J Wreck . Ohio Rah. . 7 klcadc t lerriricle. tea Mr, fo- V 3 tnr.. .ill!? til Intra i- .iint lio.d our h.ippinns! mile, . .(n. a row IJropwd from her ha" word, a look, a f inrae are to rp" ' " An air nalo "r ton's at the edge of town Mi .'XdUfc'lltoiikTntinHtrin TO. an of, Washington, Jj. C, is spend ing his holiday vacation here. Buy one ! What? Taylor's new up-to-date atlas of Pulton county, lidco $2.00. --v , Mr. and Mrs.'-M' W. Tritle of Waynesbortf have beon visiting Rt their parejfts duriug the holi- Many presents are packed in Fort Bedford Coffee worth more than you pay for the entire pack age. Mr. Geo. C. Scott of this place, who was critically ill a few weeks ago, has so far recovered as to be on ,ho street again. Uncle Sam Bender of this place is to be congratulated on an increase of pension from ten to twelve dollars a month. Fort Bedford Coffee costs you only lc a pound more than other coffee and is better, and also con tains a handsome present. Mr. Will Hoke of Saxton drove down on Saturday and remained until Monday the guest of his fa ther, Mr. G. Newton Hoke. Robert N. Fryman, whose sale register appeared in last week's News, has changed his mind and will not have a sale this spring. This is a good time to sub scribe for the 1" ultox (Jounty News. Only a dollar a year in ad vance. Miss Maye Sheets, who is teaching in Bedford county, npont Christmas at home with her parents, Mr. aiid Mrs. John Sheets. Did you get one of those lovely Salt or Pepper shakers in your Fort Bedford Coffee? Mr. Walter Smith, one of Wells township's efficient teachers, spent from Friday until Sunday in tho family of Judge Morton near town. This office is indebted to Frank m. Lynch, Esq., agent of the Fire Association of Philadelphia, for .uo of their beautiful calendars ronf the year VJ04. tor tmniti en. John Pedden will hold a through-iMrt ,'niht service on Thursday ' 0i ai J o.ciocn at --.AimnVna ?f Ad80Q Weller r wnvid' iiesii.dge. All are wel- "Arc! the uln liinililo.r. wo ' late nn irnvrp'H'e and Annie Sheets, "win iiof Mr. and Mrs. Dan'l tmyr n'1'61 Frankhn county, spent tt nn.idays during the past week tiniy nilofriends on this side of the tli Ktorrlr, fnlllnr ln- "oiis-nndi Gertrudo Hoke, who is li.nd wmuf? iu CiParfleld thl8 year n,,t I ' advantage of the holiday va-T-5Htion to visit her lather, G. New- on uoke, and ns place. f Driven To , f ' Living at an .ion uoKe. anu oilier iriendn in Desperation. out of the way Xlane, remoto from civilization, a family is often driven to despera tion in case of accident, resulting in Hums, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Buck Ion's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. 25c, at all druggists. In remitting a dollar to pay for Tiik News during 1904, Mr. Geo. A. Bard, formerly of Belfast township, says he spent several months during the past summer over in Canada, but that he U now at St. John, North Dakota. He says the thermometer regis ters 32 degrees below zero, and that they have had good sleigh ing since the middle of Novem ber. He is thinking of going back to Canada and homesteading a tract of land next spring. Water Front for Sale. 1400 acre farm; 700 acres in cultivation, 700 acres in timber. Five dwellings on it. Fine fruit, good grain and grass land. Sold cheap to settle estate. Write for description. 8. P. Wooiioock, Salisbury, Wicomico county, Maryland. The officers elect for the next ensuing erm of Tuscarora Coun cil, No. 1212, McConnellsburg, are the following named : regent, 'o Geo. W. Reisner; vice regent. Dr. vjt - K. Stevens: orator. M. W. Nubhcnho secretary, B. W. Peck; col it day. Only . D Dalbey; treasur Nace; chaplain, Charles ' ?uide, Wellesley H. -arden, Lafayette ''rank P. 'Lynch; t. ' Manon. OUR COFFEE BILL Little Wonder Tbit There U Such a Uni versal Demand for Dyspepsia Tablets. Recent Government Statistics show that one-half of tho world W"1 production of coffee comes to the United States. We pay over one million dollars a week forourcof fee, and, of course, send the mon ey out ot the country. Notwith standing the fact that France and Germany together have one-third more population than the United States, they consumed last year only half as much as we did. We consume over 800 million pounds, or about ten and one-half pounds for every man, woman and cl ild in the country. The evil effevts of tho use of tobacco are fully realized, and even the legisla tures of many of the states have placed restrictions on its sale, so as to keep it oat of the hands of children and youth ; but coffee, the twin sister of tobacco, seems to be getting in its pernicious work, comparatively unmolested. Perhaps, if men were as great champions of reform as women, coffee would have been placed on the shelf with tobacco long ago. That coffee is responsible for much of the stomach trouble of this day.is believed by the wisest physicians. Parents who encourage their children to acquire the habit of its use are, to say the least, verv thoughtless. Water is the drink that God prepared for man, and experience has shown that man's attempts to improve on that li quid has been to the detriment of those who choose to use artificial drinks. AT CLAY PARK'S, THREE SPRIN0S, PA. Eggs, 28 cts per dozen. Butter, 20 cts per pound. Wheat, 80 cts per bushel. Rye, 75 cts per bushel. Oats, 40 cts per bushel. Turkeys, 15 cts. a pound. Chickens, old or young 8 cts per pound. Potatoes 00 cts., per bushel. Corn 65 cts.', per bushel. Highest cash prices paid for raw furs. HUSTONTOWN. Dec. 21. C. J. Barton has his new icehouse filled. Mrs. Geo. Sipes is quite poor- iy. Wm. Keebaugh made & busi ness trip to Trough Creek Satur day of last week. Nathan Stevens is all smiles because another boy has come to make his home with him. JamesMcElhaney can be heard singing "A charge to keep I have." It is a log chopper. Miss Nellie Kelso of Trough Creek is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Kur lin. Mrs. Andrew Bolinger is spending a few weeks in Trough Creek on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Hor ton. B. A. Deavor has moved his sawmill from the Creek bottom to James McElhaney's farm, and is sawing car lumber for him. This is the second steam mill Mr. Deavor has out in the woods his son William having charge of the one between f ort Littleton and Maddensville. A TIMELY TOPIC. At this season of coughs and colds it is well to know that Fo ley's Honey and Tar is the great est throat and lung remedy. It cures quickly and prevents seri ous results from a cold. Sold at Trout's drug store. CITO. Dec. 21. Job Mellott and wife of Need more were visiting Riley Garland a few days ago. Andrew Heinbaugh is poorly. Michael Peck butchered four hogs Monday. George Miller and Bert Seville were at John Carbaugh's Sun day. Jacob Mellott moved his saw mill back to where ho had it last winter, and will make the lumber fly in a few days. .REPORT PROHTUE REFORM SCHOOL J. G. Gluck, Superintendent, Pruntytown, W. Va., writes ; "After trying all other advortised cough medicines we have decided to use Foley' Honey and Tar ex clusively in the West Virginia Re form School I find ltjl moat effective and absolor '"'rm less." Sold atTroutV Vr. Subscribe for the it to-day. Only one h. 1 1 -I... ' ' - - ! M , ' Administrator's Notice. Letter of nitmliiistmtlnn. on the estate of John ('malt, lute of Tliotupwin towoshlp. tlecenweO. Imvitur tteen trrttnttMl hv the Kt'trnter or VViitM uf Kmttttl I'Miitny to the Hhsorner, whose p.ntoPtee .id'l;u' 1 IMtf (!ove Tru nerv. Kulton uouitt v. 1'it.. ti D!)miuh whDRre Indebted to the xuul r-ui will jiliMine diM payment und ihoe hayUiv claim w III prenent UKO. W. HtTMHKKT. Ailtnluliirutor. Nov. 2ft. 1003. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousand (if sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blond and build up your health. (July L'5 cents, money back if not cured. Sold by all druggists. THE LONE STAR STATE. Dowu in Texns at Yoakum, is a big dry goods firm of which Mr. J. M. llaller is the head. Mr. Haller on one of his trips oust to buy goods said to a friend who was with him in the palace car, "Here take one of these Little Early Risers upon retiring mid you will bo up. early in the morn ing fueliug good." For tho "dark brown" taste, headache and that logy feeling De Witt's Little Early Risers aro the best pills to use. Sold at Trout's drug store. Discussing the Pension Bu reau, the Secretary of Interior points out that the Government is still paying Revolutionary pen sions, two to widows and three to daughters of those who took art n the War of Independence. Of the war of 1612 there is one sur vivor drawing a pension, while 1115 widows are on the rolls. The beneficiaries under the Indi an wars, Mexican wars, and later conllicts swell tho total to 9(.6, w)4"), a decrease of L"J01 for the year, lo this great army of pen sioners the Goverrment disburs ed during theyation is iA45,444.33 Since 1S05 the di!ltrul Patents for Jf or tne , , , . -nn pensions were P-,,iUj.93, and for cost maiu JruiA,vd ex panses $05,547,934.71, or a total of $3,037,820,080.04, making the entire cost of the maintenance of the pension system since the foundation of the Government $3,134,271,524.87. A Good Chance. I will sell my eutire stock ot General Merchandiso at a reason able price. Nice Clean iJ Doing a good business. The store room is for rent; also, a dwelling house near. For particulars call on or .iddress W. R. Speer, Saluvia, Pa. THE POPE BICYCLE DAILY MEMORAN DA CALENDAR. The rc-irtsue of the Pope bicycle daily-leaf calendar may be consid ered the opening gun proclaiming the natural and healthful return of bicycling. Col. Albert A. Pope, the founder of our bicycle indus tries and tho pioneer in the Good Koud Movement, is again at the head of tho bicycle industry. ' Up on the 36(3 calendar leaves are freshly written lines, from the pens of our greatest college presi dents, doctors, clergymen, states men, and other eminent men and women, till of them enthusiastical ly supporting bicycling. Half of each leaf is blank for memoranda. This calendar is free at the Pope Manufacturing Company's stores, or any of our readers can obtain it by sending live 2-cent stamps to tho Pope . Manufacturing Co., Hartford, Conn., or 143 Sigel Street, Chicago, III. ONE HUNDRUD DOLLARS A BOX is the value U. A. Tisdale, Sum- mertou, S. C, places on Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, lie says: "I had the piles for 20 years. I tried many doctors and medicines, but all failed except De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me." It is a combination of tht. healing properties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics aud emollients; re lievos and permanently uures blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding piles, soros, bruises, ec zema salt rhoum and all skin dis eases. Sold at Trout's drug store, Vacant Land Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have Died an application with tho Secretary of Internal Affairs at Harrlsburg for a warrant for twenty-five acres of un improved vacant land in Tod town ship, Pulton county, Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of Nat and Jacob Kotz on tne est. Samuel Everts on the south, Thomas Hockensmlth and Hutfh Kwlng on the west, and William Ores on the north. A iron M. Oakland. 1 h FOR OALC Slock, O'tl. Sru.Tiwli 4 iMil T o 1114 sd ft. ittl liir lim tluMiMi. From Factory Nine-Piece Oak Bedroom Suit consisting of 1 Bod 1 Bureau 1 Wash Stand 2 Cane-Seated Chairs 1 Cane-Seated Rocker 1 Square Stand 1 Cotton Top Mattress 1 Woven Wire Spring - , (T Oood quality Ingrain Carpet iKc., per yd. White I'.numel Iron Ded, full size, $1.95. 3 Piece Pnrlor Suit covered with Damask $11.05, F. E. MILLER, 13 to 17 E. Market St Chambersburg, Pa. The Washington l Hancock, Md., j IS A. BRANCH OF THE Farmers' Trust,. Banking and Deposit Co., " Of Baltimore, Md. I DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Acting Officer! Elected by the Stockholder! DR. J. S. SWARTZWELDER, J. FRANK FIELDS, E. V. HENDERSON, Deposits subject to check bear interest at the rate of 2 per cent, per annum. Deposits in savings department, 3 per cent, per annum. Time certificates of deposit, at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. Paid in Capital and Surplus, $235,000.00 Security to Depositors Against Loss, $400,000.00 Accounts of Corporations and Individual Respectfully Solicited K3 John W. Woodland, Pres. ma Hft i Fenton Thomas, 2d Vice lii ?' ' 1 - "' rfsli Wool Carq and Carpet YAeeivlngr H. H. HZSTZLER still continues Carding and Weaving at the WILLOW GllOVE MILLS at Burnt Cabins. . Carpet Chain always on hand. Wool put into bats for Hans. I will take in Wool and work at the following places, namely, Frank Hare's, Port Littleton; Michael Laldig's, Dublin Mills; W. R. Speer's, Saluvia; C. W. i aon'u. Akursvllle: Caleb ljai' Waterfall; Harry Huston's, Clear Kldge; W. L. Berkstresser s Orchard Grove. I Will Visit thesn places monthly past .avors, I hope for a continuance of the same. H. H. Hertzler, Burnt Cabins, Pa. Facts Worth Knowing. Por Mllburn Wagons, Surreys and Buggies, Runabouts, Farm ers Milk-Wagons, Top Spring-wagons, Binders, Mowers, Hay rakes,' Oliver chilled, Syracuse and Wlard chilled plows, Wood and Steel frame harrows. Sewing Machines with 4 drawers, drop head, guaranteed for ten years, for $14. The Wheeler ft Wilson Sewing Machine is the best made for dressmakers. Don't fail to see it before buying. I'm headquarters for Grain drills stock always on hand. I have the largest stock in the county la buggies and farm Imple ments. My goods are right and prices right. Goods right here and I will be here to tell you that I can giva just aa much for your money aa any dealer la the county. Be sure to come and aea me or write to me before buying. T. J COMERER. McConnellsburg, Pa, 4 'Always Something" to offer you for every occasion and we have something for Christmas. Beautiful coljars, laces, me dallions, different colored vel vet ribbons, belt pins, golf pins. The one thing that, will make you buv these articles is the LOW PRICES. If vou are "making some thing" io give, you will find the materials you want at my store. No sale is so small that it will not have the same care ful attention that we irive to every transation whether large or small. j auo m Mayc Johns McConnellsbur Waste. . r000 Chlcirenn and Tu r Will pay highest market prletX cash. Elliott Rav, McOonnellsburK' to Your Home. $19.95. County Bank f$ R. J. TANEY, JOHN W BURGESS. .. S. Johnston, 1st Vlce-Pres , C8 y. D. Allen, Secretary-Treas j(H Lynuh's, Crystal Springs; J. E. Jack- Barton's. Hustontown: A. N. Witter's. during the season. Thankful for Orchard Grove. Prices . Eggs 28c. Butter 20c. Poultry 8c. salted Beef Hides 6c. Salt, 75o a bag good 8-day clocks, ll.UO; good, heavy, boys' coats, 05c. Q Iron Kettl 10 gal., 15 gal., 20 4,--;nd 25 gal. Rubber Goods, in Youth's and W,, Arctl0( Wo. men.a felts and ove fe,u Bnd overs. Men's and Q 0uuj BfH)ti, Boys felts and ovei,,,,! ,t prlceB ihin? UP ' 1901. 1002, and 1WU book a.ounl b nmbov lMa wm that Persons having that daw nA' sucn omiu-w i.. ., ,, .u and save further notice. I icJ. ., Uanager., Tho prcviiVce: i F0 SALt ioid silver aW iinone, three years kinds Is a nollcea . 7 ' ' f. siitons f to day, the other two jeari, bota V, , 68 inches In hebt ' nVen. Call on or ad- Jabah E. Lake, asanl Rl;s, 1 " PREPARE FOFr COLD WEATHER I 5 8 c - oiii()-4co"o.nb,an' $ 2 . 5 O ,or a man'8 ovpr" $4 j f for a pair of I - IJ J heavier ; 11-4 cot- for a swell dress to blankets. , SpO.OO overcoat $4 f for a large square ' : 1 a J J heavy horse blan- -y 4 for a black din- ket- M-"V-l'onal dress suit. 25 7 tZL have in now , rh "5 the 3rd invoice of 4fr very pretty black sllkatocn those heavy, bright ) gklrJ9 ' colored carriage robes 48x60 In. $1 "7 r- for Geo. Walkin- C. nn,ora heavy warm hwi I rj son felt boots, iOiJUU ness dress suit. " 1 worth $2.50 $ yt each for the heaviest, 1 . (J (J y fleeced lined men's un- 8noe' derwear. SI . 2 5 forraen'Bflnedre8S CZt for men's heavy wool w shoes. 0,1 underwear. $ 1 IJ fJ Large, heavy bed for extra fleeced ladles comforts. &Cunderwear. Beautiful line of colors nn for ladies' fleeced union " of silks waistlngs. J U C. suits J. K. JOHNSTON, McConnellsburg, Pa. 9 ANY FOOL Can make money, but it takes a wise man to save It. One way to save money is to b.iy your hardware from a man who will divide with you the profits usually charged. If you think this is a joke, just notice the following prices, and come in and see the goods. 25 gallon iron kettles, $2.r0, Llndsey double-bit axes,, non.i better, regular price, $1.00, our orice 90c. Mann's, 80c; the lied Cloud, 00c, and a very good one for 50 cents. HORSE BLANKETS 80c, 1.20, 11.75, 12.10, and 2.25. A good heavy double plush robe for 12.40. Crosscut saws of all kinds; one-man : saws, wood saws; coil chains, and trace chains. ' Iron and steel tire prices the lowest. PAINTS, OILS and VARNISHES. I positively will not be undersold. R, S, PATTERSON, McConnellsburg, Pa. Four doors east of the Telegraph Office. CLAY PARK'S THREE SPRINGS, PA. The best goods for the least money. . en's lined cord pants at $ 1.75; regular price 2.50. Boy's cord pants 50 cts, per pair. Alen'sheavv duck coats, velvet collar,$1.25.regular price 51.75 Ball Bearing Drop Head Sewing Machines $13.75 each, HeaW Stoves, $6. to 18 each. Cook Stoves $14 to $22. MEIN'&OVERCOATS, at $5.50, regular pri ce $8, ; Li.dies and children's . coats and capes any price or size. . ,k beautiful line of ladies and children's TRIMMED HATS, at about ONErj JALF SHOT Single barrel shot guns. 32 inch barrel, choke bored, $3.98, : regular price 7 dollars. No difference whatycu want to buy, write us for prices or call and O . will save you money! , 9jrt22iXJ&iJaJi2xk&KAx 0 the usual PRICE uskedf guns: fi, i: J r 7 T7