s J I 1 V 'I 'i'luj Bedford county physicians li.tf o orRanivd a County niodiral bin ic'ty. Mr. .1 lui JJullinsliLutl of ttie Mil, v-n anions our welcome Cd) era 'l.i-t Friday. J. ii. I T .i rn has at his shop a .: of s.ilo:idid new handmade ...i .inj.' nan. i ss that : d will sell riy -iss Kls'n! - Iboy, who had been visiting here, returned to her home in Philadelphia yester day. This is a good time to sub scribe for the 1ulton County News. On'.y a iollar a year in ad vance. Foley's '.C dney Cure will cure all diseases arising from disor dered kidneys or bladder. Sold .it Trout's drug store. Miss Salhe McKibbin, who holds a position in the Uniontown soldiers' orphans' school, is visit i '.c the home of her uucle, Dr. W. L. McKibbin, In this place. Howard Mellott of Sipes Mill, teacher-elect of the Need more sc'ho ji, spent Saturday night aud hai'dty with his uucle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Daniels. Between Cherry Run and Cum berland the Wabash railroad com pany is spending 11,000 a day on extension work. Before an other month the daily expendi tures will be trebled. Many persons in this communi ty are suffering from kidney com plamt who could avoid fatal re sults by using Foley's Kidney Lu ' j. Sold at Trout's drug store. Kov. and Mrs. I. N. Peightel of.j GrecDcastle were guests at the j Fulton House over Sunday. Mr. i IVightel preached a very force- j ful sermon iu the Reformed j church Sunday morning. i Mr. Tobie Glazier, treasurer of the Ayr township school board, called at this office a few days ago to arrange for the printing of no tices for his sittings for the col lection of taxes the last of Sep tember. Mr, aud Mrs. Jacob Rotz were j U'.n's of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. j I V l man atllarr.sonville, last Sat-1 ii y, during which time they i . i. a 10 see ineir oiu lrienas ana l.i i 'ihors. Mr. and Men. .Tosenh ! l . Is at Saluvia. They report j inverts better, but Mrs. Ev-; h still confined to her bed. ! Mr V. E. Bivens and Brice Horton j at D. E. Fore's, or Vt'Jls, spent a few hours in Grant Baker took supper at D. town last Friday. Mr. Bivens K- Fore's Sunday evening, has been one of the road super-j Miss Dora Sherman spent Sun (. vis.-rs of his township for several i liiy witl Abrain Wagner's fanii yeai s, and says that the recent ; 'y- hoavv rain storms have been hard The two auctions at Knobsville on the roads and bridges. Mrs. J. Chalmers Metzler aud h'.'Jo sou Oliver of Wymore, Ne l". aska, accompanied by her fath o.. in aw, J. G. Metzler, of Ham- soi'ViIte, spent last Friday with tho family of Judge Morton near t.vn Mrs. Metzler expects to roiu.-ii to her western home in a wei.'k or ten days. y. and Mrs. Burton Troxel, of iiaucto Spintus, Cuba, are bpouding a few days at the home . of tho former's sister, Mrs. Cra mer Bernhart at Jackson's Mills, Bedford county, and will visit " friends in this county later. It has been about ten years since Mr. and Mrs. Troxel last visited 1):: Frank II. Eramert, of Cham I 'Mv burg, specialist of the eye, 'ii, nose aud throat, formerly of sNfv York, where he was on the vi' iug htaff of two hospitals, and KSoistant to the Chair of Laryn gology at the College of Physi cians aud Surgeons, will be at Dr. J. W. Mosser'd otiice in McCou iiell.it.ui g, August 19, 11.')4 to ex in. i. ii j eyes, lit glasses aud treat ali smcf. iu his line of work. A Sl'MMLR COLD. A hun.nier cold is not only au- iu viiii! l ut if not relieved I'neu iiiou'u will be the probablo result by F!l. One Minute Cough Cure l"ars the phlegm, draws out the inil imation, heals, soothes and Klrengthens theluugs and brou rl.ial tubes. One Miuuto Cough ' Curn is an ideal remedy for the 'children. It i pleasant to the lust! and perfectly harmless. A curltio euro for croup, cough and oj!J. Sold at Trout's drug store. Desirable Home For Sale. V.v two-story, eight-room " frsniD Ii'hiko, lot, Stable and oth . m.oe&sary outbuildings. Situ a to iu east end of McConoells. jy u i'. Vornw to suit purchaser. U. 8. Wible, ". , Mc'onnelUbur.r, IV, Shippensburg Normal School. The Shipponshurg Normal School offers to students superior advantages at very moderate rates. To become a successful teacher, a special education is needed. Young persons who at tempt to teach without special preparation for the work, do themselves and their schools great injustice. The state pays the tuition of all persons over 17 years of age who are preparing to teach. Persons having a fair knowl edge of the common branches, should enter at the opening of the Fall Term and spend a year in completing the work of the Junior class. Every person re commended this year by the Fac ulty of the Shippensburg Nor mal .School passed the State Board examination successfully. This iudicates that the work in the class room is done thorough ly and skillfully. If you are in terested in a Normal Course write to Dr. G. M. D. Eckels, Shippensburg, Pa., for catalogue and other information. Quick Relief for Aslhma Sufferers. Foley's llouey and Tar affords immediate relief to asthma suf ferers in the worst stages and if taken in time will effect a cure. Sold at Trout's drugstore. NOTICE. Whereas my wife, Athey Keef er, has left my bed aud board without just cause, this is, there fore to warn all persons not to harbor her or trust her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. Danikl Kkkfku, 19 01 Thompson township. APPLICATION FOR LAND WARRANT. Notice is hereby given that I have tiled an application with the secretary of Internal Affairs at Ilarrisburg for a warrant for two acres of unimproved vacant land i situate in Wells township, ad join- ,n2 laud of Kerns' heirs iu right of John Barron on the east and south, and Wm. L. Mosby in right OI JollD Adams on the west aud " 04. Wm. L. Moskhv. KNOBSVILLfc". Miss Katie Campbell spent Suu- Saturday night were about equally well attended. Mrs. Emory Hesslcrand daugh ter Marion spent Monday after noon with Miss Katie S. Fore. Mrs. Fleming and daughter Ber tha, of Ilarrisburg, returned home Saturday after visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Ira Fore. Charles Gress and daughters Erma and V'irgie spent Sunday with their uncle and annt, Mr.and Mrs. Daniel Peller. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Snider and two daughters, Marion and Elizabeth, of Chambersbur?,8pent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Abra ham Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lamits ter and daughter Ethel, of Markes, Franklin county, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Lanmslcr's father, D. E. Fore, Esq. MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE. One was pale and sallow and the other fresh aod rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blush- ; mg with health uses Dr. King s J New Life Pills to maintain it. By j gently arousing the lazy organs uiey compel gooa uigesnou ana head off constipation. Try them. Only 2oc, at Trout's drug store. Colore on Sunday Kent. The friends interested in pre serving the sanctity of the Sab bath, who may he in attendance at the World's Fair in October, will ho glad to learn that they will have an opportunity to attend the In ternational Congress which will be in session in Festival Hall on the 11, 12, 1'5, und 14th of the month. This building will seat 4,000 peo ple, and addresses will be delivered by eminent men of dith-rent parts of the world. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. Will euro Bright' diaeaso. Will cure Diabotes. Will cure Stone in Bladder. Will cure Kidney and Bladder dinea mh. SolJ at Tntit'i Jr ig tore. THE Nsw York World THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. Rend wherever tho English l.ngiino Is Spoken. The Tlirlee-a-Week World long ayo established itself In public fovor, and it U now recognized as the strongest publication of its kind in trie 1' oiled Stales. Advertisers and publishers nocking clubbing combinations and they know le8t universally testify to this. It Is widely circulated In every State and Territory of the Union, and even in remote South Africa ami on the Kold lields in the deserts of Aus tralia. These are the things that tell. This year we have the Presidential campaign, in which all Americans are deeyly interested. Already the Issues are being discussed and the two great parties are preparing for the first moves. You will not want to miss any dctuils, and if you subscribe now your year's subscription will cover the campaign from beginning to end. Tim Thrice-a Week World is abso lutely fair In political news. Partisan bius is never allowed to effect is news columns, and Democrat and republi can alike can obtain in its pages truthful accounts of all the great polit ical contests In addition to all the news, the Thrice-8-Week World furnishes the lest serial Action, elaborate market reports and other features of interest. The Thrlce-a-VVeek World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for l"(i papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and The Fulton County News together one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers Is $2.00. THE CHAMBERSBURG ACADEMY Tor Hoys. 107th Year. DeslKDx toKlve pupll.i thoroiiKh prepumtloa for college or buxltiew, also to provide a plcusnnt home where they luny develop under the most fuvorable physi cal, morul und eduoutloDal conditions, Indlvliltiul oversight and Instrueton, Outdoor spons encouruKed. Only a limited number of bourdlnv students admitted. Terms '-K per yeur. Send for catuloKue. I- Fix; AH HICK, M. A., Principal, ChuinbcrsburK. Pa. Administrator's Notice. Estute of GeorKe W. Deshontf Letters of udmlnlstrutlon on the estate of Oeortfe W. OeshonK lute of Ayr township. Ful ton county. 1'u., deceased, huvine been grant ed by the 10-irhter of Wills for Fulton countv. to the subscriber, whose nostofllce address In M'CounellsburK. Fulton Co..ea., mlpersons who are Indebted to the said estute will please make payment, aud those having claims will present them to M. U. SHAFFXKR. June 89, 1004. Administrator. Auditor's Notice. Notice Is hereby nlven that the undersigned auditor appointed to make distribution of the funds in the hands of OennlsMorirret. executor of the estate of Henry Fitc late of Thompson township, deceused, will sit In his otllce Iu McConuellxbuTg. l'u., for the perform uuce of Huld duty on Friday, September ! litol, at 10 o'clock, a. m,, when und where all persons Interested may attend If they see proper. UKOUUE U. DAN'IKLS, "10 01. Auditor. BURNT CABINS. MUs Mary Welch, who has been ill for a few days, is convalescent. Kd Welch, who lias been work ing at Mt. Union, returned home Saturday. Mrs.llarry Miller spent "Sunday and Monday with relatives near McConnellsburg. v Mrs. Chas. Mc( tehee, who has been ill for some time, is a little better at this writing. Tho majority of our folks from town attended tho (J. A. 1. picnic at Shade (Jap last Saturday. , Raymond Roddy, of Chambers bur";, is spending some time with his grandfather, A. V. Kelly. Mrs. G.W. Mcllnay and daugh ter, of l'enn Valley, Pa , are vis iting the former's parents, Mr.and Mrs. (. S. Doran. A straw load of youug ladies and gentlemen from Shade (iap and Orbisonia spent Thursday night at J. E. Speck's. Tho Presbyterian Sabbath school of this place will hold a picnic on Aug. 13th near this place, and ev erybody is invited to attend. A PERFECT PAINLESS PILL is the one that will cleanse the Bystem, set the liver to action, remove the bile, clear the com plexion, cure headache and leave a good tiste in the mouth. The famous little pills for doing such work pleasantly and effectually are DeWitt's little Early Risers. Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind., Hays: "All other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's little Early Risers are simply per fect" Sold at Trout's drug store. Public Sale. On Saturday, August 20th, An drew Truax will sell at his resi deuce 1 miles southeast of Pleas ant Ridge postoftice, farming inv plements, household goods, har noss, tc. Sale will begin at 10 o clock, and a credit of 6 months will be given on all sums exceed ing 5. N. J. Fluid has five idee hx weeks-old lierkshire pigs for sale. AUGUST A Profitable tirr,efor buying. See Goods listed and Prices before buying. A Special Value in Black Mohair A Special Value In Black Broadcloth A Special Value In Black Sicilian Cloth. Supreme Values " In black silk. 1 yd wlclo-tafTctta, satin foulard, wash silks for waists In hlack, white bikI colors, 4c per yd. WASH GOODS SPECIALS Dimities, lino Rlnnliains, colors blue, pink, green: laco stripe batiste, all colors: tan color miit itit's, blouse linen, madras, swiss dotted and plain, Indian linen, organdie, lmvns,duck, black Indian linen and black batiste. POINT DE VENICE All over laces of every description black, white, cream, tan at all prices. A large assortment of torchon and fancy laces, insertion, bead l..g. EMBROIDERIES Summer corsets H. & G. Corsets. Ladies' ready-made shiit waists and tailored dress skirts Ladies' ready-made underwear, skirts, night wrappers, corset covers, etc. NOTIONS Silk gloves, kid gloves, mitts, niching, ties, shirt waists sets, buttons, braids and trimmings. August millinery Reduced to Wholesale Price. Ribbons ! Ribbons ! Ribbons! A cordial welcome extended to all. not sell we give it away freely and unreservedly to our customers. BANNER PATTERNS mailed free to any post-otlice. A postal card will bring you our fashion sheet; new styles issued every mouth. Best trade prices for Kggs and l'oultrv. T. J. WEINER, HANCOCK, AID. New Falling Top Buggies, both Factory and Handmade from $35 to $85 Surreys and Wagons Large stock on hand all the time to select from. W. R. EVANS, Hustontown, Pa. G B 4 UBXJY If you are like the man from Missouri, aud have to be shown then- (! these UIG values 1 tt Dak ing Powder 10c. Large Prunes 8c. Solid Tomatoes 3 cans 25c. Jap Coffee per tti ' 12c. liio Coffee per Hi 15c. Jars and Crocks, Lemons and Melons. at C. F. Seott, Grocer. Low Kate Excursion To The Seashore Via C. V. R. R. & P. R. R. On Thursdays June 23, July 7, 21, August 4, 18 aud September 1. The Cumberland Valley Railroad will Bell special excursion tickets to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Alvalon, Anglesea, Wild wood, Holly Beach, N. J. and Rehoboth, Del. Tickets will be good goingon a bove dates on train leaving Mer cersburg at 8.00 a. m. and to re turn on any regular tram (except limited trains on thePennsylvania Railroad on which an extra fare is charged) within 10 days, in cluding date of issue. ' Rate from Mercorsburg $5.00. ' Atlantic City passengers may go through via Delaware River liridge route, changing cars at Ii road Street Station. PEARLY FORI HITS HIS LIFE. A runaway almost ending fatal, started a horriblo ulcer on the leg of .1. B. Oruer, Franklin Grove, 111. Kor four years It defied all d ctors and all i omodies. But Bucklen'ri Aruica Salvo had no trouble tocurehun. Equally good for burr.s, bruises, skin erup tions und piles. 2rc at Trout's drug store. i Tim fanMM thtl Perfect satisfaction is one thinir we do Gettysburg, Pa. CITY HOTEL. (One square from either depot. ) Acvominodiitions for 250. Motes SI .50 to $2.50 per Kay. BOARD BY THE WEEK $7. 8 & S10 Hot Cold Eiatli, Electric Light. Gttm,, Steam Heat de Call Bella. JOHN E. HUGHES, Prop. We ?nu Klvu you liny kind ff a currlut-e de-siix-d ovpi' the lliittlclteld. I Free llus to und from all truinn. Pof ,st NBt- Bauk of Oettysburi?, v"1 BnidMreet n uud Ouuo'n. REDUCTION In Prices OR ALL My Spring & Summer Goods, The weather has lieen cool most all Uiis spring ami summer, and as a re sult. 1 have left on my hands some choice huts which would have other wise been sold. IT IS YOUR GAIN, as T am (joing to close these goods o-t possitively at cost prices. This means a tfreat saving to you. Take advantage of it. Maye Johnston, MILLINER W.H.NESBIT SELLS MACHINE OILS from 20 cents to 60 cents a gal lon. Don't be deceived no body will sell you a 60-cent oil for 25 cents. Mower ov Sections and guards for all kinds of machines at prices lower than you have ever heard. BINDERS on hand; Binder twine, Horse Rakes in fact farmer's should miienibor if they waut any thing in tho machinery line that I can help them if anybody can. W. H. NHSBIT, M'Connellsburg 4r BO YEARS' rl .O DC8IGN8 ' rrttt Copviiiomts &e. Anyone n11ng sketch and dMortntlott mmf quickly utwrtntti our opinion 1r wfiuiiipr mu tiivAtittou Is probably pMtcnUtbln. ('miitinniirit. tbmtfttrictlroonbdentlaJ. Ituudbonkon I'ntnnU em True. uini i aiftmcf fur Hcuniiir iMtumui. DnrUUnoiU4, without lnti)ta iMken UiruuKh Mumi A La, Ncolri noub uimrvo. iu idu scientific American. A htixlfometr jI1dBtrmt) WMklf I.nriiet dr. tiiluLlDii of nf l0iiUlln liurnia. 1'rui. U fr; four muni be, $L 0ol4bjr newadbaleni. IWUNN & Co.86,Br-'- New Tort Mrucii Ottlus. m r W WuliUwIuu. It. U por Sal ttfc'i'iout,' druji ujro. M)(Q. Don't Walk when you can buy a beautiful buggv lor $45 worth $65. Three-seated Hand Made Spring Wagon, with top and brakes, 18-spoke wheel, war ranted for 2 vears, $85; regular price Hand built buggies, 18-spokes, warranted 2 years, 36 7. 50; regular price $85- S in f P o P CI t'a I have contracted for 200 tons "g" grade fertilizer for fall seeding which I will sell at prices so low as as to leave completion out of the question. Remember! you get no old re-sacked goods, but nice lresh goods in new sacks. A good stock of Bran, Corn, Chop and Flour in my ware rooms at all times and at lowest prices. I keep any thing you want to eat, feed, wear or use, at prices that will save you from 15 to 40 per cent. CLAY PARK, Three Springs, Pa. m6 J. K. JOHNSTON Ready with Spring and Summer Goods. a, a, a "V" TT . All are invited to come and inspect the pretty lines. See Our Spring Clothing-fresh, up-to-date styles for men and boys. Large selection of separate Dress Pants. The best o()c Overall, in blue and stripes. We are proud ot our new lines of Shoes, both -for dress and every day wear. beautiful assortment of Dress Shirts ; also Work shirtsbought before the advance. The finest line of Mercerized Shirtwaist Pat terns we have ever had ; also Percales, Lawns, Dim ities, etc. see our new straw Hats before you get one. Straw matting from 10 to 30c a yard. Felt window shades Sc. Oil window shades 20c. UUUU VALUES. corVe't-s. LOW rnlLES Jas. G. Turner gv Co. This week we are showing some seasonable Dress Goods that are crisp, clean, light and airy. We have an immense variety and want you to call and see them. -: WALKING SKIRTS, :- A nice assortment of Wash Skirts in Bluck and Blue Polka Dot. White in P. K. India Linon and Linen. Our "Bert Skirts" is one of the "nest," istailo made and nicely trimmed. We have a large stock of these Skirts at all times and also take measures aud insure a perfect lit. For Ladles, Harnslmrg We positively guarantee every pair of those shoes to give perfect satisfaction. The "Long Wearer," the "Populars" and the Czarina are well known, try (hem - and you will want them at sin. -: American Beauty Corsets, :- Are worn by more American women to day than any other Coret made, the main feiitnres ol every Corset . are Fit, Workmanship, and M. li en( h one I guar anteed to give satisfaction, price 00c to 1.25. Lowest Prices on Millinery. New Collars and Belts For Ladies. Jjnes (. TViat Go DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT TW 11.00 kotttaaonUlM Vii llnlh trial . wktca Mil (or 10 MO, raaMsan mlt at ths umwm or tL C. ICityiTT COtf PAWT, CHICAGO, XLX, 'TP i da J. K. JOHNSTON, McConnellsburg, Pa; ft SnoBs For Children, ti CURE