The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 20, 1904, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W. PECK, Editir and Propriitor.
APRIL 20, 1904.
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per nUiirB of Kline 8 time It M.
Per unre each ubeuuent Insertion.... 50.
All advertisement Inserted for leu than
hrce month charitcd by the aquare.
a nv. I Amos. I yr.
One-fourth itoluran 115.00. 1 IJfiOO.
Omvhiilf column iVOO. 1 40.00.
One Column 10.00. 1 66.00.
C 00
50 00
76 00
NothlnK Inserted for less than II.
Profcilonal Card one year 15
Children' Saylnj.
The sayiuga of children very
often are truer than they sound.
The child will receive an idea in
some way and there is nothiug
but more years that will change
that idea. How many times are
we impressed with the wisdom
of a child's remarks? We our
selves have answered questions
on impulse when we were young,
and hit the nail more squarely,
than we could now after long
study. A child's mind is a para
dox and au enigma to those who
study it. The following may be
more facetious than otherwise.
Says the llagerstown Mail :
H. F. M. Hurley delights to tell
of his visit to one of our public
schools when the teacher intro
duced him as a lawyer from Ha
perstowu and placed the school
in his hands to ascertain their
knowledge of occupation and oth
er matters of interest. Said Mr.
Ilurlev to the boys and girls of
the school: "I have been intro
duced to you as a lawyer, now
what does a lawyer do?" There
was silence for nearly a minute,
when Mr. Hurley remarked,
"Surely some one can answer the
question." "He tehs lies," said
one of the boys and the whole
school broke out in laughter in
which the teacher aud Mr. Hur
ley heartily joined.
He then asked them, "What do
the doctors do?" They come to
see sick people, cut off their arms
and legs and give ugly medicine
to the babies."
What do the preachers do?
. "They preach and pray every
Sunday so that the people will
not go to h II. One little girl
who wanted to be recognized said
"and they marry people, too."
What do school teachers do ?
"They teach school until they
get something better to work at
that pays them more than school
Mr. Hurley asked them many
other questions ana among them
linally was this: Which one of
the occupations that I have named
to you do you t'.iink is the most
useful to the world ?
(Jue half of the school answer
ed iu chorus, "The farmer."
Why ? said Mr. Hurley.
"Because they raise wheat,
corn, potatoes and other vegeta
bles for people to eat and people
cannot live without eating."
The pupils who answered the
questions in favor of the farmer
were thinking of that first law of
natu re sel f preservation. What
appealed to their young utiodi
most was the fact that iiey had
to eat to live. Given life all the
rest could bo added unto them.
The child uncwciously is practi
cal and in th'.V ho sets a worthy
example U his elders. The child
is i-tbh to the man.
Would it not make many of us
more comfortable and better sat
isfied if the cares and responsi
bilities of life would appeal to use
in the care-free manner they used
to do ? If they were all less com
plex in appearance ? As simple
in appearance as they really are
in unraveling when we try?
Good lor Children.
The pleasant to take and harm
less One Minute Cough Curegives
immediate relief in all cases of
cough, croup, and la grippe be
cause it does not pass immediate
ly into the stomach, but takes ef
fect right at the seat of the trou-1
bio. It draws out the inflamma
tion, heals and soothes and cures
permanently by enabling the
lungs to contribute pure life-giv-!
ing and life sustaining oxygen to !
the blood and tissues. One Mid- j
uto Cough Curo is pleasant to j
take and it i good alike for young
and old. Sold at Trout's drug;
store. I
KUHN'S P0l.Ni.
Our farmers are getting ready
for corn plantiug.
John Summers, who has been
sick for some time, is slowly re
covering.' Seth U. Mellott has bought
Dick II. Mellott's engine and saw
mill and is moving to John Hoi
len9head's, where he expects to
saw a fine lot of lumber.
Otho Summers expects to go to
liroadtop to farm for Mr. Frank
L. W. Mellott is getting ready
to saw a tine lot of shingles.
Thomas Sherman has moved to
the Joseph Rnotz farm.
Mrs. Newton Mellott raised a
parsnip in her garden that weigh
ed three pounds and a quarter.
Hewitt's Witch Hazel gives in
stant relief from burns, cures
cuts, bruises, sores, Eczema, Tet
ter and all other abrasions of the
skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salve
it is only necessary to see that you
get the gonuine DeWitt's and a
cure is certain. There are many
cheap counterfeits on the market
all of which are worthless, and
quite a few are dangerous, while
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is per
fectly harmless. Sold at Trout's
drug store.
Isaiah Bradnick is on the sick
list has been housed up for
some time.
John Tice is sawing lumber for
W. Scott Wagner near Adam V.
Glunt's. .
Miss Melvina Uershey and
Ralph Kelso were to see the sick
at J, A. Aller's last Sunday.
Sylvester Cunningham has
moved onto the farm he recently
purchased from George Myers.
Uncle John Glunt had the mis
fortune recently of losing three
of his fine hogs. That was too
bad, John.
D. B. Mumma has moved his
sawmill to Grant Baker's, where
he is sawing lumber for Mr. Ba
ker and A. J. Fore of the Cabins.
Caleb Mellott is hauling out a
large kiln of lime on his corn
ground for ttnii season. That's
what makes the grass and "ta
ters" grow.
J. A. Aller's family have been
afflicted with measles for the past
month but are about over them
now. Mrs. Aller and the baby
were quite ill with them.
I wonder where the scribe is
that spoke of self praise m the
News some time ago. He was
meaning himself when he wrote
that, but failed to state the fact.
It has become the style in this
section, when persons visit their
neighbors, to stand outside the
house and listen to the conversa
tion going on inside. Listeners
never hoar any good of them
selves. Dreadful Attack of Whooplaf Coufh.
Mrs. Ellen Uarlison.of 300 Park
Ave., Kansas City, Mo., writes as
follows: "Our two children had
a severe attack of whooping cough
one of them in the paroxysm of
coughing would often bleed at
the nose. We tried every thing
we heard of without gettingrelief.
We then called in our family doc
tor who prescribed Foley's Houej'
and Tar. With tbo rery first dose
they began to improve and we
feel that it ha? saved their lives."
Refuse substitutes. Sold at
Trout's drug store.
The Regular Old School Bap
tists will hold their annual May
Meeting at Fairview church,
Needmore, on Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, (May Cth, 7th. and
8th). Elder Gore of Virginia, El
der Bartley of Ohio, Elder Mel
lott of Philadelphia, and Elder
White of Leesburg, are expected
to attend. Meeting to open on
Friday at 11 o'clock.
Andrew Souders finished burn
ing a lime kiln last week. Some
body is evidently hunting trouble
by sneaking around people's
houses when they might be more
creditably occupied.
Mr. and Mrs. Vance visited
Mrs. Ella Fite Sunday.
Would not interest you if you're
looking for a guaranteed salve for
sores, burns or piles. Otto Dodd
of Ponder, Mo., writes: "I suffer
ed with an ugly soro for a year,
but a box of Buckl n'a Arnica
Salve cured me. It's tho best
saive on earth.' 25c by all drug-gist.
W. II. Fields left on Monday
for 1'itcairn.
Mrs. Mary A. Fields is visiting
friends in Waynesboro.
E. O. Kesselring passed thro'
our town last Saturday evening.
The Sunday school was reor
ganized last Sunday and new offi
cers elecied.
Many of our young people at
tended preaching at Hustontown
Sunday night.
Brady Fleming and W. W.
Brown started to Hill Valley
Monday morning.
Dr. H. C. McClain was a very
pleasant caller in the family of J.
V. Carmack last Sunday.
Mr9. Emory Stair of Alexan
dria ts spending this week with
T. E. Fleming and family.
Mrs. H. F. Walker loft for Al
tooua on Monday where she ex
pects to spend a few weeks.
Alfred Negley of Salemville
and Miss Lizzie Hector were in
our town Saturday evening.
John Gallaher and Howard
Kerlin of Sixmile Run spent Sun
day with their friends at this
Miss Jessio Henry left for lla
gerstown this week where she
expects to spend the summer in
Miss Lillian Fleming returned
home Saturday evening after a
ten days' visit among relatives at
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Winegard
uer and daughter Inez were
guests of Wm. Knepper's family
last Sunday.
Mrs. Catharine McClain md
daughter Cordelia were guests of
Thomas Cromwell on Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. Margaret Henry and son
Smith visited her daughter, Mrs.
Frauk Keith, at Wood vale Satur
day and Sunday.
Miss Myrtle Anderson, who
spent the past two weeks with
her mother and sister, returned
to Pittsburg on Monday.
Saves Two hrnm Death.
"Our little daughter had an al
most fatal attack of whooping
cough and bronchitis," writes
Mrs. W. K. Havihind, of Armonk,
N. Y., "but when all other rem
edies failed, we saved her life
with Dr. Kiug's New Discovery.
Our niece who had consumption
in an advanced stage, also used
this wonderful medicine and to
day she is perfectly well." Des
perate throat aud lung diseases
yield to Dr. King's New Discov
ery" as to no other medicine on
earth. Infallible for coughs and
colds. 50c and 1.00 bottles guar
anteed by all druggist's. Trial
bottles free.
The Sunday school at this place
is progressing nicely under the
management of Logue Hess, su
perintendent. There were about
eighty scholars last Sunday.
There will be preaching at this
place next Sunday at 3 p. m.
Isaac B. Lay ton and wife wero
visiting A. B. Smith's lust Sun
day. Russell Truax and little broth
er Earl were visitiug J. L. Ples
singer last Succfay.
Misses Clyde Smith aud Jen
nie Trunx were the guests of
Hiram Hill's family last Sunday.
John Truax and family of Vir
ginia, moved to this vicinity April
M. L. Smith, wife and little
daughter Janet were the guests
of J. L. Plessinger last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peck
spent Saturday and Sunday with
their daughter Mrs. Ephraira
Are You Dyspeptic ?
If you are a dyspeptic you owe
it to yourself and your friends to
get well. Dyspepsia annoys the
dyspeptic's friends because his
disease sours his disposition as
well as his stomach. Kodol Dy
spepsia Cure will not only cure
dyspepsia, indigestion and sour
stomach, but this palatable, re
constructive tonic digestant
strengthens the whole digestive
apparatus, and sweetens the life
as well as the stomach. When
you take Kodol Dyspepsia the
food you eat is enjoyed. It is di
gested, assimilated and it nu
trient properties appropriated by
the blood and tissues. Health is
the resu It Sold at Trou t'a drug
Attention is directed to the in
troductory advertisement of W.
H. Ludwig, eUewhoro in this pa
j Nutter, 20: Eggs, 14; Side, Shoulders,
u...i r ..l tinn. i i..
. .M .....I U IIUI1I lit!
No. 27 White Sewing Machine, Drop
Head, Automatic Lift, 20-year guaran
tee -complete I2S.
No. .112 Golden Star Sewing Machine
drop head and automatic lift with 10
year guarantee, tlH.
Cylinder churns all sizes. Tubs,
clothes baskets, Clothes wringers,
clothes lines and pins, hoes, rakes,
forks, nhovels, glass 8x10,10x12, 12x20
and 12.24, ratchet braces, drawing
knives, dash lanterns, hand and
meut saws, steel squares, chisels, files
all nixes- all at prices that will cause
you to open your pocket book before
you lunve.
Political Announcements.
The following Is a bulletin of the an
nouncements made thus fur by candi
dates for the nomination for the dif
ferent offices to be filled next fall. As
fast as they appear, we will give you
the names of the candidates of both
political parties, in the order in which
they are made,
L. C. Kelly, Dublin township.
Jno P. Sipes, McConnellsburg.
C. B. Stevens, McConnellsburg.
A. C. Lauver, Ayr township.
Thos. I'. Garland, Belfast township.
A. 11. Edwards, Taylor township.
Jefferson Harris, Ayr township.
For Sale or Rent.
The undersigned bus in Needmore a
two-story, six-room house that he will
sell or rent. It is known us tho Shafer
property, and has a cellar full size of
the house und never failing wuter-ut
the porch. The lot contains one acre
of ground well cultivated in fruit trees
of all kinds, a good garden, flowers of
all kinds in the yard, a good stable
with never failing pump in the barn
yard, and cither necessary outbuild
For further particulars, cull on or
.1. H. MKLLOTT. D. D. S.,
Needmore, Pa.
Pneumonia follows La Orlppo
but novor follow tho uao of
It stops the Congo and heals lha Inaga.
Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption.
If a. O. Yicieb, of 1ST Oood St., Cklu,
vrltae: "Mr wit had la grippe and It left ker
lib, a varr bad cough an bar lain wblab
foui'e Horn aid Tab euad MBpUtela
For Sale ut Trout's Drug Store.
Needed In Every Home
W Altoays
Up to Date
A Dictionary of ENGLISH.
Biography. Qorphir. Fiction. etc.
The New and E.nlarged
ELdition Containa
25,000 New Words
New Gazetteer of the World
Willi moro tli ii n lii.KI) titles, bused on tin
latent reiipua return.
New Biographical Dictionary
contiiiiiinir iiuiiK'a uf iivcr lU.iiDnotewort hy
IMinuiiiH, Willi iiMtliiniility. occupation, date
of relirim, dutu of birth, dcutli, cU
KdlliHl liy W. T. U ARB IB, Ph.D., LL.D
L'nited btutuii 'iiiiniiuiiimr of ldiieuoon'
New Plates 2180 Quarto Pages
Rich Binding S00O Illustration
We ultio puliiixli
Webatar'a Collegiate Dictionary
wlthOlmmuryof Hcoltu-liWonliiniid I'linua.
IIUI !'. Hull lllu.lrsli.Hii. Hiaiilnl S limhaa.
r I rat -c I nan in (uulity, neeiiiid-i'luiji in
"A Teat la Pronunciation" which atTonln a
plriisaiit und instructive evening's enter
tainment. 1 11 uat ruled pamphlet, alio tree.
Publiehera, Springfield, Mac.
The undersigned otTera his farm at
private gale, kltuate on the turnpike,
live mile west of McConnellsburg.
House well adapted for hotel. Farm
20) acre.
1-27-04-tf. II. S. DANIELS.
Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of a vary
one hundred people who have heart trouble
can remember when It waa simple indite,
lion. It la aclentlflo fact that ail case of
heart disease, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but are tl.e direct result of Indf
(sstlon. All food taken Into the stomach
wh:ih (alls of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stomach, putting II up against lha
heart. This interferes with the action of
the heart, and in the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. KjuM. of Narad. O.. sura: I had atonuch
trouble and wa In a bad iut aj had bear! trouble
arlth It. I took Kodol Dyspapala Cur tor about lam
loath and II cured me.
Kodol Digests What YoW Bat
and relieve the stomach ef all nervoug
strain and the heart ol all pressure,
ottlesonly. 11.00 Sit boUtag ?K aaas tfceMsj
tie, which Mil for iOe.
Prepared by O, DWTT 00., OHWAtQ.
Sold at Trout's drug store.
Your Column.
Ti Know our appreiMsuoo ut the " ay In
which the Pillion Cnnniy Ncvr I bel adopt,
ed Into the home of the penp'e of thl oounty,
we bitre et npart tm eolumn fur the KREE
una of our autMcrlem.forRdvertinliiK purpose,
ubjeot to the following conditions:
1. It In free only to thoe who ure puld up nub
scrlber. I. Only peronul property can be advertised
8. Notice must not exoped w rdn
4. All "IprhI" notlo a excluded
n. Not free to merchant", or uuy ono to ndver
linn icood Hold under-a mercantile lieenne.
The prlmnry object ot thin column Ik to af
ford farmer, and folk who tire nut In public
nutne. no opportunity to brum to public ut
tentlon product or atnuk they may Imve to
sell, or may want to buy.
Now. thhpoe jduih: if you wanttobuy a
lone, If you want hired help, If you want to
borrow money, If you want to xell a pi?, a buir
Ky. nome hay, (roone, or If you want to adver
tine for a wife this column In vour.
The New I reud weokly by eight thousand
peonle, and I the best advertising medium In
he cotititv
& HATS 5,
We have HLWDUKDS of styles to
select from. Ladies Trimmed Hats
from 75c., up to $15.00: Shirt
Waists Hats from 40o., to $2.50
Sailors from 25c, up. Children's
Heady -to-Wca r Hats mostly trim
med with streamers us low as 25
Shirt Waists
from 40 cents to $3.00; Shirt-waist
Suits from $1.50 to $2.50; Wrap
pers 60 cents: Sunbonnets 15 to 25
cents. Children's Hose in all col
ors; Ladies' and Children's Gauze
Vests. All the latest NecKwear.
In fact, we have everything that
may lie found in a
millinery store.
Come one, come all. -
our store to front struct opposite
the postotllce.
Mrs. A. F. Little,
I will close out my stock of Horse
Blankets at cost. I have a few Ilatlia
tors left that Is of no account In hot
vvevther, that must go at a sacrifice.
Single and Double Driving and
Farm Harness. It will pay you to see
them and get prices. Yankee bridles
from $1.50 up, and collurs from $1.00
Tinware, Cutlery, Churns, Wash
ing Machines, Stoves, Pipe, Ac.
Complanters, Spring Harrows
all kinds of farming implements.
Don't forget that I sell the only mower
not in the combine.
Successors to D. E. Little.
Delivery on Mondays, Tues
cays, Thursdays, and
All kinds of cakes furnished on
short notice.
t ' i
t A Bran New Fulling Top f
t Buggy with Full Leather X
1 Trimming, Spring TurIiIou I
J aud Back, Thousand Milo I
Axle, A Grade Wheels, Pat- X
ent Shaft Coupler and Fiue- i
ly Finished throughout for X
ONLY $50.
Large Stock to select
I am also handling llaud
made Buggies and Wagons.
W. R. Evans
t Hustontown, Pit.
Covers the Field.
2& .
In every part of the
- ... J" iir i
voumy iaiimui re
X porters are located
t that gather the daily
t happenings.
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
j ic, Latest Fashions
t for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal-
timore, Philadelphia
t Markets. The Sun-
day School Lesson,
X Helps for Christian
Endeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
t erybody.
CARDS, 4c,
In fact anything and
t everything in the best
style along that line.
X Sample copies of
X the News sent to any
X of your friends cn
t request.
TIME TABLlZ May 25, 1903.
Leavu uo. ,no 4 no. 8 no. Kjno.iO I In
VM t.M t'. M P.ltltP.U p
Winchester ) aft .... t u a 8u
ViurtlusfourK g l a 57 7 u
HttKerstown .... 8 fill H lift I'j 20 8 4ft H 00 10 IS
Jreenoastle .... ill a in IS 41 4 om K il III m
Vlercersbiiry w 111 :u a hu ...
Chumbersburg.. 7 84 a 10 I On 4 40 8 4ft 10 bH
W aynesboro 7 0S.... 13 00 8 aft ....
Sblppensburg... 7 M 10 00 1 l 6 (fi 9 0)11119
Newvllle 8 10 10 IK I 1; Bat 9 m 11 n
Cilllisle 8 SO 10 X'.) It m 6 4K 4ft It! 02
viechunlcsburg,. 8 60 II Oil Ul a 10 10 OT 12 21
UlllsburK 10 0U 5 23
Arr, HarrlHburv. 9 07 II 20 2 40 a 0 10 2ft 12 40
Arr. Pblla II 48 8 17 6 47 9 2M 4 2:1 IN
Arr. New York, t 13 8 ft3 8 Oti 12 83 7 18 7 IS
Arr. Ualtlmore.. 12 10 a II a do 9 46 20 7 ifi
h. m. p. u. p. u. p. M. A. 11. a. u
Train No 12 east runs dally eioept Sunday
netween HaKeixtown and Harrisburg, leaving
Hauentowu 1.06 and arriving at Harrutburg at
Additional east-bound local trains will run
lully. except Sunday, as follows: Leave
Carlisle 7.0n a. 111., la.So p.m. g.16 p.m., leave
Vleckaniosburg 6.64 a. m., 7. 9 a. in.. 12.62 p. m..
I.wi p. m. Leave Dillsburg 6.3ft a. m.. 10.00 a,
Vas p. in..
Trains Nog. 2. 8 and 1 10 run dally between Ha
erutown and Hurrlaburg
t Dally eioept Sunday.
no. I no. 8 no. i no. 7 no. t 109
11 66 4 44 8 o2 12 00 4 86 8 80
7 ftft 12 10 8 66 t 66 6 M
II 40 4 26 8 40 II 40 J6 80 8 2ft
6 00 7 ftft II 46 820 880 11 Oft
8 60 4 02
6 19 8 IM2 Oft 8 87 8 61 II 28
6 40 8 871)2 27 8 67 9 13 II 4
6 02 9 00 12 61 I III 9 84 12 02
8 20 9 IH 1 10 4 82 9 62 12 lb
10 82 2 Oft 6 OM ....
8 40 9 8rt I 82 4 60 to 12 13 88
8 1ft 10 0 8 4H
T 0 10 01 I 60 6 14 10 86 12 68
7 21 10 22 2 17 6 87 10 67 1 16
8 24 II 10 8 24
9 10 II 66 7 10
A. at. A. M. P M. P. at. P. U. P. M.
Hal timore
New York
Mercersburg.. .
Greenoastle ....
Hageretown ....
Ar. Wlootiealor.
Trui u No. 1. west run daily except Sunday
between Harrihhurg udU Hageratown, leav
ing Hurrlxburg al6.i6 p.m. and arriving al Ha-gei-Ntowu
at 7.6? p. ni.
Additional looal train will leave Harrlaburg
an follow: For Carllale and Intermediate ata
tlon at 9.87 a. m.. 2.0U p. m. and 4.30 p. m., alao
foYMeohanloHburg Dliltiburg and intermediate
Htntionaat 7 SO a. m.. 8.10 n. ni. and 8.30 p. m.
Traina Noa. I. a and 109 run dally between
Harriflburt and Dagerfitown.
Pullman palaoe sleeping oara between Nov
York and Knoxvllle. Tenn., on traina I we'
nnrt no eaal and between Phliadelph a and
Wulah on N. W. Hallway on traina 109 weat
aud 12 earn, except that on Sunday tbe Pbua-Ji-lphla
aieeper will run eaat on No. 8.
Through ooauhea to and from Philadelphia
011 traina 2, 4 aud a eaat and 6, 7 and 9 weat.
Daily eioept Sunday.
t'u. IPaa.
Mix. Paa. Mix. Paa.
tO I tM W W
a m Arr. ah a m p. at,
a 6ft Cbamberaburg.. 8 46 II 60 4 80
7 II ......Marlon 8 83 11 82 4 00
8J6 ..Mereeraburg.. 8 00 10 80 8 80
8 60 Loudon 7 (tx 9 42 I 08
9 06 ....Richmond.... T 80 9 80 8 00
A. M A. al. P. al. r. al.
Hi7 483
6 ') 9 46
6 II 9 67
ft IN. 10 80
8 1X110 6H
a 16111 06
Vice Plea. & lion. Supt. Bupt.
H. A. KIDDLE, (Jen. Paaa. Agent
v44-tA, BO YEARS'
r't, CoviiaHT &e.
Anron wndlnf a skalrh and dmotipltoft mmf
ulnklv (UMMjrtnin our ouniliia trmm wbeihair ma
quickly (Uronrtiiin our opinion frM wbeitiwr ma
iiifmiiinn ta pnibablf ptueittuhi. Couiniuriti?
BdeittUL Hun Ix
HaUetiM iaUuin thruutrh Muun k Cu, rwonlvt
ausiitiT for Micuriiitf UUlllU.
W4CUU tuAUs. Without cbrtf4m. la thm
Scitntific ifnterican
A hindsomaly lllntral4 wwklr IrirMt elr
fultlun of tinr clan 1 100 UmrumL Triu. 93 m
jr : four m.miu. L lkul by ail nawadttaJara.
Fiiist Class
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cup und Townl with pnch Shvve.
KverythinK AixKuptlu.
Razor Slerilled.
CCShop In room lately occupied by 1M Druke
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up to dm e Id all Ntrlcfi of hair out
tins'. Uulok, easy shaves, imy-rum. Crenm
W Itcn-liutHl. without extra chame. 'rch
towel to each customer. Latest improved ap,
paratu for atcrlliiliig tools. Parlor opposite
Fulton House.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All legal business and collection entrusted
will eoelve careful and prompt attention.
Pheshytkrian. Kev. W. A. West,
D. V.. Pastor. Preaching services
each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.'
and every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath
school at 0:15. Junior Christian Kn
deavor at 2:00. Christian Kndeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Methodist Episcopal Uc v. J. V.
Adams, Pastor, Sunday School
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and everv
Sunday evening at 7:00. Kpworth
Tveague at :00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching every Sundu v morn
ing at 10:30, and every other "Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00. p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evenlna
at 7:00. 8
G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 9:15
a. m. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian En
deavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed Rev. C. M. Smith, Pas
tor. Sunday Bohool at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching an alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7.00 p. m. Christian
Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
The first term ot the Courts of Ful
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday follow iiig the second
Monday of January, nt 10 o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. m. -
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on tho first Monday
f Ojtobsr, ut 2 o'cto'.-k p. ra.
Justice of the Pence Thomas F.
Sloan, L. II. WiLle.
Constable John II. Doyle.
Burgess n. W. Scott.
Councilmen D. T. Fields, Leonard
Hohman, Samuel Pender.M. W. Nace
Clerk-William Hull.
High Consta ble Wm. Baumgardner.
School Directors A. U. Nace. John
A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M.
Taylor, John Comercr, C. B. Stevens.
President Judge Hon S.Mc. Swope.
Associate Judges Iemuel Klrk.Da
vid Nelson.
Prothonotary, &c Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney George B. Dan
iels. Treasurer George B. Mellott.
Sheriff Daniel C. Flock.
Deputy Sheriff D. T. Fields.
Jury Commissioners- C. H. E. Plum
mer, Anthony Lynch.
Auditors John S. Ilarrls, W. C.
Davis, S L. Garland.
Commissioners S. D. Mellott. Geo
Sigel, and II. 1'. Palmer.
Clerk Frank Henry. '
County Surveyor Jonas Lake.
County Superintendent Charles E.
' At.t.rirnpva W Spi.ii a 1 t
Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan. F.
tiv jiuuBiun, ai. iv. snanner, ueo.
B. Daniels, .lohn V Mr, u nr
Kirk. ' WI'VD,
Odd Fellows M'Coiinellsburg Lodge
No. 744 meets every Friday evening in
tne Comerer Building In McConnells
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets
every Saturday evening in the Cromer
building at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrlsonville Lodge No. 701 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Pel
lows' Hull at flarrisonvillo.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellow'
Hall at Waterfall Mills.
Warfordsburg Lodge No. 601 meets
in Warfordsburg every Saturday
King Post G. A. R. No. 365 meets in
McConnellsburg In Odd Follows' Hall
the first Saturday In every month at 1
p. m.
I loyal Arcanum.Tuscnrora Council,
No. 121, meets on alternate Monday
evenings in P. O. S. of A. Hall, in
Washington Cnmp No. 4!)7, P. O. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening In P. O. S. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. P54, P. O.S.
I A f 1 . . . . . ' .j
ui si., ii u&Lwuiown, iiKHfis every Batnr
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hll.
John Q. Tayhr Post G. A. U., No.
589, meets every Saturday, on or Just
preceding full moon in Laxhley hall,
at i p. in., at Duck Valley.
Woman'a Relief Corps, No. 80
meets at aame date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen'. D. B. McKlbbln Post No. 402,
G. A. 3., meets the second and fourth
Saturdays in each month at Pleasan
The Fnltoii County News