The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 24, 1904, Image 5

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01 Local and General Interest, Uathnred
at Home or Clipped from our
Bin le and Chicago Land Roll of R
TfiH pt iii.Mi!il !,. ,v tire in
the Ui.m-ii Situ.-", ilui ii ir tlie last
ceutuiy lmM beau as lullutvn:
a cow,
U.irtfuiii days Frid ty and Sat
urday iil'ah and i!7ili ut Mayo
Do yon vimt u carpet woven
this spring y If so, call cm Ii. L.
Jackson on Walnut street. Price
There whs u slim atte ndance at
the churchcN in this place on
Sunday evening. During the aft
t moon a freezing rain began to
full, and bv church time the
treets were in a glare of ice.
The most reliable preparation
for kidney troubles on the market
is Foley's Kidney Cure.
I expect to go to Carroll coun
to, 111., about March 4 and would
like to have the company of a
good man for out door work ; one
Is needed who i kind and consid
erate in the care of horses. Sal
ary $20 to $28, according to abili
ty. Cius. E. Cook.
Mothers can safely give Foley's
IJoney and Tar to their children
for coughs and colds, for it con
tains no opiate or other poisons.
Robert L Jacksnu having pur
chased Sanner Ray's loom is now
prepared to weave blankets, car
pets, &c, at his home on Walnut
street in this place.
Wanted. Some good "gtrap"
makers to work in Pennsylvania,
Maryland and West Virginia.
Apply to W. C. 'Martin, Locust
Grove, Pa., who will be at Han
cock, 13th and 14th.
Winter coughs are apt to result
in consumption if neglected. They
can be soon broken up by using
Foley's Honey and Tar.
The family of Mr.Audrew Tru
ax iu Belfast township has been
grievously afflicted during tne
past few weeks. Frst occurred
t he death of his wife; then short
ly afterward, a daughter 11 years
oh age, and last Saturday was
held the funeral of his grand
daughter, a member of his home.
Another member of his family, a
son about 14 years of age, is very
,skk. There seems to be a differ-i-neo
of opinion as to whether it
is caused by diphtheria or some
thing else; at any rate, it is some
thing that is not to be desired in
one's family.
Last Friday E. W. Swope and
Walter Fohner were on the moun
tain skunk hunting. Returning
they espied a trail across the road
which they followed and found
where it had gone into a stone
heap. Tearing open the heap
they found a mink with a black
snake nearly 4 feet long.
Maud Deshong, who has diph
theria is some better.
Riley Sipes is no better.
Harvey Strait purchased anew
team, wagon and harness, and
will go on the farm in the spring
that he purchased from D. E.
M rs. David D. Harm spent last
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. M.
P. Sipes.
J. W. Hoop was a pleasant call
or at D. D. Hann's last Saturday
Hon. Peter Morton spent Sat
urday forenoon in Uarrisonville.
Jeff Hockensmith is moving his
saw null from Belfast to Licking
Creek to Wm. Hoop's.
Geo. W. Morton expects to go
to work soon at Riddlesburg.
Kev. bhull is holding a pro
tracted meeting at Ebenezer.
Roxey Sipes, who has been era
ployed at McConnellsburg, re
turned home Saturday evening
Walter Fohner, who is visiting
.friends in this county, will return
to the far West in a few days
A Cura for Eczema.
My baby had eczema so bud
that its head was a solid mass of
scabs, and its hair all came out
tried many remedies but none
Kceined to do any permanent good
until I used DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve. The eczema is cured, the
scabs are gone and the little one's
scalpls perfectly cleirn and healthy
and its hair is growing beautifully
again. I cannot give 'too much
praise to DoWitfs Witch Haze"l
Salve Frank Farmer Bluff City,
Kv. In buviuK Witch Hazel Salve
lok out for counterfeits. De
Wian U the original and thonly
cnuiaimng pure Witch Hazel
,TU m ,fV Ii O. DeWitt & Co., Is
..ii .-voi y box. Sold at Trout'
Steer, Bull or Horse
t,;.1 ri t. .
Dec. 10, 1B85-New York Cii.V, ! Eoranvr3
J COO warehouse. Loss $20,non,. , of hide or skiii, cud let
I (inn us tan it with the hair
April 27, 183H Charleston, S.
C, llo8 buildings, covering 143
Sept 6, 183(1 New York City,
40 buildings. Loss $10,000,000.
April 10, 1845 Pittsburg, 1,000
buildings. Loss $0,000,000.
June 28, 1845 New York City,
1300 dwellings.
July 19, 1845 New York City,
302 stores and dwellings. Loss
Sept. 9, 1848 Albany, N. Y.,
600 buildings. Loss $3,000,000.
May 17, 1849 St. Louis, 15
blocks of houses and 3 steam
boats. Loss $3,000,000.
May 3, 1851 San Francisco,
2500 buildings. Loss $8,500,000.
June 22, 1851 San Francisco,
500 buildings. Loss $3,000,000.
Nov. 8, 1850 Syracuse, N. Y.,
100 buildings. Loss $1,000,000.
July 4, 1800 Portland, Me.,
10,000 people rendered homeless.
Loss $15,000,000.
Oct. 8, 1871 Chicago, burned
three and one-half square mile,?,
destroying 17,450 buildings', kill
ing 200 persons aud rendering
98, 500 homeless. Loss $200,000,
000. Nov. 9, 1872 Boston. 800 build
ings. Loss $80,000,000.
Feb. 7, 1904 Baltimore, 2000
buildings. Lois about $200,000,.
, on, soft, light, odorless
, and moth-proof .forrobe,
Dllt first Bet Mir rM.1nmi Mffl
pivitiR prices, and ntirahippine; If.!. 5 "l -
..IK-- nun lUKlTUGlintls, so as to T'Fi'tf
nvuid mlMakea. We also bu Xprtr
tnw furs and Kinscng. riifos"s-. --f
1 10 Mill Street, kochestcr. N. V.
End of Rider Fight.
"Two physicians had a long and
stubborn tight with au abcess on
my right lung," writes J. F.
Hughes of Du Pond, Ga., "and
gave me up. Everybody thought
mytime had come. Asalastre
sort 1 tried Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. The
benefit 1 received was .striking
and I was on my feet in a few
days. Now I've entirely regained
my health." It conquers all coughs
colds and throat and lung trou
bles. Guaranteed byalldruggists
Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle
Relief In One Minute.
One Minute Cough Cure gives
relief in one minute, because it
kills the microbes which tickle
the mucous membrane, causing
the cough, aud nt the same time
clears the phlegm, draws out the
intlam relation, heals and soothes
the affected parts. One Minute
Cough Cu re st reugthens thelungs
wards off pneumonia and is a
harmless and never failing cure
in all incurable cases of coughs,
colds, and croup. One Minute
Cough Cure is pleasant to take,
harmless and good alike for young
and old. Sold at Trout's drug
Clarence Knable of Orbisonia
is visiting his father.
Miss Lily Cooper visited Elijah
Kuable's last Weduesday.
Mrs. Elijah Knuble has just re
lumed from a visit to Orbisonia.
Miss Ida Ilann was visiting
Thomas Oliver 's family last Sunday.
Miss Nellie Knable and
Alice Kuable visited Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clevenger
are happy over the arrival of an
other "boy."
Walter Kuable aud Mrs. Alice
Knable visited .lames Cooper's
last Tuesday.
Elmer Cooper, who was home i
visiting his narents, has return- j
ed to Altoona.
See Our Line of
Muslins. Uk ached, uiililt'Ui'ln il unit Imrrcil, InJi.ii) Linen, Long cloth,
Etc. Muslin I rimniiiys. Torchon Luces, Valenciennes.
Heading Hamburg Ldije and Inserting. All irices vary
ing with quality. A tig line at .V. jut jard. U'c have some
good values In Winter Good we are runnftjjr !7 cheap.
The lot comprises ol Ladies' and Children's Knit Underwear.
Kfj.-VNXKLKrTKS. Some Ih'iimants of elo'h '.hat will m ;i.".;' hii-t wai t
Skirts, ijnoil fur all summer A BANNER PATTERN k I veil
fron w llh every Skirt Pattern we aell. This oiler for i his trout h i il v.
Mlt.LIXKKV HAKOAlNb always in stouK.
Linen (hjodn, Towels. Table 1'lotlw, Sideboard Senrfs, Center Piece
Novelties. Belts. Corsets, Gloves, Buttons, Pocket Books,
Wrist Baj;s, Hosiery, Fancy Combs. Beautiful Stock Col
lars and many other Novelties for Ladies' Neckwear,
Dress Goods, Linings, Shrunk Stitfenmt;s, Skirt Braids.
It pays you to see us often, for we always have something
new and cheap to olTer.
Best trade prices paid for poultry and ejr;s.
Cold weather. Lots of ice gorg
ed up along the creeks. The ford
ing at Siloam can't be crossed.
Charles Schooley is on the sick
Mrs. Cora'McFadden returned
to her home in Franklin county,
after spending a week with her
parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Reamer
ipes at Pattersons Hun.
Now, to end the pumpkin.stcry
Dick cut his pumpkin and I got
La9t Monday while Dr. Dal bey
was attempting to cross Patter
sons Ran, his horse being afraid
of the ice, had the misfortune to
be thrown into the water. In get
ting help, the Doctor did not get
wet; but it was a pretty cild bath
for the horse.
Last Saturday 24 of Dr. Hoop's
friends tut a large lot of pines
oil his farm. When night came
the Doctor thanked them very
kindly for their good work.
A. G. Deshong, our wall paper
agent is home again to stay till
Mrs. V. R. Sipes spent last Sat
urday at Dr. Hoop's.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement
that a preventive of suicide had
been discovered will interest
many. A ruu down Bystera, or
dusM)udeucy invariably precede
suicide and something has been
fouud that will prevent that con
dilion which makes suicide likely
At the first thought of self de
struction take Electric Bitters.
It being a great Unite and nervine
will strengthen the nerves mid
build up the system. It's also a
great stomach, liver and kidney
regulator. Only 50c. Satisfac
tion guaranteed by all druggist.
Men Wanted.
Five or tix good teamsU'i n to
skid logs on mountain; alno, sev
eral good men to cut timber.
None but first class men need ap
Denh lm, Juniata Co., Pa.
(3 miles west of Patterson, Pa.)
The undersigned offers his farm at
private vale, situate on the turnpike,
five mile went of MuCoiinHlUUirg. -House
wfell ad a i tail for hokel. farm'
1-27-04-tf. B. B. DANIELS.
. Men cr woven loual repres
entatives for a high clus maga
zine. Large commissions. Cash
prizes. Write J. X. Trainer, 80
Kast Washington Square, New
York, X. Y. 2-24 04-Jit,
M0.UU0 feet White Pint; Gourds.
TI1.7 may bo delivered to nearest
ruilroud Htutlon lv June 1st. Fulton
and Huntingdon county included.
For imrtieulnrs write to
Easy and Quick 1
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold
water, melt lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
tbidc to set.
' Pull Directions on Evtry Packnga
Manner Lye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the ute of a small quantity ata
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will dean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "Uses of Banner
Lye ' ' free.
Tb Poo Chemical Works, Philadelphia
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
New Discovory
onrarrioi p-i.. '
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure : I.ung Troubles.
Money back If It fall. Trial Bottle free.
Rouss Racket Store.
Cobblers' aptii, with three lasts, 'i papers of tacit one hammer, one kiiif- and
two awls and hufts, only 4l'c The yieates-t bargain yet in Double Ulttud
Axen. We hnve had tliem tried beside tliw SOc. ones, and thoy are just as
good only 4-ic. Mann's axes have udvanerd in ihe city, but we have a
nice lot at the old price )c l.'l-in., horsn raMis, IS ; 11-in., 23c A tfood
solid, all Hteel, shoeing hammer, 2'!c. We got hold of a large job of car
penters half round wood files and th -y are al) right ln-in , 10c; 12-in., Lie;
did you ever hoar of such bargains. Giant riveting machines, 28c; rive;
Die., a box; split rivets, .'c. Solid eoppere.l rivets, half-pound boxes us
uorted, tic; curry combs, ,1. N, !, 1 and lTe. Hart's spring saw sets, :isci
Morrell ,12c. Monkey wrenches, S-lt:., -He; lo-i .., :: J-in , 2!ic. 22-cal.,
cartridges 14c, a box: :t2-rim lirf'.ridsrs, - v-.. box: ;i2-ciil. centre-. ire
, cartridges, 40c., a box; :i-4!ie., a box.
Hut and coat hooks, tie, do.en. Holts i'.-in., to li-in., le.. each, and in 1U i f
10(1 less, Washatu Oil Stoics, .'12c.. each Hold fast shoe nails, all,
lie, paper; rope halters, 10c: Web lr.iltcr-', !": a good st.el hatchet, ;jv.
and 4Sc. Mica axle grease, Sc.
Felt window shades on rollers, Hc: oLeil 'iaies with fringe, 21c: table oil
cloth, Hi'., yd. Children's overalls, age " to 1", 2-ic. Toilet paper, T "
sheets, 4c. Men's yum boots that are worth 2.-V) i.i the city to-du,.'. only
42.4s. 1'ins le, a l)o., blade pins lc: safcy iins, 2. .1, and 4c, u doen.
Crochet colt n all colors, 4e, a spool. Writing paper, (i sheets lc: enve
lope!, 0 for lc. Tooth ISrushcs, '.I, ", and 10c. .Machine thread ie
Toilet soaps a nice line, 2 to jc a cake. Moth balls. J il.. boxes 4c.--Alarm
clocks, ,'iS, 7,1 and i -JK The 1.20 ones lias the intermittent alarm
and rings for 1) minutes. Men's hi ivy cotton Munnel gloves, itc , a pair.
On account of moving we have some -hoes that we will sell below cost. On
tha first of April we will move our rUicn of goods to tne room formerly
occupied oy ll. c. ainiin a: . o., ouposue tne post otitec, anu llieu we ex
pect Ut add to our .-.lock a great many goods that we don't handle.
Please call and see us.
oooocooooooo c;ooxxcxx
Fi irniTlirQ served in 1-vcrv Stvle to
T U l 1 1 1 L Ll I t3 suit Any lastc.
Flemish and Weathered Oak Library Tables, small
tables, settees, chairs, rockets and tabourettes, in Mis
sion style for the den or library.
For the PARLOR.
small I,
Tables, large or
Arm Chairs,
Reception Chairs,
Cabinets, (open or enclosed)
For the D I IN I IN G ROOM.
China Closets, Serving Tables,
Kxtension.Tahtae, Sideboard,
rtuffets, Serpens
Cant and wood-seat chairs,
Tables and Cabinets for the kibrhun.
For the BED ROOM
Dressing Bureaus. a
Dressings Tabids.
Clothes trees
Indian Seals,
Fancy tables.
In Mahogany, Hird's-eyo Maple, Golden Oak, iVu.
Bedsteads in Brass and Iron, enameled lit white and color.
We will be pleased to have you t all and examine our stock. Von
are welcome, whether you buy or not.
Spwisl work made to order at our factory.
Nos. 4!)-51 Queen St.
Chambersburg, Pa, O
OXXCKXXXXXX0 oooocooooooo
To Cure a Cold in One
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Seven Million lores sold in post 19 month. ThlS Signature, ''
Cures Crip
In Two Day.
on every
is the people's paper $L00! a Year in Advance.
J1 A
with lAYNR'S
ST?., sins' 'im.
fAn almost 'a.foll'.bie ru veiy for C'u'
eases of tha ', a n't t irti.
knowrt tho yorli uvr lor
& CO.'S
To every person visiting town
this week, we extend a cor
dial invitation to call at our
store, where we will be pleased
to show the nicest line of
Misses' and
vv ran
in the county, at prices to suit
just received a new lot that are
especially nice.
and everything a
foot wear is here.
lady wants in
for (Sentiemen
we have a splendid lne of Suits and
Overcoat n for your inspection ut prices
that must please yn..
at extremely loc prices. A splendid
Suit for 7oc for .Men; JO and 50c for
Hen's Hats and Caps.
splendid, line, oj Men's Shoes
ire. trish every pers n to see.
drug toro. .
.1; l.hi.