w ft" . v. IA Jtt ietm fefeo Larr H,W JtV & ;,ol( "f rrc cms, uly) .lacj. s in tithi ig bet Thr Lk i tl. T. I ays? rfut imitf It c ; imc Tb Lie ' d i .' rat v ent The r in ti" Vith npin red -ialr if t) aid. r h. d fo t MS' ind 'j rtnpf. Th. rrnrc If'tlR r w- apar rtmt: ind Crfu bat 1' lis t ity 1 Bt re at. ie m " arerr. re itl apanl .? I f del C LiciL. atch f -1 ro . icks f if.nn "ThtV "Thi y hot "Ou 'tre a. i Uled cj Ji u s inl fwr A ortedfi reat 1 The! Icner imrni lumrian tr It is prt era to t' toesRel'r Kuropatr General 0 the Er 1 recor otrth a panes, re to t birteen -rem w( anere -i ranspo ,1 , "!! ial at w : Washing Jrlited S ssurd f 1 he Uni if petr. mi roc The f t.337 nainut 7I.I7,0l- - '. fomia increa: fs, while thi :rt-ed over 1 The prodf 457 ." xuinds I The (, litomin led at imotint y thar ralue - he total p icd at $52 , T Washing!.' lurry call io mostly eyprt, retary Murf'' Committiop idea tb' . piling a1 )oet it, lh.4 if the cast 1 he cor, Iran si (00,000 t J' v.. t. carry 4 A merit' 'acine n I -would. ( rnpa; rroit the 1 1 Creek- .. ' Jed S 1 mill o j tUe cap FULTON COUNTY NEWS. Published livery Thursday. B. W. J'hiCK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSliURG. PA. AUGUST 10, 1904, Published Weekly. 51.00 per Annum in Advance. ADVKRTIMNU IIATISH. Per square of lines 8 time II 50. Per suuiire each auWquent Insertion.... SO. All advertisements Inserted for less than three months churned by the square. 3 m.s. rtmos. I I jr. One-fourth column.. One-hulf column One Column .Iis.no. . iv. .. 40.00. 130.00. 40(H). MOO. UO.OO 50.00 75.00 Nothing Inserted for less than II I'rufessiooal Cards one Tear It NUEDMORE. Mr. E. N. Palmer, the marble dealer of Everett, spout a few days with his brother Thos. II. Palmer last week. Eld John E. (lore, of Brown town, Va., was the guest of Dr. Mellott last Friday night. Jonas Mellott is building a new house. Andy is foreman of the work. Eli andT.W.Peck made a trip to Emmaville last Sunday. They drove their "flying Jinny." Prof. B. N. Palmer found a tur tle last week that had been mark ed by Dr. M. T. Belden thirty-one years ago. We presu me this was 111 the days when "Milt" was swinging the "Mow-hook." .Our new mail man Mr. Lewis Harris, had quite a thrilling ex perience on oneof his early drives. While conveying a 300-lb woman from Hancock in the hack, and unking a distribution of the mail along the routes.thehorse became frightened and Mr. Harris and the fair passenger lost their equi lionum (if they had any). The mail sack, cushions and contents of the lady's satchel, were strewn &!o:i the road for a distance of two miles. The strange feature ot the case was, that Mr. Harris hoo!;ed the umbrella on the back pirt of the buggy as a sort of parachute to impede the progress of the flying steed. When he got ho ne he had a distracted look, his hiir was disarranged, and his collar and tie gone, tie called his friend, B. N. Palmer, aside, relat ed his troubles, and asked him about a life insurance policy. Don't talk so loud next time, boys. DeWitt is ti'e Name. When you go to buy Witch Haz el Salve look for the name DeWitt 011 every box. The pure unadult erated Witch Hazel is used in making DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which is tru best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruis c, boils, eczema and piles. The popularity of DeWitt's Witch IIuz el S.ilve, due to its many cures, hus caused numerous worthless counterfeits to be placed on the market. The genuiue bears the uaino E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chica go. Sold at Trout's drug store. BHL'SH CREEK. Campmeetiug time will soon be hero. Misses Grace and Amy Lodge , spent last Suuday afternoon with (Jen. Hixson's family. John 3mith, Jr., wife and chil dr u snent last Sunday in Whips Cove. Mhs Ola Ilixson, of Akersville, ppout last Saturday afternoon with her cousins, Clara and Ira Ilixson. II. N. Barton and family, John D. Smith and daughter. Miss Grace, Boss Jackson, Walter Smith and Mrs. Sarah Barton all sicnt last Sunday afternoon wil'.i M. E. Barton and family. Hunter Jackson of Akersville, spent last Sunday with his sister Mrs. E. E. Akers of Crystal Sprii.g'-. Jolu IJixson of Akersville, was vUitiug his sister, Mrs. Lizzie McKibbiu, laist Saturday evening. Watsou Plessinger of Whips Cove, was calling ou J. 0. Smith und family last Saturday evening. C. A Barton of Aknrvill, spont last Saturday night with Piper Barton at Emmaville. ConKumption Threatened. C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Cham aign, 111., writes: "I was trou bled with a hacking cough for a year und I thought I had on sum pi ion. I tried a great many remedies and was under the care of physicians for several months. I used one bottle of Foley ' Hom y cud Tar. It cured me, and I lnv not been troubled since." S .hl a'. '" rout' drug store. WEST DUBLIN. Last Saturday about sixty of Joseph Laidig's neighbors us Rcmhled and assisied him toraiso his new barn 'Slixfi feet. Every thing went together nicely, and by 12 o'clock the rafters were on, after which all persotis present partook of a good dinner which was prepared for them. Nina Kirk, whose illuoss wo noted some timo ago, is, wo re gret to say no better. Mrs. Hiram Laidig and little sou are on the sick list. liev. Salter preached a forceful sermon at Fairview last Sunday, taking for his text, "Do thyself no harm." Some of our people attended the picnic at Shade Gap last Sat urday. Isaiah Kline, Benjamin Desh oug and Thomas Eusley of Salu via, attended preaching at Pair view last Sunday. Lloyd Price spent a few days last week with his father at Kear ney helping to pull coke. John Price and sons John and Edwin of New York, spent a few days with his brother Frank Price last week. J. E. Lyon accompanied his sis-, ter, Mrs. Etta Patterson to Yel low Creek, Bedford county, last Sunday. Ross King while employed at Kearney, had the misfortune to have a car fall agains his knee, putting him out of employment for a few weeks. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stevens of Laidig, died last week. Escaped an Awful Fate. Mr. II. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla., writes, "My doctor told me I had consumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given up to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, induced me to try it. Results were startling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe all to Dr. Kiug's New Discovery. It surely saved my life." This great care is guaran teed for all throat and lung dis eases by Trout's drug store. Price uOc and 1.00. Trial bottle free. Sold at Trout's drug store. IIUSTONTOWN. Mrs. Charley Campbell is visit ing friends in this place. Miss Mollie Ileefner is on the sick list. William Summers and wife are visiting friend.j in Maryland. Emanuel Sipes' son John is go ing to help James Car mack farm. Emanuel Sipes visited in the family of David Forner last Sun day. A couple of our town's ladies went huckleberrying the other day with good success. Rev. B. A. Salter preached a very able and forceful sermon last Sunday night from the text Do thyselt no harm. During his discourse, he took occasion to bit terly assail Bishop Henry C. Pot ter, who too part m the dedica tion of the Subway salooa in New York city onTuesday of last week. His sermon from start to finish was a mass of "hot shot," which he did not fail to send home with all the force at his command. It was made up of facts and to the point. The Rev., gentleman should be commended for his courage. Samuel Moore and wife, of Pit cairn, Pa., spent the latter part of last week as the guests of Nor man E. Laidig. B. H. Shaw spent several days last week in Altoona. Dr. H. C. McClaiu was rusticat ing a few days last week in Atlan tic City. A party of our young folks from town spent Friday evening at the hospitable home of W. R. Sjeer at Salu via. Will Laidig and Walter Mum ma of Jeannett, Pa., arrived home on Saturday night to speud their va cation at their respective homes. Miss Lois Irwin, of Washing ton, D. C, and Frank and Miss Bessie Irwin, of McConuellsburg, were calling on friends in this place last Monday morning. The deadlock which had existed several weeks in the Bedford school board over the election of a principal, has at last been brok - en by the re election of Pro!. D. C. Stunkard, who has been In the Bedford schools during the past ten years. There was a disposi tion upon the part of three mem bers of the board this year to make a change. CLEAR RIDOE. Mrs. J. P. Kerlin and Hon, John Vernon, spent last week with liar daughter, Mrs. Bert Henry, near Knobsville. Mr. Ephraim Anderson spent Sunday with Geo. Taylor and wife. Mrs. J. I). Stevens, daughter Mertic, and son Leon, of Ft. Lit tleton, spent Sunday with the widow Fields and family. Mrs. Jennie Lamberson and Miss Sadie Fields, of Ilustontown, spent Sunday with the family of J. II. Fields. Miss Minnie Grove spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Clyde Ilockenberry, of Three Springs. Bert Winegnrdnor, Chas. Hus ton, Clarence Shore; Robert, Braidy,and John Fleming; Walter Brown, Milton Stinson, Arthur Kerlin, J. II. Baker, G. C. Fields, Mrs. J. W. Mowers, Misses Lulu Brown, Louie Kerlin, Minnie Grove, Ada and Lillian Fleming and Sadie Wilson were a crowd of young people who attended the picnic at Shade Gap last Saturday, W. A. Baker and sister Elsie, spent Sunday with the family of Grant Baker, at Knobsville. Henry Wilson is building a new dwelling house. Mrs. J. A. Henry and son Mer t il are visiting friends at Hunting don and Six Mile Run this week. Michael Detwiler is all smiles, as it is a "dishwasher." Mrs. Jacob Winegardner and daughters Goldie and Inez were guests of Howard Denisar's fami ly on Sunday. Mrs. James Lamberson and Sal ly Fields were guests of J. II. Fields Sunday. Howard Kerlin is going to farm for James II. Felds in the near fu ture. Miss Bess, Lois and Frank Ir win, of McConnellsburg, spent a few days visiting the Huston fain- iiy- Brady Fleming is going to farm for' II. T. lleeter this summer. Our baseball team played the Shade Gap nine on the hitters' grounds last Saturday. Our Iwys played fine ball until the fifth in ning, when they were struck hard by the other team, making five runs. The game ended with a score of 4 to 5, in favor of Shade (iap. Our boys speak well of the treatment they received and say the Shade Gap team is composed of perfect gentlemen. A Sweet Brealb is a never failing sign of a healthy stomach. When the breath is bad the stomach is out of order. There is no remedy in the world equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for curiDg indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White Plains, Ky., writes: "I have been a dys peptic for years: tried all kinds of remedies butcontinued to grow worse. By the use of Kodol I be gan to improve at once, and after taking a few bottles am fully re stored in weight, health and strength and can eat whatever I like." Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold at Trout's drug store. THOMPSON. There is tine prospect for a large yield of buckwheat this season, and an unusually large acreage under cultivation. The new Christian church, built at the old Union Grave ard near George Winters' property, and called "Damascus," will be dedicated on the 4th of Septem ber. Several ministers from a distance are expected to take part m the ceremonies. Dennis Everts' son. Foster, is quite ill. Miss Orpha Kendall is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J, C. Comerer. Three new store buildings will be erected in this township this tall one for Dennis Everts, one for Joseph H. Covalt and one for G. W. Bishop. Belter Thaa Gold. "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion jand nervous debility," writes F. J. Green, ol Lancaster, N. H. "No remedy helped me until I be gan using Electric Bitters, widen did me more good than all the ; medicines I ever used. They have also kept my vlfe in excellent health fur years. She says that 1 Electric Bitters are just splendid j for female troubles; that they are J a grand tonic and invigorator for ' weak run down women. Nooth- er medicine can take its place iu our family." Try them. Ouiy 'iOc, Satisfaction guarat.teud y Trout's drug store. OEM. Ervin B. Fisher and wife 'of Hancock, were among old friends near Gem last week, traveling in their uew auto. W. H. Peck and son Raymond made a business trip to Franklin Mills last Thursday. W. F. Bart, mother and daugh ter of .Needmore, and Miss Olive Hess of Philadelphia, were visit- iug Mrs. J. A. Snyder last Fri day. Prof. B. N. Palmer of Need more, spent last Suuday evening very pleasantly at William McEl downey's. Miss Pearl Garland was the guest of Miss Lyda Peck last Sunday. Levi Mellott and Logue Wink had fishermen's luck last Satur day. In the wee small houis last Monday morning David Uarr got excited over what he supposed to be a Jack-o' lautern and after close scenting discovered it was a man on a wheel. G. J. Mellott and family were visiting David Hill's family Sun day. N. H. Evans is having a well drilled. Rev. J. C. Garland will preach in the Hall at Gem, August 14th at 3 o'clock p. m. A Physician Healed. Dr. Geo. Ewing, a practicing physician of Smith's Grove, Ky., for over thirty years, writes his personal experience with Foley's Kidney Cure: "For years I had been greatly bothered with kid ney and bladder trouble and en larged prostrate gland. 1 used everything known to the profes sion without relief, until I com menced to use Foley's Kidney Cure. After taking three bottles I was entirely relieved and cured. I prescribe it now daily in my practice and heartily recommend its use to all physicians for such trouble. 1 have prescribed it in hundreds of cases with perfect success." Sold at Trout's drug store. 0KBIS0NIA, 5; CLEAR RIDGE, 4. Clear Ridge, August h. Last Saturday our boys went down to Shade Gap and crossed bats with the Orbisonia boys. Bard of the Shirleysburg team did the pitch ing for Orbisonia, and Huston did the pitching for our boys. It was a regular pitcher's battle: but in the fifth' iumug the game went Orbisonia's way and our boys could not regain it. Orbisonia, 00005000 X 3 Clear Ridge 0 1 1 10 10 0 04 PICNIC AND LECTURE. There will be a Sunday school picnic at Antioch on Saturday, August 20th. Everybody invit ed. Rev. Dumville and several other g(K)d speakers will be pres ent, and there will also be recita tions and plenty of good music. In the evening of the same day, l!ev. Dumville, will deliver his popular lecture, "Kick Him on the Sinus." Rev. Dumville is a fine pulpit orator, and his lecture is exceptionally fine. Let every one who has opportunity, attend. Tickets will be on sale at Sharpo's store, and at the postofflces at Co valt, Dickeys Mountain and Plum Run. MARRIED. At the Washington House Tues day, August 9, 1904, Mr. Robert D. Wible of Selea, Pa., and Miss Laura Benson ol Hubblesville, Pa., were united in marriage by Rev. J. V. Adams. KILLthe cough and CURE THE LUNGS Dr. King's WITH Now Discovery forC 0NSUMPTI0N Price OUGHSand 50c ft. $1.00 OLDS Fret Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. KIDNEY DISEASES re the cases. most fatal of all dis Cm CY'O KIDNEY CURE It I or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRJCB50a.atUSI.Mt For Sd- ut Trout's Dru Store MILLINERY. We will sell from now until the 30th of July, all .mil linery goods below cost. If you want bargains, come in, as our store will be closed from the 1st of August un til the 1st of September one month. Every thing re duced to half price. Wrap pers at 40c; sun bonnets, 10 and 15c; all-over laces was 70, now 35c; children's leg horn hats was 50, now 25c. Ladies' hats was 80, now 40 cents; bead trimming 5c yd. Children's hose 5c pair. All flowers reduced to half price, Store opposite the po-tofFice. Mrs. A. F. Little, McConnellsburK. 3fr ORCHARD 6R0VE F PRICES. nutter, 1": Kjzps, 1(1. Glass Jars Pints 4.1 cents, Quarts 48 " Half Gallon (15 " No. 1 Harness complete, nickle trim' minr, collar and liuines $10.50, Harness Collars, Team Collars, best. Team Collars, tick face, Peruott Paine's Celery Compound Electric Bitters 5c. S2.25. $1.00. 85c. 85c. 45c. 10 to 50c 11). 5 and 10c lt. 5 and 8c tti. 5 and 0c. 35c gal. 22c. l:io. 20c. 15c. 12c. 10c. Baking Powder Baking Powder Baking Soda Sui;ar Best Harvester oil Second rade Pound puckage, coffee Loose coffee W. L. BERKSTRESSER, Manager. M'CONNELLSUUKG BAKERY .RAY & KEYSER Proprietors Successors to D. E. Little Bread, Rolls, and Cakes. Delivery on Mondays, Tues cays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. All kinds of cakes furnUhed on short notice. SANNER RAY, Manager. S. R. CROMER, Tinner, Fort Littleton, Pa. Handles the GREENCASTLE Ratchet Pump AND THU PITTSBURG Ratchet Pump Galvanized Spouting 5 c a foot. Easy and Quick! . ' Soap-Making with BANNER LYE To make the very best soap, timply dissolve a can of Banner Ly in cold water, melt lbt. of grease, pour the Lye water in the grease. Stir and put aside to set Pull Direction ea Bvery Package Banner Ly is pulverized. The can may be opened and closed at will, per mitting the use of a small quantity at a time. It is just the article needed in every household. It will clean paint, floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. Write for booklet "Uset of Bann Lye" free.. The Pea CtmaOeal Wert. PJU4el4Ua DelVIH's HS Oalvo For PlSest Burns, Sort. I ' W THE FULTON ft 1 COUNTY $5 Inews t Covers the Field. In every part of the County faithful re porters are located that gather the daily happenings. Then there' is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Farmer and Mechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The Jatest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Markets. The Sun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian Endeavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. THE JOB DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. SALE BILLS, POSTERS, LETTER HEADS, KYELOPES, CARDS, &C, In fact anything and everything in the best style along that line. Sample copies of the News sent iuny of your friends cn request. X 4 X : x i i i i: X x ; CUMBERLAND VALLKY TIME TABLr! May 29, 1904. Leave no. n uu uu. 0 uo. If no. 10 no 'A. U tA. U tA. M P. M tP. M P. H wiDohenter 7 .... i (JO A 30 MarllnHburir B 10 8 4? 1 14 IlttKerelowo .... i S 6ri t 17 I3H 8 00 10 10 tireenoa.itle .... r 03 D 10 12 3D S 50 8 itl 10 31 MercereburK H Ou 10 80 8 20 .... Cbamberaourv.. T M 9 40 1 00 4 C78 45 10 54 WayneHboro 7 Oil 12 00 S 2 .... Shlppeimburg... 7 49 IA 00 1 1 4 47 9 OA II 18 New vllle 8 07 10 IB 141 B OH 9 4 It S7 CaillNle 8 rx 10 DO 08 IS Si 9 45 12 02 Mecbanioabury,. 8 4H 11 00 t 23 5 56 10 07 12 81 Lrillkburv 10 10 6 23..... Ait, Hurrlsburg. 9 05 II 20 t 40 ( 15 10 25 It 40 Ait. Pblla II4B 8 17 I 47 8 50 4 23 4 28 Arr. New York. n 5 53 8 OH II 23 7 13 7 18 Ait. Baltimore.. 12 15. In eoo 94M 120 7 16 P. JM P. M. P. M. P. U. A. M. A. M Trulo No. 1 rant rum dally eiorpt Sunday between HauerNtown and Marrlnburir. luavinu Hiigermown (.05 and arriving at Harrlaburg at U. 3U. Additional eat-bound looal trains will run dully, except Sunday, aa follow.: Leave Carllale 7.05 a. m., 12.30 p. m. 8.16 p.m., leave jMcuuauiuvuura o.ot a. in., f.sv a. m.. is.es p. m. 8.30 p. iu. Leave DIINburg 6.85 a. a., 10.00 a. Trains No. '.( and 110 run dally between Ha gemiowu ana uarruDurg. imuy. t Dally except Sunday. Leave no. lino. no. lino. 7ino. B 109 P.M Baltimore New York Hhlla Harrl.burg UlllHburK Meobuniuaburg.. Carllale Newvllle Hlilppenaburg... Waynettboro.... Cbaniberaburg.. Mercenburtr.. . AH A. HI A. If 11 55 1 56 4 44 12 10 4 25 7 8 50 8 66 12 00 P.M 8 30 6 55 8 25 8 56 It 40 8 44) II 46 II 40 too 1 20 4 02 8 87 8 67 4 16 4 It) 6 5H 4 62 t 4" t It) 6 87 a 2i T 10 II U6 ft 10 t 40 8 15 12 03 12 24 12 4M I Oil II 28 II 42 8 37 9 00 9 18 6 01 S 20 12 OS 12 18 18 88 It 68 10 8U I 00 40 9 3D 10 30 I 27 10 00 8 15 7 05 Greenuu.tle .... 10 01 1 60 t 10 Hageratown.... Martina burg Ar. Wlnobealor. 7 27 10 22 11 10 II 56 8 24 1 16 9 10 A. m A. M P. M. P. M. I p. m.Ia.m Train No. 17 weal runa daily except Bnnday uovwceu narnaourg ana nageretown. leaV' ing Harrlaburg at 6. It p.m. and arriving at Ha uuratown at 7.57 D. m. Additional local trains wUl leave Harrlaburt lollowa: For Carllale and Intermediate eta. 'n ai 9.87 a. m.. 2.00 p. m. and 8.30 p. m., alao nir aiccnauioeuurg. uninuurg ana intermeaiali iHi!onaet7 80. m., 8. 10 p. m. and 6.80 p. m. Trains No. I, 8 and low run dally betweei i.rniDiin .uu n.R.niuiwii. Pullman palace aleeplng oara between Ne York and Knoivtlle. Venn., on trains I we xnil 110 east and between Phlladelpti anC iinwuuji, bl vv. nuiw.y up .rains iuw west suu is eaai, except tnat on tsuncay tne t'nlia iMime aieeper wiu run east on no. x. Through eoaohea to and (rum Pblladelphl Iu trains 8 and 4 east and T and 9 weak Dally. t IMIly except Sunday. HOUTHKKN HKNN A K. K. TKA1NH. t'M' Pas. Mix. tfll A St Pas. Mix. m A H II 50 M7 468 P. M A M Lve. Arr. Cuambersburg.. Marlon ..Meroersburf.. Loudon ....tUchoiond..., 14 A w 6 HO 9 46 8 65 P. M 8 45 8 83 8 00 7 to T80 t I i 16 8 M 9 67 t 14 II 82 6 4K OH 6 16 10 80 10 6H 11 05 8 16 8 60 906 10 A I tl 9 42 9 80 P X A. M A. M 'A. M M H O. KKNNKUY, UEO. W. MAHT1N Vice Pres. (len. Supt. hupl n. a. luutiuc ueu I'aae. Agent CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS nf. Alw". Mabi... nail r. salt riHirvIM nn 4 .114 IISMI Kit S) .. Llsll ii. U. J ur 14. 14 I'mImi.M) Ihjs,. m44,i .111, Mb nboul, I rtS. h. atllitr. Hviumm M.-r. uS4l iiImus4 Inll.Uaa.. I' l I mnri l mihI Ir. In M..niM Uit Purf4r4 .fwf all 'I.MslNla Slirl m t...- I,,. , fl f,MrW Mttil. le.IMM iV-MlHM-llUI. W Iu yl4Vru4tf,s. ., cuichumtbh rT-.amijAT. ft. IU4) .uataUa... SMUl.n. I' I . LJk., tA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BARBER). R. M. DOWNES, First Class ' Tonsorial Artist, McCONNKLLSBURU, PA. A Clean Cup and Towel with each Snavp. Kverythlng Antiseptic Kazora Sterilized. SsTShop In room lately oooupledby Ed Brake ISAAC IN. WATSON, Tonsorial Artist. Strfotlv un tn date In all stvlM nf hail nut. ting. Quick, easy shaven, bay-rum, Creams Witch-hazel, without extra charge. Freah towel to each customer. Latest Improved up, iaratus ror sterilising tools. Parlors opposite "ullon House. LAWYERS. M. R. SHAFFNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Square, McConnellsburg, Pa. All legal business and collections entrusted will eoelve careful and prompt attention. CUt'KCUES. Presbyterian. Kev. W. a. Wpt. D. D.. Pastor. Preachtno- anrviiwa each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. and everv Sundav even In r at 7:00. Services at Green Hill on alternate Sabbaths at 10:30 a m. SnVihnth school at 9:15. junior Christian En deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor at 6:00. Praver mnntlnir Worlneadav evening at 7:00. Methodist Episcopal Rev. J. V. Adams, Pastor, Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching; every other Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth League at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:00. United Presbyterian Kev. J. L. Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday . evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath evenings are used by the Young Peo ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. .V A NGELio Aia L.TJTHERAN Rev. A. G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 9:15 a. m. Preachincr everv other Sundav morning at 10:30 and every other Sun day evening at 7:00. Christian En deavor at 6:00 n. m. Pro vox mut lnii on Wednesday evening at 7:00. Reformed Rev. C. M. Smith, Pas- 1.AP. Rtinrlnv anVinnl at. n m Preaching oa alternate Sabbaths at iv.w a. ut. nuu iw p. in, jnriswan Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00. TERMS OF COURT. The first term of the Courts of Ful ton county in the year shall commence on the Tuesday following the second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m. The second term commences on the third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock p. m. The third term on the Tuesday next following the second Monday of June, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on the first Monday f October, at 2 o'clock p. m. BOROCGH OFFICERS. Justice of the Peace Thomas F. Sloan, L. H. Wible. Constable John H. Doyle. Burgess H. W. Scott. Councllmen D. T. Fields, Leonard LTohman, Samuel Bender.M. W. Nace. Clerk William Hull. HighConstable Wra.Baumgardner. School Directors A. U. Nace. John A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M. Taylor, John Comerer, C. B. Stevens. GENERAL DIRECTORY. President Judge Hon S.Mc. Swqpe. Associate Judges Lemuel Kirk, Da vid Nelson. Prothonotary, &c Geo. A. Harris. District Attorney Genrtre B. Dan iels. Treasurer George B. Mellott. Sheriff Daniel C. Fleelc. Deputy Sheriff D. T. Fields. Jury Commissioners C. H. E. Plum mer, Anthony Lynch. Auditors John S. Harris, W. C. Davis. S L. Garland. Commissioners S. D. Mellott, Geo. Slyel, and H. P. Palmer. Clerk Frank Heury. County Surveyor Jonas Lake. County Superintendent thai lei E. Barton. Attorneys W. Scott Alexander, J. Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sluan, F. McN Johnston, M. K. Sliafi"n4-r, Geo. B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, t. W. Kirk. ' SOCIETIES Odd Fellows M'CotinellsburgLiHlve No. 744 meets every Friday ev-nlni In tne Comerer Building in McConnells burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 mmti every Saturday evening In the Cron r building at Fori Littleton. Wells Valley I.odie No. 607 mwt every Km inhiy evening u odd r. lows' Hall at Wells Tannery. Harrlsonville lidge No. 701 mts every Saturday evening in Odd rel- ' lows' Hall st IlaiTixoiivllle. Waterfall llie No. 77.1 meet! f v. ery Saturday evening lu Old Fellows' -Hall at Warfitll Mills. WarfordHburg Ixidie No. 4101 nwn in WHrfordsbiit'g every Salon' y evening. Kmc Pout (i. A. R. No. Sfift mm In MH 'omiHMitirir In Oild Fellows' Hall . tde Him Sktuidav.in every month at 1 1 . in. KovhI An kiiuiii.'I ii-sr,v Council, No. i-,.l, oioi.is .n nln iiiHie Motility , evei,iniM n r (i, h. o a. IUII, m Mt'diiiiinlUliiiry. Wasilnir4in l'mi No. 47. P. O. A., Nhv i i-rn-vtit, meets ever) Sii'. urduv vtei'tnu in M, it. H. -f A.'Hut. WnslilngViti No. ,V4, P. of A., r.jit., ii, ni4Hiaevet't (nr. urikv eveninn ii, P. (. s. nf a. Hl, .lolm n. Tsvtor O. A. !;., St. iim'his fv r ..inu-.isv, r.i orji-.f" prweilli.tf lu'l iim. on In t.M.lilty hall,' at 2 p. in., Hi ' V'f. Wtithan's IV I ft 'orp.vNn. SO 'tie-M ttl iiiii. ls', ami iliii4' ivt 4 i, n,, .it'll. I. I. Mi-K M.ii r'osl No H;2, t. A.. mxs-4.iI. 4,-oiul and (oVrh 'ntni'ilavs iu fm-U ih iiiIIi a -'ii.ssd Klilf -' All I K I hF. IN The Fulton Unt Itii-