The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 06, 1904, Image 5

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Of Local and Qeneral Interest, Gathered
at Home or Clipped from our
Millinery OpeniDg April 8 and 0,
Maye Johnston, Milliner.
Easter service in the Lutheran
church next Sunday evening at
Burgess Shaffoer went over to
Harrisburg Tuesday to see Den
Crisp as pie crust. The best
little pretzels in town at Scott's
grocery. 2t.
Select your summer hat on the
opening days, April 8 and 9, Maye
Johnston, Milliner.
Merchant J. K. Johnston made
little trip down to Baltimore Tues
day and Wednesday.
The surest and safest remedy
for kidney and bladder diseases
is Foley's Kidney Cure.
For Sale. Corn and Baled
Hay at Trout's farm west of
town. Inquire further at Trout's
drug store.
Canned sweet potatoes, pine
apples, peaches, tomatoes, and
corn only 10 cents each at Scott's
grocery. 2t.
Prof, and Mrs. Rife of the C.
V. State Normal were the guests
of Superintendent and Mrs. Bar
ton from Saturday until Mon
day. I. D. Thompson, wife, and son
Frank, who have been spending
the past six weeks in Altoona, re
turned to their home in this place
1 ist Thursday.
Mrs. Barbara Houpc of this
place will take four school board
ers during the spring normal
school term at $2.25 a week. Gen
tlemen preferred.
Holy Communion at St. Paul's
Lutheran church next Sabbath
at 10:30 a.m. Easter service at
7 p. m. Preparatory service on
Saturday at 2:30 p. m.
A. G. Wolf, Pastor.
Clay Park, Three Springs hust
Hog merchant is now in the city
buying furniture, carpets, and
general merchandise for his con
stantly growing trade. New ad
next week.
Attention is directed to the ad
vertisement of Yeakle & Wilkin
sou in another column on this
page. They are skilled mechan
ics and can take care of any work
you may entrust to their care.
After trying farming a year
William Spade is moving from
Whips Cove to Hancock where he
will again work at the carpenter
trade. It is said the reaBon Billy
quit farming is that he found pay
days too far apart and too little
in the envelope when it did come,
A. R. Edwards, Taylor town'
ship's candidate for sheriff, had
the misfortune to have his cheek
bone broke and caved in while un
loading logs last week. He ex
pects to go to Philadelphia this
week to have an operation per'
formed on his cheek bone in or
der to bring it into place again.
An exchange tells of the three
stingiest men on record. The
first one will not drink water un
less it comes from his neighbor's
well. The second forbids his
children writing with anything
but a small hand as it wastes ink
to make large letters. The third
Bt jps the clock at night to stop
wear and tear on the machinery.
They all refuse to take a newspa
per on the ground that it is too
much of a strain on the spectacles
to read.
When you get a catalogue from
a big mail order house, just look
it over and see what they will pay
you for produce, also investigate
and see what their terms of credit
are in case you do not have the
ready cash; how much they wil
give towards the keeping up of
the sidewalks; just write them
and ask how much they will give
towards the erection of a church
how much they will give to assist
the por. After you have done
this and received a reply,' see if
your home merchant won't do as
Those dealing in cigarettes
tihould be mindful of the fact
that violators of the law in regard
to selling cigarettes to minora
are being brought to justice
many places, says an exchange,
In Blair county court, Etias
.Mackday, a Williamsburg mer
. chant, plead guilty to violation of
this law and received me mini
mum tine and cost in view of
submitting to the charge. The
iniuimum fine is $100 and the
maximum tine $300. It is rUther
expensive to sell such "cofti
uil "when one is found out
Are You a Dyspeptic 1
If you are a dyspeptic you owe
It to yourself nnd ymir friends to
get well. Dyspepsia annoys the
dyspeptic's friends because his
diHciine sour hi cliixgition as
well aa his stomiiuh. Kodol Dy
spepsia Cure w ill not only cure
dyspepsia, indigestion and sour
stomach, but this palatable, re
constructive tonic digestant
strengthens the whole digestive
apparatus, and sweetens the life
as well as the stomach. Wheu
you take Kodol Dyspepsia the
food you eat is enjoyed. It is di
gested, assimilated and its nu
trient properties appropriated by
the blood and tissues. Health is
the resu 1 1. Sold at Trou t 's d r u g
Squire Fleming was at the
County Seat Monday.
Miss Nora Heeter has returned
home from Salemville.
Mrs. Jonathan Anderson has
been quite poorly for some time.
Levi Morton was a visitor at
Jas. D. Stevens' last Saturday
Mrs. Mary A. Fields made a
business trip to McConnellsburg
oq Monday.
B. S. Winegardner sold his
fine driving horse on Saturday to
gentlemen at Hopewell.
Harry E. Huston returned
home Saturday evening. He ex
pects to remain some time.
James Appleby, wife and
daughter, and a lady friend, were
guests of N. B. Henry's on Sunday.
Alfred Brown lias been confin
ed to his room on account of hav
ing cut quite a gash in his limb a
couple weeks ago. Dr. McClain
sewed up the cut, which was over
2 inches long.
Some of our young folks called
on Daddy Turner last Sunday,
C. P. (Jar mack has moved into
his new house.
Mrs. Harris Wagner and son
Bert were the guests of Alfred
Brown last Saturday.
Mrs. J. W. Mowers took her
son J. Mervin Stewart to Three
Springs where he took the train
for Bluffton, Indiana, where he
expects to spend the summer
with his aunt and uncle, M r. and
Mrs. J. K. Alexander.
R. J. Fields has a contract to
make shingles for John Hess at
Dublin Mills, and will begin tms
Don Morton was a pleasant
caller, at Miss Elsie Baker's Sat
urday evening.
Death entered the home ot Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Ramsey last Sat
urday and claimed their little
daughter Grace. Gastric fever
was the cause of death. She was
aid to rest in Clear Ridge ceme
tery on Monday at 10 o clock.
She was about six years old. The
parents have the sympathy of
their friends.
Mid-Summer School.
Our select school in Wells will
begin on the 31st day of May and
will coutinue for 8 weeks. Spe
cial attention will be given to
methods and schoolroom devices.
80 Lessons in Rbaoinu. 30
Teachers or those preparing
for teaching will have special
work lu all branches. Our school
will not be large cannot be be
cause of house. We shall be able
to give much individual instruc
tion. Tuition fC),00. Rates of
boarding very reasonable. For
lurthur information write,
II. M. Griffith.
Wells Tauaery, Pa.
Known Vereran of the Civil
Passes Away.
Isaac Mills.oneofBrushCreek's
oldest citizens quietly passed
away at his home near Emmaville
last Friday, aged 74 years, and 2
Mr. Mills was born near the
place of his death, and spent most
of his life in that community,
where he will be missed by his
many friends and acquaintance?.
He was of a cheerful, sunny dis
position always making the best
of life, and cheering those around
He served as a member of Com
pany L., Twenty-second Cavalry,
under Capt. French during the
Civil War in which he saw much
active service and was exposed to
many hardships.
After his return from the army
he conducted a store in Emmavill
until compelled by the infirmi
ties of age to retire from busi
ness. tie is survived by his wife and
seven children, namely, Alexan
der of Everett; Benjamin of State
Line; Emanuel, John, Mrs. F. M.
Lodge, Mrs. D. O. Miller and
Mrs. W. F. Barton, all of the Val
ley. Funeral services were held
Sunday morning at McKendree
M. E. church by Rev. John Bar
Messrs. L. D. Keebaugh and
Wilber Fraker of Burnt Cabins
spent Tuesday night in McCon
nellsburg and were agreeable
callers at the News office.
Dretdlul Attack of Whooping Cough.
Mrs. Ellen Harlison.of 300 Park
Ave., Khoshs City, Mo., writes as
follows: "Our two children had
a severe attack of whooping cough
oiio of them in iho paroxysm of
coughing would often bleed at
the nose. We tried every thing
we heard of wi thou t getting relief.
We then called in our family doc
tor who prescribed Foley's Honey
and Tar. With the very first dose
they began to improve and we
feel that it ha? saved their lives."
Refuse substitutes. Sold at
Trout's drug store.
Slitmted one mile east of Mi'Counfllsliurif.
I'll..' extending lu liudnn pike, (toiituthlhir
24SAONI S, ai.ak;knk hank iiakn,
huHlntely been lidded to the improvement.--TUB
farm In admiral) v adapted lor stock pur
pose. Can be bought on terms to null pur
chaser. Address the owner
Chambersburir, Pu,
Parties winning to visit the premises Inquire
MuConnellwitirir, Pb.
The undersigned oilers his farm at
private sale, situate un the turnpike,
five miles west of McConnellsburg.
House well adapted for hotel. Farm
200 acres.
1-27-04-tf. II. S. DAXIKLS.
A good, old hickory, Kentucky
wagon capacity 4,000 lbs. For
further particulars, call on or ad
dress Job Truax,
Need more, Pa.
5000 tons oak and hemlock bark
wanted, for which the highest
cash price will be paid. Apply to
3 16-2-mo. Saltillo, Pa.
A young man to work on farm.
Must be sober and have a practi
cal knowledge of farm work.
Good wages. Call on or address
F. S. Bowen,
Somerset county, Pa.
Maks Kidneys and Bladder Right
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
Now Discovery
sunrTios rit.
ovvHi u u, Iti as
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Monty back If It falls. Trial Bottle free.
flood lor Children.
The pleasant to take and harm-
ess One Minute Cough Curegives
immediate relief in all cases of
cough, croup, and la grippe be
cause it does not pass immediate-
y into the stomach, but takes ef
fect right at the seat of the trou
ble. It draws out the inflamma
tion, heals and soothes and cures
permanently by enabling the
lungs to contribute pure life-giv
ing and life-sustaining oxygen to
the blood and tissues. One Min
ute Cough Cure is pleasant to
take and it is good alike for young
and old. Sold at Trout's drug
Hon. S. W, Kirk is as busy as a
nailer these days making im
provements about the property
recently purchased from the
Thomas Patter sou heirs. The
old kitchen and the old stable are
both being removed to make
room for fine new buildings to
take their places. Will Snyder
of Knobsville will have charge of
the carpenter work.
Are dua to Indigestion. Nlnsty-nln of a very
tin hundred people who have heart trouble
can remember when ft wai simple Indirec
tion. It la eclentifio tact that all coses ol
heart disease, not orfsnlo, are not only
traceable to. but are the dlreot result of Indi-
cestlon. All food taken Into the stomach
whioh falls of perfect dlreallon ferments snd
swells the stomach, puffing It up af ainat the
heart. This Interferes with the action of
the heart, snd In the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased,
Mr. D. KmibU. of Nevada. O.. Mm I had etomaeh
krouMa and ni In tod atata ufM haul trouble
villi it. i toon k.xkx ufteepaui iwe tot about lam
awntks ana K km aw.
Kodol Digests What Yei Bat
and relieves the stomach e! an nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure,
otUsssalr. 1.00 She UN IK tats Ike trW
sue. wbkb aeua Mr sua,
i spend b B.O. DeWrrTftflA
S ld at Trout'a drug store.
Now! Now! Now!
Work Done While
You Wait.
Cornplanters repaired, wagons repaired in both wood
and iron. Special attention to
in all its branches,
Quarter-cracks, toe-ciacks, and contracted feet artist
ically treated; in fact, all classes of work
light or heavv done in first clsss
manner at the shops of
Yeakle & Wilkinson,
McConnellsburg. Pa.
Spring Announcement
We now have in our spring line of Men's, Boys and Youths' Suits, which it
will do vou good to see. We think it the Best Spring Line we have ever had
all made in the best way, and
Strictly Up-to-date
The Prices are just all right and as low as anyone can sell equal quality for
We want to call special attention to our stock of
I which is larger and better this spring than ever before.
We have several lines of Factory Goods which are
Sold on a Guarantee,
which means that you are buying a certainty. The shoe must be good, or we
make you safe. We will sell you a
Good Kangaroo
Calf Shoe
For $1 .OO,
well worth 1.25 ; in fact, shoes at almost anv price, we have a nice lot of
which we want you to see.
in stock not samples, and at prices
that cannot be reached on the present
market. Mattings, Oil Cloths, window Shades, &c, all at right prices.
Please call. Respectfully,
cConnellsburg, Pa. jjg
Best Goods
Least Money
THE EASTfcR HAT a specialty, in all styles and prices.
A splendid line of ready-to-wear HATS for
all around use.
A complete line of
New Dress Goods
Our Shirtwaist Goods are beautiful
Wash Silk.
Silk Gingham. Linen, etc.
Neck wear, Hosiery, Gloves,
Corsets, Dress Trimmings. . Magnificent lot of '
r. S Can send you!"IUnner Pattern" bv return mall. All sixes and
styles constantly on band. '..
ra3. nmm ms.
i i r i jiifr.., iu . . ' wasu. i " - r-r m .ssvr i- a.,itsaiiL m spi
Cash Oiven Away to Users of
We are going: to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee. Not only will the
Lion-Yleads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, lor the valuable premiums we
have Always given our customers, but
In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums
the same Lion-Heads will entitle -you to estimates in our $50,000,00 Grand Prise Contest, which will
make some ot our patrons rich men and women. Vou cm send in as maoy estimates as desired. Therewi!l be
The first contest will be on the Julv 4th attendance at the ,
Vote For President to be cast Nov. 8, 1U04. $20,000.1
940,000.00 on the two, and, make it still more
Si. T.nnia Wnrltl'm Fmlr! die aerond relates to Total
.00 will be distributed in each of these contests, making
interesting, in addition to this amount, we will give a
Grand First Friia of $5,000.00 contests, and thus your estimates have Xwo
opportunities ot wiuninKBDig casn prize.
Printed blanks to
vote on found in
every Lion Coffee Pack
age. The a cent .stamp
covers the expense of
our acknowledgment to
you that your es
timate Is recorded.
What will be the total Popular Vote raet for Preildent (votes
for all candidate combined at tint election Novembers, liU? la
Is) election. n.MW.MI people voted lor rYcident. For nrareat cor
rect etttmatee received In Woolton hpice Co. 'a. cilice. Toledo, O..
od or before Nov. S. 14. we will Klve nrt prlie for the neareit cor
rect entimate. second prize to the neat uea-est.etc..etc..a lollowai
1 riratPrlra ,l3.fSOO.OO
Beoona rrlte .uoo.uti
Five Lion-Heads
cut from Lion
Coffee Packages and a
a cent stamp entitle you
(in addition to the reg
ular free premiums)
to one vote in
either contest:
NESw W, &toi,MvWk fit' V
What will be the total J'lly 4th at
World' Fuir? At Chicau.i. J .1 4. II
Por near.'! correct CMtuuatcii rucuiw.
panr'a ollice. Toledo, Uiiio. on or be?"
Vive tint priie for the nejrett correct u
oeit neareat.etc, etc., at louowa:
1 rim Prise
1 Second Prlio
2 Prists SfiOO.OO eaelt
6 Prists aoo.00
10 Prises JOO.OO "
20 Prises 60. OO "
RO Prises 30. OO "
20O Prises JO.OO "
lbOO Prises 6.00 "
:endirre nt the St. T.ouls
.1 ,n U',,nl..,n ki.i.-u
rj June .1tn. I'M. we will
'M;44UO. socond price to the
. l.OOO.OO
. . 1 .000.00
. . 1 ,000.00
. . 1 ,000.00
. . 1 ,000.00
. . 1 ,000.00
. 2.6O0.OO
. . 0,000.00
alas r SIZES.
TOTAL. 130,000.00
Prizes S5O0. 00 steh
6 Prises-
lO Prlsss
ao Prises
BO Prises
2AO Prises
1800 Prises
10. OO
2139 PIIIEI.
1 .000.00
TOTAL, I20.000.00
4279 PRIZES 4279
Distributed to thi Publlo-agirif atlnr, J45,000.00-ln addition tt which wi shall givi S5.0C0
to Broom' CUrkt (m purtlsulart In LIOM COFFEE cam) making grand total of $50,008.03.