawling into
the kitchen and disappeared be
hind tho wood box. She scut for
help and. It was Dot long until
John IJ1 hart had laid the snake
out, JuPftas over three feet long
hi. J had ft rattles.
It is hard for people to accept
' the fact that newspapers do not
print unsigned letters. Some
good friend of a paper will sit
down and write a really good
; news letter. The Editor reads it,
I sees that there is no name attach
j ed and regretfully drops it into
j the waste basket, for that is the
rule of all well conducted news
j paper ollices.
I I Ant Saturday morning Miss
Annie M. Carbaugh lost her purso
between her home in Thompson
township and Dick Wilson's be
low Big Cove Tannery. The purse
which was a plush one, contained
.74 in money and some other
articles. The tinder will do Miss
Carbaugh a great favor by return
ing it to her, and she will be glad
to pay a suitable reward. Her
post-office address is Plum Run,
Jacob Fendrick, well kuown as
the proprietor of tho Mansion
House at Mercersburg, died on
Wednesday of last week, after an
illness of lour days. He was aged
41 years. He was a printer and
a telegraph operator; but since
the death of his father, the late
Philip Fendrick, he had devoted
his entire time tc the hotel busi
ness. His wife who is a daugh
ter of George Kettle, formerly of
this county, survives him.
Attentiou is called to the adver
tisement of Aaron Steele, who
has located in McConnellsburg,
and has rented the shop opposite
the Court House, formerly con
ducted by Mr. Heikes. Mr.
Steele is a skilled mechanic and
is prepared promptly to make
any kind of repairs to buggies
and carriages. If your buggy
needs a new top, needs to be re
painted, needs new tires, wheels,
rims, shafts or any hing else, take
it to Mr. Steele. He's all right!
The pills that are potent in
their action and pleasant in effect
are DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
W. S. Philpot, of Albany, Ga.,
says: "During a bilious attack I
took one. Small as it was it did
me more good than calomel, blue
mass or any other pill 1 ever took
and at the same time the effect
Was pleasant. Little Early Ris
ers are certainly an ideal pill."
Sold at Trout's drug store.
lSanjams ! Haruains
The goods we havo placed in
our window will be sold at a sac
rifice until Oct. 1st such as
Lamps, Blue Flame Oil Stoves,
Ice Cream Freezers, Clocks
Framed Pictures, Our Best China
ware. These and many other
goods will be sold at botton prices
all these oods are new.
Clwar Kiduc IS, HuHtontown 10.
Clear Ridge, Sept. 13.- Last
Saturday our boys went out and
crossed huts with the llustontown
boys and found every one of them
p;rfect gentlemen. They say Um
pire Dawney gave them a fair and
square deal. There washeuvv hat
ting done throughout the game.
Hoover was hit hard -never fan
ning a man while Shore, of the
Ridge team, funned 12 men. The
hoys will play again Sept. 17th on
Clear Ridge grounds, and they
will be satisfied if the llustontown
hoys bring Dawney ulong to um
pire. ( I.KAU ItllKlK. IU STONTOWN.
Fleming, R., lb. (iicninger, lb,
Hoover, X., 2b,
r leining, Sit.
Kerlin, hs.
Ramsey, .1., If.
Fraker, ef.
Fields, rf.
Winegurdner, c.
Chesnut, 3h.
Hoover, C, ss.
Woodcock, If.
Morehead, if.
Barton, rf.
Lamborson, e.
Hoover, H., p.
it 1 0 0 2 01
0 2 0 1 5 210
Shore, p.
Clear Ridge, ti
ilu-tontown, it
From MS lo 96 Pounds.
One of tho most remarkable
cases of a cold, deep-seated on the
lungs, causing pneumonia, is that
of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner,
Marion, Ind., who was entirely
cured by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure. Sho says: "The
coughing and straining so weak
ened me that I ran down in weight
from 148 to 02 pounds. I tried a
number of remedies to no avail
until I ued One Minute Cough
Cure. Four bottles of this won-
derful remedy cured me entirely j
or the cough, strengthened my!
lungs and restored me to my nor- j
mal weight, health and strength."
Sold at Trout's drug store,
You can hava the NEWS one
whole year for a dollar.
Sale Register.
Raliirdnr, Soptomber 17.
Hon. S. V, Kirk, agent, will Hell
on the premises In Licking Creek
township, valuable real estate con
taining about 305 acres. See
Wednesday, September 1.
Mrs. Israel Hill will sell at her
residence in Bethe". township, 2
miles southwest of Needmore,
live stock, farming Implements,
household goods, &c. Sale bo
gins 1 1 9 o'clock.
Eight hour laws are ignored by
those tireless little workers Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Millions
are always at work, night and
day, curing indigestion, bilious
ness, constipation, sick headache
and all stomach, liver and bowel
troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe,
sure. Only U5c at Trout's Drug
Horse for Sale.
Gray horse, 5 years old, half
Hambletonian, a fine driver or
worker. Call on or address
R. H. Wittek,
WTaterfall, Pa.
L. J. Hockensmith, of Licking
Creek, was threshiug in this vi
cinity last week.
Clarence Hoover and Fannie
Miller, of Licking Creek, spent
Sunday witli Mrs. Andrew Hoov
er. P. R. Austin, who had been
spending several weeks iu Cham
bersburg, has returned to his
N. E. M. Hoover went over to
Sherman's Valley Sunday,
where he will teach this winter.
M. T. Lynch, Editor of the Phil
ipsburg, N. J. Daily Post, writes:
I havo used many kinds of medi
cines for coughs and colds iu my
family but never anything so good
as loley s Honey and Tar. I
cannot say too much in praise of
it." Sold at Trout's drusr store.
Farm for Sale.
The William A. Speer farm at
Saluvia, containing 210 acres with
large brick house, bank barn,
store building, &c, will bo sold
at public sale on the premises on
Saturday, October 1, 11104, at 1
o'clock, P. M. Terms will be
made known on day of sale.
Fkank P. Lynch,
Miss Viola Mumma of Hustou
town, attended Sunday school at
Miss Nina Kirk, who has been
sick for some time, is slowiug im
proving. We would be glad to
see her out again.
Miss Frances Deaver and friend
James H. Low have returned to
Samuel Deaver and sister, Miss
Sadie attended preaching atHus
tontown Sunday.
P. A. Danworth of LaG range,
Ga., suffered for six mouths with
a frightful running sore on his
leg; but writes that Bucklen's
Arnica Salve wholly cured it in
five days. For ulcers, wounds,
piles, it's the best salve in the
world. Cure guaranteed. Only
2." cts. Sold at Trout's Drug
Local Institute.
There will be a local institute
at Fort Littleton school house,
Friday evening, September 23.
Questions for discussion: 1.
Little Things and Their Import
ance in School. 2. Influence of
Community; and, Vice Versa. 8.
Duties of Pupils, Patrons, Direct
ors and Teachers.
L. P. Morton, teacher.
Lost. Between Pleasant
Ridge and Saluvia, last Monday
forenoon, was lost a pocketbook,
containing fls In paper money,
three railroad tickets good be
tween Hancock' and Baltimore
and some other things. The und
er will be liberally rewarded by
leaving the same with W. R. Speer
at Saluvia, or with J. W. Lake at
Pleasant Rldgs.
vsl0 ,.ok pneumonia.
Dr.C. J.Bishop.olAgnew.Mich.
8ay. t naVB UKO(1 Vl .
and Tar la three very severe cas
es of pneuraouia wl h good results
in every case." Refuse substi
tuteav Hold at Trout's drug
If you want to sej an exposition that concerns your economical ev
ery day welfare that keeps money In your own pocket-book look In
at Wiener's and see the goods and prii-ps that will do It.
Ladies' Perfectly Cut Dress Skirts
nt careful prices.
from 50c to 2.00.
Mohair, Broadcloth, Serge, Cashmere, Voile, Scotch Suiting, Nub
Yarn Suiting, Fancy walkings. Kxtru specials In lilaek Goods,
ullkd, etc.
Holts, (Moves, Corsets, I'ulT Combs, Sanitary Puff Combs, DipPulT
Combs, Ilnchlngs, Veilings, Collars, Ties, wrist Hags, Pocket Hooks,
Hosiery, Buttons, waist sets.
Laces, Medallions, Gimps, Jet Trimmings, Fagoting, all the latest
Importations. New Ideas are the price of continuous success. Noth
ing escapes us that Is timely, practical and profitable for ourcustomers.
Dress Trimmings
We guarantee absolutely the correctness of every
Fall styles now in.
Uest trade prices for Eggs and Poultry.
Register and Clerk's Notice.
Notice ih hereby (flven thut the followlnx
nitiiieU ueeuuniiihtK huve tiled their uccounw
Id the KuKlMer ttiiil Ulerk'n oIlR-c of Fulton
ooumv. I'll., uml that the hudic will be present
eU to the OruhurjM' Court of wild county lor
eoullrnmtlon ou the 1st Monday rd iluy) of
October. A. 1J., Ill
1. Firm and llnal account of The Keiil Kslute
Trust Company of Phlludulphlu. Trustee for
Klla Mc-Klbbln under will of Surah 1. McKlhbln
1. Flrnt u ud tlnal account of Kuchuel A. Wink
administratrix of the estate of Amos Wlnlt
lute of llrush Creek township, deceased.
X First und llnal uacouut of 11. S. Daniels.
Kin., administrator of the estate of Duvtd
Murtz lute of Ucklnn Creek township, deceas
ed. 4. First and llnal aci-ount of William H Churl
ton administrator of the estate of Mutftfie 1..
Chuiltnn lute of liethel township, decerned.
V First und tlnal uucount ofUeo. W. Hum
bert udminlstrutor of the estate of JohnCovult
lute of Thompson township, deceased.
8. First and llnal uccount of A. J. Fore, exe
cutor of the luM will and te.ititmout of Henry
C Mcllowun lute of Dublin township, deceas
ed. 7. First und lluul account of M, It. ShulTner.
executor of the lust will uud testumcntof John
A, Wlnlt lute of Kelfust township, deceased.
KeKister's Oltlce, I GKO. A. HARRIS.
Sept. ti. 1001. I Register.
KXKi.irjTOK'S NOTI K. will und lestt -'
mem of Isruel Hill lute of liethel township.
Fulton eounlv. I'enusylvuuiu. deeeused.
Letters testamentary on the above estute
buying been granted to the undersigned, all
persons Indebted to the said estate me re
quested lo make payment, und those having
claims to present the same wuhoul delay to
Wurfordsburif, Pa,,
f-:il 01. Executor.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of ndmlnlst utlon ou the estate of
MiM Rachel Humbert lute or Ayr township,
Fulton county iJu. .deceased. huvluV been Ki aul
ed by the Iteifl ter of Wilis for h ulton couuty.
to the subscriber, whose poslotllce uddress U
Dickeys Mountain. Fulton Co.. 1'a., a 1 persons
who ure Indebted to the said estute wlli please
mk payment, und tnose having claims will
Dreseut them to I
1). T. HUMI1F.RT,
Sept II. I'.wl. Administrator.
Valuable Hotel Property
at Private Sale.
The undersigned will sell at pri
vate sale the well known Washing
ton House property in McCon
noils bury, situated on Court
House Square. This is one of
most desirable hotel properties
iu the town, and has a splendid
patronage. The present owner
has conducted it for a period of
twenty-five years and has no oth
er motive for selling than a desire
to retire from active business.
For further information call on
or address
S. li. Woollet,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Chance for Bargains
Expecting to close out my bus
ness at Ilarrisouville, I will, dur
ing the next few weeks, sell my
store goods at greatly reduced
4-w. S. K. PlTTMAN.
In Prices
My Spring &
Summer Goods.
The weather has been eool most all
bia spring and summer, and as a re
sult, I bave left on my hands some
choice hats which would bave other
wise been sold. IT 18 YOUR GAIN,
as I am going to close these goods ov.t
possltlvely at cost prices. This means
a great saving to you. Take advantage
of It.
Alaye Johnston,
, I or Hoys. 107th Year. Iteslxns to kivc pupils
'thoroiiKh preparation for uolicve or business,
also lo provide u plt-usunt borne where they
I inuy develop under the most favorable physl-
cul, moral uud educational conditions.
I Individual oversight und Instruolon. Outdoor
I sports encouraged. Only u limited number of
I boui-dlnu students admitted. Terms MM per
year. Send for cutuloitue.
D. i:i)UAK KICK, M. A.. Principal,
Chnmhershiirn, l
Gettysburg, Pa.
(One square from either depot.)
AccommuUtitlons for 2AO.
Kates SI. SO to $2.50 Per Day.
Hot Cold Bath, Electric
llKlit. Gaa, Steam
Heat fc Call Belle.
We cun xlve you any kind of u can-luxe de
sired over the Ilattlelleld.
Free Hus to und from all trains.
Df 'st Nut. Hank of fiettvsburK,
rid . Hrudst reel s uud Dunn's.
: Learn to Stuff Birds,
Allium Is,
li 8 h e s,
tan skins,
! Z
etc. We
can teach
you b y
mail. Ev
ery hunt
er, an
should bo
gler, nature-lover
able to save the line snei-imnns
secured. Taxidermy is very fas
cinating and profitable. All gun
expences easily puld, by mount
ing and selling specimens. Eas
ily and (nilekly learned by men,
WOMK.M nml luivu.
X The shooting season is at hand
and you will secure many floe
trophies. Why not mount them
yourself? Our school has thous
ands of successful students, and
is endorsed by all the leading
sportsmen, and sporting maga
zines. Our rates are very low.
New illustrated catalogue is now
ready. A limited number FREE
if you mention the Fulton
fnt-NTV VL'U'u . -
X to-day. A request ou postal
J brings It.
Suite 306 Com. National
t Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
Falling Top
both Factory and Handmade from
$35 to $85
Surreys t!
' Large stock on hand all the time
to select from.
llustontown, Pa.
Don't Walk
when you can buy a beautiful buggv for
$45 worth $65.
Three-seated Hand Made Spring Wagon,
with top and brakes, 18-spoke wheel, war
ranted for 2 vears, $85; regular price
Hand built buggies, 18-spokes, warranted
2 years, $67.50; regular price $85.
I have contracted for 200 tons
grade fertilizer for fall
seeding which I will sell at prices so low as
as to leave completion out of the question.
Remember I you get no old
re.sacked goods, but nice
tresh goods in new sacks.
A good stock of Bran, Corn,
Chop and Flour in my ware rooms
at all times and at lowest prices.
I keep any thing you want to eat, feed,
wear or use, at prices that will save you
from 15 to 40 per cent.
Three Springs, Pa.
Ready with
Spring and
I1 are Invited to come and
Inspect the pretty lines.
Ou; Spring Clothing-fresh, up-to-date styles
for men and boys.
Large selection of separate Dress Pants.
The best 50c Overall, in blue and stripes.
We are proud ol our new lines of Shoes, both for
dress .and every day wear.
beautiful assortment of Dress Shirts ; also
Work shirts bought before the advance.
The finest line of Mercerized Shirtwaist Pat
terns we have ever had ; also Percales, Lawns, Dim
ities, etc.
see our new straw Hats before you get one. '
Straw matting from 10 to 30c a yard.
Felt window shades Sc.'
Oil window shades 20c.
from 20 cents to 00 cents a gal
lon. Don't be deceived no
body will sell you a 00-cent
oil tor 25 cents.
c Sections
and guards (or all kinds of
machines at prices lower than
you bave ever beard.
on hand; Binder twine, Horse
Rakes In fact farmer's should
remember if they want any
thing in the machinery line
. that 1 cau bolp them if anybody
. can.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Dig oats h.tyHi Ml
LJ x. c Ktawirr
Summer Goods.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
G B 4
If y on are like the man from
Missouri, and have to be
shown then thene DIO
1 tt Baking Powder
Large Prunes
Hoi id Toniatoes .1 cans
Jap Coffee per lb
Rio Coffee per lb
Jar and Crocks,
Lemon mid Melons
C. IV Scott,
j For Cough., CoKU m4 Cr p.
$ 1 .00 ktttl contain 3 haul the trial tfu, wklck Mil far SO cpSJS.
hwun oaur at tm umuimi e
coiiPAxrr, Chicago, zu
For Sale at Trout's drug store.