The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 30, 1903, Image 5

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Of Local and General Interest, Oallicred
at Home or Clipped from our
Some lugersol watches are
packed ns presents m Fort Bed
ford Cofreo.
liarry N. Henry and brother
Clarence spent last Saturday
with friends in town.
A kidney or bladder ' trouble
cau always bo cured by using Fo
I.'.v'h Kidney Cure in time. Sold
at Trout's druy store.
Mr. W. 11. Alison of Niagara
Falls, Canadu, spent several days
during the past week in McCon
nellsburg. Did you get one of those lovely
Flush Chatalaiuo Bags in your
pack of Fort Bedford Coffee?
Calvin Deueen and George A.
Shank of Buck Valley spent
Tuesday night in McConnells
burg. Try a pack of Fort Bedford
Coffee and get a handsome pres
fut in every pack.
Miss Stella Sipes, a student at
the uest Chester state normal
school, came home last Thursday
and is spending the holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nel
son Sipes. .
Don't be imposed upon by tak
ing substitutes offered for Foley's
llouey and Tar. Sold at Trout's
drug store.
. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mum
ma spent Christmas night at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rak
er. On Saturday Mr. Mumma
and Mrs. Raker were in town a
few hours.
F. M. Diehl, D. S. Garland.Job
and George R. Winters, of Buck
Valley, were in town last Satur
day probating the will of the late
i.Iorgau Winters.
The Bedford-Fulton Telephone
company has extended its line
f,oiii Crystal Springs camp-
jnnd to Emmaville, and has
put in a number of phones; so
Brush Creek is in good shape for
telephone communication.
Mighty good is Fort Bedford
Coffee and better still a hand
some present in each pack, and it
only costs a cent more than other
package coffee.
There will not be any preach
ing service in the Presbyterian
church at this place next Sun
day on account of the absence of
Dr. West by appointment of Pres
bytery to conduct special servi
ces and communion in the Pres
byterian church p, Welsh Run.
Family Reunion.
Christmas was a happy day at
the old homestead of Elder and
Mrs. Thomas Palmer near Need
more. There were present at an
pearly hour all the children, name
ly Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dixon
llattie) and family of Chambers
bcrg, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mellott
(Maggie), Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Lake (Matlie) and family of
,.1'luasant Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Hart (Francie) and family of
Need more, Prof. B. N. Palmer of
Orbisonia, and Dr. aud Mrs. J. J.
Palmer altogether six children
and fiix grandchildren. There
was present also Mr. Palmer's
only sister, Mrs. Mann.
Before going out to dinner all
were called into the large sitting
room, and the aged father took
up his Bible and made a few
touching and appropriate re
marks in which ho stated that ou
the following Suuday he would
have rounded out his three-score-ind-ten
years, and tho 46th year
' of married life. He spoke of the
ups and downs of life ; of the
dark days of the Rebellion, when
he bade goodbye to hiswifo and
two littlo daughters, as ho
thought for the last time. Kneel
ing around . the family altar,
thanks were humbly tendered to
God for all his mercies, aud espe
cially t hat the family had remain
ed unbroken by death.
They next assembled in the
dining room, where they found
they were all still blessed with
good appetites. The afternoou
was spent in games and song for
a time, aud then assembled in the
yard, whore the Dr. made a pic
ture of the group. The company
then repaired to the parlor, where
the Christinas tree was shorn of
its heavy burden of presents,
-( nmid much chetv and glee for tho
grandchildren. , '
Another Schoolhouss burned In Wells
While by no means the largest
nor wealthiest, W'ulls township in
this county has for years carried
tho banner for educational prog
ress and moral reform ; and no
other township has turned out a
greater number of sous who have
won distinction in the battle of
It was Wells that was first, in
this county, to take advautage of
tho offer of the State to assist in
the establishment of township
high schools, and through the ju
uic.ous management, oi uiescnool j lt Plcnsant Grove school Jan 15
board they were able this year to j Qu08tlonH: j. Fit9 and mi9fits in
have a high school, employ a pro !8cll(K)l How do you tcnch
fessiona head at 75.00 a month, J gramtn(11. I)rimary and advanc.
and, with the State a,d, save thejet? a. llow do you prevent tar-
But now trouble begins:
emy oi progress appears; ana
during the night of November
27th the school building is fired,
and with all its furniture, books
and apparatus, is burned.
Nothing daunted, the board, en
couraged by their constituents,
proceeded to place a contract for
a new and better building. Jas.
B. llortou took the contract, and
the building would have been
completed Monday, but about 4
o'clock Monday morning the new
building was discovered envelop
ed in flames ; and daylight found
nothing but a smoldering bed ot
coals and ashes.
The board meets to night, and
will proceed to build another ;
and, as an added precaution, will
purchase a well trained blood
hound ; for had they been in pos
session of one of these animals, it
would have beeu an easy matter
to have had tho incendiary Mon
day morning.
Chester Brant spent Sunday
with Ted Clevenger.
Lee B. Johnson is getting bet
ter, and doesn't care if he didu.t
get a deer.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Strait of
West Dubliu are visiting friends
in Altoona.
wur rurai sports nau a jony
r 1 . 1 1 1 1
good time on Xmas shootio
mark near 'Berkics' " store.
David llockensmith of Illinois
is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. H. llockensmith, of Lai
dig. Edwin S. Clevenger, who is
spending his Xmas vacation with
his father, Hiram Clevenger, will
soon return to the Smoky City.
Ted's many friends were glad to
see him.
Startling Evidence.
Fresh testimony in great quan
tity is constantly coming in, de
claring Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption Coughs and
Cold-, to be uuequaled. A recent
expression from T. J. McFa: land
Beutorville, Va. serves as exam
ple. He writes: "I had Bronchi
tis for three years aud doctored
all 'he time without being bene
fited.. Then I began taking Dr.
King's New Discovery, and a few
bottles wholly cured mo." Equal
ly effective in curing all Lung and
Throat t'oublos, Consumption,
Pneumonia and Grip. Guaran
teed by all druggists. Trial bot
tles free, regular sizes 50c, and
E. Sharp and family spent last
Sunday with his brother Scott in
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Truax
spent last week with friends in
Clearfiold. ' "
Rev. and Mrs. Arlington Gar
land spent a day last week amoug
their friends here.
Wesley McKee is happy over
the arrival of a 12-pound boy lust
Saturday night a week.
Bob Dixon of Pittsburg came
home last Thursday to spend
Christmas with his family.
Master Cecil Culler, near
Johnstown, is visiting friends
here. Cecil is the same jolly boy
as of yore. .
Coughs, Colds aid Coantipsllon.
Few people realize whou.Ukiug
cough medicines other than Fo
ley's Honey and Tar, that they
contain opiates which are cous' i
pating besides being unsafe, par
ticularly for childreu. Foley's
Honey and Tar contains no opiates
is safe and sure and will not con-
stipate. Sold at Trout's drug1
i A nflPJ
St-etr, Bull or Horse
hum, Calf skill, Dog
skin, or nuy other kind
of hide or skin, nnd let
tin tan it witli tho hair
on, soft, light, odorless
and ninth-proof, for robe,
rug, coat or gloves.
But first Ret our CaUlojrue,
giviug prices, Slid our shipping
tap and instructions, so as to
avoid mistakes. We also buy
tow furs and ginseng.
1 16 Mill Street, Rochester, N. Y.
Local Institutes.
Thorn will ho n rna) tnclitnto
, teachers and friends of educa
an en-1 tnn
A. N.
Boy's Life Saved From Membranous Croup
C. W. Lynch, a prominent citi
zen of Winchester, Iud., writes,
"My little boi Had a severe at
tack of inembuous croup, and
only got relief ui'tertakingFoley's
llouey aud Tar. Ho got relief af
ter oue dose and I feel that it sav
ed tho lite of my boy." Refuse
substitutes. Sold at Trout's drug
Prof G. W. Brumbaugh, prin
cipal of one of the public schools
in Dayton, Ohio, was married on
Monday of last week to Miss
Kate Snyder, daughter of tho
late Rev. Jacob Snyder, formerly
of this pliice. Tha ceremony took
place at tho home of the bride's
sister, Mrs. Mazie Royer, in Day
ton. Dm hif. the past week the bri
dal couple were visiting in the
families of George Snyder, Jacob
Eotz, and other relatives here.
A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good.
A. II. Thurnes, a well known
coal operator of Buffalo, O., writes
"I have hi tell af'licted with kidnev
I aim mauuer uouoie ior years,
an(1 h1,idder trouble
passing gravel. or stones with ex
cruciating pain. I got no relief
from medicines until 1 began ta
king Foley's Kidney Cure, then
the result was surprising. A few
doses started the brick dust like
tine stones and I feel like a new
man. It has done me a $1,000
worth of good." Sold at Trout's
drug store.
I will sell at private sale my farm
of l'0 acres lying along the pike 1
miles east of Harrisonvllle. About 'JO
acres are cleared aud balance in tim
ber. The Improvements are a good
two-st,ory Frame House neurly new,
Bank Harn and other out buildings.
There is also an orchard of fine fruit.
Good water near the door. Will sell
ou terms to suit the purchaser.
ll-25-0: Harrisonvllle, Pa.
are the most fatal of all dis
iULLI 0 Guaraitisd Rsmed)
or money, refunded Contain!
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best fos
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICK 50c aoi uxo.
For Sale at Trout's Drug Store.
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
llm Discovery
A Terfect Foi All Throat and
Cure : I.unf Troubles.
Money back If it fall. Trial Bottlo freo.
' .4
o the pcpplo'o papor $1.00 a
January, 1904.
Now is tho tlmo to show your thrift. "Kconomy Is
wealth. " In our Millinery wo havelmarked down every
ladies' hat regardless of cost to "Hc; children's hats 37r.
A lot of boys' grey underwear, all sizes, eheu. Come
' see their vulues.
A full stock of dress poods in every variety Hlttek
poods a specialty. Dress trimmings in every style.
Shirtwaist poods in everything, both dainty and serviceable.
Fascinators, Gloves, Mittens, Hosiery, Corsets, Kid
Gloves, Linen Collars, Neckties, Belts, Gcrnmntown
Yarn, Saxony, Shetland Floss, Kmhroidery Silk,
Stamped Goods, Towels.
Ross Racket Store.
We wish to call your attention to a few prices for November and neceinl i r.
We want to show you our underwear. We can give you the prices and tell
you what His, but we want you to see yourselves. We are this year sellii.r a
'20 oz. men's fleeced lined shirts and drawers for 40c, each, and the weight is
for each also. Where you go to bay, ask tho merchant to weigh it. This is
also, what some are selling for wool. The gunuino wool for 7c, and tn.
Ladies' underwear at 13c, or 2 for 2"ic. Heavy lleece shirts and drawers - jV,
each, or 45c, per suit. Ladies' union suits, 4."e. Children's 2.'c. Hoy's heavy
tleeced lined, 24c e ach (
It will pay you to see our horse blankets We claim we can't be matched
on thesB goods. Prices are 05, $1, 91.10, 1.20, 1.44. 1.7, 1.W, and 2. l".
Heavy robes $2.fi0 to $.1.75.
Overshoes and Felt Boots
Ladies' overshoes 32, 40, 45, and 4!lc.
to f I 25. Ladies' felt boots $1.20. Hoy's heavy hijrh cut overshoe le.t bouts
1.65. Men's snag proof rolled edge wool boot .l U'i: also a cheaper one at
$1.05, and one at $2.45. Lumber'uaa's socks with lace, lirt quality, overshoe
We handle the Shippensburg Corduroy pants and overalls. The wide rib
corduroy pants $1.05 and f I 75 lined all through. The line coi l at and
the linen chain guaranteed not to stain cord pants at 2..'l". '
The u. . . that ever came down the pike at
best VVerCOClLS $;j,-,o: also better ones.
Our clothing Is in fine shape. Gray bed blankets 50, "' and sc per pair.
It is impossible to name prices. Hut call and see oiir shoes. Ammunition,
A couple of guns left yet. Cross cut saws, hand saws, wood sa-.vs 4llc. Axes
all prices. Tinware, granlteware, trunks, telescopes, writing paper, bibles,
window blinds oil and felt; carriage paint and in fact almost everything that
is kept In a general store, and at prices that will pay you to come and see us.
Flemish and Weathered Oak Library Tables, small
tables, settees, chairs, rockers and tabourettes, in Mis
sion style for the den or library.
For the PARLOR.
Armchairs, Mirrors,
Reception Chairs, Tabourettes,
Hookers, Divans,
Cabinets, (open or enclosed)
China Closets, Serving Tables,
Kxtension;Table, Sideboards,
Buffets, Screens,
Cane and wood-seat chairs,
Tables and Cabinets (or the kitchen.
For the BED ROOM.
Dressing Bureaus. Rockers,
Piussings Tablos, Chairs,
Chiffoniers, Indian Seats,
Mirrors, Screens,
Clothes trees, Fancy tables,
BedsteadB, Dosks,
In Mahogauy, Bird's-eye Maple, Golden Oak, &c.
Bedsteads in Brass and Iron, enameled in white and colors.
We will be pleased to have you call and examine our stock. You
are welcome, whether you buy or not
Special work made to order at our factory.
' H. SIERER & CO.,
Nos. Queen St.
Chambersburg, Pn, O
OOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooo
Men's 5'1, (!", 7.V. Men's Arctics. !i"
served in livery Style to
suit Anv Taste.
An olmokC '-r.l'clHblo remedy for dis
eases of tl.. Throat, and Lungs,
known & uiod Ui. world over for
almost a Century.
Tear in Advance)
v ' v,
To every person visiting town
this week, we extend a cor
dial invitation to call at our
store, where we will be pleased
to show the nicest line of
Misses' and
in the county, at prices to suit
just received a
especially nice.
IDress (Soofcs,
and everything a lady wants in
foot wear is here.
br (Sentlemen,
we. Jiave a splendid Unt 'of Suits and
Overcoats for your inspection at prices
thut must please you.
at extremely low prices. A splendid
Suit for 75c for Men; and 50c for
Hen's Hats and Caps.
A splendid line of Men's Shoes that
ice wish every person to see.
new lot that are