FATHER SLEW CHILDREN Killed (he Little Ones to Spile Wife. His FLED FROM WRATH OF LYNCHERS. To the Jill Turnkey McClure Admitted the Murder of Hi Two Ch Idrco, and Said He Had Killed Tbem ft.cause Hit Wife Had Lett Him and Refused lo See or Hove Any Thing to Do Willi Him. Marion, Irul. ( Special.) Jesse Mc Clure, a farm hand, murdered his two oris, aged five and seven years, leaving their bodies in a fence corner. While a mob was funning to capture and lynch Jiim, he drove on a run to this city and Eave himself up. lie has been secreted ty the authorities, who fear attempted violence. McClure lived near Frankton, and had aeparatcd from his wife a year ago, she Tefnsing to live with him and returning with her children to her father's home. At noon McClure hired a rig at El wood and drove to the Kilgore farm, the owner ling Mrs. McClure's father, lie found the children playing in the front yard, and induced them, with candy, to take a ride with him He .drove a mile up the road, carried the children to a fence cor ner and shot them with a revolver. The older one was found dead a few minutes later and the younger one was dying, a piece of the candy bcinir till in hi tnouth. McCitirc tied and was rur-iud ly a crowd of young farmers hmt on , deadly vengeance. '1 lie alarm wvs given and from all surrounding towns arm'1 I pursuers started. McClure succeeded in , Teaching the jail in safety. ; To the jail turnkey McClure admitted j the murder of his two children and said j lie had killed them becatt-c his wife had ! left him and refused to see him. lie; said : j "When she refused to see mc I de cided to In: revenged, and drove down, the road to a little clump of small trees j My two children were asleep ill the buy- i fry. When I stopped the jolt awoke my I little b'A1, Dec. Hi; looked up to me and i said : " Tapa. what arc. you going to do?' "I put mv hand over his eves and took tny gun from my pocket and diot Inm ' In the forehead, killing him in-tantly. I The shot . awoke little Homer, and If took him by the shoulder and fired a shot j into his head. '1 hey both fell to the hot- ; toni of the bui'ay. 1 drove the horse to : the side of the road and Iiftoil both bodies out and laid them out on the with ered grass. I then drove directly to Ma rion, to the jail, and am here to give myself up. The neighbors w ill lynch mc when they find out what I have done. I do do not care what you do with mc. I am ready to die, and expect to hang for this crime. All that I ask is to sec my dear little ones buried." Late in the evening it was learncil that a mob was being formed to come to Ma rion anil lvuch McClure. Deputy Sher iff Willn.ms then spirited the murderer away from the jail and started with him to Indianapolis. S25.0JO REWARD OFFERED. Amount Will Be Paid for Return ol Philadel phia Millionaire. Big Stone Gap, Va. (Special). Pre vious rewards offered by D. 15. Wcntz, iirothcr of Edward L. Wcntz, the Philadelphia millionaire who disappeared on Wednesday. October 14, not having brought forth the desired results, all re wards offered by D. I!. Wcntz have been withdrawn and the following rewards of fered by the Virginia Coal and Iron Company : 1. If the person or persons who ab ducted Edward I-cincring Wcntz Wed nesday. October 14. t'KM, will return him alive they will he paid $25,000 by the Vir ginia Coal and Iron Company. 2. A reward of Jjo.or.o will he paid by tlie Virginia Coal and Iron Company for information which secures the arrest and conviction of the murderers of lid ward L. Wcntz. DliATH IN Till: CAN. Two Peddlers Mistake Nllro-glycerine for Maple Srup. Butler, Ta. ( Special;. William. Marks was instantly killed and Patrick Hardy fatally injured here by tin explosion of liitro-glvcerine. The men were peddlers of small notions, and hud camped in the woods near here. 'I hey found an empty ran which they supposed had contained maple syrup from the small bit of siicky substance ad hering to the top. Marks' s-.t down with the can between his knees and com menced 10 cut out the top, Vj ui to trails form it into a water ve s"l. 'J he small portion of tbc niiro-glycer-ine at once exploded, ami Marks' head, bands anil feet were l.b.w 11 011 ;md his body disemboweled. Ilardv, who was Handing close by, had bis' eyes blown out and the bone-, in hi, ;,rms and legs shattered in a dozen places. J!c cannot recover. Girls as Vbsscnjjers. Boston (Special) .The collection j and delivery ,i tele-rams by the We t : ern Union Telegraph Company by j means 01 messengers was practically cut off owing t.. liic lockout oi ih' 150 or more messenger-, in tin; employ d the American Di-trict Telegraoil Company. Several girls were used lor the collection and delivery nf m"s sages, but the greater part of the work was carried on by telephone Super intendent Ames, of the Western Union, said that the messenger service here after would be conducted by girls. Dur ing the day the rather limited force of jrirls at first employed was gradually increased ami me service showed con siderable, improvement. Favoritism 10 Women. Washington, D. C. . (Special). The temporary men clerks in the War De partment arc disgruntled over what they declare is favoritism shown women who have been transferred to the pcr- snancnt roll. These clerks were given places at the outbreak of the Spanish- 4 American War. No examination was required- After the war all were re tained on account of the mass of work caused by the acquisition of new terri tory. When Congress convenes some thing may be done for the men clerks. Caoadion (iovernm:ol Detailed. Toronto, Out. (Special). The Do minion government has lost and the Americans have won in the case of the seizure by the cruiser Petrel of the fish ing schooner Kitty D., last July, (or, tlie government claimed, illegally fishing in Canadian waters in Lake 1-rie. Judge llodgius, of the Admir alty Court, decided against the govern ment's contention that the vessel was on the inside of the boundary hue and ordered the restitution of the vessel to its owner at Dunkirk, N. Y. It is 10I unlikely a suit for damages against the Dominion government will lubuw, THE LATEST fCWS IN SHORT ORDER. Domestic. It is reported in Philadelphia that the Pennsylvania Kailro.nl Company will award the contract for the erection of the new union station at Washington, D. C In I'odvhotise, Arcy iV Co.. of Philadelphia. The contract will amount to about $1,250,000. The report of Keceiver Smith, of the United States Shipbuilding Company, recommends that Schwab's $10,000,003 bond issue be declared, void and that the common stock of the company ho assessed. Judge Wing, in the United Stales District Court in Cleveland, Ohio, sen tenced Albert W. Deibel, former paying teller of the City National Hank of Can ton, (.)., to the penitentiary for live years for embezzlement. Edward Kocdel, aged 62, a traveling doctor, was arrested at Cincinnati, charged with counterfeiting. One-dollar bills have been changed into tin dollar bills and passed in Southern In diana and Ohio. Construction of the ship canal which is to connect the .smith end of Lake Michigan with the Calumet river was commenced at Indiana Harbor. I '1 he bandits who are supposed to have looted the liurrton (Kan.) Hank were caught alter a desperate battle, in 1 which their leader was wounded, j A hearing was had at Lancaster, Pa., 1 nit the application nf John (J. Denny tor a receiver lor the Susquehanna Iron and Steel Company. John K. Urown. motive cashier of the Union Hank of New Holland, in dicted for embezzling $10.3.000, was ar reted in San Francisco. V. K. I.attiuier. a merchant, was at tacked and killed bv hiuhwaymcn as he was about to enter his home, in Won! Sto.'k. O. Plans for amalgamating the two na tional organizations of carpenters have In in formulated by Albert Strausser, tin1 umpire. I'.y the will nf Miss Mary P. Ropes, of Saiem, Mass., Sl.ooo.ooo is to be dis tributed among various educational and other public institutions after the death of her sister, Kliza O. Ropes. A skiff containing five Hungarian la borers wa.s swept over the Springdale Dam. near Colfax Station, in the fog and iour nf the occupants were drown- At the American Hanker" s Conven tion in San Francisco. Ellis II. Rob erts, treasurer oi the United Staes, read a paper on the effects of the inllow of gold. 'I he will of the Rev. J. H. W. Stuck enburg, nf Cambridge. Mass., contains a bequest of $35,000 to the Pennsylvania College, at Gettysburg. Heulah York, a Maine farmer's daughter, was killed by Ora Green, who was infatuated with her, and who also blew his own head off. George Neyulus was sentenced by Judge Kirkpatrick. in Trenton. N. J., to 10 years in the State prison for coun terfeiting. A monument erected to the memory of Shabbona. the famous chief of the Pottauattomies, was unveiled at Mor ris, 111. Thre bandits dynamited and robbed the State Hank at Hurton. Kan., and obtained between $1000 and $2000. A pitched battle at Port Riley was an interesting and dashing feature of the army maneuvers. I he question of taxing Indians was considered at the Lake Mohonk Con ference. I trojn. An American who has been studying the situation at Dalny, on the Liaotung Peninsula, says Russia has 200,000 tioops in Manchuria, and is also strengthening her position on the west bank nf the Yalu river. Japan contin ues her policy of settling Korea. The plan of the powers for the amelioration of affairs in Macedonia, just submitted to Turkey, provides for control of all branches nf the adminis tration of the disturbed provinces by Austria and Russia for two years. Emperor William was present at the unveiling nf monuments at Kuestrin, Prussia one to mark the grave of Jo haiiu, who built the fortress at Kues trin, and another in memory of Fred erick the Great Fleeter. Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, the British ambassador at Madrid, has been selected to succeed the late Sir Michael Herbert at Washington. Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, the Briti-h ambassador at Madrid, will probably succeed the late Sir Michael Herbert as ambassador to the United States. At the suggestion nf Signor Zanar delli. who has resigned the Italian pre miership, the King has charged Signor (iinletti with the iormation of a new cabinet. The underwriters at Lloyds have dou bled the insurance rates to the Far l'.a-t. covering all risks if war is de clared within time months. The 1 lirkish authorities have hurried Hoops to L'skub because of the dis covery of a military plot to kill the Russian consul there. 1 he Japanese milli ter at Paris in i is that the negotiations between Ja pan and ku-.-ia continue and predicts a pc.-.cei.d result. The detachment of the Honourable Artillery Company of London, arrived at Lis : pool on their return from the L'nite'l States. While de. r-sta'king at Roiiiinten F.m pcror Will. am sank to his hips in the bog un 1 the foresters pulled him out of the mire. Itriti.h Secretary Lytthton, I.iberal I'lioiiit, Ins been re-elected to the House oi Commons by a greatly re duced majority. The Kii' sian viceroy of the Far Fast, Admiral Alt r.teff, is opposed lo the open ing of Manchui iau towns to foreign trade. 'I be treaty nf commerce between China and the United States provides that concc1 .-.ions be given "t Mukden and Aiitung. I Inanclat. i Illinois Central will issue $jo,ooo,ooo ol 4 per cent, refunding bonds. I he Philippines have stopped buying silver bullion and will recoin 12,000,000 Spanish dollars. Gould's friends gathered in more Mis souri Pat die. llu y say it must go to par on the first real rally. The Alton pool is still active. Since the tip was invcn that it would go to 40 it has risen from 10, to 28. It is denied by Like Superior people that President Shields will retire to .:kc ruom for Keceiver Fachcnthal. Its annual report shows that Crucible eel (.aid out $227,450 more in dividends .ban was earned during the year. Northern Pacific directors yrsterday declared the usual quarterly dividend of 1 'j per cent, and an extra 't of 1 per c nt. Amalgamated Copper lost its big suit with llcinzc. The Court decides that the Hoston & Montuna CoiiiKiuy must not pay dividends to Amalgamated. New England will tins year ship 4, o,;X,ooo cases of shoes or 560,000 cases more than last year. William C. Parks, an able steel manu facturer, has been elected to the board of the Crucible Steel Company. 17 BURIED IN SUBWAY Frenzied Workman Diij With Bare Hands to Rescue Men. THE ROOF FELL IN AFTER A BLAST. It Is Believed That Not One ol the Seventeen Men at Work at the Spot Where the Cave In Occurcd Will Live, As Those Who Were Not Mangled Wens Shocked by the Terrific Explosion. New York (Special). Following a blast of rock in the rapid transit sub way under Washington Heights a col lapse of the tunnel roof occurred, bury ing 17 laborers who were working at that point. Within 20 minutes of the explosion, which echoed and re-echoed throughout the neighborhood, rescuers had dug out four dead bodies and four of the victims who arc not expected to recover were soon taken to an opening farther along in the subway and lifted to the street. Ambulances and surgeons from the J. Hood Wright, the Fordham and the Lin coln Hospitals were hurried to the scene and a truck from the Fire Department reached the spot within half an hour. '1 here were wild scenes as some of the fellow-workmen who had escaped any serious injuries ran to the spot and fran tically dug with their bare hands at the huge mound of earth and broken stone in hysterical endeavors to get at the vic tims buried under tons of debris. The surgeons went about administer ing anesthetics to those who were' still alive and, then bundled them off to the hoiital for treatment. It is believed that not one of the 17 men at work at the spot where the cave-in occurred will live, as those who were not mangled were shocked by the explosion. The wildest rumors were in circula- I tion. and at one time it was reported that tlie tunnel had caved in for a distance of a quarter of a mile and that .10 men had been buried, rordham Hospital was promptly notified and urged to send its ambulances and to arrange for trucks or I tlicr vehicles to convey, the injured to its doors. About ir o'clock another report at po lice headquarters, that later proved to be greatly exaggerated, placed the num ber of victims at 65. of whom it was said 15 were killed outright and 50 were so crushed and bruised that the number of dead might be greatly increased. After sifting down these incorrect ru mors the truth was ascertained. Suffering from cuts and bruises, Thomas Yendran and a man named Wil liams were taken to Fordham Hospital. They said they knew that a number of persons had been killed by the cave-in and many more injured. Hoth ambulances of the hospital, car rying members of the house staff, in ad dition to the regular ambulance sur geons, were hurried to the scene in re sponse to the first call. DYNAMITE CARS IN COLLISION. Terrific Force of the Explosion that Follow edSome Strange Effects. New York (Special). Three freight cars, one of them loaded with dynamite, that had broken away from a freight train on the Harlem River branch of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, at liaychestcr, collided with the remainder of the train at the bottom of a steep decline, and the car with the explosive in it was blown up, demolish ing three other cars. The engineer, Thomas Corrigan, was thrown off his seat and was for a few minutes slightly stunned. He managed to regain his presence nf mind, however, and shut off the steam, bringing the train to a stop. Nearly every house in Baychestcr suf fered damage from the explosion. A woman who was thrown from bed is believed to lie the only person who was injured by the explosion. A policeman who wan crossing the tracks a mile from the scene was knocked down by the concussion. The three detached cars and the rear car of the main portion of the train were burned. Within half a mile of the Baychestcr station not a pane of glass in any of the houses remained intact. In Westchester village almost a panic reigned. Men rushed to the postothce armed with clubs, guns and knives, be lieving that burglars had blown open the safe. Two boathouses on Long Island Sound, half a mile away from the scene of the explosion, were wrecked. There was some damage done at City Island. DANGtROUS FIRE IN NORFOLK. ' Building 00 Commercial Place Is Destroyed Sailors AiJ Firemen, Norfolk, Va. (Special). The five-story building of the Old Dominion Paper Company, on Commercial Place, was gutted by fire. A high northeast wind threw blading brands for squares and seriously endangered the heart of the wholesale section, but the llames were confined to one building. The tire originated on the fifth floor and had gained great headway before it wa.s discovered. Alxmt 100 sailors from the navy yard aided the firemen, and one sailor fell from the top of a 40-tn it ladder into the outstretched arms of three of his companions, who saw him criming and braced themselves to catch him. lie was uninjured. What portions of the building escaped the llames were ruined by water, and the stock is a total loss. The damage is es timated at from $50,000 to $00,000, in sured. On Strike for Oood Food. Philadelphia (Special). Twenty-four men and five girls, employed at the Mu nicipal Hospital, are on strike for pure and nourishing food. The force at the hosjiital is crippled and the physicians arc acting as ambulance drivers. The strikers include waitresses, ward maids, laundry pirls, yardmen, gatcmcn and drivers. They claim that Emma Gil lianis. the .matron, furnishes them with tainted meat, half-cooked sausage and hard potatoes. Bandits Surrender Alter Fir lit. Burrton, Kan. (Special). After a de termined cliase and a bloody battle the men who are alleged to have looted the bank at this point have been cap tured on an island in the Arkansas river. The men give their names as James Bell. George Olson, Ii. II. Johnson, who was severely wounded, Thomas White and Frank liar wood. Johnson is badly wounded, being shot in the head, breast, arms and legs. They declare they were never in liurrton, but W. L. Dailey, a merchant of Bunton, identifies them as the men who came into his store Thursday evening. NATIONAL CAPITAL AFFAIRS. ' Immigration Increases. The annual report of Commissioner General Frank P. Sargent, of the Bu reau of Immigration, shows a large in crease of steerage immigration over that of the preceding year, the aggregate for the fiscal year of 1903 being 857,046, an excess over that of last year of 208,303, or 33 per cent, The statistics show an increase in im migration from all foreign sources, sug gesting as the chief cause of the influx of aliens into the United States during the year the inducements offered to set tlers here, rather than any special causes of discontent in their own countries. Of the total steerage immigration there came from F.urope 814.507, from Asia 20,906 and from all other sources 12,573. If to these figures arc" added those rep resenting the total arrivals of alien cabin passengers 64.260 tl,c result will show that the total immigration of aliens to the United States during the year aggre gated 021,315, or 105.043 more than the greatest luitnW heretofore reported for any one year. The greatest number of immigrants 230.O22 came from Italy, an increase nf 5-2.247 over last year, while Austria Hungary furnished so6,on, an increase of 34.022; Kttssia 136.003, an increase of 28.746; Germany, 40,0, an increase of 11.782; Sweden, 46.028, an increase of I5.I34: Ireland, 35,210, an increase of 6172, and England, 26.219, an increase nf 12.644. Of the Oriental countries, Japan was foremost, with 19,968, an in crease of 5608, while China contributed 2209, an increase of 560 over last year. Of the total number nf steerage aliens 613.146 were males and 243.000 were fe males, of whom I02.43t were less than 14 years of age. There were of these 3341 who could read, but could not write, and 185,667 who could neither read nor write, leaving a balance able both to read and to write of 668.0S. The total H molttl t ("if nin'IPl' 111 Mt rrli f if them into the United States was $:6,- H7:5t3. Exclusive of those denied admission nt the land boundaries of the United States 8?fiO nlifn iltiininrntitc ftm rn- jeeted for various causes, the number of reiections beino1 np.nrlv flntibl.. ttirc of the preceding year. Of these 5812 were paupers, 1773 were afflicted with disease and 10S0 were contract labor ers. Program of Naval Increase. The General Board of the Navy, of which Admiral George Dewey is the president, has recommended to Secre tary Moody that the navy should b? increased each year by 4 first-class bat tleships, 2 armored cruisers, 4 torpedo boat destroyers and 4 fast and large scout ships. Secretary Moody some time ago asked the board to recommend a budd ing program which would extend over a period of several years, and which is, in the opinion of the board, essential to bring the navy to a strength ade quate to the country's possible require ments. It is understood the above rec ommendation is the result, with the suggestion that in case Congress in any year fails to make a sufficient ap propriation for all of these ships, the 2 armored cruisers and 4 torpedo-boat destroyers can best be eliminated from the program. Interior Department Expense Decreasing. The Secretary of the Interior has completed and forwarded to the Secre tary of the Treasurer his estimate of the appropriations necessary to conduct the affairs of the Interior Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1905. The estimate places the total require ment for the department at $156,000,000, which is about $3,000,000 less than the appropriation for the current year. The proposed reduction will be made in the Pension Bureau and the Indian office. The estimate for pensions is $135,800, 000, or $i,7oo.oco less than the appro priation made for this year. There also is a cut of $1,300,060 in the estimate for the Indian Bureau. The estimate for the expenses of conducting the af fairs of the Five Civilized Tribes of In dians is $259,695. The reduction in the pension estimate is due to a calculation of deaths oi pensioners made by the Commissioner of Pensions. New Coun'crfelt la Circulation. The Secret Service announces the dis covery of a new counterfeit $10 m tional banknote on the Miller's River National Hank of Athol. Mass., check letter B, series of 1882, Bruce register. Wyman treasurer. It is a photographic production printed on two thin pieces of paper, between which silk threads have been distributed. The bank and litasury numbers are colored maroon, instead nf carmine, and the seal is yel lowish brown, instead of chocolate. The back of the note is several shades darker than the genuine. In the Departments. Lieut. K. E. Peary discussed before the National Geographical Society the plans for the next expedition to the North Pole. Adjutant General Corbin exchanged farewell greetings with the officers and employes oi the office. The immigration officials ordered the deportation of John Turner, the Eng lis.li anarchist. The Postmaster General signed an order disbarring II. J. Barrett from practicing beiore the Postollice Depart ment. Harrison D. Barrett, ol New-ham, Mass., was re-elected president of the National Spiritualists' Associating. Commissioner General Frank P. Sar gent, of the Bureau of Immigration, submitted his annual report. The Woman's Centenary Association of the Univcrsalist Church began its thirty-fourth session. In accordance with Attorney General Knox's opinion, there will be 110 criminal proceedings against Littaucr. William II. Lantlvoight, chief of the classification division of the Postofficc Department, resigned by request. Senator CJuay's sou was appointed deputy naval officer at the port of Phila delphia. The All-American Conference of Protestant Episcopal Bishops opened at Washington. The State Department officials arc disposed to attach little credence to the reports that Russia intends to defeat the operation ol the new treaty between the United States and China. The opinion of the Attorney General in the case of Representative Littaucr holds that he is not subject to prose cution because of the statute of limit ations. , An Increased force is needed in the auditor's bureau, according to the rec ommendations of retiring Auditor Cas tle, of the Postofl'ice Department. ' The . sentences of Marion Marshall, Cyrus Raines and Burton Harper, the West Virginia conl miners, have been commuted by the President. INSURGENTS SURRENDER Plan of Revolutionary Committee to Avoid Rigor cf Winter. LCAVE THEIR ARMS BEHIND THEiM. Turks Report Botb Chakalaroff sod Sarafotf, the Insurgent Leaders, Wcro Killed Recent ly In thj Village of Doof, In the Fiorina District The Bulgarians Assert That Sara loff Is on His Way to Bulgaria. Solonica, Macedonia (By Cable). Recent advices from Monastir say that a considerable number of insurgents have surrendered in response to the Sultan's last call. The first of those who surrendered were beaten and imprisoned, but under stringent orders from the Yildiz palace all the men who are now coming in are well received and have been pardoned. This, however, docs not indicate the collapse of the rebellion, but is in con formance with the revolutionary com mittee's decision to thin out the in surgent bands during the winter and retain under arms only an aggregate of about 3500 men. The insurgents who arc coming in arc men of inferior phy sique, who could not stand a winter campaign. They leave their rifles with the leaders, who secrete them in the mountains, in readiness for operations in the spring. Not one of the leaders has surrendered. The revolutionary committee has no intention of resorting to the use of dyn amite bombs in the towns this winter, but it declares that if the powers do not succeed in causing the establish ment of a satisfactory form of govern ment by the spring every available man will be called out and every desperate method for gaining the ends of the rev olutionists will be resorted to. The Turks report that both Chaka laroff and SarafolT, the insurgent lead ers, were killed recently in the village of Moot, m the rlonna district. Ihe Bulgarians assert that Satafoff is on his way to Bulgaria. The Rev. Henry Haskell, the Amer ican missionary, has arrived at Mon astir to help in the relief work inau gurated by the Rev. Mr. Bond. Constantinople. 1 he Austrian and Russian ambassadors presented to the Porte notes embodying the demands agreed on at the recent conference be tween the Czar and Emperor Francis Joseph held at Mttrzsteg, Styria. Sofia, Bulgaria. The war minister has dismissed the reservists of the sec ond class, and it is expected that all tru reservists will be disbanded prior to the elections. PAID HIS FINE, V. S. Minister Pearson Refused to Ask for Its Remission. Rome (By Cable). Richmond Pear son, formerly United States consul at Genoa and now minister to Persia, has been fined $60 and $15 costs for in sulting an Italian railway official last December, previous to his appointment as minister. The government was de sirous of settling the incident by par doning Mr. Pearson, but the latter re fused to ask for the King's clemency, as prescribed by law. Mr. Pearson, on December 2, had some words at the railroad station at Genoa with some other passengers, about scats in a car and an employe of the road intervened, whereupon Mr. Pearson, it is claimed, used insulting language- in addressing the employe. The train left and the incident would have been closed if Mr. Pearson, on returning to Genoa, had not made a report to the station-master against the employe, repeating the alleged in sults in writing and signing his name, as consul genera) of the United States, thus compelling the employe to defend himself. The latter used' the consul general's letter as evidence before the judicial authorities and Mr. Pearson, not appearing, he was sentenced by de fault. Santos Dumo.it to Contest. Taris (By Cable). M. Santos-Du-mont, the Brazilian aeronaut, said: "If there is no modification" of the condi tions stipulated I shall participate in the contest at St. Louis for the aero nautic prize. The conditions named are perfect, for the numerous difficulties prescribed enable a splendid test of the dirigibihty of balloons. There will be three points to encircle, instead of one, as in the contest for the Deutsch prize, in whk'.x it sufficed to double the Eiffel Tower. I believe my No. 7 will attain the speed fixed upon. This bal loon is really an arrow. It measures 154 feet in length, has a diameter of 22 feet and is driven by a motor having Ho horsepower." Gruesome Sljht at a Hanging. Birmingham, Ala. (Special). .? grue some spectacle was witnessed here when Felix Hall, colored, was hanged for the murder of Norwood Clark, white. When the drop fell the rrpe slipped, and the condemned man hung for 10 minutci only half choking. He was hauled up and the rope readjusted. This time the fall broke his neck. Hall's last act wis to write a declaration of his innocence. Wife and Mother In-Law Su'pcctcd. Helena, Mont. (Special). Mrs. J Pin na Hall, mother-in-law of Albert W. Falke. who died suddenly in Great Falls last March, has been arrested here 011 a warrant sworn out by Faike's lather, charging her with having caused hi-: death by means of poison. Faike's wife was arrested recently in Labelle, Mo., on a similar charge. Airs. Hall declares she is innocent. SPARKS FROM Tlld WIRJi The second-class protected cruiser Denver failed to make the speed of 17 knots an hour called for in her contract in her official trial trip on the Cape Ann course. Her average was 16.28 knots. The Acme Harvester Company, of Pe oria, III., has placed its affairs in the hands of a committee and asked creditors for an extension. William Mills, aged 92 years, said It be the oldest veteran of the Civil War in New York State, died at his home in Pumghkecpsic. Arthur Carpenter and Frederick Av ery, New York Central trainmen, were arrested in Albany on the charge of as saulting and attempting to rob Express Messenger Miller. Customs officers seized $25,000 worth of jewels taken from Cant. S. Gelat. a re tired French officer, who had declared that lie had nothing dutiable. Ijtlrones surprised the town of Iriga, in the province of Amhos Camarines, Lu.:on, and killed the wife, uncle of the president and three volunteers. j t The New Orleans Board of Trade lias selected Philadelphia as the northern ter minus of the proposed steamship line from the Southern city. THE MISSOURI NOW QUEEN. New Battleship Proves Herself Very . Speedy .Boston, Mass. (Special). The new battleship Missouri proved herself the queen of the seas in her class in a speed trial over the Cape Ann course, with weather conditions of a consid erably handicapping nature. Steaming over a course of 33 nautical miles and return, the battleship made an average speed of 18.05 knots pet hour, which, with tidal corrections greatly in her favor, it is believed will advance it to 18.22 knots, a new world'l record for battleships of her1 class. The first part of the run was made against a strong northwest breeze, which kept 'down the speed to 17.64 knots, but coming back the conditions were more favorable, and the 33 knot were covered in I hour and 47 min utes and 9 seconds, a speed of i8.4? knots per hour. The big battleship at one time attain ed a speed of 18.75 knots per hour, The contract requirements call for IS knots, and the margin was very gratifying not only to the builders, the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, but to the government officials 01) board. The best previous record made by a battleship in the Missouri's class is that oi the Maine, a sister ship, which was 17.98 per hour. The Missouri left her anchorage in Presidents Roads shortly after 8 a. m., and steamed down to Cape Ann, where the measured course began. On the battleship was the naval trial beard, a number of naval officers stationed in and near Boston and guests of the com pany. The weather was clear, but a stiff quartering breeze blew from the northwest and roughed up the water considerably. The cruiser Chicago, marking the southern end of the course, was sighted soon after 10 o'clock, and half an hour later the Missouri was headed for-the line. It was found that steam was' a tritle low, and so the big warship described a couple of circles before she again headed northward, the stokers shoveling coal upon the fires ali the while, until at 11 o'clock the steam pressure was satisfactory to the engineers in charge. W hen the word was given the Mis souri's whistle notified the Chicago that she was rcatly to start 011 her trial, and then Capt. F. M. Howes, who steered the craft with great precision over the course, hcatlcd for the line. The new warship was abeam of the first buoy at 11:13:50, and with speed that increased steadily she sped away to the northward, passing stakeboat after stakeboat, until the cruiser Baltimore was astern. The latter craft marked the northern end of the course, and, swing ing on 10 port, tnc -Missouri turned in a circle and steamed back again. Go ing to the northward, the warship en countered heavy seas, that swept over her low bows, and a breeze of half a gale's strength. . Added to these speed-reducing conditions, the tide ran strong against the new vessel, so that her speed was figured as averaging 17 64 an hour. The vessels marking the course were stationed 6.6 knots apart and the Mis souri's lowest elapsed time between anv two of the mark boats was 21 minute's 8 seconds, made on the homeward leg. which makes her best actual speed 18.75 knots per hour. On the northern leg the engine attained a speed of 121 revolutions a minute and the average for the entire trial was 117. Commander Cowles said that the tidal corrections would no doubt add .17 of a knot pr hour to the speed of the ship. POISONOUS WORM IN CABBAQE. Many Deaths Said to Have Been Caused in Georgia by Insect. Gainesville, Ga. (Special). A great loss of life is reported in the counties of Northeast Georgia, due to persons eat ing cabbage saturated with poison by a strange worm. During the past few weeks persons coming here from White, Union, Dawson, Forsythe and other counties surrounding them have reported over a score of deaths from this cause. At first the many deaths were not un derstood, until it was noticed that all occurred after eating cabbage. Then a farmer in White county, in gathering cabbage, discovered a worm about two inches long and about the size of a r.ecdlc. Ho says when ha touched the leaf the worm, which was on it, licked out its tongue like a snake and acted in every way like a reptile. Becoming alarmed, he sent the worm ta the state chemi-t, who reported that it contained enough poison to kill 15 people. The worm is so small that it is hard for housew ives to find it when preparing cab bage for cooking, and many have been cooked in this way. The cabbage crop is of great value in this section, but the discovery of the poisonous worm htu completely annihilated the demand. Up lo t his time no scheme has been de vised for getting rid of the worm, or whatever it is that has been productive of so many deaths. More Dynamite on Tracks. Missoula, Mont. (Special). Two sticks of dynamite have been found by section men near the mouth of Hell irate canyon, on the Northern Pacific tracks, cast of here, just before the pas sage of nn eastbouiid passenger train. Armed guards arc now patrolling the canyon a distance of nearly ten miles. - 3 Killed and 25 Injured. Aurora, Mo. (Special). Two men .veie killed and 18 seriously injured by en explosion of dynamite used for blast ing on the construction work of the White River Road, in Stone county, 3; n ilcs east of here. A telephone mev s.igf from Stone county, the scene of the o.pWi'm, says a second explosion oc curred nt Tunnel C, 10 miles below there, killing the foreman of the works and in juring seven others. There are no details.. ,. Thirty-One Killed in Stoim. St. Louis (Special). A special dis patch from Austin, Texas, says; "Ad viys received here from Mazatlaii, Mexico, state that Hie terrific storm which visited that city and port a few days ago caused coif siderable loss of life. In the city ifjipeople were killed and a number olethcrs injured, The ships in the hjtbor also suffered much damage. Tl Danish schooner Clara was entirely wrecked, and the captain and liAailoM we're drowned," THE KEYSTONE STATE Latest Nes ol Pennsylvania Told In' Short Order. Pennsylvania Patents Alfred M.Ack-' lin, Pittsburg, casting metals, apparatus for casting metals, handling glass batch William A. Bole, Pittsburg, making mcta castings; Issah R. and L. A. Brown Fhensburg, Hash clamp; Alexander w! Cadman. Edgcwood Park, gauge cock Harry W. Croft, Pittsburg, brick dry ing floor; Frank G. Farnham, Hones dale, rotary brush; Harrison W. Fos naigh, McKccs Rocks, curtain fixture Edwin M. Herr, Pittsburg, electric heat er for carsf William R. Jenkins, Belle fonte. manufacturing rakes; II. Jarman Johnson, Pittsburg, toy; Jonas Kauf inann. New Castle, wire fence; William Kearns, Mammoth, coke drawer; Joseph Kelso, Pittsburg, car coupling; Joseph Litchgcr. Pittsburg, wrench ; Charles P, Martin, Lemont Furnace, unloading ap paratus; John W. Offutt, Ellwood City, rolling null : Stephen Ondrey, Braddock, wrench; Alexander Patterson, Wilkins. burg, pack for rolling sheet metal: Tcter Sch reck. Pittsburg, lining for refriger ators of the like: George W. Shade and P. S. Knapp. Pittsburg, vault cover; Milton 1". Thompson, Ridgcway, brush holder for dynamo electric machines; William J, Wright. Pittsburg, valve mechanism for gas engines, also explo sive engines. Shot by a foreigner whom he had or- ocrea olt Ins land, J. M. Fairchilds, a farmer of West Berwick, has offered a reward of $500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the man who shot him. The shooting occurred in the evening. Fairchilds saw two for eigners hunting in his woods and or dered them away. One of the men threatened to shoot. Fairchilds. who was unarmed, started to retreat and in stantly the man fired. The shot lodged 111 his ankle. The foreigners escaped. Clyde Fritz and Archer IIcss, ol Elk Grove started out to look after some lumber and took their guns with them. When near Gallows Point thev came suddenly upon a bear and Fritz fired when the bear was but a few yards dis tant. Bruin at once cave after giving the hunters the hardest run of their lives for 200 yards dropped dead. lie was a black bear and weighed j-i.s pountis. The Stourbridge Clav. Taint & Pot tery Company was incorporated at Honcsdalc for the manufacture of paint ' and other commodities from clay. The company will erect a $5000 plant at East Honcsdalc. The clay takes the place of white lead now used in paint. The de posits are in Berlin Township, Wayne county. John Smeltser, George Beed and Monroe Airman were tearing out an old chimney on the Shaffner farm near Yost Church, Berks county, when they found in the wall an iron kettle which con tained $762.50 in old gold and silver coin, all in good condition. The treas ure was handed over to William Shaff ner. Urvinza Ilauck, . the 16-year-old daughter of Oscar Ilauck, of Flicks ville, and William Ruth, aged 23 years, who worked for Mr. Ilauck, slipped away to New York last Tuesday and were married. The pair returned to Flicksvillc and informed the bride's pa rents that they had been married. Mr. Ilauck is alleged to have ordered his daughter away from the house and the couple went to the home of Ruth's father. Sixty-five veterans who fought in the sixties in the Forty-seventh Regiment under command of former Lieutenant Governor General John P. S. Gobin, ol Lebanon, met there at their annual re union. Fourteen members of the regi ment died during the past year. Superintendent of Detectives Mc Quaide, of Pittsburg, filed at the State Department, Harrisburg, papers asking Govcnor Penny-packer to request Sec retary Hay to issue a requisition on the British authorities for the return to Washington, Pa., of Milovar Ke vovich and Milovar Pattrowick. These nu n are the Croatians who were arrest ed at Southampton, England, charged with blowing .Contractor Samuel T. Ferguson to pieces with dynamite. The evidence is such that the Governor hon ored the request at once and 'designat ed Mr. McQuaide as the agent for the State to lake the papers to Washing ton. While the firemen were on parade at Wikes-Barrc in semi-annual inspection, a fire broke out two miles from the center of the town and was followed by a second and third alarm, as an entire street was threatened. The firemen, in their dress uniforms, responded and for two hours fought the flames. Six houses were destroyed and several more were damaged. At a meeting of the stockholders ol the Titusville, Cambridge Springs and Lake Erie Railway Company at Ti tusville, these officers were elected: President, Mrs. N. N. Steel, New Y'ork; vice-president, J. T. Blair, Grecnviilej treasurer, Francis Dickinson, New York; secretary, Eugene Mackay, Pitts burg. Mrs. Steel is the wife of. the late II. O. Steel and the largest stockholder Df the company. During a drunken quarrel at Van Me ter, near West Newton. George I.uter shot and killed Michael Chomo. Both are Slavs. Luter made an effort to get away, but was captured. Coronet Wynn and District Attorney Cunning-, ham will make a thorough investigation of the causes which led to the shoot ing and killing of Chomo. Frank Dutton, who has been elected president of the Farmers' Protective Association of Twin Oaks, organized three' weeks ago, for the protection ot birds, is one of the best known resi dents of Upper Chichester. It was through his efforts that the farmers of '.he locality were inspired to take actioo jgainst illegal Running and to protect themselves and the feathered tribe against pothunters. The Eastern Steel Company is turn ing out at its bridge works in Potts ville, the steel material for a large pub- , lie building to be erected at Havana, Cuba. J. K. Petty & Company s boiler works and manufacturing plant, includ ing blacksmith shops, pattern shops, boiler houses, erecting house and en gine room, were burned to the ground at Lebanon, entailing a loss of nearly $10,000. The isolated position of the plant, on the outskirts of the city, in terfered with the firemen's r light witl the llames. ' ; , A $2500 organ was consecrated l St. John's Lutheran Church, Columbia, by Rev. Dr. J. W. Hassler, president nf the Lancaster Conference of the . Lutheran Ministcrium. The sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. J. E. Whitter-ker,. of Lancaster. The organ is one of the finest in Columbia, and half of its cost was paid by Andrew Carnegie. Orders were issued by the Pennsyl vania Raikoad Company to reduce the lorce in the shops at Alloona 10 per tent. This means that 800 men will; e thrown out of employment. 'Ihe no decs sent to the various foremen of) departments, it is said,- ordered the:, Italians to be discharged first.