The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 17, 1904, Image 4

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    VI it) Bedford c
li.o o organizo-
lr- h i U A ' " nursday.
' '1
Mi I
y Rtlr':' Edll0r aD(l PrPrlelor- j
. .. I
AUGUST 17, 1904,
Published Weekly. 51.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Porsquare of n ilr.cs 3 times II SO.
Per square eaoh suhMPucnt InNPrllon.... 50.
All adveriiaetnetH Inn rted (op lens thun
three months charged by the square.
3 inoi. I 4 mill.
One-rourth column....
One-hmf column
One Column
. S.VHJ.
.. 40.00.
Nothing Inserted for leu than II
Professional Cards one year (5
On the farm belonging to the
Lambersou heirs mile west of
town John F. Johnson hrashed
2J acres of oats which by actual
measure, measured 113 bushels.
Can any one in the county beat
it? If so, wo would like to hear
from them through your col
Mrs. W. U. Ranck of Broadtop
City, spent several days last week
at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Maria Laidig.
Al Steel's Mastodon Uncle
Tom's Cabin show, will show here
on Thursday night.
Mrs. Margaret Laidig (Aunt
Mag) is enhancing the value of
her property by the building of a
new front porch to her house.
Presiding Elder Rev. George
Stevens preached an excellent
sermon in the M. E. church last
Sunday on "Ressurrection."
A Sweet Breath
is a never failing sign of a healthy
stomach. When the breath is
bad the stomach is out of order.
There is no remedy in the world
equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
for curing indigestion, dyspepsia
and all stomach disorders. Mrs.
Mary S. Crick, of White Plains,
Ky., writes: "I have been a dys
peptic for years: tried all kinds
01 remedies butcontinued to grow
Wiir.-e. By the use of Kodol I be
gan to improve at once, and after
tJ:;ng a few bottles am fully re
stored in weight, health and
sti eDgth and can eat whatever I
likt." Kodol digests what you
eat and makes the stomach sweet.
Sold at Trout's drug store.
From J. C. Brewer.
LVnniugton,N. J., August 15. I
Editor News: Please tiud enclos- j
ed one dollar, for which send to
my address the Fulton County
News. We cannot get along with
out the News. I am liviug eight j
miles from Trentou; two miles
from a trolley line, and two miles
from a macadamized road.
The crops are very good in this
sectiou, 'especially hay. I had
about 3" tons. Corn is looking
well, and markets are good at
Trenton. Hay is wot th 12 now,
eggs 37 cents a score the3r do
n t sell by the dozen. Eggs have
not been lower thau 32 cents this
summer. Butter is lH cents a
p und. This is a good dairy coun
try. Respectfully
.1. C. BltKWKK.
Grangers Picnic.
For the G rangers Picnic at Wil
l.aun Grove August 2Hth to Sept.
3 l'.tOl, inclusive, the Cumberland
Valley Railroad will run special
excursion trains to and from the
Grove and sell excursions tickets
as follows -.
Leave Mercersburg at m:00 A.
I.t 10:30 P. M., and r:-JD P. M.,
Returning leave WilliamsGrove
for Mercersburg, Richmond aid
intermediate stations at 8:00 A
M., and 3:15 P. M., daily and at
5:30 P. M. on Thursday only.
Excursion tickets good to re
turn until Saturday, Sept. 3rd,
will be on sale the entire week at
one fair for the round trip.
Excursion tickets good for two
days will be on Vila from Tues
day until Friday at rate of 1 25
for tlio round trip.
Don't forget the picnic at Anti
och next Saturday, and that Rev.
. Dumville will lecture io the even
ing. The sick people of our neigh-
borhood ore all convalescing.
. Samuel Peck, Calvin Hew it,
Mr. and Mr. J. V. Fisher and
daughter Roae, and Mrs. S. B.
Fisher ot Great C.Hcapoo, W. V ,
were all guest at the homo of P
P. Shives list Sunday
(U'oreo lluttprbausrh and wifn i
n.i ... ...
, . cu , , mou7ain 10
acta nia fathci whn 1 a nifltr
W 1 1 1 in ir. Uitiiliia nn1 fnmllit iU
ited Mrs. Seiders' father and
mother in JuRtown last Sunday.
Will Kulin nnd wife attended
prcacliiiig at McCouni'lIsiliiU)
church last Sunday.
Howard Seville, wife and son,
Eruest, visited Mis. Seville's fa
ther and mother, John S. Car
bauh and wife last Sunday.
Webb Seville and family visited
at D. 11. Garland's Sunday after
noon, as did, also, George Butter
baujeh, Ephraim Houpt visited Webb
Seville, Sunday.
Frank Seville visited Levi and
David Seville and Albert Cloven
ger visited Cito Sunday.
Mrs. John Clcvenger was visit
ing her son, Albert, a few days
hst week.
Albert Cleveuger has rented
Jacob Mellott's farm for another
year. Good for you, Albert.
Elmer Carbaugh and Levi, Dav
id and Prank Seville visited James
Garland last Sunday.
Riley Garland went to town
Saturday evening with a load of
wood, and didn't get home till
Sunday morning. Thenexttime
yon go, Riley, dont stay till the
roosters crow.
A Physician Healed.
Dr. Geo. Ewing, a practicing
physician of Smith's Grove, Ky.,
for over thirty years, writes Ins
personal experience with Foley's
Kidney Cure: "For years I had
been greatly bothered with kid
ney and bladder trouble and en
larged prostrate gland, i used
everything known to the profes
sion without relief, until I com
menced to use Foley's Kidney
Cure. After taking three bottles
I was entirely relieved and cured.
I prescribe it now daily in my
practice and heartily recommend
its use to all physicians for such
trouble-. 1 have prescribed it in
hundreds of cases with perfect
success." Sold at Trout's drug
B. W. Morris of this place, has
bought Lewis Richards' farm.
Consideration $323. 00. Bennie
will take possession this fall.
J. S. Akers, Esq.. and Ira Smith
were doing business at the Coun
ty Seat Saturday.
The Jerusalem singing class at
tended the picnic in Buck Valley
last Saturday. Everything went
off nicely, which was a credit to
the people of the Valley.
G H. McC. Diehl and children
were visiting Simon Garlaud's
hist Sunday.
Howard Garland made a quick
trip to McConuellsburj; last Sat
urday. Asa Mellott and wife are'visit
ing Mr. Mellott's son at the East
ern Shore.
F. M. Diehl and wife were at
Everett last Tuesday. James
Diehl "kept house" for them and
thought he would prepare a good
supper by the time they came
home. Mr. D'.ehl decided to cook
greeu beans, so he went to the
truck garden and got them, and
had them cooked in tine style; but
when they went to supper the
beans appeared very tough. Ou
examining the beans Mrs. Diehl
found they were her soup beans
Better Than Gold
was troubled for
years with chronic indigestion
and nervous debility," writes F.
J. Green, ol Lancaster, N. H.
"No remedy helped me until I be
gan using Electric Hitters, which
did mo more good than all the
medicines lever used. They have
also kept my wife in excellent
health for years. She says that
Electric Hitters are just splendid
for female troubles; that they are
a grand tonic and invigorator for
weak run down women. No oth
er medicine can take its placo in
our family." Try them. Only
50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by burg. Had one initiation und con
Trout's drug store. fcrred second degree. Harrison-'
j vilie Ixdge is in a prosperous con
Mrs. Thomas Clyde, of Phila
delphia, is visiting her brother,
A. Grant Shoemaker, and Bisters
near towu.
Mrs. Louisa Hull and herdauwrh
ter Miss Mary, who had been vis
iting friends in the Cove se eral
weeks started to return to their
home in Allegheuy this morning.
Onoftlnute Cough Cure
For Cough. Cold nd Croup.
The Country for All Practical Purposes Con
verted Into a Huge City.
Farmers Are Materially Benefited and Appre
ciate the Convenience.
The extension of the mull free delivery hmm known, nnd he wee bothered to
t... k....,. furmlnr Interest Into i dHth with "friends" who wanted Iosjis "
has brought r"n,n '"J.."' V". ! "How about the ..pen.. In transacting
oloeer relation with the city life and busl- , v,nkK !,. by mail?" queried th
ness aa never before, and residents or the i-oporte:-. "The expense amount to ven
rural dletrlots have not been slow to take , little." r-n'led Mr. .Tons. "a bank check
advantage of th facilities thus accorded, j "stt for any amount can b, sen t at
" ... tn'" expenne of n pontage stamp, ana we
and tens of thousands are now transact- ()lPS, r(m,ttJlm.,t wrthout oot to
In their business throug-h the malls , --- smaller sums may be sent by
buying and selling merchandise and bank- money order or registered mall at a ellajht
ln with safety and satisfaction, where 1 exnensi- but after- all." said Mr. Jones,
in wiui -"" " .....i..,.,. the s.ifctv nf the money deposited Is
only a few years ao such method were , ihf rt rior ,, p,)pi prefer to
looked upon with some i1ltrt. In a r-ntt-Tft tlieir money with a strong, ld
reoent conversation with Mr. William J. ! entaHlnhed and conservatively manaired
Tone. Secretary end Treasurer of the ; hanking house rather thin with on that
Httburs;h Bank for Bav1ns of this city i s new. and therefore untried and thai
-the bank that first Introduced and ner- ! ' the niliielpal renaun why Banking: by
feitSd the system of Parking by Mall. Mall with the ritthurh Hank for flav
he gave The Times reporter some very In has r.v,tn so popular We have
'rrtereertlng; facts. "You know." said he. deposit"", said Mr Jones ,T!
"we fcav puahed the Banking by Mall 'very nook and corner of the United
sv3rT verv hart during the" past ten , States and In near y very forfn eoun-
... ... . ... whloV m-- xnm thai hv Mall
vp rm fhm remm omainna nave nrn
from ffirmp in not only very d-
Hrftblv. but It In Tt1r on the lncrae.
. .v, .Pin, i..
u our .-i -L.
orS?"SS oeUp,.' do the,r.hanking '
mma i
k rtmu rwl more Lni. lo.oou or tnese are
The rate of Interest." continued Mr.
Tone, "which th Pittsburgh Bank for
Pavings pays and bs paid for over
vears of Its years' exltnce 1 very at
i...iiM n.nk. tn .he aountrv towns can
e. 1 1 1
not oar. exceot In rar cases, more than
three per eent
r.m. ontT t -n. !
nay n interw wnaiever. in.
between three and four per cent. 1 Just
one-thlrd quit an item to th man eek
Ing absolute sfty with profit Another
matter." aid Mr. Jonea, 'most People do
not ear to Invest their money with the r
home bank, er.n wher Four pr cent a
said. There ismor or lchancefor the r
flnanrrlal affair fo leak out. and that la
not pleasant. On of our very recent de
positor transferred hu account from hi
local bank to our. simply bu.. of th.
teot Umt th atM of hki bank balance
Aug. 13. Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Cattlett and baby spent from Sat
urday until Sunday with Mrs.
Cattlett's uncle, Mr. UeuryTrott
in Thompson township. :
Miss Rosa Mellott spent last
j Thursday with Mrs. J. S. Hill, ,
helping Mrs Hill to peel peaches :
for butter.
Mr. and Mrs. Stillwell Truax ;
and son, Clem, attended the Har-
vest meeting on Timber Ridge
last Sunday. !
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rash, of !
Hancock, spent last Saturday j
night with Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Mrs. Henry Brewer and grand-1
daughter, . Ethel McEldowney, '
spent last Wednesday with Mrs.
Oliver Mellott.
Mrs. Lake Garland and son,
Bruce, and Mrs. Harriet Mellott
spent last Wednesday at Mr. juor-,
gan Dishong's.
DeWitt Is the Name.
IVlirm irr irv Villi? YV.t1. (1q7,
f L IC; LJ J VSU fe" "yJ J VV --au i
el Salve look for the name DeWitt i
on every box. The pure unadult
erated Witch Hazel ia Used in
making DeVVitt's Witch Hazel
Salve, which is the best salve in
the world for cuts, burns, bruis
es, boils, eczema and piles. The
popularity of De Witt's Witch Htiz
fsl Salvo, due to its many cures,
has caused numerous worthless
counterfeits to be placed on the
market. The genuine bears the.
name E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chica
go. Sold at Trout's drug store.
LuidiB. ,
Miss Lui'llii II. Laidig, of Altoo
n:i, is .home on a visit.
Miss Nina Kirk, who has been
I sick, is slowly improving.
II. K. Mellott has Josi'ph Lui
dig's new burn utmost completed.
Many of our young folks attend
ed ciimp meeting at Walnut drove
on Sunday.
John N. Denver, our entomolo
gist, is making a collection of but
terflies anil insects.
D. A. Laidig lias just finished
harvesting the largest quantity of
I hay in this section.
Samuel Denver, of Tyrone, i
spending a few days vacation with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. j
Deuver. j
Several of our neighbors attend-1
ed an interesting meeting at Ilar-
! risonville Lodgo.I. O. O.F., Satur
day night. isttora present were
Dr. Palmer, of Needmore, Prof.
(Jresi, and one from McConnells-
Comumptloo Threatened. 1
j C. Ungcr, 211 Maple St., Cham
I paign, IH., writes: "I was trou
bled with a hacking cough for a
year and I thought I had con
sumption. I tried a great many
remedies and was under tho care
of physicians for noverul months.
I used one Wtle of Foley's Honey
and T:ir. It cured mv, and I hav.j
m. butin troubled since." Sold
at Trout's drui s'toro.
r " '
Not a dollar has evet been
loM to a denoeltor when remitted, as I
have above ertated. You see, the Pltte-
binwh Bank for Savings Is a very oin ln-
atltutlnn now In It 43d rear
it...i nnw ln K. 1M veer. Its arTalrS
' . - . .
We have lust leemed a very oomplete
booklet. 'Banking for Farmer.' and hali
he pleased to maM a ooriy fre to vry
farmer reader of The Times, and, what
Is more." said our financial friend,
"evea-vbody who ha money to invest
ahmiM feeve a conv before they part with,. for PnpJ
to make poor Investments. Just Moause
someone comes along and orrer a nig
Interest rate. As everybody knows, the
rrealer the Interest rate, the greater the
risk to the Investment. We like to do busi
ness with farmers they are the backbone
of the country, but to take absolutely
safe care of their money we cannot allow
more than Pour per cent. Interest and
you know. Four per cent, assured Is bet
ter than Six ner cent, promised, snd then
their mo-ev I st their command at all
times, nttiburt Tim.
The humming of the threshing
machine is heard.
Robert and Scott Alexander
spent Sunday at Mrs. Kate Hcss's
at Laurel Ridge.
Mrs. Fred Snyder and daugh-
ter are visiting the fami.y of Da-
via iruiton.
Miss Annie Wink and niece,
Jessie Wink, spent Sunday at
JelT Harris's.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. S. Wacthin
spent Sunday afternoon and ev-
euing at Wni. Bishop's.
Mrs. Foster Hopple and chil-
Urt-n spent rruluy at l.ootgo
Mr. John Harris spent Sunday
night at Wm. Bishop's
Mrs. Edward Richard aud son,
George, spent Sunday afternoon
at Mrs. Annie E'eck's.
Escaped an Awful Fate.
Mr- lL Hagginsof Melbourne,
Fla., writes, "My doctor told me
I had consumption and uothing
! could be done for me. I was given
up to die. The offer of a free trial
bottle of Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, induced me
to try it. Iie8ults were startling.
I am now on the road to recovery
and owe all to Dr. King's New
Discovery. It surely saved my
life." This great care is guaran
teed for all throat and lung dis
poses by Trout's drug store.
IVice r0c and 1.00. Trial bottle
free. Sold at Trout's drug s'toro.
Gives Warning to Farmers.
What has been called the 'gen
seng craze" has been so preva
lent among farmers in many dis
tricts of the United States that
the department of agriculture
has considered it expedient to
sound a note of warning. Pro
vious to 1002 China imported from
this country only 17l000 pounds
of ginseng in fouryearsaquantity
which could be raised on a single
farm of 75 acres. "Let ginseng
alone. It is a delusion aud a
snare," is Secretary Wilson's ad
vice to farmers.
KILLths couch
ttexi Lfeeovery
60c & $1.00
Free Trial.
Buroat and Q.uicKeot Cure tor all H I
sjB-sssscsssaa "isisii nil in i n 1 1 runia
are the most fatal of all dis '
eases. j
or money refunded. . Contains
remedies recoenlzed by emi
nent DhvsldanS as the OCSt for
KjTy" J nt.44.- U
nuca mjcmmn.
For Si'.le at Trout's Drug Store.
Delightful Social Alfair.
Mrs. S. M. Cook gave a delight
ful reception at her home in this
placo last evening in hotior of her
sister Miss Mollie Seylar of Pitts
I burg. Among those present were
I Mr. and Mrs. George C. Fockler,
Johnstown; Miss Alice Claudy of
Chamhersburg; Miss Irene Trout
Philadelphia; Missllonoia Dick
son of Philadelphia; Mrs. H. S.
Wishart, Mr, and Mrs. Goo. 13.
Darnels. Rev. and Mrs. J. V.
Adams, Mr. John S. Harris, Miss
Netha Nosbit, M. R. Shaffuer,
Fisq , Miss Maggie Oakes, Mr.
and Mrs. S. 13. Woollet, Dr. W.
A. West, Mrs. M. 13. Trout, Mr.
.1.(1. IJeisner, Mr. and Mrs. C.
13. Stevens, Mrs. T. F. Sloan,
Miss Mary Sloan, Miss Scott
Sloan, Miss Annie B. Frey, Miss
Marian Sloon.MissGertrudelloke
Supt. and Mrs. C. E Barton, Mr.
and Mrs. A. U. Nace, Mr. and
Mrs. "Editor of the News."
Justice James A. McDonough,
of Now Grenada, was in town lasl.
uight. Jimuiie's health has not
been very robust of late, but he
seems to be feeling first rate now.
Mr. Urnest Leihey, of Canton,
O., a civil eniriueer in the sei vice
of the BT& O. railroad Company,
was a truest in th-? h-Miif t f Mr.
aud Mrs. Joim Sheetz during the
past week.
Uu'tei', 1":
Glass Jars
Pints 4.'i cents.
(Quarts 4S "
Half Gallon 113 "
No. 1 Harness complete, nlekle trim-
mine, collar and names
Harness Collars,
Team Collai'3, best.
Team Collars, tick face,
Paine'g Celery Compound
Electric Hitters
Baking Powder
Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Best Harvester oil
Second grade
Pound package, coffee
Loose coffee
1J to 50c It.
5 aud 10c i tt.
3 and 8c lt.
3J and He.
X'ic. gal.
Successors to D. E. Little
Bread, Rolls,
Delivery on Mondays, Tues
cays, Thursdays, and
All kinds of cakes furnished on
ghori .notice.
Fort Littleton, Pa.
Handles the
Ratchet Pump
Ratchet Pump
Galvanized Spouting
5c a foot.
Easy and Quick! ,
To make :he very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner Ly In cold
water, melt $ lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the greaie. Stir and put
aside to set
Pull DmcthMM Bvty Paduf
Banner Lv is nulveriied. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per.
milting the use of a small quantity at a
time. It is just tne arucie nceueu ui
every household. It will clean paini,
floora. marble and tile work, aoften water,
disinfect tinka. cloett and wtepipef.
ft Cbsanci wrk. ruiaMsWa
Covers the Field, t
In every part of the
County faithful re
porters are located
that gather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore. Philadelphia
Markets. The bun
day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
Encleavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style along that line.
Sample copies of
the News sent to any
of your .friends on
1 1J1K TAiilJS. .May ZD, 1H04.
Leuve uu uu i uo. tf.uo. tiDO.10 110
"4. U ti. U tA. U P. lilts'. U T.U
Winchester 1 .... I ool 6 So
Murtlnsburs 8 10 X 4? 7 14
Hugerxtown .... 6 8 5T I'i 17 8 811 1 8 00 10 10
GreenouHtl. .... OS fl Hi 12 80 1 3 5H 8 HI 10 81
MercersOurK 8 00 10 8u 8 ao....
ChumberHbur-.. 7 tM 9 40 I 00' 4 271 8 46 10 64
WuyueMburo 7 Ml lit 00 18 !rt ....
ShlppenHburtf... 7 iV 10 00 1 21 4 47 S OA 11 18
Newvllle 8 07 10 IH 1 41 6 0l S 24 11 7
CuilUle 8 :H 10 K0 t 08 h 8U 45 12 02
MechuDlosburg,. 8 48 11 00 2 28 6 M 10 07 12 21
Otllhburv 10 00 6 28
Arr, Hurrlsburg. S 05 It 2i) t 40 6 15 1 10 25 II 40
Arr. Phlla... ... 11 48 S 17 5 47 8 50 4 28 4 28
Arr. New York. 8 6 53 8 08 III 23 T 18 7 13
Arr. Baltimore.. 12 16. (11 00 a 48 i 20 7 16
v m p. m. p.m.Ip. m.s.m. a. m
Train No. 12 east runs flatly eloeDt Bundav
between Hasenitown and Uarrlsburs. leaving
Haven. town 1.06 and arnvlnv at Harrlsburir at
Additional east-bound local trains-will run
daily, eioept Sunday, as follows: - Leave
Carlisle 7.0ft a. m., 12.80 p.m. 8.16 p.m., leave
Meohanlosburg 6.54 a. m., 7.29 a. m.. 12.52 p. m..
: 8t) p. m. Leave Dillsburg 6.S5 a. m., 10.00 a.
i., 6.23 p. m.,
Trains Nos. 2. 8 and 1 10 run dally between Ha-
gerstown and Uarrlsburg
Dally exoept Sunday.
Leave no. 1 no. 8 no. s no. 7 do. 9 108
r.u A M A.U A. u r.u P.M.
Baltimore II 65 4 44 16612 00 4S6 8 80
New York 7 66 12 10 8 56 t 66 6 56
Phlla II 40 425 84 II 40 (5 SO S26
HarrUburg 6 00 755 11 46 (20 826 11 06
Dillsburg 8 50 4 02 .....
MeohanTosburg.. 6 t 8 15 12 OS ( 87 8 48 II 28
Carlisle i 40 8 37 12 24 ( 57 04 11 42
Newvllle t 01 00 12 4H 4 10 24 12 02
Sulppenaburg... (20 9 IB 1 Oil It1 ft 44 IS IU
Waynesboro 10 ( 00 6 6H
Ctiambersburg.. 40 9 86 1 27 62 10 00 12 M
Meroersburg.. . 8 16 10 80 S 48
Ureenoastle .... T 05 10 01 1 60 6 IS 10 24 12 M
Hagerstown .... 7 27 10 22 ( 10 S 87 10 45 1 16
Marlluaburg ( 24 II 10 21
Ar. Wlnohestor. t 10 11 66 7 10
Truin No. 17 west runs dally exoept Bnnday
uiftweeu Harrlxburg and Hagerstown, leav
.ug Harrlsburg al 6.15 p,m, and arriving at Ua-Vdi-Ntown
at 7.57 p. m.
Auaitiouai loom trains win leave HarnsDurg
is follows: For Carlisle and Intermediate sta-
ions al 9.27 a. m.. 2.00 p. m. and 8.30 p. m., also
!ot Meohanlcaburg Dillsburg and Intermediate
itxtlonsat 7 80 a. m.. 8.10 p. m. and 6.80 p. m.
Trains Nos. I. 3 and 109 run dally between
larrlsbun and Hagerstown.
I'uuinaa palaoe sleeolng oars between Nv
Vork and Rnuxville. Tenn.. on trains I was
und no east and between Pnlladelpn a and
We xhonN. Il W. Hallway on tra ns 109 west
and 12 east, esoept that on Sunday the I'bila-
ji:iunia Sleeper wm ruu east on no. x
1 hrougn coaunea to ana from rnuaaeipuit
iu trains 2 aud 4 east and 7 aud 9 west.
1 t Dully exoept Bundav.
Has. Pas. Mix. IPas. Mix. Pas
MI 141 Ml t4 t t
P. M A M am Arr. am a m p. m,
U0 46 55 Chambersburg.. ( 45 II 60 i C6
III 9 67 7 14 Marlon ( 88 II 32 (53
6 48 10 80 ( 16 ..Meroersburg.. ( 00 10 80 ( SI
6UMI0 6M 8 60 Loudon 7 38 9 42 t 6-
6 15 11 05 9 06 ....Ulohmond.... T SO ISO 2 6)
P M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M P. M.
Vice I'l en. & Cleu. Supt. Supt
H. A K1UM.K, Oeu Pass. Agent.
r. Alwsv -rllabU'. 1nirslM Ih
1(1111 fMl II M S.KI.LISK in Ur4 MMi
4J..1.J iiivuiii.! hOM. .-ii mIiIi feu ribi-S'
tUUHIISIl tMlftlllMS. i. i: ttf VUtif 1IMIV( I
HI SMIHl 'I. Ill IMmMI for PIMltMf. 11
iMauiU simI Itr 1 1 f lur ia.u..-., i. ("' . te.oou ri!iiiii.iiiaiA oo j i.
vl iJrugKtMU.
CUlCBUMTin OniMlOAL oo. , ,
SIM asSlavs Umumrr, f li i tA, 1"-.
00 ' P '
First Class
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cup and Towel with eacb Sha?e.
Everything Antlseptlo.
Ruitors Sterlllted.
tVShop In room latel oooupledbj Ed Brake
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up to date In all stylea of hair out.
ting. Quick, easy shaves. Bay-rum. Creams-Wltch-hmel.
without extra charge. Fresh
towel to each customer. Latest Improved ap,
paratus for sterilising tools. Parlors opposite
Fulton House.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All legal business and collections entrusted
will eeelve oareful and prompt attention.
Presbyterian. Kev. W. A. Went,
D. D.. Pastor. Preaching services
each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.
and every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbuth
school at 9:15. Junior Christian En
deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Methodist Episcopal Rev. J. V.
Adams, Pastor, Sunday Sohool
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth
League at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
United Presbyterian Kev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
inir at 10:30. and everv other Sunday
evening at 7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by tne Young Peo
ple's Cbristtan union at i:w p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
G. Wolf, Pastor.. Sunday school 9:15
a. m. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian En
deavor at ts:uu p. m. i'rayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed Rev. C. M. Smith, Pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching an alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
The lirst term of the Courts of Ful
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
f October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Justice of the Peace Thomas F.
Sloan, L. H. Wible.
Constable John H. Doyle.
Burgess H. W. Scott.
Councllmen D. T. Fields. Leonard
Hohman, Samuel Bender, M. W. Nace.
Cleric William Hull.
High Constable Wm.Baumgardner.
School Directors A. U. Nace. John
A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M.
Taylor, John Comerer, C. B. Stevens.
President Judge Hon S.Mc. Swope.
Associate Judges Lemuel Kirk. Da
vid Nelson.
Prothonotary, &c. Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney Geortre B. Dan
Treasurei- George B. Mellott.
Sheriff Daniel C. Fleck.
Deputy Sheriff D. T. Fields.
Jury Commissioners C. H. E. Plum-
mer, Anthony Lynch.
Auditors John S. Harris. W. C.
Davis, S L. Garland.
Commissioners S. D. Mellott. Geo.
Slgel, and H. P. Palmer.
uierk frank Henry.
County Surveyor Jonas Lake.
County Superintendent Charles E.
Attorneys W. Scott Alexander. J.
NelBon Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. R. Shaffner, Ceo.
B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W.
Odd Fellows M'ConneUsburfirLodt'e
No. 744 meets every Friday evening In
tne Comerer Building in SlcConnells-
Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets
every Saturday evening in Uie Cromer
building at Fort Littleton.
. Wells Valley Ixidge No. 607 meets
every Sntirday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrison vllle Lodge No. 701 mpt
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hull at llairiHOu vllle.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday evening In Odd Fellows'
Hall at Wauu-fall Mills.
Warfordsburg Lodge No. 601 meets
in Warfordsburg every Saturday
King Post G. A. R. No. 365 meets in
SluCouiiellxburg in Odd Fellows' Uall
the lirst Saturday in every month at 1
p. in.
Uovrl Arc-.Himr.,Tuoarora Council,
No. 121, nitii on alternate Monday
e ven I li s In I'. O. S. ol A. titUl, ia
Washington Cam No. 497, P. O. S.
A., of N"w Grenada, meets every Shu
urdny etenlng lu P. O. S. ol A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. RM, P. O.S.
of A., HuHMintown. mt every Battii
unlay evtiuing In 1'. O. 8, of A. HsIU
Julm Q. Taylor Post O. A. U., No.
ftHtt, nitwits every Saturday, on or Just
preceding full moon In Laahley ball,
at 2 p. in., at Buck Valley.
Woman's Relief Corps, No. ' 80
meets st ame date and place at 4 p m.
G-n. 1). B. McKlbbin Post No. 4C2,
G. A; tf., mwti the second and fourth
Saturdays in each month at Plnaaa a
The FqUod County Neis,