The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 07, 1904, Image 6

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    -T -.A-t
A i
Of Local and General Interest, Gathered
- at Home or Clipped from our
Buy. Dold Hams, Bacon and
Shoulders at the Irwin Store.
. Miss Rhoda Lake of Philadel
phia, is the guest of her friend
Miss Myrtle Stouteagle this
WANTED. Good c"ok and
housemaid or houseman.. Good
wages to right party. Address
Mks. T. M. Nelson,
Chambersburg, Pa,
Prof. Harry Gress and family
returned Wednesday to Jumon
ville, Pa., where Prof. Gress is
principal of theSoldicrs'Orphans'
Go to
; U. E. Starr, at Three Springs,
and buy the Regular Miftlinburg
Spring Wagon at 82.00. Fertil
izer at 12.75.
J, C. Kirk, Mark Lodge, Char
lie Stunkard and Harry Lamber
son are here this week busy as
nailers painting Hon. S. VV. Kirk's
new buildings and repainting
some of the old work.
Avoid serious results of kidney
or bladder disorder by taking
Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold at
Trout's drug store.
W: Don Morton and friend Juan
Santan Ygartua of Porto Rico,
who have been spending their
vacation at the former's home, re
turned to C. V S. N. S., Ship
pensburg, on Monday.
Foley's Kidney Cure make the
diseased kidneys sound so they
will eliminate the poisons from
the blood. Sold at Trout's drug
Downie's show drew a big
crowd of people to town Monday,
and as far as we have heard it was
pronounced a good show. Our
business relations with ihe man
agement were entirely satisfact
ory.. The co mmitto to nil-. vacancies
in the Republican ticket, met
last Saturday and placed the
name of Leslie W. Seylar, land
ljrTToTth'CooperTlouso,. on the
ticket as a candidate for the leg
islature. The District Attorney
ship is still vacant.
Now that the game and fish
wardens seem to bo everywhere
present and are making arrest
and having heavy fines imposed
upon violators of the laws in mosi
remote as well as in more public
places it would be well for the pot
hunters and fishermen to stay
within the bounds of the law.
A country editor wrote a nice
little puff for a leading rmlliuji,
in which he was glad to see her
"stocking up." Meeting the
scribe on the street she soaked
him with a parasol and threaten
ed to tell his wife. The unsoph
isticated editor has never been
able to find out what was wroug
-with his item.
Every thing is in a name when
it comes to Witch Hazel Salvu.
E. U. DeWitt fe Co. of Chicago,
discovered some years ago how
to make a salve from Witch Haz
el that is a specific for piles. Foi
blind, bleeding, itching and pro
truding piles, eczema, cuts, burns,
bruises and all skin diseases,
DeWilt's Salve has no equal
This has given rise to numerous
worthless counterfeits. Ask foi
DeWiH's the genuine. Sold at
Trout's drug store.
, (i fokt uratrroN.
Miss Auna Buckley lias return
ed borne irum a visio uuuugu hue
Western buttes.
bamuel Kauisey of Tyrone, is
visiting Irumds iu tais place.
Mus Carolyn Onarltou, ftuima
Lyle, aud XneuUs atteuued I'm te
Springs uauip last buuday.
Miss UariieB. Hill lett Aloudaj
for the Cutnoeriaud Valley, bwie
Normai at bhippeubourg.
Blaiue ilaistou had tue misfor
tune of shooting his loot veij
badly but is getting along well.
Miss Sue Orth and brothel
Will returned home alter visiting
their sister, Mrs. ileeter atThruw
(Springs. ' ' 1 -
l The folks see th
coon baud that was m our town
Eriday and Saturday evening.
Our girls will be here to-mor
row night." Come.
i ajisi rreveexa riiyiwi
Libbie Hart Dead.
A lt'tit!!- from Miss Helen E.
Vim CVvo, b in'gs tlio sad intelli
gence that Miss Elizabeth W.
Hart, more fsimiiiai ly known to
her acq jjtintaup'H as "Aunt Lib
by" died at her iiome In that city
on Sunday, morning, August
Miss Hart had been in usual
health and death seems to have
stolon a way her spirit so gently as
not to disturb a single muscle; for
when she did not make her ap
pearance at the usual time in the
morning, and Mrs. Van Cleve
went to her bedside, there was
nothing save the chilled brow to
indicate that she was not enjoy
ing peaceful sleep.
Miss Hart w'as a daughter of
Adam Hart and was probably
born at Gem in this county while
her parents resided in that place
about 1825.
A few years later, her father
removed with his family to Hart
ford City, Indiana.
Out Glass
Hiirnt Cabin.
Mrs. G. W. Mcllnaj', who has
been visiting her parents, returned
to her home in Penn Valley, Pa.,
last Saturday.
Uncle Jake Miller spent a few
days with his daughter, Mrs.
Trimmer, in Cumberland county.
He als. attended the (rangers'
Picnic last week.
MissDai8ySkinner,of Lancaster,
spent last Tuesday night with Dora
W. M. Conierer is on the sick
Mrs. L. C. Kelley spent last
Saturday at Fannettsburg.
Mrs. John Kling, of near this
place, met with a bad accident, by
getting potash in her eye. ,
Geddes Kelly left last Monday
for St. Louis.
Gracy Naugle and family are
visiting relatives at Altoona and
Sam' I Bowman and daughter
made a business trip to McCon
nellshurg last Thursday.
Nevin Montgomery, of Shade
Gap, was a pleasant caller in our
town last Saturday evening.
Ed. Welch returned to his home
last Saturday evening from Mt.
Libbie's Cut Glass,
Clark's Cut Glass,
Hawkc's Cut Glass,
Gold Inlaid Cut Glass.
Tiffany Favrile Glass
Tcco Art Pottery.
Teplitz Pottery.
All are well represented in our stock.
Visitors Welcome.
Jeweler and Silversmith,
Chambcrsburg, Pa.
More Riots.
Disturbances of strikers are
not nearly as grave as an individ
ual disorder of the system. Over
work, loss of sleep, nervous ten
sion will be followed by utter col
lapse, unless a reliable remedy is
immediately employed. There's
nothing so efficient to cure dis
orders of the liver or kidneys as
Electric Bitters. It's a wonder
ful tonic, and effective nervine and
the greatest all around medicine
for run down systems. It dis
pels nervousness, rheumatism
and neuralgia and expels malaria
germs. Only 50c, and satisfac
tion guarauteed at Trout's Drug
In our last ad we mentioned Castor Maohino oil At 2Tc gallon and said It
was the same goods sold by other merchants at ."Mo. We have now
sold well on to 50 gallons, and are told by responsible farmers
that It is better oil than they paid 35c a gallon for.
1 pint glass jurs 45c; quarts, 4c; half gallon, (.. .Tar caps with rings 20c,
the heaviest jar gums 5c, lighter ones ;te do.en. The heaviest milk
cans on the market 8 gallon size and the one you have been
paying $2.35 for our price 1. !).".
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
It is impossible for us to give you prices on these goods. We would like to
have you call and see the largest and best line of shoes you have ever
looked at, and at prices that can't be matched in the county.
We have the nicest line of buckets and granite ware we ever had. We have
the blue, green and white inside in preserving kettles and pans
from 15 to 48c. Tin buckets 10 quarts to 14 quurts, 10
to 35c; also, coffee pots of same ware.
Shirts and overalls all sixes and at all prices.
Call and see our line, it wont cost you one cent.
6. W. R
Have Their
Ladies, Misses,
and the Best Line fo r
Wool Carding:
They hove ever had
See them.
Geo. W. Reisner k Co.
Pleasant Grove.
The farmers are busy getting
ready for seeding.
Edward Clevenger, who went to
Everett, has returned home.
Pearl Hill spent Sunday with
Blanche and Jennie Truax.
Preaching service at Pleasant
U rove Wednesday night was well
Among those who attended tlx'
ledication at Damascus were Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Lay ton and David
(iarlund and family.
Oscar Garland met with a e-
vere accident the other day. lie
was chopping a squirrel out of a
tree when the axe new off the han
dle and struck him on the head.
. Hev. A. G. B. Powers was visit
ing friends in this vicinity the
past week.
Mrs. II. K. Hill and littli ...
Oscar were guests f Joi' (i n
land's on Sunday.
Belle Smith spent Sunday witii
Mae and Ethel Peck.
Ralph May, of Sipes Mill, nee in
to have some attraction dowu along
the mountain. Ralph says he likes
to hunt coons in day-time but that
they are so much easier caught at
Allen B. Smith is all smiles: u
is a boy.
carpet weaving
H. H. HERTZLER still Carding and Weaving at the
WILLOW G1IOVK MIU.Smi ii.init Cabins.
Carpet Chain always on luuul Win. I ux n, to huts lr II-ip.
I will take in Wool and work at thu followiug places, uuuifl.y, Frau
Bare's, Fort Littleton: Michael Laidig's, Dublin Mills; W. It.
Speer's, Saluvla; C. W. Lynch's, Crystal Springs; J K. Jack
son's, Akersville; Caleb Barton's, Hustontown; A. N. Witter's,
Waterfall; Harry Huston's, Clear Ridge; W, L. Berkstresser s
Orchard Grove.
I Will Visit these places monthly during the season. Thankful for
past favors, I hope for a continuance of the same.
H. H. Hertzler,
Burnt Cabins, Pa.
for chUilroni tmfo, iwf. Mo las
Smith Premier
TheWorld's Best Typewriter
Jond for our Ltttto Bock which oxplatn Who
When you want a competent stenographer (male
or female) to operate any make of machine, call up
Our Employment
We furnish them promptly.
We save you time and trouble.
Wi carefully examine all applicants.
We select to meet your requirements.
We make no charge to either party.
We have operators with the combined qualifications
of stenographer, typewriter and bookkeeper, also ex
pert telegraphers.
Let us know what machine must be used, the char
acter of the work to be done, and the salary you want
to pay, and we will promptly meet your requirements.
The Smith Premier Typewrite Company
23 South r.iuh'h t ,
h.iii iiijuinn; . i i hi )ii ii. i . .,. , 1 ' imii cm ij .,
n r srv kz?
In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums
TVd7ci3 Co.
FTipaaV Jayne's Carminative Balsam
W & a) The Standard Remedy for Summer Complaint, Cramps, Colic, Crip Ing Paint, Sour
Stomach ami Vomiting, alto for Dysentery, Vianba or Looaaneu, Asiatic
Cholera, Cholera Morbus, ami Cholera Infantum. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM has heen Btea with
Kraal aucceM for 71 years. We win sen Free to any person who will enclose a two-cent (tamp in
part payment for the melons, a trial sise hottle of JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM.
Write yot
Yf.iL V TOLD OHIO. ' Prx5(i La
' -w -w "s " ' - -w sieiil
Wt Ifejuat ttumrdmA H ft fifth fti Cash to Xon Coffee users la our Greut World's Fair Contest
II IMVe HWIlDia UUUUiUU 2UJ people get checks. 2139 more will get them in the
Presidential Vote Contest
What will be the total popular vote cast
ior rresiaeni (vote lor ell can
didates combined) at the elect lori
November 8, 1904 ?
In 1000 election, 13,959,653 people voted
for President. For nearest correct esti
mates received in Woolson Spice Com
pany's oflice, Toledo, O., on or before
November 5, 1904, we will give first
prize ior the nearest correct estimate.
secomi prize 10 tne next nearest, etc.,
etc., us follows:
1 First Prise I2.BOO.OO
1 Becond Prise 1 ,000.00
a Prlses-IBOO.OO (ten l.OOO.Oe)
tO Prises JOO.OO
Plua nuntlM IhU ptft wka
Name, Town an4 State plainly to insure, your getting the
Address: D. D. JAYNZ , SON, Philadelphia.
Plve Lion Heads cut from Lion
Coffee Packages and a a cent
atamp entitle you (In addition to
the regular free premium) to
one vote. The a-cent etamp cov
era our acknowledgment to you
that your estimate Is recorded.
You can send as many esti
mates as desired.
Grand First Prize of $5,000.00
will be awarded to the one who Is nearest
correct on both our World's Fair end Presi
dential Vote Contests.
We alio offer f5.000.00 8(wclal Cih Priies to Grocar'
CUrka. (Particular Is tacb eat ol Mod Coffee.)
How Would Your Namo Look on One of Those Checks?
Everybody uses coffee. If you will use LIOX lot ft' I' 1"-.(T enough to gtt acquainted with it. you will be suited and
convinced there is no other such value ior the munt y. Then you will take no other and that's why we advertise. And
we are using our advertising money so that both oi us you as well as we will get a benefit. Hence for your Horn Jfeoale
Complete Detailed Particulars In Every Package of
20 Prises '
60 Prtses
2f0 Prises
1800 Prises
80 OO
. . . 1 .000.00
! .000.00
e, 000.00
TOTAL. 1 20.000.00
hey 1