tr .-WW-'. i. 1. .a- 100 Ttaward. 100. Tfc readers ol tbti pnper will b pleased t learn that there is at least on dreaded dls MMtbtt science bn best) able to cure la all Itiitftftm, and that In Catarrh. Hull's Cntnrrii Cure la the only positive euro now known t the medical fraternity. Catarrh betoK a con Itltntlonal disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarrhCure Is taken Inter bally, aoting direetly upon the blood and ran coussurfaoes of the system, thereby destroy lnr the foundation of the disease, und Rlvln ; the patient strength by building up the con itltnHon and assisting nature in dolni: lti work. The proprietors bave so much fait li In It sou rati ve powers tlint they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case thru It f nils to ouro. end tor list of testimonials. Address F. J. Chkskt A Co., Ti'.edd, 0. Fold by Drue-gists, 74c. Hall's Family Tills are the bast. About 15,500,000 Lave alrendy been paid In Spanish war pensions; the nv trage yearly value of the Spanish war pension Is $137, and the average an nual value of all other pensions is f 13:1, Ind 304,800 applications for Spanish war pensions await adjudication. iTTSnermanentlv cured. No fits or nervous. res after first dav's use of Dr. "line's Great NerreRestorer.t2;-il biltleard t -eutlsefree Dr.B.H.KLi! Arc:H... Phllt..P t. On'y t'even per rent, of t lie families ol London employ a servant, hut there arc Suo.SiS persons' of I lie servant class. Mrs V'lns.ow's Su jiM-j yrii- for e'llldra i test llnj,sjite!.tbeu;ii ith, rej'icestnflamnvi llou, allays nal-i.ures rlnd aoi!'. 'Jo., it biMa In proportion to its thickness, fro-j skin 'ikes the toughest leather. Bronchitis " I have kept Aver't Cherry Pec toral in my bouse for a great many years. It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds." J. J. Williams, Attica, in. I. All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Tares tlus: 25c,Mc.,SI. All irauUts. Consult your doctor. If he says take It, than do as ha says. M he tells you not to taka It, then don't take It. He koowi. Lear It with Mm. We an willing. J. C. AYJT'CO 'w' Mass. Japsnece )f 7 Etrange assoclat numerous In Japan. Among -t curious aro tho "Fall Togev society," the "Pauper Brotherhoods he "Society of Protesters" and the "Seaweed Soci ety," the members of the last com munity wearing nothing but the most tattered garments. More curious still is the "Society of Self-Annihilation," formed ' apparently by discontented nobles Infected by Nihilistic doctrines. The members of this society are bound to possess no prlvato capital, they must lcok to nothing but their own right arm to support and protect them, and they must be in session every day during tho year, their object being ti say what they please, eat and drink what they like, sleep when so dis posed and concern themselves about nothing which does not affect them selves personally', Another club woman, Mrs. Haule, of Edgerton, Wis., tells ho ; s she was cured of Irregulari ties and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache, by the use of Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dkar Mrs. Pinkham : A while ago my health began to fail because of female troubles. The doctor did not help me. I remembered that my mother had uned Lydlls E. IMnkhaiu'S .Vegetable Compound on many oc casion for irregularities and uterine ' troubles, and I felt sure that it could not harm me at any rate to give it trial. " I was certainly glad to find that within a week I felt much better, the -terrible pains in the back and side were beginning- to cease, and at the' time of menstruation I did not have nearly as serious a time as heretofore, so I continued its use for two months, and at the end of that time I was like new woman. I really havo never felt better in my life, have not had a ick headache since, and weigh SO pounds more than 1 ever did, so I un hesitatingly recommend your inedi , cine." Mrs. May Haui.k, Edgerton, "VVis.. Pres. Household Economies Club. ftoOQ forfait If arlglKOl f aSove Ittttr ptms$ f muIssmss taiumt product. "I tried all kinds of blood wnaVU. whirl fuM V (to mo Any gtMt bul 1 Lv fuuiitl lta ritftit t iitQg al lttt. My fkt-a wm full of p.wplua and blailt- kUv After taktnx Cati-arcta liit-y all U t. I mui couttunlng tua ata of tUeui attd racAinraiamlM.g tatatA i act f riuniia. I n wbvt 1 na tba jnomlng. lw)t to bav a cfcaava ha Muwauu4 Vra4 C. WUtaa, N Flu fit., Kavark, X. J, CW For rUi pl-.m, tni,Tait0sd FiaOoat, . Aa o &rl. 1m, Sc.Se. Tt 1. la .. 1 .aniao I i 0 V U. i aiu It fuml afeun.r o BtarUnf KaauMly Co., Calcaseer M.T. af mmmm u SWW CAnUtnta X PRIZE YARN j& A MIXED Combination of Fish, Alligator and Bat Found. ' riirows the Old Sea Serpent Into the Shade Gigantic Survl- r of Sixty-five Fee. Long;, In Air or Sea. Salt Luke, Utah. A tpirlbl.'. ii:'.;no less, UMclnxKlfloil creitture of lh; mil mui world Is exciting the 'ti"lo:tj wonder and feur of occiixlonnl visitors to Stansliury Islnnil, In the southern portion of Crcut Suit I.nkc. This monster, so strange und uiiiiut mnl in nppeiiriiiKf, lias littoly, it Is nlil, been seen by sevenil persons, lint the best Heeount of its chariu-tcrislit's and movement Is given by Martin Hu bert and John Barry, two hunters who this week returned from nil expedition aver the IkIuiuI, In the course of which lliey studied tlielinblts of this liitherlo iHiheard of creature for three days. The monster, which appi-Hi' to be almost eipially Ht home in the dir. on Iho beach, or submerged In tlie briny waters of f?nlt I.ak?, prolmbly llie sole survivor of n prehistoric species. It is doubtless tho hist representative jf a family whose other member, dead iges since, hove left thn testimony of their existence in the primeval rocks of the mountains. Arranging in concise form the de scription of this Incredible relic of the inlmnl world, from th3 accounts given by those who have observed It nt close range, it seems in plain, unscientific language, n combination of Hsh, ali gn tor, and bat. DKSCnU'TIOX OK THE BEAST. In size it is simply tremendous. Gil bert places Its length at sixty foet. while Barry, who is an amateur scien tist, says that an examination of Its tracks demonstrates that the monster jiusv be sixty-tiro feet fro::, head to tail. The head is like that of nn nlligr.lov. t !e eyes fiercely glowing, the Jaws, .apalile of opening to n distance of ten feet from the top of the upper to lue lower, are provided with u fearful Hr raj of sharp saw-edged teeth: the body, so far as observation goes, Is e:i :nsed with heavy horny scales. As to this Gilbert nud Barry aro not positive, is the constant diving of the beast, If !tuch it may be called, in'o tho strong brine of the lake has Incrusted It wlih thick coating of salt, which, save near the wings, completely hides lha body. According to their account they first righted It nt a distance of between one and a half and two miles. The day wus clear, the sua intensely bright. Gilbert's own words cf the discovery re: Wc were walking westward from the east shore of the island about I) o'clock i". tho morning, when suddenly to the northwest there appearc.'. a Thing, I :lon't know what to call it; it looked to me like u brilliant rainbow folded into compact mass, moving rapidly through the nir. "I was so astou'V.pd that f.c a few momenta I doubted the evidence of m.v wn senses. The oli.'oct came iiea:vr. but tho colors were so dazzling that It was Mime nine netoro it as.sumed tie;- .nite form. So one who has not wit uessed the Bight era conceive its .strangeness. The mass of color was glowing, flaming, radiant. I s;ioke to Barry, saying: " Tor God's sake, i::ir.i can you roc lhaf:' and he was no lc; astonished than myself. "In three or four minutes the mon ster's position was such that it no onger reflected, the sunlight directly toward us, and'we could then discern the outline of tho form. Its wings (vere bntlike, stretching out over a jreat expanse, I should say nt least )ne huudred feet from tip to lip. The :nll was proportionately short and re einbled that of a huge fish. We wove not close enough at this timn to tell much about the head, only we saw that the laws were very long. In shape thf head was like that of a crocodile." Gilbert pave a long account of how he and Barry watched the monster, which supported its enormous wing.:, swung roand and round, in immense clrclea through the nir, gradually de scending und approaching nearer to them. He declares that It was not more than ilOO yards above their bends, when, now convinced that ths awful creature was about to attack them, be fired nt the monster with his rifle, n (J-cslibre gi'.n loaded with n steel .v.seU bullet. The missile, he believes, struck fair, hut Inflicted no apparent wound. The monster gave utterance to u strange, fear-inspiring cry, half snort', half roar, and. rising rapidly in the air. veered ciulckly to the west, and after three miles of .flight settled down and llsnppeared beyond the crest of th: III I Is. 'BULLET HAD XO Ei'FECT. A few seconds after the shot was Hred, while tho hunters were watching the flight of the dragon-llko beast, nome small lumps of Halt fell almost at tLelr ft'et. They were more than ever mystitled by this, but not until (he uext day were they able to ascertain Us source. Determined to !rar:i more of tho n.ouster, Gilbert and Harry hastened In the direction of its flight, and lifter surmounting the ranga of hills to the westward, found with little troub!? ton tracks the beast bud left la the soil after ceasing its flight. These led the hunters to au immense cave, near the head of a linrroy gulch. They approach d to within three roi'.s of the opening in the rocks, but U ail ing that the freshest footprints led Into the gloomy cavern feared at that time to make any closer inspection. 'These tracks." said Burry, "were five-toed, almost exactly like the im prlut of a glgautlc hand, if you can imagine a hand nearly four feet across the palm." Gilbert and Barry constructed a bar ricade for themselves of the largest rocks they were able to handle and lay down to await the results. The uuy wore on and the men were weary and almost despairing of suc cess in their Tlrgll, when, Just at dusk, the horrible ceature crawled slowly from the cave, and. pausing at ila AB&UT j& SEA MONSTER Prehistoric Ages Is Over i r"1 J Equally at Home month to take flight, gave them (hell first view Ht close range. Harry says that the luickneyeJ phrase of exaggeration, "made his blooiPlnm cold," Is none too strong foi the sight they saw. "The monster slowly moved hit great jaws," declared the hunter, in speaking of ids experience, "until II s:em?d If he could have swallowed a large horse nt one mouthful. II gave a snort that might have been heard a mile, and then slowly spread bis huge wings. AVe now saw that thn huge body was coated with suit, up parently nearly a foot in thickness Tills explained why the salt lumps dropped at our feet when the bullel struck the monster. By tills we knew that the creature must spend much of Its time In the waters of the hike. "T"io great beast iniufe a short run before taking flight, taking long .lumps upon Its bind legs and tall. The fore legs were comparatively short, and ap peared to be used only when It crawled flat upon the ground. "The frightful head was not mora than ten feet from us when it rose In the air, but so well were we screened by our shelter of rocks that we were unobserved. The large, fiercely gleaming eyes, the sharp, serrated teeth, tho wide expanse of wings thai began to move rapidly ns the horrible beast rose from the ground and passed directly over our heads, combined to make a terrible sight one that I shall never forget. "We watched it disappear In th gathering gloom of night, but were fot :t long time paralyzed with fear, nol knowing when It might return. It wus probably un hour later when it did come back. "We heard the swish of the mighty wings before It could be seen, but as It drew nearer, by the light of the young moon In the west, we saw that carried in Its great jaws was a largo horse, which f suppose It had swooped down upon while feeding. The horse was badly crushed and mangled. FEASTED ON THE HOUSE. "The monster carried its burden into the cave and we could heur the crunch ing of its jaws and the cracking of tho horse's bones as the beast devoured Its victim. After an hour or so all was still cud we then slipped quietly away in the darkness and returned to on:1 camp on the eastern shore of the island. "Had It not been for a bad break In our boat we would have tied the Island that night. As it was we worked nil night to repair the craft, although the task might have been accomplished In two hours except that we feared to build a fire to nfl'ord light. "it was just dawn and wc were pre "arlng to launch, when Gilbert said: 'There It conies again!' In an Instant we turned the boat bottom up anil crawled under If. One end was lifted about a foot above the end by a rock, and wo were able 'o watch tho mon sterls actions. "It settled down on the beach less than fifty yards to the north and dived quickly Into tile lake. From its ac tions while nearly burled under thn waves I judged that the creature was gathering and feeding upon tho salt water shrimps which alxnind along the coast there. When the monster came up it was very close to us, and we were particularly impressed by the fact that the strong brine bad no effect unon its eyes, which appeared lldless. Evidently the animal's food in the wa ter was found by the sense of sight. "Although of such gigantic size, there was nothing sluggish in the movement of the monster. It swam and dived ns rapidly as any large fish. "We watched it for perhaps half an hour ns it gradually worked its wfty northward and finally disappear ed." I'liiladelphtu Itecord. Hon the British Museum XVtt Starteif, An observer recalls the interesting circumstances of the establishment of tho British Museum. The funds for the Institution were raised by n lottery, which was authorized in lT.'kl by a:i net of Parliament, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, and ti:e Speaker being the managers and trustees, each to receive iluo as an honorarium. The amount of the lot tery is said to have been u million nnd u hnlf dollars (:K,CXK)), which was raised by 3 tickets, to provide f WJ. ooo for prizes, varying In vulue from 10,000 to 10, and 100,000 for the pur chase of the Museum's nucleus tho loane collections n::d the Harielan LI brsry; also to provide cases for the ac quisitions and to meet other expenses. It will be remembered that the lottery became notorious through the activi ties of a certain Teter Leueup, who shrewdly cornered the tickets and had them sold at a premium. Leheup was afterwards prosecuted for breach of trust nnd fined 1000, which .could not have troubled him much, as bis profits from the deal were 40,000. Harper's Weekly. Tjing Horara to Heirs, If yon were traveling In the desert Just au onlinuiy' California. New Mex ico or Arizona desert how would you tether your horse at night, there being not a bif of wood within 100 miles, and the Fltzhugh Lee patent tether having been left behind? Tie the lariat, to your left leg, or to your wrist, eh? That has been done many a time bf traveler completely exhausted by iuv heat, and in the midst of a deep sleep the animals, erased for water, hnv galloped madly away, dragging their human anchor to destruction and death. The desert Indian, half-witted mortals, tie their steeds to hole In the ground. First, they dig the hole wlta their hands, -which are like dog' pawi, making the bottom larger than the top. Then they tie au Immense knot on the end of the halter-rope, lower It into the hole and pack sand around It with tlieir feet, until It Is ttbo4t a bard a amtoiie. How does Wtat appeal to the iuvanlWtt Yauke f'uius) INACCURACIES Or SUM 'JMLK. irrntnl rorrcrlloni Mini Bt Apptlr-i to lmllcatlnna of tlie N1iu(,o-r. Eun dials have so much to recom mend their construction that failure lo record time with absolute precision should not be regarded n erlous fault. However, If they are properly made and are large, and If those who refer to them know what mental corrections lo apply to the indications of tiie shad ow, theso interesting Instrunn nts will have u practical value, nsldo frrm their ornamental nnd historic chancier. Owing to astronomical causer, which are well known, but which It Is not accessary here to specify, th! sun it self I not an accurate, timekeeper. II is not on the meridian exactly nt noon every day in the year. In fa:. It Is there only four times in twelve months. At the opening of tho jeer it is not far out of the way, but by Ftbruary 10 It Is fifteen minutes slow, compared with a clock which Is ns perfect as a man can make It. On May J a It Is four minutes fast, on July :U six minutes llow, and on October 1!" sixteen mir.. ates abend of the clock. Keeping those cccntricitlcs in mini!, and making t:ie proper discounts, one can with practice get within two or three minutes of the right time on any day in the year, if there is sunshine, and It the dial Is mounted correctly. In a previous article on this subicct It was pointed out that the upright triangular plate which casts the shad ow should stand in a north and outb piune. Perhaps It will assist In accu rately locating the plate If the lin ker sets it up on or near one of the four days when the sun is neither fast nor slow. These are April 1.", June 1.", Au gust 31 nnd December 24. Another pre. caution is to be observed when laying out a north and south line. The com pass needle does not point due north except In n few places. In most parts of this country there is n slight varia tion from tho true north. Surveyor and morluers nre familiar with that fact. The amount of this variation is very slowly chniiglng. too. Since ac curacy of adjustment is essential to satisfactory timekeeping with a sun dial, information should bo obtained from n surveyor or other compctert person nbout the necessary corrections to apply to the readings of compass. Our Oriental Customers. Commerce between the United States and Turkey amounts to 54,000,000 pi asters annunily. This seems like a very considerable survi, but its appar ent magnitude is somewhat reduced by the matter-of-fact announcement of the Pepnrtiuent of Commerce nnd La bor, through its liuieuu of Statistics, that a plaster is only four nnd a half cents In value (or, to be more accurate, 4: cents). These nre the figures of the Turkish government. Reduced to United States currency, they give a totnl value of a little more than two million dollars. The figures of the Bureau of Statistics, however, state our totnl commerce with Turkey last year at about six million dollars with Turkey Id Europe and about five mil lion dollars with Turkey in Asia. If Hint of Turkey's dependency in Africa Egypt were included, the total would be nbout twenty-three million dollars, but the figures of the Turkish government do not include that of Egypt. With Turkey in Asia the commerce of last year was over five million dol lars, but of this sum only ?i7i!.2l7 was exports nnd $L897.4i8 was imports. If we consider Egypt as a part of Turkey, the total would be considerably en larged, though still with a heavy bal ance of trade against the United States, as the figures of our commerce show our tQtnl exports to Egypt last year to -eVVlTO.ST.'i, and the total Imports from Egypt $10,001 ,078. Tho Uuivnil of Statistics, it is proper to say, classi fies Egvpt as a part of Turkey,' under the title of "Turkey in Africa." In cluding all of tho possessions of Tur key, our totnl commerce with it last year was, in round terms, twenty-three million dollurs. Harper's Weekly. Just Civic Pride. Cong Slayden. of Texas, is telling his friends how bo learned from n little girl of six how much New York people thought of their city. He was at the house of one of his New York acquaint ances, whose daughter had begun to attend school a few weeks before. "And what have you been learning at school, Agnes?" he asked her. Then sbo proceeded to tell liira about spelling and reading nnd her other studies, but seemed to be interested in geography more than anything else. The points of the compass occupied nil her thoughts now. "North's that way, teacher said, nn.l Acnes nointcd her finger. "It's not exactly right up Fftu avenue, but a little that way." "Now don't you think the avenue ought to have been built north and south?" Slayden asked. "Obj well," was tho reply, and thcro was not a trnce of a smile, "I s'pose they'll change north and south to tit Fifth avenue before long." New York Times. Ilrd lo Uatcrinlnale. The captain of n well-known Aus tralian clipper, the Caduceus. wishing to cleor his ship of rnts. offered his crew a glass of grog for every rodent killed or captured. Tba result was speedily apparent in tho diminished number of rats, yet, somehow or other, there were alway a few, the crew, anxious for supplies of grog, having devised a means of manufacturing ihem out of oakum. The captain' cu riosity was aroused one day by r.otlc intt a supposed rodeut floating very "Hunt" on the port-quarter. He waited his chuuee, and when the next man up neared with a rat tbe captain re marked: "Throw It to windward." The rtiult was dead against the sailor, for the oakum rodent wa blown buck onto the ttoop- Thenceforth there were no more rat and no more extra grog. Shipping World. Vmw ClattoMllae. Hollow galvanised clothe lines are the Latest addition to tbe English housewife's domestic equipment.' It I made of ten strand of wire, and I constructed that about a one-eighth-Inch bore run through tbe line. The manufacturer claim that, being hoi low, the line has more spring that tbe olid strand patt and that It doe not afford lodgmiy for dirt and dust, couBequeutly can we tjutltj Ueuu4. PE-RU-fW PROTECTS THE . : Against Winter Catarrh Many Mes'ecled Colds In Children O.tjn Bring Disastrous Results. IVnina thonld be kept in home nil the tin,. IVnina ihould be kept in every limine where there are children. Don't wait until the child is iik then send to a drug store. Have Teruna on hand accept no ulmtilutc. 1'e-rn-na rrotet-ta the Fntlra llouaehuld A-falnat Catarrhal IMaeaae. As toon at the value of IVnina is fully appreciated by every liniisehnld, both as a preventive and cure of catarrhal affections, tens of tlmusnnds of lives will be nvcil, and hundreds of thousands of chronic, lingering cases of dis ac prevented. Peruna la a house hold tafeguard. I'e-ru-nat Kept In the Years. House for Five Mr. Albert Lietzman, 1000 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, I'd., writes: "I am only too glnd to inform you that I am feeling splendid and have never lelt better in my life. Through th advice of a friend I tried Peruna, und am n'.ud to av it cured me lo perfection. 1 b' to teil a friend nbout Veriuia t lie otliir day, and I hud no sooner commenced than lie told mc his foiks li.ive kept IVrunn in the house for the '.at live years. 1 am sure 1 wouldn't l c without it. Mother also usi'n it to keep licrt-elf in good health. Ask Your Druggist I here wcic at statement tj.05S Steel Corporation. the time of stockholders the in last the u it '4,h at Wliv cnuch. v iic'i will ami tlr no u -V'. form, nut- nvi usa me cuoj.,.,,., r ln -I . I U'.;.L. ' I kept in mind' i . A d'on cf ireeder Qf-.fcht h. from the itoint of a l lias ab jut l,"0't. (XXI rc(l tUUeiicr'V - X.., Dyeing i as easy as washing when Puts am I'adklkss Dves are ueJ. The only birds thnt sing a they fly are the skylark and woodlark. I'lso's Cure Is the best medicine we ever ue-l for all affections of throat and lungs. Wm O. Usdslev, Vanburen, Iml.. Feb. 10, l'.lOO An inch of rain means that 101 tnn ol water huve fallen unon every acre of soil. St. Jacobs Oil The old surety, throurh its penetrating power, promptly cures Rheumatism Trice, 25c. and SOc U Nil 1 NEW Loaded Black Powder Shells shoot stronger and reload better than any other black powder shells on the market, because they are loaded more carefully and made more scientifically. Try them. They are THE HUNTER'S FAVORITE BB1E1I1139E1S1II I - B tYttu anuuitn WHO SHOOTS AUUUKITIOK las a feelinr of conndeoc la I I 1 1 bit cartridges. They don't misfit aad always (boot wher you aim. TeU your dealer U. M. C. when a ask "What kind?" Stmt tot estsbtg. . Ths Vuom Metallic CartrUte Co. BUgrtCoaa. BDDnDODDDDODDODO ir m 1 1 . in Phases. Mr-. Schafer, 433 Hope "In the lavlfi part of ijiSM J tor mV daughter Alice, jLJ puny, sickly, ailing W1 the ii mj0(Wiis'rmis:& ii WM ALICE SCHAFER convulnton and catarrhal fevers. J ca alway dor- taring until we Commenced to tise Peruna. Se grew strong ami well. 1'rruna is a wvntlerul tonic the best medicine 1 have evtr used. "I wan in a very wretched comttlton irnen J com menced to take Ver una. Ihadeatarrh all through my S whole body, but thank God, your medicine set me all S right. 1 would not have any other medicine. $ "I'eruna curcif my baby boy of a very bad spell of cold J, and fever, tie Is a big, healthy boy fifteen months old. 1 hare given hint IVrsna oifand en (Incelie u-ai born. 1 think that is why he is so welL cannot praise. Peruna i enough. He hare not i reruna all praise to ?wv Have re-ril-na on Hand Ing the Inclement Montha of Fall and Winter. Croup, capillary bronchitis and articular hcuniiitism arc the speviul banes of child hood. These all alike remit irom catching coal. One child entilies cold and acarra its mother into hysterica by having croup in the dead of night. Another child catches cold, developt a stubborn couch that will not yield to or dinary remedies. The parents are tilled with forebodings. Still nnother child catchei cold and de velops thnt mo.t fatal malady of childhood, capillary bronchitis. The doctor is called, pronounces the rase pneumonia, and if the child is lucky enough lo live it iuis devel oped wenkjunga irom which it may never recover. for free Pe-ru-na (icrmany's Britain. best customer is Great Catarrh cured ut lio-m-.Tlireei-rci'aration In ono vnckap". A!: your dealer for " Ir linrtlev's Clrt'at licincilv." licsiire you get it. Agt?., Stauli'V A- Ur-.wn UriiR Co., ltlto.,Md 'flic Ilep.trttueut of $;.of, last year. Agriculture cot PSL.FLAf,1ii-KILLER r "jrr".,,i it. will not burn! I aut lUrtb on t i,lbiaf. Cur:.. Matliafl, ete . U Item luUlt BrrN -ef ( net butt A N V fabrle. Tl.t fc I I I -I H M . TLX CKM v-'P'U s ?' ut ADVERTISE ill Lit LuHtS Vtlltllt ALL tl.SE lAILS. Beit CnuiMi fciyrup. T-te- (.tol. Vto In ItiT-o. S'.' l tv ilni RIVAL" ripaniTabolessr tbe best dyspepsia medicine ever made. A hundred million of them bave been iolj In tba United State In a alnclt year. Every Illness rising from a disordered stomach 1 relieved or cured by tutlr ate. So common I It that dhwacea origins t from the ctomacb It muy bt safely at crted there la no condition of 111 bealtb tb-.t will not U benefited or cared by tba occasional us of Blpan Tabu let. Pbytlclani know tbom and tpeak blf hljr of tbem. All drogg Itt ell tbem. Tba Ova-cent packago la enoogb for an ordinary occatlon, and tba family Bottle, sixty centa, contalna a boutebold supply for a year. Ono geuerally glvea relief within twenty oiir.utea, , . . 1 DopnY.'sr-iiisi-c: tNt w hmwiiti ullOlari1 iiimai il rt. m- m. eaaaa t toaa. pm a, W " LViS" IT PAY h: SaOEMBBOEE,. i I r-x-,:r-- i LITTLE OUEV . . a'1" gn Its it IANVA R. BP OWN Mrs. J. M. Urown, Pur nrgan Springs, Mo., writes: "My little daughter, three years o'd, was troubltd with a very bad cough which r mained after an attack oJ catarrhal fever. She ba taken one bottle of Penine through which she has ob tained a complete cure. She it now as well and happy a little girl can be. WheB our friends ay how well the looki I tell them Terune did it." In a later letter the aava: "Our little daughter contin ues to have good health.' AAAAAlWV-AW Ave., St. Louis, Mo., writes: taut lira r I wrote to you for advice four years of age. child since her b S'te has bem birth. She haa had a doctor sfneo uf began to use ! it. .Mrs. Sihater. - wV; And yet another child catches cold and articular rheumatism is the result. Ank!". knee, wrists and elbows become suddeniv.- wollen and pamtul. A long, dixntrou ill ness follows. The child may live and be come convalescent, a niisi ralile invalid ol valvular disease of the heart. Ail the mishapa arc the direct rcnull of nepr'.ecteoy cold. Peruna is the safeguard of the fam ily. If a child catches cuid Peruna Bliould be used immediately. A tew doxea ol Peruna and a child's cold is gone. The apprehension of the parent flee away. The household is free irons fear once more. If you do not receive prompt and satis factory results from the use cf Peruna, write at once to Dr. Ilarlman, giving a fill, statement of your case, and he will b pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address P. Hartmnn, President of The Ilartman Sa.tanuin, Columbus, Ohio. Almanac for 1904. Corn must have a sull'.cicnt snp-ilyi Pota in order to ut'.t lo;i int i a cr p. spiioric No amount of !':: Aciil cr N'itroL'ti ca:; compen sate for a lack cf ivira.-h in fertilizers lor and all other crop;. J 'ifiL ui -n t lire to any W&KJ&S" f-'rm-roUrl.!.Ux 'rJr -"KC" """-'"'""a"' '- (iFRnN kit I WflDkH 93 Nassau S' FOR WOMEN A Boston physician's dis covery which cleanses and heals nil inflammation of the mucooa membrane wherever located. In local treatment of female ilia Pba- tine it invaluable. Vsed as a dim he it it a revelation in cleansing and healing power i it kills all disease cenrt which cause Inflammation anJ discharges. Thousands of litters from women rirove thnt It U the crcnti-st euro lo.' i-ucorrhiva ever tllscovcrod. I'axtine never fails to cms peitW catarrh, nasal catarrh, tnre throat, nt mouth and tore eyes, le.ius iliese diseases are all caused by i.uljr.inia'.ioi) of the mucous membrane. l'or rlcmiHlujr, ss hltcnln? nnd pre. scrvliiK tbo teeth wo challcnjj t'jo world to priMliiio Ita vqiiul. I'liysicians und apevialbts everywhere prescribe and endorse l'axtlne, ai.dthoi tandsof tcstiiuoniallctters provelts value. At druggists, or sent postpaid 50 ctt. A largo trial package noil book of Instructions ubsolutvly free. Writ Tba R. Paxtoa Co., Sept. 2. Boiton. Mais, SILOS, LUMBER, BOXES, GRATES. illlllt ftM'.U IfV'IMMat lt ni tr wr i-uiJJ, ur 4iM ii. tLIAS Si ISUO lluDnlo, ! Y. and tft Iho ijmI fir 111 Imb lnuu. uirv-Ja irviu K Ut (l fGAPSICUU VASELINE 1 ivnriirl.'Oui.ui'iltl.llUliul Atabatltate for aodiuj-erlor to inttsiarae an j other ilaaUr,aaii will but UUlrtl cunstivaqaal IUmoI thlnarticlearn wooJr tul. IS will atopUia lo-iUiaotialoDO, rvlleve Itoadach and aclaUua. V rtt- ruoud It tbe hat and wit est xlrrtM.J oouuUrtrriUnlkDowu,lw anatora) rvinodf for lns ia tbs cbeit audatuuek aDdallrUoiuatlcnurltfeandroulyots- uUluia. A trial will pruva mi torlt, and It will befuuoa to be in-aiu..-. iitibou)Uoiu.wp'i""r .""- btot all of four r-rapaft-op--? rrw-t ta.. a! all druenttU or oOier d , or -udluihlMiontt"aiopo-kua-- w wtllscod Tu tabebr )muII. SOMi shoo Id ueaeMptMl b thepywleaK1"-'- aoine. t. . -rij 1 . ,1 IT Steto ti. Vo- fur -fa - 3QU th Wl hi 11 a had Jlar? a at IriAQ. ! etroit, er of JO V