INTERESTING PAPACRAIHS Of Local and General Interest, Gathered at Home or Clipped from our Exchanged. CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS Nick Konttger, w'l lias beou employed on the Eastern Shore, Md., returned to hia home at this place last Friday. Miss Mary Goldsmith has been suffering several weeks from a very painful catarrhal affection on her left hand. Mrs. Ettie Noble, who is em ployed at Biglervilie, is visiting her parents, Mr. uud . Mis. Dan i si Laidig, of Laidig. Mhs .Alice M. Claudy of Cham barsburg, is spending the week the guest of Miss Cornetha B. Nesbit, north Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Capp, of Allentown, Pa., are visiting Mrs. Capp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mock of Tod township. Go to , C. E. Starr, at Three Springs, and buy theliegular Mifllinburg Spring Wagon at $2.00. Pertil ... izer at $12.75. Mr. Abner Mellott, one of Whips Cove's substantial citizens spent Friday in town the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Sipos. Our old friend, Andrew Hein baugh, was among our early Mon diy morning callers. Lie says Mrs. Ueinbaugh's health is not very good. Mrs. M. A. Thompson, who had been visiting the family of her son, Editor Harry A. Thompson, at Tyrone, returned home last Friday evening. . MissLenaDunlap, of Shippens burg, spent a few days during the past week with the family of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets. Mr. W. A. Trogler, of Mercers burg, who has real estate hold ings in and around Denver, Colo rado, to the value of $30,000, will move to that city in the spring. Howard Naugle, who had been working in Lancaster county, was robbed of $100 between Harris burg and Mount Union as he was returning to his home at Burnt Cabins. Foley's Kidney Cure is a medi cine free from poisons and will cure any case of kidney disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Sold at Trout's drug store. Mr. Hays Strait of Gracey, who j is employed by the Westinghouse j Manufacturing Company Pitts-; burg, Bpent Friday in town the , guest of his sister, Mrs. Sarah Taylor. Time Extended. Tin; lime for receiving bids for the em-lion of the I. O. O. F. Hall at Port Littleton has been extend ed until August 27, 1904, at 8 o'cVi , P. M. , Any person wishing to put in a bid on or before that time, can sno plan and specifications at the store of S. L. Buckley, Fort Lit tleton, Pa. ' (Sealed bids). . S. L. Buckley, J. W. Fkakek, Calvin Henry, Aug. 15, 1904. Committee. Introduction tyfc The "Conoco- cheague" Docs a Vacation Pay? Does it Day to regain your cheer f ul personality ? Does it pay to sip power from its very fountain head? Does it pay to increase your creative power and originality ? Does it pay to get a firmer grip on your business or profession ? Does it pay to regain your lost confidence by upholding your health ? Do you want to get rid of the scars and stains of the year's campaign ? Will a fresh, vigorous brain serve you better than a fagged, jaded one? Does it pay to exchange flaccid, stiffened muscles tor strong elas tic ones ? Does it pay to get a new grip on life and to double your power to do good work Does it pay to put iron into the blood and to absorb granite strength from the everlasting hills? Does it pay to renew the bouy- ancy and lightheartedness, the spontaneity and enthusiasm of youth ? Does it pay to get in tune with the infinite by drinking iu the medicinal tonic from the everlast ing hills? Does it pay to get rid of your nagging, rasping disposition so .that you can attract people in stead of repelling them ? Does it pay to get rid of some of our narrow prejudices, hatred and jealousies that are encour aged by the strenuous city life? Does it pay to add to the com fort and happiness of ourselves and others about us by being brighter and more cheerful our selves ? Orison Swett Mavden, in Success. An HMn ft HI IP I rui la' Us initial Imw in tlic public and hopes to be favorably received. This Is our HiH'ciul 1" und 17 jeweled watch designed for farmers and mechanics and all those who desire a strong, durable lever set watch. This watch has been over four months In process of con struction to our order H has quite a record. Cused in Xickle, (old or Silver. All Visitors Welcome. WM. H. LUDWIG, Jeweler and Silversmith, Chambersburg, Pa. RACKET STORE. In our last ad we mentioned Castor Machine oil at 2-".c gallon and said it was me same goods sold by other merchants at Xc. We have now sold well on to 50 gallons, and are told by responsible fanners that it is better oil than they paid 35c a gallon for. i pint glass jars 4oc; quarts, 48c; half gallon, 65c. Jar caps with rings 20c, ine neaviest jar gums 5c, lighter ones 3c dozen. The heaviest milk cans on the market 8 gallon size and the one you have been paying $2.35 for our price $1.!)5. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! ii s impossible for us to give you prices on these goods. We would like to have you call and see the largest and best line of shoes you have ever looked at, and at prices that can't be matched in the county. we uave the nicest line of buckets and granite ware we ever had. We have the blue, green and white inside in preserving kettles and pans from 15 to 48c. Tin buckets 10 quarts to 14 quarts, 10 to 35c; also, coffee pots of same ware. Shirts and overalls all sizes and at all prices. Call and see our line, it wont cost you one cent. HULL & BENDER, Proprietors. Wool Carding A Legacy Worthwhile. Solicitous for the welfare of his eon, the late George O. B. An gle, KasiHsville," Franklin county, shortly before his death, placed a letter in possession of his wife, ! to be read to their boy when he etnd carpet weaving Fob Sale. A second-hand set snouia oe oia enougn to unaer ot driving harness in good repair, , 8tan- single straps, breast collar, trac-' "You were to litt,e t0 under es and bridle, nearly uew. j stand me when 1 was liv'ln" and John S Hakuis I a9 tn'8 metnod of speaking to McConnellsburg." you when I am dead and gone. I Tiu t ui- n- ... I would have been glad could I have The Republican Primaries will .. , B . , w i, u i u ,i j- : lived to see you grow to manhood be held in the various election dis- .. ... .-,,, ,, T , . , . . ... ' . . c . , but it was not God s will. I ask trlct9 in this county next Satur- ! . , , , ; juu vm tc n wj uu CW vv aj O day, and the County convention j do what is right, never go in bad will Yt VtalA n fliA fVn v UAiia next Tuesday. .company; work and save your ! money that you may not come in Dr, J.J. Palmer, who ifperma-,need. doQ-t 8pend oue cent for uently located at Need more, will : anythlDg you dout need; don't go be at Hustontown, Monday, Aug- in debt auJ keep a sharp lookout ust 22. Dr, Palmer is especially ; for thoge who try to deceive you prepared to treat all diseases of j 13e a good jlirUtmn; praise God the Eye and to tit glasses. ! und uever do any thinK but what In some way, the News was iS rignt, and my boy will prosper; made to say in the uotico of the j Take tho hest care of your death' of Mrs. Elmer Deshoug 1 health aud remember that you near Greonhill, last week, that j will not know what it is worth till "she. was a daughter of Baltzer j VOu lose it. lie good to your Deshong.' It should have said j mother; do everything that is in Baltzer Decker. j y0ur power for her; never cause "I had diabetes iu its worst 'her trouble. Don't run around form," writes Marion Lee of Dun-1 at night; never take anything not reuth, Ind. "1 tried eight physi clans without relief. Only three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man." Sold at Trout's drug store. Miss Isa Stevens, who is en gaged in teaching in tho Fori Washington schools and sister, Miss HorraieStevefis.of Emporia, Kansas, who has been visiting rel atives and friends at Hustontowu aud vicinity, returned Friday to their respective places of employ ment. This has been a season of lux uriant growth in vegetation in this neighborhood. Mrs. CalSutn mors, who called at this oftica a few dayg ago, said that they had stalks of corn, that had grown over twelve feet in height, and that John Wright ha I a potato ! talk seven feet and six inc'iei in j length, and potatoes that vtilg' ed over a pound apiece. I your own. Hoping you will m-ver forget ine, I am your father." Mrs. Jennie Miliar and Charlie Heeler 8eiit a few hour in tu yesterday. Miss Nora Conrad, a f.ten igrapher in the employ of the Standard Supply and Equipment Company, Pitttburg, is visiting her pa.'ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Conrad. H. H. HERTZLER still continues Carding and Weaving at the WILLOW GROVE MILLS at Hurnt Cabins. Carpet Chain always on hand Wool put into bats for Haps. I will take in Wool aud work at the following places, namely, Frank Hare's, Fort Littleton: Michael Laidig's, Dublin Mills; W. R. Seor's, Saluviu; C. W. Lynch's, Crystal Springs; J E. Jack sou's, Akersville; Caleb Barton's, Hustontown; A. N. Witter's, Waturfal); Harry Huston's, Clear Ilidge; W. L. Berkstresser s Orchard Grove. I Will Visit these places monthly during the season. Thankful for past favors, I hope for a continuance of the same. H. H. Hertzler, Burnt Cabins, Pa. ISthe Z5e Man and the Machine ISNER POLEYlSmDirEYCUFJS akn Kldnay mm4 Bladdar lllgbt Mr. Alexander T. Brown, inventor of the Smith Premier Typewriter, is unquestionably foremost writing machine expert of the world. Besides, he is a practical and successful business man. He built the first Smith Premier Typewriter not only for handsome and ipeedy work, but to endure under the tevereit demands of actual buiinen. The Smith Premier ! free from the weakneuei of eccentric. Impractical con struction, and to-day embodies the latest demonstrated improvements of this typewriter expert. Mr. Brown, as Vice-President of this Company, will continue to devote his entire time and inventive genius to maintain the Smith Premier where it now stands as the World's Best Typewriter Send to-diy for our little book ex pUinlng exactly why the Smith Premier is beu. The SraitH Premier Typewriter Company 23 f-outh Eighih St., P ! . '. I t'Hphia Pa. ss&tZlnr " Free 1 9 iU:1- Jayne's Carminative Balsam Tho SUncUre) Remedy for Summer Complaint, Cramps, Colic, Griping Paint, Sour ' Stomach and Vomhlnc. also for Dvienierv. DlarrhaM or LAoianota. Asiatie Cholera, CboUra Moroua, ami Cholera Infantum. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM baa been used with groat tuocoao for 73 yooro. Wo will tenet Froo to any person who will enclose a two-cent stamp in tart MymoiU for tho anauias, trial auo bottlo of JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM. , Writo your Nam, Town ana Statu plainly to mauro your setting tho tamo. Address: DR. D. JAYNE 0 SON, Philadelphia. ement Spring Announc We now have in our sprinjr line ol Men's, Boys and Youths' Suits, which it will do vou jfood to see. We think it the Best Spring Line we have ever had all made in ihe besl'vav, and Strictly Up-to-date T"e Prices are just ail right and as low as anyone can Svll equal quality for- w e v: SHOES We want to call special attenthn to our stock of which is larger and better this spring than ever before. We have several lines of Factory Goods which arc X( rt AH Q illQllQT)tflO 4 i 1 1 1 I I 1 III! II 1 I III! I II In I t il 1 ( U which means thatyou are buying a certainty, make you safe, we will sell you a The slme must be good, or we o Kangaroo Calf Shoe For$l.O0, well worth 51.25 ; in fact, shoes at almost any price. SUMMER DRESS which we want you to see. We have a nice lot of STUFFS 8 o O 8 Carp market. Please G Mattings, Oi call. , and at prices on the present in stock not sample: that cannot be reached Cloths, window Shades,' Slc. nil at right prices. '4 Rjvpectl'ullv. W. REISNER c& CO.. McConnellsburg, Pa. :xoooocoocooxxooxcooc OC CC OC OC X OC n xa n CASH GIVEN AWAY to Users of um OFF In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums """"SSLSscp Co. 10 "DMMtKAl. miTf Vf siiim How Would You- like a Check Like This? atv We Hsvt Iwtrdsd $20,000.00 Prosidential Vote Contest WOOLSON PtC CO. THCASUBtJ, A. Cash to .on Coffee users In our Great World's Fair Contest 2Ui) peoplo get checks, 2l'i'J more will fcet thoui iu the Five Lion-Head cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent atamp entitle you (In addition to the regular free premiums) to one vote. The a-cent atamp cov ert our acknowledgment to you that your estimate Is recorded. You can send as many est! mates as desired. Grand First Prize of $5,000.00 will be awarded to the one who It nearest correct on both our World'i Fair and Presi dential Vote Contests. We alio offer U.000.00 Special Ch Prlie. to Grocers' Clerks. (Particular. In each case ol Lloa Cotfre.) . C , f -T :' What will be the total popular vote cast for President (votes for all can. dldatet combined) at the election November 8, 1904 ? In 1000 election, 13,059.653 people voted for President. For nearest correct esti mates received in Woolsou Spice Cum pany'9otlice, Toledo, O., on or before November 5, l'JOi, we will give first prize for the nearest correct estimate. second prize to tlie next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: Flr.l Frlie . . rise 1 1 Second Prl a Prlie. -Sfioo.OO each O Prises a)0.()( IO Prlie. IOO.OO 20 60.0O no 3f)0 1800 Prises 3130 PRIZE1, 20. OO XO.OO O.OO . I2.BOO.OO . l.OOO.OO 1 .OOO.Ot ,0(K.UO ,000.00 000.00 ...1.000.00 a.oou.oo B.OOOK) TOTAL, taO.OOO.OO 1 . iEE;;:::; convinced tbera is no other such value (or the nmney. " - iLiug money ao mat ootu ui us- WE GIVE PUm irnsitarm hU pir wtm How Would Your Namo Look on One of These Chocks? nouvn to get acquainted with It. vou win De suited and ou will take no other and that's why we advertise. And ui we will get a benefit. Hence fur your Lian iseota DOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZES Complete Detailed Particulars In Every Package of FITEE..' .' WOOLtON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEP'T.) TOLEDO, OHIO. OO 8 8- 8 'i