Hriclt for n;ia at Morton's hrick yard ut tlio odjjo of towu. After an idlcnt-ss of two months, tlio Evcivtt furnace la iu operation iitrain. Subscribe forono! What? Tay lor's now up to dato Atlas of Kul tou county. Ouly &2. Foley's 11 ci'-y and Tar is best for croup aud niioopiug cough, contains no opiates aud cures quickly. Careful mothers keep at in the house. Mrs. A. S. Crocnland of Wells alley spout a tew days recently visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. Shoodor, in Kverett. This is a good time to sub scribe for the 1 ui.ton County Nkws. (July a dollar a year in ad vance. Kev. John II. Harney of Clear vill.' is a candidate for the tiomi nation on the Republican ticket for the othcu of associate judge in 1 Jed ford county. If you need anything iu Milli nery, now is the time to get it at Maye Johnston's. What she has must go iu order to make room for spriug. Frank 11. and William II. Spade of Urush Creek township spent last Friday night in McConuells burg. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the cough caused by attack of la grippe. It heals the lungs. Mr. Emanuel Sharpe ol Need more was m town last Saturday arraugiug for his sale on the lGtli of March. Mr. Sharpe intends to move with his family to Mon tana in the spriug. Ividuey complaint kills more people than any other disease. This is due to the diseuse being so insidious that it gets a good hold on the system before it isrecognix L"l. Foley's Kidney Cure will pre vent the development of the fatal disease if taken in time. For Sale or Rent. Tin.' undersigned has iu Dublin Mills, a two-story seven-room house for sale or runt: also a black sun Ui shed for sale or rent. Call on or write to 11. H. 1!i:u;stkk.ssi;i:, l-:i 01-tf. Three Springs, l'u. Rig Sale. Attention is directed to our sale register fi,r a synopsis ol the large sale of personal proper ty to br sold at the late residence of James ( 1. Kendall, deceased, '2 miles south of McConncdsburg on Wednesday, March 2. Social Event. Last Thursday evening about seven o 'clock as Mr. and Mrs. Dauie Roz had just tinisned their supper, quite a number of young lolks, from and about towu we.'.t walking into tlie Iiotz home. The visitors soon joined in aud had a delightful play-party. Those who were present were Oii.e, Hess, Mac, Herbert, and Harvey Helmati, Mar.e and Nell Cress, Lloyd Ray, Mer tie Snider, Roy Rummel, Mclie aud Hess Smith, Daisy Morgret, Certrude, Kliaand Renjamin McLucas, and Luther Gordou. About twelve o'clock Mrs. Rotz called them for refreshments, winch were much enjoyed. Sale Continued. The sale of the Mansion Farm and adjoining tracts of the late John Daniels, deceased, lying on the turnpike, one mile west of Harrisonville, has been contin ued to SATURDAY, MARCH 5, l'J'U, at h o'clock a. rn. II. S. Danikks, Kxecutor. Water Front for Sale. lloo acre farm; 7iM) acres in cultivation, 7o0 acres in timber. Five dwellings on it. Fiuo fruit, good grain and grass land. Sold cheap to settle estate. Write for description. S. l. Wooimxx.k, Salisbury, Wicomico county, Maryland. . i THE DEATH PENALTY. A little thing sometimes results la death. Thus a mere scratch, Insigniticnnt cuts or puny boils have jtaid the death jwnalty. It is wise to have Itucklen's Aruica Salve ever handy. It's the best fcalvo on earth and will prevent fatality, when burns, sores, ulcers and piles threaten. Only 25c, at all druggists. . FOR SALE!! tloek. Sriin. flrlM.IriKk pM , 'r, tb lult prr tm. On .IX.-"- kuiu -i lit... rllHJ'. .w lent- miil vt.i i. mr lr- ralalugufl. Ik '. Co., talubiu,, Wlaul Cu., M4 Ann Prnke'l. Last Saturday a week Haul, the tive year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David llershey of Tod township, was down in tlio lot chasing some calves, when the little fellow slip ped on ice aud broke his left arm between the wrist and elbow. Dr. Mosser fixed the boy up and he is now about as good as ever. AN EARLY RISER. A strong, healthy, active con stitution depends largely on the condition of the liver. The fam ous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers oot only cleanse the system but they strengthen the action of the liver md rebuild the tissues support ingthatorgan. Littlelvarly Risers are easy to act, they never gripe ind yet they are absolutely cor taiu to produce results that are satisfactory in all cases. Sold at Trout's drug store. Educational Meeting. An educational meeting was held at the Corner school house, February 12, 100.". The meeting was called to or der by the teacher, Miss Carrie Humbert, and Mr. D. H. Comerer was chosen president. The following questions were well discussed by the teachers present: 1. How do you secure the co-operation of the patrons in school work ? 2. How and to what extent do you teach current events? 3. How do jou secure promptness in school work? , The teachers present were (!. 15. Mellott, G. K. Clouser, Maude Riuedollar, Carrie Humbert and Mae Mellott. The program was interspersed wi.ii recitations and singing by the school. Mao Mellott, Secretary. HAVE YOU INDHiESTION? If you have indigestion, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure you. It has cured thousands. It is cur ing people every day every hour. You owe it to yourself to give it n trial. You will continue to suffer until you do try it. There is no other combination of digestants that digest and rebuild at the same time. Kodol does botll. Ko dol cures, strengthens and re builds. Sold at Trout's drug store. A NEWSPAPER WORTH READING. The I'ittsburg Times is a con servative, careful newspaper for particular people. Its statements of fact aud comments on them are concise and correct. Its de partments are in charge of ex perts, and its authority in all mat ters pertaiuiug to the events of the world at large and of the com munity it represents more parti cularly is recognized. It has uo Sunday edition, aud its position iu that regard in Pittsburg is as unique as its thorough reliability in every way. Staunchly Repub lican in political policy it yet gives all the news of all parties. Its moral tone is high, and church men of every creed find in its col umns more news of their inter ests and work than in all its co- temitorarics combined. Sports are givon the prominence theyi deserve and no more. The news concerning them is bright, time-1 ly and aderpuate, for the work is done by a master. Theaters in The Times as iu no other paper have the truth told about them and the plays they offer. So bus iness considerations ever inter fere with the publication of criti cisms that really criticise, and in this department, too, the work is done by a master. Society and the affairs of women find careful and complete exposition on the page devoted to them. Industrial matters are accorded the promi nence they merit in a Pittsburg paper, while tin; stock market is given the attention that has brought The Times into the front rank of thutticial authorities. Above all The T. rnt-s is a model not ouly of brevity of statement but of dijfuilied simplicity in its tyjHigraphical appearance. Itor fends neither the eye nor the sen sibilities. Thohu things thut are of importance urn treated accord ingly. Those that are unimport ant nro handled in keeping with their value. Kac h issue of The Times is a day's history of event I the wide world round. It price is ono cent daily or a year. . j . TO Cl'RE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Hrorno Quiniuo J Tablets. . All druggist refund tho J money if they fail to cure. K W. ( Grove' signature Is on each box. 25c. 47 04. ' Sale Klsler. Thur;hiy, February io. - i 1' ' lli'iidoi'shot, intending to i,v farming will sell a', his ie,- ic!' i i in the Corner in Ayr towtili: horses, cattle, farming impii'. household goods and many other thing-. Sale will begin at 11 o'clock. Friday, February 2(). Lewis Clevenger will sell at his resi dence on John Nesbit's farm, 2.J miles south of McCouuellsburg, iJ head of horses, 4 good cows, 2 young cattle, farming imple ments, &e. Sal begins at tt.-ii o'clock. Credit. 12 months. Tuesday, March 1. I. Ch.u l.-s Fore, having sold his larm, ami intending to quit, farming, will sell at his residence at Knobsville ; horses. 11 cattle, 7 hogs, fai til ing i jiii' mt,Lts, hay, wheat, corn household goods, Ac. Sale he gins lit h' oViock. Wednesday, Marco 2. Tin-executors of the will of James C Kendall will sell ai the late resi dence of the deceased on the Cove road, two mil-is south of McCou nellsburg, " good work horses, 2") head of cattle, 12 head of hogs a large lot of valuable farming im plements, :jn tons of hay, 00 bar rels of corn, and many other tilings. Sale begins at U o'clock. Friday, March 4. D. E. Keyset- intending to quit farming, will sell at his residence on the Charlie Taggart farm, one half mile from Webster Mills, a large lot of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, and farming implements. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Saturday, March 5. David E. Little having sold the property iu which he now resides, aud intend ing to remove therefrom, will sell at public sale at his preseut resi dence 1 good horse, 2 buggies nearly new, 1 wagon, bedroom suites, (50 bushels of potatoes, and a great many other things. Sale will begin at 1 o'clock; terms, s mouths. Wednesday, March !(. Rev. Dr. W. A. We,t will sell at his farm near Spring Run, Franklin county, live sto;-k, farming im plements, household goods, A c. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Thursday, March 10. Dr. A. K. Davis will sell at his residence it Hustonlown, ' horses, wagons sleds, buggy, hinder, 2 mowers, hay rake and other farming im plements, harness aud many ot.h er articles. Sale begins at 10 o' clock. Saturday, March 12. A. J. Fore, executor of will of the late Henry McGowan, will sell on the premises i mile east of Hurnl Cabins, a farm containing 15( acres, aud a tract of mountain laud containing 1 10 acres. Sale begins at 1 o'clock. Saturday, March 12. Samuel G. Gladfelter, intending to quit farming will Mill at his residence one-fourth mile north of Ilubbels ville, in Clay township, Hunting don county, horses, cattle, sheep, farming implements, and many other articles. Sale begins at 1( o'clock. Credit 'J months. Wednesday, March 1(5. Km an- ,1(J1 Sharpe, intending to quitfarm ing, will sell at his residence at Nwdmure, horses, cattle, hogs, farming implements, grain, hay, fodder, household goods, ttc.,A-c. Sale will begin nt il o'clock. Thursday, March 17. Hon. S. V. Kirk, agent for the heirs of A. J. Sipes, late of Licking Creek township, deceased, will sell on tho premises about 3 miles south of Hustontown and about 3 miles northeast of tiarrsionville, tho Mansion Farm end adjoining tract, containing together over i)( M) acres ; and at the same time and place will be sold a lot of per sonal property consisting of live stock, farming implements, hay and grain, household goods, &c. Sale begins at 10 o'clock a. m. Saturday, March 1J. John A. Henry having rented his farm and intending to quit, will soil at his resiuencn at Clear Uidge horses, cuttle, sheep, hogs, lurm ing implements, hay, corn, wheat, potatoes, household goods, Xc. Suln begins at 10 o'clock. Thursday, 'March 24. Win. If. Cooper will sell at his residence ,u A'r township.about four miles ""thwost of McConnellsburg, 8 Kood cowa, 8 nico steers, 4 tine young cattle, 10 head of thrifty nholes, 1 brood sow, and other I things. Sale begin at 10 o'clock: credit, 10 months. Friday, Mat ch 25. John Ilarr, Jr., intending to quit farming and go into -ther business, will sell ou the "Brook" farm 2 lr f .... 1 FffliTURE -AT v.i m r -j. u Muuiaiiiiires -') !& v' i t-ij V""" ! i-3 , :i 1'ifi t-Onk Hod Kooiu Suit S9.95. li I'ii-i i- (Xilt li.-il Itoom Suit 313.95 up to G50. Vlii!; Il li.-il I.D5 tO 0. (loud ii i-ki-i- 5ct to $10 reie.l Curl "t I DC, j aril to 75C ii ci., iii 10c. to 35c, a yd. 'I arlnr Suit S 11.95 tO $0. . E. MILLER, 13 tO 17 East Market St, Chambci'sburg, Pa. The Washington County Bank Hancock, Md.f IS HJJVNCII Ol? TILK Farmers' Trust, Banking and Deposit Co., Of Baltimore, Md. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Actinic Officers Klected by the Stiickhnlik-n: DR. J. S. SWARTZWELDER J. FRANK FIELDS, R. J. TANEY, E. V. HENDERSON, JOHN W BURGESS. i Deposits subject to checlt bear, interest at the rats of 2 per pent, per annum. Deposits In savings department, 3 per cent, per annum. Time certificates of deposit, at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. Paid in Capital and Surplus, - $235,000.00 Security to Depositors Against Loss, $400,000.00 Accounts of Corporations und Individuals Respectfully Solicited OFFICERS: I John V. Woodland, I'res. J. 1-V-nton Thomas, 2d Vice-I'res Wool Carding and Carpet Weaving H. H. HEFJTZLER still continues Carding and Weaviujj at the WILLOW OllOVK MILLS at Hurnt Cubins. Carpet Chain always on hand. Wool put into bats for Ilaps. I will take In Wool and work at the following places, namely, Prank 'ire's, I'ort Littleton: Michael Luidijr's, Dublin Mills; W. H. Speer's, Saluvia; C. W. son's, Akersville; Caleb Wali-ifull: Hurry Huston's, Clear Hidgc; W. i Herkstresst-r s ( )r-hurd Grove. I Will Visit these places monthly past favors, I hope for u continuance of the same. H. H. Hertzler, Burnt Cabins, Pa. RARE CHANCE TO BUY Machinery. Intending to quit the busi ness, the undersigned oilers at private sale the following ex cellent machinery, at prices that will be attractive to any one interested : 1. A 15-HP Peerless Trac tion Engine. 2. A Peerless Portable Saw mill, complete. 3. A Class B, New Peerless Separator with wind stacker, complete. 4. Two 4-horse Wagons, practically as good as new. For further particulars, call on or address, A. D. Gamble, McConnellsburg, Pa. miles west of Warfordsburg, 7 head of horses, 1 head of cattle, running implements of all kinds, grain, hay, and household goods. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Credit, !l month.i. Political Announcements. The following is a bulletin of the an nouncements mud-; thus far by candi dates for the nun. iuution for tin- dif ferent ollices to be II lied next fall. As fast as they appeur, we will give you the nuines of the candidates of both political parties, In the order In which they are made, DI'.MOCUATIC. I.KiilSI.ATl'KK. h. C. Kelly, Dublin township. Jno i. Sipes, McConnellsburg. Ir, A. K. IJuvis, Taylor lowushlp. COUNTY TKKAHl'UKH. C. H. Stevens! MeConnpllsbiirg, A. C, Luuver, Ayr towuhip. Thos. P. Garland, Belfast township HHKiti r. I). K. Mttllott, Licking Creek. and CARPETS I S3 Vi . . mm. & firm! us your name und we will s e n il you our bargain tiliept. 83 8 H. S. Johnston, 1st Vii-e-l'ies W. D. Allen. Sei-rel hi-v-Ti-phu , t . Lynch's, Crystnl Springs; J. E. Jack Burton's, Hustontown; A. X. Witter's. duriug the soasou. Thankful for This Way! Wishiiitf to reduce my stock of merchandise mo as to prepare for spring goods, I will quote prices un follows: Coffee, loose brown, 0 to l4c. ; package coll'ee ! to 12c. : Cream Java coffee, 5 lbs., for HOc, with a tea-kettle or coffee pot irlven free with every pur chase of 5 lbs. Tobaccoes at Cost Having too much on hand I am now selling tooaccoes at cost. Ceru and Flake 10c, u package; lot of matches, lOc-package for wc; ground pepper 10c; under wear reduced from $1.00 to 80c. l'anw 1..1(), now 7i!; 0e, over all now 3Mc; blankets 4"c., each !":., a pair; outings 5 to He; flannelette Ik-.; calicoes 5 to (c.: ginghams .". to 7c,: uleda silks a yard. Cow boy hats 4"jc. Coal oil 14c, a gallon or gal., for 00c I pay the highest prices for raw furs and bet-f hides. I am paying 20c, for butter, and 27c, for eggs. D. C. MALLOW, Near NEEDMOKE, l'A. WANTED. Two reliable contractor that can secure good men to cut Ex tract and Cord wood. Ten thous and cords to cut near the rail road. Address Vjncknt Lumhku Co. Pattersou, Juniata Co., 2 1. Pa. PUTS AN END TO IT ALL. A grievous wail oftimes comes as a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizzi ness, backache, hver com plain I and constipation. Hut thank to Dr. King' Now Life Pills they put nn ena to all. They are gen tin but thorough. Trv them Only 2"c. Gua,-anteed bv nil druggist. PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER! 58c. r" 10-4eottonblan- $1 .oo for a pair of I heavier 11-4 cot ton blankets. I $1 .00 for a large square heavy horse blan ket. fy "7 We have In low J I J tne 3-d involco of those heavy, bright colored carriage robes 48x00 in. $1 7 C for Geo. VValkln j , son felt boots, worth 12.50 $1 .00 for men's heavy shoes. Mi 1 O for men's fine dress ' shoes. V-r v-T COInfortg tV, Heimtiful line of colors " of silks waistlngs. J. K. JOHNSTON, McConnellsburg, Pa. THIS . WAY ! Wishing to reduce my stock of Hardware, I will sell the fol lowing at greatly reduced prices Pen-e Wire, Cross Cut Saws, Hand Saws, Log Chains, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Horse Blankets, and Robes, Pocket Knives, and Razors, Feed Cutters, and Grain Bags, Steel for Calks, Steel and Iron Tire, Glass, Plow Repairs, Loaded Shells, and Horse Shoes, Axes and Hatchets. Merchants needing anything above named will do well "by calling. First come first Served. Yours respectfullv, R. S. PATTERSON, McConnellsburg. Four doors east of the Telegraph Office. CLAY PARK, Three Springs, Pa. 77K Aany people are saving money each year by buying their merchandise from us. We handle anything you need to eat, wear or use. Note a v few prices. Best California Lima Beans6 cts per lb. Star Soap 7 cakes for 25 cts. ' Town Talk Tobacco 25 cts per lb. A large grain bag ot salt at 65 cts. WoVen wire fence 25 to 50 cts per rod. A dollar bottle Burdock and Dandelion for the blood at 50 cts. Men's 50 cent work shirts at 25 cts. No difference what you think of buying, write to us for prices. We can save you 15 to CLAY PARK, HP ri rnn Cm-inrrp. I in uji $2.50:r man s over $5,00 for a swell dress overcoat for a black ding- onal dress suit. 100 very pretty black sllkuteen skirts. $5 fffora heavy warm busl ness dress suit. ,A-j- each for the heaviest, tleeced lined men's un- derwear. .or men's heavy wool- lleeced underwear. for extra lleeced ladies underwear. 50c for ladios' Mneced union suits. 40 per cent. if I mgoj r a. 7Tk