The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 06, 1904, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. Iff. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
APRIL 6, 1904.
Published Weekly. 51.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per square of lino 3 time ft Wt.
Persguare paoh HutiMetjUfnt Insertion.... 60.
Atl advertisements Inserted (or less than
hree months ttharircd by the square.
:i 'U iH. Hmos. yr.
fine-fourth otiinn . .
One-half column
Otic Column
,.isn. I I ttn.fio
. . :.'i.oi. 4o on. mi oo
.. 10.00. M OO. I 75.00
WothlnB Inserted for less than II.
Professional Cards one VPtires
Another Chapter of the Early History, by
Henry Wolf.
The new governor was Louis of
Zunigaaml lveiUPseuse, who eu
deavored to bring about a better
condition of affairs, but failed, as
lie could not reduce taxes, high
as they were ; for ho could not
raise sufficient funds to payoff
the soldiers, who had not receiv
ed their wages for a long time.
This caused great iusubordina
tion among them ; and they be
came so troublesome that the in
surgents would not consent to
lay down their arms. Emperor
Maximilian II also offered his
services as peacemaker, but to
no avail. Although the governor
gained a victory over the uuion
army at Nyinvogen where two
brothers of Orange gave their
li'es for the cause o freedom, he
nevertheless was defeated at Lei
den, where, alter being besieged
into starvation, the heroic popu
lation of that city cut the great
dikes, Hooding thereby immene
bodies of their best farm lands,
which deprived them ot many a
harvest and caused other great
losses but it also Hooded away
the .Spanish army. A Protestant
university was the reward for
this heroic sacrifice of Leiden;
for iu the same year the north
ern provinces at the synod of
Dertreclit had accepted the cate
chism of Heidelberg and estab
lished Calvinism as the state re
ligion ; and by secularizing all ex
isting church property had in
creased their fighting force.
Soon after this Governor lie
quesense died, and until a new
governor would arrive the state's
council had charge of the mili
tary affairs ; but as the Spanish
troops were still unpaid they
plundered Mastricht and Ant
werp, and no one was safe where
they were. Under these condi
tions Prince William, who had
been invested with great authori
ty by the northern confedera
tion, succeeded in bringing to
gether all of the provinces in a
convention at Ghent where was
passed what is known as the
"Pacification of Ghent," in which
agreement all the provinces
promised each other mutual aid
in iunds or men to rid the laud of
all Spanish troops, and to carry
out no more sentences ol the
courts for religious offences until
a meeting of a new general coun
cil of all the states could bo call
ed. The new Spanish Governor Don
Juan being very desirous of peace
entered into a treaty with all the
states; but as the article on re
ligious liberty was not very clear
ly defined, the states of Holland
and Zealand withdrew, and kept
up hostilities. Soon the rest of
the states suspecting the insin
cerity of Juan withdrew also, the
state of Brabant, electing Orange
their stadtholder. So tho enemies
of tho crown increased daily,
which fact weighed so heavily on
Governor 'Juan that he died. The
next governor, Duke Alexander
Farnese of Parma (son of Mar
garetta) succeeded lu bringing
about mistrust between the Cath
olic population of Brabant and
the Protestant Btadtholder Prince
William, in fact, most of the
southern Catholic districts, were
suspicious toward ProtestantUol
land. This induced Orange to
bring about the union of Utrecht,
la which the states of Holland,
Zealand. Geldern, Utrecht, Fries
land and Grouingen. This agree
ment was in fact the base of the
United States of the Protestant
Netherlands, 1570. While the
north was' now In a fair way to
hold its own against Duke Parena
it was not no in the south where
ttj his tact and bravery gained
many cities. It now became the
conviction of King Philip that
Orauge was the source of all this
trouble in the provinces, and so
determined on his distruction.
He had already put the Princo
under bond, the year before; but
now he offered a great reward in
money and the rank ol a noble
man to any one that would bring
him to him dead or alive. Sever
al conspiracies of the priests,
agaiust the Prince's life were
frustrated, but the bullet of the
fanatical Gerard of Francho
Comte did its work, he fell dead in
the doorway of the palatial dining
hall at Delft, July 10, 1584. The
assassin was seized at once, and
instead of receiving the expected
reward, was executed on the spot
by the furious populace. The
death of tho founder of the liber
ties of the Netherlands, did not
in the least, cause their distruc
tion. Orange's second son Mau rice
became stadtholder and chief of
the army, while Oldenbarneveld
became minister of tho interior.
Hut the successful operations of
Parma iu putting himself in pos
session of Ghent, Brussels, Mec
heln, Nymwegen, and even Ant
werp convinced the Dutch peo
ple, that they could notsingly, with
out outside help, withstand the
most powerful kingdom down in
Europe. So they offered to Queen
Elizabeth of England the protec
torate over the Netherlands: she
accepted it and sent Count Lei
cester with an army for their
protection, 1585.
"Teitlmony of a Minister."
Rev. Jno. S. Cox, ol Wake, Ark.
writes, "For 12 years I suffered
from yellow jaundice. I consult
ed a number of physicians and
tried all sorts of medicines, but
got no relief. Then 1 began the
use of Electric Bitters and feel
that I am now cured of a disease
thai had mo in its grasp for twelve
vears." If you want a reliable
medicine for liver and kidney
trouble, stomach disorder or gen
eral debility, get Electric Bitters.
It's guaranteed by all druggist's.
Only 50c.
Our scholars are looking for
ward to tho closing day of school
next week.
Robert Cutchall has moved trom
the McQuade farm to the I. P.
Hendershot farm down in the
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ott and
daughter Pearl spent Wednesday
with Mrs. Ott's mother, Mrs. S.
V. Bivens, and attended her sale
near Big Cove Tannerv.
Peter Shidleman moved from
Kuobsville to the McQuade farm.
Those present at the moving were
Misses Lillian Anderson, Etta
McCluro; Mrs. Jacob Sharp, Aus
tiu Carbaughandson Elmer, Har
vey Wagner, Charles Tice, Roy
Myers, Cyrus Wagner, Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston Conrad, Mrs. G.
Bivens, Mrs. James Henry and
daughter Laura, Mrs. Mary Ott,
and daughter Noru, aud Mrs. J.
Wright. All returned home the
same evening but Roy Myers,
who spout a few days with Mr.
Shidleman's family.
Save Two From Death.
"Our little daughter had au al
most fatal attack of whooping
cough and bronchitis," writes
Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk,
N. V., "but when all other rem
edies failed, we saved her life
with Dr. King's New Discovery.
Our niece who had consumption
in an advanced stage, also used
this wonderful medicine and to
day she is perfectly well." Des
perate throat and lung diseases
yield to Dr. King's New Discov
ery as to no other medicine on
earth. Infallible for coughs and
colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guar
anteed by all druggist's. Trial
bottles free.
One of our subscribers writes :
I subscribed for the News and
paid for it a year ; but when the
time was out you continued to
send it. We had boon taking the
Baltimore American, but when
the big tire came along the Amer
ican building was burned and, of
course, that paper stopped. Just
then I decided to beat one editor
to get even with the otner ; but
the American got up, shoox off
the ashes and came along with
out the least smell of fire about
it, and we have changed our
minds and will neither beat nor
be bcatn ; so herewith I send
a dollar. Continue to send the
Nkwh right along. It's an all
right pnperaud no mistake,
II a Boy .Jy Kocw.
If a boy knew how his iuward
life shows in Ins outward bear
ing, this would be a mighty stim
ulus to good, Inmost, straightfor
ward living and thinking.
'The difference in the carriage,
address and facial expression of
a boy when he is trying to live an
honest and useful life, as com
pared with him when he is lead
ing a lazy, dishonest and insin
cere life, is most noticeable.
True, there are a few boys whose
face and manner seem capable of
concealing their real thought and
purpose and feelings, but these
cases are rare.
There are a few boys who can
play a part for any considerable
time. All boys appreciate any
long approval and praise. If they
could only realize that it is use
ess to expect this unless they
really deserve it ! They are often
deceitful in particular acts and at
particular times, but the cases
are rare when a lad deceives ma
ny people as to his general course
of life. His usual tone of thought
and aim, his likes and dislikes, in
fact tho general nature of his in
ner life, which is his real life, is
known to almost all who have
anything to do with him. Ex.
Hewitt's Witch Hazel gives in
stant relief from burns, cures
cuts, bruises, sores, Eczema, Tet
ter and all other abrasions of the
skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salve
it is only necessary to see that you
get the genuine DeWitt's and a
cure is certain. There are many
cheap counterfeits on the market
all of which are worthless, and
quite a few are dangerous, while
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is per
fectly harmless. Sold at Trout's
drug store.
Joseph Shaw spent a few days
recently in Altoona.
Grant Hoover recently made a
flying trip to the western part of
the State.
J. E. Lyon spent a few days re
cently with relatives aud friends
iu Pittsburg and Allegheny.
A. K. Edwards while hauling
logs one day last week was se
verely hurt on tho face by the
boom pole striking him.
Drucie Laidig, who spent the
past summer and winter in Jean
uette, is now spending some time
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Laidig.
Mrs. Frank Price and niece,
Luella Laidig, went to Altoona
last " Saturday the former to
spend a little while visiting the
family of her brother, Albert;
King, and the latter to get em
ployment. Fairview Sunday school was
reorganized March 20th by elect
ing the following officers for the
ensuing year: W. F. Laidig, su
perintendent; Hiram Clevenger,
assistant superintendent; Ches
ter Brant, secretary; and Casper
Brant, treasurer.
Chronic Bronchitis Cured.
"For ten years I had ohronic
bronchitis so bad that at times I
could not speak above a whisper,"
writes Mr. Joseph Coffman, of
Moutrnorenci, Ind. "I tried all
remedies available, but with no
success. Fortuuately my em
ployer suggested that I try Fo
ley's Uoney and Tar. Its effect
was almost miraculous, and I am
now cured of the disease. On my
recommendation many people
have used Foley's JJoney and Tar,
and always with satisfaction."
J. A. Wishart made a business
trip to Bedford last Thursday.
Miss Lizzie Baker entertained
a few of her friends Saturday
V. D. Schenck and son Earl
have taken a contract of hauling
bark in Trough Creek.
The Riddlosburg Comedy Club
gave an entertainment in our
Hall Saturday evening.
Mrs. S. P. Wishart and Miss
Maud Baumgarduer attended the
missionary meeting in Altoona
last week.
G. W. Swope and two sons have
contracted to cut a lot of wood in
Yellow Creek for W. II. Baum
Bruce Spaugler, who has been
employed uear Pittsburg, is vis
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. U. Spangler, for a short time.
Mrs. Albert Iltlsel received a
message Thursday last from
Shermans Valley that her moth
er, Mrs. David Ford, was dead.
April has not made many
changes in the residence of our
citizens so far. Kan McDonald
has moved to Kearney, and Ed
ward Stoner of Sandy Iiuu to
one of A. F. Baker's farms.
Your Column.
To snow our appreciation of the ray la
a blob the Pulton County New I bel adopt
ed Into the homes of the peop'e of thin county ,
we bare net apart thin column for the FREE
use of our subscribe!, foradvertlstng purpoeee,
i uhjeot to the following conditions:
I. It In frt-n only to tlmse who lire paid-up sub
scribers. . Only personal property can be advortlsed.
S. Notice must not exceed 30 w run.
4. All -legal" notlo a excluded
5. Not free to merchants, or any one to adver
tise good sold under a mercantile lloense.
The primary object or tbla column la to af
ford farmer, and folks wbo are not In public
business, an opportunity to bring to public at
tention product or stocks they may have to
aell, or may want to buy.
Now, this space I j sum: If you wanttobuy a
oorse, If you wunt hired help. If you want to
borrow money. If you want to sell a pig, a bug
gy, nome hay, a gome, or If you want i.o adver
tise for a wlfe-thl column I voura.
The New Is rend weekly by eight thousand
peonle, and la the best advertising medium In
he county.
I lost a set of old buggy har
ness, collar, bridle and lines,
somewhere on tho pike between
McConnellsburg and Hanison
ville, on Tuesday, March L'9th. I
will pay a liberal reward for their
return to
Philip Melius,
Saluvia, Pa.
Wanted. The person who,
some time ago, was accommodat
ed by the use of I.D. Thompson's
crutches will greatly oblige him
by returning them at once.
THis Way I
Wishing to reduce my stock of
merchandise so as to prepare for
spring (roods, I will quote prices
us follows: Coffee, loose brown,
9 to l4c; package coffee 9 to 12c.;
Oream Java coffee, 5 lbs., for
80c., with a tea-kettle or coffee
pot given free with every pur
chase of 5 lbs.
at Cost
Having too much on hand I am
now selling touaccoes ut cost.
Cera and Flake 10c., a package;
lot of matches, lOc-package for
fcc.: ground pepper 10e: under
wear reduced from 11.00 to NOc.
Pants 11.50, now 73c: 50c, over
all now :t8c; blankets 45c., each
90c, a pair; outings 5 to 9c.;
flannelette 9:.; calicoes 5 to tic.;
ginghams 5 to 7c,; aleda silks
22c., a yard. Cow boy hats 45c.
Coal oil 14c, a gallon or 5 gal.,
for tiOc.
I pay the highest prices for
raw furs and beef hides.
I am paying 20c. for butter,
and 27c, for ejjgs.
Fcrt Littleton, Pa.,
Handles the
Ratchet Pump
Ratchet Pump
Galvanized Spouting
Sea foot.
Millinery Opening
Now on exhibition at the. largest store
and best goods for the least mon
ey lu Fu'ton county, all up-to-date.
Lots of Ready Trimmed
hats from Baltimore, and the swell
patterns from New York. Ready-to-wear
hats In all colors. Chll,
dren's mull hats, Leghorn, and
chip, cubun braid, Turcao and
luce hats, lace caps, all the latest
collurs and cuffs, (lowers and rib
bons of every kind and color.
Ready made wraper and shirt waists
ami clash skirts. All the latest
shirt waists sets.
All are cordlully Invited. No trouble
to show goods.
Airs. A. F Little,
For Sale or Kent.
The undersigned bas in Needmore s
two-story, six-room house that he will
sell or rent. It Is known as the Shafer
property, and has a cellar full size of
the house and never falling water ut
the porch. The lot contains one acre
of ground well cultivated in fruit trees
of all kinds, a good garden, Bowers of
all kinds In the yard, a good stable
with never falling pump In tho barn
yard, and other necessary outbuild
ings. For further particulars, call on. or
J. H. MF.LLOTT. D. D. R.,
Need more, Pa.
u mm
Pneumonia follows La Orlpp
hut never follow tho uao of
It stops tho Cough and heals tho lungs.
Provonta Pneumonia and Consumption.
Mb. O. acaaa, ol Ut Oirood St., Chicago,
arrlteai. "Ur wit had la f rlppa and it left kar
erith a varf bad coach oa her lane whiek
total's Horat Tab tor ad oBalettly."
For Sale et Trout'H Drug Htore.
Hiram, Pa.
F.ggs, 14, Butter, 20.
Coffee 13 and 14c.
Drugs Kpsom Salts, Jlc, ft: Sul
phur 4c: Soda, fx;., ft.
Peruna, Slic; Klectric Hitters, 4"c; Dr
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
85c; Warner's Safe Cure, 8.x:: Jane's
Kxpectorant, H.ic; Ayer's Hair Vigor
85c: Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion, 85c; Dr. Pierce's Pellets, 17c;
Carter's Pellets, 18c; 2 Grain Qui
nine Pills, 4c , a do..; Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Hoot, 45c: Harlem (ill, 4c, a
bottle, 3 for 10, 8 for 25c: Dr. Fahr
ney's Teething Syrup 2'2c; Dr. Fahr
ney,s Health Restorer, 45 and 85c;
Dr.Fahrney's Peerless Liniment 22c;
Kendall's Spavin Cure, 43c; Bar
ker's Nerve and Bone Liniment, 23c:
Pitcher's Castorlu. 17c.
Horse c?5
F Medicines
Black Antimony, Fenugreek, Spirits
Nitre. Laudanum, Dr. Daniels'
Medicines. International goods
of all kinds.
I will close out my stock of Horse
Blankets at cost. I have a few Had ia
tors left that is of no account In hot
weather, that must go at a sacrihce.
Single' and Double Driving and
Farm Harness. It will pay you to see
them and get prices. Yankee bridles
from $1.50 up, and collurs from $1.00
Tinware, Cutlery, Churns, Wash
log Machines, Stoves, Pipe, Ac.
Cornplanters, Spring Harrows
all kinds of farming implements.
Don't forget that I sell the only mower
not In the combine.
Successors to D. E. Little.
' Rolls:,
Delivery on Mondays, Tues
cays, Thursdays, and
All kinds of cakes furnished on
short notice.
i A Bran New Falling Top
I Buggy with Full Leather
Trimming, Spring Cushion
and Back. Thousnnd Mile
Axle, A Grade Wheels, Pat-
ent Shaft Couplers and Fine-
ly Finished throughout for X
ONLY $50. i
Large Stock . to select f
rora. . .... I
I am also' handling Hand-
made Buggies and Wagons, f
W. R. Evans -
11 i d. Tfc
. iiuniouiowH, t ii. 4
Covers the Field.
X In every part of the
County faithful re
X porters are located
X that gather the daily
i happenings.
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan-
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal-
timore, Philadelphia
t Markets. The Sun-
day School Lesson,
X Helps for. Christian
t Endeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
t erybody
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style along that line.
Sample copies of
thp NFW? kptit Til jnv
of your friends cn I
reauest. 4
TIME TABLET May 25, 1903.
Leave mu. iuu ,no d no. K no.10 mi
A.M tA.MjTA. M P. M P U p. II
Vuohester ? is .... 2 10 0 no
.lui tinsburif 8 1" M T H
fiHKeretown .... 8MI K r.S VI ISO if, 8 00 10 15
JreenoiiHtle .... i III 9 HI 12 41 oh 8 1 10 St
rferuershurK 8 on 10 to au ....
Chambersburg.. 7 311 9 40 1 05 4 10 s in 10 6H
Waynesboro 7 051.... VI 00 8 85....
Shlppeimburg... 7 5310 00 I i b Uri 9 08 II 19
Newvllle 8 10 10 IN 1 r 5 m 11 i
Culllsie 8 80 10 ill 6 4H 9 45 It Vi
MecbttDieaburg,. 8 50 II 00 fx t 10 10 07 U iil
Oillhburg 10 00 6 SEi
Arr, HarrUjburg. 9 07 II 2 40 6 80 10 25 12 40
Arr. Fall II 48 9 17 t 47 9 n 4 1 4 x
A.rr. New York. 13 5 53 8 08 18 83 7 18 7 13
Arr. Ualtimore.. 12 10 11 00 9 45 t to 7 15
P. M. I. M. P. M. P. M. A. U. A. II
Train No 12 east runR dallv einnnt Kunriiiv
jetween Haxemtowo and Harrtxburg, leaving
ilagemtown 1. 05 and arriving at Uarrisburg at
Additional east-bound local trains will run
laily, except Sunday, as follows: Leave
Carlisle 7.05 a. m., IK.SO p.m. 8.16 pm leave
ucuuumuHNurv o.nt a. m., i.v a. m.. 14.0Z p. m..
I.34 p. 01. Leuve Dlllsburg 5.35 a. m.. 10.00 a,
V'-M p. m..
Trains Nor. 2. 8 and 110 run dally between Ha
erstown and Hurrlsburg.
t Dally except Sunday.
00. b no. 7 no. 8 109
A.M A.M P.M P.M.
8 62 12 00 4 85 8 80
8 65 g 66 b 56
8 40 1 1 40 5 80 g 25
11 46 8 20 8 80 II 05
4 02
12 06 8 87 8 61 II 23
12 27 8 67 9 13 II 42
12 61 4 10 9 84 12 02
I 10 4 82 9 62 12 18
t 05 b OH
I 82 4 60 10 12 12 M
6 48
1 M 6 14 10 te 12 54
2 17 b 87 10 67 I 15
7 10
P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.
New York
Cbambersburg. .
Merueruburg.. .
(Jreenuastle ....
Hagerslowo ....
Ar. Winchester.
II 55
7 55
II 40
6 00
5 Ittj
6 40
e 02
8 15
7 05
7 ei
8 24
9 10
Train No. I. west runs dull exaent Knnrinv
between Uarrisburg and Hugeratown, leuv-
iu nirminiri nv o. id y.m, una arriving at Ha
gumtown at 7.57 u. m.
Additional local trulna will leave Harrlsburt-
as follows: For Carlisle and Intermediate eta-
nun- a' a. m.. x.uu p. m. and e.30 p. m., also
(orMechanlcsburg Dlllsburg and intermediate
siutlooHut 7Hoa. m., 8.10 p. m. and 8.30 p. m.
Trains Noa. I, 8 and 109 run dally between
..(rr'ni.ur. mnu nHKeniWWD.
Pullman palace sleeping care between Nea
York and Knoxvllle. Term., on trains I i
and 110 east and between i'blludelph a and
Welsh on N. A W. Hallway on trains 110 west
auu is east, except tnat on buuaay tbe Phlia
li'lpbla sleeper will run east on No. 2.
Through eoaobea to and from Pblladelphll
on trains , 4 and 6 east and 5, 7 and 9 west.
Dally exeept Sunday.
PaaPaa Mix Pas Mix. Pae.
tT 163 T8l KM t te
P. M am am I-ve. Arr. am a m p. m,
6 00 9 46 e 55 Cbamberaburg.. 8 46 II to 4 an
til 9 67 7 14 .... .Marion 8 83 II 82 4 08
b 4H 10 80 8 15 ..Meroemhurg.. 8 00 10 80 I 80
6 OH 10 68 8 lo Loudon 7 SS 9 42 I 08
6 16 II 06 9 06 ....Richmond.... 7 80 9 80 I 00
P. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M.
Vice Pies, ft lien. Supt. Bupt.
H. A. 1UDDLK, Ueu. Paaa. Agent.
ak44y 50 YEARS'
Thaoc Marks
Anron wndlng k4rh and lHtiptlnn mmj
auloklr uMrlain our oiHiiiun
liiTmitlnn probablr PtiviUabla,
(mL l.Midbookon I'aieitU
nttlttiitetbla. ('min
ittlitr ma
tnt fraa, Olrittot uncf fur 4nirliiM imOjmiu.
per ttM HtC4, witnou otinru, lu io
Scientific JlrceriKX
A hatidtomatr II I artrstod rktr Jjummt elr
tnlaUtun ut any rttanttfln JouruaJ. Tarnia. $t ft
ftuar i four uontba, IL JftoM ail iMwdvalr.
Easy and Qaickt
- , with
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Manner Lye in cold
water, melt 5 4 lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set
Pull Directions on Every Packat
Iianner Lye Is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time.. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work.'soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet " Uses of Bannet
Lye" free.
Tha Pann Chemical Work.. Philadelphia
must win upon their
merits. The International
Dictionary has won a
greater distinction upon
its merits and is in more
general use than any other
work of its kind in the
English language.
A. II. Sayre. IX.I)., .., of Oxford
rnlverlly, England, lias recently said of
It: It Is Indeed a marvelous work; It If
dlUlcult to conceive of a dictionary more
exhaustive and complete. Everything is
In it not only what wo might expect to
And In such a work, but n.,o what few of
us would ever have thouirht of looking for.
A supplement to the new edl'lon ban
brought It fully up to date. I have been
looking through tho latter with a feeling
of astonishment nt Its completeness, and
the amount of lubor that has been put
into it.
' A Test in Pronunciation " which affords a
fnvasiiiit uud inbtruulive evening's enter
aiuineiit. Illustrated pamphlet also free.
G. 6 C. MERRIAM CO., Pube..
Sprlncfleld, Mite,
First class .
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cup and Towel with each Shave.
Everything Antiseptic.
Kuzora Sterilized.
J3rT"Shop In room lately occupied by Kd Uruke
Justice of the Pence Thomas F.
Sloan, L. H. Wille.
Constable John II. Doyle.
Hurjfess II. W.
Councilmen D. T. Fields, Leomml
(lolimnn. Suinuel Uender.M. W. Na.ce.
Cleric-William Hull.
High Constable Wm.Huumgardner.
School Directors A.- U. Nace. John
A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M.
Taylor, John Comerer, C. B. Stevens.
President Judge Hon S.Mc. Swope.
Associate Judges Lemuel Kirk.Da
vid Nelson.
Prothonotary, &c Geo. A. Harris.
; District Attorney George H. Dan
iels. ; i
Treasurer George B. Mellott.
Sheriff Daniel C. Fleck.
Deputy Sheriff D. T. Fields.
Jury Commissioners q, H. K. Plum
mer, Anthony Lynch.
Auditors John S. Harris, W. C.
Davis, S L. Garland.
- Commissioners S. D Mellott, Geo.
Sigel, and H. P. Palmer.
Clerk Frank Henrv.
County Surveyor Jonas Lake.
County Superintendent Charles E.
Attorneys W. Scott Alexander, J.
Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. K. Shaflner, Geo.
B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W.
Odd Fellows M'CoiinoIlsburg Lodge
No. 744 meets every Friday evening in
tne Comerer Building In McConnells
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets
every Saturday evening In the Cromer
building at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lode No. 007 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
' Harrisonvllle Lodge No. 701 meets
every Saturday evening In Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Harrisonvllle.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday evening In Odd Fellows'
Hall at Waterfall M!lls.
Warfordsburg Lodge No. 601 meets
In Warfordsburg every Saturday
King PostG. A. R. No. 365 meets In
McConnellahnro in fwl.l tVllmvoi ran
the first Saturday In every month at 1
p. Ul.
Royal Arcanum, TiiHi iii'ora Council,
No. 121. infwta fin alt.npni.iA f,n.lan
evenings in P. O. S. of A. Hall, In
li.n ii.i '
Washington Camp No. 407, P. O. S.
A., of New rin.... a i i-n u u...
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 654, P. O.S.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
John O. Tavlor Pout. C. A. Tl
ri, meets evory Saturday, on or Just
preceding full moon in Lash ley ).a).
at 2 p. iu., at Buck Valley.
Woman's Relief Corps, No. 90
meets at same date and place at 4 p.m.
Hn n 11 M..U-Kl.ln Kn jri')
G. A. S., meets the second and fourth
Hnturdaya In each month at Pleasan
Tk Fulton Conntv Hev,
e aBBW e mien I