r 1 1 O Miss Alice Bailey, of Atlanta, Oa., escaped the sur geon's knife, by using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Deab Mrs. Pihkham t I wish to express my gratitude for the restored health and happiness Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has brought into ray life. " I had suffered for three years with terrible pain nt the time of menstrua tion, and did not know what the troublo rus until the doctor pronounced it in flammation of tho ovaries, and proponed an opcrution. ' I felt so weak and sick that I felt sure that I could not survive the ordeal, and so I told him that I would not un dergo it. The following week I read an advertisement in the paper of your Vegetable Compound in such an emer gency, and so 1 decided to try it. Great was my joy to find that I actually im- E roved after taking two bottles, so I ept taking it for ten weeks, and at the end of that timo I was cured. I had gained eighteen pounds and was in excellent health, and am now. " You surely deserve great success, and you have my very bent wishes." Miss Alice Bailey, 80 North boule vard, Atlanta. Ua. $S000 forfait If erlglnit 9f about fetter proving gonuintnts cannot be pre mnotl. All sick women would be wise It they would take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable, Compound and be welK Complete External and Internal Consisting of Cuticura Soap to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; CUTI CURA Ointment to in stantly allay itching, irrita tion, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; and CUTI CURA Pills to cool and cleanse the blood and expel humor germs. A SINGLE SET, costing but ONE DOLLAR, is' often suffi cient to cure the most tor turing, disfiguring skin, scalp and blood humors, ec zemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. He'd thronsbntit lbs world. Ciitli-ur Rsaol mil, (In ftirm of riiiM-ol.t CosIihI Pill, r., irr tl.l ot uai. oiptuifiit, ao,-., ip te. i.. Isiuilun. V b.ri.rliur- H.,; i-art. S Ana ? I Tall! Itouin. 137 ''i-luiul'iai An. -oto-r lruf sud Choi. Corp., Holt I'Mia. rud ftr 'Jlnw lo I'm. 'iVirturlug. DU- fif-url-i Uauior fiua luf.Bt. to Afio." aw TOills Th DLocri rtnt Variable; Friction fo4 tttf Mill wrlh 4 h p. cut. a. wo feel per day. All me ud price lo ai It. DeUoach Shingle Mill, h'leera. Trimmer., planer. I Cora and Buhr Mil!. Water Wherle, Uth Mllla, Wood 6a we . our lianUaoin new Catalog will interest you DcLoach Mill fcfg. Co.. - M. AlUnU. Ua. t uei-iia to dare' Sr B a. IIUI'I . . (. Atlaala, Sea Treatment GNE D IJLLAF! no mi XXV TTOVTO Orange Cake. Cream three tablrspoonfuls of but w; add prndimlly one cupful of BURar, wo eggs well beaten and half a cupful f milk; mix onn and three-fourths tupfuls of sifted flour; add two level mi spoon fills of baking powder; add 'his to the butter and sugar; beat until (month; bake in greosed jelly sake nns tei minutes In a moderate oven; emove, let stand In the pans three nlnutes, turn out end when cold ipread with orange filling. Steamed I.etnon Pnrlrllng. Make a lemon mixture wltb three nblespnonfuls of lemon. Juice, grated ind of one lemon, three level table )oonfuls of butter; conk these for two ninutes; add one cup of siiRar and liree es beaten a little; stir until mix tire thickens; cool and add one table ipoonful of brandy; spread six slices if stale bread with the lemon mixture, '.nd arrange them In ft buttered pud ling mould; bent two eggs a little; add hree tnblespooufuls of sugar, a pinch f salt and one cup of milk; pour this tver bread; cover and set in a pan of tot water; haks one hour In n linger tte oven. Quirk Muffins, leat two cuss separately, add to th 'oiks one pint of milk, two cupfuls of lifted Hour, one tpnspoonful of salt and me tablespoon of melted butter; beat null smooth; then add tho whites of he eggs beaten stiff, then two and a inlf level teuspooiifuls of b.'iklug pow Icr; when well mixed bake In grensed nu HI n rings in the oven or on the riddle. It Is easier to bake in muffin 'lugs on the griddle because of Its lent; If hnked In the oven, bent the tan and till the rings and put quickly nto a hot oven; bnke twenty minutes; f baked on the griddle turn when lsen and set; brown on both sides. Turklih Roup. ook onc-fourtli cup of well washed ice in one quart of boiling water until lenrly tender, about Dftecn minutes, hen pour off the water, and pour ovei me quart of brown stock and cook mtll tender; put two cupfuls of stewed mil strained tomato in an agate pant idd one slice of onion, eight- pepper orns, one stalk of celery or n little iclcry salt and a small bay leaf; cook lalf an hour; add tills to the rice and itock; melt two tablespoonfuls of but er; add one and one-half tablespoon 'uls of flour; stir until smooth, then idd It to the boiling soup and let cook ne minute; rub through a tine sieve; etui-n to the tire; add salt and pepps o season; serve hot. Lobster Farcl. Cut lobster meat in very "small ileces; put one cupful of milk over the Ire; melt one tablespoonful of butter; idd one level tubleKpoonful of flour; Ax until smooth and add it to the nllk, stirring until thickened and holi ng; take from the fire; add two table poonfuls of bread crumbs, one table poonful of chopped parsley, yolks of wo hard-bollod eggs rubbed through a (trainer, salt and pepper to season; heso proportions call for two cupfuls f lobster meat; when opening be care til not to break the body or tail shells; vasli and wipe them dry nnd cut out he under part of shell; join the tails ogetlicr, till with the mixture, brush ivcr wltb beaten egg, spread over but ered crumbs and place in a hot oven intil tho crumbs are brown; serve hot n the shells and in a border of pars f'. A slate with pencil attached by a Itring should hang in every kitchen, 0 aid the memory of the housewife. The candles for your entertainment vlll tiurn slowly nnd steadily through die evening if they rsr kept on ice all ',uy. I'ickle bottles and jars that smell ot inlous will be quite sweet and odor ess after helng left out of doors for hree or four days filled wltb sand or (Hi-den mould. For marks made on painted wood work by matches, try rubbing first vlth a slice of lemon, then with whit lig, and in a few moments wash with varm soapsuds. Frequent washing with sonp will lim the surface of a mirror. The oc mslonal use of alcohol Is recommend Hi, but for frequent washing, damp lewspaper wltb a polishing with ibamols skin will keep mirrors and able glasMvure in good condlUon, The cloths used iu waxing floors or )olislilng furniture should be kept in 1 covered crock as long as clean, then, nstead of letting them aeccumulate in 'Joset or store room, burn them Im jiedlately, since vegetable oils are so iuble to spontaneous combustion. The objection to brass or iron beds hat draughts are noticeable is over tome by the use of dainty curtains at ill e bead. In hospitals squares of envy pique tied by tapes at the cor lers to the uprights of the bed, are sundered weekly with the other bed lnen. Have a small wide-mouthed Jar In he bath-room to bold the odds and inds of soap, and wben three-fourths lull, fill the Jar with boiling water, idd the juice of a lemon and a tea spoonful of glycerin, and you will have l pleasant "Jolly" with which to whit m and soften the bands. Sandpapering furniture is a tedious ob, snd the woman who wishes to revftrnlsb or paint a cbalr or table will liul ber bands and patience saved if he will use one-third of a cupful of ommon washing soda to a pint of rarm water, wltb a good scrubbing truib, to remove tho old finish. Rinse (T wltb clear water aud do not at tempt to put on tho new coat until die piece Is thoroughly dry. Am Important Indattrr. American newsparers every year psy n wages $60,000,000 and receive ISO. 100.000 for subscriptions and l5,0tX), WO for adverUseneuta . COMMERCIAL REVIEW. U. O. Dun& Co.'s weekly review of trade says: In addition to the Interruption of a holiday, trade and transportation hav again sufTercd becniiseof 6everc weather, and much outdoor work was forced to await more favorable conditions. Development of Spring trade Is nat urally slow, but this may be fully mud up as the season advances. Business pro ceeds on a basis that promises immunity from the excesses that precipitated th recent setback. Manufacturing plant are gradually restoring idle machinery, and there is more disposition to antici pate future requirements. Liabilities of commercial failures re ported for February aggregated tlO, .00,100, of which 3.TH2,4itJ were ia manufacturing, 4.290,235 In trading, and H,77;i,4ii in other commercial lines. Failures this week numbered 240 In the United Stales, against 211 last year, and ?2 in Canada, compared with 28 a year ago. "HraHstrcet's" says: it is still too early to report upon the Winter wheat situation, hut advices so far received from the Southwest are hardly encouraging, absence of snow covering or lack of moisture being re ported in Missouri, Oklahoma snd Kan sas. New record prices for the year and the highest, in fact, since May, 1898, were reached in wheat the past week, the market, though irregular, closing near the top, cash wheat and the May option moving together partly on war talk, but largely on reported continued eager de mand for good milling wheat. Flour prices reflect the strength, and corn and oats have sympathized, as have also nearly all kinds of provisions, except eggs, which have broken sharply, the advance of pork to the highest point be ing helped by small receipts. WHOLESALE MARKETS. Baltimore. Flour Strong; winter t'w tra, H.S(i(,,...n; winter clear, 4.454.tt winter straight, 4.N"iW;5.n"; winter patctit, 5.2il( .)..VI: spring clear, 4.3il.4.S0;sprLiE straight, 4.Wivf."i. 10; spring patent, B.'.l e't.4'i; receipts, 9,0:i4 barrels, exports, 10.857 barrels. Wheat Firm; spot contract, l.OOJt spot No. 2 red Western, 1.0H; February, 1.00$; March, 1.07; May, 1.04J; steamer No. 2 red, 1.03. Corn Active; spot, 83 J: February, 53$; March, oSjj; April, 541544; stcamel mixed, 51; receipts, 35,009 bushels; cx ports, 110.011 bushels. Oats- Firmer; No. 2 white, 481; No. ? mixed, 45((.4: receipts, 21,590 bushels Kye Firm; No. 2, 71; No. 2 Western .72; receipts. 3,035 bushels. - Hay Firm; No. 1 timothy, unchanged No. 1 clover mixed, unchanged. Grain Freights Dull and unchanged. New York Butter Firm; extra frcsb creamery, 20; creamery, common to choice, 15(0.35$; Imitation creamery, 14 18; State dairy, 14(2 21 ; renovated, 12(ii) 18; held creamery, 14QJ22; factory, 12 15. Cheese Steady; State, full cream, small colored, September, 12; do. late made, 10; do. small, white, do., 12; do. late made, 10; do. large, colored, do., 12; do. late made, 10; do. large, white, do., 12; do. late made, 10. Eggs Firm; Sta'.e a.id Pennsylvania near by average, finest, 85; do. second to firsts, 83(rt,84; Western, firsts, 84. Flour ltccelpts, 11,915 barrels; ex ports, 0,551 barrels; firm in sympathy with wheat; Minnesota patent, 5.00(3 5.40; Minnesota bakers, 4.0044.35; win tcr patents, 5.005.25; winter straights, 4.75(5.00; winter extras, 8.50(3(3.75 winter low grades, 3.158.53. Kye Flour Firm; fair to good, 3.95(3 4.10; choice to fancy, 4.20t4.50. Buckwheut Flour Dull; 2.002.10 Cornmeal Firm;yellow Western, l.IC city, 1.08; kiln-drieti, 2.90(a.3.00. Iiay Steady ; shipping, 05(75; g 2t to choice, 95(,'l.05. Hops Firm; State, common to choice, 1003, 80(ri88; 1002, 247 20; olds, 10(ml5 Pacific coast, 1903, 2735; 1902, 24((627 olds, 10(215. Hides Firm; Galveston, 2() to 2f pounds, 18; California, 21 to 25 pounds, 19; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 14. Potatoes Steady; Long Island, 3.00(3 8.50; Jcrsevs, 2.75(3.25; jersey, sweets, 1.504.00;" State and Western, sacks, 2.50(2.70. Peanuts Firm; fancy hand-picked, 5 other domestic, 8)(g,(l. Cabbages Steady; domestic, per ton, 23.00(2,35.00; per 100, 5.00(3.10.00. Live Stock. Chicago. Cattle Market nominal' good to prime steers, 4.90(5.73; poor tc medium, 8.50(t4.80; stockers and feeders, 2.50(14.15; cows, 1.00((f.4.00; heifers, 2.0C (rt.4.75; dinners, 1.60(2.00; bulls, 2.00(3 4.90; calves, 8.50(r 7.50. Hogs Market 5 to 10c higher; mixed and butchers, 5.15(,5.50; good to choic heavy, 5.45;g.5.57; rough, heavy, 5.10$ 5.40; light, 4.03(3,3.20; bulk of sales, 5. If (5.40. Sheep Market steady; Iambs steadyi good to choice wethers, 4.0(l(54.50; fail to choice mixed, 8.50((j4.25; Western sheep, 4.20(5.10; native lambs, i.Wnj 5.75; Western lambs, 4.00(3.0.00. SCIENCrTANDlNDL'STRV. Five hundred earthquakes shock tlif Japanese every year. Manchuria has a population of 8,500. 000. The engines of a first-class man-of-v cost about 700, 000. Parisians smoke cigarettes made of ! leaves of the eotrce plant. . In the past forty years 4,000,000 p. sous have cmmlgratcd from Ireland. . Austrian law permits boys and girls tc marry at the age of fourteen. To cruBh a half-Inch cube of granite requires a weight of eleven tons. Tho sunken Variag was the fastest ves sel in the world of her (7,000-ton) class. Tho Ice consumed In Great Britain comes almost exclusively from Norway, The murders in the United States Id 1903 numbered 8,970; the lynchings, 104 . In Japaneso tho word "Mikasa" Indl cutes a war ship and "Jlaru" a ship of commerce. Japan Is sn mountainous that hut one sixth of its area can be cultivated. Of tho seven Presidents, France ha hail only one who has served a full term, A syndicate is about to open extensivt coal areas under the sea near Halifax. All new schools In Switzerland havt a portion of the ground floor appropri ated for baths. The maximum train load on the Trans Siberian liailway is 500 tons; in Ameri can, 2.500 net tons. 'fhe burden of pensions has shrunk in ten years from 2.24 to 1.1)3 per fl.OOO of taxable wealth. Switzerland buys from the United States In a year but 1(200,000, while sell ing us t21, 000,000. Articles admitted to the United States free of duty make up 45 per cent, lo value of our Imports. The number of suicides In a city Is Id direct proportion to the uumbjr of Its German inhabitants. Tbo American Sewing Machine Com pany sold Jn Turkey last year U0.0OC machine, which is more than 1,000, 000 worth. THEY ALU WANTtD CARDINEi. When First Boxes ef This Delicacy Reached Morocco Court, ff the Sultan of Morocco, Mule; Abdel-Azlz, loses his throne, It per haps might be due to tho discontent of his subjects seeing him adopt so precipitately European manners and habits. The sultan disregards thlt danger, however, and when he want a thing European be must have it at once. One night there was a f ?nt noise In front of the residence of an Eng llshman Inhabiting Morocco. Imme diately the soldiers of the palace struck the door violently, exclaiming: "Daba! Dabft! (quick! quick!). Tho master wants all the sardines you have In your house!" The Englishman was not a sardine merchant, but handed over what few boxes he bad, and learned later that only a few hours before a foreign mln iBtcr had presented to the sultan a few boxes of sardines, which wer opened In the barem and partaken of by all the Inmates. Such a sudden frenzy was created for them that on the morrow a special rakkas was dispatched to Tangier, with orders to bring all tho sardines In the place. New York Tribune. Floating Theater. A new river vessel has been built for use as a floating theater. The seat ing capacity is for 1,000 people, and there are boxes for the elite and a pit for tho orchestra. In addition, the vessel Is sufficiently larre to admit ot numerous sleeping rooms for the ac tors, the deckhands and all those con nected with either the show or the boat. The entire force numbers forty. On the steamer which tows the float ing theater, besides the boilers rnd en gines, there is a complete electrlo light plant, besides a kitchen and din ing room. The boat starts at Pitts burg and visits the towns of the coal miners and stee. workers along the Monongahela river. Next it returns and goes down the Ohio to the Kanaw ha, thence to Cairo and later up the Illinois river to LaSalle. Then after going back to the Mississippi, the boat slowly makes Its way in the directic of New Orleans. Took Pledge Over His Dog. John Popowskl of Akron took th pledge over the body of his dog, ar be was released from the central sta tion, where he had been confined ovc-t Sunday for intoxication, says a Cleve land (Ohio) dispatch to the Philadel phia Telegraph. When Popowskl was arrested thl dog followed him to the police station, remaining outside the door and bowl ing for its master during Sunday. It lay down on the snow Sunday night and was frozen to death. When Popowsal was released yes terday morning he thought the doc would be waiting for him. He went outside the door and whistled, but tho dog did not come. Then he found the frozen body. "It was all my fault." he exclaimed. "It was the drink that did It. Poor lime Sport! As long as I live I will .ever touch another drop." FITS permanently cured . No (Its or nprvon? nesssfter first day's use of Dr. Kline's Oreal NcrveFestorer. ttttrialbottlennd treat isefreo Vi. It. II. Kline, Ltd., 131 Areli St.. I'liiln.. I'a It ia said that pray liorfcs live longer than those of any other color. SnUcr'a Rmiifl I'.ulliler Corn, So named because 50 acres produced so heavily, timt its procccJn built a lovely home. See Snlzer a catalog. Yielded ill 11(03 ill Ind. 157 bti.. Ohio 100 bu., Xenn. OH bu., and in Midi. -Ju hit. per acre. You can beat this record in 1!K'4. WHAT 130 YOU THINK OK THESE T1ELDS Ten ache? 120 bu. Benrdlcsi Barliy per acre. 31tt bu. Saizcr'i New National Oats per A. 80 bu. Salzer .Speltz and Macaroni Wheat. 1,000 bu. Pedigree Potatoes per acre. 14 tons of rii-h Billion Uollar (Jrasi Hay. 60,000 lbs. Victoria Bane for Bhcep per A, 100,000 lbs. Teointe, the fndder wonder. 54,000 lbs. Salzet's Superior Fodder Corn rich, juicy fodder, per A. Now, stieli yields you ran have. Mr. Farmer, in 1P"4, if you will plant Salzer's seed. A.C.L. JfST SEND TniS NOTICE AND 10c. in stamp to John A. Salzcr Seed Co., I.n Crosse, Wis., and receive their urent catalog and lota of farm 8?ed sample. A physician in (iennuny han discovered a method of obliterating wrinkles. Mrs.Vinslow'Bloothlm; Syrup foreldldren teething, soften tii Kuma, reduces iuflamma tiou allays pain, ciirixwiuil nolle. Mc. a bottle To produce a C'aahinere ahawl requires the labor of four pet sons for a year. Iteeder ".Scott said a clever thing to-day; said that luck U a good bit like liehtninK; for it seldom strikes twice In the same place." lleeder "Yes, and us a rule neither of them needs to." P:,tniylvar.!a Pouch Howl. afcr,.-'; f- -- , , There is more Cutarrli in this section of th country than all ottiHr (tiaettses put together, and until tlia last few years was supposed lo be insurable. Fora great many yeara doctors fironouneeil It a local diseain and prescribe. I oeal remedies, nnd by constantly failing to cure with local treuttuent, pronounced It in curable. Science, ha proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dlsea.m and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. ( nnney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is thn only constitutional euro nu the market. It Is taken Internally in dose from 10 drops to a teaxpoonful. It acts direct ly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the ysteiu. They offer ouo hundred dollars for a'uv ease it fuils to cure. Kend for circular and testimonials. Address F. J. CbeS.sv A Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Drmridrits, 7.V. Taku Hull's Family Pills for constlputl :i 'lirai lous," sighed Mr. lie fpepsey. 'I wish I could acquire an appetite." "I'm- goodness', sakel" exclaimed bis wife, "what do you want with an ap petite? It would only t;Ive you luco dyspepsia."--Philndelnlila Press. 10,000 Plants Far 10c. This i u remarkable offer the Jibn A. iSalzer Seed Co., J -a ('ro-se, U'n., makes. Tin j- will aend oti their bin plant and seed catulo., together with enough aced to grow 1,000 fine solid Cabbage. 2,000 delicioua Canoti, U,m Illaiiching, nutty Celery, 2,000 rich, hutleiy lettuce, 1.000 splendid Ouiona, 1,000 rara, luscious Kadishrt, 1.O0U gloriously brilliant Flowers. This great offer n mads in order to in duce you to try their warranted seeds for when you once plant them you will grow on others, and all ron BUT 10c. POSTAGE, providing you will return this notice, and if you will send them 20c. in postage, ibry will udd to the above a package of I he la nious Uerliner Cauliflower. A. C.L.J Nothing worries a woman like forgetting a secret aba wants to tell. PuTftAii Fadelks Dies do not stain the hand or spot th keitle, except grtto uJ purple. HU.Y TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED DREAD CATARRH BY USE OF PERU-f.A. Catarrh Robs Women of Health and Beauty. Pe-ru-na Makes Women Healthy and BeautifuL WAW.V.V.V.V.VAV.VV.V.VAW.SV.V.W Miss Flora Hmier. 10S2 S. New Jcr- sey street, Indianapolis, Ind., writes: J " think I muaf have been troubled with cntarrh rvrmlncc 1 irn very young, apuravatctl each time 1 caught a colli. Thin did not J prove Hiiffifieiitly scrfows fo be oft- noxfous until last trlnter. Then my head and nose were no stopped i up thiil I felt 1 mutt do nomcthtng. I Pertina iron recommended to met by a friend. I used it for four ((,, and found to m y relief that it cured me. 1 have not had a bit t of trouble since. My head is clear, and I can safely affirm that I'e- na cured me." .Visa Flora Manner. vtaa'taAMaaaaaaaMaavwaa Hundreds of Women Cured by Pe-ru-na of Annoying; Catarrh. DR. HAKTMA.V has probably done more than any other physician to ward popularizing a means of escape from the facial deformities, such as watery eyes, twisted nose, offensive breath, dry cracked lips, due to the ravaging effects of caturrh. He has made chronic catarrh a life-long study. His remedy, popularly known ns Peruna, is the moct famous remedy for catarrh in existence. Probably there in not a man or woman, boy or girl, within the bounds of the United States that has not heard of Pe runa. By fur the largest majority have nod Peruna. The multitude of people that have been cured of chronic cntarrh by using Peruna can never be known. SjTOWfH WIrtHllUMt TwciauwHauriititorauotfs Xi3U ttiulUKAllctitln: lit. Any wise little fish begins business o:i a small scale. Itilllon Dollar ilrass ami Alrul'n. When we introIuced 13 i 1 1 ion Dollar Crass three years ago, little did we dream it would be the mot talked of grass in America, the hicgest, quick, hay pioducer on earth, but tliis has come to pa. Agr. Kditors wrote about it. Agr. Col leffe lVofessors lectttrrd aliottt it. Aire. In stitute Orators talked abouc it. while in ' the farm home by the quiet lircxide. in the corner grocery, in the village postoflice. at the creamery, at the drpot, in fact wher ever farmers gathered, f-alier' Ilillioii Do! It Grass, that wonderful grass, good for S to 14 tons per acre, aud lots of pasture liesides, is always a theme worthy of the farmer's voice. A. Walford, Westlnre Farms. Pa., writes: ? I have 80 acres in Salzer Alfalfa Clover. It is immense. 1 cut three crops this sea son and have lots of pasture besides." JUST SE.N'U 1HIS NOTICE AJD 10f. I.N STASIS to the John A. Saizc Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and receive their big catalog and lots of farm seed samples free. A. C.L.J There are tbout 11',K) lepers in the Phil ippine Islands. H. H. Gdcex's Hons, ot Atlanta, 'ia., are. the only successful Dropsy Specialists In the world. See their liberal offer in advertise nieut iu another column of this paper. Warmed over love is an thing but satis factory. I'lso's Cure cannot he too highly spoken r,r lis a cough cure. J. V. O'IUiiln, m Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn,, Jun, 6. 1'.KW. M-tny a iiiiin would be glad if his wit'e would talk to herself. rJO. Eaay to '- ' - C iel I " " '"r' - v'li.Ag 1 - Vijf Flri.tr.lcn of Will arobabl it 1st VOtk. 1.4 cttrt Msulrt taeia. (HIUMACItil earn b, .,., ,,. .UM, , lh , ih. .ZVikJi"-i W,,"- "Its .lt. . C . U tft M.l. .1 1 .S.. !I!mi '' !. Hi. m (Mal.t.lr car.. !. Hl-MACIDl. an ..aR( ,h, I..I, . ,, ,,4 IIIIIIHI a .,i..rt,V.Mu,ii, " '" - "" ' Irr RHIuMACIIII .n b. ..1.4, MV. I. a. WHIIL1I. aoi.4 MnsailM alaln.r. a.kMratawa, MS., .rite. .atksilMK.iir al tMCVMACIUI. wklck tn4 koa, M. I li Man (14 a4 au haaa ia tk. a),alatr M sua. 01111 orrit ( molt aoaairr chemical co., pnopRirrona, ALTIMONC, MB. "aCTS AT THI 401 NT fROM TM INSIOI.- .; v.w. w. v. v. 3K Miss , Woman iilmm :: Afflict i "a 5 Cntarrh i i .''r. yLS'-S''J "C sj I Beautiful i 'ilrSj1 I or Attractive. """:5r? .V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.,.V.V.V.V.V.".V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.W Many girl has regained her faded I beauty, manv a matron has lengthened thr days of her comely appearance by usin, Peruna. . Peruna produces dean mucoiis mem branes, the basis of facial symmetry and a perfect complexion. The women have not been slow to dis cover that a coarse of Peruna will do more toward restoring youthful beauty thnn all the devices known to science. While it is true that Peruna cores cn tarrh wherever located, yet it is advisable ior everyone to use Peruna as a preventive ' ATENTS, Tlt Alli:. l Alllis AMI l':-I()t. Are t mi Inleresicilf ! Mill! f !!: r- l.iiv,- la-en iim.li-cut ,.f I-a-ci,-, Hli.rrrii'l--MiirB-, MiHlon ., .l"flrs ar,-prni,, 1- tn jia pi ll I. .11-. t!'-iir 1 1 r i -. J'ur li.f 'r.iiiiiio.i ini'l llh-ratii;-,-, I M.K. wr.tc t.. Till-: W. II. Wll.l.s t'liniMW, Wills llMililiiia, 31 j lii i. .: tt.i-Mivtcii, n. C Itrl'AVS TAtm.rS arc She best (tra. pcpsii fit. rllrir, , v, r niftd". A ti.i:. ilr.tl niilluiiiif,f tin m t.avptH-rn .-i l.l inn rn.ii.-ii- yi-jir. t'.'ui,ti itii'ii, lii,.r-. I'lirn. hifk in-. Isih.'. Ui711.1-- ;,il l r nth. nnr- lliM,;,t r.Tnl rvi-rv llttn urimnj from a ,l.iniir. il iti u:;,i li arc n lii-T. il or eurM (,t lufiuts T.ili. within twenty mlnnt.'H. TaL'tlvoiTijti.-kaV'i"',noufe-a ' inr aai unimurir ikvuhiuu. All Uruc,fi.ii tth Uium. faV1 LAND WARRANTS JAP FLOWERS. r Pee Iln7iri Keeps Hires Fiesh One Year. l. ICI PW.U .arn reilaWe. e'icap niethnil, onedluie. CIIAMI'IOS I'HKM.ro., l.laiu.d '! bftd trnnbl wHh my bftw)i wLit h ! mj Dtooit Impure. Mv fcn wi rmernd with Lsiinplti which no ritfrrmi rm4f enuld rvoiorf. I Wo four Cft're( and vreai wat my Joj whn Ihr rlrnpln Uiapppan4 aftr month' M'-mI ut a. bav rerommii'14 thrm to all pr frinda and utte a tw have fonml roller " C. J. Putcfa, H7 Par An., w York Cly, M. J. Plaasanl Pslitabta pntant. Tas- riolnxil. N Sli-kan. Ui-aki-n cr irlp-. 1. 3c. Str. Krvnr aolrt In bulk. Th ariiiiltic irI.Ui tia-nixa CtC. uaaranlaaa to enra or ru'ir money bark Sterling Remedy Co., Chlcic-i or N Y. Coe ANNUAL SALE. TEN fi'.LUOK BOXES t-lilM.riuitiiy. Hi k .11, Che-tHr. I'n. ' ' ! f T5l tlJtitS Wrltrtt All USl FAILS. LJl , 1 ' k4 "08t J- ousb bynip. 'i'ato .n-l. Csc 11 i"ii iu loiiii. "i:itiii,n n,i.ii i.i- i i. . . . is mil m mn y CANITY CATrWTTTC V RHFUMATISM. D.inn.r I.a a. cur now. A alngls) bottle of ! Mis Amanda Johnson, Fairehiid, Wis., writes: "I write to tell you how in.itii Peicna benefited me. Tar a number of years I hud pain in my head around my and 1 thought it was because my ecs ncetled treatment, m I went to an oculit and bad RlaM-a tilted to mv cye ami wore them for some time, but felt no relief whateier. fact, I felt worse than before, and rnttie to the roncfusm that the trouble was not with my ejes, but with my head and that it must he catarrh. A so many of m.r friend kaat uaed Pcnina with benefit tor thi trouble. I thought 1 try it. I was not sony Unit 1 did so, for in a short time X began to improve, and in four weeks my eyes were ia apleor did condition, my general health nus much improved and an the catarrh of t tic- head was gone. I was gluil to get rid this trouble, and am glad to endorse m-h a good uu-dicior a?; Pertina." Miss Amanda Johnson. v.".v. . w. w. w.v.v. v -w . Flora Ilauser. ,.nd not wait until cit.n i h has fastened if - elf in ome part of the svstem. Peruna acls quickly and hetieficiaUy lei the inflamed mut o:is membranes- tfiiinc -ihe different organ oi the body. Ttuui it will cure catarrh wherever locateA. If you do not d ive prompt and sataiM tory results from the use of Peruna, wxat at once to l)r. llartinan. giving a lull state ment of your tnse and he will be picaord Vt give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. iiartmitnn. President f The Hartma:i Sanitunurn, Coltunbip.. Ohio A crop that jiays may rjot pay as well as it Iimu!J. Potash i pl.int f a! w 'ii, h ..1 1 -r'ip it. .it Iiave. Without it!:ivic!it I'i't.i-h to iiej npn !:l) crop tall P.. I I ' i: it v In tc it I'A pet illii l;t I:, iu.!iti.ited the fIVta:h. will -.,! i ,-. to any fu-n.ei 1. wi i wiitr f, r it. lit lit- l- k t'.i w. hlit faclt In fa. I. UiiRMAX KU.I WOh'KS 9! Sjo Sired, New Urk. W. L. DOUGLAS $3. &s3 SHOES W. I.. lioiiKlai ilioes lime ly their Cxeelleiit style, ( e.i-y-llttlll, it n il snpi-iliir weiiiin lliklitil-S, Hi'llleVfil tli lurxcst sale of any sliocs in the w orM. Th-y are just .is ,-; ui.l as those that co-t yon 4 to 95 tin ouK- difference is the prji-e. I.-Kik for iiaino and pm o on Isittoin. lloitLrlas iisra f'lii-.iim illl,lii. m hlcli l.o.n rlu-rr rnnrrSfr-l """"'i l-Bieill I." iltl.rr rl prfxtasrasC. rile fur ( alalor. n .L.Puugla, Urorlla., CAPSICUM VASELIHEt trti triA lutui tmi sTLiU) V A jobstltute for ami superior to niustarlor S any otlier pliiKter.ainl ulll rint blister 112 i.instilullcaie skiu. I lie p iin-ulloiiaii I riirullveiiualllii Mif tlilsm tli'lcarvmuoaU-r-C int. itwiu siopitu- tiiy'.lini l.eatonci.aivl relieve he. tdnclle auU sciatic. VYranik-r iiH iiil it at ttie best mill sHfu.t exierual :ouiiUar-irrit;tn1 know 11, at fo asanei trsi n-medy for p:;ins in Hie chest siulsU ariarli .'iiiuitiiriieuil .it'.c.nt'Utnllcitiiil Roni) ttm lilalntH. A tt'iii I 111 prove slulsiirUiai turit, nnd It will lie found to It mvnlaabli in tlie hiiusi-hnld.Maiiy peoiiU-sAjr1ttatlr lie-1 of nil nf your in pa ru lions. " Prlrc is., nt all il Mii.-i.-l sts or oUier Uealensor a -etidiiiirliiUninouni t.ili; n P""laceUif we will -end ymia f. I- rjr malU No nriirlr should heneewpU--! liv th" puMlrll nltn aniecarrlesimrlii'ii-l. asothrv. l-itt isnt Keuuiue. ChtbFBKOl'Orl Ar-1. CO.. tl r-tste 1 it--1 w ibaa irrr. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN. A rVrtn!r. Crum tat KiTer&k r iumiii 11 rtuii T i mmmm Viar4rra, al Pf ilr Urmi, Hrraili 4kala ia it h.Kirs At all Hii.U. IS Hjmiil. imiiUt "KKt. IMM ' A. S. OLM STCO. to Kmr. . ADVERTISE 44 iTn IT PAYS ,t.!l that r lit lie. jfc- Mather Cray, httraa i-i fr. ild. ran's Hoi-i., S York till. i "I "" A nii-BaecoIio aku iUUiisaLa. I Jf . t.alaks im. rHnas. - I V II III Anil . U....- .3 m ...u;-riiiUa III,... t t' it )