The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 06, 1904, Image 5

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Of Local and General Interest, Gathered
at Home or Clipped from our
Some Ingorsoi watches are
pncUoil h presents in Fort Bed
ford Coffee.
Alex Sloan of this place, spent
a few days in Philadelphia last
Did you get one of those lovely
Plush ChataKlne Bags m your
pack of Fort Bedford Coffee ?
Mr. L. (J. Mellott and family of
Cameron, 111., are visiting the
former's pareuts, Mr. and Mrs.
D. S. Mellott of Licking Creek
Try a pack of Fort Bedford
ColTee and get a handsome pres
ent in every pack.
Misses Myrtle Snyder and
Minnie Smith are visiting the
Soldiers' Orphans' school at Scot
land and friends in Chambers
burg this week.
Happy Boy! Uis mother bought
a puckage of Fort Bedford Coffee
and secured a knife worth 25c.
Long and short slabwood for
sale at Spangler's mill at Knobs
ville. 3t.
Mr. Nathaniel H. Peck, of Am
bridge, Pa., is visiting his mother
Mrs. Nancy Peck, and other rela
tives and friends in this county.
Mighty good is Fort Bedford
.Coffee and better still a hand
some present in each pack, aud it
only costs a cent more than other
package coffee.
County Auditors W. C. Davis,
John A. Myers and George W.
Glenn, with their clerk John S.
Harris are busy this week ex
amining the accounts of the coun
ty treasurer. This is an excep
tionally able board, and no fear
need be entertained that the in
terests of the county will suffer.
Fatal kidney and bladder trou
bles can always bo prevented by
the use of Foley's Kidney Cure.
Sold at Trout's drug store.
Gen. John Pedden and Capt. H.
Dottorman will holdtheordinanee
of Feet Washing and the Lord's
Supper at the home of William
Stone on Timber Ridge, next Sat
urday evening at 7 o'clock; and,
aNo. an ordinance meeting will
be held at the home of Anson
Weller on Sunday eveniug at 7
o'clock. All are welcome to these
The prevention of consumption
is entirely a question of com-
mencins the prouer treatment in
time. Nothing is so well adapted j
to ward oil fatal lung troubles as !
Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold at
Trout's drug store.
The Uuion prayer services this
week are well attended, and very
i uteres ting. The services to-night
will be held in the United Pres
bytermu church; to-morrow even
ing in the Methodist, and Friday
night in the Reformed.
l'rothonotary Geo. A. Harrison I
Monday administered the oath of
ollico to Associate Judge-olect
Wilhain II. Bender, Judge Kirk's
term of ollico having expired.
.Judge Bender's tenure of ollico is
for live years, hi term expiring
on the first Monday of January,
Tim Commissioners. give notice
that they will sit for the purpose
of hearing appeals from the trien
nial assessment at the usual places
of holding such appeals, beginiring
January 18, at Fort Littleton, in
Dublin township. The sessions
will bo from 10 o'clock u. 111. to 1
p. in., and assessors are required
to attend.
Messrs. Charles 15. Stevens, M.
H. Shalfner, Charles K. Barton,
Merrill V. Nace, of this place,
James A. McDonough, of New
Grenada, and C. J. Potts, of Bed
ford, composed u party of the Ma
sonic fraternity's members who
went from here to Chambcrshurg
last Friday to witness the confer
ring of the Master Mason's degree
upon Mr. Nace. These six gen
tlemen represented live different
C. V. Has Another Wreck.
Another wreck occurred Satur
day afternoon on the Cumberland
Valley Kail road about a quarter of
a mile west bf Shippensburg. It
is reported that neven freight cars,
which were loaded, were derailed,
No ( no m u killed. Spreading of
the ruiU caused the accident.
Sale Register.
Saturday, January Ji, 1U01. A
J. Fore, executor of will of Ueu
ry McUowao.lute oT Dublin town- j
ship, deceased, will -sell on the
premises, ouo -liulf mile east ol :
Burnt Cabins, a valuable larm
containing 150 acres, on which
are erected a 2i story dwelling,
a new bank barn, and all neces
sary outbuildings, plenty of good
fruit and water; nud also at the
same time and place a valuable
tract of Mountain laud of 140
acres, well covered with timber.
Sale begins at 11 o'clock a. in.,
Monday, January 18, Mrs.
Susan Shafor will sell at her res
idence at McKibbiu postoftice in
Belfast township, her house and
lot together witha horse, a cow, I
farming implements and house- j
i,. .1.1 ..i.. L ... ,
hold goods. Sale betrius at 10
o'clock A. M.
Friday, January 15, H. M.
Truax will sell at his residence
on the Gregory farm, 1 mile north
of Need more, horses, cattle, hogs
farming implements, hay, grain
and household goods. Sale be
gins at 10 o'clock. Credit 10
Cured After Suffering 10 Years.
B. F. Hare, Supt. Miami Cycle
& Mfg. Co. Middletown, O. suf
fered for ten years with dyspep
sia. He spent iiundreds of dol
lars for medicine and with doc
tors without receiving ,auy per
manent benefit. He says, "One
night while feeling exceptionally
bad I was about to throw down
the evening paper when I saw an
item in the paper regarding the
merits of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
I concluded to try it aud while I
had no faith in it I felt better aft
er the second dose. After using
two bottles I am stronger and
better than I have been in years,
and I recommend Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure to my friends aud ac
quaintances suffering frorn stom
ach trouble." Sold at Trout's
drug store.
Pretty fine sleighing here and
people are making good use of
A local institute was held
Oak Grove last Friday evening,
but owing to the inclement wcath
er only four teachers were pres
ent. One of Belfast's teachers seems
to have a hankerin' over this way.
Mrs. Brabson, who has oeen
sick a good while, does not seem
to be improving any, Mrs. Clel
Diehl is no better, but the rest of
the folks in the cove are pretty
Miss Minnie Mellott returned
Altoona last week; we wish her
success, for she is as fine a girl
aa sne ls nue 100m ug
Some of the good people of the
Cove sawed and hauled Mrs.
Rachel Wink a fine lot of wood
last week; also a nice lot was haul
ed to the churches. Whips Cove
people have the name of being
very clever.
la Bed four weeks with La Grippe.
We have received the following
letter from Mr.Koy Kemp, of An-
tola, Ind. "I was in bed four
weeks with la grippe and I tried
many remedies and spent consid
erable for treatment with physi
cians, but I received no relief un
til I tried Foley's Honey and Tar.
Two small bottles of this medi
cine cured me and now I use it
exclusively in my family." Take
no substitutes. Sold at Trout's
drug store.
Surveys Calculated and Drafted.
There aro many persons
throughout the county who have
no draft of their laud, and many
of the drafts now 1u existence
are badly torn aud faded. I am
prepared to make uew drafts on
best quality of paper nt low cost
Calculations of land made, blue
priming done, small tracts ad
joining, connected into one draft.
F. M. Tayloh,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Record Breaker.
Monday night was a record
breaker as far aa cold weather is
concerned. Not for years has
mercury dropped so low in this
locality. During the night the'
extreme limit of 17 below was !
registered lore; 27 nt Port Little-1
i tor; 16 at Hancock, and 14 at Mer- j
cersbnrtf. Almost any old ther-!
tnometer could reiter 10 or 12 '
ibelovr. I, Bull
hide, Calf
r.kin, or any .oilier kind
oi Hide or skin, and let
u.i tan it will: the Lair
on, soft, light, odorless
and moth-proof, for robe,
rug, coat or gloves.
lint Brut (ret our Cntlontf,
Riving prices, ani our shippin ff
l.iK rikI instructions, no aa to
nvoid miatakei. Wt alio buy
taw fura aud sinienff. r
1 16 Mill Street, Rochester, N. Y.
Our school at Pleasant Grove
is progressing nicely under the
care of Amos N. Mellott. Uis
b.rr'l!'er ,Chail,n ,ro CoaPort 13
,v'MItIDK tnd " 1 ,w v'clnity
They went to Whips Cove New
hips Cove New
Year's day,
What's the attraC'
tion boys ?
Mrs. Isaac B. Lay ton is suffer
ing with a severe headache. Isaac
is talking o brushing the dust
from his si ngh. Never mind,
Isaac, there are no weddings.
Jim Fagley, vhohas been em
ployed chopping cord wood at S.
W. Truax's started home Satur
day. Samuel says it pays to lime.
Bert Truax is busy moving his
dwelling house onto a tract of
land he lias bought. Bert is a
hustler. He lacks the required
help that ho is in need of.
11. K. Bill aud wife spent New
Year's dny at Benj. II. Truax's.
Miss Blanche Truax and sister
Jennie visited Mr. Will Truax
iSew Year's day.
Some of our young folks at
tended the debate at Alpine
schoolhouse Friday night.
Job truax is not
very fast
Luiher Smith and family are
visiting relatives on Pleasant
Night Was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night
lom:," writes Mrs. Chas. Apple
gate, of Alexandria, Iud., "and
could hardly got any sleep. I
had consumption so had that if I
walked a block I would couirh
, 1 frightfully and spit blood, but,
"S -II ,.1 1.-: !-- -1
viiu.tu wilier nieuiciues mueu,
three SI. 00 buttles of Dr. King's
New Discovery wholly cured me
and 1 gained 58 pounds." It's
absolutely guaranteed to cure
Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron
clntis and all Throat and Lung
Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at all drug
I will sell at private sale my farm
of 150 acres lying along the pike 4
miles east of Harrisonvllle. About 90
acres are cleared and balance in tim
ber. The Improvements are a good
two-story Frame House nearly new,
Bank Barn and other out buildings.
There is also an orchard of fine fruit.
Good water near the door. Will sell
on terms to suit the purchaser.
11-25-0.1 l'-,rrisonville, l'a.
Pneumonia follow La Qrlppe
hut never follows the uee of
It stops tha Cough and beats the lungs.
Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption.
Mb. O. Vacbeb, of 1(1 Oood St., Chicago,
writ 1 "My wifa bad 1 ffrlppa and It left har
ith Trjr bad cough on har lsnca wLlab
Volki's Hon si and Tab eurad completely."
For Sale at Trout's Drug Store.
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
fto Discovery
For f 27
oWKt-MPTioa frice
A Tcrfect For All Throat und
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Money back If It fulls. Trial Bottle freo.
Vf a
1Iorse r w3
li Hi
s the people's paper $1.00 a Year in Advance
January, 1904.
Now ia tbo time to show your thrift. "Economy is
wealth."' In our Millinery wehavelmarked down every
ladies' hut regardless of cost to 50e; children's hats 37c.
A lot of boys' grey undei wear, all sizes, cheap. Come
see their values.
A full stock of dress goods in every variety Hluck
goods a specialty. Dress trimmings in every style.
Shirtwaist floods in everything, both dainty und serviceable.
Fascinators, Gloves, Mittens, Hosiery, Corsets, Kid
Gloves, Linen Collars, Neckties, Holts, Germautown
Yarn, Saxony, Shetland Floss, Embroidery Silk,
Stamped Goods, Towels.
Ross Racket Store.
j We wish to call your attention to a few prices for November and December
We want to show you our underwear. We can give you the prices and tell
; you what it is, but wo want you to see yourselves. We are this year selling u
j 2i or., men's lieeced lined shirts and drawers for 40c, each, and the weight is
I for each also. Where you go to buy, ask the . merchant to weigh it. This is
j also, what some are selling for wool.
' Ladies' underwear at 1.1c, or 2 for iV.
I each, or 4.c, per suit. Ladies' union
j lieeced lined, 24o eacli
It will pay you to see our horse
on thesa (,'oods 1 'rices are l5, $1,
Heavy robes $2. ISO to .5.7.5.
Overshoes and Felt Boots
Ladies' overshoes .'12, 4U, 45, and 4'.)c. Men's 50, 05, 75c. Men's Arctics, its
to $1 25. Ladies' fell boots $1.20. Hoy's heavy high cut overshoe fell boots
$1.05. Men's snag pr.jof rolled edge wool boot $1 ii.'i: also u cheaper one lit
$1.05, and one at $2.4". Lumbar-nan's socks with lace, first quality, overshoe
We handle the Shippensburg Corduroy pants und overalls. The wide rib
corduroy pants $1.05 and 1 75 lined all through. The line corl at $2.10, and
the linen chain guaranteed not to staiu cord pants at $2.:!5.
The r. rtc, that ever came down the pike at
best V WlCOO. LS : r,0: ulso better ones.
Our clothing is in lino shape. Gray oed blankets 50, 5S and X5e per pair.
It is impossible to name price. Hut call and see our shoes. Ammunition,
A couple of guns left yet. Cross cut saws, hand saws, wood saws 40c. Axes
all prices. Tinware, granlteware, trunks, telescopes, writing paper, biblesi
window blinds oil and felt; carriage paint and in fact almost everything that
Is kept in a general store, and at prices that will pay you to come and see us.
c A r X r I
Y UU L,lfH 1 1
Flirni liro served in Every Style to
U I 1 1 1 L 14 I C suit Any Taste.
Flemish and Weathered Oak Library Tables, small
tables, settees, chairs, rockers and tabourettes, in Mis
sion style for the den or library.
For the PARLOR.
Arm Chairs,
Reception Chairs,
Cabinets, (open or enclosed)
China Closets, Serving Tables,
Extenslon;Tables, Sideboards,
Buffets, Screens,
Cane and wood-seat chairs,
Tabl'es and Cabinets for the kitchen.
For the BED ROOM,
Dressing Bureaus. Uockers,
Dressings Tables, Chairs,
. Chiffoniers, Indian Seats,
Mirrors, Screens,
Clothes trees, Fancy tables,
Bedsteads, Desks,
In Mahogany, Bird's-eye Maplo, Golden Oak, Ac.
Bedsteads in Brass and Iron, enameled in white and rnhirs.
We will be pleased to have you call and examine, our stock. You
are welcome, whether you buy or not
Special work made to order at our factory.
Nos. 49-51 Queen St.
Chambersburg, Ro. O
vnnr nr! S"s
pleasant, -ictent, and permanent
The genuine wool for 75c, and 90c
Heavy lleece shirts and drawers ic,
suits, 4"c. Children's 2.'tc. Boy's heav,i
blankets We claim we can't be matched
$1.10, 1.20, 1.44, $1.70, 1 lis, and $2.4.V
T T 1 rTTl V
Tables, (large or
a'lf r? i nit vrth
Invigorator for WOMEN,
Cct h from your Druggist
& co:s
To every person visiting town
this week, we extend a cor
dial invitation to call at our
store, where we will be pleased
to show the nicest line of
Misses' and
in the county, at prices to suit
just received a new lot that are
especially nice.
IDress (Sooc-s,
and everything a lady wants in
foot wear is here.
ffov entlemen,
we have u. splendid but of Suits and
Overcoats for your inspection at prices
that must please you.
at extremely low prices. A splendid
Suit for ?tJc for Men; JO and 50c for
Hen's Hats and Caps.
.1 splendid, line of Men's Shoes
we wish f vet y person to see.