Sliced BeefTcuders Get them at Irwin's. S. S. Nowman of Saluvia, spent last week with frionds at Fan mats burg, Mr. 'and Mrs. J. (Jonrpo Trille spont Tuosday nt the homo of their son Scott iu the Cove. II. B. Mi'lor, oun of Chambers burg's kadintf mei'chunts, spent last Wednesday in tins place. .Special Jilend of Java Coffee -iJ uts. per lb. Get it at Irwin's. Mr. C. II. Mann of Saluvia, has aiuoujur his collection of rare coins a half penny of lXi aud one of 1L'!J. Mr. Denton Peck of Thompson, found ready sale fr a load of nice strawberries in this place last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ilamil and son Frank, of Knobsville, spent Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. Leslie McGovern of the Cove. Try Irwin's assorted Fancy Cakes, lcts. a lb. This is a good time to sub scribe for the 1 ulton County" Nkws. Only a dollar a year in ad vance. Mr. Ed Koisner, who has been spending the past year as a stu dent in Ursiuus College, is home . for his summer vacation. Oscar Metzler of Philadelphia, is spending his summer vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Metzier at Harrisonvillo. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Get them repaired at Irwin's. Mr. Thomas F. Sloan of Mc Conuellsburg, spent Wednesday night in Everett the guest of Mr. W. A. Alexander. Ho was on his way to the St. Louis Exposition. Everett Kepubliccan. Ex-postmaster Billy Whisel, Llewellyn Peck and Andrew Mc Farland three of Everett's Civil War veterans, passed through this place last Saturday morning on their return from the State Encampment at Gettysburg. We are anxious aud willing to print all the news that's fit to publish, but we mujt insist that nil correspondence bear the writer's signature. If this rule is not complied with, do not be disappointed if your article is not published. The Indiana farmers are wor ried, same as in otlier localities; by their failure to find farm help. This advertisement appeared iu a county paper recently: "Farm help wanted. Wages will be st5 a day. Breakfast served in bed. Working hours from 10 a. m. to '2 p. tu. All heavy work will be done by the boss. Cigars fur nished free. Any hand working the eutire season can have the farm. Apply at once. A COSTLY MISTAKE. Blunders are sometimes very expensive. Occasionally life it sulf is the prico of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills for dyspepsia, dizziness, head ache, liver or bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. iDo, at Trout's Drug Store. Farm for Sale. Farm of 14.1 acres of lino slate land in first class condition, 2 miles from Mercersburg. A run of water through every field. Good stock farm. Will bo sold right. Write to F O. Box 5, 3 mo. Mercersburg, Pa. Notice to Farmers. Farmers wishing to buy the Binder Tongue carrier Wheel this season, can bo supplied by calling on me at Foltz, Pa. T. O. BllADLKV. For Sale. An "I J" Peerless Engine, a"C" Peerless Thresher, an Empire Clover Huller, a Woodsaw nnd Water tank all in good condition on Easy Tkums. Address, Ed B. Dikhi,, 4-H-3 mo. Lemaster, Pa. AN ALARM CLOCK FOK 25c. If you want to get up early and feel good all day lake a Little Early Riser or two at bod time. These famous little pillu relax the nerves, give quiet rest and re freshing slep, with a gentle movement of the bowels about broukfafct time. W. II. Bo well, Hoiislon,Tex)8ays "Early Risers are the best pill made for const! pntion, sick headache, biliousness etc." Sold at Trout's drug store. BRUSH CRLLK. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mellott of Buck Valley, spent last Saturday with C. D. llixson aud family at Em maville. Miss Jennie Lodge is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. W. Kirk at McConncllsburg. Mr. aud Mrs. Rusher of Bed ford, and Mr. aud Mrs. Carpen ter aud little sou of Everett, spent a couple of days last week with John Smith, Jr., and family. Children's service at McKen- dree last Sunday was well attend ed. Iho music and recitations by the school were well rendered and all present seemed to enjoy Geo. Rohm, wife and children, of Gapsvillo, spent Sunday with Mrs. Rohm's parents, AmosBix son and wife at Three Springs. Among the people who attend ed Children's service at Akers ville were, M. E. Barton and fam ily, Mrs. J. X. Barton, Georgia and Laura Lodge, Flora and Grace Smith, Flora Mills, Jennie aud and Clara Banks, Claud Smith, Ira Palmer, Piper Barton, Chas. and Earl Truax, George and Alex McKibbin aud Ross Jackson. Will Hixsou spent last Sunday with his cousins, Alex and Geo. McKibbin at Crystal Springs. Miss Esta Akers of Emmaville, spent last Sunday afternoon with her parents at Akersville. Brother Gardner's Philosophy. "If I had a boy I shouldn't be alius advisiu' him to do dis an' not to do dat. but I should en courage hnn to go out and picl: up a bumble-bee an' find out iy experience which was de bizness end ol the iuseck. My grau'fad dor used to talk to 1110 by do hour 'bout do evils of iutemperatice.but I couldn't catch on till one day I drank a gallon o hard cider an' was run lrew a threshiu' machine along wid do wheat. Bar's about so much in life to ram, an' it's well to l'arn it as soon as possible an' git ober feelin' curus. " We Would Never Do It "Dar hain't no queshun in my mind but that do pore man has got jest as much right to ride around in his kerridge as do rich one, but when it comes to payin' fur do axle grease dat's a differ ent matter. We ought to hev all bin bo'n rich, but bein' as we wasn't, it 'pears to me to bo de wisest plan to make de best of it. Ize cussed de rich an' Ize sym pathized wid de poor, out I neh ber could see dat I cu m out ahead cither way." WARNINO. If you have kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foley's Kidney Cure, you will have only yourself to blame for results, as it positively cures all forms of kidney and bladder diseases. Sold at Trout's Drug Store. LICKING CKLLK. ( The corn crop is looking tine. Dick Deshoug raised his barn Wednesday. Mrs. Frank I less has been on the sick list for some time. John Deshong is singing "a charge to keeplliave." It is a girl. Misses Mary A. Hess and Ella Deshong spent Sunday with Miss Deshong's sister, Mrs. George Souders of the Cove, and attend ed the colored people's meeting Sunday night iu Springhouse Valley. Miss Effie Deshong is employed at Mrs. Lizzie Deshong's. What has become of the And over correspondent'' Jacob Deshoug is still on the sick list. B. F. Deshong has moved his saw-mill to John Deshong's and is sawing lumber for a new barn. A I RKillTHNliD HORSE, Running like mad down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occurrences. I,t behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there's none as good as Buckleu's Arni ca Salve. Burns, cuts, sores eczema andpiles, disappear quick ly uuder its soothing effect. 2."c, at Trout' Drug Store. Sheriff Sales. The sales of real estate adver tised by Sheriff Fleck were held at the Court Bouse Monday aft ernoon at 1 o'clock and attracted a fair sized crowd, but not many bidders. The Adam Keluer farm in Belfast township was knocked down to M. R. Shaffuer, Esq., tor $45; the David L. Keefer farm in the same township, at to to Geo. B. Daniels, Esq., and the D. A. Boyles property, consisting of one-half interest in a ten-acre lot at Burnt Cabins, to Hon. S. W. Kirk for if 12. Personally-Conducted World's Fair Tour. The undersigned has arranged for a jersonally conducted tour to the St. Iouis Exposition over the most attractive route availa ole for the members of the Alum ni of the Cumberland Valley State Normal School and their friends, teachers aud all others that may desire to join the parly. It will bo a fifteen-day excursion, starting from Shippensburg, Pa., July Mh. Everything that will contribute to the comfort and pleasure ot the members of the party will be carefully looked af ter by competent persons. V expect to have a party large enough to secure a sjccial traiu all the way through. For full particulars concerning what promises to bo a most de lightful trip, address, Joh. I Bauton, Shippensburg, Pa. "If we'd study our fellow-man a leetle closer we'd git along wid him a heap better. Wheu I know cd dat my naybur had put his fence two feet ober on my laud I also knowed dat he'd law me fur ten y'ars if I axed him to move it. 1 jest got a friend to throw out a hint that my shed was six inches ober de line, an' do naybur paid all de expenses of a survey an' hustled his fence ober when he found he was wrong. "Dar am sartin folks who seem to find great conslasiiun in telhn' how wicked de world has becum, an' how utterly impossible it am to longer find an honest man. When I h'arsich pussous gwine on I alius move de woodpile a leetle near de doah an' tell do old woman not to forgit to bring iu de clothes line. De man who stole my wheelbarrer one night a y'ar ago sot an' talked to mo fur a hull hour on do dishonesty of mankind, an' de pussou who rob bed my hen-coop was ready to weepober de degenorashuii which ho could see was takin' place in human natur'. If de b'ar trap which I have sot in my cucumber patch cotches anybody 'U.11 dis summer de chances am fifty to one dat he'll be a social reformer." Many folks am disappointed with life bekaso dey fail to realize dat deir am an eternal fitness of things. When yo' drap do price of whitewashiu' from ".") cents to i)0 cents de white washer draps in less lime an' pours iu mo' water to maintain de equilibrium. What yo' save in yo'r purse he saves in his pail, an' so yo' hain't no better off." "At some time or other ebery man sits down to figger dat if he could lib his life ober again he'd steer clear of all blunders. He furgits, in do fust place, datnatur' might bo'n him a 1'ule to begin wid, an' dat if sho didn't ho wouldn't be human if he nebber made mis takes. I kin look back an' see wliar' I orter hev gono into hawgs instead of chickens, an' whar' I orter hev planted half squashes instead of all pumpkins, but if I was to lib my life ober again I might make wuss mistakes. Taken all in all, it's a good 'nuff world to lib in, an' de people who preach moral degenerashuu am al 1 w r on g. 1 1 's jes t d a t d o ba r bed wire fence keeps us out of our naybur's truck patch, an' we lock do woodshed doah so ho kin no longer git at our soft-soap bar'l. It's jest daldo streetcar conduct or gibs us a quarter wid a hole in it an' do grocer won't tako it in turn from us. It's de same world an' do same people, only human natur' ain't buyiu' mewls without lookin' fur suavins." Notice. A chickeuswallopaudice cream supper will bo hold at Harrison ville Saturday evi.ning, Juno luth. Proceeds fur tl'0 benefit of Iho M. E church at Greenhill, Committee. Gettysburg. I'a. CITY HOTEL, (One iti:ue from eilhef depot.) AisvdiiiiiioJiitUiiiK fin 251). Knt on M.So to m.Ht per liny. BOARD BY THE WtEK $7. SS & $10 Hot.- C-o Id Until, ' lct rle Liu: ht. C-u . ntwmm II wait dtr CZn 1 1 Holla. JOHN E. HUGHES, Prop. W vuu Klva you uuy kind of u vurrliii'e ilu slrml ovrr tile lliiltli-IHcl. I n i! llu to unil from ull iriimv l)af l Nl itul.Uof OiHIv-litirtj, llvi ud Ifciuu'k. We would not think of sell iny yon ii renlur ie., shirt fur 4(e.: a !)c, muslin for 7e.; n "ille., corset for -liio.. nor lain., dress Roods for X mil Hi!., the yard, when this meuns tlmt we are selling the Roods M what they cost us if we didn't have n very Rood renson for so doiiiR. We mean to quit the store business anil want to turn our entire stork in to rush nnd know the iin'ekc-l way to do so Is to sell cheaper tlmn uuy unci else will or run. line" in a Rreiit while u merehnnt will sell you an uitioie at c ,l or c "on less than eost, but if he does ho is RoiiiR to ).' -t. mj iure on his ther Roods. Wo talk from uctuul "Xpcrienee. not only m !1 i-hirl.-i timl ov mil- chciiiir lliun anybody else, but we will sell yi unythiiv n,d eve rylliinR clieiiper beeaus( we do not euro for prolit The careful housewife knows more r.'xtut bafRiiiiis thun the average man nnd to them would we resp-etf illy submit a few prices for compari son as a basis of prices on our entire stmir. Plain bitick satin 111 indies whin only 4."c, per yard, nnd if you eon beat it ut Hoc, per yard it. is our treat. Lancaster RliiRliam life, per ,il., calico l; and .1c . shirtiiiR li and 7u., whim and red tablecloth 2: yd worth .'i'V.: dimity rv. quality for lie; white Roods (I, M, and KV , white duck In per yard, blue, scarlet, ri-ccii and brown velvet hie, per y a nl and worth "0c. I. aces as low as lc. per yd. Io not put oil eomiiiR t see us. H member wo will not buy new Roods to replace onr present stocn and somtthiiiR you want to-day may not be here a week hence. Harry E. Huston, Clear Ridge, Pa. A Continuation ((LVK Notable Selling of .Dress Goods :, French poplin, Sicilian cloth, wiiianriMUM hi ifcmimmcjttyatmf.m comprisitiR the latest frahrics - Panama f F.nRlish whippord. broadcloth. Supreme Values in black silk. 1 jd whle-lultetta, s .tin foulard, wash silks for waists In black, white and colors, He per yd. WASH GOODS SPECIALS Dimities, line RitiRiiain-,, colors blue, pink, Riut n; lace stripe batiste, all colors: tan color suititiRs, blouse linen, madras, suiss dotted ami plain, Indian linen, organdie, lawns, duck. Muck Indian linen and black batise. POINT DE VENICE All over laces of every description -black, white, cream, tan at all . prices. A larye assortment of torchon and fancy lai es, insertion, bcadiuR. EMBROIDERIES Summer corsets K. ,v O. Corsets. Ladies' ready-made shirt waists and tailored dress .skirts. Ladies' ready-made underwear, skirts, night wrappers, corset covers, etc. NOTIONS Silk rIovcs. kid Rloves, mitts, ruchiijR, ties, shirt waists sets, buttons, braids and trimminRS. MILLINERY A whole-sale reduction is offered on ull that is left of our immense stock of millery. Splendid assortment oi lace hat, chiffon hats, Tus can, lcRhorn and fancy braids. The above is no fabrication Decided (XT PltlCKS on all millinery. Ribbons ! Rifcfcori5 I Best Goods la: ?. j i i-; ' f A n n 4" amtt l or I iHHKI U g J.U NO r. .. Jofc Lots. Auction Goods. Nothing but Fresh Goods direct from factory. Life is $ too short to buy trash ! You can save 20 to 40 per cent, bv buying from us. PI 2000 Yards New Carpets j j& direct from loom. Brussels, Ingrain, Rag, and Tapes- ?2 trv at lowest nnrp Rpnntilnl 4l , . j$ Japanese Mattings i fresh irom Japan. m Window Curtains Si ' & from Paris and Switzerland, 2, 3, and 3 1-2 yds. long, jf,: m FURNITURE. $ ); Iron and Enamel Bedsteads, Parlor Suits, Chamber & !j Suits, Couches, &c, at lowest prices. All kinds of f jJ .Agricultural Implements, Fertilizers, Wire, etc, If you need anything to eat, use, or wear, write for W. prices or call. Don't lorget you can save 20 to 40 ij pjr cent. here. ri AV DADU Throa Cnr nitc Da I J. K. JOHNSTON Ready with Spring and Summer Goods. Ribbons! A cordial welc6tne extended to all. IVrtect satisfaction is one tiling we do not stdl -we jjive it uway freely and unreservedly to our customers. maili d free to any jiost-olliee. A postal card will brlnj you our fasliiou .sin e : new styles issued every month. Best trade prices for Ki:s and Poultry. T, J. WEINER, HANCOCK, MD. a, l2 FURNITURE and CARPETS AT nrmfonniiAn Dninn I Pi n S3 -5 3 Piece Oak lied P.oom Suit $9.95. li Piece Oak Hed I loom Suit $13.95 Up to $50. White Iron l!ed l.95 to 10. Good Ilockur 95c to $10. Good Carpet 15c. yard to 75c. on cloth 19c, to 35c. a yd. Parlor Suit $11.95 to $50. F. E. MILLER, 13 to IT E. MARKET send us your name and wo will send you our bargain sheet. ST, Chambersburg, Pa. Mention this paper when wrilinjj. g Si u u u PLEASE NOTE! in tho "good old summer time" within this space, wo will tell of things we sell that will pleuse your friend, tho "inner man." COFFEE llio, Special 12e. Ilio, Choice. l.V. Santos, extra fancy XXXX IN-.. Marai-alho, extra fancy )c. IiTii s, .' for (V. Lima lieans lie. Pea Means ,V. Scotch Pcus D. E. Scott, Cash Grocery. ''Take cure of tho pennies and the dollars will tako cure of themselves, " those vulucs touch the vital spot- tho pocket book. YES SIR Watches are Repaired Here unci I give a written guurunlee with eveiy job. Clocks and jewelry repaired. Also a nice lino of watches, ch cks, and jewelry for sale. 1'ii kt vulues for your money. E. B. Stevens, Watchmaker and jft Jeweler, Three Springs, Pa. All are iny ite-cl to come find inspect the pretty lines. Sec Pr'n-" Clothing Iresh, up-to-date styles for men and boys. Liiri;,: selection of separate Dress Pants. The best 50c Overall, in blue and stripes. We are proud ol our new lines of Shoes, both for dress and every day wear. beautiful assortment of Dress Shirts; also Work shirts bought before the advance. The finest line of Mercerized Shirtwaist Pat terns we have ever had ; also Percales, Lawns, Dim ities, etc. see our new straw Hats before you get one. Straw matting from 10 to' 30c a yard. Felt window shades 8c. Oil window shades 20c. J. K. JOHNSTON, McDonnellsburgPa. Ithe mace store til i Summer Announcement y Just received another lot of Trousers; also, a uico line o Y$ Ileady-to-wea Clothing. Hats, JVj Straw Huts and Wool Huts -a complete assortment. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure DigeaU what you eat. 2- fa S3 S3-tut r& m Neckwear, Another Invoice of the latest stylo Xecktles Just in. U men's Suite: 1A ft 'Si Wo have a few Men's Suits to close ..t at J ;...,tb,i Suits at 2.2."; Children' 2lece ;i! .0 c i.:s. ' '.li. :,i- du rains not ncur liulf price. fa I A. U. NAOE & SO)T, 3IcCONNELLSi:Uli(;, rA. w r.. w 71 DYSPEPSIA CO For Sale at Troiu'a drug suro. DIGESTS WHAT YOU E?AT v Tkl.00bo1lcontlni MmeithtrtlllM.VhL-h Klljiof J0:.u ' rilfAHO OMLV AT TMI lAMIATOar Qt LJ E. C. DWXTT As COMPANY, CUICAGO, I IX. o