DOCTORS FALL IN LINE. Fraetlclng Physician recoffaiie the Hnfalllngf reliability of Uoiu't KldDj Pilli by prctcrlbinittheni for Backache, Klduey, Bladder and lrinrj Dis order a tribute won by no other Proprietary Medicine. Pour canes cited from "Sotes of Ms Practice," by Dr. Leland Williamson, of Yoiituwn, Ark, YortKrowN, Ann., Mnr. 1, 1004. Foteii-Milb;r! Co., Buffalo, N. T. Gtntlr.mcn.-l bnve been ongniterl In the practice of medicine In this sec tion fdr ten yenrs. Tula la u very sickly ellmnte, on the Hiiyou Bartholomew, near the Arknnsn Hirer. It la particularly mnltirlou and tnlaamntlc; we meet with many imj vnrlous abnormal conditions of the human family; lirobilnent among the eases In which 1 have been called upon to prescribe 1 kidney disease. Many of these disorders manifest themselves by pains In the back, often extending to other parts of the body; sometimes headache I present, caused by uroemlc or chronic uric acid poisoning, soreness In region of kidneys, cloudy, thickened and foul smelling urine, discharges of pus or corruption; Inflammation of the kidneys, extending to the bladder, Is caused by excess of uric add and decomposition of the urine. Hemorrhage is some times met with, caused by high state of Infliimmtitlon or congestion. There Is no class of diseases a doctor Is called ofteuer to treat than th. variety of kidney dlxeuscs, In many of which the patient will bare chills oi rigors, followed by fever, a result of the kidneys falling to eliminate the urlr acid poison from the system. 8uli cases require the kidneys restored tc their natural functions, then the poison and foreign substances are removed--shock to the nervous system averted and natural health restored. 1 have, for some time, been using Donn's Kidney Pills In these many manifestations and with uniform success, curing most cases. I can further suy that even in hopeless cones where they have waited too long. Dnan's Kidney Pills afford much relief and prolong life. I can recommend the pill; In conditions of excessive or deficient secretion of urine, as also In conva lescence from swnmp-fever and malarlul attacks, as verified by the following ases In my practice. CASE 1. 1'lios. Om u.. Bear. Ark., age fit). Pain in tiatk Inr several weeks, then chilli, irregular wmirt utirn, severe rigors followed by fever. (nve good purgative of calomel and padoph, and Doan'a Kidney Pills. After taking four boxes of the pills, pntient up and enjoying good heullu for one of his oge. CASK 2. Mns. Smith, Tarry, Ark., age 29, mother of four children. Had female complaint and kidnev trouble, manifest by pain in back n nd urine irregular; sometimes very clear, changing to cloudy, and with much sediment on standing in chamber, (lave locul treatment for female romplaint and prescribed Doan's Pill; after lifting fix boxes she regards herself as cured. These are a few of the typical cases in which I bare used Doan's Kidney nils. In a great ninny Instances I use thera alone with curative results, while with some others Indicated remedies are associated. I believe' that by the judicious use of Donn's Pills many serious compli cations are arrested and many hopeless and Incurable cases of Krlght's disease prevented. I have often found that one box of the pills Is nil that Is required to effect a cure, but In some enses I continue their use until all symptoms nrc entirely absent and the cure effectual and permanent. Yours truly. n jree Trial ni nun irrijiit nmiipj uihi rf BlsddprScfciflr can In obtuiued by art- AV, , drt wln Vnster-Mllburn Co., ButTnlo, tLT- box. If not for Mile by your uruirjritt or aenler, will n som ny rami, Cuervos prepaid, on receipt ot prlre. Corn tuleaa tb world 40 pr too mnt pavllfta, rl, bag tarHl oora rartalf IbftB ftftl Ms HniUtr, a timM tst Mum M Mm f tba flu ora It) m bfitllf In ItOt, that lu Ml mcawtU to-ulir.t boas for im ) Mh 7 pnmr. BcyitolAf. Hr are mm f tbe 7 ft Ida oar Wtoaira hJ r tbla ooro la IKUi 16T hm. Mr avp. By Jobs V$;,h Peri Cabled. ICO r Bar. By O.K. UUhMl7uiiL C.,0. tta. ar ar. Uf aUcbard Pi,ib . La a Ce 14. I0Hm. Mr mwr: By i I. Wiiki, UaMblta Ot., Tann. MO aa. ar mn. Br tattrt-itoa UctttUui, Uitaiaw C., Ml-h. A hm. pr mpc By J. W, CfMittt C., Tabs. 04fca, MrMr. y BlMrna, rUuacra C., If, I). "niptatd ta I JO 4yi. ttaldasl MM bu. per aert. Kail yaar 1 will f i 400 aa. pat am 1MB It." Natloul Oats. oTsnly arailte. Dan wall avatrwSara. U Won't Id 7ur arra atatluaa las thae 100 bu. Try Ik r S 3I BIIUom DoUar Cr UmI talked frsM (a Anwrlaa. WiH ha aahaawd r liaelf U li ilaltlad )tt ibab 14 tons of aprtDdlt y par acre. For lOcu la Stamp ant ia f tfala paprr, wa i cartridges and shot shells are made in the largest and best equipped ammunition ' factory in the world. AMMUNITION of U. M. C. make is now accepted by shooters as "the worlds standard" for it shoots well in any gun. Tour dealer sells it. Th Union MalalH C)t-irlda C. Bridgeport, - - Conn. ; M aaW W ""U'il Mnplva, wall wvrtb f 10.00 la lrJ U gtl a atart wtlb, lofrtbar ltb aar JrU I iviininoiii 140 pun tllaatrail t fLfOM tatwc, dtwerltiltif nea avial " "Jj Iksaa AririLaudDarla Lacareal I r? PmMaffn WbMi.Two (! UaurjaUt, rlJ (1ja-Bai win aay hk tou loi or iar Take -Down Repeating Shotguns Don't spend from $50 to $200 for a gun, when for so much less money you can buy a Winchester Tske . Down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshoot and outlast the highest-priced double-barreled gun, .besides' being as safe, reliable and handy. Your dealer can show you one. They are sold everywhere. TTSTi IW HI fW ffsrirnMsTlf lliMM tjameHf TKW WgsgaTIIIOaWttlCO. Wltst HAVtW.COWW. CASE 8. Buoww Ear. Wynne, Ark., sue 21. Had severe -ase ef malunal tioemataria or swamp ferer. Gave necessary liver medicine, calomel and padoph, and niornh.-sulph., to relieve pain, and ordered Doan's Pills for the high state of conges tion and inflammation of the kid neys. Recovery resulted in two weeks. Prescribed Doan'a Kidney Pills, to he continued until the kid neys were thoroughly strengthened and all pain in hack subsided. CASE 4. Eli.iah Elliott, Tarry, Ark., age 34. Pain in buck and legs ana headache. I'ric-acid poisoning. Pre scribed Doan's Kidney Pills After taking several boxes pain subsided - urine became normal, or natural, and patient able to resume his work. -, r - if . ' s J I tT-. . J N Yorktown. Auk. Paid Fare in Stamps. A peculiar incident happened on an electric car a few days ago, when a well-dressed man who carried a large satchel and might have been a drum mer, paid his fare from Blackinton to Wllllamstown, in western Massachu setts, with two postage stamps and a cent. He bad no money and frankly told the conductor so, offering the stamps and a cent in payment of his fare. He said that later be would buy beck the stamps. Yale' Immense Wealth, Yale has property worth $6,899,000 on the bookB of the treasurer, and 1,64,000 of this is in realty mort gages, $1,665,000 In railroad bonds $643,000 in corporation bonds other than railroads, $285,000 In various stacks and $2,453,000 in real estato including the university building and grounds. Miss M. Cartledge gives some. I I f fl J - - A. -I ncipiui aavite to yuung gins. Her letter is but one of thou sands which prove that nothing is so helpful to young girls who are just arriving at the period of womanhood as Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. "Dkab Mas. Piikram: I cannot nmise Lydia E. Pinkbaiu's Vege table Compound too highly, for it Is the only medicine I ever triad which cured me. I suffered much from my first menstrual period, I felt so weak nd dizzy at times 1 could not pnratie my studies with the usual interest. My thoughts became sluggish, 1 had headaches, backaches and sinking spells, also pains la the back and lower limbs. In fact, I was sick all OTer. " Finally, after many other remedlea had been tried, we were advised to ret Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, end I am pleased to say that after taking it only two weeks, a wonderful change for the better took place, and in a short time I waa in perfect health. I felt buoyant, full of life, and found all work a pastime. I am indeed glad to tell mt experience with I-vdla E. PinkUam'a Vege table Compounds for It made a dif ferent girl of me. Yonra very truly, Miss M. Cabtlbdob, 63s Whitehall 6t, Atlanta. Oa-" - asaoa Urt,n if .Mul mt I SSS Itttt prurl" " 'p rmnmi s m4. DROPOYarrrasss: M -f -f-- I Bs a. a. niu i (aa. --" 'fnsii. a COMMERCIAL REVIEW. H. O. T)nn A Co.'s "Weekly Hevlew of Trade" ssys: Inclement, weather alone prevents a SeHnlle revival of business. Outdoor work Isretsrded and IrslTir Impeded to an extend thst eannnt he necoralely meas ured, but is obviously sufficient to neu tralise the favorable effect of many en smiraiilnjr factors, w hile Winter wheat it Ihrestened, although not yet definitely Injured, and early farm preparation siust be- postponed. Several leading branch, of manufac :ure are incrensing active capacity, and -.hoiisHnds of interior buyers are placing liberal orders at. the principal cities. Thi sua! temporary advantage of war an felt. In the markets for Maple commodi lies, notably foodstuffs, but. while thli helps the domestic producer, It harms t much liirjfer number hv enhancing priret to home consumers, there Is little fric tion between employers and wage esrn srs, except regarding the bitumlnom scale, but the cause f Industrial pean bss lost Its foremost ebsmpiou. Despite interruption by storms, rsil way earnings thus far reported for Feb ruary were only 4 0 per tent, smsllet than a year ago, when there was alse much severe weather. Financial condi tions sre satisfactory, money remaining easy and foreign exchangc'undisturbeO by .o,nilli'Hlions abroad. While It appears that the out put of pig Iron has increased more rapidly than the demand, assuring some accumulation of stocks for the month, yet the mere fart that the lemiinjj interest has now bout 80 per cent, of its hlnst furnaces in oper ation Indicates confidence in the future. WHOLESALE MARKETS. Baltimore. Flour Slronjr; winter ev tra, 8.0CS4.1S; winter clear. 4.4r.ftf4.0.V winter straight, 4.t5r.5.05: winter patent, 5.0(g,.V50; spring clear, 4.i!(l(?l4.S0; spring straight. 4.0ii((7,5.10; spring patent, 3.H f(!,.V4fi; receipts, 9,0X4 barrels, exports 10.357 barrels. Wheat -Finn: spot contract, l.Otty spot No. 3 red Western, 1.08; February, 1.06: March, 1.07; May, 1.042; stoameT No. i red, l.Oa ('orn Active; spot, 53.J; February, 5HJ; March, SS,'; Apill, McnMi, stearin i mixed, R1J; receiits, 80.000 hushtls; t-x ports, 110,011 bushels. Oati Firmer; No. 2 white. 4J: No. S mixed, 4"(!440; receipts, ai,5fttl Imshcis Hye-Finn; No. 2. 71; No. t Western .72; receipts, 3.6U j hushels. Hay Firm; No. 1 timothy, unchanged No. I clover mixed, unchanged. 'irain Freights Dull and unchanged New York Butter Firm: extra frest creamery, W; i-iCHinery, common tt choice, IX(,a'J, Imitatiori creamery. 14(3 1H; State tiiiiiy, 14.31 , renovated, VH(i 18; held creniiiei v, 4(r'i'i, factory, l'-'j (a. 15. Cliiesn Steady; StHte, full cream siniill colored, September, 12: do. IhM made, 10: do. smu!l, white, do.. 12; do. late made. 10; do. large, colorrd. do., I'i; do. lute, nuiile, 10; iki. large, white do., VI. do. late made. 10. F.ggq Firm; State and Pennsylvania neur by average, finest, !i"i; do. secondi to first's, K:l(i,;)4: Western, firsts, M4. Flour --liei-eipts. 11.015 barrel.; ex ports, 0,531 ba rels; firm in sympathy with wheat; Minnesota patent, 5.00g 5.40; Minnesota bilkers, 4.00(0,4.85; win ter patents, 3.00;(..".23: winter straights, 4.735.00; winter extras, 3.50(,9.73 winter low grades, 3. 1 3(fi M. 55. live Flour - Finn; fair to good, 3.953 4.10; choice to fum y, 4.20('4.50. Buckwheat Flour Dull; 3.00g2.1ti. Cornmeal Firm: yellow Western, 1.10 city, 1.08: kiln-dried, i Ot )((,:. 00. flay Steady ; shipping, 63q;?3; pood to choice, 05' 1.03. Hops Firm: Stale, common to choice, 10OH, 30(038; I0O2. 242(1; olds, 1015; J'ncitic const, 1003, 27(2.35; 1902, 2427 olds, 10 15. Hides- Firm: Galveston, 20 to 2f pounds, 1H; California, 21 to 23 pounds, 19: Texas dry. 24 to 30 pounds, 14. Potatoes 'Steady; Long Island, 3.00 8.50: Jerseys, 8.?3$3.85; Jersey, sweets, 1.50,4.00;" Statu and Western, sacks. 2.50(gi2.70. Peanuts Firm; fancy hand-picked, 5j other domestic, ;(a,0. Cabbages Steady; domestic, per ton, 25.00(3,35.00; per 100, 3.0010.00. Live Stock. Chicago. Cuttlo Market nominal; good to prime steers, 4.90&5.7,3; poor to medium, 8.3O(j.4.K0; stockers and feeders, 2.50(4.13; cows, 1.00(.tfi4.00: heifers, 2.00 (a4.75; cauners, l.0(to2.B0; bulls, 2.00 4.90; calves, 3.50fe7.5(). Hogs Market 5 to 10c higher; mixed and butchers, 5.15(3,5.50; good to choice heavy, 5.455.57; rough, heavy, 5.10 8.40;"light, 4.1)5(3.20; bulk of sales, 5.14 5.40. Sheep Market steady; lambs steady; good to choice wethers, 4.00(j54.50; fair to choice riiixed, 3.504.25; Western sheep, 4.20(3,5.10; native lambs, 4.00 5.75; Western lambs, 4.00&6.00. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. All fish nrc deaf mutes. Korea is a mountainous country. Every town In Mexico has a jiublio bathhouse. Port Arthur ami Cincinnati arc in "the same latitude. Japan has a written history extending over 2,500 years. There are seventeen metals which art more valuable than gold. Of the populntioa of European Hussfa 8B per cent, ate furmers. Fifteen railroads discharged Sl.OOf men in the past three mouths. The center of the country's col top growing Is near Jackson, Miss. In Finland and East Turkestan thun derstorms arc wholly unknown. Germany buys abroad, annually, over 112,000,000 worth of green fruit. A bushel of wheat, by actual count, bus been found to contaiu 869,780 grains Neither frogs uc r snakes inhabit Alaska but toads arc frequently to be met with A vessel drawing ten feet rises tw Inches In passing from iresb water tt alt. Japan has In school one in every nin if her pupils of school sge; Russia on in every forty. A deputy in the parliament of Fram receives $1,800 a year, free transpoita lion and free lunch. An electrical bootblack, which is mori rapid ami effective than the street Arab, is in use in Chicago. German horse butchers wl!loteu a res laurant lu Berlin to educate llio uppei class in the use of horse flesh. The native couutrics of the tallest aud the shortest people of Europe, the Nor wegluns and tbcLsps, adjoin each other. In the province of Samara, Russia 403,000 persons get their auisistoci from less, than tore acres of laud pel capita. Tbe Central Pacific and Western Pacific Railroads owe tbe V'uited States f 32,840,. 9W8 and interest, less amount due fo transportation. Every year mora than 500,000 Japan ese youths qualify bv age for regular military service, and 'JOG, 000 begia u serve either with tbe colors or as supernumeraries. DRAGGED DOWN BY A WARSHIP, How It Feels to Be Sucked Under Water by a Foundered Steamer. In the Fxllnburgh Medical Journal James A. Lawson gives an interesting description of his thrilling experience when he was dragged under water by a sinking ship. When he was far down in the swirling waters he struck out for the surface, but only went further down. This exertion was a serious waste of breath, and after what appeared to be ten or flf teen seconds tbe effort of inspiration could no longer be restrained, and pressure of the chest began to develop. The most striking thing he remem bered was the great pain In the chest, which Increased at every effort to ex piration and inspiration. It. seemed as if he were In a vise, which was gardually being screwed tip. until it felt the sternum and spinal column must break. The "gulping" process became more frequent for about ten efforts and hope was then extin guished. The pressure after theso gulps seemed unbearable, but gradually the pain seemed to ease up, as Sh car bonlc acid was accumulating In the blood. At the same time tho efforts at Inspiration, with their accompany ing gulps of water, occurred at longer and longer Intervals. The writer's mental condition was then such that be appeared to be In a pleasant dream, but still had enough will ower to think of friends at home, etc. Be fore finally lorlng consciousness the chest pain hnd completely disap peared, and sensation was actually pleasant. When consciousness re turned be found himself on the sur face of the water (probably from the art Ian of the life belt), and finally managed to reach shore. California's Moving Mountain. California has a creeping mountain. It has cost something like $l.PO0,0o0 tc find It out. Punt a Susana Mountain has been tunneled by the Southern Pacific railway for a cut-off line be tween this city and San Francisco, nd traffic was expected to open Jan I, hut the opening is Indefinitely post poned. Sevetal weeks aso the engineers in L-hargc of the work announced that 'he tunnel was completed, so far as ihelr work was concerned. It remain !d fcr the railway company to lay and ballast its tracks, light the tunnel end completo the work of that charac ter. Then It was discovered that the sides of the tunnel were bulging, and the enfilnecrH were recalled. Conciete braces, huge timbers, 4x 16, well braced, were set. but the creeping monster crumbled the con Crete and snapped the timbers and continued to thrust Its bulky sides into the opening. A portion of the mountain Is com posed of shale, and it Is this portion that is causing the trouble. It has been discovered by careful observa tion that this shale section Is slowly but stonily moving westward. It is, in fat. a mighty stone river moving toward the Pacific. The strata dips ocean-ward, and the movement is, doubtlessly, what Is known as a "slide," caused by dis placement somewhere In the depths of the earth. Whether or no tte engi neers will devise a way to atay its prog ress and make the tunnel usable ro maloa to ba seen. Living Book Marker. The mystery of life has rarely fur r. I shed the thinker with so strange a problem as that which arises out ot a fact Instanced by Mr. W. H. Hud son, the naturalist. Mr. Hudson had a piece of snake skin, which for years he used as a book marker, it changed color peri odically and shed Its scales. It con tinued to shed its scales in this fash ion for 10 years, each succeeding set of scales being smaller than the last Some fairly recent books would make even a hippotamus hide book marker change color were it to find itself between their leaves. The sensitive book marker capable of blushing rose red or paling with emotion may, no doubt, be a feature lu the literary life of the amazing fu ture, and perhaps In the literary world "Some Emotions of a Moral Book Marker" Is a thinkable title when we consider the strides of modern "thought." London Outlook. The Hand of Providence. A peculiar accident happened at Randolph, Vt., recently. A broken wheel on one of the cars In some peculiar manner uncoupled Itself from the cars in front and behind and left the track and rolled down the bank without disturbing the other cars. The detached cars kept the track, came up to tbe rest of the train and recoupled themselves to the forward string with out doing any damage, and tbe en gineer and fireman knew nothing of the trouble until Randolph was reached. JTIT8 permantntly eared.' Mo fits or nervous. Bate after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great MenreRmtorw. t2 trialbottleand traatlsefree Dr. ft. H. Kim, Ltd., Ml Arob fit., Pnlla., Ia Tbe number of elephants ia tbe world is fast decreasing The V. a. Dst. f AcrlcoHar C:ves to Eater's Data its heartiest en dorsement. 6lir's f'w National Oats yielded ia 1903 from ISO to 300 bu. per acre in 30 different States, and you, Mr. Farmer, can beat this ia 1004, if you will. Walter's s.cds are psdifra aseds, brd up through cartful selection to big yislds. Per Acre. Salter's BcardlessBaKeryieldcd 121 bu. Balrer's Bomt Builder Cora.,., 300 bu. Spelts sod Macaroni Wheat.... 80 bu. Salter's Victoria Rape 80,000 lbs. Salter's Tsosinte, tbt iodder wonder ............ l0,f)00 lbs. Salter's Billion Dollar Grass.... SO.000 lbs. Salter's Padigrca Potatoes 1.U00 bu. Now such yields pay and you can bars tbens, Mr. Farmer, in 1904. SEND IOC. I STAMPS and this notice to th John A. Salter Seed Co., l.a Crow, Wit., and you will get thrir big catalog and lots of farm seed samples Irie. lAC.L.) Tli wvaI s' m i i fart aat 11a gt Uiisiai! avarana 600 feet; those the L'oitad States MO feet. This Will lalriwat Mathsrs. B'etber Gray' Ewtetl'owdars for Children, nred by MoiLcr Gray, a Burs in Childwa's Bom, Kw York, rur Conlrt!ou, Fvr Unite, Teething Disorder, stomach Trou bkt and Lestroy Worms; JO.OOu testimonials of cure. Ail druggist, il6e. ((ample Fass. Address AUa U. Olmfd. Ls Boy.V X. About half of tb coil consumed ui th world cotnta from Brazil. A COMRADE OF GENERAL GRANT Says: "I Do Not Believe Pe-ru-na Has a Superior for Catarrh." j bni)min r, n)fa.t s VVVWVW 1 l Beajamin F. Hawkes, of Washington, D. ('., Is One of the Three Mr. i lug Cnmrades af General Vrant X In a recent letter from All (J street, ! I i R. W., Washington. I), f '., this vener- J ! able gentleman says of IVrunn: ! t "J Aa ve tried I'n-unn after har- j Ittp tried, in vain other remd leu j j jbr catarrh, and Mean Day rithaut j t reaerrarion mar I never feu a j I symptom of relief until I had given Peruna the utmple trial that It I tdvocateKadvtne.'Jdo not believe it tana tvperlor, either ana remedy t X for catarrh or an a tonic for the tdeprenned and e.rhaunted condt- t (foil which is one of the effect nof the t dUteane. "Benjamin F. Hau-ken. ISAAC BROCK, a citmen of M-Len-nan County, Txaa, has lived lor 114 years. In speaking of his good hcnlth and ettreme old ape, Mr. Brock pays: "IVruna exactly meets all my require ments. It protects me from the evil ef fects of sudden changes; it keeps me in Bood anuetite; it uvea me strength : it keeps my blood in good circulation. I j Saw mills Ih Sh"!? 'n Varlabt Friction Seed Saw Mill with 4 h p. cm i.evo feet pr day. All sites and prices to suit. MrLoach Shingle Mills. F.'?.,ier"- 1 ''""", Ptsnrrs ; Corn and Buhr Mills, Watet. Wheels, Uiili Mills, Wood Saws Our handsome nw Catalog will Interest ou DsLaach Mill Ml. Co.. Box S14, Atlanta. Ca. Vot So Had. On an overage five editors a week are sent to prison in Germany for the crime of lese majeste. Taking corn, rord wood and potatoes for subscrip tions, in the United States, Isn't so bad, after all. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tbe ear. There Is only nnu way to cure deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is in flamed you have a rumhlingsound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflam mation can be taken out and this tuhu rc. stored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever. Nino coses out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but ru Inflamed condition of tbe mucous surfaces. We will give Oue Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ;that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh f 'ure. Send for circulars free. F.J. Chexey & Co., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. An Astonishing Comparison. If the newspapers circulated in tbe United States in a year were printed In book form they would make 4,000, 000,000 12 mo. volumes. For 80e. and This Nollre The John A. Salter Seed Co., 1-a Crosse, Wis., will tend free 1 pkg. May 1st Carrot 10c. 1 pkg. Larliest (Irecu Kating Onion 10c. 1 pkg. Peep Of Day Tomato 20e. 1 pkg. Salzer'a Flash Light Radish 10c. 1 pkg. Long Quick, Quick Rsdish 10c. 1 pkg. baiter's Queen of All Radish.. 10c. Above six rare novelties, the choicest and finest of their kind, have a retail value of 70c., but they are mailed to you free, to gether with Salter's big catalog, well worth 1100.00 to every wide-awake gai dener, all upon receipt of but 30c. in post age and this notice. A.C.L. Physicians assert that baked potatoes are very nutritious. Putnam Paocxess Dtes product tbe brightest -and fastest colors. Bird never eat fireflies, and really aeeni to (hnn their vicinity. Pico's Cure i the best medicine wssvsrused for all affections of throat and lung. Wu. O. EsoaLET, Vanliumc, ind., Feb. 10, 1900. A gallon of air a minute ia breatoed by th average grown person. ALABA8TINC ) Oueahal Wall Clac, Ryk on; . WHY? Baoacaa it aamanta to, uA ia not atiied on the wall with daoaying, animal pine, aa are ha wariooa ao-fsalle "m-ail An iahaa," whicli are .laoiatavag aou Bsdor laorlial Tw IU appf) lUbuiB. PtH.aHlal c uiafsr 5 1 In His Cadet Days at West Point, i have come to rely upon il aimost in?irelv (or the many little thing lor Hub I ried medicine. "When epidemic of la grippe first be gan to make thrir appranimt in thi coun try I was a suffrrer from this diorafe. "I had several long siegex with the grip. At first I did not know I hut Ccruna was a remedy for thir disae. When 1 heard that la grippe was epidemic eatnnh. 1 tried IVruna lor lu innie, and found it to be just the thing." Ifase Brock. Pe-ru-na I'sed in the family for Years. Mrs. E. West, 137 .Min street. Menaaha, Wii... writes: "We hove used IVruna in our family for a number of years and when I ay that it is a fine medicine for catarrh and colds, 1 know what 1 am talking about. I huve taken it even- spring and fall for four years and I find that it. keeps me robust, strong, with sp'.endid appetite, and free from any illness. A tew years ago it cured me of catarrh of tho stomach, which the doctors had pro nounced incurable. 1 am very much pleased with IVruna. I am 87 yoara old." -Mrs. K. West. Only six per cent, of the criminals in the United States are women. Tenstnte and liillloil !ollur (trass. Tbe two greatest fodder plunts on earth, one good for 14 tons of hay and the other fX tons green fodder per acre. Grows everywhere, so does Victoria Rape, yield ing 60,000 lbs. sheep and swine loot) per ere. 1A.C.L. JUST SEND 10c. IX STAVrS TO HIE John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and receive in return their big catalog and lota of farm seed samples. Hoiisekeepeis should always recollect that flour will extinguish burning oil. Mrs. Wlnslow'sSoothingSyrupforchlldren teetbinir, soften the gums, reduces Inflamma tion allays f aln.curcswind colic. 25c. abottlo China lias established within the past four years six smokeless powder factories. wjTajw-a?a,ajaaa)B)a)aaaiaaaaaaa Indispensable For all schei from hed to foct I St. Jacobs Oil! hat eurattv) qualities to rech tr.a PAINS and ACHES of th human family, rd to re bv and cure them promptly. Ftrlca 95c. and 50c. 1 pay -sr-OT cch row. KAyY LAND WARRANTS IfhAh H. nt.i.KH, B.,II E). . Penv.r. Cola. BcM C oub fetfrup. Taute Good. Cat la time. Hold br dnivpriaia. -u1 i ALABASTINE The Only Sanitary and Permanent Wall Coating 1 LABAtTINC I ai-beaina. hat water sine wall tnlsh, furnish- m Inf a lodffmant aud harbor iTOond for LM aom position, lo whit aud many axqalaltelr beaattfal tlata; la powder form, ready '"V m by almply mixing with aaia water. Anyoa eaa brash it ea. ALASASTINK eemeata to valla, distroys dlseaas germ and vermla, aad eaewr raba of or coalas. Other wall eoatlngs, under faaelful Mali, aod naoallj mix ad wtth et wetae, are aahtalthfol kalaomlnea, (tuek 00 th will with au whleh eea rata, Boartalie germ of deadly disease, rob aad aoalas, spolllif wall, elothlog aad ranMar. When It la aeeeaserj to raflnlsa, th old eoat ssaet ba washed off aa ezpaaatT. aasty. dlaagreeabl ob, making th room damp and unfit to Ure In. Whim walls are ono eoeted with Atahaatlae, eaereedlng roata may be apaUd yr after year, without washing tb Welle, tba saving great expaaae and aaaoyaaee. Hot and Cold Water Kalaomlnea Have No Merit 8om dealer try to cell tham.Xny tag Uusa cheap, aad try lug to cli aa ilereta' dam aad onul suck Hm a their eastemcra bmra of th lmponltlon. THCY ABC WORTHLESS PREPARATIONS . If roa aaaaot ba Alabaatm of yoar hardware, paint or drag dealer. areas all Imitation, and writ a. W wlU tell 70a where yoa eaa get A la ha tine wHboat delay, or sell II to ro direct. MOO.OO OlVtli AWAV. Writ for particular. Leaflet of aWketr Uat. baW aa awaaratsu. aa :-r artlet eM aaa tltraaa ta be. Pre. Boy AtabaaUae eulj la nevaa-, aroperijr laaalea. Alobastlno Company iTLZ'S' Pa-roHia It a Catarrhal Unto Espofaliy Adiptad tt tba DNllnint Pawars af Oil AC a. In eld tfr the miieoiis membrane be come thickened and prt lone their function. This Iud to psrtial ins of hearing, smell and tasts, as well as digestive dis turbances. Peruna rnrre,-ta all this by its peei6e operation on all the mucous membrane oi me noov. fme bottle will convince anvnn OnM used and Parana become hfe-long land by with old and young. Mrs. F. K little. Tolona. 111., writes: I can recommend Peruna as a good medi- i'ji rnrnnic CA- tarrh of the stem ch and bowels. I hve been troubled ererely with it for over a ear. and A TRAVELER AT SEVlrUY-OHE YEARS OF AGE. also a cough. Now my cough is all gone, and all the distressing symptoms of eav tarrb of the stomach and bow! have dis appeared. I will recommend it to all as a rare remedy. 1 am so well I sm contemplating a trip to Yellowstone Park this coming season. How -i that for one 71 years old?"' In a later letter she says: "I am only too thankful to vou for vour kind adice and for the good health that I am enjoy ing from the use of your IVruna. llave been out to the Yellowstone National Park and manv other places of the West. nod shall aiwavp thank you for your generosity."-Mrs. F. K. Little. Strang aiu Vigorous at the Are af fci&My.elrht. Rev. .1. N. Parker. Citir. N. V., writes: "In .lune. 1901. I lost mv ense of hear- ng entire v. Mv hearing had been some what impaired for several years, b-jt not so much affected but that I could hold converse with my friends; but in .lune, MIDI, my sense of hearing left me so that 1 could hrar no sound whatever. 1 waa also troubled with severe rheumatic pa ma in my limb. I commenced taking IVruna jnd now niy ii'-anng is restored as good as it was prior to June, 1801. My rheu matic pains ate all gone. I cannot rpeak too highly oi I'erunu, and now vhen eighty-eight years old can say it has lib erated my whole svstem."- Rev. J. Jx. Prl;er. Mr. W. B. Schna.ler. of Terre Hill, Pt , writes: "1 got sick everv winter and had a spct of cold in February, 1S09; 1 could not do anything for almost tn months. In De cember. 1S99. I saw one of vour book about your remedies. Then I wrote to Dr. Hartrnan for advice, and he wrote that I should commence the use of IVruna, and how to take care of myself. "I did not lose one day last winter thnl I could not tend to my stock. I am sixty three years old. and 1 cannot thank you too much tor what you have done for me." If you do not dcric promot and satisfae. ton results from ihc use 01 Peruna. write at once to Dr. Hartrnan. giving a full state ment of your case and he will 1 pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. lluritiian, President of The H. 111 man Sanitarium. Columbus, O. M51(iNSfAILlNADRYTlMt: Tilt SIGN OF THE FISH NEVER FAILS IN AM TIME. Remember this whtnoubuy YftX Weo-ther Clothing and look for the name TOWER on the buttons. This sign and this name have stoos for the BEST during sixty-xvti yttn of Increosinf) sales. If .your dealer will not supply ou write for free atalodue of black or yellow water proof oiled coots slickers, suits, hats, and horse poods for all kinds of wet work. A.J. TOWER CO. THB yWQr BOSTON, KU A. 4IGN llSaWI TOWER CANADIAN CO. JL ' I lOSOHTO. CAN, iumitsb. . W. L. DOUGLAS 3M &$3 SHOES m . I.. IlotlKlita shoes huve liy their excellent style, ettsy-tittlnir, 11 11 1 superior wearing fiiiilitle, urlileveil the liirtfft salt f Buy shoes in tiie world. 1 liey ;ir ut :is ioo.l :e t lin, t lint net you l to $, lit,, only dirTereiu-e is tlio prii e. Sold Evtruwhert. Look fur iiunin anil lirii-e on bottom. HoiiicIk I'ormta I I llklii, wlili-h Uftrrvwherr rmieelei lo iM-ii-t, ruieki i-uienl l.-Httier yet rMllit-efl. Mif Vn or furlelt utf. Shi). hf insll.8Ar.eil is, n rile fur t at alu. M .L.Itvuala.. Hrurklaa, Msm. CAPSICUM VASELINE (ecr tel . voi.iuesiULc luussi A snbstltute for and ruperinr to mustard or nay otner pum-i. ana niu not ouster Ui mnxtdeltcaia skin, 'the nin.allat inu and curaUvequalltiesuf tblsartlclearewonder- rui. it win aup tne tootaacne at once.anu relieve beadactie and solallua. u recom mend It as tbe bssi and safest enema) t-nuutr-lrritantk now n. also a san externa) rt-medr for ntns In tho i-hesl andiitomar.h audallrbeun-.atle.neDraluleandgeuiTcuin. piainis. a trial win pruv won weriaini torit. and It will befound to b invaluahl i n the houebold.MaaTptonleiT"tt Istbe bestof all of your preparntlona." Prtre if i ts., at all di-UKizlstaor other dealer, or t t sandlua;thlsamouni tousin poslagesUmrs w will send rno a tube by mall. Ko artielt should beacriepted by the public onle.s the same oarries our 1 abet, ms otherwise It Is not genuine. tnesEBKUixin stru, co., 17 State Street. Naw ToK Cut. kPer i1nra K"P Est Fresh- One Veer. onai. CBAMflON t'HKM. CO.' Mm. O. ADVERTISE1 ilfV IT PAYS disaaa germs ; It I a aataral, rock baa