INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS Of Locfll mid Gcncrnl Interest, Gathered at Hmnc or Clipped from our Cxdi.-inRC!). CONDl-NSF.D TOR HURRIF.D RF.ADr.RS lsanc N. Watson haa in liisfrnr dun a duuolo t'dw uf pirns oij foet u lonjrtli and !.!io stalks Ui foot in height, with a crop of bnscls and bushels of peas'. Wanted Two jrcod aulesmen who can furnish teams one for Cumberland county and one for Fulton. (Jood wages paid Address A. C. ia:-5 S. Main St., Chum bersburg, Pa. "Edwin, am I the first woman you have ever loved?" she sudden ly asked him when tie was meas uring her finger for the ring. "Yes, Mamie," he blurted out, being somewhat disconcerted; "the others were only girls." A. K. Bass, of Morgan to.wu, Ind., had to get up ten or twelve times m the night, and had a sev ere backache and pains iu the kid neys. Was cured by Foley's Kid ney Cure. Miss Katie S. Fore and her niece, Miss Ivy G. Lamaster, re turned home last Saturday from a three weeks' visit to the St. Lnuis Exposition, and from a vis it among friends in Iowa, Missou ri, Illinois and Ohio. They had a very enjoyable time. A new fly, termed the sawfly, has made its appearance in great numbers 1:1 the eastern part of the state and is threatening to destroy the berry crop. The new insect, which closely resembles a fly, has a saw-shaped bill, with winch it attacks the steins of the berries, completely severiug them lrom the plant. The farmers are at a loss to get means for fighting and destroying this insect. At the tentn annual session of the Bedford county Sunday School Association, recently held in Everett, Miss Maud Baumgard nor of Welis Tannery was, among the county ofiicers, elected Pri mary Superintendent, aud was also appointed Delegate-at-Largo to represent the Bedford county Sunday School Association in the Stite Conven tion to be hel l in I Pittsburg next October. "Remember this," said the pri mary school teacher," "a subject takes a plural verb a girl is, a boy is, girls are, boys are. Now, do you understand?" . Every hand was raised in assent. "Well, thou, who will give a sen WEST DUBLIN. T)nr;i Npork and Emma Laidig of llustontown, S i nday at J. E Lyon's. (! II King and family spent! last week visitiiv friends and rel atives in Altoot 1.. C. Tvodkay of Altoona, visited at J. A. Shaw's last week. Jacob Strait of llustontown, is helping his son, Samuel, to har vest this week. Albert Mellott of Belfast, stop ped at Hiram Clevenger's over Sunday and attended church at Fairview. James Cilhland of Pittsburg, Is visiting friends and relatives iu this vicinity. D. D. Deshong, Jr., of Licking Creek who has been elected to teach the Sandy Run school in Broad top township, Bedford county, for a third term, passed through hero last Wednesday to attend the wedding of his brother, J, A. Deshong. Last Friday night there was a very heavy fall of rain in this vi cinity, creeks and runs being over their banks aud fields washed. fa OOOOOOOOOC OO 0COOOOOOCOOOOXOOOXXO 5 ES8NB R No. I. NEED A THIMBLE ? Number one will co,t yon llliy unit, und Ninnlmr two wo soil for ony tlollur anil twchty-llvi' cents. Wo will onjjrave your initials nn either one free. These lire our host .selling Thimbles, are solid silver, and very heavy. Number two Is twice as heavy as Number ono. Send for fine otnio if yon are nut pleased we will return your money. Spring Announcement j we now have in our sdii nsr nru: 01 1 will do vou rood to see. We think it tl Men's, Boys and Youths' Suits, which it -ic liest Spring Line we have ever had all made in the best wav, and WM. H. LUDWIG, Jeweler and Silversmith, ChambcrsburK, Pa. Strictly Up-to-date Treat Your Kldncyi lor Rheumatism. When you are suffering from rheumatism, the kidneys must be attended to at once so that they will eliminate the uric acid from the blood. Foley.s Kidney Cure is the most effective remedy for this purpose. II. T. Hopkins, of Polar, Wis., says, "After un successfully doctoring three years for rheumatism with the .best doctors, I tried Foley's Kid ney Cure and it cured me. Ican not speak too highly of this great medicine." Sold atTrout's Drug Store. PHILADELPHIA. July 6. In glancing over the columus of tho Fulton County News, which I have read with great iuterestf every week since 1 left Fultou couuty last Septem ber, I noticed several items con cerning 4th of July, so I shall write a few words concerning the day here. Promptly at twelve o'clock ' Suuday night the City was ouo continuous noise from tho report of fire works of all kinds lasting until lato Monday night, causiug tho street to be al most covered in places with pap er. The display of tire works at night was something grand, as it 1 was a lovely evening. At ten o'clock a. m. I attended services in Independence Square ou Oih and Chestnut Sts., where about uOUO had assembled. .The first was the tolling of tho bell ou the State House 128 times. My 7. 1 ,4 GOOD VALUES. corMm.. LOW PRICES. J as- G. Turner gv Co. 'fills week we are shnwiiijr some seasonable Drees (ioods that are erisp, eleun. lijrht and airv. We have an immense variety and want vou to cull and see them. -: WALKING SKIRTS,: A nlee assortment of Wash Skirls in ISIaek and lilue Polka Dot. Whitp in P. IC. India IJnon and Linen. Our "Hert Skiits" is ono of tho "best," istailo made and niicly trimmed. We have a lurjie stock of Skirts at'all times and also take measures and insure a nerfeet lit. For TT OlmoM For The Prices are just all riyli t and as low as anyone can veil equal quality for We want to call .special attenii jn to our jIk:; ol' 1 I IS ! Ladies, m sum Children, We positively guarantee) every pair of these shoe- to yive perfect satisfaction. The "l-onir Wi'iuvr," the Populnrs" and the Czarina are well known, trv them and you will want them uf ttin. : American Beauty Corsets, : Are worn by more American women to-day than any other t'or, t made, the main features of every Comet are Fit, Workmanship, and Style, inch one is guar anteed to rive satisfaction, price 0e to $ 1.2.1. LoweEt Prices on Millinery. New Collars and Belts Tor Ladies. Jqiqos i. Ttit'nci' tS: Go., ljqticool',, SHOES We have several lit which is larger and better this sprin, .-1- . - 1 1 - - v fit rnrrnrv iiooas unci ;ue than ever before. iold on a Guarantee, 1 1 which means that you are buying a certainty, make you safe, we will sell you a The shoe must be good, or we Wool Carding and Good j vangaroo Calf Shoe For $1 .00, well worth 51.25 ; in fact, shoes at almost anv price. SUMMER DRESS which we want you to see. We have a nice lot of STUFFS Carpet carpet weaving H. H. l.i-nco with girls in the plurali" j niirvl recalled the history of July This time only Din; littl-3 girl: "I j 4, 1770, yhen thoy debated the can givo a souteuco. "Girls, are ! subject of independence and the my hat on straight?" j poom Hashed in mind. Id these days of great progress j There was tumult in the city, aud wonderful discoveries, when j iu that quaint old Quaker town, will the :uan come who will tind a way to graft lemons ou sugar beets and J-hus furnish us a sup ply of ready made lemonade? Or when will that man arise who will graft strawberries on milkweeds and thus grow strawberries and creain? Or wUon will that fellow come forth who das skill enough to changd tho odor of the onion to tho perfume of the rose? All these men willbeg;eat, but great er will be that mar who will graft a i egg plant to a g xiseberry aud thus raise an unh nitod number of geese. WHEN OTHER MEDICOS IIAVB FAILED take Foley's . Kidney Cure. It has cured whe 1 everything Hsp has disappointed. Sold atTrout's Drug Ktore. HERTZLER still continues Carding and Weaving at the WILLOW G!U)VK MII.i.S at I'-iin.t Cabins Carpet Chain always ou hand Wool put luto bats for llaus. I will take in Wool and work at, thf following places, namely, Frank c llni'ivs, Kurt T-iUVtoii: Mii hacl l,:ilili"s. Dublin Mills: W. P. SpetT'n, Suluvia; C. W. Lynch', Crystal tfyruik's; .J K. Juck sim's. Alcersv111i: Caleb Hui'ton'K, Tlustnntown: A. N. Wittor's, Wiiti-i fiill: Harry ifiu.ton's, CIi;ur HUlyo; V. I.. Horkstresser s Oivhurcl Grovo. I Will Visit these places monthly during the season. Thankful for pasl fitvuri. i hopo fur H vont inuante of tlio i.uiuu. H. H. Hertler, Burnt Cabins, Pa. Fair at Clear Ridge. The citizens of Clear Iitdgo are making active preparations to h ivo tho biggest time iu tho his t e-y of their town on Saturday aad .Saturd iy evening July 80th. Able speakers will be present, und thorn will be more fun than .u can shake a slick at j,ig races, sack races, watermelon and pie cnnlosls, base ball, day light rtrewoi Ks, and lots of other ihmgs '! numerous to ineu 1 . V " Take a day otT aud bo on Li 1.. I. W'tiuov"!- tln-y make abovi pr.hg ex'(!itses will go toward tiinCI-:u' li.dL'e Cinict. IJiind. and tho streets were rife with people pacing restless up and dowu, etc. So at Liberty Cradle I spent my first Fourth. If it were not for the space it would take, I should like to give you a detailed description of what occurred. I have been at a great many of the places of interest since I caino here during my spare time have been at many of the parks of the city which are full of inter est and beauty. 1 am attending the Philadelphia College of Horology situated on coruer of Broad and Somerset Streets, a very beautiful part t tho city and it is the best college ot this ki id in existauce, being ao to date in all its branches con sisting of the watch, optical, jew elry and engraving departments, haviug the best instructions mat in be secured, the liuost of the tine; so will say to any one think ing of attendiug a college of this kind, write Prof. F. W. tfehuler, our. piiucipal before selecting a college; and today therein tho I'l-iit''. si demand for uood w.iicu iii.ikiti s t!at ever wi !c jd .vii t.n' fi.iV'n l Hupply. Tln'fi has ocimi nn-rn in'.inn used or exorcised iu the mm'! facture of timepieces than aiy other piece of mechanism in "X- istence, anuas tini'j prorn-i- : ir. will require morn skill to repii. lime pieces as there i."t b -i.i r ruoro kinds put ou in 1. ;.. each year, being more comp'' Pfinchiili for Twenty Years. . .' . r. . 1. r.. Minerva r?miui, 01 villi', 1 I , writes: '! had bronchi 1-4 f,r tAcuty years and never in.t. rel'n-t' until I used Foley's Honey aud Tar which is a core." SoU at Trout's Store. sure Drug en. 1 passed examination in op-, , , a vaua tics some time aro. and am now looking forward to tho time when o .1 whips covu. Tho people in Whips Cove are busy reaping their golden har vest which is a fairly good crop. Thi corn looks well not. to be worked as it f-hould, ou uccount of wet weather. Tho Holds shine green with buclfwheat. Aaron Lay ton, who has been very sick, is improving slowly. Mr. Levi Smith made a Hying trip to Hancock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Alters and Master Lei; were vidting frieues ovor at Sideling Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Hecmr gave an ice creim supper Satm day eveuhig in honor of th"ir s n Charley of Amaranth, at.d lady friend Miss Moor, of ti is place. . Miss Alio- Mellott of A! toon j, has been spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mellott. Miss Milli" Smith is vmplnyed at W. C. Martin's lielping Mis. Martin take euro of her cherii"S. Miss Anna Eog'o of i'ittsiiurg, and Mrs. Lucy Myers are vi.-it-i i f t'lnn iri'tber, Mrs. K'.-becca 13.!.!. W. 'J. Me.Ken a'iJ family spoil Sunday atLoguo Plessmei 's. Levi vVnilor an 1 Dieli' lo horse which n )i' ti ANEi C r.r- r: with fix' r r'?3f U , V il '.V ... W HI W CCMSUI.if-LON OJCflS add Prico DOc &S1.00 Kree Trial. S'u c jt siid O.uicJruht Curo for all TliitOAT anri X.U2:a TB.OUB- i H Li:S. orHMEY B::.'JE. j KIDNEY DISEASES are the eases. most fatal of all dis- Cfll CV'Q SIDNEY CURE It a or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and bladder troubles. PRICB 50c tad VM. For Sale at Trout's Drug Siort market. Please in stock nut samples, and at prices that cannut be reached mi the present Mattings, Oil Cloths, window Shades,.'., all at rijjht prices, call. Respectfully, G. W. RE1SNER & CO., McConnellsburg, Pa. es? a OMRS'" kxooxcoococoxooooxooooooooc tiiiiwm 1 rrrr m GASH GIVEN AWAY to Users of In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums "How Would You- r. 1 1 L - A flam On lr no. - Woolaon Spwe Co. ' 7 TO SECOIfD NATIOSAL BMK. 'OOLSON SPkFco. TOLUJlf, OHIO. rMiiuu; Like a Check like This? . a a m mm Mt Cash to I.ioti Coffee users In our 1l6 HaV6 AWirOlO 9UUUUiUU ZUi VV. checks, ZIM more will K-'t thetu ia the Prosidenfiai M Contest fa b I C, cl, 1 W M l w ill fomplcto my course in lvniichs of tha collogo. D. C. IIaut mVnn o 1 w .t a" cac'i 'V- 11 'Mti'i'i' s ml. 1 1 1 1' 1 hi) t 1 !.:ii.S. I'illtl I OK SALE. . Slluutel i no m!!o i u-t nf Mi'C'oniiulNtitirii, l'n., oxtendliu tu l.uuilon plUr. koiiiuIuIuk MS ACUKS, LAUUi: M.W HANK IIVUN bus lately been uilUnd lo ll.o In pi jvuiih-i u. Thu filrm h udiuiruhlv Hilupieil for Mm'U iiur-piiHL-s. t!n bo bought oa i.tiiu- IkkuIi vur uliufer. Aclilmss tlio owner DAMKI4 (ill.llK'C'. C'liililibeoliur, lurtun wlfiili'i! ' vl-lt ili- pvini lu.julre ' W, II. N HI SON j MuConticlliur,', I'ti. Makit Kidney and Bladder Right Five Lion Heads cut from Lion Coffee Package and a a -cent tamp entitle you (in addition to the regular free premiums) to one vote. The a-cent stamp cov ers our acknowledgment to you that your estimate Is recorded. You can send as many estl mates as desired. Grand First Prize ot $5,000.00 will be awarded to the one who Is nearest correct on both our World's Fair and Presi dential Vote Contests. Wo lio offer 15.000 00 Special Cih Prli lo Grocer' Clerks. (Particular! In ach cat ol Liou CoffM.) What will be the total popular vote cait for President (votes for all can dldates combined) at the election November 8, 1904? In 1900 election, 13,959,653 people voted fur 1'resiJent. For nearest correct eatt mates received in Woolson Spice Com pany's ottice, Toledo, )., on or before November 5, 1904, we will give first prize for the nearest correct estimate, second prize to the nest nearest, etc., etc., as (allows: 1 rirtt Prlie 1 Second Prlte . 2 Prtiea IfiOO.OO each 6 Prima aoo.(X) " 10 rru 100.00 " .ia.eoo.oo l .ooo.ou Oik Prla 60 Frli 2f)0 frli IdOO Priiea aiafTrEixES. IO.OO fi.OO 1 rrri rum i ,000.00 i ,000.00 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 a.000.00 9,000.00 TOTAL. S30.OOO.QO How Would Your Name Look on One of Theso Checks? ITiOfJ Jayne's Carminative Balsam 11 U V The Standard Remedy for Summer Compla'nt, Cramps, Colic. Griping Pains. Sour i j r i.t ..I.- t i it nrrhoii or Looaenesa. Asiatic Vursa veiasi rrsveaia rwn Sionucn ana vaniunj, io 1 ir v'.-ii-.i, - -.-. Cholera. Cholera Morbus, and Cholera Infantum. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM has I g aueeeaa for 71 veora. We wiU send Free to anv nerton whn wJI enclose a two-cent stamp in Sart paymeM for the mailing, a trial sUe botUe of JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM. Write your Name, Town and State plainly to insure your getting the same. ESSST''" Address: DR. D. JAYNE SON, Philadelphia. ia - Ka 11 if a1 at nrl r- l. .1.. ..flf- It :ii f vaa ftftrri'l l..nfr rnollL'tl tO PCt ACaUMIOtea W W 5 W"V bTCr uutiv uses iuiics, as tiiu win una " " r. , f . . . ,.. . inrl' ths.fai U n Ii.f vulisas f..r this aairtflV. t tlCtl VOU WlU tttklC DO OtUCr asOQ that S WtsV 1 . ,i . we are usiua our advcrtisinK money so tbat both ol ui- you as well an wo will get a benefit. WE GIVE DOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH Complete Detailed Particulars In Every Package of we advertiM. Ajid Hcucc toi your LiH Ueadm PRIZES WOOLtON tPICE CO., (CONTEtT DEP'T.) TOLEDO, OHIO. 8 3 8 O O o o o 8