The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 17, 1904, Image 7

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White Picture Ball.
Large white picture bats,-Inset with
Ince find adorned with one large os
:rleh feather, ore among the season's
Melon rink a New Shaite.
Melon pink Ib a new shade which
houltl be Intense enough to suit even
tlitf present liking for vivid effects. It
is found in the cotton voiles, silks,
A New Hair Decoration.
nil entirely new decoration .for the
batr eoNsists of a couple of targe flow
ers on a narrow fillet. These are in
tended to come on each Hide of tbe hair
In front. They are in brMinnrs, and
the Effect of the -shadows In the blos
soms is given by an Inlay of cut
Where Woman Muflrage Relgna.
"Mesdhiues," declared the political
orator vehemently, "you cannot log
ically, reasonably or consistently vote
for Timothy J. Dunn for the office to,
which be aspires!"
Which was all that was necessary to
Insure Mr. Dunn's receiving an over
whelming majority of the female vote
t the regular election.
Which also proves that a politician
will resort to any means to secure votes
for his candidate.
A Coanteee on Ueauty.
A is the duty of every -wotnnn to
make the best of Jberself. Certuln de
fects of complexion and figure can
easily be remedied. Physical exercise,
fresh air and good diet will work won
ders with these, and by the addition
of a smart dressmaker, milliner and
clever hair dresser many a plain girl
has been transformed Into a pretty one.
If a woman's nose Is Inclined to ub
sorb too much color and her cheeks too
little no doubt a few Judicious dabs of
powder and rouge in the right places
may be excusable.
Her Brother's Overcoat
One of the smartest end newest rain
coats bears a striking likeness to n
man's spring overcoat, with wide back
and straight loose sleeves, put in with
out any fulness. In fact, it might be
mistaken for that garment, but for the
fact that it has a belt across tbe back
nd reaches to within ten inches of the
skirt edge. This Is the most recently
ordahied length for raincoats, It being
found to draggle less and keep the
skirt quite as dry as the older full
length sort Severe to mannlshness is
the new raincoat
Mothers' Vocal Irutlea.
Mothers and those who have the
education of children in their hands,
nays the London World, are chiefly re
sponsible for our abuse of tbe English
language and our elocutionary short-
t comings. A mother should make It a
special duty to correct every mistake
in the sound of her child's voice and
In its choice of words; and if voice pro
duction, the right pronunciation of
words and distinct reading aloud were
made part of a child's training we
should soon become an intelligible and
musically voiced people. Unchecked,
we shall ultimately bark.
For Tired Fact.
Many women suffer tprrlhlr from
sensitive feet these hot days. Massuge
Is very soothing, and most chiropodists
Kive it nowadays, une process is sim
ple. The feet are first hnthad In warm
water, strongly Impregnated with sea
run. rive to ten minutes or this, fol
lowed bv n llflah of ixilfl vratsr tnloa
oil the soreness out The chiropodist
then rubs In a pink paste, which looks
very much like the paste used for
facial massage in barber shops, and
wnicn cousists principally of mutton
Every bone In the foot, from the lit
tle toe to the ankle bone, is squeezed,
rubbed and nflttptl. Prranm whn him
tried the foot massage say It makes
iucir snoes reel several sizes too small
for them for twelve or fifteen hours
Her Aflemuon Hat
In the afternoon the girl wtro to not
fftlitetic and Bailor-hatted dons a hat
f chip or leghorn. Bueh n bat Is one
of tbe faintest tone of cinnamon, with
n widely spreading brim and n very
tall crown, draped round with scarfs
f soft pole pink and blue satin, fin
ished at the sides with roses, pink, blue
aud cream. To weur with a wbltc
embroidered muslin frock Is another
liat of the came type, built of lemon
colored leghorn, the crown of which Is
draped with pearl-strewn llluc gauze,
while at one side plumes 'of lilac uud
lemon ostrich decorate the brim..
Quite an appeclable number of bats
are given gauze strings, such append
ages finding their best place upon those
hats that are very abruptly turned up
ward from the brow In a far away imi
tation of the early Victorian bonnet J
BneUnlr Chat. '
Figured cotton damusk 1 the latest
and, smartest thing for slip covers.
Tbe ground is light gray, with a narrow-twilled
white stripe and a design
of floral stripes of various color.
An American lady Just back from
Tokia has shown her admiration for
tbe Empire of tbe Rising Sun In calling
a little daughter born there Japonic.
At a dinner party tbe daughters of
tbe boat and hostess are taken in after
all the other lady guests, the boat him
self going to first with tbe principal
lady guest, and tbe hostess last, ex
cept when there are more gentlemen
than lady guests; then they go Into the
dining room Immediately behind Ue
Tbe recent occurrence of a fresh
birthday for tbe Prttcew of Wales baa
brought out some gossip in .England
of the difference between the part
played by the present Trim-ess and
that which full to her predecessor.
Queen Alexandra, when Trim-ess, hod
to supplement the activities of Queeu
Victoria, fhe was, in a manner, Vice
Queen. In the new reign the Princess'
role is more like thut of an understudy.
Very few women can hove any
amount of self-respect if they can't
work themselves up to the belief that
they might have married somebody if
they'wanted to, comments an Eastern
paper. The man who talks learnedly
about the bad Industrial conditions that
force o -woman to go out and work for
a salary thinks It is all rlnht w hen she
works much harder at iionie for tiim
for a miserable pittance that he
chooses to give her.
Dissension In families often arises
from a lack of mutual consideration
among the members of the family. The
"soft answer that turnetb away wrath"
Is forgotten for tbe hasty reply, the
unkind retort, that kindles the ire of
ill-feeling, says the Brooklyn Times.
It Is not the extreme type thut In
terests. It Is the blending of tbe
Ideal and the practlcol. Give us the
woman who, when necessity demands,
can go ahead and work like a steam
engine at any task that happens to be
at hand and who, when time for dress
ing comes can build Ideals and sweet
hopes and dig up tender memories as
well as the next one. She's the right
Ilats are either very large or exceed
ingly small.
Chameleon and opal colorings are
favored in the taffeta silks.
It seems to be a serious mistake not
to invest in a silk waist suit.
The fichu may be made of the gown
material and edged with lace.
A collar band of real lace Is tbe ap
proved fiulsh for thin blouses.
The Monte Carlo toque is pointed,
fruit trlmnxjd and hung with lace.
Tbe sweet summer parasol mtrst be
made of the same stuff as your own.
A little cape which forms a slcevo
drapery murks tbe most distinctive
Sleeves may be one large puff or a
succession of puffs, only so they
achieve largeness.
Fine lace dyed to match the gown
or coat in color is tbe lutest develop
ment in sleeve frills.
Have tbe soiled white lace waist
dyed in gray or brown and get a veil
ing skirt to match it.
The tendency in light colors is to
wurd gray, heliotrope, almond green
and pale golden yellow.
Fashion doth make piano lamp
shades of us all, with her mandutes of
ruffles and aguin ruffles. '
Shoulder capes are numerous and
are novel In outline, giving excellent
excuses for ornate effects.
Linen laces in antique patterns, ina
crame. and 'heavy Venlse will be used'
for trimming linen costumes.
Beautiful bags and purses come in
white calfskin, with a monkey skin
finish, which Is new this year.
Old-fashioned net la revived fo'i
neckties, little scarfs and underslceves
with tbe prettiest possible results.
Small white and colored roses, and
loco, too, will be used for bows and
other trimmings ou straw and tuile
Those long ties of white net which
wind around tbe neck and tie in a soft
bow In front launder well and are be
coming. Very striking are the new Colonial
ties, high of tongue and heel, and dyed
green, purple or red, to match tbo
Round Dutch .necks , and short
sleeves will distinguish the summei
frock -oT the j?irl whose threat -and
arms re pretty.
.Checked IIk -shirt wrist suits are
trlmmecj with- pluln color tllk pipings
and cords, Just like these our grand
mothers used.
For oppllque lace tfce pine branct
with cone and leaves bus bcea adopted
as a model and this pattern Is much
favo.-ed ly tho Turislun niodiste.
Sleeves of the coat order are retained
for tbe severely pluln Jackets, th
fancy and pleated models beiag almost
entirely confined to the dressy Etous.
Milking Cowa by Electricity.
In the newly Invented German ap
paratus for milling cews by electricity
rubber hoods are attached to the ud
der of the cow. These hoods are coil
net-ted with a vessel for receiving' tb
milk by neans of a rubber tube, fronr
which the air is exhausted by meanr
of tbo electrical device. It is claimed
that the suction thus secured resem
blcs very closely tbe sacking of a calf.
and for this reason tbe cow "lets down
her milk more freely than when milked
by band. It Is also claimed that abso
lute cleanliness of milking of the milk
may be secured when this method U
employed. '
A Lapland Saaalariaa. , ,
Tbe advantages of a fsr northern
climate In the treatment of consump
tion having been established, it is pro
posed to eutabllsh a sanitarium at tfc
farthest extremity of tbe Ofote Rail
road in Lapland. This la the toost
northern line la the world.
New York City. Box pleated effects
tre exceedingly fashionable and any
sombinntlnn of those of full length
with shorter tucks is sure to make a
fatisfuctot-y wuist. The full length
pients give the long lilies that always
9re desirable,. while the shorter tucks
provide becoming fulness. This very
excellent model Is adapted to a wide
range of materials, but Is shown in
white mercerized madras, the collar
and cuffs being of the material, fin
ished with fancy stitches. The bock ns
Illustrated is blouscd sllgbtly'over the
belt, but cun be drawn down snugly
whenever preferred.
The waist consists' of tbe fitted lin
ing, fronts and back and is fitted by
means of shoulder and uiider-urm
warns. The effect of the box pleats is
obtained by wide tucks which are
turned one outward and one inward in
each group and tbe (-losing is made in
visibly at the centre front The sleeves
ire wide and full below the elbows, but
tucked to fit snugly above, and are
finished with straight cuffs. The novel
stock is a feature and is adopted uot
to this waist ulone but also to the sep
arate ones which are ulwuys lu de
mand. Tbe quantity of material re-.-ed for
the medium size 1b five and one-half
yurds twenty-one inches wide, four
yards twenty-seven Inches wide, or
.three and one-eighth yards forty-four
Inches wide.
'Taffeta, Still In Favor.
Klirck Huffetu costumes, it was mid
in the early spring, 'and It was thought
by the best authorities, would not be
fashionable during tbe summer, us
they were to be bought ready made at
so many of the large department shops.
Yet there bus been a succession of tho
most charming designs furnished for
bluck luffetu gowns, and these have
been mode up In large numbers for
women who know how to dress well.
The skirts are trimmed with tucks
or folds of tho taffeta, with bauds of
embroidery or lace riiehlugs. Tbe
waists are tucked or pleated, aud buve
white luce yokes and bunds overlaid
with .embroidery or luce. Shirring
and cord lugs, such as were the delight
of olden times, are uicst fashionable,
says Harper's Busur.
Poke Bonnet Again.
The latest somersault of fashion is
to turn from tbe lingerie bat, with Its
flopping brim of lace or flue embroid
ery, to the old fashioned poke bonnet
A well dressed woman must have at
least one poke in ber bat box to wear
with gowns having a downward droop
from the shoulders, after tbe style seen
In old daguerrotypea. This new poke,
however, U modified and altogether
Very smart milliners did tbclr best
to introduce tbe real 1830 poke of Flor
entine straw with orchard truck orna
mentation, but It was no go, an In
stead woman bus accepted a bonnet
f band made satiny straw braid
trimmed simply wlUb a band of very
nronnd the high
broad bow across
the front.
A few wearers take kindly to strings
of black velvet tied In a chic way
under the left ear, but most of '
pokes urc stringless.
Summer Nulls.
Summer suitings, which are to be
come tollor made costumes, ore
trimmed at present in many cases very
Inexpensively with Shantung silks, in
contrasting colors. Dark blues nih!
greens look as smart as possible upon
both mixed and simple colored mate
rials and ukui shepherd plaids, in
black and white. Py trimming Is
meant a silk collar eniplecement. possi
bly the fronts also of bolero or bodice
the cuff of the sleeves or a mere tub. It
is by these color touches that many
suits get their smartness.
Tliik la In Aenln.
The hnusehold which has cherished
grandmother's old pinking Iron may
now bring forth the treasure and put
It to good use. For till the ructirnps
employed so largely this season a
pinked edge is most effective, and tin
irons can be bought In scallops of vari
ous sizes. Tolnt d'esprlt frocks luivf
fuellings of ribbons or pinked tiiffetos,
hats are trimmed with pinked rnch
Ings and all the smartest petticoats
have pinked meltings set on the
In Black nml While.
The vogiie for black and white is on
to encourage, when it con be carried
out regardless of expense, for it cer
tulnly wants doing well, or should not
be done at all. Black Brussels luce
posed upon white chiffon makes a de
lightfully dainty evening dress.
Negligee With Round Yoke.
Ta'steful negligees are among tbe de
sirable things of life of which no wom
an ever yet bad too many. This one
Is graceful, becoming and simple, with
al, and can be mode from a variety of
materials. The round yoke, extended
well over the shoulders, gives the
broad line of fashion and tbe pointed
sleeves take the long lines and folds
thut always are desirable. The model
is mude of white batiste, with tbe
yoke of all over Vulenclennes lace,
banded with narrow folds of the mate
rial and the sleeves edged with 'luce lu
Bertlon, but tbe design will be found
admirable for soft silks and woo fab
rics as well as for washable -ojttis.
The negligee ts made wIMi fuil frontg
mid buck, that -are Joined to the yoke
Hv. wide, full sleeve. As illustrated,
It is closed by means-of ties -of ribbon
.but .buttons -and buttonholes cun be
substituted if preferred.
The quantity of material required foi
tbe medium size Is four and three
fourth yards twenty-seven Inches wide,
three and three-eighth yurds tblrty-twc
Inches wide, or two and one-half yards
forty-four inches wide, with' one-half
yard of all-over lace and two and ouo-
half ysrds of Insertion to make as Il
lustrated. v
broad soft ribbon
crown and a lingo
lle i'lcklo Smii.witlim.
Olives und little sour pickles wiped
dry and cut In slices make good sand
wirlies. The bread is spread with
butter mixed with anchovy puste.
Wlilte Cnpe.
Whites of four eggs; one cup sugar
three-quarters of a cup of butter; one
cup of sweet milk; three cups of sifted
Hour; one -teiispoonful of baking pow
der; flavoring to suit the taste.
Chocolate Junket.
Melted chocolate cun be added to the
milk used to moke Junket, then pro
ceeding as with plain Junket. This is
delicious served with whipped cream
and the most delicate -chocolate ous
tard thau run be made.
Three egg yolks, -tieaten. -one-fourth
teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon cin
nunion, flour. Make thick enough with
flour to roll very thin; cut In long, nar
row strips, fry in hot fat; when done
dust with powdered sugar.
Frleil Bread.
Cut slices of bread one third inch
thick; dip eoch slice into milk, then
dip In beaten epg and fry in the frying
pan in half butter and half dripping,
turning as each slice browns; sprinkle
with powdered sugur and serve hot.
While Cookies.
Two-thirds cupful of melted butter,
one and one half cupfuls of sour
cream, two cupfuls of sugar, soda and
enough flour to roll out evenly. Huve
the materials cold and mix quickly,
handling os little U3 possible. Flavor
c.3 desired.
HaMilt l'le.
.Skin and wash the rabbit and cut at
Joints . nd pluce In n deep dish; take
four slices mixed pork und one small
onion, pepper and suit and one cup of
wuter and sprinkle i (th flour; make a
crust aud cover the dish over aud buUe
in a moderate oven until done.
I'lcklrd IVnra.
Ten pounds pears, three pounds light
hrown sugar, one quart vinegar, one
ounce cinnamon, one ounce ground
cloves, one-quorter pound citron, put
all in together and boil until the pe.-irs
are tender; strnin the pears out and
let the syrup boil half on hour longer.
Apple Cream.
Tcel ond core tort J-.pples, Rllce and
weigh them, und to three pounds add
one cupful or sugar; put these in a
granite kettle with the grated rind
and juice' of one lemon, two cloves und
an Inch piece of stick cinnamon;
simmer slowly until the apples are
tender; then run them through a
Strainer; scold one pint of fresh cream,
mix with It the upplc pulp and serve
Iittte Gt-ins.
Separate two eggs; odd to the beaten
yolks one cupful of milk; pour this
over one und one-half cupfuls of en
tire wheat flour and one tubb-spoonful
of nielted butter; beat well; then odd
one cupful of chopped dates, two tea
spoonfuls of baking powder; stir in
half a cupful of boiled rice und the
whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff
froth; Puke Ju greased gcui pans half
an hour.
Beer Loaf.
Ilave three pounds of round of beef
chopped fine, add half a cupful of
crucker crumbs, two egs beaten, two
tublespoonfuls of melted butter, two
tcaspoonfuls of salt, one half teiispoon
ful pepper, a little Bige and nutmeg if
liked; mix well, pour into a louf like
bread, sprinkle it with cracker crumbs,
put bits of butter over It, and put it
in a double baking pan and bake one
and one-quarter bourn in a quick oven.
Apricot Compote.
Take a dozen f'no apricots, halve
them, remove tiio stones, crack them
and blanch the kernels by pouring
coning wurcr over lliein. j'ut three
quu iters of a pound of sugar into a
saucepan with a pint and a half of
wuter, and when it bolls skim, lay in
the apricots ami simmer gently for a
few moments until the apricots ore
clear. 'Joke the fruit out wJth a nklm
mer and arrange en a dish. When the
.syrup hi cold pour over the fruit and
put half a kernel upon each ftiece of
wprlcor. Where tbe dried apricots -nre
used an almond blanched may be sub
stituted for the nprieot pit and a tea
spoonful f.f cxtruct of almond added
to the syrup.
To remove grease spots from white
wash goods dampen with house am
inonlu (full strength), cover with clean
white blotting puper and iron lightly.
For cleaning windows, mirrors and
all gluts articles nothing equals paste
made of ammonia and whiting. Polish
with crumpled clean tissue paper.
Cheesecloth strips a yurd wide sewed
over the edge of tho blanket and
changed with the bed linen Insure
cleanliness to tbe user and the blanket
In bemnilnir new tnlln llnon t t,
edge is slightly dampened with soapy
water after tbe hew is turned, tbe cloth
when dry will be liko soft linen" to
work on.
The delicate housewife will find a
bamboo handled broom very comfort
able to use since It Is so light lu weight.
They cost no more than the heuvy
handled brooms.
Tea, coffee or fruit stains can be eas
lly removed from cotton or lluen fabrics
if butter is thoroughly rubbed through
the stain before the cloth la put luto
tot toajiiuda,
ire viceii tar in America.
The car that standi, la t.e to trd
bcurc et Pialtiville. I,:ass ! tho o'.C
els railroad tccc'i In the United
fcutps anil as inch mokes a rtthoilc
M'tul to ail jf-;,)c who rene-nber
me (ericft t.ays tt rsllrosdire. I
reci-lls tie Civs when it was
by u!l lie CDitr.trysliie a It rollr-''
ovr tie r: ils between l.strn and
FroviOrcc nt a pare which to-iir.
wr.uld be regink'.l as lirr.ost fune
rtt.1. To-day It Hands neglected nn!
rr:a:iy years, and ( by court
lc.-s cr.ijWFbs a rusty, usclors ol.l
thing in a remote corner of tho round
To the!- rcrera;:r,n It scm?
almo:.t Incredible that this primitive
vehicle could possibly have been th
prereesor rf tbe mopnlficent Pull
man of to-day. lis outlines siiKgept
a ttage eoac!i rat'ier than a rHliroad
cur, and the Joltlnt; of the crude struc
lure us but little broken by the deli
(ote-looking rrrltige beneath It.
The roof of this venerable cni.vcy
ance was used V accommodate ps
scrgers on dys when travel was
"heavy" or the weather fine. Tir.i"
hns made many ravages on this old
coach, ard to l;pep It from further in
jury It has been necesiary to nail
boards across the Bides ond over tho
wheels that mar the quaint effect
It Walked In.
Early In the morning L. H. Haney,
landlord of the City tiotel at BarnB
boro, Cambria county, was aroused
from his --slumbers by a -crash In bit
room. Opening bis eyes, he wa;.
startled to see a big bear. The noise
had aroused Mrs. Haney, and she
screamed for help. Her husband
sprang out of bed and seized a chaii
to protect himself and wife.
Bruin came toward them, and Hon
ey swung the chair. Mrs. Haney was
still screaming and the guests of th?
hotel were coming from their rooms
About this time the bear concluded
that things were getting too interest
ing and be decided to leave. As he
emerged from the landlord's rotim In
to the hall there was a rush to get oui
of the way. Arms were quickly ob
tained, and the bear driven off.
Immense Stalk of Rhubarb.
Asa G. Bunker of Asbvllle, Me., has
gathered a rhubarb stalk from hie gar
den that measures 60 Inches In
lenjth, 39 Inches across the leaf, 7
inches around the butt and welgaed
3ai pounds.
Chicago Society Woman, Who Was Ho Kick
She Could Not bleep or Eat, Cured by
lli.u'1 Klilney fills.
Marion Knight of 33 N. Asblnnd
Ave.. Chicago, Orator of the West Side
Wednesday Club, Buys: "This winter
when I started
to use Dean's
Kidney Pills I
ached in every
bone and had
intense pains
in tbe kidneys
and pelvic or
g a n s . Tbe
urine was
W t h 1 c k uud
cloudy, ond 1
could burely
eat enough to
live. 1 telt b
change for tbe better within a week.
The second week 1 begun eating heart
ily. 1 begun to improve generally, and
before Seven U-Pf.Lu ll.xl riouuitH I tt-ne
well. 1 hud spent hundreds of dollars
for medicine thut did not helu me. hut
; JO worth of Douu's Kidney Pills re
stored me to perfect health."
A TItlAL FItEE-Address Foster-
Miltturn Co.. Buffalo, N. i'. For suIh
by all dealers. Price, 60 cts.
Dicprovcd Old Si-Rcrstition.
The performance of a Canaan. N
H.. hen which hHtchet) thirteen chirk
t(ns from a setting cf thirteen (gm
recently may be considered remark
able considering the fact that sbt
was set upon this unlucky number d
eggs on Friday, May 13, with one ci
two other unfavorable conditions pro-
Their First Time In a Bed.
When the people got back to th
H. II. Coe farmhouse near Ottawa,
Kan., after the fiord had somewhat
receded, thry found two hogs and
thr dogs eorr.fortably occupying one
sf the beds upstairs.
riTH "ririnf nllyc irn!. No fllrrn--r-:-i
lt- flr llrnt day's use ol lr. Klitir's tin-a:
vt-nrlitwlorttr.tuiiil tittlenuil lpfn'
tr. li. A. k link, Lid.. Ml Arcn St V.nlu, .
The iniit w.ilf.y ki.ou .!:
n Jaiuin it (.'ariyle.
riso'sCurelor L'onuii.plioii id mi in ' 1 iiljte
mlk-iue (or co;i.-li ui.- coltl. N. V.
Aciit, Ore.ili Tirovt., S. .1.. Kw. 17, 10U1.
License it, aid in 1.oim',,ui -un
M sT ". ..staW am, F-
OUAKANTKBD CURE far all eowal traublM, apfwedicltia, biltouaamM, bad braaili, ka4
win on hi atomacii, bleated bowaie. loui ntoutn, araaacna, indtgaauoa, piaipiae,
aaloa altar aatlB(, llvtf troubla, aallew skla and dlialncaa. Whm your bowale doa-t am
tlarly you art sick. CooMipatloa kllla mora paapla thaa all ether diMean lo(brr. It
tata cbronle allmanta aad loot ytara of uffttlnj. No matter what ail yoa, ta(t taklaf
CABCARKTS today, for yoa will never get
will nrvfr rt
ngni lake oar advice, atari with caecareta
money reloaded. The a eaulaa tablet a lamped
baaklel free. Addraee Sterling Semedy Company, Chicago or New York.
For E6c lo I tamps we send a 100 Pice Book giving tha
experience of a practical Poultry Kalr. Tells STerytblog rs
quUiU for profitable- Poultry raising.
Book Publishing Company.
134 Leonard Street, New York.
Miss M. Cartledge gives some
helpful advice to young girls.
Her letter is but one of thou
sands which prove that nothing
is so helpful to young girls who
are just arriving at the period of
womanhood as Lydia E Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I csnnot
rrnlse I. yd la E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound too highly, for it
is tho only medicine I ever tried which
cured me. I suffered much from my
first menstrual period, I felt so weak
und dizzy at times 1 could not purtue
my studies with the usual -interest.
My thnights became sluggish, I had
headaches, backaches and ainklntr
spells, also pains in the back and lower
limbs. In fact, I was sick all over.
" Finally, after many other remedies
had been tried, we were advised to pet
Lydia F.. I'Lnkhnm's Vegetable
Compound, nnd I am pleased to say
that after talcing it only two weeks, a
wonderful chance for the better took
place, and in a short time I was in
perfect health I felt buoyant, foil of
me, ana louna an worK a pastime. 1
am Indeed glad to tell my experience
with Lydia E. Finkliam's Veajc-
caoie compound, for it made a dif-1
fercnt girl of me. Yours very truly,
MISS Al. (. AKTI.EDOE, 533 Whitehall 6t,f
Atlanta, (.a. - $soo forfttt if orlfinl of
aw Mtm tm.ii"; ii,mntntt cannot oo KM.'
Drove Away Hunjjry Lynx. '1
As Roland Scribner of Stafford, Vt. J
was out fishing the other day in s
stream within sight of;the bouse, b
happened to glance behind blm and
saw a lynx coming toward him from
the woods, growling and snarling, hl .
mouth open. The boy waited unti'
the animal got within a few feet ol
him, and as it crouched to spring
dealt It several blows with bis fish
Ing rod, whereupon the lynx turnes
and ran hack Into the woods.
B A Household Remsdj
Turao tCftOFULA,
ZtMA, irrjr form mf
tm t It g I 6KIN
bing tfficaeiavt im
tontttg yp fh sytltMi
and restoring tH nih
ifitirttOft, wrnn impilr4
from arty etui, n
flna Tole, Hi atmoft tuptmatural haaliftf
prop Him juittfy wt tn guarantaaing a anr af
alt blood diioatet, if diraeliona ara fellowad.
Price, 91 per Hntt1. or 6 BottlM (or
n-Rlsbt KY IRl rinirvTW.
eryT rDTaT o-wncnrnrpr. rmrs,
Otll I r ntt ior-r it.i ifnrA,n.
Here It !s!
W.nt to luro all aUmt
luro ail iUmii mm
Huw tt. 1 I' -It t ut s
,? Kiim Ifii) err-
U.'tis trti) u (iuar-l tKairm
I'rmio' letVi I ii-t ! anil J
l.Htv; a Curt? Hln it J
f-'.iuk'.' Tell tU Aco Lpy "
Urn IVf liT Wtu h tttlj tbf Diftprtut rr: r.f tb
Auiro tl. lit w u si,. a llrrw I n rrly? All ttiki
4iul nthfr V!iiai lr Jiif.iniiv idi -ati rw uliialnml by
H'-vlmR car IU:I-IVU.; 1 LUETIC ATKD
:iOKM; HOOK, wln-l. wo 'nil forward, i-oai
lid, ou rt'j: ut uulj J: ru la Mnaips.
Kit l.i-onar.l M., N. V. Hit.
mr-AVSTAnrr ri m m. a-
r-'ri niclii ine t-fr nittii.. A faun.
armn tri m m (hcrtinvt vinirswti
a ii nlievwJ ..r cuml b KifMUulatv
within twntT miDutto. Ttt-flwt t tci u vrfugfc
1 .Ml iMIafJafiatSJ Owe. 1
A nt w rrilnr will rive pnloti fnr Writ In
ut, it uuic Iit l.lMiihtt Mini uitriirtiin. Fraa of
rljrk-. NO I'fcNHIoN NO PAY.
v Ilia Hull, Hub. US 1'"' Av , Whltii on, D. C
mtmf iswb ef UstiaAiki mJ 1(1 sfatf
(r-roa. ot oiua'i ton a. Bmmm. Aiiutt, t
bora t-yts barry Co Iowa city. la., hat a a ur uura
LbfttA WHtHt All HSF Uili.
Boat Cuugb fcyrup, Toii tioud. Ci
in fini. wmii "f dr'a?rtrt.
wall and atay wall until yen aat your Bewea
well and atay well until
today undri
let abaoluta guarantee ao t
ruinaln to ure or
C C C. Never eoid la bulk. Sample i
VA-A ur"u niuu(.i(t( Ui m ntTlMfli sniff
A VJI W'ejir Jvr. ..urtip-iUon, hvar.