The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 03, 1904, Image 7

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    .JSIS X
J Miss Rose Hennessv. well known asv
Miss Rose Hennessv, well known as
a poetess and elocutionist, of Lexington,
Ky., tells how she was cured of uterine
inflammation and ovaritis by the .use of
Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I have been so blessedly helped through the use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that I feel It but just to
acknowledge it, hoping that it may help some other woman tiufferinpr as I did.
" For years I enjoyed the best of health and thought that I would always
do so. I attended parties and receptions thinly clad, and would be suddenly
chilled, but I did cot think of the results. I caught a bad cold eighteen
months ago while menstruating, and this caused inflammation of the womb
and congested ovaries. I suffered excruciating pains and kept getting worse.
My attention was called to your Vegetable Compound and the wonderful
-cures It had performed, and I made up my mind to try it for two months and
see what it would do for me. Within one month I felt much better, and
at the close of the second I was entirely well.
" I have advised a number of my lady friends to use it. and all express
themselves as well satisfied with the results aa I was." Miss Kobe Nora.
HcNNESsr, 410 S. Broadway, Lexington. Ky.
The experience and testimony of some of the most noted
women of America go to prove beyond a question that Lydia K.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble and
at once, by removing the cause, and restoring the organs to a
normal and healthy condition.
"Deak Mrs. Pinkham : About two years ago I consulted a phy
sician about my health which had become so wretched that I was no
longer able to be about. I had severe backache, bearing-down pains,
pains across the abdomen, was ve:y nervous and irritable, and this
trouble grew worse each month. ' The physician prescribed for me, but
I soon discovered that he was unable to help me, and I then decided to
try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and soon found that
it was doing me good. My appetite was returning, the pains disappear
Ing, and the general benefits were well marked.
w You cannot realize how pleased I was, and, after taking the medi
cine for only three months, I found that I was completely cured of my
trouble, and have been well and hearty ever since, and no more fear the
monthly period, as it now passes without pain to me. Yours very truly,
Miss Pkahl Ackers, 327 North Summer St., Nashville, Term."
'When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health
more than a million women, you cannot well say without trying it
"I do not believe it will help me." If you are III, do not hesitate
to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
write Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mann., for special advice. Her ad
vice is free and helpful. Write to-day. Delay may be fatal.
FORFEIT I' cannot forthwith
abuvo tealiruoulala, wblob will prove
We will explain to avery parson who answers this odvt. how It Is done la Wall Stroet and how
be ran do It also.
EDW. T. C. SLEASE & CO., Bankers and Brokers, '
Member New Turk Produce Eiohanira. N. Y. Consolidated Stock Eiolienm, Hanoter Bank BU..
.Wall and Nsuuaa Hie., Mew York
It's the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load
ing snd the use of only the best materials which make
it ur
I .1 r
Winchester Factory Loaded " New Rival " Shells Rive bet-
ter pattern, penetration snd more uniform results gener
ally than any other shells. The special paper and the Win
chester patent corrugated head used In making "New
Rival" shells give them strength to withstand reloading.
must have a sufficient supply of
in order to develop into a crop.
No amount of Phosphoric
" Acid or Nitrogen can compen
sate for a lack of potash in
fertilizers for
grain and all
other crops.
iWi ahall be f lad
to eend free to any
fanner our lit tie book
contain valu
nformat ion
bout toil culture.
J Nassau St., New York.
500.000 BUSHELS a)
I tar ft rndfum graavr Im Ikt tnrlil
9 refjeiiie sswaavaW m lyiMiivus f ainie
Jfium aoo la loeo buaaeki per acre.
M thla not toe we teas yea low ef ram
p y HniiNf aw via oaiaioguo, wtuui
I laCL
s r-Ts-r
au ecasi naaw, Bpena, Poaaat, A. rid I
SulleMCaae-ew. Sand tar saioomdar.',
U -
l.- fcrutx TatHsjsi tiou4.
prod or the original letters an J signatures of
their absolute Bennliii-ii-s.
Lynn, Mum
City. Write for fro booklet.
American railway carry twice as
many tons of freight as they do passen
ger!. .Mother Gray's Sweet fowilers for Children
Huccessfully used by Mother Gray, nurse la
the Children's Home la New York. Cure
Feverlsbneas, Bud Htomacb, Teething Disor
dera, move and regulate the Dowole and
Ueetroy Worm. Over 80,000 testimoniala.
At all drugglsta, Se. Sample mailed Fass.
Addroaa Alien B. Olmsted, La Roy, N. Y.
Men who k.tow when they get enough
may oe too full for utterance after getting
Rheuuiatlem'e Kllllna; Fain
- Left in quirk order after taking 10 dWt
of Dr. tkirvin'a Rlieumatio Cure, in tablet
form. 24 doaea for 2oc., poetpoid. Dr.
Skirvin Co., La Croiae, Wis. A.C.L.
All women were born to love and be
lorcd, and they tight it out on that line.
I Big Risks
Loaa of Time. Loes of Money,
Loaa of Mace, Loee of Comfort,
all follow la the Uala of act uatng '
1 St. Jacobs Oil
7 for RKstuansvtlsm,
I Nvursvltftaa, Lumbago,
SclaatlCSa, BpraVtHS)
It haa cured thouaande. , Witt
cure irou. Price 26c and t0
' foMwMwrtHHHHrwM
l:ronomlal Feed Pol- lloga.
Prof. Konnndy unys nliout pi'ononil
cal liojc feeding: Whore the hogs have
a llhrral ration of clover pnMui'e iinil
blue kihuh, with n rntlnn of coin, wheat
mid onto mixed, of about two pnrts
corn, two purls wheat imtl two purls
oats with eight per eent. oil meal, fed
In the form of a thlok slop, It will give
most excellent results. This will give
extra heavy gains, hut will not be ns
economical ns a ration which will make
lienvy gains and Is nt the same time
economical, of four parts onvnmeiil and
one part tankage, fed in the form of a
thick slop. This , is considered one of
the best by him. Tribune Farmer.
The work of draining nnd ditching
luiul needing this should now receive
Attention. In putting in drains sec
that they arc put In deep enough. No
drain should be less tlinii three feet
deep, uml three feet six Inches or four
feet is often better. It is not the water
that falls on the surface that needs to
be gotten away, but that which is stag,
mint below the surface. Make provis
ions for this and that which falls on
Ibe surface will do no harm. See that
drains have sufficient fall to clear
themselves quickly, and that r. good
open outfall Is secured. In draining n
hillside do not run the drains around
the hill. Tut in this way they will
draw the water from both sides of the
drain, whilst a drain run around n hill
will only tuke water from one side.
Clean Poultry Honeea.
There is more or less objection cn the
part of some poultry keepers to remov.
ing the droppings from the poultry
houses dally, although this Is undoubt
edly the best way of keeping this por
tion of the house cleun. If the roosts
nre located ns they should be there will
be a dropping board under them, which
will receive n'.l the droppings, so' that
it is easy to remove them with n hoe.
In cold weather it inny not be neces
sury to remove them dally unless one
has n large number of fowls, but tbey
should be sprinkled either with laud
phuster or with dirt to keep down the
odor, f s well as to retain their fertilis
ing value. Do not use lime, for this rw.
leases the ammonia in the manure, its
most valuable fertilizer. Covered ns
described each duy, the droppings may
be removed once or twice n week and
the board then sprinkled lightly with
lime or with a solution of carbolic acid.
Rations For Foultry.
Even the novlco in poultry raising
who has tried feeding considerable va
riety during the winter admits that the
egg production is thereby materially
increased. The one danger in feeding
a variety of grains Is having too many
of them of a fattening nature. In this
grade come corn, oats and buckwheat,
hence when corn must compose the
main portion of the ration it Is best
that oats or buckwheut be fed only
once or twice a week, using wheat nnd
millet to extend the ration. This, of
course, refers to Inying hens. Taking
the grains named as it basis of feeding,
a good course would be S'.)inehing ilk?
this: Mouduy, mash in the morning,
millet in the litter nt noon, crushed
oats at nlghO Wednesday, mash in the
morning, buckwheat in the litter at
noon, corn at night; Thursday, mush
in the morning, millet r.t noon, wheat
at night; Friday, morning inasli, noon
wheat, night corn; Saturday, morning
mash, corn ut noon, wheat ut night;
Sunday, morning mash, wheat at noon,
torn nt night. If one is in the habit of
feeding the warm math at night, then
the morning and night foods are simply
reversed. It will be noticed thnt corn
is fed at night four times during the
week, and this Is douo because curu
will keep the fowls warmer on a cold
night than any other grain. It will piyr
to experiment somewhat in feeding u
variety of grains nnd sec what combi
nations give the best results. Indian
apolis News. ,
Falnta For Farm Buildings.
Few tilings are more pleasing to sec
In any section of country than well
painted farm buildings. They are indi
cative of content and thrift mid, even
though not always up to date, testify
thut the owners tire In love with their
surroundings. Hut not every furiuer
can n fiord to buy patent paints, much
less oil and load., fur their barns nnd
outbuildings. This, of course, is la
mentable, for any structure should be
painted before showing that It needs it
budlyj one coat of paint theu doing bet
ter and being fur more economical than
two coats later, when the surface has
become very dry and porous. It is
clu lined, In fact, that a single coat of
boiled linseed oil applied to the paint
when Jt first begins to fade will suQice
at thut period, und this, .'storing both
color and texture, muke the surface as
good as ever. According, under such
a system of treatment. It Is advisable
to put on, In the first place, three coats
of the best paint obtulnnble. It should
be done, moreover, in cold weather, un
der which conditions it will wear a
third longer than when put on In warm
or hot weather. It la generally a waste
of money to purchase cheap patent
paints for any purpose whatever. If
lirst-clnss ones are not to be bad there
fore, simply don't buy any bnt try the
following mlxtu.'e: Fill a tub two-thirds
full of skim sweet milk and stir in
water lime until it Is partly thickened.
Color It with Venetian red, chrome yel
low or the like, as derlred, and put it
on with a wide brush, rubbing It In
some. Keeping it well stirred both lu
the pnll and tub to prevent the lime
from settling and leaving the milk too
thin; the object Is to have it of such
consistency that the grain of the wood
will show through when putting It on.
It should be more of a stain than a
thick paint, in which case on can go
ever a large building with It In a day,
hence the cost of it is so small that If a
new coat were required every year it.
would still be less expensive than the
application of oil and lead. Happily,
however, It will last several years, sud
lias been known, on s rough surface,
to endure the wear and tesr, of the ele
ments to soma extent for almost bslf
a century .-Fred O. Bibley, la The Eplt
omlst. Making Dry Bordeau Fewdo.' ,
The use of a dust spray, which has
been adopted Quits large) in orcliarJ
sections In Sllssnurl nnd other portions
of the Central West, has been referred
to frequently In these columns. Con
siderable difficulty has been exper
ienced in obtaining a dry bordeaux mix.
ture which will have the same cheml
csl proportions ns the liquid bordeaux.
Trofcssor II. M. Bird, acting chemist
of the Missouri experiment station, has
succeeded lu making a dry bordeaux
powder which contains the copper In
the same chemical stato us In liquid
bordeaux. In a recent bulletin he ex
plains how It Is made.
The materials necessary to make sev.
enty pounds of the stock powder are
four pounds copper sulphate, four
pounds good quicklime, two and n half
gallons water In which to dissolve the
copper sulphate, two and a half gallons
witter, which is to bo applied to the
quicklime, and sixty pounds alr-shiked
lime, which hits been sifted fine.
J ox ron siftino iimp.
Break up Into small lumps seventy
or eighty pounds' of quicklime and
spread It out so thut it will become air
slaked. When slaked and perfectly dry
sift it thioimh a tine sieve of 100
meshes to the Inch. Put the copper
sulphate in a course bug and hang It in
the two and a half gallons water until
dissolved. Pour gruduully two and a
half gallons water over four pounds
good qtiiekllmc lu such a manner ns to
slake it to the ltnest powder, and give
u gootl milk of lime solution.
Put sixty pounds nlr-slukeil lime In
a shallow box where it cuu be worked
over with a hoe. Tour the milk of lime
and copper stilphutc Into a third vessel,
nnd stir until thoroughly mixed, when
It will have n deep blue color and be
thick. Put Uiis immediately into a
double flour bag filter, squeeze out
most of the water, and empty the wet
blue material at once into the sixty
pounds of air-slaked lime, and work it
up so that it will be well distributed.
It too moist, add more lime.
While still somewhat damp rub
through n coarse sieve, Fig. 1, made of
stout wire gauze, having twenty-live to
thirty meshes to the Inch, using the
wooden block, Fig. 3, to rub it through
If necessary; the sifter tits over n box.
Fig. 'i. which Is about feet. Then
spread the material out to dry, and
when perfectly dry sift through s fine
mesh sieve, crushing all lumps. All
except the snnd, which Is in the four
pounds quicklime, should go through
the fine sieve.
This mixture will keep indefinitely,
and contains ubout three and a third
times us much copper per gallon us is
contained In liquid bordeaux. It may
be diluted with powdered lime or flour,
or may be used In this way. If 130
pounds of. air-slaked lime or an equal
volume of flour is added to seventy
pounds of the stock powder, it will
have practically the same copper
strength ns the i l-W bordeaux mix
ture. Insecticides such ns paris green muy
be added in the form of powder in tint
proper proportions. The usual method
of preparing a dust spray by slaking
the lime with n strong solution of cop
per sulphate changes the chemical form"
of the Clipper to an oxide so that It does
not stick us well to tho leaves, nor
prove as effective as u fungicide.
Dalrr Notee.
As a rule large, fat globules mnka the
best butter.
Cream rises best when the tempera
ture Is fulling.
A good cow does not, as a rule, cat
but little more than a poor one.
The dairy cow should pot hare to
travel a long distance for water.
Have you arranged to keep your cows
comfortable in winter? Feed is costly
fuel, but it should be burned to keep
the cows warm if they are kept lu a
cold stable.
A cow Is different from a child In
that she can never be spoiled by too
much petting. Hpeak softly, milk gen
tly and she becomes at once your profit
able friend.
Ono advantage with the separator Is
that all animal matter, dirt and Impu
rities sre removed from the milk, and
will be found sticking to tho outer wall
of tho bowl.
A good way to Increase tho value of
your dairy is to persuade your cureless
neighbor to do better. In order to ac
complish this iuduce hlui to subscribo
for a good dairy paper.
Trouble Is the price of success In
making good butter, and without It the
dairyman will make neither good but
ter nor a good rcpututiou as a butter
maker. Have the utensils sweet sud
absolutely clean.
Only 10,202 sealskins were tsken on
the Pribilof Islands during the season
of 1003.
The total area now lit tbs national
forest preserves comprises over S3,
000,000 acres,
Colds Invariably Result in Catarrh, Which
Distressing Diseases.
PE-RU-NA Both Protects and Cures
Miss Tlnse Gordon. 2102 Oaklnnd '.,
Oakland Heights, Midison, Wis., writes:
"A frw yrarnmnon 1 cmipnf nrvrre
cold, u-hlrh reunited in rhrontc brnn
ciffs und catarrh. Our family jhp
nlrtnn pwiiertbed medlclnrn iWfri
la ve temporary relief only. I began
taklna Pernna and Improredlat oner.
Ttra bottle cured me. J recommend ,
1'rrnna to all Huffererit.and am momt
ftrnlcful to you for ynur raluablemed'
iclne.''MI Hone iordon.
Washingon, .(''., 000 H treet, . W.
Itenr Dr. Hart mam: "t tinedtothlnk
that the dortnm knew all about our
ache and pain and verethe proper
one to r-onsn'f irrfon irtrk, hut mince I
have been sick mymclf t certalnl yhad
good r co Hon to change my mind.
Iturlng the printer I cauyht a heavy
cold, which developed Into catarrh of
the bronchial tube ami an Inlamed
condition of the renptratory oryann.
The doctor irere afraid that pneu
monia troiiW net in and prexcrlbed
pill, powder and pack until Ilck
ened of the whole thing, a 1 did not
Ingen ous Connecticut.
Durinii; the last twenty years, by the
Patent OlTicc record, Connecticut has
led every State in the country in in
ventiveness, except in four separate
vcars when it stood second in the list.
There is scarcely an article in common
use about your house that is not made
in Connecticut, from the liiiiRes and
locks on the doors to the billiard table,
the cjock on your mantel, the sewinu
machine in the workroom, your silver
ware, your nun, your bicycle or auto
mobile, your piano, and piano player,
nnd many such simple things as axes,
nails, kitchen hardware, knives and
forks and needles and chains. If there
be anything that you cannot trace to
Connecticut, you will find that the ma
chinery for making it or t lie first shap
ing of raw material came from this
State. The letter box von pass on the
way to your oflice and" the typewriter
in use there, the ship in the harbor,
and the railroad train you ride in. all
have the Connecticut stamp on tlicm
I.:ic; nehes nil the time. Spoils your
iipppiitc, wcurhs ;lu body, worries the
mind. Kidneys e.iusp It all uud Doau's
Kidney Pill.Mroiieve
mid euro It.
II. . McParver,
of 2ill Cherry St.,
Portland, Ore., In
speetor of freight
for tho Trans-Con-1
1 non tn 1 Co.. says:
"I uspd Don it's Kid
ney Pills for back
ache and other
symptoms of kid
ney trouble tvhich
had annoyed me for
months. I think u
cold was responsi
ble for the whole
trouble. It seemed to settle in my kid
neys. Ilonn's Kidney Pills rooted It
out. It Is several mouth since I used
them, and up to date there has been no
recurrence of the trouble."
Dnnn's Kidney Tills for sale by all
anlers. Price M) cents per box. l'os-ter-Mllbuin
Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Mlnlstar llnya Spaca.
A minister named Cook, of Concor
dia,, Kansas, has closed a contract for
s year with s local newspaper to tako
sufficient advertising space in which
to print bis weekly sermons.
too toward. Slot).
The readers of thla paper will ba pVtM) t
learn that there la at laast on dreaded dU
eaaetbat solenoe haa boea able to eur la alt
ltsstaas, aad that la Catarrh. Hall's C atarra
Core la tha only positive our sow known tu
tha madloal fraternity, t'atarrh helns; a con
stitutional dlaeaaa, require a eooatltutlooil
treatment. Hall's CstarrhfJure Is taken Inter
Bally, aotln gdlraotiy upon tna blood and mu
eouaaurfaoes of tba system, thereby destroy
ing tbe fouudatlon of tbe disease, und givlnf
tbe patient atrenifth by budding up tbaooa
tlturon and oasis tin n nature In doing; tti
work. Tha proprtvtors have so muck faith In
iltounttlT powers taat they offer Una Hun
dred Dollars for any oaaa tint It f alia to ear,
bend for Hat of tastti&ouist. Address
F. J. Casxtr Co., IVlelo, O.
Fold by Dm? lata. 7V.
Take Hall's Family I'llls tor eonstlratlon.
Tbe Island of Cypress, In tba Med
iterranean, will soon have s railroad
from coast to coast. Tbe amount of
8,500,000 frsncs has bssn appioprlsted
for Its construction.
Flao'a flute anno! b too highly anokan o
as S oough oura. J, r. O'Batas, t& Third
Ataaua, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. S, 1000,
flame msn pught 1,0 be thankful that the
world doesn't Uudsrslaud tbatn.
Putiuk Fadelus Pves color Bilk,
Wool sad Cotton st ens baOilng.
It ia eaaler to win s wife with flatUry
thai it ia U sudAlala hsr a It.
improve. One of the'ladlctfjn the
ilomehad a'Jbottle of I'eruna and she
advised tne to try that. Shortly after
I began utng it I felt that I had found
the right medicine. I tisccJfiro bottle
and they rclored ? me easily and
pleasantly to jwrfect health. While
my stomach was very delicate. Peruna
did not nau urate me In the least, but
gave me a good appetite, and I wish
to express my gratitude toyou for re
stored health. "--Miss Hoaalle Yon
la the HrjrtnnlliE of Moat Winter All-
inenls f-ra-na Protects ARaltmt
and CnrM CoMa.
There is no fnrt of medical seience better
cstahliKhed thnn that n teasponnful nf I'e
runn before each meal during the winter
season will absolutely protect a pcrnon Irom
catching cold. Now, if thi in true land
there is no doubt of ill, thousand of hvr.
would he saved, and tens of thousand of
case of rhronic catarrh prevented, by this
ainip'.e precaution within reach of Oery
After a cold haa been contracted a tea-
Two Classes.
"Our club meetings," said Mrs. Vp
pisch. "arc attended by the best peo
ple the brains and culture oi the city."
"Indeed!" exclaimed Mrs. Plane
buddy, "and do your swell society (oiks
really condescend to associate with
FITS permanently cured. No tits or nervouf
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline a GreHt
Nerve Jtestorer. (it trial hot tie und treat isefreo
Dr. H. H. Ki.tx t, Ltd., ffll Ar.'h St., l'bila., I'a.
An ounce of love is worth a too 01 tyiu
pathy. Palzer's Earliest Cane.
Another new thine. Can be cut six
times during a season and sprouts again
with lightning rapidity. Next to Snber'a
Tcosinte it will make more green fodder
than anything e!f?, cheap as dirt and grots
Of Snlier'a Kcnovator Gross Mixture
just the thing for dying out pastures ana
nieatlow.i, Mr. K. Rapnold, Kast Park, (ia.,
writes, "1 sowed Sa'zer's (irass Mixture
on soil 'so poor two men could not raise a
fuss on if, and in forty-one days after
sowing I had the grandest stand of grass
in the county. Saler's Grass Mixtures
snrout quickly snd produce enormously."
100,000 barrels choice. Seed Potatoes.
Here is a winner, a prodigy, a marvel,
enormously prolific, strong, healthv, vigor
ous, producing in thirty States from l."0
to 300 h;i. ner acre. You had best sow a
lot of it, Mr. Farmer, in 1004. and in the
fall sell it tn your neighbors at $1 a bu.
for seed. A.C.I..
.Tt'ST srsn 10c. in stamps
to the .lohn A. Seed Cn., Lu Cross.
Wis., and reerive in return their big cata
log and lots of form seed samples free.
After hesitating a man often linds it too
!aie to act.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing; Syrup forehildren
teething, soften the gums, reduces inflammrt
liou, allays pnin, cures wind --!(.-. 25c. abottlo
It takes a snivt man to write an unim
portant letter.
Millions of Vegetables.
Wh'.n the Kditor read lO.noo Plants for
10c. he rould hardly believe it, but upon
second reading rinds that the .lohn A. Seed Co., Crosse, Wis., than
whom there are no more reliable and exten
sive seed growers in the world, nukes, this
offer. Tins great offer is made to get you
to test r-a liters W
Warranted Vegetable
Ther will send von their big n'ant and
seed estalog, together with enough seed to
l.onn fine, solid Callages,
2,000 delicious Cat rota.
2.000 Blanching, nuttv Celery,
2.000 rich, buttery Lettuce,
1.000 splendid Onions,
1,000 rare, luscious Kadishes,
1,000 gloriously brilliant Klowerf,
roviding you will return this notice, et
if vou will send them 20e. in postage, they
will add to the above a package nf tha fa
mous lirrliuer Cauliflower. A.C.L.
A married man saya he objects to giv
ing his wife spending money because abe
mvariabiy spends it.
FW'',K" '"lya.
lerniSTro-rn MgPfe
Kidney trou- t?Wa;''feSS;
i.i. in..,...,.- : a? Tjyr tt,
tils, ltbsuma
thin, or a
woak condi
tion ol tbe
drticKiat for Ilr. Bennett's NKW MPK, s
meaicio inai i nn,. p-r twin-, o
six bottles tS 00. Dr. Bennett's WON UKK
Ol li eurea all pain lfto. Write tor (all Infor
mation and traatisa ol rtUaj. BUNK K I T
MstDIUVK I OMPANV, Norfolk, Vav
Acs laterauaJr
' Millions at dollars ka baaa inxto sal at PataaM
sad Tratla- Marks. aiUUuas of dollars ara appevoti,
ai4 Wrr swwloaa. w roon prariioa.
jrorlutoroiatisa aaa uiaratiua, fKKS wrtas i
tiisj f. as- w a. vnran s
auuidiaa. ifl lad. At. Waaalaatwa, B, 1
Sets Up a Host of
a Cold Read Proof
spoonful of I'eruna every hour will fbnrttjr
cure it. leaving no ttacc of it behind. After
c hronic catarrh lias become established, ca
ttle first staires. of chrome bionchitia
consumption have lrn reached, it will iaa
mm h longer to effect n cure.
1 1 seems strange thnt til well knoirn nat'
well established us these facts are any caner
ohoulii neglect to profit by them, and ye
no doubt there are many who pay little o
no attention to them and go on ratrhmar
cold, acquiring chronic catarrh, bronchttm
and consumption.
Catarrh May rerniente.t he Whole S.a
Mrs. Mary K. Sampson, West IVrry,
Rockingham County. N. II.. writes.
"1 had terrible headaches, both rant ram
and I waa nervous nil the time, aiso had
trouble each month; was deaf in one eaff"
for thirty years. 1 took six bottlea of Pe
runa and one of Manalin, and oin hippy to
say that it ih tiie best medicine that 1 etrer
used. 1 urn not so nervous, my appetites
good, everything I cut agrees with me, and
I am feeling better in every way. 1 think
I'eruna ih a godsend to women and a blear
ing to gutTcrint; humanity." Mry H. -Sampson.
If you do not di rive prompt and s:ttifae--torv
result from the use of J'erunn writ
at once to Dr. Ilartman. giving a iull state
tneut of your case, and lie will be p-Uaed
to give you his valuable advice grati.
Addrra Dr. Ilartman. l'lesidcnt of Tbe
Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus. Ohio.
; ta
has a fctlire of confidence in
his cartridges. 'J hey don't
misfire and always shoot where
you aim.
Tell your dealer V. M. C.
when he asks "What kind?"
Stud tor catalog.
Tbs L'oion Metallic Cartridge Co,
Bridgeport, Ctna.
"Mr fftthf ThftfJ bn ft an ff fivtm ailosV h
for tlis) J aval twentr 0v vesvr tDd bti rMiamai .
rflftf Diittl b txcin tssktnK roar Ctr..rt.
holifta bruD takl'if Caarnrru b bu avw
Ihe hetuisrbe. Tbrr htt cnllrtly earrd hvm
Crsrttt. do whist Totj rr,ntnnd them 4m. 4
will you tho trtvllfce ot d.idc bit mmmm m
t.U. iJicittou, lis bt., WJodlMa.peUa.ufc4.
Plasnft D.I . .1 1a m aw. a
I4 la bulk. Tbs Knulte ubicl 'umssMi cTLll.
UuiauUtas 10 cur or roar aiour back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.T. -MS
A snhatltute foraud suneriorto maataralaar
atir omer piaster, anu win nor, on star IX
mostitellcaie skin. 'I be imln-allavinaraaal
curutivcqualitirsof tin sr tide are wooder-
lui. n win stop ma loouiacnsat ODc,aM
relieve uaaoacne anu wiauca. v e reoo
mend It aa tha liest and safest cxtarmal
cnuntvr-irriuintk Down, also sitsutsrssl
remedy for pains in tbe chest audsiossuatk
nialnta. A trial will Drove what waolalaa
tortt, and It will he found to ba lavalaabls
I n the household. Many poopl stay "ft lata
bastof all of your preparations. " Prtooss
is., at all druggists or otuer oeaiera,or f
sannltigtblsanionnt tousln posiaaaalasaaa
wawtllsendyouatubeby nialU hoartsrla
should he accepted bylbapoblloaalaoaUa
genulDa. CrieSBBBOUOn Jrir-o. ..,
... VI Put 8 tree U NW VoaK tmr.
Yen fnutt ffof4 t 4m
wiihout MUX If ymt wmm
r ns (or wvt), or mmt
)uuit"tr, iimir, UaIU wtvim
U rrr or buikX, m IHww,
ff Cmtifft, writ
liaffalo, K.
and rt tbs tisot for IWIaaaS
mousy. dlrM.t Inuo tmm
IllllUll- ColslustHNft
tlu stftuu as i.
I PAY tfOT CASH rot v
tsrned to soldl-rsn! an war. Wrtta moat saassi
ritAME H. .fi Psrlk Bloell, Doassst. Oawa.
Saw iWXio
I ho PaLoaah Patent VarlaSle frtaHasa rV)
aa mill oilh 4 k. p. ct i.w fret urra-s. t
ala aud pricsa to suit. 1st Loach Saiai' V
Kuarra. Ttiauurrs, riaacia ; Cura aao m
Mills. Water Win la. Lata atilla, WomI mm.
Our iliaadaoiac new Catalog will ineamst y-
CaLoaaS SilU M'S. Co-. U K. AiUaaa, k-a.
- The Boweis
LjW Can dv c ATnajene