A Profpssioiiiil Nurse Tell Her Ex perience With Doan's Kidiiry 1'llls. Montague, Mnss. Kortrr-Mllbtirn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.: Gentlemen -I lipartily wlsli thohowbn are suffering from hiuknchc and di' tiirhpil action of tlip kiilticva would try Doan's Kidney I'IIIh. A wan the Pnne with me, thpy will bp more than sur prised with, the results. 1 lind been troubled for years with my spine. 1 could not lie on ell her altlo. i?;ilnnl rrarnps would follow, and words could not explain the rtitony which 1 would endure. While in these cramps I coiilj not speak or move, but by making a great effort after the. cramp had left me I could bepln to speak and move a little, but my whole back was so sore and lame that I could not even have the back bathed for some time. My nerves were In a terrible state. 1 would rath er sit tip at night Ihan go to bpd. dread ing the cramps and the terrible back aches. I consulted physicians, but got only n little relief for the time being. Seeing your advertisement, my mother urged me to try Dean's Kidney Tills. After using one box 1 was better, and have ever since been on the gain. I have no backache and no cramps now, and I feel like a new person. My nerves are better and I know my blood is purer. Words cannot express my thanks to yon for what Conn's Kidney nils have done for me. In my work as profes sional nurse I have a chance to recom mend them, and they did me so much good tljat I will do so on every possible occasion. HATTIE RHIGIIAM, Nurse. Doan's Kidney Tills are sold at 50 cents per box. Adfress Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. V., for a free trial box. Gordon a Stranger to Fear, Of Gen. Gordon, who died at Khar tum, lord Wolseley says: "A deeply religious man In whom danger appar ently excited neither pleasure nor re pugnance, he seemed only to distin guish between a safe position or an extremely perilous one as he would notice any alight change In the weath er of a fine sunny day. He knew bow infectious courage was and how much any exhibition of contempt for per sonal danger braced the nerves and tteadied the heads of those less gifted with masculine daring than he was. He was a man In a hundred. During a lull in our siege operations one sailor was overheard saying to another in the battery: 'I haven't ecen old Gor don here lately.' 'No answered his shipmate, 'the fire ain't hot enough for that old beggar just now.' " 'Vounz women may avoid much sickness and pain, says Miss Alma Pratt, if they will only have faith in the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Judging from the letters she la receiving from so many young girls, Mrs. Pinkham believes that our girls are often pushed altogether too near the limit of their endurance now adays In our public schools and semin aries. Nothing is allowed to interfere with studies, the girl must be pushed to the front and gruduated with honor ; often physical collapue follows, and it takes years to recover the lost vitality, often it is never recovered. Miss 1'ratt says, "Peak Mbs. PiNxnAM: I feel It my dut v to tell all voting women how much Lydia K. iMnkliam's won derful Aegetall Compound has done for me. 1 was completely run down, unable to attend school, and did not care for any kind of society, but bow I feel like a nw person, and have gained seven pounds of flefeh in three months. " I recommend it to sll young women who suffer from female weak ness." Miss Ai.ma I'uatt, Holly, Mieh. 4000 fnrftlt Ifo'lplr.tl efaaoi tar areeftee''"1' ' aw AMMUNITION l b ntnmlnly used everywhere Id the world wlurrvtr lllc musne loader h given way lu the hrecvh leader. It in naitc in !ie tnrgeat una heat ritiped cartilage Ucloiy iu ei Uure. .' Thin acrntial for the uniformity of tU rouul. Tell your dealer " V. M. C." le B safcui " nal Kiaa r .... Cu.k- free. . Tbt Union Malllo Cartridge Cs. UKlPOcrORT. CONN. Act-sot tflu 111. ud way. hew lark aJit K. .. aew a aiHi w f The Eg Rating lion. The egg eating hen Is an Intolerable nuisance. She is a twin sister to the chicken eating bog. There have been many plans suggested to cute her of this habit, but she is still at it. and perhaps always will be. Her appe tite is certainly an abnormal one when it craves the contents of nil egg. Home times red popper has been put In the shells of the nest egg, but the. experi ment has not been u. roaring success. One poultrymun uses nest that arc so small that this lien cannot reach down under her body to peck at the egg after she has laid It and the nest box I so high that she cannot reach the egg when she stands upon the edge of the box. Nests are sometimes provided that allow the egg to roll down into n darkened place wbor the hen cannot see it and she wonders what she Is OCckling at. Hens rarely eat poivclnlu rggs. tJreen's Fruit (irower. Mo tVltcnt nil It. Smile of the best horses ever britiglit to America were bred by .the funnels of Kugland, France aril Melgitun. These men j.ot a good mare or two, usi'd tbetn to work their farms, bred lliem to tile best sires I hey could lind. producing stallions that bad admirable conf'jcniiition and disposition for draft horse sires. Soma of tlio bi'st trotters ever bred wore produced by farmer who owned well bred road mares and mated them to good stallions. Who will say that these men, who use the dams for the purpose for which their prod:'cc Is Intended, cannot produce horse; that arc equal to those of the great breeding establishments? asks Stockman and Farmer. They can and often do. There is no patent on horse breeding, no advantage In favor of the millionaire who keeps his brood mares in idleness over tli fanne.- who works or drives his. It will pay any man who Las a good mare to give her a chalice to do her best, and that means to mate her properly and take care of her progeny. r Merit slid fsroln For r'noil. Foods containing protein are gien cows to increase the mill; production, and hens to Increase the quantity of rgss and improve their nuallty. The dairyman understands full well that in feeding grains which furnish nroleiii to cows, a sufficient ipiautity of succu lent food must bo given to formulate the proper balance. Yet this same man protests when it is suggested that the same rule should apply to laying beus. The proper feeding of poultry is not so difticult as any one would think, nor is the feeding' of any animal, for that matter. If out possesses a knowledge of the needs of the animal he is feeding, he will readily find out what foods will supply such npeds. Feed the variety of grains by all means us well as an occasional supply of animal feed, but do not overlook the need for green food. This same rule works the oilier way, so do not attempt to obtain re sults from gre?n food and grain at the expense of the animal food. In some way get at the properly balanced ration and then protitable result will follow. Indianapolis News. Turin Unto. To make a good farm gate make it in two parts as shown in the cut below, Mako it four feet four Inches high and uy length desired, from ten to slxteon feet; twelve feet is preferable. Make It out of good white oak lumb'.-r one by four inches. At the ends where you sail use one strip on each side and nail from both sides. In the centre place a post in the ground, leaving It about sight inches Jil-li. To this hook one part of the gate. Usu u slide latch. If you have bogs use two latches, one at top and one at the bottom. (Jtite posts should be nine feet long and about six teen inches in diameter, set four feet In the ground. With good, bet.vy binges aud proper care this gate should last twenty years. Norman T. Atkins, In The Epitotuist. . To Prevent Soil Waahlnj The past two seasons have been tin Usually favorable to soil washing, and many acres of slope laud have been carried to the level bottoms below or borne away by high water. This loss of fertility If followed up year after year would impoverish the bill laud to such an extent as to render It entirely worthless for crop raising. As wash ing occurs mainly where soil Is Ioobc ami sandy In texture, such ground needs extra protection In the line of drain ditc hes and cross plowing. Fre quently whore it Is necessary to crop the land situated on hill slopes, the mere opening of n ditch at the nppcr end of the cultivated portion will pre vent serious loss from washing by keeping (he water from the land above from coming down in Injurious quan titles over the field. The use of strips of soil binder through the cultivated field Is also to be recommended. These should be sown crrsswlse of the bill and nny. good pasture grass will an swer the purpose provided the roots are strong and penetrate the ground to some depth. In plowing a Held that washes badly It Is well to bear In mind that furrows made lengthwise of the hill are conducive to soil wash lug; hence It Is always a good plan to plow the land crosswise. Organic mat ter, .-h as barnyard manure, rubbish, hay or stubble plowed under, will, un til entirely decomposed, aid in keep lug the soil particle In their plants through heavy rainfall. In the same manner badly -washed ditches may be effectively closed by the use of hay or straw In suttti-leiit quantities to pre vent Inrlher carrying away of adja cent soil. Often the rain come so quickly that the water comes almost In body down the hillsides. In a coin par'Mvcly dry season this Is not deslrn hie, at 111111-b of the moisture Is con diietid from the field before it. has an opportunity to percolate through the oil. To prevent Ibis, plow the ditches to ruu In the direclloq of the most ' gentle slope, si that the wnter may be carried off gradually C. I'. Ilarrptt, Ip Tb Epltomlst. . 111111111 A The CoiMIng Moth. A gooJ knowledge of the life history of the codling moth Is the first ecsen tlal to lis control. Kvery fruit grower should famlllurlzc himself with Us different ffages by studying the Insect Id his own orchard. The codling moth passes the winter in the larval stage. The larvae may be found Incased in silken cocoons i:i cracks and boles in the trees, and In houses where apples have been stord. In the spring these larvae change to pupae, from which the mollis emerge about n week after the apple Is in blossom. The adult Insect or moth Is but little known among fruit, growers and oilier moths are often mistaken for It. It varies somewhat In size, but the maxi mum spread of its wings is about thiee-fourths of an Inch, The front wings nre of a brownish-gray color and nre crossed with lines of gray scales, giving them the appearance of watered silk. At the tips of the wings there is a large brown spot, In which are niany scales of bronze or gold. The bind wings are grayish brown in color. Taken as a whole, the coloring of the moth is such that when vesting o-i old grayish bark it Is so like the bark that It is not easily tiistinguisliei!. The moth lays her eggs, a fow iTays lifter emergence, on the leaves of apple or other food plant, or on the fruit. A majority of the eggs of the first gen eration are laid on (lie leaves, while the greater part of those of the s'.vond generation are laid upon the fruit. The eggs of this insect were never noted until within comparatively re cent years. They are of a pearly white color and are like thin, convex disks. Around the edge there is a emir" net work of ridges, while toward the centre these ridges are finer. A rod ring, which Indicate tlio f in bryo, appears in the egg a few days after it Is laid. In about eleven days (varying somewhat with temperature) the young larva breaks its ;rny out n the sheil and seeks to enter the fruit. Itecent work tends to show that a large number of the larvae which batch from eggs deposited on the leaves eat small portions of the leaves before finding fruit. Tha larvae m0 mm IS a. the niotli. or nduil inject: b. the op:?, great I v cnlurgcd; c. the fu.l grown larva; (I, the pupa; e, the puna in its co coon on tlie inner nurture of a piece i ( bnrk; f. moth on bark and empty p:ipi skin from which it emerged. have some difficulty In entering the smooth sides of the fruit; hence they usually enter ut the calyx, or tfkd advantage of some Irregularity in the surface. About eighty per cent, of the larvae of the first generation enter the fruit by way of Ibe calyx, v. bile the mn lor Ity of the second generation enter al the sides, especially where fruits are touching. I'poti entering the fruit the larva feeds immediately under the sur face for a few days and then com mences a tunnel towards the centre of the fruit, where it cats out a la ge cavity. It lives ill the fruit about twenty days and grows pinkish ov whitish, until it Is about, live-eighths of an Inch in length, when, being full grown; it makes a tunnel to the o: side, of the fruit. The larva then crawls out and immediately seeks '. place in which to spin Its cocoon. Work should be begun late In tin fall or early In the spring, nnd pre ventive treatment should be .ibout tlu same lu all cases, except that the Western orchard should be Irrigated freely, and every second tree shouid bo cut out. The fill should receive a shallow cultivation for a year and a dressing of mani:re. The following year cover crops, such as cowpcas or red clover, should be sown and plowed under, and this should be repeated every few yeurs. llrancbes should bo cut out where they are niatte.l to gether, thus allowing access of sun light and spraying solution. The dead brum lies and stubs should be cut nway aud burned. It Is highly imnorlaiit that the cut ends be smooth and dressed with shellac varnish'' or graft ing wax. All of the rough bark should be scraped from the trunks and larger branches. The holes in the trees should bo filled with plaster or conical, thus confining all larvne that are in them and preventing others from en tering later In the season. .If proper attention is given an orchard when it is young, no u. n work will ever be necessary. . I'oultry Not. And the old rooster, even he crows a good deal more than be scratches. Many believe that eggs absorb odor after being laid, by coming in contact with foreign substances. Steamed clover hay Is it good substi tute for grass now that the latter prod uct belongs to this by bones. A tight roof, a dry floor and walls free from cracks nre very essential things in the makeup ot a poultry house. The uutural time for a hen to lay is from February to October, but by sci entific methods she can be mado to lay tha whole year round. Once In a whllo you will find a hen that does all the cackling and the oth era all the laying. Kvery placo lias one or more of that kind of bens. If you are wautlng to buy some "new blood," go to your nearest poul t"y show and buy from the fancier of your choice aud you will be money in poeke. ' A warm mush in the morning is greatly relished by the hens and is a good stiirter for a long day's work. Follow this meal with some small grain thrown in the litter to keep them exercised. ' t . : ' The ancient silver pennies, ' to the number of about 700U, recently dis covered at Colchester, have been ld .by public aucllju and realized fjW. ' FRAUDS IN A BALE OF HAY. Frsnds In watch Case. According to an article in the Cincin nati Commercial, a fifty-oae. pound stone was recently found in that city secreted in s bale of hny nf eighty pounds. This is not as bad as finding n lump n lead of nearly one-half the weight of the solid gold watch case secreted in the cen tre of the rate. (old watuh eases are so'd by wcijrht. md no one can 'ire where this Unci is accreted until the springs nf the raw are taken out and thdlcud will be found accreted bell fad them. These cases nre muHo by companies wh.) profess to lie hone), but fnrnih the inenns to the dishonest to rob the public. It is not pleasant for anyone to find thai he has lugged a lump of lead in his watch case. Another tiiek of the makers of turiau solid gold watch cases is to stamp the case "U. S. Asmy." The United States does not stamp nny article made out ot gold and silver except coin, nnd the laliir. hv using this stump, wants In make the public be lieve that the Government had comet liing to do with the, stamping or inai.inteeing the fineness of watch cases. ' Another Irak of the watch fakir is to advertise a watch described as a solid gold filled watch with a twenty or twenty-live-year guarantee. These watches nre gener ally sent ('. O. I)., and if the piirehascr has paid for the watch lie finds that the com pany which guaranteed the watch to wear is not in existence. The Uiieber-Hunipden Wntili Company, of Canton, Ohio, who nre constantly ex posing. t hese frauds, will furnish III- name of the manufiK'turei's who arc in tlii; ques tionable business. Muttering children are numerous in der matic, and it i thuuvlit the ailmru; i.- con tagiou. To VVhsIi Cliln.i Silk llressei. China silk dresses may lie iiuitu su ..-hx. fully washed. Ilemove nil spots with lieu sin", then wnf.li In warm soapsuds. pilMng between the hands, rins" t!ii'"tiirli s'-venil waters. Use Ivory Soap and do not rati th" SOB)i on the dress. Wring ns dry as possible, wrap In a slieel or cienn enttou el til, nnd, when partially dry, iron. Ki.kamor It. l'Ar.Kri:. A decayed apple enten by t s h-iuIU-v in Dublin caused a fatal ni'.n-k oi ptomaine poisoning. TeoHlnlo un.l llltlln'i Dollur firass. The two greatest fuddc-r plants on earth, one good for 14 tons ot hay and the other 8 Ion green fodder per nerc. Urous cverywheie. so doea Victoria H.ipr, yield ing G0.0OO llis. eIiccji nnd twine luuj pel ade. A.C.L.J JUST SEND IOC l.N STAMPS TO TUG John A. Salcr Seed Co., I.a Crnste, Wis., and receive in return timr big catalog and lots of arm need sample'. Some men trust to luck in lb:- nerld. and some oliieis are lucky to net muted. I amsurePiso'sCiiM forConsutnptl'Uisa ed my life thrtse years ngo. Mas. Thkiias nor ms', -Maple ht., Norwich, N, Y.. Feb. 17. I!'0. By gaining round after round of up. plaugfl th orator climbs the la l li". i fame. IY'r-'iiis in Michigan bitten by r;i'.i.' clogs are now M-nt to the I'a-'.ci'r li stitutc: at Ann Arh'r at the cxpcnc i' the township in which tlicy reside. rj J y permanentjyeurcd. No tits or nerve. us nessnftor llrst day s use of Dr. Kline s Ureal NerveltcMtorer. ttriaiboltleaiid trentlsclreo Kr. It. H. Klisk. Ltd., t Arch St., I biln.. Vn Sometimes it in difficult to distinguish between contentment and lamess. Millions in Oals, Raiser's New National Oat-' yielded in IfXM in Mich. 240 bu.; in Mo.. JM bu : in N. I)., 310 nil., nnd in ;V .iln r Stales bom 150 to aOO bu. per ere. Now thi Oat it generally grown in l!)flt v. ill add million of bushels to the yield aud millions i dol lar to the- farmer s purte. Try it lor llJ'M. largest Seed Potato and Aifaii'd Clover growers in America. A C.l,. Salter's Spelt, beardless Harlev. H-me liiiiidcr Corn, Macaroni Wheat. )'cn tt.it. Billion Dollar Crass and Kariiest l anes are money makers ior you, Mr. Fuimcr. Jl'BY RENO TU1S NOTK.'V. AMI 1K'. in Um;is to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., rim) reeeive -m return then lug catalog and lots of fsnp seed samples. Cenerally a man lias seen too many Bleat nights when he teli-s you he has. seen better days. Mrs. Wiiislow sKootliiugKyrupforehildreii teething, softuzj the gums, redueestnniinimn tiou.uliays pain.eu res wind olle. 25e. iitiottle The woman who a isles her breath talk ing never seems m want i f any. Money refunded for encb package oj Putnam FADtLLts Dxus it uuaaiudas tory. There are men who wouldn't Jare read the declaration of independence to th. i wives. There are :;!ihki Indian children in school, tti.OKl Indians who can speak English and 1411,07-i Indians who wear civilized dross. Iteware or Oinmitnt rnr Ciurr'i Tin Contain Mereary. n. mnpuirv will surely itotroy th sense of smell andeomplotolyiln.-iiDKetli" whole sys. teui wheu cmcrim it ttu-oimh the, muecm, surfaces, hu' I. artielesslioald never be use 1 cxeea? on prexeriptioiis from reputnlilo phy sicians, as the dam ige they will do Is ten fold to tho good ) "i l raj possibly derive from them. Hall's (Jnlarrli Cure, maiiulnntiire I by V. J. Chcnoy A. Co.. Toledo, (., contain no mercury, and is taken Intormlly. netlni; diroetly upou tiic Hood ami niucous'surfaam ot thesyste.m In buying Hull's Cnturrh (,'aro lie ure you get the genuloo. It Is taken in -ternally, and made Pi Toledo. Ohio, Py V. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Hold by Druggists; price., 755. per nottlo. Take Hull's Family Pills for constipation. The erection of galvanized iron bouses in Bloemfontein, the capital of the Orange Kivcr colony, has been prohibited. Alfalfa. Clover. For years the editor has been urging farmers to sow Alfalla Clover, nnd glad he is that thousands of wideawake tarmcrs, scattered all over America, aio doing tine l.ow, to their great benefit and satisfaction. A. Walford, WeHllore Farms, Pa., writes: "I hve 00 acre in Salrvr's Alfalla Clover. It is immense. I cut three crops lliis ca on and have lots of pasture besides.'' Hon. H. F. Hunter, S. D., ay, "Sal aer' Northern Crown Alfalfa clover can not be beat. I have Kolvcd the question of lock raiaing hero. Kaiser's Alfalla is good for 3 rousing crops of hay, Salter's Spe.lz for 60 bu. of grain and 3 ton hny, Sal rr' Macaroni Wheat for 05 bu. Iiest hog fattening wheat, and Saber's Hanna Har ley, for arid; dry land. good (or 70 bu. per acre. These are all great hog, sheep and cattle fatteners, uud last but not lea .t, Salxer'a Victoria ltape for sheep, and Sai ler' Teoainte, good for SO Ions of ureen food for cattle, and Salzer'a Hillion Dollar Hi ait and Bruinus Inerau for lots and lot of good bay. These thing make it possible for me to grow live stock by the housands. Hv you heard of Earliest cam ? tuve six mowings a year, and Teosinle, the ton per acre fodder wonder? JUST HEKD THIS NOTU'B AMI l')f!. 1.1 ST A UPS to the John A. Salrer Sid Co.. La Crosse, Wis., and receive their big entaloi and lots farm eed ample tree. A.C.L, If man is going to believe in himself he hai br;ter not get too well acquainted wih hir ic;!f. .sry .' 1 flilMren An Slrkly. jRlherflrav'sKweet Powders for Children, used b iciir (iray. a nurse In Children's itoii m f orb. break up colds iu 1:4 hours, cure rV.'Kripi a . t outl alloD, Hiomiwh T.mib'i-. Tectt-ing !i-'diir Uitroy Worms, l;lldnigglst,U. Hump'e mal.nd Vnr. Jori llruH. Olmsted, I-eJloy, NX Aluminum ahoea for home havt been teUd in the Huasiun cavalry. ADDS TO THE COTTON AREA. Paraguay la About to Engage In tha Culture, on a Large Scale. The recent advance In the price of cotton In this country and In England has stimulated the cuMure of the plant In other countries. The possibility that the cotton manufacturers of the world are facing the prospect of a doarth of raw material seems to have excited the people of Paraguay. Cot ton grows wild In that country, and the cultivated product, though differ ent from ours, has a long and fine sta ple. As In Peru, the plant Is a small tree rather than a little bush, and it lives and produces for several yer.rs. Euro pean manufacturers have reported good results from Its use. The Para guayans, however, have never given much attention to Its cultivation. The newspapers of Asuncion havo suddenly awakened to the opportuni ties presented, and have risen to the occasion. They are offering many sug gestions to the government and assert that cotton will yet place Paraguay on the high road to prosperity. They ask the government to employ the servlres of men of science, like Ilr. Rertonl, to prepare pamphlets foi distribution In the cotton trade of Great Britain. France and Cermany. descriptive of the nature and qualities of Paraguayan cotton and the faclli ties for producing large supplies of If Tbey ask that Dr. Bertonl, Mr. Anlsits and other experts be engaged to make a survey of the lands adapted to cot ton cultivation In the republic; alsc that the government print and dlrtrib ute among the farmers of the lowlands the best Information as to the methods of cotton-raising. "We may In a short time export JlOO.dOO.OOO worth of cotton In a year," announces the enthusiastic Paraguay, a German weekly published ut Asun elon. Are Kind to Their Horsca. Evidently there Is tine place where there is little need of a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals and that Is Jersey. Th? farmers there are so careful of their hemes that they do not work them more than is absolutely necessary, and frequently do work which is done elsewhere by horses. If a farmer has to plow a hcavj piece of ground be is obliged to use his team, but if the ground which Is to be broken up is light it. Is vert probable that he will take the place ot a horse. At first glance labor of this klnr may seem very Irksome, but It real'? Is not, for the farmB In Jersey ar small and It does not take long tc cultivate the ground. Still, In otbei places where the farms are equal! small, no one thinks of sparing the horses, and there Is little doubt that up-to-date agriculturists consider the Jersey farmers far behind the tlrac? because In the kindness, of their hearts they are as lenient to thel horses as possible. "Clefmania." "Clofmania," says "T. A. T." Is a comparatively modern form of the col lecting craze. It consists in an trre t-lstible ambition to gather togethei keys of all sorts, sizes and shapes One victim to the habit, a woman openly confessed recently to having traveled over 'no hundred thousand miles in pursuit of her hobby, during which time she bad expended, entire ly on keys, quite a respectable for tune. Her collection comprises the key of the Nuremberg Iron Virgin, one said to have belonged to Cleopatra's Jewel case, a huge lrcn specimen fsvim the Tower of Ixmdon, got by bribing a "Heefeater '; the one that used tc unlock Anne Hatbaway's cuttnge at St rat ford-on-A von, and many others equally riirbuis nnd Interest'ng. There is a wny of trifling that costs a heap of money. Neglect Lumbago and Sciatica and it mny put you on crutches, with loss of time and money. St. Jacobs Oil rill cure surely, promptly. Price, 25c. and 50c. .22 CALIBER. RIM FIRE CARTRIDGES. Winchester .22 Caliber Cartridges shoot when you want L them to and where you point your gun. Buy the time- inca wincnesier mate, naving tne iraac-maric n 6tamped on the head. They cost only a few cents more a box than the unreliable kind, but they are dollars better. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS EVERYWHERE. Sour Stomach "I mod Can arptu aod fel Hk ncv man. 1 have hn mrTorf-r ff-ro dyBtr' and aur fctcma- b tor tha two rr. I hi hffi tkklti mt-ui ein nd othrr drujr. t'ut rem Id find r r-liel otu? for a Bhnrt tituf. 1111 rer.iin nn) ('caria to n.y frtnti i tha only thtfi tut indiritioB ana a'nr aiomrb and o ktp lt ho we In fu (uo4 cuD tfition. Tbey arc vry wire tra(. " Hftrry tflucklay, liaveh CluLk, J'a. . Beit Tor CANC7V CATrtAftTK Ploaaant. Palatitila. Poi-nt. Ta Cm4 robrrfvrt Smot brkn. Weaken or Oripr. 10c r M . Xrvfl void In bnlk. Tti nMnutno tablet ptair.pad CCC uuinnutta no eura or your luuuoy uaua. Sterhcc Remedy Co., Chicago or N.V 599 4MNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES ADVERTISE itpays; at a U v sfor ch ran MI11TARV LAND WARRANTS HUliNTY uuM o itt(-r i! an' r. rlt ma at on nuM a. btor.a a u-nb riw., vuw. cot FOR THIRTY YEARS Congressman Meekison Suffered With ' Catarrh-Read His Endorsement of Fe-ru-na. X J tOMiKKSSH.tX ME SVMSSSSSSSVIMVSSSSSS4SSSSVMW.SSW. SSV'Sk.S, Hon. David Meek, sun is well kiu.uii. n il on.y in hi- .iwi Mate but throughout .Anienea. He lgaii li's political eauer l.y serving tour co-ii i alie It rins as .il.ivor ot the town in wliii-h lie lives, dimagwhi: ii time lie became ide v Itnoviti as I iie blunder nl the .Mei kios Hank in Napoe.m. Ohio. lie as eleeied' to the Fut-lilih Congress by a iij large inajuiuy, and i ihe nekmm ledge. I leader ( his party iu his section of the Male. On.y cine Haw marred the oilirrise complete success of ihi- rising --talesman Catarrh, with its insidious approach and lenai ions grasp, was h,.s oa'y uncompleted toe. for thirty yeais he waned uiisic-ecs-f al Hailare against this pei uial rnrmv. At last IVruna came to the rescue, and lit d.clattd the billowing letter to 1,'r. Hart riiiin as the result : ! i cc used r rrrnl ImiUIvh uf f'ci'iiiio and I fcrl (irtitly tiriiefilt d J tlierrhy from my rnlnrrh of the hrml. I frrl cncoii ,;, i brltrre that J If I uwc It u short time loiiyer I trill r full n nblr lo rrad ha tr Ihf dlnenHf J uf thirty ii-n )' tti mil na." tut rl.l M -ci-ixon, cj--If cm dec nf 4nareH rli llh season c.t c-atclnn eo.d 's upon us. A '1 lie coiiyh and itie sneeze and nal twang are to be le-atd on every hand. The origin ot' cln-niii cata-rh, the most com mon and dicadlul of diseases, n a eo.d. This is the way the c,nniir calanh gen eially beams. A pi rson eatr ties eohl. w hu h hangs on longi r than ns-nal. The i oid Itetierally stalls in ihi head and thioat Then followu He.isttienes. ot the a r pas sages which incline one In catch co.d veiv easily. At Inst the person iia a ccd nil the w hile see iiiiiikIv . more or less discn.ue froin tile nose, hawking, spitting, frequent clearing o; the throat, nostrils stopte. up, full feeling in the head ami eon , u. Maine I throat. Tile iie-t time I i treat catarrh is al 'tie very beginning. A bottle of IVruna prop erly u-a d neer talis to cine a eomtni'ii (.old. tha- proeiiiing chrome catairli. N lule tnaliv people h.ne lieen filled nl chronic i alarm hv a single Imtrc- oi I'e riina. yet. as a rule, "hen the catarrh be comes I iiin (ugii! hcd. more thin one iml tic i iHcissarv to complete a c:;re. I'e runa has cured caves innumerable of ca tatiii el twcniy years' standing. It is ihc hcl it lie; the only internal ic.-ncic tnr (.-itrolitc catarrh in existence. lint .t c c i-ii In hi is fr belli r li.in ciee lively pllsul siliijeel to ta-ciiini.' mil should lake IN mna at once 'iic ti ght est symptom ut cold ot; yore li....at at tins ecu-oil oi t lie tear and '.bus prevent what :s alnii-t certain locnd in ehro'nc latanti. Our money rinning book, written by men who know, tell you all about Potash They are needr rl hy every nmn who own a held and a plow, ami who denirea to gel the mot out of them. They artrr, Stsd rwaial wd. tirHM KAii whk a Xaaaa Mrert, w Tarh DR O PS Y,"Lwef "J.Jlil aaa aV af aaaxaila a aaal IO . Mai VM. B a a. uaijl , avaa. u a. Alee EX I SOX. OK Oil 10. Mr A. SiH-cfel.it, tartersville, (j.-i., w "He: "I saw that jour catarrh remedv. Pe-rut.-i. -s.is doing other so much good thai I t.SMIgtlt I would - - . f r it nn see w ,mI o would do Sir me My ease is an old J one, and I have none of the acute J s mptoms now, be- ' ailse I have had the disease so long J ! hat I had none of Iu aehesatid pains. but a general run- down condition ut 1 t he w ho'e bodv - .ore misi and tliroal andntnmach. I had a good npjieiite. but ll. v li.u. I did i Mn, A. Snwlnoi r 1 fin . I Imi (chip down from MO to uncut 7-") pount in c!ht. I now ivt ili.it 1 am w e ll oi .ill my tniulilfn.- - Mi A. Siu'ilrker. SiinJ fur irrt- Iiook on catarrh, fniitin- W'int it ( Jiirtri h," hy Ih. ilartinan. "Htalili and !eautyM rit free to v.,rnpn only. li ou l-' nrt jt rive prnmnt anrl f..tti. tc lny rem, I it iium tin uw or 1'rninn. wriic rtl i;ii.p Ur. Hdrlman, (living intl t lf! n n'lt t ot vur cum an lie w ill Ti plr.-i.siij lt ait' you in valuable uilvit-r gratis. AMre Or. H irtniHii. Prt'MKieui of The I'aitrnun Sunitrirtum, r'o'iinil'tH, O. target! grours ol ki Vegelatili Scecs b tits W:r:d. Our Tire frei- eenls lo $1.5 0 per pound, and no Better teed Is lound c:i arlh. .200 Ira Oniua t th each ooim, orcr. Calais a. He ssas. Joht A. Silzer Seed Co., " CAPSICUM VASELINEl tPl't IPU CilLLil-MlHI Tl li) AanbatKute forand uirinrto niuatarrlor nny uiuer iuhvcut, .nil win dot. uuaurtiie iitit!ititlU-a.. bkin. '1 he pain-Hit) inirand rurittlvvnuiillUi'aof tritaArticl.nrrwontli'r- fut. ltwtll ptipth. Inutarb0.tonuv,uil rt-lleve tieaduih. and artntlt'. 'errconi mt'Dd It a tii. t4Kl and i.afMt .ztprnal rotinter-irritant known.nl an aa.nrxt.rrjal reaiMlT fur uatna In ttic cheat aiiiltlomii. b niidullrtivmi utie,iiruralKicntJcoiii (fun. plalnm. A vrlxl will prove wli.l we claim tor It. and It will he found to lie Inviiluatili n tue tmuiwrjuhl Muh j indues y t latu b-lot all nl miir rintiiariiUonH.'' Price It t..t all (IrUKiiUtaor other dealers, or I rmiiuglUlhaiiiounl touempnoiaiieaiami'f w. wtiiHeml 7011 a tu he ti y mnu. ro riici almuld rMtuf enteil by theniitilicunlei.atl ime rarriti on r I Hbcl. ea nl berw I ae 1 1 1 a nut ktoimine. chkhphkui (in mm. iu, IT Put. Htreet. Nl Voaa t ITT. 00K for LIFE, Yovr OnitK'-t hai It. "Kor wky IH fua dtr.M !r. Hannrtra KKW I.IPR fOBUtna that woadarml l.rjrivia puatrr to ruaa ori raltanf homaa bodr. wbK alar th mtHttflfiai In rbnBic dIaM, aurb a Khaatav ti-ai, Kriifaiicift, iaur.li- Atthwa, rcrunila. ftU . ltmU. Rrtiirtlona, H OMllatT Of IU Hlvmarh. HravJ, PIiiIupw. Ct nvfrouB. Paint Im u fttw-k. Krmala Wwt.irM, M kiMMMaa, nil aJl UiihmI aiU nitiBiavh 1'l'r , I r jrfiu taavr an- n( tht difflfuUt aak your drnri.i. or n di'iiiaf t nr.ini:Tr miiii: (DMraKl , KORHlMi. Vlr mmim, fr a Httl r w .lr. Saw F&lills Th DaL.ech Patent Variable Frhttl.n rcl Saw Mill iih 4 h p vuia i.ou feel ii day All eica and ricea to M-lt. Hel.uach Khlncle Villa. I'.iltera. Triumcra, "ln-rj Corn and Bhf Mil'a, Water U'ht la. Lath alill. 'd w Our haudaome n-w Catalog uill lnuil yoa OeLeach Mm ar.fav C... uo ''"c l-.j- -"-''-" V-T!1 T pwnritHtxrfri I i Beat ( oimh ajniB. 1 ani a O uod. VC I I r 1 In lima K-.lil br dri-ireiM'. f f - ; i m Bsv .Tf m av l " V A vr... .