The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 30, 1904, Image 7

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Wouldn't any woman be happy.
After yenrs of backache suffering,
Days of misery, night of unrest,
Tbe distress of urinary troubles,
She finds relief and cure?
No reason wby any reader
Should suffer in the face of evidence
like this:
Mrs. Almlra A. Jackson, of East
Front St., Traverse Cily, Mich., snys:
"1'or twenty
years I never
knew wliat it
was to have
good health.
Al'nV MWS&s Everjr vbytU
H il-Jpc8 UlSXr consulted
tL-iJr'it HUA 1 nud !lver
kr f "JSYl trouble. but
their in odkiiit-s
did oie no good.
Just before I
begun using
Drum's Kidney
Fills I was al-
most paralysed.
I could bardly stand
on :ny feet because of the numbness
am! lack of circulation. Had a knife
been thrust into my kidneys the pain
could not have been more intense. My
sleep was disturbed by visions of dis
torted figures. The kidney secretions
were anuoyiiigly irregular, and I was
lortured with thirst and always
bloated. I i!ed seven boxes of Donn's
Kidney rills. The bloating subslde-d
until I weighed 100 pounds less, eonid
Klccpjlke g vJ'ilil YJlj IiyYd of
the pain and the iiregMiuriiy of the
kidney action. My circulation is good
and I feel better iii every way."
A free trial of this great kidney med
icine which cured Mrs. Jackson will be
mailed on application to ony part of
the United States. Address Fostcr
Mllburn Co., Buffalo, X. Y. For salo
by all druggists; price 00 cents per box.
She Has Right to Damages.
What compensation can be made te
a woman who, after being engaged fot
a quarter of a century, is finally Jiltei
by the man who had won ber maiden
affections T The jury the other day
assessed It at 650. Miss Eliza
Dawes of Manchester, England, sued
William Brown for breach of promise
She Is now forty-six and he Is fifty
two. She was a girl ot eighteen when
Brown won her heart and two yean
later they became engaged, Brown
promising to wed ber as soon as hi;
mother died an event which wai
shortly expected but Mrs. Brown per
slated in living on until two yean
ago. Then the marriage was set for
March, 1902. To Brown, however
the Idea of marriage seemed to havt
lost Its charm, for suddenly he sailed
for America, and there became en
gaged to a young woman. So tbe flrsl
and faithful betrothed believed It hei
duty to institute proceedings against
the fickle Brown, especially as she bad
during the twenty-six years refused
four other offers of marriage.
'Miss Whittaker, a prominent
club woman of Savannah, Qa.,
tells bow she was entirely cured
of ovarian troubles by the use
of LydiaE Pinkham's Vegetable
Dzab Mus. Ptnkham: I heartily
recommend Lydla E. Pinkham's
"Vegetable Compound as a Uterine
Tonie and Regulator. I suffered for
four years with irregularities and
Uterine troubles. No one but those
who have experienced this dreadful
agony ean form any idea of the physi
cal and mental misery those endure
who are thus afflicted. Your Vege
tablo Compound cured me within
three months. I was fully restored to
health and strength, and now my
periods are regular and painless.
What a blessing it is to be able to
obtain such a remedy when so many
doctors fail to help you. Lydla E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
is better than any doctor o.- medicine
I ever had. Very truly yours, Miss
East Whittakh, 004 38th St, W.
Savannah, Ga." fBOOO forfait Iforttlrml of
moooo lotttr erevfff. ohuIoohob oannot ho ereeeese.
The testimonials 'which we
are constantly publishing from
Srateful women prove beyond a
oubt '. i power of Lydia E.
Pinkhai.. s Vegetable Compound
to conquer female diseases.
Millions of U.M.C. Shot Shell
are sold each year. They are
mad In the largest cartridge
factory la the world.
meaipeirr, mm
MM mom.
upborn toquoot.
Is tilt
-- . chrmato W
ilawt lUaier,
ZZvZZr&Zi t-iTi ii yI V-,' rat., ro.
In tw.8otrt by ilrimgtm. t
M iv j i.m
Weird Cold Weather 8tory.
Oscar Wilie of Las Sueur. Minn., met
with a most remarkable accident re
cently that very nearly cost him hit
life. With his rifle in hand he was at
tempting to get within range of a cat
he desired to shoot, when the animal
ran up Into the framework supporting
the water tank.
Standing directly beneath the eat
Wllte shot straight up at it, careless
ly forgetting the fact that the tank
was within range.
The bullet killed the cat and
pierced the bottom of the tank, and ii
an Instant the water, gushing out, sur
rounded Mr. Wllte with a completi
shower bath In a temperature of 3f
degrees below sero.
Instantly his overshoes froze to tin
stone foundation on which he wai
standing, and, stooping to unbuckle
them, ho was chained by the spray,
freezing in the terrible cold as fast
as it fell into a helpless statue of Ice,
stiff and Immovable as a stone. On);
by his stooping posture, which kept
his face free from the ice, was h
saved from suffocation.
Soon the flow of the water wai
stopped by the sediment of the tank
flowing into the bullet hole, and 8
little son of Mr. Wilte, who had Beee
the whole affair, ran for assistance. II
was necessary to loosen the unfor-
tunate man's feet with chisels, and
when he had been carried Into tbe
house by three strong men the, icf
had to be broken from him with club's.
He was badly frigHcncd by the
experience, but otherwise unharmed,
The body of the cat was found fro
sen to bis back. Pioneer Press.
The Mud of Patagonia.
A scientist exploring Patagonlt
says: "The Impassabillty of Pata
gonlan mud is proverbial. You can
not walk through It and it takes a
sturdy mule to carry you through.
More often than not It Is caused by
tho burrowlngs of n tailless rat known
as the tucu-tucu. Acres upon acres,
amounting to square miles even ol
otherwise sound and wholesome
ground are undermined by this lnd
fatigable little pest; he holds the
country as nothing elso holds it, until
the. advent of the sheep or cattle
(which he hates) induces him to sir
tho Bcenes of his nightly labors."
FITS permanently cured. No ntsornervous-
ness after first day's useot Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Kestorer.tatrial liottleand treatiere
Dr. R. H. Kline. Ltd., 931 Aroh St., I'hila., Pa
It's the love of the other fellow for vour
money that is the root of all evil.
Ladles Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's Foot.
Ease, a powder. It makes Unlit or new shons
easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweating, aching
leet. ingrowing nans, corns and bunions. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 2oc. Don't ac
cept any substitute. Trial package Free by
mail. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy, N.Y,
One trouble with neonle who have ex
cuses is that they can't always think ot
Teoelnte and Billion Dollar Gram.
Tbe two greatest fodder nlanti on earth.
one good for 14 tons of hay and tbe other
8f tons green fodder per acre. Urowl
everywhere, io does Victoria Rape, yield,
ing 60,000 lbs. sheep and swine food per
acre. , A.C.L.
John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis.,
and receive in return their big catalog and
lots ot tarm seed samples.
The United States furnished $80.000,.
000 of the ?205,OO0,000 worth of gold
which tbe world produced In 1002.
Colorado produced JJS.OOO.OOO. Cali
fornia 510,000,000 nnd Alaska J8.000,-
Teafnees Cannot fie Cured
bv local annlleatlons as thev cannot rr-aeh the
diseased portion of tbe ear. Then If only one
way to cure acumens, ana ttint is hy consti
tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an
Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is lu-
flamed you have a rumblingsound or Imper
fect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed
Deafness Is tbe result, and unless the inflam
mation can be taken out and this tube re
stored to its normal condition, hearing will
De destroyed forever. Mne o ises out of ten
are caused by catarrh ,whi;h Is nothing but an
Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh Jthat can
not be cured by Hall's t'aturrh Cure. Hend for
circulars rree. . J. l hkni.t a Co., Toledo, U.
Hold bv Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
Within the last few years tbe various
colonies of Europeans In Egypt have
built their own hospitals. There are
now in Cairo French, German, Aus
trian, Anglo-American and Italian bos
its Is.
teething, soften tbe gums, reduces inflamma
tion allays pain, cures rand collo. tl6u. abottle
Only after repeated failure! to catch on
does a girl announce ber decision never to
All creameries use butter color. Wby
not do as they do use June Tint But
tbb Colqh.
More men would have indigestion ii
forced to eat their words.
Plso'sCurefor Consumption is an Infallible
medicine for coughs and eolds. N. W,
bAMUEL, Ocean Orove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900.
Borne women will believe any kind of
story ii there is sscandalconnected with it.
For ai.ea Money Order.
The John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse.
Wis., mail postpaid IS trees, consisting ol
Apricots, Apples, Crabs, Cherries, Plums,
Peaches and Pears, just the thing for a city
or country garden, including the great Bit
mark Apple, all bardy Wisconsin stock,
are sent you free upon receipt of 11.85.
yon get sufficient seed of Celery, Carrot.
Cabbage. Onion, Lettuce, Radish and
Flower Seeds to furnish bushels of choice
flowers and lots of vegetables for a bis
family, together with our great plant and
seed cataW. ACL
It was probably some married man who
first discovered that troubles never come
ibt ckeTMte.3
TVs be rota to. Aillts antral M
liitv-Kvtn woo cossnm unmet
TOW E R J iWrn Caub ort rt&U
fMwa tt xk! swr Thy tit mk in
taxi or tHo for c kint of set work
v rttn emit btornjU JIGN Of
Tne rDri o tuvtttt to a x
WocUft All rtWUc erskra xlf thes
i J. lows co semtajuu ha
Vmi (MMMIjeMnonftClst
Attck to Pure Breeds.
One of the worst features of tbe
poultry business, snys Maine Tanner,
has been the enr.e for something new,
leading the breeders into a realm of
llsconlcnt whore they lire all tho time
ittcinpting something new. One of
'.be worst mistakes Is that of crossing
(Mire breeds, because these breeds, as
i rule, have been built up through p
Mcnce and energy for a particular line
if work, and crosses are sure to Injure
;nther than help. In fart, the meanest
nongi-els to be found are those which
re tho result of -crossing two of our
sest breeds. Hotter by far select the
Oreed you like best and then stick to
!t, Improving It, weeding out the In
ferior birds and breeding always from
!be best and selecting tho mules from
tilrds that have descended from grout
yroducers. In this way we build up.
Coop For Hen and Chlrkens.
A very cheap and simple roosting
foop for hen nnd chickens is shown by
ibis sketch. Take a plank one by
'.wolve, six feet long, saw In three
pieces, two feet long, then suw one of
them triangular: one of these and one
5f the others make one end, the front
and back can be made out of old goods
box see sketch. Cover with shingles.
It Is made with a detachable bottom,
held in place by four hooks and sta
ples, one at each corner so It can be
taken off and scrubbed and cleaned
out. 1 put the dimensions on the
sketch. For ventilation bore six au
gur holes in each side A. W. Tober
uiun, Hefner. O. T.
V. A. Clark nnd O. M. Taylor, of the
New York Experiment Station, Ijene
va, report results obtained In shading
strawberries. With a thin cheesecloth
yields were materially Increased and
sometimes even doubled, nnd with
some varieties the yield was little af
fected or was even decreased. Using
cheesecloth one commercial grade
heavier, there was u heavy loss on
every one ef sixteen varieties tested.
While the thinner cheesecloth, ripen
ing was in some cases hastened by a
day or two, but with the thicker one
it was retarded about four duys. The
effect of hading on tbe berry Itself
wus to increase it In weight ubout one-
lihe good effects of shading 1he
strawberry are produced by conserva
tion of soil moisture as a result of Ics
sencd evaporation and transpiration,
und by a slight increase in tempera
ture of air and of soil. Tho greatest
bitieQt is derived from Die protection
of the plants from wind. The injur!
ous effects result from diminishing the
Intensity of the light. The practice
does not appear to be of value com
mercially; Irrigation Is far mure ef
fective, and, where practicable, prob
ably would be cheaper.
Feeding Horning Masli.
Sometimes experience upsets one's
plans, which were thought about right,
wonderfully and completely. For years
the writer has advocated tbe moderate
feeding of laying hens during the win
ter; feeding them enough, of course,
but feeding scanty rather than run
ning the risk of overfeeding and thus
shutting off the egg supply. A veter
an poultryman who called at my farm
a year ago, said that I did not feed suf
ficiently heavy of tbe morning mash,
so this winter we started out to sec if
he was right, and found, to our aston
ibhment, that he was.
We now give the laying hens enough
of the warm mash In tho morning so
that they ent all they want before It
gets cold. The remainder Is then gath
ered up and an hour luter heated und
put in the troughs again, when the
beus eat as ravenously of It as if they
bud bad none un hour curlier, ltcsult,
more eggs than In tbe previous win
ters from tbe sume number of bens
and pullets. In trying to figure out
the cause of this change It was con
cluded that tbe bens were uuablo to
take much of tbe sticky mass in their
crops at first, but after a drink of wa
ter and an hour of rest they were in
condition to take care of the balance,
really only getting in the two feeds
tbe quantity necessary for one feed
and tbe equivalent of one good feed of
grain. Try it the rest of tbe winter
and see how It works with your poul
try. Indianapolis News.
Care of Cows.
In tbe feeding of dairy cows, two
seasons are recognized by the average
dulryman. These are the winter feed
lng season and the summer season. In
the former case tbe animals are entire
ly dependent upon wbat grain and fod
der are allotted to them, there being
no opportunity for grazing- afforded.
Tbe very opposite of this is true dur
ing tbe summer season, the animals
being expected to bunt their own Uv
lng, says Farmers' Tribune, Tbe
transition from one season to another
frequently causes a falling off la tbe
milk supply. This Is particularly true
In the fall, when tbe animals are left
to shift for themselves after tbe night
become cold. Tbe fact Is lost sight of
that a dairy animal Is of a rather deli
cate constitution, and on this accouut
cannot withstand tbe hardships which
tbe beef animal can bear.
It is a good plan to give cows shelter
at night after tbe first of October. If
they are put in tbe stable or In sheds
and fed a small grain ration night and
morning, together with a little fodder,
they will liberally respond, tit such
treatment at milking time. While tbe
days remain warm they are as well off
In the pasture, as there la no food bet
ter aosptea ror milk production than
la trass. Grass Is also economical, aad
for this reason on should tndeaver to
extend tne grazing season Just as leng
as possible. If pastures are getting
bare, It will generally iy to haul n
little fodder to tbe field. Never turn
cows on frosted grass nfter having
kept them In the stable during tV
Improving the Orrliard.
Orchard soils usually require nr
quantities of potash erlHixers, Tb!
applies especially to the pouch, plum
grape and small fruit tracts. The nmxi
convenient form of potash fertilizer
Is knlnit, which may be used on ordin
ary soil at the rate of "too pounds per
acre, allowing a space of a couple of
years or more between applications.
Where the nrchnrds cr vine-yards are
scuill, wood ashes may he used In
stend. Tbe cowpen or my bouii Is llir
best nitrogenous fertilizer where sticl.
Is needed, but unless the trees show M
tendency to make very little growth
during the summer months, fertilizer
of this kind should lu used sparingly.
The liberal application of nltiogennus
manures causes a heavy growth of
loaf and brnncb. This may prove a
detriment Instead of an udvantngo,
since Insect pests got In tlielr must
damaging work on the young and ten
der growth. Various discuses also of
ten attuck young trees that have been
forced too rapidly, causing injury nnd
sometimes dentil to the promising
specimen. ' Barnyard manure will
prove beneficial to worn out orchards,
which, however, should be well pruned
and cultivated to encourage them to
take a new hold on life. Manure may
be applied early in the spring, using
about twenty loads to the aero and
discing In, or It may bo turned under
with a stirring plow, nnd later the soil
may bo leveled with the harrow and
planted to some small crop requiring
cultivation. For this, potatoes, beans,
peas or even cabbage may bo utilized.
The innln object Is to conserve the
moisture nnd to bnsten decomposition
of organic matter in the soil. C. "
Barrett, in The Epltomist.
Farm Convenience. "
The first two figures show conven
iences originally sketched In this Farm
Journal, which snys of them:
This crate should be about throe foot
high and fitted with sidepieeos extend.
Ing below It that will just tit Into the
side irons of the wagon body. It can
thus be sot upon the wagon lied in an
Instant and will bo found most useful
in moving calves, sheep, pigs o:- other
stock. It will lit on to a sled in tho
same way for winter use. It Is also
convenient when liuuling loose unite
rial. If this is long the rear gate can
be hinged to open at the side. The
slats should be of hard wood three
quarters of flu inch lliick.
When there la plowing to be done
close to fences or trees have your
smith put extension roils on the plow
and a clevis to liiti li the team to, like
the cut. The sketch was sent us by
one of our readers in Kansas, and ho
snys It works well for bim. If Iho
beam of the plow Is adjustable to draft
it should, of course, be adjusted be
fore tho rods are bolted to the handles.
The lower figure shows two views of
portable sheep fencing used at tbe Col
orado experiment station. It Is easy to
move about and set up and very rent1
lly made. Connecticut Farmer.
Poultry Notes.
Frosted combs will check eg? pro
duction, (.'oat tl.cni with vaseline.
For heavy breathing or rattling in
the throat we have found nothing bet
ter than a teaspoonful of glycerine, to
which is added four drops of turpen
tine. mean to purchase eggs for get
ting, start early. Eggs are not apt to
batch so well, nor are tbe chicks so
strong, it obtained from bens that
have been laying for many weeks.
To feed a duckling ten weeks will
cost ubout five cents per pound. Labor,
marketing, etc., will add ns niueh move
to the cost. The bird should weigh
five pounds and sell for more than fifty
cents to bring any profit.
It Is not n bad idea for a poultryman
to have padlocks on the egg crates. It
serves to show un delusiveness to
customers who regularly expect first
class articles, and then it's a proof that
they have not been tampered wltb.
The color of tho newly hatched
chick does not always indicate what
the mature plumage will be. Those
who have bought eggs of pure bred
stock should, therefore, not be hasty
In passing judguicut on the merits of
tbe stock.
The cheapest way to rid a poultry
bouse of all kinds of lice is to thor
oughly scald with boiling water, with
sulHclent salt added to make a brine.
Apply the remedy once a week for
three weeks, using a pall and tin cup
in apply lug it.
Rough, scaly shanks spoil the ap
pearance of any fowl. Tbe parasite
that burrows under the uatural scale
and destroys It may be killed by coal
oil. Tbe oil should nut be permitted
to saturate tbe feuthers of the thighs,
or it may blister tho skin and cause
tbe feathers to come out. It Is always
best to mix tbe kerosene with sweet
oil or a little lard.
When you see a fowl staggering
around with its head thrown back ou
its shoulders, that means vertigo.
Catch It, pour water slowly from a
height of three feet on tho back of its
bead for Ave minutes. Itepeat the pro
cess in a little while, and pen It up
without a bite for two days. You have
been feeding too high, and It needs
starvation for a day or two.
Returns of the receipts from shipping
on the Sues Canal In January show an
Increase on tbe year from 11,003,573 to
11,830,000. ; ...
A school for theatrical critics la to be
opened In l'arls. The students are to
attend dress rehearsals and writ them
on tot jpyacUc.
Many "Women During' the Spring' Months Suffer
From Extreme Lassitude. Loss of Appetite
and Nervousness What They Need Is
Miss Rertha M. Rush. ."I-IS Kincarde
streets Pittsburg, l'a., Superintendent Ju
nior Society of Methodist Protestant
church, and leading soprano of the choir,
writes: "Words cannot deserihe my thank
fulnFM to yon for I'oriinn. I was a sufferer
from systemic catarrh for yeuis and was in
a very much run-down condition. 1 was
extremely nervous, and had the most fool
ish fears over nothing. 1 was thin and
"My physician adviwd me to leave this
climate, hilt as it was not convenient to do
so at this time, I took the advice of a
friend to ue a bottle of I'cnina. I took it
faithfullv, and when the first bottle was
gone 1 felt so mueh better that I bought
six more and took them faithfully, alter
whieh I looked like a new woman.
"1 gained in flesh, my appetite returned
and all my old symptoms had diappeared.
I am more than thankful to I'cruna."
Miss IVertha M. Rush.
Everybody is Tired Spring
Weather Does It Every One
Should Be Cautious.
Depression of the nervous system at the
approach of spring is the cause.
(ieneral lassitude, dull, heavy senxAtions,
continual tired feeling, with irregular ap
petite, and sometimes loss of sleep. I'e
runa meets every indication and proves it
self to be perfectly adapted to all their va
ried peculmritiea. Peruna invigorates the
system, rejuvenates the feelings, restores
the normal appetite and produces regular
That tired feeling whieh is the natural
result of the depressing effect of warm
weather immediately after the invigorat
ing cold of winter quietly disappears when
reruns is taken. 1 hoiisancls are dai'y tes
tifying to its pricelcsa benefit .
Mrs. H. hassatt, lOT) W. llilh street,
Dos Moines, la., writes: "I am happy to
give my endorsement for your valuable
medicine, I'cnina, as I consider it a valu
able medicine to take when the system is
run down from overwork. About two years
ago I felt that 1 must take a long rest, as I
hail been unable to work for over a month
and eould not regain my strength. I could
not sleep at night unci was in a very ner
vous, high strung condition. I decided to
try what I'cnina would do to build up my
strength, and am pleased to say that I be
gan to improve very shortly, and in less
than two months 1 was able to take up
my work, and felt better than I have for
years. I take it now twice a year, and find
that it keeps me in perfect health." Mrs.
KuKsatt was for over ten years the mana
ger of a plant furnishing ladies' wear and
employing hundreds of women.
Tired, Nervous Women.
There are thousands of them everywhere.
A few bottles of Peruna would do them
untold benefit. As a tonic and nerve in
vigorator it has no equal. It builds up the
nerve's, it gives strength to the circulation
and at once restores the appetite and di
gestion. No feeble woman should be with
out Peruna.
Mirror Has Lasted Long.
Asa Howard of St. Johnsbnry, Vf.,
has a mirror which has been handed
down five generations. The first
owner, bis great-great-grandfather,
lived to bo 99 years 9 months and 9
days old.
Had Busy Fall and Winter.
Mrs. Nat I.lttlcflcld of Elmwood
village, X. H., who Is "5 years old, has
spun the yarn and knit more than fifty
pairs of double mlttenn, hesldes doing
the family knitting this fall and winter.
i For Rheumatism i
A Neuralgia. Sprains 8
m Lumbago Bruises a
m BacRache Soreness I
X Sciatica Stiffness Z
A Usa the old reliable nmir M
(St Jacobs Oil!
W Prioa, 5c aal 50c. V
" It's the shots that hit that count. " Winchester
Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit, that is,
they shoot accurately and strike a good, hard, pene
trating blow. This is the kind of cartridges you will get,
if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make.
M I h. tfsjr A w a
OUaiukHTaaOCUBa fee ell trael issslln. eaaseelertM.'etnaeee.s., Uattsi a7W
lee, wtiU e the Meeeacb. bloated bew.le, tool , fceaeMke, InSifeetlea, !.,
eeiae mttox eatlat, Uvm treuble. eallew eaiei ssslbiisiii. Vvkea rel buwete 4 t eava
reeUrl yom are elek. Ceeetjawtieei Mil e re feey. fee) eU elker d'ai.sss ali w
te(raalaeilaefiksaa41au veeee WeeHeuj.' Meaaener what Lw yom, mt'
CA4CAB STS Uder, tot mtswTtl hm e( weal aed ate well aatll ra pot jmsr m . s
liekt, Tike ee aivtee, atari with Cmt in is tt. J ,W aeee.xle Uiaiet re e ej
. reeeJljsel TkljmdM tselel aH G C C. eW Ja ea. "
besklM tree. aisdreee iWUoe Bo-tee)? Coa . f ' ' or f.js. JLm- -
i U
" -v ?''
;I Miss Rush Suffered With. Systemic Catarrh Was Nervous, Had jC
No Appetite, Grew Thin and Emaciated. She Now Looks Like a New Ij
Woman After a Course of Fe-ru-na.
,wwvmvwvmmwvw s.,
J Ifynu donot receive prompt and tuitiafactoru rennll front the use of J
j Peruna, write at once to Vr. Ilartman, giving a full statement of your
J cane, and he trill be plained to glee lou hi vulunblc advice graft.
Address Vr. Ilartman, President of The Ilartman Sanitarium, t
Columbus, Ohio. i
vKnf. Given Avvay
W 3 U U Write us or Mk on
Alsnastlne lnir for
parllctilmra snd free ssmiila oori ot
Tho Butlturr Wall tloatlnff
TIm, vtvHisi ac orrmaiuia venulD. rieTS!
rubsorscalcs. Von can applj ll mil I
oold wsur. teaml'iil Wis In while oai i
drllcua tints. Not adisesj. breed leg, out. I
nfJlmtM fttnt.wator slue, orvueraltoii. HUT I
AlabMtlnelnMb. psekacw. lror"ly '- I
belled, of ltoL, herdwmrsajyl drug denVrt. I
- ri ii. -a nn lMbntiaa. 1 endi uur Ann'i 1
Ideai; tree. AUaVlUa CO, it tot IUIU, ticL. I
sr in eucr n s.
A Large Trial Box and book of in
structions absolutely Free and Post
paid, enough to prove the value of
Pastlne Is In powder
form to dissolve la
water non-poisonous
ndl.rsup.rior to liquid
antiseptics containing
alcohol which Irritates
Inflamed surfaces, end
have do cleansing prop
erties. Tbe contents
of every box makes
more Antiseptic Solu
tion lasts longer
goee further has more
ant In th. family and
does morcgood than, ny
antiseptic preparation
ou can buy.
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with great success as a Vaginal
WS, for Leucorrhoea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of female Ills Paxtlnels
invaluable. L'scd as a Vaginal 'Wash w
rhallonuo the world to produce its equal fur
thoroughness. Itisarevolationln clvanking
and healing power; it kills all germs whii-n
cause Inflammation and discharges.
All leading druuKun keep Paxtlne; price. V.
aboif if voursduesnot.send to usfnr U. lion't
take a substitute there is nothing like I'aitiiie.
Writeforthe Freolloa of l'aitlne to-day.
S. P AXIOM CO., 7 Pop Bldg., Boston, Mass.
v w-:.;:::''i;;,v::-?'
,' i 1 $fif
- ' ....,',.
A Golden Rule
of Agriculture:
Be good to your land and your crop
will be good. Plenty v(
In the fertilizer spells quality J
anu quantity in tne liar- i
vest. Wrile us and tVaMLvtf,';'!
we will eend you, .iw;
rev, by ne,t mail, VVrifi
our money
ur money wiiiiuiie -jfiL.TTf.'-Tl
94 Houtv Street,
new Vers.
3.i &3 SHOES
sbora Imve by their
excellent style,
r-ttsv-flttinir. una
superior wcarliia;
qiiulitiea, achioved
the lu l iter: t dlllo of
any kliues iu tbe
Xliey uro Just as Rood
as tliosa that cost you
84 to tj the only
difference is the price.
5od EwryutHort,
Look for name and
price on bottom.
- '-- - . ,.ri,,,i IUM0JI.N mijiie vvg
C olukln, wliii-lt IsereryM here r,neeleil lo
IHHIteBneat I'atent leather yet prnrturcl.
f Color Itololo urrd. tikoesbTnsll.tSr.eitia.
Writs for tslalu. W.L.bouflss, Breekloa, Saea.
AiabetHuteforaud superior to mustard or
anr omer piaaier, anu win not uitsteruie
ruoet delicate skin. J bepeiu-ailaytogand
earaUveuualltiesof talsarUolearewooder-
fnt. It will stop tbe onee,aod
rellere b.adacbe and sulatica. We recom-
mead It as tbe heal and safest external
oouuter-lrrltantknown.also a.anexternal
remed for pains In the chest audatonutrb
andalhheon'.atle.tiettraleieanU f auljoou
P'ainta. A trial will prove wbat we claim
forlt, and It will befuund to be Invaluable
la tbe hoosebold.ManTpeopleear't lata,
bestofallof f our preperkUona." Price IS
eia.. at all d ruaglau or ouier emen, r7
ModlnetblsaiuoanttoQsin poetaKe.taniM
wewtirsendrnontMbebrinall. No article
bonld beaeoepUd b thepubllcun eeethj
same earrles on r I be I , a s ol herw 1 es 1 1 1 s eWt
If SUte Street, Nsw Yoaa Crr.
Are Vee leiereetedf
Millions of dollar bare been nm.loat of Psieats
snd Tr4le-Msrk UUIluusol dollar efeappruprt
attwl to pay pelihtoba, ' years prarili-e,
fur lulurouuou aud llleratur. fllKK. write te
Wills Ilullduig. Ill lad- Are. Wasaiaa'ea. P. a
Saw MiUo
The DeLeaeb Patent Variable Frletlee Paf4)
Saw Will wilb 4 k. p. caU l,ve feel per dee. All
kdect-e. Triamaent, Jrlaaer.) Ceca and babe
Sellle, Water W keels, teth Mills, Weed Sewa,
Our baedeome aew Calabef will ialeeee ye.
La twll SiiaV Caw i
awa ax. aiisasa. tee.
JN.B-B. Seoee'S SCee, Sea A Aelseee, bj
a. I
X 1