The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 29, 1904, Image 8

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    Mr. Courud (ircss lost a valu-1
able cow one day last week.
Them will be an ice-cream sup-
per iu the Hall nt Corn, on Satur- i
(lay evening, July !i, 1!K) I.
No Rood healtli unless the kid-!
noys aro sound. Foley's Kidney j
Lure makes the kidneys right, j
Miss Elizabeth Dietrich of
Wuynesboro, is visiting lier cous
in, Mrs. It X. Fryman of the Cove.
Thoinas ilollensliead of llai ri-
soiiville, was a business visitor at
trie County
County Seat last Thursday,
i'his is a good time to sub- i for the V u.rox County !
Nkwh. Only a dollar a year in ad
Thellolhnsliead distillery prop-1
erty was sold a few days ago to j
A. J. Unger of Foltz. for 1520. 1
It includes 70 acres of ground.
M. II. ShafTner, Escj., spent
last Wednesday at Harrisonville
and at Huston town in the inter
ests of his telephone company.
Miss Mary Scott Sloan, who
has a iwsition at the Chester
Spring Soldiers' Orphan' school,
is home for her summer vacation.
Iu asking us to change the ad
dress of your paper, do not forget
M give the name of the post-office
to which the paper has been going.
Chronic bronchial troubles and
summer coughs can bo quickly
relieved and cured by Foley's
Honey and Tar.
Mrs. Thomas F. Sloan, and
Mrs. W. S. Dickson and daughter
Miss Alice, are spending this
week at the Mountain House on
Kays Hill.
Morse Sloan left Monday for j t0 d wUl int u,e tirst ,n.
larkers Landing, Pa., where he I stalraeut next (Suuday Juue
wii resume work abandoned sev-j with illu8tratI0U worthy of the
oral weeks ago to recuperate his j st,,ry
health. ! Miss Michelson, the author,
Preaching in the Presbyterian j has been for several years a sue
church next Sunday morning at j cessful aud much-admired writer
10:150: and combined C. E. and ! 0f newspaper and magazine arti
church service at (5:15 p. m. j cles.
Subject for thceveningdiscourse: '
mgnteousness exalteth a na-,
Dr. West and his grand daugh j
tors Miss Kuth and Margaret, !
took advantage of the delightful
woainer early these mornings,
and drove over to trie Dr's farm
Monday,' starting about five
Two valuable cows belonging
to Mrs. David C. Smith, of Peters
townsh,r Franklin county, were ! Association will hold its four
killed by lightning on Monday of 1 teenth annual assembly at Mont
last A-ook. The bolt struck them ! Alto Park Thursday.ljAugust 4,
as Micy wore standing in a field a-! jy0
lung the fence, not under a tree, j T1)Q addresses Wlll D0 deHver.
During the thunder storm on ed by Kev. A. A. Long, Shamo
Monday of last week a flash of kin; Kev. C. H. Woolstou, D. D.,
lightning struck wire fence on ! Philadelphia; Kev. W. U. Fouke,
the farm of D. P. Myers in Cum- j Uarrisburg; and Kev. John O.
uerianu couniy, wructi conveyed
vie oaitury among his herd ot
cattle wltich were huddled to
gether iu the field near the fence,
causing instaut death to four of
his best milch cows, twoof which
he refused $45 a piece for a short
time ago. It is supposed the heat
of the cattle attracted the elec
tricity from the wire.
If you want to get up early and
feel good all day take a Little
Early Kiser or two at bed time.
These famous little pills relax the
nerves, give quiet rest and re
freshing sleep, with a gentle
movement of the bowels about
breakfast time. W. U.. Howell,
Houston,Tex.,say8 "Early Risers
are tlio best pill made for consti
pation, sick headache, biliousness
etc." Sold at Trout's drug store.-
Farm (or Sale.
Farm of 143 acres of hne slate
land m first class condition, 2
miles from Merccrsburg. A run
of water through every field.
Good stock farm. Will bo sold
Write to
P. O. Box 5,
3 mo. Mercersburg, Pa.
Notice to Teacher'.
The Horough schools will be
given out on Saturday, Julj Dth.
All applicants must apply in writ
lng by above dat.
A. U. Nace,
Running like mad down the
street dumping the occupants,
or a hundred other accidents,
are every day occurrences. I,t
bt-hooves everybody to have a
reliable Salve handy and there's
none as good as liucklen's Arni
ca Salvo. Harris, cuts, sores
'(2')iia and piles, disappear quick
ly under its soothing effect. Slif,
ut Trout' Drug Store.
Tbe Most Original Novel of The Year. '
The most comj,otont juflg0!4
have pronounced "In the Uishop's
Carriage ' the most original novel
of the year.
It is a tale about llesh and blood
loplo; a story for men and wo-
"Uncle Joe" Cannon, Speaker
of the National House of Kepre
Heritatives, is most enthusiastic
in his praise ot Miss Miriam Ml
chelson's bcx)k. This is what he
lm" 10 8aJ about lt:
,. "J J" "?t.roce,Pt "f a. C0M l
?,U . tho , ?.T,P 8 Ca"w0 . b?
Miriam Michelson. I read the
same with great pleasure. It
1 seems to me it ousrht to ha a rtnn-
ular publication and one that will
exert a good influence. Perhaps
1 can best describe it by saying
that I commenced reading it early
in the morning and finished it
that night and the coming morn
ing, and wheu finished I drew a
long breath aud felt that I had
forgotten everything else but the
book and regretted that there
was not more of it. With respect,
"J. G. Cannon."
Could anything be stronger or
could praise come from a better
The story is something abso
lutely new in the literary line a
theatrical romance that abounds
in thrilling situations interwoven
with genuine humor and human
heart-burnings. In fact, the tale
is so remarkably good that the
Sunday North American of Phila
delphia has secured the exclusive
right to publish it in this torn
If you have kidney or bladder
trouble and do not use Foley's
Kidney Cure, you will have only
yourself to blame for results,
as it positively cures all forms of
kidney and bladder diseases.
Sold at Trout's Drug Store.
Christian Endeavor Day.
ThA Mont. Alto V. V. AsucmMir
Keagle, Shippensburg,
Prof, and Mrs. J. J. Lowe of
Philadelphia, will conduct the
singing. A good orchestra will
render special music.
Every effort is being made to
have an enjoyablo and profitable
meeting.and theEndeivorers and
their friends 'may anticipate a
program of spiritual helpfulness.
The following letter from Rob
rt K. Watts, of Salem, Mo., is
instructive. "I have been trou
bled with kidney disease tor the
last five years. I lost llesh and
never felt well and doctored with
leading physicians and tried all
remedies suggested without relief.-
Finally I tried Foley's Kid
ney Cure and less than two not
ties completely cured mo and I
am now sound and well." Sold
at Trout's Drug Store.
Some of our people attended
the laying of the corner-stone
service at Center on Sunday aft-
i eruoon. Kev. j. u. w. Ueavor
had charge of the service.
Samuel J. Strait went toThroo
Springs on Monday to meet his
brother William and family who
have been living in Altoona the
past two years.
There will ho a festival at Fair
view M. E. church next Saturday
evening, July 2nd.
Last Tuesday forenoon about
eighty of J. W. Laidig's neigh
bors met to assist in raising tho
Iramo of his new barn. Every
thing went together well and by
a few minutes past eleven o'clock
the rafters were all iu pliu-o aud
those present parto k of a good
dinner which had been prepared
for thefn. II. K. Mollott has
charge of the caricnter work.
The barn is OtxIiH feet, snd when
completed will add much to the
appearance of Mr. Laidig's farm.
Manufacturers of Home
Comfort Steel Ranges
Paid up Capital
000.000. Founded
in 1861.
These Ranges are Sold from the
Company's Wagons, by
Their Traveling Sales
men. Read the fol
lowing: In uniitlicr column iipprui-H the iitHci-llse-nmnt
of Ihn St. I,,iuls Wrought Iron ItntiKe
Compiiuy. whose iiKenls nro uunviissltiif thin
couuly for the null- of the widely known and
Justly eelebmted runxes miiuufiictnrod by the
company, The heuiliuiirUTN of thene axentn
lire hi MeDoiiuld. The testimonial printed In
their iidvurtlst'inenl. from so ninny prominent
citizens of Ureene imd Wiishluxton counties,
are sulllclent toSutlsfy all reimomilile people
that the ehuraeter of the men uow trnvellnx
this county Is nil rlclit, and that their business
methods have been entirely satisfactory to
their customer. We commend these men to
our readers and the niiiKes commend them
selves. Washington Democrat.
Ilelow Is the opinion of u number of Waynes
burn's business nu-n us to their conduct here :
"We the uuderslt'ncd cltlens of Wuynes
burir. Pa.,ean freely say that our aequKlutunce
and olwervatlon with the Division Superinten
dent for the Wroiik'ht Iron Kanirc Co., St.
Louis. Mo., und his corps of salesmen for the
past three month-, permit us to recommend
as belnx Kcntlcmcri: they have manifested push
and enterprise In their business, while In imr
midst, und our well wishes io with them In
their new Melds of labor."
VV. S ril'KS. Jeweler.
J. R. WOKDKY. Shoe Merchant.
J. T. IW.iKUAM. Shoe Dealer.-
U. ll.i;ii.l)lli:U(). Shoe Merchant,
t IIHADLKK JOHN. Kd. of Democrat.
1. 11. KNOX. Kdltorof Uepubllcun.
HAOAN & K.VANS, Ms. and Props, of Inde
pendent. JOHN V. l'Air.KY. Kd. of Messenger,
li. C. IHHVAUll. Dentist.
M. K. CAKHOLU Attorney at luw.
K. y. IHUVNKY, Atloruey at luw.
T. H. WILKINSON. Attorney ut law.
K. M. SA YKItK. Attorney ut luw.
V. V. HITTCHINS, cf Wu.vuesburif Nat.tias
C. K, WOOD, tiroeer.
S. I.. JOHN, Restaurant Prop.
T. N. m-MHAIlNKU. Merchant.
OKOHUK li. SILVKUS.drocur.
A. M H. ,'AI,I (iToccrar.d Hestuurunt.
J. K. C'HO.SS. Coufeoiiouer and llroecr.
W. K. H1I.I., Merehuut.
J. 1'. 1'OU.OCK. Hardware.
oi:o. k. ikx;i:. cioihicr.
M. LKViNO, (ieueral Merchant.
J. II. & A. I.. IIAIIIHTT. Hardware.
W. (1. SCOTT. Merchant.
W. T. WKI1H. Harness lluslness.
T. P. MOFFKTT. Merehuut Tailor.
H. S. III.ACHI.KV. DriUk'isl.
JKSSK I.. HOSS. & CO., DriiKi? sis.
j' A. STOV. Druulsl.
JOHN F. COTTKUI-X. Drut.visl.
J. T. ltlKJKKS. Dtmitfis:.
JOHN T. I A.MS. Physician.
JOHN T. I'J.I.OM. Physlclun.
K. K. IIIIOCK. Phvsleian.
N. W. CAItTKU, Fuueiul Llreclur,
Ml'RDKDAI KKXT. Sherili.
FAI1UAHKK A OOUUON, I.hery und Feed
A. I. l.'OOKK, Contractor, aud Adums Kx
press A Kent.
S. W. KII.I.INOSI.KY, Saddler und Harness.
W. II. CI.l.OM. Teller, Farmers' & Drovers'
Nat. Hank. Wuyuesliurir, Pa.
J. II. F. KINKHAHT- Cashier FunnerK' ,v
Drovers' National Hunk, Waynesburu, Pa.
K. F. CKISWF.I.I.. H.iolt-keeper. F. k D.
National Itmk. Wnynesinitv. l'a.
J. J, PAL'I.;Y, Postiua -ter.
ItlXJKHSJk WKAVKIt. Photoifiapliets.
JAS. I.. SMITH. Hotel Downey, Prop.
JOHN A. MooltK. ex-Sheriff.
JOHN T. HKKS. Miller.
W. A. DINSMDUK W. N. P. Flourlnn Mill Co.
O. I-:. Supt. of W. li W, R, R. Co,
W. F. Me A VOY. Aircut W, & W. It. It, Co.
J. A. F. RANDOLPH, Insurance aud Rcul
MOIKiAN BOSS. Curriak'e Dculer.
J. A. HAIII1ITT& SON, Horscshoers.
JAS. SYPIIKUS. Polloeman.
J. D. McKAHAN. Hururess.
A. A. K1N12IIAKT. Chief of Police.
A. It. PrK.MAN.l.'ltfarMuoiifaeturcr.
JOHN M. W1I.KY, Court Crier,
Low Rate Excurnlon T The Seashore Via C.
V. R. R. k P. R. R.
On Thursdays June 23, July 7,
August 4, 18 aud September 1.
The Cumberland Valley Railroad
will sell special excursion tickets
to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea
Isle City, Ocean City, Alvalon,
Anglesea, Wild wood, Holly Beach,
N. J. and Kehoboth, Del.
Tickets will be good going on a
bove dates on train leaving Mer
ccrsburg at 8,00 a. m. and to re
turn on any regular train (except
limited trains on the Pennsylvania
Railroad on which an extra fare
is charged) within 10 days, in-
! eluding date of issue. Rate from
; Mercersburg $5.(10.
j Atlantic City passengers may
go through via Delaware River
j Bridge route, changing cars at
j Broad Street Station.
j Bluuders are sometimes very
j expensive. Occasionally life It
self is the pric4 of a mistake,
but you'll never be wrong if you
' take Dr. King's New Life Pills
, for dyspopsia, dizzmess, head
I ach', liver or bowel troubles.
'Tht-y are gentle yet thorough.
2.ric, at Trout's Drug Storo.
Tor Hoj Cholera.
For tho benefit of tlio farmer
readers of tho Fulton County
News, Mr. H. A. Greenland, of
Draddock, Pa , contributes tho
following suro cure and preven
tive of hog cholera :
Feed plenty of charcoal; or,
balto car corn burn it until it is
black aud food it to tho hogs.
Mr. Greenland says this is
Subscnbo for tho New.
A Continuation Notable
Selling of Dress Goods
(Hiiiiii iin(r the latest frabi lcs -Punumu
rniisii ,wiiiiioi ii, lu'uuiluloth.
Supreme Values
In black silk, 1 yd wlde-talTeUa, satin foulard, wash silks for waists In
black, white and colors, 4Hc per ydi
Dimities, line j;ni;l)iimH, coinrs blue, pink, preen; luce stripe batiste, ull
colors; tan color suitings, blouse liiv.'ii, minims, awiss dotted nnd plain,
Indian linen, organdie, lawns, duck, bluck Indian linen und black buMsc.
All over luces of tsvi rv description -black, white, cream, tun ut all
prices. A large assortment of torchon and fancy laces, Insertion, lieadl.ijr.
Summer corsets li. & G. Corsets. Ladies' ready-made shirt waists and
tailored dress skirts. T.udies' ready-mado underwear, skirts, night
wrappers, corset covers, etc.
Silk gloves, kid gloves, mitts, niching, ties, shirt waists sets, buttons,
braids and trimmings.
A whole-sale reduction Is offered on all that Is left of our immense
stock of millery, Splendid assortment of lace hats, chiffon hats, Tus
can, leghorn and fancy braids. The above ts no fabrication. Decided
CTT l'KICKS on all millinery.
Ribbons ! Ribbons ! Ribbons!
A cording welcome extended to nil. Perfect satisfaction is one thins w'e do
not sell we give it uway freely und unreservedly to our customers.
HANN1-R PATTERNS mailed free to any post-office. A postal
.card will bring you our fashion sheet; new styles issued every month.
Uest trade prices for Kggs and Poultry.
By These Six
fc. Ye Shall Know Me I
1. Tho reason why I advertise Having a gnat, variety of
here is to let you know that I, C. o"ds you can't help suiting your
F. Scott, am located opposite the S(,f or something or other, while
post-office, in tho boroujjh of Mc- ollr prices are suio to attract your
Connellsburg, the county of Ful- atUlDti""-- Example -
ton and am In the grocery busl- per cun
ness. And 5. l;ig cans tomatoes, 10c.
CJood corn 10c.
Irving introduced myself to ood pineapples lot
you, 1 do expect you to come and Cepa
take a glance at my storo and see
what I have for sale. And . ,... , ',.
All live for cash, 4oc.
"" Xow then
:i. When you have done this we il. The ubove is but un example
aro sure that our acqualntaniie to show you bow much you can
will result to tho mutual benefit of slive bv trading with us." It will
ail ot -s concerned: for ffX '
e5 Grocer,
Gcttvsbury;. Pa.
(One siiiare from either depot. )
Accommodations for 250.
KutcH l .50 to .1-2.50 1'cr Hay.
Hotft Cold Uath, fSlectrlo
Llnht.Gai, Steam
HeHt C 1 1 Bvlla.
We ouu five yiu uuy klnU of ft curriUKe de
Hlrnd over the llatttcllultl.
Free Ilus to und from ull tritins.
n f 1st Nut. Hunk of Oettysburn,
Kvl MruUstreut'H und Dunn .
Of Huston's
Money Savers.
Quart glass jars TiOc doz.
Half gallon tiiic "
Quart tiu cans ,40c "
I gal brass jolly kettle Ofice'ch.
8 lb bucket White Fish 50c. "
10 II. " " " (0c "
100 II. gran., sugar t5.2fi
Arbuckle'scoffoo 12Jc
5 gal oil for 05c.
Hog rings 3c doss.
Hog ringers 9c e'eh.
Clipper cradle scythes 70c "
Turnip and other seeds L'cp'kg.
10c worth chewing tob., 6c.
Stair oil cloth Tic yard.
Dress lining 4ic
Calico 4i and 5c "
Laqcastergingham (iic "
l'ants goods N 8c ",.
Tliread Spool L'c o'ch.
50c work shirts tor 4Qo "
50c overalls 40c pair.
Hoys " L0c '
25, 50 and 75c men's straw hats
for 20c a piece.
Huggy and wagou tire and
blacksmith iron cheap.
Harry E. Huston,
Clear Ridge, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Kxluie of (lecirne W, DexliouK.
letter of udiuiDlMt-utU.n on the eHlttie of
tluorue V. Ih'MUiuiif lute of Ayr towtiHhlp. Ful
ton uouniy. I'u., aeeeuiea, ntivinv oeea Krunt
edl.y llii Uel terof WI1N for Kultwu oouutv,
Ut the whoe U4.linioe udilrHHN U
M'C'onuelliibi'rK. Kullou 'o..H., Ipemooawho
lire ti.ili0a.fU U the Huld evtikta wtl' pleM
link-p i vmiul. uul I none havlntf elHluut will
ori'M-Bt llieiu to
June tit, 11)01. Administrator.
inr- Early nixen
TIM ffamMM ISttM plCto
sulUiitr, French tioplin, Slclllun cloth,
from 20 cents to 00 cents a gal
lon. Don't be deceived no
body will sell you a 00-cent
oil for 25 cents.
Mower o
eg Sections
and guards for all kinds of
machines at prices lower than
you have ever heard.
on hand; Binder twine, Horse
Hakes in fact farmer's should
rttmember if they want any
thin); in the machinery line
that I can help them if anybody
Watches are f
Repaired Here
and I yflve a written guarantee
with every job. Clocks
and jewelry repaired.
Aluo a blue line ot watches,
dockH, and jewelry
for sale.
Best values for your money,
E. B. Stevens,
7 Jeweler,
Three Springs, Pa.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
DlgoaU what you eat
One ninuteGourjh Cure
For Cough, Cold and Croup.
For Sule at Trout1 drug 8 tor a
5 Root flnnHc
& NA Job
).' Ill I
1 V
Nothing but Fresh Goods direct from factory. Life is
$ too short to buy trash ! You can save 20 to 40 per k
Jjj cent, bv buying from us.
ffl 2000 Yards New Carpets S$
p direct from loom. Brussels, Ingrain, Rag, and Tapes- l!
try at lowest price. Beautitul
W " tt ar a a -:t
w . - fresh from Japan.
til frnm Pri in,l Qirtt-7orli
Wi Iron and Enamel Bedsteads, Parlor Suits, Chamber
P Suits, Couches, ' &c, at lowest prices. All kinds of pjj
Agricultural Implements, j.jji
jj Fertilizers, Wire, etc, U
If you need anything to eat, use; or wear, write for (Jjj
prices or call. Don't torget you can save 20 to 40 jj
P'jr cent. here. , A
g CLAY PARK. Three Springs, Pa.
Ready with
Spring and Summer Goods.
VI! are lnItecl
Inspect tlie
Our Spring Clothing fresh, up-to-date styles
for men and boys.
Large selection of separate Dress Pants.
The best. 50c Overall, in blue and stripes.
We are proud ot our new lines of Shoes, both for
dress and every day wear.
beautiful assortment of Dress Shirts ; also
Work shirts bought before the advance.
The finest line of Mercerized Shirtwaist Pat
terns we have ever had ; also Percales, Lawns, Dim
ities, etc. :
see our new straw Hats before you get one. ?
Straw matting from 10 to 30c a yard.
Felt window shades Sc.
Oil window shades 20c.
miiiL mivl LJivriL
Summer Anncunccmsnt
Just received another lot
Iteady-to-wea Clothlnif
P Hats,
Straw Hats and Wool HaU- a couiplcto assortmcnit.
m Neckwear,
jm Another invoice of the latest style Neckties jmt iu;
B'Men's Suits,
We have a I
few Men's Suits
Suits at 12.25; Children's 2 -
CT!!Jharnalns not near half price.
v " Tf.OObgltl(aoalalMaHHnMlhttairiu.hlcktIU(jr0cwtt.
Least Money. 1
Auction Goods. 3
"9 1 -ynA 'X i -O vr! Inno &J
to come and
pretty lines.
McConnellsburjj, Pa.
of Trousoc; also, a nloe llnu o
to close not ul ..7.'.; i:,w's ';?
iece ml: ut .V iwu. 'J limn mc '
... 4