1 S. A. Nesbitspeut last "Wednes day in Merreraburg Iiusiiipsk. Mrs. Hauuali (toUlsinilli f lliis plan, is visiting relntivos in Hai rislmri. Beujan,".;! Shinier, Sr., or ths plaeo, is sutleriny: from a very se rious attack f la tfrippo. Kev. S. L. IJaughor will preach An the Whips Cove church on Tuesday cvcniD, August 23. Mr. Johu (Muut of Knobsville, spentFriday niyht with his daugh ter, Mrs. M. Mack of this place. Mr. andjMrs. lleury.Tritleand two little children of Marks.spcnt Thursday with relatives iu this place. Mr. and Mrs. liobort Stout of Greencastlo, were guests of Mrs, 1 S. M. Cook Saturday and Sun day. Misses Martha and Olive Ken dall, of the Cove, were guests of Aliss Sadie Kotz last Tuesday af ternoon. jMrsAnna Troupe, of Philadel phia, is visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. M. Kendall in the Cove. This is a good time to sub scribe for the iulton County News. Only a dollar a year in ad vance. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure all diseases arising from disor dered kidneys or bladder. Sold it Trout's drug store. Mr. Charles Brandt, of New port, Pa., who holds a nice posi ion with the I'ennsy, is visiting "s sister, Mrs. Chas. K. Barton. Shippensburg Normal School. Th' NliipjH'Tishtirg Normal School oilers to students superior advantages at very moderate rales. To become a successful teacher, a special education is needed. Young persons who at tempt to teach without special preparation for the work, do themselves and their schools great injustice. The state pays the tuition of all persons over 17 years of age who are preparing to teach. Persons having a fair knowl edge of the common branches, should enter at the opening of the Fall Term and spend a year in completing the work of the Junior class. Kvery person re commended this year by theFac ulty of the Shippensburg Nor mal School passed the State Board examination successfully. This indicates that the work in the class room is done thorough ly and snillfully. If you are in terested in a Normal Course write to Dr. G. M. D. Eckels, Shippensburg, Pa., for catalogue and other information. Quick Relief lor Asthma Sufferers. Foley's Honey and Tar alTords immediate relief to asthma suf ferers in the worst stages and if taken in time will effect a cure. Sold at Trout's drugstore. $. presiding Elder George W. . c'wevens preached to a la'ge con "gf'egation in the Methodist Epis- Annual Reunion. The tenth annual reunion of the Fulton County Veterans' Associa tion will bo held iu the Associa tion grove, near J. W. Hoop's iu Licking Creek townshiD, Friday, August L'(i, 1I04. copal churchlast Sunday evening. , pk;uam. Miss Emma Kay, who had been ! Exercises will begin at 9 A. M. spending a few weeks visiting I Invocation by the Chaplain, relatives at Marks and Waynes-, Kev. S. B. Houston, boro, returned to her home in ! Music. this place last Thursday. ! Address of welcome, Charles Mr S Tl r.nldamit.h nf Pnln ! - . . . , - - i 111., who had been visiting his mother. Mrs. Hannah Goldsmith. and other friends at this place, Address, Kev. LewisChambers. j ujoummeui ior mnnor until ! P. M. j Music. I A rlllpne r1o l-f 'i i n f!inr(rD W Stewart says there is a large acre-1 yj.nner ago oi DUCKwneatin nis neigni'or-; hood and tiue prospects tor alarge ' yield. ' i THE New Y ork World THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. HcnJ wherever the English Lnngiing? I Spoken. Tln Thrlce-a-Weok World long ug established itself In public favor, and It is now recognized as the strongest publication of Its kind In tne United States. Advertisers and publishers Neeklng clubbing combinations and they know beBt universally testify to this. It Is widely circulated In every State and Territory of the Union, and even In remote South Africa and on the gold fields In the deserts of Aus tralia. These are the things thut tell. This year we have the Presidential campaign, In which all Americans are deeyly interested. Already the issues are being discussed and the two great parties are preparing for the first moves. You will not want to miss any details, and if you subscribe now your year's subscription will cover the campaign from beginning to end. Tho Thrice-a Week World Is abso lutely fair In political news. Partisan bins is never allowed to effect Is news columns, and Democrat and Republi can alike can obtain In its pages truthful accounts of all the great polit ical contests. In addition to all the news, the Thrlce-a-Week World furnishes the best serial fiction, elaborate market reports and other features of Interest. The Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 1M papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and The Fulton County News together one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.00. AUGUST A Profitable lirre (or buying. See Goods listed and Prices before buying. A Special Value In Black Mohair A Special Value in HI nek Broadcloth A Special Value In Black Sicilian Cloth. Supreme Values in black silk, 1 yd wide taffetta, Batin foulard, wash silks for waists In black, white and colors, 4Nj per yd. WASH GOODS SPECIALS Dimities, fine ginghams, colors blue, pink, green: lace stripe batiste, all colors: tan color suitings, blouse linen, madras, swiss dotted and plain, Indian linenVorgandie, lawns, duck, black Indian linen and black batiste. POINT DE VENICE All over loces of every description black, white, cream, tan at all prices. A lurge assortment of torchon and fancy laces, insertion, bead i..g. EMBROIDERIES Summer corsets It. A G. Corsets. Ladies' ready-made shirt waists and tailored dress skirts Ladies' ready-made underwear, skirts, night wrappers, corset covers, etc. NOTIONS Silk gloves, kid gloves, mitts, niching, ties, shirt waists sets, buttons, braids and trimmings. August millinery Reduced to Wholesale Price. Ribbons ! Ribbons I Ribbons! A cordial' welcome extended to all. Perfect satisfaction Is one thine we do not sell we give It away freely and unreservedly to our customers'. BANNER PATTERNS mailed free to anv nost-ofiice. A nostal card will bring you our fashion sheet; new styles issued every month. Best trade prices for Kggs and I'oultrv. T, J. WEINER, HANCOCK, AID. W. Seville. Response, John T. Laley. Music. leturued to his home Monday. M r. James A. Stewart ot Green hill, was in town Monday. Mr. THE CHAMBERSBURG ACADEMY lor lloys. 107th Yunr. Designs to (five pupils thorough pri'purutloD for college or business, ulso to provide a pleusunt borne where they miiy develop under the most favorable physi cal, moral und eduoutlonul conditions. Individual oversight und Instructon, Outdoor sports encouraged. Only u limited number of boarding students admitted. Terms )2A per year. 8end for cutulogue. ! KlMiAH KICK, M A . Principal, Chnmbcrshiirs, Pa. Administrator's Notice. Kstute of George W. Deshong. Letters of administration on the estate of Oeorge W. Deshong lute of Ayr township. Ful ton eounty. I'u., deceased, having been grunt ed by the ltegliter of Wills for Pulton county, to the subscriber, whose postohlce address Is M'Coniiellsburg, Fulton (;o..l'a..u l persons who are Indebted to the suid estate will please make puymeut. und tnose having claims will Druseut them to M. It. SIIAKFNI'.R. June 29. 11104. ' Administrator. Mauy persons in this communi ty nre suffering from kidney com plaint who could avoid fatal re sults by using Foley's Kidney Recitation, Katharine Cook. Music. Addresses, Captain S. P. Wish art, Parker Skinner and Horace Si pes. Music. Recitations, Cora Hoop and Cu"5. Sold at Trout's drug store. ; fiil(x Ray Rev. I. .. Peightol, of the Re- j Addresses, P. C. Mellott, B. N. formed church of Greencastlo, Palmer and others, who with his wife, Has been stay- Music, iog a week or two at the Fulton Recitation, Mary Daniels. House, occupied the pulpit in the All are invited to remain for the Lutheran church last Sunday Campfire at 7 P. M. morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sipes, of a SUMMER COLD. Mt. Carroll, 111., and the former's A sun.mer cold is not only an sister, Mrs W. H. Staley, of Alio- xa .y:n: but if not relieved Pneu gheny City, are visiting their par-i mouia will be the probable result ents. ex Sheriff and Mrs. D. V. ! by Fall. Oue Minute Cough Cure Sipes. Will is one of Mt. Car- ! clears the phlegm, draws out the Auditor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned auditor appointed to make distribution of the funds In the hands of DennisMorgret. executor of the estute of Henry File lute of Thompson township, deceused, will sit In his olllee In McUonnellsburg. I'a., for the perform ance or said duty on Fiiduy, September -!, IiU, ut 10 o'clock, u. m,, when und where all persons Interested may attend if they see proper. c;koh;eh. danik.ivs, 13(11. Auditor, Auditor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, appointed auditor to make distribution of the funds In the hunds of M. it ShafTner, Km)., eie cutor of the last will, o., of Mrs. Mury Allen, late of McConnellshurg, Pa., deceased, will sit In Ills orllce In McConnellshurg, Pa., on Thurs. dav. September I, 1901, at 10 o'clock, A. M. w hen and where ull persons Interested may atttend If they see proper. S. W. KlKK, s-IT-31. Auditor. roll's leading merchants. j inflamation, heals, soothes and Mrs. James V. Carrnack, of ; strengthens the lungs and bron Clear Ridge, called at the News j chial tubes. One Minute Cough office Monday morniug. Mrs. Carrnack had taken her daugtiter Maggie over to Thomas Almsley's at Foltz on Saturday, and then her daughter expected to go on to Washington, D. C. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Crontce, of Biglerville, Pa., were registered at the Fulton House over Sunday. Mr. Cronice is well known to the merchants of this county, as he has been calling on them during the past twenty years in the in terest of the Sup'ee Hardware Company of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrn. H. W. Mong, and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Schaubla, a quartet of Charnbersburg people, for a little outing, drove over iu a surrey to McConnellshurg last Sunday. On Monday they went up to Laidij; and returned, the gentle turn attending a meeting of the Royal Arcanum council hero Monday evening. The home of Mrs. M. B. Trout has been a very happy one during the past few day owing to tho fact that all the members have been present for the first timo in five years. Last Saturday Miss Irene, a nurse in the German Hospital, Philadelphia, and Dr. Clarence, of Red Lion, Pa , arriv ed, and on Sunday, Dr. Nick and his wife, of Fairfield, Pa., came. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUKE. Will cujo Bright' disease. Will cure Diabetes. Will cure Stone in Bladder. Will cure Kidney and BladoVr diaeases. Sold at Trout's dm;' tore. Cure is an ideal remedy for the children. It is pleasant to the taste and perfectly harmless.. A certain cure for croup, cough and cold. Sold at Trout's drug store. Wanted. Six bright young men or wom en to take orders for some of the best selhpg books iu the world. Large commissions, or to those who prefer it, sixty dollars a month and expenses straight salary. We mean what we say. Apply to D. Kdwakij Fokk, Knobsville, Pa. Public Sale. On Saturday, August 20th, An drew Truax will sell at his resi dence 1J miles southeastof Pleas ant Ridge postoftice, farming im plements, household goods, har ness, &c. Sale will begin at 10 o'clock, and a credit of 0 months will be given on all suras exceed ing $5. A PERFECT PAINLESS PILL is the one that will cleanse the system, ret the hver to action, remove the bile, clear the com plexion, cure headache and leave a good tiste in the mouth. The famous Utile pills .'or doing such work pleasantly and effectually are DoWitt'a little Early Risers. Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind., says: "All other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's little Early Risers are simply per fect" Sold ad Trout's drug store. MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE. One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blush ing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel good digestion and head oif constipation. Try them, Only 25c, at Trout's drug store, Desirable Home For Sale. New two-story, eight-room frame house, lot, Stable and oth er necessary outbuildings. Situ ate in east end of McConnells- ourg. Terms to suit purchaser, R. S. While, McConnells burg, Pa, PIQE0N COVE. Owing to the dry weather, the farmers are being delayed with their plowing. Jim Kirk ol McKeesport is vis iting his father, Howard Kirk. George and Lem Kirk are busy hauling logs to the mill on the lower farm. LI. P. Palmer is building a gran ary, but says his crop will not fill it this year. Sammy Mellott, of the Cove, was the guest of Denton Bender shot's this week. L. P. Kirk met with a little ac cident the other day. While mow ing brush and briars, a stick struck him in the eye. He is bet ter now. Ed Palmer was a pleasant call er at S. P. Kirk's Sunday even log. Miss Kittle Kirk spent Sunday with Miss Gertrude Fore back. George Kirk was a pleasant caller at Franklin Mills Sunday. Willard Palmer was a guest at Joseph Runyan's. AlbertKirk was a pleasant call er at Henry Laytou's Sunday ev ening. ' New Falling Top Buggies, both Factory and Handmade from $35 to $85 Surreys x! and Wagons l.at'irc stock on ham) all the time to selwt from. W. R. EVANS, Ilustontown, Pa. Gettysburg, Pa. CITY HOTEL. (One square from either depot. ) Accommodation for 250. Hates SI .50 to S2.50 Per Dev. BOARD BY THE WEEK S7. $8 & S10 Hot Cold Bath, Electric LlKht.Gaa, Steam Heat A Call Bells'. JOHN E. HUGHES, Prop. Wo cuu Klvc you iiuy Ulnl of a ciirrluire tle Hired ovrr the Huttletleld. Frue Hun to und from ull trains. Qaf i Nt Nat. Hunk of Outt,v!mrif. rtCl nrutUtreet'N und Ouuu'n. ( Don't Walk i when you can buy a beautiful buggv lor I $45 worth $65. Three-seated Hand Made Spring Wagon, with top and brakes, 18-spoke wheel, war ranted for 2 vears, $85$ regular price Hand built buggies, 18-spokes, warranted 2 years, $6 7. SO; regular price $85- I have contracted for 200 tons "IgH grade fertilizer for fall seeding which 1 will sell at prices so low as as to leave completion out of the question. Remember 1 you get no old re-sacked goods, but nice tresh goods in new sacks. A good stock 'of Bran, Corn, Chop and Flour in my ware rooms at all times and at lowest prices. I keep any thing you want to eat, feed, wear or use, at prices that will save you from 15 to 40 per cent. CLAY PARK, Three Springs, Pa. i4 Ain! C B 4 UBUY If you are like the man from Missouri, and have to be shown then these HIG values I lt flaking Powder 10 liarpe Prunes He. Hoi id Tomatoes 3 cans 'Sjc. Jap Coffee per ll 12c. Ilio Coffee per tti 15c. Jars and Crocks, Lomons and Melons. at C. F. Scott, 6rocer. REDUCTION J. K. JOHNSTON Ready with Spring and Summer Goods. 4r In Prices OR ALL My Spring & and Summer Goods. The weather has-been cool most all this spring and summer, and as a re sult, I have left on my hands nome choice hats which would have other wise been sold. IT IS YOUR GAIN, as I am tfoinjj to close these goods o':t possitively at cost prices. This means a freat savin,' to you. Take advantage of it. Maye Johnston. MILLINER. All are Invited to come and Inspect the pretty lines. See J Our Spring Clothing tresh, up-to-date styles for men and boys. Large selection of separate Dress Pants. The best 50c Overall, in blue and stripes. We are proud ot our new lines of Shoes, both-for dress and every day wear. beautiful assortment of Dress Shirts ; also Work shirtsbought before the advance. The finest line of Mercerized Shirtwaist Pat- Low Rite Excursion T. The Seashore Via C. V. R. R. & P. R. R. Od Thursdays Judo 23, July 7, 21, August 4, 18 and September 1. The Cumberland Valley Railroad will sell special excursion tickets to Atlantic (Jity, Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Alvalon, Anglesea, Wildwood, Uolly Beach, N. J. and Uehoboth, Del. Tickets will be good poingon a bove dates on traiu leaving Mer cersburg at 8.00 a. m. and to re turn on any rogular train (except limited trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad on which an extra fare is charged) within 10 days, in cluding date of issue. Rate from Mercersburg 15.00. Atlantic City passengers may go through via Delaware River Li ridge routo, changing cars at Broad Street Station. ' NEARLY FORFEITS HIS LIFE. A runaway almost ending fatal, started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J U. Oruor, Franklin Grove, lit. l?'or four years It defied all d ctors mid all lemttdiu. Dut Ducklen's Aruic.i Silvo hud tio trouble tocurohnn. Eqnnllygnod for burn, bruise, skin erup tions and piles 2'jc at Trout's drug store. jjjw. Ecrly nlsero TIM f awoua tittl piu W. H. NESBIT SELLS MACHINE OILS from 20 cents to (10 cents a gal lon. Don't be deceived no body will sell you a CO-cent oil for 25 cents. Mower eg o$ Sections and guards for all kinds of machines at prices lower than you have ever heard. BINDERS on hand; Binder twine, Horse Hakes In fact farmer's should remember if they want any thiiiif in the machinery line tliul I can help them if anybody can.- W. H. NESBIT, M'Connellsburg terns we have ever had ; also Percales, Lawns, Dim ities, etc. see our new straw Hats before you get one. Straw matting from 10 to 30c a yard. Felt window shades 8c. 1 Oil window shades 20c. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE i Mil Trade Marks dcion Copvnioht &.c. Anvona landing a sketch and dMcrtntlnn may if ttsitfriKiii otir opinion rati wiitiii. tliiim utrtct Ijr MinaUent prt'hnblf pfiMHitiiblfi. iuj. IlaUldtMXlkOU I'MtPllU ItMlia). fiit freu. Ulrttttsl nuancy for necunnir uutenia, I'nutnu tHken thruuub. Muitn A Co. rKl twriui notice without chanto. la turn Scientific American. A handsomely Hlnatnitftd WMklf f.rvMt. elf. eu latlort df mnf auientlUo WurnaJ. Turina, 3 nr: four womb,!. 8u4 bjrftll neawitmlara, MUNN&Co.'6"""'- New Tort Braoob ontoa. Ut t Itt. Waataluiluu. D. C. AM. J. K. JOHNSTON, McConnellsburg, Fa. W GOOD VALUES. CORSE?' 89o. LOW PRICES. J as. U. Turner & Co. This week we are showing some seasonable Dress Goods that are crisp, clean, light and airy. We have an immense variety and want you to call and see them. WALKING SKIRTS, : A nice assortment of Wash Skirts in Clack and Blue Polka Dot. White in P. K. India Linon and Linen. Our "Bert Skirts" Is one of the "best." Istallo made and nicely trimmed. We have a lai'Ke slock of these Skirts at all times and alsu take measures and insure a perfect fit. . For Ladies, Hamsliirff Shoes For , Children, We positively guarantee every pair of these shoes to give perfect satiftfaction. The "Loug Wearer," the "Populars" and the Czarina ure well known, try them . and you will want them agaiu. -: American Beauty Corsets, :- Are worn by more American women in day than any other Coret made, the malt) feutm e of every Corat are Fit, Workmanship, and Si.v'o. ench one i guar anteed to give satisfaction, price 5oc to Lowest Prices on Millinery, New Collars and Belts For Ladies. Jqmcs Tttqoi t' Co., lfaqcocl-i, (qjylqt(l. df p'or R,tl.i at Trout' truK toru. EJY5PEPSIA; CURE ' , DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Ti. 1100 bottla eoaUlM 2M ton.. Ilia trtal alta. whlh Mil (or 10 oanla. raiMs olv at tms Laaoaanav o ' SBES