it: , ... r tr I -if .-Tf. - I 4 frUygd Every Thursdy ff."W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. AlcCONNELLSBURG, PA. "DECEMBER 30. 1903. 'fcu, a blished Weekly. St.OOper Annum In Advance. AUVIHTWINO RATM. Pci wiutire of H lines ft times Per.juupe vni'h "uhsoqiicnt Innertlon... All udvt-rtl-i.-nients Inserted for lew three month "li irijeil hy the flqnarr. II M. 50. than 3 mot, amos. I yr. nim-rourth "Dliimn f 15.00. '.0O. tso.00 One-hull column &S.O0. 40.00. MOO One Column 40.00. 56.00. 5;. 00 Kothlnir Inserted for less than II. Prof eiHlonul Curd one year 5 WELLS TANNERY. Mrn. Will Stein is very ill. lorry Sprowl im boon sick for some time. W. II. Spangler, Frank Sprowl, ami (Icorsfo Sprowl wbilo liiint jn; foxes caught n crippled wild tirkey. It being very tame tlioy "Brought it home and are feeding ir It is getting well, and they will soon turn it back to the woods. George Feslcr, aged 7'J years, stepped off 85 yards and shot oil hand and hit the paper both times. Who can beat it George Horton of Wells has traded two valuable mules to Mr. Taylor of Kays Cove. George says he wants no more mules, as thoy kick dash boards off of bug gies, and might hit a fellow some time. Charley Stunkard's boss hunt- ' in!Tlog was gone for two days and nights. Charley thinks he was after a fox all that time. Otir boys of Wells commenced celebrating Christmas on the L'ltth. They say they did not know what date Christmas came on this year. Mrs. Will Sprowl made a fly ing trip to Everett one day last week accompanied by her daug l Jer Miss Leta. " Wells Castle, No. :..), elected the following ollicers last Satur day night: William Cunningham, Nathan Horton, Charley Stunk ard, Alfred Stunkard, David Ford, Ernest Meredith, Hayes liivens, W. II. Daumgardncr and George Sprowl. It would bo a good thing for jells to organize a tcmpcrunce humane society. One is much Jrtd. Mr." Daniel Johnson ami sou is through coding and getting wood If or the winter. The people of Wells arc glad to Iliear from Miss Alice Wishart as she journeys to India. Charley and William Sprowl nro cutting logs in preparation of building a house in tho sprint;. John Gibson, Ernest Meredith uul Mrs. Win. Stine, who huve been sick,, arc improving. Mrs. J. II. Meridith was hasti ly called to Altoona on account of Dier daughter Blanche's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bivcns, of lEast l'ittsbiirg, are visiting the tformer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. l. Bivcns. Montgomery Clippinger, Heeso , Greenland, Benj. Alexander and I J Samuel Dcnisar, who am imploycd near Pittsburg, are all home to (spend tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kirk and son Harold, and Misses Margaret 'yffflden and Nora Griffith all of Everett, spent Christmas with menus in our alley. Misses Ella Eichelberger and Julia Satchall, of Lundondale, Bpert a part of last week with the V Mi .ses Stunkard and Cora Iruax. i, Harry Moore, of Mitllin, Pa., is 'visiting his sister, Mrs. S. P. Wishart. Curl Baker is homo for a short vacation. - Will Hoke, of Saxton, en route to McConnollsburg, spent Christ mas with his father-in-law, W. II. Spangler. S. P. aud J. A. Wishart were in JCverctt on day lust week en busi ness. $lv: and Mrs. Nathan Horton Kpcnt Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. llixnon at Crystal pprings. I Our Sunday Schools all observed I Christmas by rendering the best servicea we have ever had. B, v, , Happy Hoy! His mother bought i package of Fort Bedford Coffee ad bccurod a knife worth ftnx.t crll?t iy"w"aDaaoJJL.throatftnd lung di. ut-: y.mi, What has become of our deaf j Hidge correspondent Ishcdo; ! . away from home or sleeping f In his absenceor rather si lent c. i we will try and pen a fewHems. 1 If they find their way Into prttit it may encourage,,. lis to try again. nrutmp.s passed oil very quiet ly in our town. Our Sabbath school failed to give any enterli in ment this Christmas the lirst li.ue inmanyycars. j ,.v K.....lV u jj,,f ijou. I Tabor still continues with great We had the pleasure of attend-' ry x!,. ;,,-.v-ill!!,lu! ,,f i u.liu town- i tntoret. ing an entertainment at Dublin : , ,,., U Soj MU t10 1 H. D. Speck and Norman Lai Mills given by the Sunday school I j,, ..;n.'h;til' milo oust of tliof It-cairn spoilt Christmas of that place, the night before j . v,;.,.". V!l.t3a,,i(, larm at J. K. Lyon's. Xnias. A nice tree was put up in : .- , . .. . s ., ,.h llnyos Struif,,who has been em- the church on which was placed quite a number of line prcsen's. A good program had been p c pared, and was carried out to the letter. Mr. and Mrs. James Carmack of our town entertained quit; a , number of their relatives ami 1 neight)ors on Llinstinas day. a tine dinner was prepared (includ ing a line turkey, of course,) to which all the guests did ample justice, after which a few hours of ; social conversation was indulged , in, and all returning to their honics j in the evening, well pleased with , :ho day's entertainment and wish-! ing many returns of such days. . Mr. Harvey Wible aud family, ; and Mr. Joseph Ikker and family, j spent part of Christmas day with j their mother-in-law, Mrs. James Wible. j Mr. Charles Wilson, of Frank-; !in county, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry j Wilson. He was accompanied by i his wife and two children. j Miss Minnie Grove U spending Christmas with her sister, Mrs. liotta Ilockcnbery in Snyder coiin- ty. Mr. Milton Stinson, of Fiulevs- ville, is spending a wcel; with mother near this place. his Miss Kay Baker, of Altoona, is spending the holiday week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin linker. Miss Nora Heeler spent Satur day with her cousin, Lula Brown. Robert Gallaher's house burn -d n Sunday. A portion of his ef fects were gotten out of the build ing. Tho school here is rehearsing for an entertainment which is to bo given for the benefit of the school library. Our little town can now boast of two hotels. 1'luni Knn. Charles Slacker is home from Johnstown, and intends staying with his mother until spring. The Christmas entertainment at Oakley M. E. church was a suc cess, i Protracted meetings have begnn j at Antioch church. Miss Janet Shives spent Christ inas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shives, in the Little Cove. Mrs. Mury Price, who Inns been staying with 'Squire Daniel C valts's, went to Pleasant Uidge lo attend the wedding of her grand daughter, Miss Viola Deshong. Mrs. Ella Feidt, who returned a couple of weeks ago from a Balti more hospital, where the had a t'i mor removed from her breast, is improving as rapidly us may be expected. Koss Feidt was kicked by a horse last Friday evening but not ser iously injured. Mart Bieakall and son, of Mc Kecsport, are visiting his mother, Mrs. Lucinda Breakall. The fjtork .isitcd Shade Truax's and left him a youthful cook for a Christinas present. Shade is so elated wo don't know if he has re turned to terra firma yet or is still in aerial regions. Saturduy our people experienced a rather chilly novelty a bli.zar I from the southwest. James Gordon and William Weller spent Christinas at their respective homes. Pleasant Starr and Fert Weller attended the wedding of Deshong at Pleasant Kidgo. Miss William Younker, Jr., nnd Miss Hello (Jordon went to lierkelev Springs W edmday aud returm d man and wife. We are listening for the jubilant 'j sound of wedding bells soon and hope we won t ho disiiniKnntcd. Let uh try to mako the record for the coining New Year c leaner and better than any of the preced ing oncii. ic v tru(V , trv-otora SlSlc Kcirslcr. V . u::,.,,.,v, im iliiir SO, T, y,,,.. 1(:fl r.innrv'. Wil- In.,,,, i. i ',.,. vill H(.l! at bis ,v-iJ, m-,- in Ayr township, about a j,:,f a ,r,j0 8ntli of T$:ic.r Run .uvViry 1 Iv.smp. L" Ilm'I (f rool work- ii.Mil of citll.', :oru, bay I C!!'li!'vl(ll'l , ltli;!"iii'.it. oVInc!; Siiiiird.iy, J. ':. ' v k 1111(1 Ml I iinnmg i Sil( infills at 10 lit -2 month ,J miliary '.), lUD-l. A. ,.r,..-t. .i m i'A s!..rv .1 v-t-lli-.'J l l.i'W m;i h 1 ' in, :i:iu tlOCijS- ,- ' uui i:iiiUing.- , pni.'M V "I i;'!!IU i u t t,e friiil :ii.i" Lraci, i atcc i.iid valn iblo I : r i a : ; u-; .'Mid -ri 14 i'' (I w l i : 1 1 '. ( ; f. 1 1 '' M'l.. ;i. !! ( .r(is j,, , I 111 I'jl Digests all classus ot food,tor;s ! and .streugihcns tln stomach and digestive organs. Cures iiidigf-.s- ; tiou, stomach troubles makfts rich ': '.-od blood, liwdih and strength. j Ko iol Dyspopsia Cure rebuilds : vvornout tissues, purities, sweet-' jus and strengthens tbo stomach ; Gov. G. V. Atkinson of W. Va., ! says: ''I have used a number of I bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure' and have- found it to be a very of-1 a;ctive and, indued a powerful I'l'imnly for stomach ailments. I j recommend it to my friends." SoUl at Trout's drug store. "SOUTHDUBLH." Mr-. William Kelso is reported to he no better. t. II. Myers spent Christmas at his daughter's, Mrs. Cora Brad nick. Doc Meilott is lj;iu!iii'r car lum ber to the county seat for Keuhen Wible. Our friend John Brown is vi it- ing his brother at Ilagcrslown and ! -islcr at Hancock this week. One of our bachelor boys, who after studying one of Barker's al manac in giving advice to some of his friends, said, "If you become hungry, that is a good sign of stomach trouble." George, that is good advice. Mr. Calvin Muinina and lady friend attended the Christmas en U'rtaiunient at Hustonlown Friday light. GOOD l (lR CII!!.Dr!EN. Tho pleasant to take and harm less One Minute CoukIi Cure gives immediate relief in all cases of ongh, croup, and lagrippe l.u :ause it does not puss immediate ly into the stomach, but takes cf Vei right at tho seat, of the tiou Ie. It draws out the inllanima Jon, heals and soothes and curs birmaueully l.y enabling the I from the e fleets of being kicked ungs to contribute pure life giv- by a cow while milking last iug and lifo-sustaining oxygen to ( Thursday evening. Am blood and tissues. Dr. Arm-! Ellsworth Hendershott has strong of Delia, Tox., prescribos j purchased a new sawmill and en it duly and suys thnrn is no bet-! giuo, aud is busily engaged in tor cough remedy made. Hold at ! ih lumber business. Trout's drug s.on. ! Birthday Parly. j B. L. Wagoner made a trip to Anumlvr of Wells Tannery's ! Dauiul lidig's one evening last vouug people gathered at the w,,-' homo of Miss Belle Denisar ou ! Miss Zelda Laidig spent Satur last Saturday evening to tender i da-V ancl Sunday with Jonas her a pleasaut evening and good j ljak's family, .vislies for tho return of her! Misses Xora and Ella Lake birthday. i Pont Sunday evening with S. H. Miss Hell.j was given many val- Hockensmith's. uable presents (tokens of remein- i u- K- Stevens aud wife attend brauce) during tho early part of ' t!(1 a turkey roast at Harry Aus t.he evening. Theu the time was : tia!s on Christmas, whiled away with games and mu- j Miss Laura Lake is spending sic; and after refreshments weie ; sometime with her parents, Mr. served, nil took Iheir l.ommvmvl I ..,.. ,.!.,.! ... I,..,... 1 ... I va) , :iiiu lu uavu iik;iji:u til liJUHU a pleasant hour in their young friend's life. Worst of All Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be yoia last? Such was thoexpe- rieneoof Mrs. S. II. Newsou, De catur, Aia. "For three years" "be writes, "I endured insulTer 1 able pain from indige-.iio ;, stom ac'1 nnd bowel trouble. Di-nihj iseerned inevitable when duelers, i ah" remedies failed. At length t was induced to try Electric Hit j ; i ters and tho result- was (iiiiacii- lous. I improvod at once and mi I'm comnletcly rec vor-d For r t . . i. jr. i.ivor, rviuuey.nioinacn aim now-1 fl troubles Klectric Bitters U the I Only Mr guaranUlbLai1.:1; iUt' 7-in w iitih atdi n rs? I AVkKlUMVHM JUl tLIl31lJiK,kK'vLtx!&i toabogidbiiung 1 Swwwwwwwwwwwv I , , V. LSI Dl III IS: Albert Meilott spent Christ' mas at hi borne lu Holfaat. (inorge Meilott of Belfast visit ed VVm. Ilorslipy on Thursday. Lillio Fi.sbor, teacher of Laidig school, spent Christmas at her homo J.N. Denver of Millersville nor mal is upending bis vacation at home. Tins protrnclcd meeting at Mt. l'1''-'1 in l-'ittsbui-K, is visiting Ins imitiK!!' at Gracev. Miss Mar?nrft. Clpvpncpr is " visiting lier uncle, John W. Ste- VCI18 'u Mochauicsburg. Snm of our young people at tended Christmas exercises at IJustontowu on Friday night. Harry W. Brant of New Enterprise-, Bedford county, spent Thursday and Friday with the family of his brother Casper. S. K. Deavcr, who has been em ployed for some time at Tyrone, returned Saturday, after spend ing a couple days with his pa rents. BRUSH CREEK. Tho Christmas entertainments at Gapsvillo and Akcrsville by the respective Sunday schools were largely attended. The school teachers of Brush Creek treated their scholars to candy for Xmas, which was high ly appreciated by tho little folks. Tho writer hopes t hat the edi 'or of the News, as well as its ma ny reade rs, lias en joyed a Merry Chn.-.t mas and may enjoy a Hap- , py Aew iour. J. A. Mclvibbiu, who bus been in the employ of the P. II. II. company sine.) last spr!ng, is homo spending a fuw days with bis mother, Mrs. Lizzie McKib ijin. Miss El in Barton, who hns been li .'in.; with Miss Lizzie Akers at li:!l,doJ, 5!;iir comity, and at tending school at that place, is spending her holiday . vacation villi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. vl. F. Barton, near Crystal Springs. 1)1(1 COVIi TANNERY. Mrs. Hannah Crouse of York s visiting in our vicinity. G. E. Clouser and Mary Shives spent part of last week visiting at Hancock. James M. Meilott has removed to Franklin county, where ho ex pects to engage in farming. Goo. Kecfer has removed his cngino from here to the coal mino near Beuj. Simpson's. George Craig, who has been m ployed in Maryland for the lather bore. Rachel Humbert is suffering : nU Airs. Jonas L.11UO. Jonas Lake and wife aro visit ing friends and relatives in Loba' non und Laucastcr counties. Hiram Laulig and wifo attend ed a chicken roast on Christmas at Mrs. Laidig's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hampton's. WWW WV WW WW A S. P. .HS7ZLKR. Di;ai.k In ... Pianos Orgnns btiggles Carriages Good marketable stock . . taken in exchange. J?.' When In need of any thing in our lino write for particular" to .... S. IV METZl.ER. I'iiinit ( !:il)ins. Pn. License Noticed ttf I'HB Cnflll OK (jlMltTKR SESSIONS OKKVL.TO.N COUNTY. It K onlorod that nil iippHoutlonN for lloene for the iilr tf vIiiomm. jirltini. mult, or brew ed liqiiort. wltuic-Miile ur retiill, fur the year IVMI, will he hrunl (m Tuesday, thelth day of January. tuJ. nt lu n'eloeU n. hi., ul whieh time uh peiii)N npiilylnx or maklnir nhjeuliuhi to iipplinntlntis. will hehenrrt liy evUU'lice, pe tition. rt-iiiiHislmnoe or counsel. There imi-l lie no oiimmunU'iitlon nt liny time upon the suhjeet. with theJiMlKei. pentonully either by letter or any other private way. The petition, vertlled by nnWnvttof appltcnut. "hull be In conformity with the requirement of the niM of Assembly. .Inclement bond shall be executed in the penal muiii of fjowi. with no less than two reputable freeholder of the coun ty us surelleM, raeh of them to be it bona Ilde owner of real estate in the county of Kultou worth, over and ahove all Incumbrance, the fum of 'Ji"io (or oiher leirul Heeurlty Klveti) Itftnd conditioned tor the faithful olwervaueo of all the law relatlnv to the selling or furnish ing of liquors, und to nuy all Uamatfen whierl shall It-: recovered nifiiiust the licensee, and nil costs, lines and penalties which maybe Im posed ou him under any Indictment for violutiiik suid litws: and the sureties may be required to appear in Court ami Justify under outh. The Court -dmll In all cases refuse the appli cation whenever. In the opinion of the Court, having due regard to the numberand chnruclcr of the peiilloner for aud ugalnst the applica tion, such license Is not necessary for the ac commodation of the public nnd entertainment of Ktrnnirersitml travelers, orthatthcapplicant Is not a tit person to whom such license Hhould be granted. Petitions to be Hied with the Clerk of the Court not later than Monday, the Dlst day of December, limn. Objections nnd remonstran ces to be llled not later than Tuesday, the Mh dayof January, Idol, tlpon sufficient cause be ing shownor proof being madetotheCourt thht the party holding license has violated any lu .v of the Commonwealth relating to the sule of liquors, the Court shall, upon notice being giv en to the person licensed, revoke the license, fly the Court, SAMUKLMcC. SWOPE. Attest: I. J. OKO. A. IIAIIUIS. Clerk CJ. S. Dee. i, unci. takm ion sai.i:. Situated one mile east of McConnellsburg, t'n.. extending to London pike, containing 29 ACKKS, A I.AKUK XKW II AN K IIAKN, has lately been added to tt.e improvements. The furm la admirublv adupted for stock pur poses, Can be bought on terms to suit pur chaser. ' AddreHs the owner DANIKi. QILIIEKT. Chambersburg, lJu, Parties wishing to visit the premises Inquire W. H. NELSON, McConnellsqurg, Pa. millinery )K )K )Kt Millinery now reduced to cost. We still have some very stylish trimmed hats, ready-to-wear hats, and children's caps. Ev ery tiling in our store is reduced. Gome and et a bargain. Mrs. J. F Littlo McConnellsburg. LUMBER For Sale . 16,000 feet Pine Boards in 12x14, and 16-feet enjthS. ryffj fjf"y ""rff 2,000 ft. Popular boards 14-feet in length, ripped I ready for siding. 1,000 1 1-2-inch stuff. Call on or address D. E. LITTLE. M'CONNELLHnURG. I YOU NEED A BUGGY ; T HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? i t I X A Bran New , Falling Top f i ' Buggy with Full Leather t Trimming, Spring Cushion X .and Back, Thousand Mile 1 Z Axle, A Grade Wheels, Pat- Z ent Shaft Couplers and Fine- Z t 'ly Finished throughout for 2 t ONLY $50. Z I Largo Stock, to select J rom. I am also handling Hand- made Buggies and Wagons, t W. R. Evans, t Hustontown, Pa. Weak Hearts " Ars due to Indigestion. Ninety-nlna of vr ciio hundred people who have heart trouble can remember when It was almple Indica tion. It Is aclentiflo (act that all cases ot heart dlseaso, not organic, are not only traceable to. but are the direct result of Indi gestion. All lood taken Into the stomach wl:?h (alls of perfect digestion ferments and swells tne stomach, palling It up against the heart. This Interferes with the action of the heart, and In the course of time thai delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. O. Ktubla. d Nawdal O., Mt I htd tlotnich trouble i4 u In bd (tita hid haart trouble arllh II. I took Kodol DniUpila Cut for aboui lout BMntht and II cuad me. -I Kodol DigMtt What Ywi JUt . and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart ol all pressure. Bottles only. S 1 .00 Slta koldlnf 7H Hoes the trW alia, whlck eall fbr 60c 1 Hold ut Trujt'a drug store. Prepwed by I. a DaWITT OO., OHIOAOCa Hustontown. FALL and WINTER MILLINERY. I take this method of Inform ing my former patrons and the public generally, that I have received a fujl stock of The Latest Style Huts and Bonnets, Trimmed and Untrimmed, Pattern Hats, Feathers, Ribbons, and every thing you may need in this line and at prices that WILL PLF.ASK YOU, I know. GIVE ME A TRIAL MRS, ANNIE E. DAWNEV HUSTONTOWN, PA. Stoves ! Stoves ! x Cook Stoves, Heatint'jStoves all sizes for both wood and coal. Cull and see them before you 'buy, for I won't be undersold. Spring Harrows and Grain Drills N'ow's tho time you need thorn and I have a few left that I will sell way-down. Don t want to carry them over. Buggies Anything you may want in thut lino at prices from $40 up. A. H. INESBIT, W'Connellsbu rg XK('inU S NOTIK. Ui will and testa ment ol Mrs. (;ttthei-lne Krelulibttum. late of Ayr tov.-nNlilp. 'ukou county. Pa., deceas ed. Letters testv.menuu-y on the above estate having betn rnuteil to the uiitlersineU. all persons Indebi cd to the said estate are re quested to make p:iyn:ent. and ihose h:ivintf claims to piesi;iii t lit- same wiihoui ueluy to v. li. j:;:son. 11-18 (ill. Kxeeutor. CUMBERLAND VALLEY TIME TABLEi May 25, U0X Leave no. 2 do 4 no. B no. 119 A. tA.M tA UitP. M P. M Winchester 1 sin i lo 6 Ho Martlnsburg f i 57 T 14 Hanerstown .... 6 50 8 l i 20 S 4!t 8 00 10 15 (Jreeneastle .... t II 9 HI 14 41 4 08 8 it lu S) Mercersburi.... .... 8 00 10 8.) HHP..,. Chambersburg.. 7 Dl 9 40 I 05 4 40 8 45 10 68 Waynesboro 7 u." .... 12 00 8 85 .... milppensburg... 7 58 10 00 I lid b 02 9 OA 11 19 Newvllle 8 10 10 IH I 4' 5 il 9 i!4 II 89 Caiiisie 8 8HI0 8II 2 0:1 6 Is 9 45 1202 vleobanlcsburg,, 8 60 11 Do 2 23 A lo 10 07 12 21 OillsburK 10 00 6 28 Arr, llurrlsburg. 9 07 11 to 8 40 A 80 10 25 12 40 Arr. 1'hlU II 48 8 17 5 47 9 4 Hit 4 28 Arr. New York. 2 18 6 5:1 8 08 12 88 7 13 7 13 Arr. I lull I more.. 12 10 8 11 6 10 9 45 2 20 7 16 I'. M. P. M. P. M. P. U. A. M. A. U Train No 12 enst runs dally except Sunday between Hatferstown nnd Harrisburg, leaving Hsgeratown t.U5 and arriving ut Harrisburg at 1.30. Additional east-bound local trains will run dally, except bunduy, aa follows: Leave Carlisle 7.05 s. ni., 12.30 p.m. 3.15 pm,, leave Mechanlcsburg 6.61 a. m., 7.29 a. m., 12,62 p. m.. i.xa p. m. Leave Olllsburg 6.35 a. m., io.uo a, 123 p. m Trains Nos. 2, 8 and 1 10 run dully between Ha geretown und llurrlsburg. a Daily. 4 Dally except Sunday. Leave no. I no. a, no. 6;nn. 7 uo. 9 109 P.M A M A W A H P. M P.M. Baltimore II 55 4 4 . 8 62 12 00 4 85 A iio New York 7 55 12 10 8 65 2 65 5 .V Phlla 11 40 4 2T. 8 40 II 40 5 80 8 Si. Harrisburg 6 00 7 55 11 45 8 20 8 80 II U Dtllsburg 8 50 4 0.' ... . Meohanlosburg.. 6 19 8 15 It 05 3 .17 8 61 It 8 Carlisle 6 40 8 87)12 27 8 17 9 18 11 I" .Vewville A 02 9 0xiil2 61 4 HI 9 84 12 (r. Shlppensburg... 0 20 9 is 1 10 4 8'J 9 52 12 U Waynesboro lu 8J 2 05 6 0S.... Chambersburg.. 8 40 9 3D 1 82 4 50 10 1 12 80 Meroeraburg 8 16 in 80 6 4s lireencuslle .... 7 05 H0 0I I Ml 5 14 10 XA 13 60 Hagerstown .... 7 27lu 22 8)7 5 87iU 67 115 Murtinsburg 8 24 11 10 0 241 Ar. Winchester. 9 1U II 55 7 10 a. m Ia y ir m. p. m.Ip. m. P. m. Train No. 17 west runs dai'y except Snnday between Harrisburg und Hagerntown, leav ing Hurrlsburg at 5.16 p.m. and arriving ut Ha gerstown ut 7.67 p. m. Additional local train will leave Harrisburg ua follows: For Carlisle and luterme.llute sta tions at 9,37 a. tn 2.110 p. ni. and 6.31 p. m., also forMenhuuiesburir billsbiirg and Intermediate stntioosat 7 80 h. iu., 8.10 p. ui. unci fl.80 p. m. Trains No. I, 8 and Hw run uuily Dulween Hsm-nur and Hagerstown. Pullman palaee sleeping ours between Nev York and Knoxvllle. Tenu.. 00 tmlns 1 we. and 110 cast and between Phlludelph a ond Welsh on K. & W. Kullwuvon (rains l( west und I2eust, except thut on Sunrtuy the PU1.U delphiu sleeper will run eust on No. 8. Through coaches to and from i'hllnri'tr-hli on trains 1, 4 anj 6 east aud 5, 7 und 9 west. a Dully. t Dally except Sunday. SOUTH EKN PKN.VA K. R. THAINS. Pua. P.M Pus Mix I tei a u Lve. Arr. Pus. t4 A H Mil Pas Of P. M, 4 4 C Si 3 Ul 8 l P M 163 6 0U 4 M 46 9 67! A M 6 II A 55,Chumnersburg.. 8 45 8 rw II 60 6 4Nl 6 081 t 16 7 14 8 16 Murlon ..Afereersburg.. Ixtudon.r. ....KluhmonU.... II H2 10 So 8 001 10 Ho 10 58: 8 Mi 9 CSl 7 as 4-1 7 SO 9 30 II uf P. M A. H A. M. M HKKNXHIIV, UKO. W. MAHTIN, Vlee J'ips. (1 (ien. Supt Siipl. . H. A. UIIMJl.K, Cleu. I'uim. Agent BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE awnt fraa. Olda.1 atfanoy for aaourlng uataiua. faimiia Ukaa (hroush Muuu A Co. reoalre awul nutkia, without ebamo. Ul the Scientific JlKttriCitn A handanmalv Illustrated weakly ranmat etr ftitlattuii itt an. clafiliflo t,,uifiaL rari lour muntua, L mtu By all aawaoauiara. A Tradc Marks jO DcaiaNS ,'rt', CosnrRiaMT ee. Anron aondlng a akateb aad daaerlptlon way ulrkly aaoartain our opinion frea whtflhar ua ln.aiillon la probably palaiitabf. 4kainiuiitc. ...... a .Irll vn.l.n,U..l.l W -I .lOuth 1x1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY, lUUIU.lis. R. M. DOWNES, First Clash Tcnsorial Artist, McCONNKl.I.snUUU, I'A. A Cleun Cup nnd Towel with rnch Slmvc Kvrryllilnjf Anllspptlo. Htizom Sterlllitnd. tSfShop In room Intel; occupied by Kd llrnkK ISAAC IN. WATSON, Tonsoria! Artist. Strictly up to date In nil style of hmr out tlnu. (Julck. pasy nhaves. Huv-rum, Crpums-Wltoh-hiir.el. without extrn ehurire. Kresh towel to each oUKtomer. Latest Improvod np, pni-titun for sterilizing toolH. l'arlora opposite Fulton House.. cm uciirs. Pkbsbytkuian.-lU'v. W. A. West, D. U., I'astor. Preaching servU-es each altcrn nte Subbatli nt 10:30 a. m. and every Sunday evenliig at 7:00. Services at Green Hill on alternate Sabbaths at 10:.'i0 a. m. Snbbnth school at 0:15. Junior C hristian T.n deavor at a:00. ChrUtliiti I.ii'lt.ivcr at 8:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. Methodist Episcopal Rev. J. V. Adams, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10:30 anil everv Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworlh Ittfrue at 0:00 ). m. Prayer met tinjr Thursday evening ot 7:00. United Pkesbytkkian Rev. .1. I.. Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 0:30 a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10:30, and every, other Sunday evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath evenings are used by tho Young Peo ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. in. Praver meeting; Wednesday evening at 7:00. r.VANGF.LicA iUTHKBAN Rev. A. G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 0:15 a. m. Preaching every other Stirdrr morning at 10:30 and e'very other S'lii day evening at 7:00. Christian Ku deavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:00. Reformkd Rev. C. M. Smith, Pa-t-tor. Sunday .school at 0:30 n. in. Preaching an alternate Sabbaths nt 10:00 a. m. nnd 7:00 p. in, Christir n Endeavor nt 0:00 p. ni. Prayer fleet ing on Wednesday evening n't 7:uo. I.AWYKKS. M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Office on Square, McConnellsbursf, Pa. All legal business and col eetlons entrusted will euelve uareful and prompt attention. Tl h.MS OP COI'KT. The first term of the Courts of Pill ion county in the year shall commence on tho Tuesday following the second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. in. The second term commences on the third Monday of Maicli, at 2 o'clock p. in. The third term on the Tuesday tie.M following the second Monday of'.fune, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on the first Monday f Ojtj'jjf, at - o'clock p. m. noKorcn oitu.kks. Justice of the Pence Thomas P. Sloan, L. II. Wible. Constable John II. Doyle. Uurgess H. W. Svott. Councilmen D. T. Fields, Leonard Hohman, Samuel Render.M. W. Nuee. Cleric William Hull. High Constable Wm.Raumgardner. School Directors A. U. Nace. John A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M. Taylor, John Comerer, C. li. Stevens. GENtUAL DIHECTOKY. President Judgo Hon. S.Me. Swope. Associate Judges Lemuel Kirk,l):t vid Nelson. , Prothonotary, &c Geo. A. HaTis. District Attorney George B. Dan iels. Treasurer George R. Meilott. Sheriff Daniel 0. Fleck. Deputy Sheriff D. T. Fields. Jury Commissioners C. H. E. Pluin mer, Anthopy Lynch. Auditors John -S. Harris, W. C. Davis. S L. Garland. Commissioners S. D. Mtllott, Geo Sigel, and H. P. Palmer. Clerk -Frnuk Henry. County Surveyor Jonas Luke. County Superintendent CharUs E. Barton. Attorneys W. Scott Alexander, J. Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F. McN. Johnston, M. It. ShaflW, Geo., B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. Wv Kirk. societies Odd Fellows M'G'otiriellsburjrLodj'o No. 744 meets every Friday evening in tne Comerer Building in McConnells burg. Fort Littleton Lodgo No. 484 meets every Saturday evening In the Cromer building at Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodfo No. C07 meet', every Sittarday evening In Odd Fel lows Hall ut Wells Tannery. Harrlsonvillo Lodge No. 701 meets every Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows' Hull at Harrlsonville. Waterfnll Lodge No. "73 meets ev ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows' Hall tit Waterfall Mills. Wai fordsburg Lode No, C01 meets in Warfordbburg every Saturday ev' ninj. , King Post G. A; R. No. 305 meets in McConnellsburg in Odd Fellows' Hall the first Saturday in every month at 1 p. m. Royal Arcanum.Tuscarora Council, No. li!l, meets on alternate Monday evenings in P. O. H. of A. Hall, lu' McConnellsburg. . Washington Camp No. 497, P, (, S. A., of New Grenada, mets every Sat urduy evetiin,7 in P. O. U. of A. Hull. Washington Camp, No. UA, p. o.S, of A., Hustontown, tmvln evi ry Sat uc urday evening In P. O. S. of A. Hall. . John Q. Tuylor Post CI. A. R., No. Mil, meets every Saturday, on or jut I preceding full moon In Lahley bull. ' at 2 p. in., at Buck Valley. Woman's Relief Corns, No.' 80 meet at same and place at 4. v Gon. DVP.. McLCibbln Post No. J'JJ, G. A. S.mcfeis the second and fout-tb Haturdays In each nion'h t I'I"ih.m Hiduti , j ' ' i AJVJ u I K 1 ' . ,- TbedionC ccatjScss. 'I . 1