The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 08, 1904, Image 4

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Pu blish : J every FiurJ ay.
B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
JUNE 8, 1904.
Published Weekly. 51.00 per
Annum in Advance.
r .u.irf of llrir 3 llmna f iso
I'er tl UllrP fni'tl .lllwnnnnnl ...
All i.ilverilspme nt married for Iran" thin
miun iiniiiiuK unnrKcu Dy me nqunre.
. ' miii. itmin. I vr,
fnivfoiirt!i Kulumn Sin no. -jn.oo. swim
flmvhulf column .!, 4000. WOO
One Column woo. h&.oo. 7IS.00
No! h'tK' Inserted for lei ttmn II
rrofisslfnnl Curtis one yiir ft
Miss Nellie Kirk is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Kov. A. U Frank at
Shuwvilln, Pa.
Mrs. llarrisou Cleveuger and
childreu of Irvonu, returned to
tlutir home last Monday after
liuviug spent several weeks with
friends in tliis vicinity.
Miss Lena Laidig returned to
Huntingdon last Monday.
Dr. A. K. Davis made a (lying
trip to Williamsport, Pa. last
Monday. On the return trip he
was accompanied by his wife.
N'orris E. Hoover made a busi
ness trip to Altooua last Monday.
TJrint E. Cutchall of Sixmile
I in ii, visited his parents several
days this week.
V. K. Speer and wife of Saluvia,
spent Sunday afternoon in town.
Cloui Chesnut lost a valuable
dog on the morning of May JJOth.
The general verdict is, that the
dog came to his death by a rifle
in the hands of some party lo
cated ou the second story of a
building. The perpetrator of
this fiendish act is still unknown;
uud for his own general welfare,
it, would be wise for him to re
main so,
Interesting to Asthma Sufferers.
Daniel Bante ol'Otterville, Iowa,
writes, "I have had asthma for
three or four years and have
tried about all the cough and asth
ma cures in the market and have
received treatment from physi
cians in New Yor and other cit
ies, l.nt got very little benefit un
til I tried Foley's Honey and Tar
which gave me immediate relief
and I will never be without it in
my house. I sincerely recom
mend it to all. Sold at Trout's
Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. John May and
son, Noble spent last Sunday
witli Mr. James Craig and family
of I'ectonville.
Misses Jessie Lewis of Frank
lin Mills, and May Mason spent
Sunday with Annie Weaver.
Mrs. Charles Lashley and chil
dren were guests of Mrs. Emma
Weaver last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hill spent
last Sunday with the hitter's sis
ter Mrs. Henj. Hollensliead.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eader and
daughter, Allie, attended preach
ing at Antiooh last Suuday.
Johnnie Znn merman of Con
nellsville, is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. John I'ittman.
Henj. Manning sold his house
and lot to J. L. Koser, who took
possession last week.
Hijtht Will He Killer.
Those who will persist in clos
ing their ears against the contin
ual recommendation of Dr. King's
New D'scovery for Consumption,
will have a long and bitter fight
with their troubles, if not ended
earlier by fataltermination. Head
v.hatT. Ii. Dealt if Ik-all, Miss.,
has to say: "Last fall my wife
had every symptom of consump
tion. She took Dr. King's New
Discovery after everything else
had failed. Improvement came at
once and four bottles entirely
cured her." Guaranteed by
Trout's Drug Storo. Price .r()c,
and $1.00. Trial bottles free.
Card of Thanks.
The family of John C. Carbaugh
late of Thompson township, de
ceased, desire in this way to
render aiucoro thanks to their
many friend and neighbors for
their sympathy and attention du
ring the illness and death cf the
husband and father.
William Carbaugh of Johns
town, who was called home on
the account of the deatli of his
father, John C. Carbaugh, was in
town Tuesday.
Don't Whine.
Some one has said: "Whining
is poor business; it identities
you at ouco with the uuder dog,
and does not get you any sym
pathy at all." The man who
whines confesses his weakness,
his inability to match his environ
ment. He cannot command the
situation. It is too much for
him: all he can do is to kick
aud complaiu. The whiner never
gets anywhere; never accomplish
es anything.
The man or woman who uses
up vitality in complaining, finding
fault with circumstances, kicking
against fate; who is always pro
testing that there is no justice in
the world, that merit is not re
warded, that the times are out of
joint, and that everything is
wrong, is put down aud right
ly as a weakling, with a small,
narrow mind. Large minded
men and women do not speud
their energies in whining; if they
meet au obstruction they go
through it aud pass on about
their business. They kuow that
all their time and strength must
bo concentrated on the work of
making a life. Tho whiner not
only wastes his timeandstrength,
but ho prejudices people against
him. No one feels inclined to
help a man who is always com
plaining of conditions and blam
ing Ins "hard luck." Somehow
we get tho feeling that he does
not deserve help, so much as a
The practical business man has
no sympathy with the mau who
complains that he "cannot get a
job." A great many employers
object to having people around
who complain that "luck has al
ways been agaiust them;" they
fear, perhaps, not without reason,
that they will create evil condi
tions. The complaining person,
the whiner, by his own conduct,
places himself at a fearful disad
vantage with a possible employer
nobody wants the mau who
poses as a victim of "hard luck,"
who says he cannot get a job.
Everybody wants the man who
is iu great demand. Success.
For 4 Hundred Years.
For a hundred years or more
Witch Hazel Salve has been rec
ognized as a superior remedy, but
it remained for E. C. DoWitt &
Co., of Chicago, to discover how
to combine ihe virtues of Witch
Hazel with other antiseptics, in
the form of a salve. DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve is tho best
salvo in the world for sores, cuts,
burns, bruises and piles. The
high standing of this salve has
given rise to counterfeits, and
the public is advised to look for
the name "DeWitt's" on the pack
age, and accept no other. Sold at
Trout s drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tice of
Kuobsville, passed through this
place last Wednesday evening on
their way homo from f Jettysburg,
where they had been in attend
ance at tho Memorial ' services
held at that great battlefield.
They had taken plenty of time,
and had greatly enjoyed their
trip over that ground which is
now famous the world over. It
does not require a whole lot of
money, and not a great deal of
time to take a little outing like
that once in awhile; aud yet there
are lots of people, who spend the
whole of their lifetime in toiling
and saving their money for some
body else to spend after they are
gone. Why not take a week olT
occasionally, and with your wife
slip over to Gettysburg, or go
down to Washington, or make a
little visit to any of the big cities?
Why not take her to the seashore
and let her have t look at the big
ocean? It does not cost much
now to take these little trips, and
you never know what you have
missed until you have takeu one
of them.
A Strong Heart
is assured by perfect digestion.
Indigestion swells tho stomach
and puffs it up against tho heart.
This causos shortness of breath,
palpitation of the heart and gen
eral weakness. Kodol Dvsnensia
Cure cures indigestion, relieves
the stomach, takes tho strain off
the heart and restores it to a full
performance of its function nat
urally. Kodol increases the
strength by enabling tho Btomacli
and digestive organs to digest, as
similate and appropriate to the
blood and tissues all of the food
nutriment Tones tho stomach
and digestive organs. Sold ut
Trout's drug store.
(ireat Showing oi Odd Fellows.
The report of the Grand Sec
retary, submitted at the recent
session of tho State Grand Lodgo
of Odd Fellows, showed tho mem
bership in Pennsylvania to be
124,0iL There wcrel2,7ol mem
bers initiated during the year.
1,014 received by card and 813
reinstated; 1, OHO members died:
HHi withdrew, 5,4.'(i were sus
pended aud ii0 expelled.
Fifteen lodges wen; i"stit,ut1
aud six surrendered. The total
receipts of the Grand Lodge dur
ing the year were io.OiM.JS'j; u
m mutpaid by all tho lodges in
the State for relief of brothers,
IH,7H'5K; relief of widowed, ), i'2:i Mi; education of
orphans, il.CC.t'.L'n; burying the
dead, l(,,5;Jl.(.i;i.
The relief amounted to .1,770.
51 per day during the entire vear.
or n7;I.77 per Itmir. The average
weekly sick benefits paid amount
ed to IN. Tho average cost of
relief to each member per annum
was $.".:! I; the cost per week was
ten cents.
During thepastthirty-six years
the lodges of Pennsylvania have
distributed for tho relief of dis
tress and lor the prevention of
distress and actual want tho sum
of H),a!)S,!lH 7'J.
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching re
volt and serious trouble in your
system is nervousness, sleepless
ness, or stomach upsets. Elec
tric Hitters will quickly dismem
ber the troublesome causes. It
never fails to tone the stomach,
regulate the Kidneys and Dowels,
stimulate the Liver, aud clarify
the blood. Run dowu systems
benefit particularly and all the
usual attending aches vanish
under its searching and thorough
effectiveness. Electric Hitters
is only "Uc, and that is returned
if it don't give perfect satisfaction
Gu ran teed by Trout's Drugstore
The Half-Cent Piece.
The Treasurer of the Uuited
States ou May 0, l'.io:!, redeemed
two J cent pieces. This is the
first time iu the history of the
country that any such coins have
been presented for redemption.
It is more than a century since
the first i cent pL-ce was coined,
and it is nearly fifty years since
tho government discontinued
minting them.
Possibly not one person in a
thousand now living iu the United
States ever saw a i cent piece.
Large quantities of k cent pieces
are to be fouud iu tho stocks of
coin dealers. The most common
dates are sold at a good premium,
aud the extremely raro ones are
worth their weight in gold.
aslt tho readers of this paper to
test the value of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. Those persons who have
used it and who have been cured
by it, do not hestitate to recom
mend it to their friends. Kodol
digests what you eat, cures indi
gestion, dyspepsia, and all stom
ach troubles. Increases strength
oy enabling the stomach and di
gestive organs to contribute to
the blood all of the nutriment
contained in the food. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure is pleasant and pala
table. Thc.Nallonnl Circulation.
Tno circulation statement is
sued by the United States Trea
sury Department for May shows
the general stock of money in the
United States to be greater than
iitany formerperiodin its history,
amounting to ij2,bl4,V,44(;.
Tho amount in circulation at this
lime is -,::',2,lo,Y,)). Tho popu
lation r.f the United States i. es
timated by tho Treasury Depurt
inent at M, (5:17,000, w hich would
make tlie circulation per capita
31.0-. The amount of money
now held iu the Treasury as as
sets is 82,a40,ail, which does
uot include tho !rlS:j,L,;,17D.30 in
National Hank depositories to tho
credit of tho United States Trea
sury. Hence it will be seen that
inouey matters are com paratively
easy with your Uncle Samuel.
Tlio following letter from Rob-
rt H Watts, of Salem, Mo., is
intrucive. "I have boon trou
bled with kidney di.easo lor tho
last five years. I lust flesh aud
never felt well ami doctored with
leadi : physicians and tried all
rern'-UiOH suggested without re-
l..t r.':.. ..)!.. r ...1.1 t.'. I l. rr: i
-I. i many i 1. 1 1 1 1 1 rwu-y s jMO 'i
noy Cure tiud less than two tx.t-
ties completely cured tno mid II
am iiowHoiiud and well." S..ld I
at Trout's Drug Store. I
- Card.
To all tliose friends who so
kindly extended their help and
sympathy during the illness and
after tho death ol my wife, I wish
by this means, to express my sin
cere thunks and appreciation.
Lkst.ii: W. Skylau.
Miss Hlanche Peck lias entered
for the latter half of tho Normal.
Needed in Every Home
WS Always'
llTTTFRNKnaNALl f T . T .
DKnoNAitY up to Date
A Dictionary of ENGLISH,
Biography, Geography, Mellon, etc
The New and Enlarged
Edition Contains
25,000 New Words
New Gazetteer of the World
with more thun titles, bused on tin-
lutent census returns.
New Biographical Dictionary
cnntiilnlntr imiiics nf over I'l.iftRi noteworthy
Hriiia, with iiiitliiiuility, oicupMlon, (lute
of I'oIkiis, Unto of I I rt li, dvuth, etc.
F.illt.'il liy W. T. HARBIS, Ph.D., LL.D
l.'llitotl Ktutes CiiintiiiHsiMiicr of liiiik'utiou'
New Plates 2380 Quarto Page
Rich Bindings 5000 Illustrations
c Also li01l1i
Webster's Colleciate Dictionary
withOlossitryorsriitti.uliWorilHiincl 1 hriws.
IlLI I'ltlf.- III.) Illu.tnitiot.Ji. Hi.- 7x1ik'J r-H
" KirHt-(.'lns In quality, mm onil-c lum In nizc."
"ATeit In Pronunciation" which HtTonls a
I'lmxiuit mid intriirtii fveninu's cnt?r
tuinmi.'iit. llliitiuluil pamphlet ulsu I rce.
Publishers, Springfield, Mass.
j Contain a tine line of.
! Chestnut unJ Oak
Bedroer.i Siaiies,
Okie ix .'aids,
Extension Tables,
an J Springs.
This furniture is hand
made and guaranteed
to K'ive satisfaction,
My Hearse has been
thoroughly overhauled
and repainted, and I am
prepared to take charge
of funerals promptly.
All kinds of
at prices 5 to $0 low
er than anybody else.
Fir nl h'.iildiii wrst of Fulton
Fort Littleton, Pa.
Handles the
Ratchet Pump
NU Till'.
Ratchet Pump
Galvanized Spouting
5 c a foot.
Falling Top
bntli I'V'iory unJ Huiiilina In from
$35 to $85
I.iii'!.'i) Mt.iH.ilc nil liuri'l u 1 1 thotlmu
to Mvlccl from,
Hustontown, Pa.
Rouss Racket Store
We wish to call your
Single tree clips complete 1.1o.
Double tree clips 2e.
Nails, cut or wire
Long trace
Th'cttst timing
5 ft. Simons saws
IS, AS, atut i8e.
:i:i unl MDc.
Tlorsa shoe nails 'u Hi.,
Mn. Holts fl to 14-in., 2 to 4c.
11 to (l-in. Holts lc; less in 100 lots.
Gardi.'ii anil Held hops 17 to 2.V.
Garden rakes 1 to 17c.
Steel Shovels 4Sc.
.'1-corner Hies ;i to (In.
Hest Mat liJes ! and 11c.
Black Diamond liles 12c.
Faint, all colors, can, 10c.
Lucas carriage paint :rc.
Good douldo bit axes 4,"o.
To those cominjr to school we would
ask yui to call anil net our juices on
s: lit ion cry. We are in (rood shape to
show, tablets, lead pencils, envelopes,
ti ml bos paper.
Lead pencils 1 to lie.
Pencil tablets 1 to fu.
HULL & 1JLNDLK, Proprietors.
Smith Premier
The World's Best Typewriter
Jmnd for omr Llttl Book which om plaint Who
When you want a competent stenographer (male
or female) to operate any make of machine, call up
Our Employment
We furnish them promptly.
We save you time and trouble.
We carefully examine all applicants.
We select to meet your requirements.
We make no charge to either party.
We have operators with the combined qualifications
of stenographer, typewriter and bookkeeper, also ex
pert telegraphers.
Let us know what machine must be used, the char
acter of the work to be done, and the salary you want
to pay, and we will promptly meet your requirements.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Company
23 South Eighth St., Philadelphia) I'u
- or-
V"e have HUNDREDS or styles to
select from. Lad ies Trimmed Hats
from 75c, up to $15.09: Shirt
Waists Bats from 40c., to if2.5i;
Sailors from 25c, up. Children's'n,... ....'..i...
" ... ..i uuin "ii n
ined with streamers
-as low as
Shirt Waists
from 40 cents to ii.'I.OO; Shirt-waist
Suits from $1.50 to 2.50; Wrap
pers ti" cents: SunboniietB 15 to L5
vents. Children's Hoso in all col
ors; Ladies' and Children's Gauze
Vests. All the latest XecKwear.
In fad, we huvo everything that
may ho found In a
millinery store.
---('oiiio one, come all.
ior store to trout strl. om.nnliiM
" i -
I :e po.-loXcc.
ffirs. A. F. Little,
'-1''l'l'l"l V
C:ic:c;:ots t:5 D. E L.i:tL
Deiiery on Mondays, Tues
cays, Thursdays, and
All kiyils of cuUes fiirnisl.ctl on
sliorl notice.
attention to some prices.
Ink tablets 4 to i)c
Pen points 2 and 3 for lc
Memorandum books 4c.
Composition books 4 and 5c.
If you are wimtintf clothing don't
buy until you see ours.
Children 1)8 to 1.1M.
Boys' :-piece suits $1.05 to !."').
Men's suits $2.4." to $7.7.").
Also samples to select from.
The best men's work shirts made.
The Shippenshurtf 30 to 45 overalls at
old prices.
Boy's aprons 25 to 40c.
Men's apron or pants shape 45 to 75e.
Men's moleskin pants "5 and 95c.
Men's dress pants $1.20 to 2 48
Boys' dress pants 81.20.
Ladies bonnets i'- to 2:c.
' Ladles Vests it, Hand l.'ic.
Corsets 25, 45 and 8!)e.
M issus Hose no scams and double knee
5 to iij only 10c.
Ladies black hose il to 13c.
Boys' extra heavy hose 25e.
Boys' and men's dress shirts 2.1 to (15c.
Boys' double breast shirts X(c.
Leave uo. 4 no iiuo'. ti no. f uo.10 110
A. M TA.M t. M P. U fP.U P. II
Winchester 7 -js .... J a Oil a au
' AlurUnsburir H 10 Sj 17 7 H
llut;intown .... 42 S5UIT :i 8 Ui l( 10
i.ireenuustlo .... 03 II lti 12 3d 3 M 8 HI 10 SI
"-"""''""i' M IU 10 l il ....
oimuiljurslJUlK.. 1 i 40 l 00 4 If? & 45 I0M
W uyncsburo 7 On 1 On 3 lis ....
ShlDpi-iMburtf... 7 4IMOOO 1 iM 4 47 0 00 1118
Newvllle H 07 10 IX 141 A (Ml 9 24Uf7
Ul'ltWe H "8 10 3 2 o:t It :tl 9 46 lli 02
Mec-hunlCKbui tf,. 8 4X 11 to 2 23 5 M 10 07 12 21
Dilkbui-K 10 (0 6 23
Ait, lIurriMburif. 0 OS II Si) ! Ill S 16 10 i" 12 40
Arr. Pililu II 48 S 17 S 47 a 60 4 23 4 23
Arr. New York. c'l 6 63 8 on II 23 7 18 7 18
Arr. Uultlmore.. 12 16. 8 11 (0 I) 4S 2 20 7 16
P. M P. 11. P. M. P. M. A. U. A. M
Traill No 1J tfttMt runu iiiillv M.nt liiinrfiiu
I between ilnKerxtuwn und ltunlnburif, leuviuu
llauinlowu 1.06 Una urnvluu ut Httrrlsbum ut
Addltlonul eiim-bound looul trulnv will run
dully, except Sumluy, uh follows: Leuve
iJiirllsle 7.06 a. m., 12.80 p. m. 8.15 p.m., leuve
..iwunuiiHuun n. iu., i.w a. in.. 12.02 p. ni..
3 30 p. m. Leuve Uiilsburu 6.36 u. m.. 10.00 u.
Nus. i.8 and 110 run dully between Ha.
tferHtowo and Hurrtsburg
- uuuy,
' Dully except Sunday.
f 80
5 56
8 25
II 05
II 28
11 42
12 02
12 18
12 36
I i'rain No. 17 wunt runs dm y pxoppt Snnilny
I tiiMinuurx hdu KlUKerHIOWn. lenV'
' '''v' Harrlsburu ut 6.16 p.m. una brnvluu ut lliv
I k-uiNtowo ut 7.57 u. in. .
Addltlonul louul trulna wlil leave Murrlnhum
!.m '"''"W".:. 1,'or Cuillsle uud Inturmefllute sta-
i. ui u. in., s.oo p. ru. aud (1.30 p. m., also
! to. MenhuniiiRburK UllUiburjr uud lutertueUlute
-.'i liiiuhui i num. id., b. ud. in. unfi n ui n m
iruiui) imim. I, s ani low run dully between
" miu iiUKerHiown.
I'ulluiun ouluce Mleeninv auni hflt...n Vm
I h'mI no eu.1 und between I'hlludulpli a uud
WelklionN. W. Itullwuyon lruln 10e4t
trk uud Knoxvllle. Tniin.. ah ii'Mlnu i u.nH
; ". rmuepi mut on suniiuy tbe I'lilm-
J-'-iihla sleeper will run oust on No. 2.
1 brouKb eoucboa to und from PhlladnlLlil.
. Dull, exoept Buuday.
lA.'iim no. I no. Jmo. o no. ,ino.
P. M A. H A. M; A. M P. U
M:ilt;more 65 4 41 8 66 12 00 4 8S
New York 7 6S 12 10 8 66 2 66
I'lllllt II 40 4 26 8 40 II 40 6 SO
I MurrlNblirir 6 1)0 7 66 II 45 8 20 8 26
UillsbiirK 8 60 4 02... .
I :vli;cbulilc8liuiv.. 5 IB 8 16 12 03 8 37 8 H
j C'Tllsle 6 40 8 87 12 21 8 67 S 01
Nevil:e 6 01 9 00 12 4 4 III S 21
1 "i.uppensburK... II 2u 1H IOH'4 83 0 4J
VVnyiifshoro 10 82 2 Oo 6 6s
. I'hiimlirrsburK.. 6 10 2 80 1 27 4 6i 10 0U
. MuruerkhiirK.. . 8 15 10 80 t 4"
' 'ir.'euoilKlIu .... 7 0"i 10 01 I 60 6 l 10 21
M:ilferstown .... 7 27 10 22 2 lu 6 87 10 4.)
MurtinHl'urK 8 24 II 10 6 2
i i. Wliionutilur. t 10 II 65 7 10
I M A II. P M. P. M P. M.
Mix. I eui
i: m
6 tU
6 II
II 60 4 (5
1 1 82 3 I
10 n 1
42 2 5
80 2 J.
A H. I: H.
6 IHl
1 IA
I lue I'mm. ii din. Sunt. Sunt.
H A. IMoiu.i:. Oeu. I'ukii. Aiient
Situuted ono mile oust ut MoConuellNburir,
Tit., txlvuUluK to iMuiiuu plkt, uoiiUiiuluu
h.ii lutely be i n .iddcl m ll.,j lui. oiouivtiu -Tlie
funn l uluilrub v u.lupi :.d sto. li p ir
1hi.i ian be bout,' lit oo term to suit iur
A luie. the uwuer '
' DAN1KI. l,Ili:UT.
, Cii iniiMiOMiir. r
1'itrlies wUlihiK to Wl Hie premise lliijulrt
I'Mt. MIX. Pus
1tU tl ,(H
4 M A u l.yo. Arr. A K
0 46 8 6i Oliuaibenibiirtr.. 8 4ft
67 7 1 1 Marlon Itl
I0 80 8 ir ..Murneraburv.. 8 03
10 6s 8 60 1udn 7 i
11 I V 05 ....kioliinoud.... T 80
A. H. A. H 4 y
l-'ntsT Clash
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cup nnd Towel with nneh Shnve
Kverytlilnii AmlM pile.
U:i.ors )i.eii)l.rd.
tTShop In room lntolv occupied by KO Hi m:
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up to dntp In nil si vies of lunr out.
Una. Uulok. eusy -hiives. In-niin, Crcnn...
V ileh-hiizel wlihout exim el nri-i'. I'rovh
tow el io t iioh eUMtoruT In proicd ,
purntUR for NVeilllzlriK tools. 1'nrlon oppi;
Fulton House.
Attorney at Law,
Ollicc on Square,
AJt'epnl li ls'ri'v an,: i-olU ctlons enl iimd-ii
will bvulvo imiefiil und prompt
T will close out my stock of Uni x.
IJlunkcts at cost. I Imve a few Iliidi :
tors left that la of no account in lint,
weather, that must go at, a sucrilicc.
Single and Double Driving
I'lirm Harness. It will pay you to e
them and art prices. Vankee lu iiTii s
from $1.50 up, and collars from ifl.'il
Tinware, Cutlery, Churns, Wash
ing Machines', h toves, I'ipo, ,Vc.
Cornplutiters, Spring Harrows
all kinds of farmiiiir iinpleinents.
Don't forget that I "ii the only mower
not in tlie com tunc.
AI. H. INE353IT,
Uutter, V2: Kxus,
No. 1 IJarnoss coinpleto, nickie trim-
niint;, collar and hames iM0..")0.
Harness Collars, !).":.
Team Collars, host, &2.2'.
Team Collars, li. l: facs, f 1.00.
llairiG strtij-i with and without lln.!!..
Just receive! new MockTriplu niiotd
plows $2.(io. New stock I'oints and
Landsides fjr
Everett Plows
Steel Shovels for single and double
shovel plows. Fresh stock Lewistown
Pop on hand.
Pound package, colVeu :!c.
Loose cotl'ee 20c.
Fancy prunes, large, hie,
Fancy evaporated peaches Me.
Large head rice tiic.
IIIM'IIMl'KK'M t.M.l.lSII in ltfl Hii.i
olfl nii-ulllc uuxhh, with bli.H nhtion.
Taae no iilht-. Itniu. iliiMurrtkii. hnlihtl
lattitnaauaj Inillutlmi.. Iiu. ol v,.n Driitu'-'
or kimI 4r. in Mumps ur I'urlifuliii 'V.tli
noBlnln and "Kvlla-r lor" in burr.
by rrturn Mall. lO.OOOTunlimulilHlii. bu.'d t,y
all liniKKiKii. '
IIIh) nuliHra kquarr, flllLA., fA,
MeaUaa tali napar.
Tradc Marks
f i H C OPVRIO H IT "&C.
Anyone nfltnB anketrh and !rHtertntlnn muy
qtiIKljr aifwtnln fnir opinion free wfiuthtr mo
inveritlmi l prohahly pultMitMhta. t'orinijunicn-tiiin-tncllvfoiiUiientlHl.
llitii'lbrmkon I'Htenu
Wilt fro. (iMoHt nucncjr for Kccitrnifr patent.
I'Mtmits taken through Wutui A Cu rolv
tperial notice wit hout ctiimro, lu tlie
Scientific Hmcrlcan.
A handiomolf lllniitratn.1 wcklr I.arue.t clr.
ttilftllou (if anr iicltiiitlnn Journut. 1'erinM, :i a
ri-nr: four mt.iitba, IL Hold by all newdealor.
SVIUNN & Co.36,B- New York
.nmh om. KH V Wa.hluuluu. IJl U
Easy and Quick I
To make the very best soap, (imply
dissolve a can of Vanntr Lyt in cekl
water, melt lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set , I
, Pull Direction Evarjr Packag
Banner Lyt is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per.
milting the use of a small quantity at a
time,' It Is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint.
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect inks', closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet " Uses of Banner
Lyt" int.
The Paw f alral Wwfca, PUteaakAl