The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 04, 1904, Image 7

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    The letters of Miss
ture is printed above, and Miss Claussen,
iprove beyond question that thousands of
cases of inflammation of the ovaries and
womb are annually cured by the use of
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
"DuuTMns. Pixkham: Gradual loss of strength arrri uprre force
told me something was radically wronjc with me. I liad scvpre shooting
pains throught the pelvic organs, cramps and extreme irritation com
pelled me to seek medical advice. The doctor said that I had ovarian
trouble and ulceration, and advi?ed an operation. I strongly objected to
this and decided to try Lydia K. Plnkhain'a Vegetable Compound.
I soon found that my judgment was correct, and that all the good
things said about this medicine Tvcre true, and day by day I felt less
pain and increased appetite. The ulceration soon healtd, and the other
complications disappeared and in eleven weeks I was once more strong
and vigorous and perfectly well.
u ily heartiest thanks arc sent to you for the great good you have
done me." Sincerely yours, -Jliss Margaret MsBKixr, 276 Third St,
Milwaukee, Wis.
fliss Ciaussen Saved irom a Surgical Operation.
f J-' value before,
" . nave Deen spareu an lae pmu uu caijchbd iuuu
fruitless operations cost me. If the women who are suffering, and
fthe doctors do not help them, will try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
ftahle Compound, they will not be disappointed with the Tesults.
SMiss Clara m. claus&ex, law renn
FORFEIT " cannot forthwith produce the original lcttert and .ignatorta o
abura testimonial,, waicu-wlU prove their abeolute qenulnenasr.
Lydia Ii. riukbani Med. Co., Lynn, Maaa.
C Q 0 O
rorllikmlitiirtipof Ht:.r BulMlnfr We fiiqitnh nil mtrHl ontr.n
into th ounrnctlon of 8 fort- Front. Writ nn nlxm! your rnKi hiilM
in il l ntKke dunentfn nnd ittyle of frnat tind wilt mud yon, VU lili OP
VtlABtiK, MnlfrHUt Bin Print Han. mnA quote rou ii extremely lo
price n-on of our popular ,
TIttti ntl-TTilp Bi7erlaiitlnc
MpAcm Stm-eiFronti. Weiriveron all tkty)eof nn wlegiint ew York Off t nt operate cost. Mrnd I'm talocur,
SOUTMCJUI.FOUNDRYCO.. Owensbora, Kentucky
It's the thoroughly modern and scientific system ollosd
Int and the use of only the best materials which make
Winchester factory
ter pattern, penetration
ally than any other shells. The special paper and the Win
chester patent corrugated head used in making ""New
Rival" shell give them strength to withstand reloading.
A Large Trial Box and book of la
structlona absolutely Free and Vost'
paid, enough to prove the value el
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
Paitln la aa omAf.r
form to Maxirva in
water aaevfjotaoaaiis
and (arauperiartalliiula
antlaeptlca cantalntag
akohol hlch arNtatca
inflamed aurtaora. aai4
kava do cuaoalnf pep
crtlea. The ceauaU
of every box anakce
mora Antiseptic Solu
tion ata lt ir
. oca further haa aaora
uaea In the family ami
doee more cood tfeunaanv
antiseptic preparataMi
you can buy.
The formula of 4 noted Boston physician,
and used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash, forLeucorrhoM, Pelvic Catarrh. Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment ot female Ills Paxtine Is
Inyaluable. Lined mi a Vaginul SVush we
rhallonge the world to produce it eitml for
tlioroaiinncsa. I tua revelation in clounslnj
bud healing power; it kills all germ which
Came inflammation and diachnrgoi.
All leadiufdrufnripta keep Paxtine) price, GOa.
atoi ( If yourfl(lotjanot(eend to tufor It. Jnn't
take aaubetlluto there 1 nothing like Paxtiua,
Write forth Free Boa of Paitlne to-day.
& FAXTOH CO., 7 Pop Bldg.. Baton, lut
S4.00, 83.50, 83.00. $2.50
aDi ee wrmm
W.L Douglas shoes
t ita
are worn by more
men than any other
make. The reason
la, they hold tfreir
longer, and have
greater intrinsio
value than any
other ahoea.
lMk Amp m m mm meir hWi
Dou(laa awaa Corona t'oltehln, which !
rorro harofwnceded lalMllioHunl I'atMit
IvatlMryetnrMHlueeMl. f Ce'or tyrtoi eeed
muytm "T mii. ri. inn. nmfi i4ioa.
n. vuvums, viwcktou, aiatt.
7 ZS
Merkley, whose pic-Q
Deak Mrs. Pinmam: It seems to me that
all the endorsements that I have read of the value
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound do not express
one-half of the virtue the great medicine really
posse6seB. I know that it saved my life and I
want to give the credit where it belongs. I suf
fered with ovarian trouble for live years, had three
operations and spent hundreds of dollars on doc
tors and medicines but this did mot cure me
after all. . ....
However, what doctors and medicines failed
to 'do, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound did. Twenty Dottles restored me to per
fect health and I feel sure that had I known of ita
and let the doctors alone, i wouia
est., Kansas uy, juo.
Loaded " New Rival " Shell live bet-
and more uniform results gener
r-iTFNniNr. nvFB m-df thah C
TOWER'5 OArnwnts btvf
rl ar rnboc or inc eat
maUiielb in block or yellow
for oil kinds f wet work.
-I f? sff4r4 with stlN fcr nlrty-tl yw
On yr to iut Arril I hoavn iklDC Cm rare It
for eoniIptia. In eotniar wtk 1 poll cm
lb Bllee bos io d.t4(Pr lh ad of sit
m. ih a(4 no. lioibU in t tl. C-rarM
hftv4ju woaSri form. I -is ntirlr eur4 tvc.t
ImI Uui b w iia." tieorgt kynr. NmpoUoa. it
Best For .
r pneoovvcis -4
a..ii meew Co.. Chleaco or N.Y. aaj
ilkMit !, vlan-r,
1m Mtti'tlv rr
2eeeTii.Cri lilt euert are., rtllefa, ra
rieeeaet. Paleteble. retee. T t Oood J. JoM,
old la bulk. The nine tablet (temped COO.
A 1 .Dn. uuif beak.
latest News of Pennsylvania Told in
Short Order.
Stale Treasurer Harris, who rcliri
511 Monday, was presented by tlie dc
jartiricnt employees with a gold watch
mil chain and diamond studded locket
tcntation speech.
John Bruniha, the tallest man in
:he anthracite region is dying at the
Miners' Hospital, l'ottsvillc, having
been run over by a Lehigh Valley
'ocomotivc. lie is six feet, .six inches
After scciiring the positive assur
ance of a rtnimiinatiiMi without oppo
iition, Congressman William Council,
mlliiirizcd the announcement that
nc would not cek another term.
District Attorney Berber has decid
d to present to the l'ottsvillc Grand
lury next week evidence alleging
that beer was sold illegally at a
nasqueradc ball given by J.lic Totts
illc Ijederkranz, composed of lead
ng (icrman citixvns. This step has
treated a sensation.
Food Commissioner Warren order
id more than fifty prosecutions in
annus counties for alleged violations
5f the pure fond laws. During the
present month Commissioner VVarien
las directed his agents and attorney?
:o) institute 107 prosecutions. The re
rcipts of the Food Hurcau to date,
'or April, amount to about $4,000 ir
lines, and $.'00 license fees. Fully
(50 samples of articles of food anc
tlrink were analyzed, ami little less
than 25 per cent, were found to b
A traction car was demolished an(
five persons seriously injured by I
collision with a I'ittsVmrg, Charticn
& Youtfhioglvi'tiy Kaiiroad engine a'
the Chartirrs crotsing, McKce'i
Kocks. The accident was caused by 1
niisundcrstaiKling of signals.
The commissioners of I.ancastei
and Dauphin counties met at Lancas
ter and awarded 'o W. W. Lindsaj
& Company, of I'hiladelphia, the con
tract for the erection of an inttr
county bridge ever the Conewagr,
Creek, at Falmouth. The price 1
1 lie largest single increase of enpi'
tal stock 'ever reported to the Stan
Department by a corporation was tha
of the I'itrshurg Terminal Railroad &
Coal Company, of Pittsburg, fTort
$1,000 to $14,000,000. ,
At a special meeting of the Boar
of Directors of Crsinus College Rev
Dr. David W. Ebbcrt was electee
president of Ursinus College, the
borough, to succeed Rev. Dr. Hctrrj
T. Spangier, who recently resign!
the presidency, his regisnatiou to gi
into effect at the close of the colicgi
year. Dr. Ebbirt is at present pasto
of the Reformed Church in Milton
Ta. Dr. Spunkier will remain a mem
bcr of the faculty of Ursinug Schoo
of Theology, in Philadelphia, aTvd wil
continue to make his home in Col
At the funeral of Pierson Stovef
at Dublin, his afced mother fell dr-a.'
at lite grave, causing much excite
ment among the mourners an
friends. Her death was due to hear
trouble resulting, it is supposed, froir
grief over the loss of her son.
Public Safety Director Harry Moor'
has discovered that in spite of strin
gent orders issued to the police, gam
bling is flourishing in Pittsburg, es
pectaily in the fcast bud. As a re
suit there is to be a shaking up ii
the bureau. Inspector W. J. Hoyle
of the F.ut End, has already beel
suspended, and other changes are con
The home cf Valentine Zollers, a'
Korristown. caught fire at an earh
hour the other morning. Mrs. Zof
lers, who has been confined to hcl
bed fcr a year, calmly directed tin
efforts of the firemen for her s:if
removal from the building, and a!s
supervisee! the removal of househois
valuables. The fire was cotiqiietet1
after a half hour's battle, and Mrs
Zollers is suffering no added ill rf
Decrees for $.1,780 were entered bj
:ourt at Hollidavsburg against the
Altoona and Phillipsburg Railroad, o'
tvhich S. T. Langdon, of Philadelphia
is president, in favor of bondholders
who will sell the road under foeclj
sure proceedings.'
Or. account of the large number tt
lovers of tenuis among i;s members
the trustees of the Ridley Tark Meth
odist Episcopal Church have author
ized the property committee to lay
out a court on the lawn in the rear
of the church.
The retirement of Nelson Burr Gas
kill as captain places in jeopardy the
future of Company E, one of -the best
military organization); it the Thirrf
Regiment, because there is no avail
ible material from which to choosr
his successor. In addition to this va
:ancy the "first and second lient;nant
are to resign.
Testimony v4' h'ird in court at
Norristown in a suit to determine the
beneficiary of a policy for $3,000 01
the life of H. C. Missiriie.r, late of
Pottstown. The policy was made in
favor of Micsimer'i daughter by. his
first wife, v.-hile his second wife holds'
a paper signed by her husband di
recting the insurance company io pay
the wife-$t,ooo out of the proceeds
of the policy.
Morris English was arrested! on
Main street under the supposition that
lie was drusk. He was really suffer
ing from an epileptic attack and -died
shortly after being taken 10 City Hall.
By objecting to the State's alleged
txtravagattce in rebuilding the bridge
ever the Schuylkill Ritcr at Auburn,
'.he County Commissioners have se
cured a reduction in the county's shar.e
.if the to $1,500. The cost to
the State is $JQOoo.
Walter Howard Masoe, a railroad
flagaian, of Potitstown, appeared af
the kitchen window of his home and
exhibited a rope, remarking to hit
Wife, "I have a piece of rope at last."
An hour later Mason waa missing,
Search was made and it was found
that he had hanged himself ui an out
house ith the rope that he had se
cured. Anthony Mack, a ten-year-old bey,
vhile playing baseball in the Heck
atierville Valley, was struck on thr
head with a baseball bat and his skull
'U fractured.
The worst injured man in the world,
who lives to tell his story, lives in
Altoona. Hit name is Alfred Camp
bell, and he supports a wife and four
rhildren. While at work in a mine,
coal caved in on him, and the doctor
diagnosed his case thus: Back broken
in three places, necessitating removal
of sixteen pieces of the vertebra; skull
crushed in, necessitating silver plate
to protect brains; legs crushed and
broken in three places; arms broken
In three places; hands crushed; ell
ribs on left side broken; left shoulder
blade broken in two places; feet man
tiled and internal organs injured. H
makes a living by selling trinkets
R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly Re
view of Trade says:
Unseasonable weather is still the
clvicf drawback to improvement in
business, complaints being received
fror.i every section of the country,
ami slower collections arc also at
tributed to Uus fartor. Not feilyr4j
current distribution "Tit merchandise,
particularly dry goods, affected by
the thermometer, but future commit
ments arc undertaken most conserva
tively on account of the possible in
jury to crop. There has been much
talk of damage to cotton, but replant
ing may prevent any reduction in the
total yield, and a few weeks of de
sirable weather would remove anxie
ty regarding wheat.
There is much confidence regarding
the future, despite the fact that al
many points supplies of merchandise
nrc burdensome. With the exception
of wearing apparel, manufacturina
plants arc increasingly active ant!
structural work is gradually resum
ing normal proportions for the sea
son. May 1 is usually the date fixed
for many labor controversies, but
this yc;.r there is little prospect of
serious disturbance.
At the We-t railway freight ton
nage has not iuncascd, but pasirnn
irer traffic is very heavy, an.l earn
liiRS of all loaMs thus far reporting in
April arc only 4.5 per cent, smallct
than last year.
Mr.'.dstrect's says:
W heat, including flour, exports for
the week ending April 21 aggregate
1.045,428 bushels, against 1,21.1,855 last
week, 3,R88,5.2 bushels this week last
year, 3.750.581) in 1902 and 4,282.129
in tool. Com exports for the week
aggregate 6J6.7Q2 bushels, against
5J..VW last week, 1.400,906 a year
i-P". 376,186 in 1902 and 1,344,656 in
Baltimore. FLOUR Quiet and
rnchasiRcd; receipts, 2,933 barrels; ex
ports, 3.873 barrets.
Wll EAT Doll; spot contract, t.02
fft..)2;4: spot No. 2 red Western,
i.ojfa I.03J4; April, i.ojlffioa; May,
i-ooJ-S; July, cyi asked; steamer No. 2
red, )7(i.97'l ; receipts, 2.957 bushels;
Southern, bj- sample, 95(ji-e3; South
tm. on graMc, 9511.03.
CORN Stcadvf spot. 50'4rt?5oi;
April, 50(050.; May, 50-Hffi'5i;
steamer f.iixcd, 47'4(n,: i receipts,
6,604 bushels; exports, 145,714 bush
els; Sonrhern white corn, .yitn ' 52I1;
Southern yellow corn, 421 52'-j.
OATS Easier; No. 2 white, 47
sales; No. 2 mixed, 44 sales; receipts,
1 2.260 bushels.
RYE Dull; Nn, .2, uptown. 80W81;
No. 2 Western, 82; receipts, 736 bush
els. HAY Firm aiC unchanged.
BUTT ER Swady ; fancy imita
tion, "191?; 20; fancy creamery, 245;
fancy ladle, e$(a.l6; store packctj,
I2n j 4.
EGGS Stcy and unchanged, at
Now York. FLOUR Receipts,
KhSS barrel ; 'exports, 20,914 barrels.
Qr.ict, but -Steady at last night's
fiYE FLOUR Weak; fciirto gooj,
4 JA'ft''4.40: -Choice to fancr, 4.501'! 4.75.
CORN MEAL Quiet. "
RYE Firm; No. 2 Western, 82 to
arrive prompt.
'BARI.EY Quiet.
HAY Steady.
BUTTER Firm; extra fresih
creamery. 22; creamery, common to
choice, 14(1-121; State dairy, 1520;
'held crcjimery, 13(11 iq; Tenovated, 10
'fa1T, kactory, 12014; imitation
creamcrv. 14117.
CHEESE Quiet; State, full cream,
small ciorcd, fancy, September, Ilftj
11; gnod to prime, -g'ifrijio; small
white lancy, Scpternbrr. III1V5;
!good 'to prime, zVinW, large
colored fancy, SeptrTiibcr.- Il'ffll!;
good trj prime, 9!'5 10; large white
fancy. 'September, llihnjj; good to
prime, Vj'jGi 10.
EGGS Steady; State and renn--sylvanit,
nearby average linest, 185;
State and Pennsylvania firsts, 18;
'Western storage sel-ections. 18;
ffiiSl; Western firsts, t8; Southern
'land, Jt.754,25; new Floiidas, 4.00
,750; ltate and Western, sacks, 3.2J
'("3 50; Jersey sweets, a."5oftf4.oo.
" I'E'AN UTS Steady ; iancy hand
.picked, 5-)i; other domestic, zYiCdj
CAH RAGES Steady; Florida, per
Ibarrel crate, 3.5(113.50.
Live Saaurk.
Chtfago CATTLE Receipts,
I'.ooo; market strong to 7oc. higher.
Good to prime steers, 5.10 5.65; poor
to medium," 3 75(f 5.00; stackers atxl
l'eeders, 2.75C(i4.25; cows. 1.504.25;
heifers, a.oo($4.75; canners, 1.502.40;
"bulls, 2.00W4.10; calves, j.pi45o;
Texas-fed steers, 4.oo!T14.6e.
HOViS Receipts today, 16.000; to
ttnorrnw, 12,000; Urft over, 3.5o; mar
"ket Sc. lower: hogs firm. 'Mixed an.l
butchers, 5.105.35; good 'to choice
iM, 5-25fn;5-.1S: rg1i heavy, 310
"J5 25; light, 4-85?S-'5; bulk ef sales,
5.10(1" 5..-15.
S1TEEP Receipts, market
rtearty. Good to choice wethers, 4.75
ffla.b$: fair to ehnice mixej, .3.50
460; Western stieep, 4.05.3; 11a
ve "himhs, 4.00W5.75.
New York BEEVES Receipts.
2,067; market Urtn to 10c. higher; ail
sold. Steers, 4.55-40; fat ststgs.
5.00; 'bulls, 3.85(3.4.50; cows, l.tiorii:
4.00. Shipments today, 2.500 cittartcrs
of beW; tomorrow, 768 cattle atid
8,550 jrters of beef.
Alsace-Lorraine coal mines gave
employment to 8,620 miners last year.
Glassworkers of Haida, Austria, are
rapidly becoming disciples of George
and Bellamy.
International Jewelry Workers' I'n
ion has brgnn the publication of a
monthly magazine.
Toronto (Can) labor unions expect
to acquire a labor temple and be in
iheir new home by May 1.
Seventy-five per cent, of the 3.000
employes in the Bureau of Printing
smd Engraving arc women.
Steam Fitters' Protective Associa
tion will hold its annual convention in
St. Louis in Julie.
Of.icers of unions in New York an.l
other cities are agitating for trades
union banks in the principal cities.
. Steps have been taken to form the
shirt, collar and waist cutters of Mon
treal, Can., into a strong organization.
Longshoremen at lake pons have sc.
ccpted a seven and one-quarter per
cent, reduction in wases. Hours of
labor remain the same.
Unorganized working women of New
York city are compelled to make 12
shirts for the niauiiificieut sum of
16 cents.
Journeymen bakers at Albany, N. Y.,
have presented a new wage scale,
calling for a 10-hour day, an average
increase of I' a werk and no Sunday
Circumstances Under Which thf
"Three Fishers" Was WrMe
Charles Klngsley wrote tho "Thre(
Flshera" as a result of the many tnf
Bights he had seen at Clovelly. Ont
day of horror In particular lived It
his memory, a day as he described It
'Jwhen tho gjd bay lay darkened wltr
the fcray columns of the water spouts
stalking across, the waves before th
northern gale; and tlie tiny herring
boats fleeing from their nets right foi
the breakers, hoping more mere;
even from those Iron walls of roct
than from the pitiless howling wastt
of spray behind them; and that merr;
beach beside the town covered will
shrieking women and old men, castlnf
themselves on the pebbles, In fruit
less agonies of prayer, as corpse afle.
corpse swept up at the feet of wlft
and child, till in one case alone 1
single dawn saw upward of sixt)
widows and orphans weeping ovei
those who hod gone out the night he
fore In the fullness of strength am
courage." These scenes lived eve'
In his mind.
But tho "Three Fishers" was writ
ten as a result of one of the strange
Incidents in the stormy career of tin
preacher-author. In mi he prcarhet
e sermon In a London church on "Thi
Message of the Church to tho Labor
Ing Man." At Its close the vicar rost
nnd denounced him. Bishop Blomfiok
forbade Kingsiey to preach again it
his diocese, until, having read tin
sermon and seen Its author, he with
drew the edict. The same night tipoi
which he riel'vered his dlscour3f
Klngbley went to his home weary
There had nearly been a riot In tht
church. Slt-k at heart, he retired tc
his study. When he reappeared ht
handed to his family his lmraorta
song; "as though It were the out
come of It all," as his wife said.
Indian Found Bear Susceptible to the
Powers of Argument.
"The most Interesting story I evei
heard came from tho lips of old 'Buck
skin Charley,' chief of the Sou;herr
Utes," said J. P. Altberger of Philade!
"As told by a white man the narra
tive Is tame, it!e'l. lnci;i::g the dra
matic action and el vrm'rce of the re'
warrior. It was ali vtt. 1, meeting wit!
a big grizzly bear '.n the mountain:
of Colorado. Charity was out lnoUin;
for deer. He was equipped with at
old-fashioned, single-barrel, tnur.xlf
loading rifle, whoh put him at a ter
rible disadvantage, when he was sue'
denly confronted by one of the big
est specimens 'of the grizzly he eve
" "I jwmpeS behind big tree ver:
quick,' tie ssid, 'and Mr. Bear carm
close, reartrrg up on his hind legs. '
was scared to sl.oot, only having 0111
barre5, Thtn I commenced to talk,
said: "Mi. Bear, I am your friend.
rome -out 'after deer. I nope you g(
away anti so I kill deer and leave bl;
pier of meat for you.' Then the bea
seemed 'ro get friendly and 'he dropper
on its legs to the ground, much as t
say lie'b like a piece of deer, and ther
he run off Into the 'Mountains."
Washington Post.
Mnilh of women's daily -voe Is dm1
to kidney tro.'lile. SicS: kidneys cause
backache, languor, blind headache
dizziness Insomnia
and tirinury troubles
To ire yourself yoit
tiitiKteiiro thekidue.
Prolit by the experi
ences of others win
have been cured.
llw, William W
Hro n, professional
nurse, of Hi Jane St..
ratorsun, X. J., snyn:
"I not only seen
niiKih suffering and
11m ni- deaths from
kidney trouble, but i
have -sutiered myself.
At one time I thought
I waid not Mve. My u,ek ached, there
were f rennet. t lieult'lies aud dizzy
spejap, and the kidney secretions were
disordered. Dunn's Kidney Pills
belpml me from the first, and soon re
lievofl me entirely of nil the distressing
and pmliifnl B.vuiptoi.K.'"
A Hit EE TRIAL or thls'reut kidney
medicine which tured Mrs. Brown
will be mi. lied on ippllcaUon to any
part if the United Stat-. Address
Foster-ililburn Co., BuffaJo. X. V.
For hale by all druggists; price 50 cents
per box.
Klertric l.lulillnir.
The Uf-e of electric liKhtinc In N'pit
Vork Xt;e alone has increased over
LOOO per -ent. In ten years, nml the
itsft of elei-ti'ieily for power hn In
creased In tlie decade almost I'M) per
State or Ohio, City or Toledo, i
Lucas Oouxty. f
' Fbanic J. he.vev :nake outh tlmt h )
senior partner' the llrm cf . J. Chenky A
Co.. doing busiwts in tut- City of Toledo,
County ami Male ntoivsuiil. uud that
firm will pay thum of use Huximto koi.
Lars tor eai-h and evpfy easo of atkuii
that cannot i cured I'Vtlmuse of Hall's
CATABBH ( I'Rr. r'BAXK J. Chesey.
Hworn to Iwforo n nnd ulitcriliet in niy
presenw, thin fith ilny'of Decent
)ceal. Ler.A.l)., me. A.W.iLEAX,
t v ' A Mary Vuhlic.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and
ant directly on the Mood ami mucous sur
faces of the Hvsteiu. Hend for testimonials.
J re. F.'.I. Cheney Co., Toledo, O.
Hold bv nil Druggists. 7.V.
'lake Hall's Family 1'llls for ionstln-ttlon.
lias Spent Liraiinia in MlnUlrj.
Reverend Dr. Edwin ltol.le has Iipcii
pastor of the Greenland, NT H Congre
gutlonal Church for flfly-two year
snd Is still healthy find active iu tin
work of the uilulstry. He Is uow sev
enty-three years old. r w
FIT tnormannptlroere t. No (Itsnrnervoin
peMAftor AMI dnv'H use of ))r. Kllno's dreat
NerveUwitoror.2trlalrottleand treBtlietree
li. R. H. Kijwk, Ltd.. aai Areh St.. t'hlla,, Ta
Lot of people repard a clear eouacicutt
more as a lusiiry than a neeewity.
Waa'hlne Machlna Only an. 10.
Pare vnur wife's health snd (.amiitrr'a
beauty by nuitie reir grent Star Vo.hing
Mifhine A'orih it wriiihl in ol'i. I'lire
nnlv t'J'O: with wrinser. f 3 fto. John A.
alzer Seed Co., La ('tome, 'i.
It's all right to lova at first titnt, but
before uurrymg tak a second look.
lira. Wiiulow'a toothing FyTupferehlMran
iMtbim-, aofton tiia um. reduced inflaroaia
1101 alleys j alo.ctirenrtnd colle.yjc.abottla
r-l .rat-? - . '
Most of the Ailments Peculiar to the I
Female Sex Are Due to Catarrh of
the Pelvic Organs. j
: 1
llarh.icl ,). Kcmi.,ill, M I)., Vir- ,
It. V- V I.. ? '
pilllil Ollllil.O, - . 1., IM it IHOU'IIV w
ol (lie I'liivel'MI)' i Hull. iln
.in 1SHI,
ut medl-
uiul lius betii in the pmeLiee
cine in eit) binee lin n
as follows:
Sl writes
J "My conviction, supported by I
t experience, is that Peruna is a
valuable preparation for all ca- t
tarrhal attections. I have taken I
' one bottle of Peruna myself anil
just feel fine. I shall continue to ;
l'eruiid lias euifd lliuJi-.iuda of cai-ea ol
female weakness. As a rule, however, be
fore l'eiuiia is resorted to several otlin
remedies been tried in vain. A ei.l
many oi tlie patient have taken local
treatment, tiitmitlfd themselves lo siiiieal
oieialioiiK, and taken ail soils ol doctors
slull, without, any rcsuil.
The reason ot so many iailurcs w the
fact that diseases peculiar 'o llie iemaie
sex are not, common-
l'4nali Trouble
-ut KeviiKliixe!
hi Cutarrli.
ly recognized as be
ing caused by ca
tarrh. These organs
are lined by mucous- membranes. Any uiu-
0011s im.iiibi.ine is subject to catarrh.
Catarrh ot one otgau is exactly the same
jis catanli of any other organ. What will
cute catarrh of tho head will also cure ca
tarrh ol the pelvic organs. 1 eruna cures
these eases simply because it cures the ca
tarrh. Most of the women afflicted with pelvic
Calf Stabled in Squash.
It Is said that a California farmei
living near the city of I,os Angelej
recently raised a squesh of such enor
mous dimensions that it was used at
a stable for a calf. A hole wa.-' rut
In one end large enough to put th
animal inside and another made la
!'e other end allowed its hend to pro
trnrte. The weight of the squash wa
estimated at between 200 and 210
M ;liv n ylrl' upi:lrtnly Wll h lie ! r'ic r
ot w tine to a'ir that lr- ha- mn': .
PUo'st'ine for t'on-.iiiniili"ii Imi'i irit'' Mi''1
ineilii'ino fur i-ouirlm mul i-fi'iU.- V V .
Ham.'ki., Orean drove. . .1.. Fe'i. 17 1 :'!'.
A ninn ilelihrr.iteiy hi i vh:.c u wm.:
Inereiy tuppre.-.e the Inrji.
Jf you want crcaiiiny prices do thr
creameries do, Use ii.M' lit lit 1:
If a minister's '.routers bag at the knees
no itpolouy ir nectsary.
mui-t have a sufficient sujijily of
in order to develop into a crop.
No amount of Phosphoric
Acid or Nitrogen can compen
sate for a lack of potash in
. icrtniers lor
grain and all
other crops.
V thai! te glud
l tfiid In to iinv
(uimvr out !, nlr hk
Wllit fi (.tlltt.l'llS ,j'.i
Mp in J r r 1 11 1 nn
iboul sKil mluirr.
OJ Naasau St., New Vork.
A CrUio Oar lot Frvvrlabaf mh
ranMtipntloiia 11 id t t k
hiomnt-M Traablrv, TreiWiaa
lUnorslrrsi. aoJ Dftirtv
Molher Crof, Vor. tut llrrmk mm CmlAm
harrfirtf;;,!!!- ' 5 h.rum. t i I Druii, MM.
rM't Home. hsiiiipl rrt,ils)4 "HKK A ldrasM.
K IP AKff T ABft CM u hf bsMt fr
TptuaV BH-dM-li.t rT Usui. A ttun
rtrtl mllllumoC th-m bvtosMi w11
llik sUt.Klf Jt-T. CoikJbtllMUua. tsurV
buro. kick btw mL-h; aJUlnM, hvd
brt ath, mrr Utiut suuj rnr Ulnttsl
svrivina trta dlsom .,ni. k
art rvUf-TiHl rr eunl by hjisuu 1sb-
... , . , . 'iif win rnriir rvlier
yilBin (wwrttT mlautrst. Tbcflve cent tsckaru ittawm.
ior sva oniuisvry txxMMra. Ail uWkm mii tbmmh
S sew orS'ir aill pte panitnn tf. Wrfls a
at one fur tlsuts anil luttriutioaa, Vna ml
tiisrit.. no u.nbion mo ray.
run w. ii. wii.i.m cuMfANTi
WUU BalMlnn JH I -I m. hlutoa. Ik. C.
rknflifTAilL'" i
tfh ferrua. Taste GoL Oat I
I I Saat louU
I in toiK
me- a"id by 0ruain.
iT.lTV. ' AmW .v
-. 1 rv I II
vim-a -
W. f
iii--.acs have 110 idea that tiie.r trouble is
hie lo eaiurrh. Tlie majority o! the peo
ple think lli il e.uanli i a d.sea?e eon
lined to the head alone.
This is not liue. Calarili is li i'o'.t to at-
1 .,(..! ut tin nitilv: throat, bron
chial tubes. Ium:s, stomach, tiuticjs auu
especially tlie pelvic organs.
Many a woman has nuue tins Qiscovery
,. 1.,,. si,..r.. of oeleris treatment
iiiivi . ' ' ' h '-O -
She has made the discovery that her diav
ease is catarrh, and that Peruna can be re
lied upou to cure catarrh wherever iocmbo..
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. H.irtman, giving
full statement of your case, and he will be
pleased to give Jou his valuable advice
gratis. Address Dr., Piresiilent 01
The Uartmati sjanitafium, Columbus,
Of she Skin and Scalp
Speedily Cured by
Baths with
To cleanse the skin of crusts
and scales, and soften the
thickened cuticle, gentle ap
plications of CUTICURA
Ointment to instantly allay
itching, Irritation, and inflam
rriation, and soothe and heal,
and mild doses of CUTI
CURA Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood.
A single SET, costing bnt On Dollar,
is often sufficient to curs the most
torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and
blood humors, ccxemas, rubes, itcb
logs, snd irritations, with loss of baJr
from infancy to age, when all else failaU
SsM ISKiwKsat Mm warla. Ortfew Sasa,
wiu. Su, -- Hmo'ihl sfi. ils hum mi L'lwcolSM
inn,. v. tui r ai. iri l . n cs
mourn i i rsru. mim as n rsis i . " . '
As- rout, unit tMH. I ins. , m
SSf Sy4 ssf M Tas Uist Mmmc t
J ;?; v:w
D iTOPH Y22rw
- S ml tm4 10 Sara' il
ffaa. - 1"aia ii