The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 27, 1904, Image 8

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    Foley's Kidney Cure makes
kidneyandbliiddrsri?ht. Oon't
delay taking-
Ti. II. Wililo, Ksi., uiid MdiiOriiiii
spout Saturday at Clear Kidgoon
David U. Mellott f Pleasant
Ridge, was m town on business
last Wednesday.
Misses Winnifred and Katha
rine Metzler of ilarrisonville,
were among the shoppers at this
place Friday.
This is a good time to sub
scribe for the V ulton County
Nkws. Only a dollar a year in ad
Foley's Kidney Cure if taken in
time affords security from all kid
ney and bladder diseases.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hoop and
Mrs. D. 1). Deshoug of Ilarrison
ville, spent last Wednesday in
town on business.
Christ Butterbaughof the Cove
was called to Mercersburg last
week on account of the serious
illness of his father.
John Lortz, a well known busi
ness man who died in Chambers
burg a few days ago, left the snug
sum of $40,000 as a gift to Wilson
Foley's Uoney and Tar contains
no opiates, and will not consti
pate like nearly all other cough
medicines. Refuse substitutes.
Miss Margaret . Rexroth re
turned home last Thursday after
having had a very pleasant visit
among friends in the Quaker
Mr. David M alloy has added to
the convenience of his patrons on
the hill a nice brownstone cross
ing between his store and the
school house property.
Mr. Scott Rinedollar came
down from Everett last Friday
and stayed until Monday with
his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. D. L.
Rinedollar, and other friends.
M ss Daisy Folk of Clearfield,
accompanied by her niece, Eliza-
belli .Mciuuips, 01 jirocifpori, nj
. Fa., spent a lew hours among
her friends in town on Monday.
Master Reed Ray of the Scot
land S. O. school was called to
Auditor' Notice. .
Notice Ik hcrrhy Rlvrn thni the unilerslKnPd
awlltor appointed to ttmkr ilWtrllnitiou ot the
f'tn-ls In th" hiturisof W. K. yprrr rXnciltor of
tin- r-MH! of ,litmt Mlnnick line tit l.kk
Iiik Crerk luwnxhip, dcef um-c, will nil Id IiIh
ulllre In McConnellsbiirff. Vn . for the perfurin
unce nf Mild duty on Thuralny the inth day of
mh. lit 10 u .'liii'k. a. m htn nml whirr
nil pi'rwins Interested limy attend if they shc
87 04. Auditor.
Clear Ridge Note.
Onviri Newman was the guest of
Jacob Wineganliier's family on
Saturduv night.
Miss (foldie Winegardner has
been having a very serious time
with the meuslcs.
Mrs. Catharine McCluin .visited
the Fieltls' families on Saturday
and Sunday.
Jessie IJieffnor, wife and little
daughter, Olive, were visiting Mis
Millie Huston on Sunday.
Mr. Harry E. Huston's sale was
largely attended on Saturday.
Mrs. Amos Sipes and Miss Sa
die were the gue.-ts of II. T. Hec
tor's on Saturday.
Miss Louie J Jrown went tn Three
Springs on Sunday. She expects
to stay a few weeks with Mrs. E.
J. Madden, her half sister.
The fanners are exceedingly
busy with their plowing on ac
count of the late spring.
Rev. Salter and wife spent Sun
day evening at the Huston home.
Miss Newman of Three Springs
i is visiting Mertie Shore,
j Alfred Urovvn visited his daugh
! ter, Mrs. Tercssa Madden, near
Three Springs, on Sunday.
Miss Elsie 15aker returned home
i Saturday from u visit to friends in
I Altoona.
j Mrs. Retta Ilockenberry is vis
j iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. drove.
I Wesley Fraker and daughter, of
Fort Littleton, were in this place
on Saturday.
Clarence Shore expects to farm
for Thomas K'eeder this 'summer.
Iirint Miller, of Dublin Mills,
was in our village on Sunday evening.
Jesse Miller and family visited
Mrs. J. 15. Stevens Sun
C. M. ISraut and family spent
Sunday in Wells Valley.
Mrs. J. F. Davis spent part of
Saturday and Sunday in Wells
Valley. '
Tho Western Union Telegraph
Company has been repairing its
line along the State Road.
Mrs. Margaret Lyon has re
turned homo after visiting rela
tives at Yellow Creek, Bedford
I Heniamin Deshontr has moved
his sawmill to II. K. Stevens'
where ho will saw the lumber for
a house for Mr. Stevens.
Dr. Montgomery and son of
Fitcairn, aud Tilden Newman of
Waterfall, spent part of Thurs
day fishing for trout in Wooden
Bridge creek.
J. W. Laidig has beou maiuiig
improvements ou his farm by
building board feuce and putting
up wire fence. H. K. Mellott has
the contract for building a barn
for Mr. Laidig, and will get out
the timber this week.
To Quit The Store
1 Best Goods Least Money.
McConncllsbiirx Normal.
Tho Normal at this place "A'ill
begin May it at 1 :3() p. m. to con
tinue H weeks. Able assistance
will be given by competent in
structors. Tuition ?C.00: board
B. C. Lammkkson.
Oood for Children.
The pleasant to take and harm
less Ono Minute Cough Curegives
immediate relief in all cases of
cough, croup, aud la grippe be
cause it does not pass immediate
ly into the stomach, but takes ef
fect right at the seat of the trou
ble. It draws out the inflamma
tion, heals and soothes and cures
permanently by enabling the
lungs to contribute pure life-giving
and life sustaining oxygen to
the blood aud tissues. Oue Min
ute Cough Cure is pleasaot to
I take aud it is good alike for young
and old. Sold at Trout's dru-j
Ou Monday, Mtiy :!, we will nium-iii'i' l.o rime nut our entire
linr of (ii'iii'l'nl Mi-iTliuiKlise; mill In order In do so ns quirk ly im
possible, we have decided to throw profits to tlio winds and wilt M(M
our goods at cost -or, in other words, wo propose to sell our
Goods at Wholesale Prices.
It will require quite a while to close out a more than ;l,00ii stork:
and, in order to satisfy the demands of our trade, we will maintain
the high standard of quality and variety In our Grocery Pepartmunt
at the usual low prices until a later dute. A few prices will convince
you that we mean to dispose of our stock :
Lancaster Ginghams now Je a yd, Calico -4, 4 and 5c; Muslins lc
and up: Men's Pants, old price 1ft, now 12jo: Men's Overalls and
Work Shirts, regular price uile, now 40; Men's Dress Shirts, regain r
price f0c, now 40: Garden Seeds, 5c pkg., nmv only 2c each: Men's
Work Shoes for sue, 0e, 1 and 1.15 a pair -old prices 91, $1.25,
$1 35 and a pair; old Women's Comfort Shoes tiO and !l5c, old
price fllte and $1.25: Women's Dress shoes !IOc, 1, $1.. to old price
11.25, $1 40 and $1.75.
Anything you need in the lino of Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Glass
ware, ean lie had tit cost prices while they last. Give us a call and
you will help us empty our shelves.
Harry E. Huston,
Clear Ridge Pa.
Job Lots, j
Auction Goods; m
ffi Nothing but Ffesh Goods direct frpm factory. Life is kj
g too short to buy trash ! You can save 20 to 40 per
hi cent, bv buying from us. ' (fi
fii 2000 Yards New Carpets
5$ try at lowest price. Beautilul
direct from loom. Brussels, Ingrain, Rag, and Tapes-
Japanese Mattings
fresh from Japan.
Window Curtains
$2 from Pans and Switzerland, 2, 3, and 3 1-2 yds. long.
I Manufactures Price.
3 Piece Oak Hod Koom Suit $9.95.
0 Piece Oak Bed Room Suit $13.95 Up to
White Iron Med $1.95 to I0.
Good Rocker 95c to SI0
Good Carpet yard tn 75c.
oucioth 19c. to 35c, a yd.
Parlor Suit $1195 to $50.
bend us
your name
and we will
send you
our bargain
13 to 17 E. MARKET ST.
Chambersburg, Pa.
Mention this paper when writing.
: Pneumonia Is Robbed of lis Terror
; by Foley's Honey and Tar. It
this place Thursday on account . . , T.
, 1 '. .,, 'and strengthens the lungs. If
of the serious tllnoss of his father , .. ... .
taken in time it will prevent an at-
tt y' j tack of pneumonia. Kef use substi-
Johnston Conrad of this place, tutes Sol(1 at Trout's drug store,
delivered a load of pins and cross
arms from the Biff Cove Tannery ( NEEDM0RE.
pin mill to the Telegraph Com-1 I1- Maun of McConnellsburg
pany at Everett, last Friday. s"t Sunday with his mother.
Mr. D. J. Miller of Taylor I J- w- Lake and fam,ly 8PeDt
township has slaughtered some j Sunday Vth Dr' and Mrs-J-J-line
cattle this spring-one, a 4-1 P&lmor. dressed 1017: und two " al e w 1 eP'" " llmt m ' a-
j ,
others, "-year-olds, dressed, re
1 r.(l7 ".(! Thm
wi-ro all Shorthorns.
, r, , . i ing up his political fences in this
Mr.Cletus Palmer, son of Com-1 . . ,
niissioner II. Park Palmer of
liethol township, who has been a
For Sale.
An "1J" Peerless Engine, a"C"
Peerless Thresher, an Empire
Clover Iluller, a Woodsaw and
Water tank all in good condition
on Easy Tkhms. Address,
El) 15. Dikhl,
In Style,
Lernaster, Pa. !
i In Price,
i rv to... x?i
tiIn Workmanship,
is u suit when it U niude at the
Merchant Tailoring Establishment of
Mann and Mr.Isra-1 Hill are both
i i.
!)7 and :.!2. They I cunviue:e"
jno. i', rsipes,, was iook-
resident of Buffalo, N. Y., for
some time, has gone to the Mt.
Hermon School, situated at Mt.
Hormon Massachusetts.
A loose rail lying in the public
road caused the team driven by
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Ileam of
Franklin county, last Sunday to
runoff. Mr. Uoam was thrown
out violently against a telegraph
polereceiving injuries from which
lie died next morning,
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cope,
formerly residents of Whips Cove
but latterly living in Chester
county, have recently purchased
a very desirable property to
which they have moved, and now
their ixjstoftice address is Ken
nett Square, Pa.
Elder Samuel P. Wishartof the
Wells Valley Presbyterian church
was, by Huntingdon presbytery
which met at Tyrone on the 12th
iust., elected as one of the Com
missioners to the General Assem
bly of the Presbyterian church
which will be held in Huffalo, N.
Y., beginning May 11), 11)01.
Farm for Sale.
Farm of 1 l.'l acres of hne slate
land in first class condition, 2
miles from Mercersburg. A run
of water through every field.
Good stock farm. Will bo Bold
Writo to ,
, V. O. Uox 5, '
3 mo. Mercersburg, Pa.
S. Leo Quinn of Cavendish, Vt.
was robbod of hia customary
health by invasion of chronic cou-
atipation. When Dr. Kiog'a New
Life Pilla broke into hta house,
Ins, trouble waa arrested and
novfbe'a entirely cured. They're
guaranteed by all drugsriat's.
township last week.
Wralker & Kaynard arrived
home Saturday from Waynes
boro with a brand new traction
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Hill of
Fairmont, Iud., who were called
home a couple of weeks ago by
the illness of Mr. Hill's father,re
turned home on Monday.
Kev. Baugher returned Mon
day of last week from a short
trip to Gulps Mills, Montgomery
county. The Reverend has taken
a charge there, and will leave
here in the near future.
Our Prohibition friend, S. M.
Clevenger received in one mail
last week 32 pounds of mail.
special mail sack was necessary
for its conveyance. Sammy nev
er does things by halves.
A Challnoon Druggist's Statement.
liobt. J. Miller, proprietor of
the Read House Drug Store of
Chattanooga, Tenn., writes:
"There is more merit in Foley's
Honey and Tar than in any other
coucrh syrup. The calls for it mul
ttply wonderfully and we sell
more of it than all other syrups
combined." Sold at Trout's drug
Mid-Summer School.
Our select school in Wells will
begin on (Tie illst day of May aud
will continue for 8 weeks. Spe
cial attention will be given to
methods and schoolroom devices,
30 Lessons in Rkadinci. 30
Teachers or those preparing
for teaching wilt have special
work in all branches. Our school
will not be large cannot be be
cause of house. We shall be able
to give much individual instruc
tion. Tuition $5.00. . Rates of
boarding very reasonable. For
lurthur Information write,
II. M. GoirmH.
j Wells Tannery, Pa
5000 tons oak and hemlock hark
wanted, for which the highest
cash price will bo paid. Apply to
SA LTII.LO 'l'A N N Kit Y,
10-2 nio.
Saltillo, Pa.
Wilber Fraker is singing Lulla
by. Its a girl.
James Watters is very proud
over the arrival of a son.
Miss Grace Finley spent Sun
day with Ruth McOehee.
Rev. Booher of Spring Run,
held services in tho Presbyterian
Mrs. Philips was called to
Belleville, Pa., last week to see
her son, who is ill with diphtheria.
Mrs. Mame Naugle and sister
Mrs. J. E. Speck made a busi
ness trip to Chambers1urg last
Gent's Furnishing Goods
conflicting of
the latent things in
Shirts, Collar, CutTs, Cravats,
Ties, Suspenders, Souks, Jewelry, Huts,
In fact anything men or boys wear except shoes. If you wear ready
made clothing, you should remember that we have what you want
and at right prices. All sizes and styles for men and boys.
We Want
To Tell You
of the many things we
to show you.
the Nobby Turbans and Toques
handsome-maJe Braid, Chif
fon and lace hatstrimmed
and untrimmedall
Veils, Malines, Laces, Ribbons,
Flowers, the new Persian Silks,
and Medallions, Handkerchiefs
Hats Trimmed Free
iVlaye Johnston.
Vammoth Display
E l Summer Vlillinery, l
Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Feathers, Tips. Plumes.
An extensive assortment of daintily trimmed Hats ready to select
from, ranging in all prices. For tho benelit of our customers we
have secured an exclusive '"city trimmer," to muko or to trim to
order. Hat or Uonnet to suit any face or style,
Fresh Summer Dress Goods.
Whlti India Linen, Organdie, Swiss, Lawns fancy and plair,
Gingham, Hatistr, Mulls, Mousselines.
1 Distinguished stylo in Summer Cloths and Black Goods. All
wool Kyber and French I'amUe.
Hosiery. Gloves, Mitts, Hitching, Cellars, Ties, Fancy Stocks.
lu:T Combs, Side Combs, Hair UriiameAu, Shirtwaist Sets, Buttons,
Kmhroldcries, Laces.
C. U. Corsets, F. P. Corsets, and H. & G. Corsets.
Ladies' Ready-made Shirtwaists and
Tailored Dress Skirts.
Whatever you seek If it is popular, pretty, meritorious can be
bought at this store for less money than it costs elsewhere
Buy the "Bimiitr," th most sensible and comfortable pattern on
tho market. A varii t always on sale.
Best trade prices for Kggs and Poultry.
your Health and SI RENGTH with
a pleasant, potent, and permanent Invigorator for WOMRNt
CH1LRR.F' - -i MEN. Ct II from your Druntat
Iron and Enamel Bedsteads, Parlor Suits, Chamber
Suits, Couches, &c, at lowest prices. All kinds of
Agricultural Implements,
Fertilizers, Wire, etc,-
If you need anything to eat, use, or wear, write for
prices or call. Don't forget you can save '20 to 40
per cent. here.
CLAY PARK, Three Springs, Pa.
Mr J
Ready with
Spring and Summer Goods.
All are Invited to come and
inspect the pretty lines.
Our Spring Clothing tresh, up-to-date styles
for men and boys.
Large selection of separate Dress Pants.
The best 50c Overall, in blue and stripes.
We are proud ot our new lines of Shoes, both for
dress and every day wear.
beautiful assortment of Dress Shirts ; also
Work shirts bought before the advance.
The finest line of Mercerized Shirtwaist Pat-
terns we have ever had ; also Percales, Lawns, Dim
ities, etc.
see our new straw Hats before you get one.
Straw matting from 10 to 30c a yard.
Felt window shades 8c.
Oil window shades 20c.
"McConnellsburg, Fa.
Tables, (large or small),
oooooooooo oocxoooooooo
Sac vni i i iitr it
FlirnitlirP served in Every Style to
Ur IllLUI t? suit Any Taste.
Flemish and Weathered Oak Library Tables, small
tables, settees, chairs, rockers and tabourettes, in Mis
sion style for the den or library.
For the PARLOR.
Arm Chairs,
Reception Cbairs,
Cabinets, (open or enclosed).
China Closets, Serving Tables,
KxtenslonJTables, Sideboards,
HulTeti, ' Screens,
Cune and wood-seat chairs,
Tables and Cabinets for the kitchen.
For the BED ROOM.
Dressing Bureaus. Rockers,
Dressings Tables, Chairs,
Chiffoniers, Indian Seats,
Mirrors, Screens,
Clothes trees, Fancy tables,
Hwlsteads, Desks,
la Ktuhogany, Bird's-eye Maple, Golden Oak, Ao.
, Iieffetead la Uraas aud Iron, enameled In white and colors.
We will tw pleased to have yon call and examine our stock. You
are welcome, whether you buy or not. v
Special work made to order at our factory.
Nos. 49-51 Queen St.
Chambersburg, Ia,
OOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooo