Rest Timt'i,v t'f-.l -it, Irvvir,'.... ; Miss Jonnic Wooilal wan mllod : 1kiiii! nst week on account tlio : sudden illnosM of hor mother. j Irwin cnu rivc you a low price i on Timothy s'jod. . Ed Dunlap of Kliippcusbur, is spending tin week fisliiiv.,' or bass in the placid waters of Old Licking Creek. Irwin is nyent fcr tlie Wl.ite Sewing Macl.ii.e. Call and ,-ee what v"(; can do for you on a White. Mr. and Mrs. Key M. Sijos of Lickinir Creek township, spent last Saturdiy at Me'VinTs burg. W. Frank Stontoasflo, accom panied by his daughter Mary and niece Miss Olive, went to Crystal Springs camp Tuesday. Irwin soils the Standard Spy ing Machine Company's Ma chines. Four dilVeront pncMl machines to select from. Miss Esther Wat!, and her nieces Annie Harr and Khoda Gordon called at the N i:vs office ' a few minutes Tuesday after-1 noon. Mr. Chas. V. (Mazier, of Haiti- more, accompanied by his wife! and young sou is visiting Lis ' uncle, Mr. Conrad (Hazier of our town. i W. W. Shearer, wife and daugh j ter Nellie from Spring IJi.ui, and ' Emma Wallace I'rorn Concord, ; were visiting J'"!in .'. Ewing and family last wee;. : Vantki. -1 w m j chickens at 10 ! Cents a lb., and ."hlo 'ozen eggs at l'i cents a dozen. j Cr..v Park, '!'!:ree Spi ings Pa. t Samuel M. Clevenger of Need-1 more, was an early Mouday morn ingcallt;r. Sain has )iirchased a lot of ground atNeedmoro and will erect a house this fall. Miss Irene Trout, who is ta king a course in trained nursing at the (lermaii Hospital, Philadel phia, is homo with her mother and sisters for a summer vaca tion. Mr. John McDonald of James town, N. Y., was a very pleasant caller Monday afternoon. Mr. McDonald is a lumber inspector for the Koss Lumber Company, and he anil his wile had been spending a two weeks outing among their many Fulton couury friends. Kev. J. A. Meber of Mainvilie, Pa., is spending his summer va cation among his old parishioners here. Mr. Keber was pastor of the Reformed church at this place about twenty-five 3'ears ago. Ho preached to a large congrega tion in the Reformed church last Sunday morning. Robert M. Cooper, one of the best known residents of Mercers burg died Saturday morning at 3 o'clock at his homo in that place aged (i2 years. Mr. Cooper h;d bei.-u blind for twenty -oars, he kept a small store and supported his mother and sister until their deaths. Since then he had lived alone. (Jeneral debility was the cause of death. Mr. and Mrs. IF. W. Mong, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Schaubla drove over from Chainoersburg Monday, spent the night at the Washington House and returned homo Tuesday. They expressed themselves as delighted with tlio trip over the rrioun'.un, ami we assure them they will ;ind a wel come when they choose to come his way aiain. Mr. A. C. MclMt ,f Pittsburg, who is, with his wife and boy, ta king his annual summer outing among his Fulton county friends, dropped intosoous a few min utes Tuesday morning, andtond- vauco bis subscription to the Nfc-ws. Mr. Mellon who took the Civil Service examination a few weeks ago for the V. S. Kail way Mail service has just been in formed that he passed "away up" and is now In direct lino for a nice position. POTENT PILL PLEASL'RE. The pills that are jioteiitin their action and pleasaut in effect are DeWitfs Uttle Early RlserB. W. 8. Philpot of Albany, f)a , sayw, "During a bilious attack 1 took one. Small as it was it did mo more good than calomel, blue mass or aDy other pills I evor took and at the name time it effected me pleasantly. Little Early Risers are certainly an ideal pill," Rol l at Trout's drug store. One whs pale a-id Billow the other fresh and rosy. Whence the diD'erence S!n. who is blush ing with health uses Dr. King's Now Life I'jiU to maintain it lly gently arousing tin; lazy organs they compel good digestion and head oil' constipation. Try them. Only 2re, at all druggists. Nt:w ciPrwr.A. Robert Smith i drilling a well for William Alioway. Mrs. D. M. Cunningham mid daughter Mabel of Wilkinsburg, are visiting hero. Mr. D. M. Cun ningham returned to his home on Monday of last week, and ou Wednesday started to Shasta county, California. He is treas urer and a heavy stockholder in the Pittsburg Mt. Shasta Cold Mining and Milling Co., owners and operators of the Henningtou group of mines. John Mills who has been at Duucansvilie during the summer and Miss Clara Mills, cashier in the Altoona office of the Union Central Life Insurance Company are enjoying their summer vaca tion at their New Grenada home. Saturday evening the Mh in.t., will be long and pleasantly re membered by the Odd Fellows in this, section of the jurisdiction of Pennsylvania. I t was the occa sion of a fraternal visit of the members of Waterfall No. 773, to gether with some from Wells Val ley No. lid", to our sister lodge at Three Springs. Had a stranger met the odd procession of bug gies, carriages, and spring wa gons.he would have felt that there was romot,hingdoin' but ho wonld never have guessed what was in store for that odd crowd. When we at Three Springs, for oddly enough your scribe was along, wo found supper in wait ing at Park's Hotel and the way the good tilings on the well laden table disappeared was a compli ment to t he cooks. A ff er. supper we soon found ourselves in the spacious hail of ourThn-eSpriugs brethren and so pleasan'ly had thetime passed that we were hard ly "prepared to be disturbed by the clang of the bell in the tower of the Town Hall. Our hosts as sured us that its tones meant no ill, and that wo should "follow." Arriving, we found that the ladies had prepared an abundance of ice cream and cake f-r on r delectation and then again the brethren of our friendly order, were se ited around the festal board, and another hour was spent most de lightfully. At a late hour we turned our faces homeward feeling that we had been treated most royally, and realizing how much benetitis gained by such fraternal inter course. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists- refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box1 25c. Slilppensburg Normal School. To become a successful teacher demands a special education just as a special education is necessa ry to make one a successful physician. The state pays the tui tion of all persons over 17 years of age who attend a State Normal School for the purpose of becom ing teachers. Tl is makes the cost of a Normal School course very low when we consider the character and scope of the train ing. Write to Dr. (1. M. D. Eckels Shipponsburg, Pa. for a catalogue giving full particulars of the Ship peusburg Normal School. While crossing the mountain a few days ago on Iter way over to visit her idek mother, Mrs. J. L, Garland saw a bitf rattlesuake In the road, and believing it would not be Rood luck to allow the dan- sVi-ous reptile to run nt large onger, the plucky little woman dighio.i fi iiui the buggy and gave bis suake,!iip battlo. When she had conquered the snake sho did not do as David did with the fallen Goliath--she cut oil the- suake'a tail and found she had fifteen rat 'les and a button. ET ALL VOL' WANT. Persona troubled with indiges ion or dyspepsia can eat all they ant if they take Kodol Dyspep sia Cure. This remedy prejires the stomach for the reception, re tention, digostion and assimila tion ot all of tho w holesome food .hat may be eaten, and enables Mio digestive organs to transform ' he anji Into the kinds of Llood that gives health and strength! Sold at Trout's drug Btore. ' i 1 Administratrix's Notice. Notice N tirrt'liy yivrn. th;tl Jttlrr of n.l tiiiiiisirutioii im liifl evfutp of Aiiiom Wink liUu Ml' Mlilh (.tiM'U Imviisltll'. .'m!!ou roiih ty. tlrccusiMl liiivintf trnimcit t. thi;nu 'li'lNk'nt'il. Iiv I Ufi'iMi'r of K'llt tl t'oimtv. Vittler N hi'l-rl'V nven to nil n-jT.nn ill'll-bti'd lo sunl i'M;tt' to IliliiiC lllltiji.'tt;. .-piiy-rn"flts. iitkI tlio.i1 h:tvinif I'lumuitr.'iilt tlx' h..iih! t.l lft'-l'l)t tlu'iri to tin- miilt'tviL'lMMl. duly mi- llH'titioiili.'fl for nt tW-nu'ii . KAOIir.n WINK. Ailmx. Auk, o:i Loutivt (irove. pit. Administrator's Notice. N'otliM- Is hereby Klvrn thut letter of nditiln Ntnition have tieen rrn riled tothe miler.!iiefl upon the e-inteof .lotin II. OiveltiisN lute of Itethel t.ov ti.lii. l-'iiltoti eoiinty. I'u,, ileeenn. eil. All perMins hnviriK clnlm" !u';iint mid es tate will present them properly HtithenUcuted foi "ettleiitent. uiul iIiom-owIok tlii! ume will pleilsu eull lind nettle. KI.I.IOTT 1)1 VF.1.H1SS, AdmlnWtrnliir. July 1. IIK.3. Wttrlonlshuiv. 1. AUDITOR'S INOTICK. Notice Ih nerehy Klven thai the tinilerIk'ned iniilltor uppoltited to m. ike dlxtrlliutluu of Die funds In the huuils cif Mrs. Mnry Ann Knyley. ndttilnlstrutrix of the e-.i:ite of Atmit Fohner. l:;tp of Moklnir Creek township, deceased will sii in his office at Met.'onuelMiurtr. I'u.. for the pet fortnunee tf Mlid duly, on Tuesday. Se Irmlier 1. IIW. lit in o'clock A. M. when and where 11!) persons Interested may attend If they see proper. JNO. P. SIl'DS. Autf. I-J. I'.MI. Auditor. Divorce Notice. f In the Court of Com Minnie Met tle Irvln ; mon l'leas or Kulton vs. county. l'a., No. Jan y J Mints lrvin I T. In:t. i In Divorce. Thi; un-lerslined Muster, appointed hv tlie .ludnes of the Court of Common fleas, of I'mI ton county, to tune testimony and return the s::me. together with a report of t he pro !- Suit Pefo:e hitn. and his opinion of i hi c.ise. to ti:e court in the above sri,e( ease, hereliy im-es notice that he will sit f,,r i:te pi.-rforin-inn! of his dutie-i in his oMlee In Met 'cnne..s hurit. l'a.. o" Saturday. September r, r.n ;t. v'. Mi o'loek A M.. when titiduliere nil parties in terttsted ln:t lllleud If tlley sett projier. I.KO. H. DAXIH.S Master. Divorce Notice. Ueoecn.l llocltenstnlth ( In the Court of vs. f Common eieas of Daniel ti. Ifoekensmltli 1 ;uitoti eoiitity. Ta No. i.. .'1'ti v 'i' , lui:t in Invoice. The mulersii.'ued. V.ister. appointed bv the JuUL-esof the !,ieirl til t:oinin-iti ljea. ofFnl ton county, to tal;e testimony, and return the same, together it h a !(,. ill oi the tiloeeed llii,' before him. anil his opinion of tue to ll u court in 'he above sfiteil eae. h.-rehy nitvi notice itial h"w i!l sit ;'or tt.e iiei toi ni ance of his dunes at hw olll '.t in McConnfclls. bun.'. Pa., on Knd.iy. AucMst. . nto.i. ni to o'clock A. M., when anil w here all parties iu teiested ma. attend if they see proper S W. K1KK. Master. I' AH M HH SAI.K. Sil iiiit id oTie inilii uni uf Mi-r.'or.Jn iNh'irvr. . cxt mlitiif lit I..u'hni n :ry tiontiunins ATKIS, A I. AIM, I, HANK It A li , I; us l:i biM.'ii ii filled Lo tl.c iiiiir i;iiifiit. 'I t. if i.nin is udminiliiv uiluhtnl fur sttn U pur- oft. Cau n; IjtfJgltt ott lLM!.s tijS'llL , ifr- Adilress tin ow nt-r I'AMM. ;;;f!T. ti;iniltfrvt.i(ri'. l'a. P. ulii-s wishltif tt visit tin p.iimisos iti.iitlro W H VKLSON MfConncliMiri'i;. Pa. FARM FOR The undersigned wllio'.lcrat pubi.c sale his farm containn: 11 Af'KKS :n of Khich Is i:Ci:i.l.i:NT V00D1.AM. l-'arm lies 1', miles tiorin of Ktiobsvijle. between the Hustou tnwn and Kort T.ittleion roiitls The Improve ments include TWO SIOKV i ra mi: iiolsk liirue barn, well of clet-ait water, and al! uecessurv ttul buildings. Terms to suit pur chaser. I'AVii) iiRt;iiAKi:n. IIOMK FOR SAI.P. A House anil two Lots with out baililiiiijs ami stable ilxilo, all under excellent repair. This ro(Tt,v wotiltl suit to upon Hotel uml Livery; or it food locutii n for a physician Will sell at a bar gain, and intviny to the City is reason for selling. Cull or ntldress MUS. JlKV. K., llustontovvn. Pa. JUNIATA COUNTY'S OAS WELL. The rinding of natural gas near I2ast Waterford, Juniata county, is leading to the formation of sev eral gas and petroleum companies in Juniata and Mi 111 in counties. Last Tuesday an oil company was organized at McVeytowu, the list of officers embracing some of the most prominent men in MifHin county. Stakes have been driven for six gas and oil wells between McVeytown and Newton Hamil ton by an expert geologist and mineralogist, and operations ara to be begun at onco. The gas well near East Waterford, Jnniata county, is being visited daily by strangers from various parts of Pennsylvania, and some from oth er states. The gas still flows with a pressure of about twenty five pounds to the square inch. The owners of the well are unde cided as to cleaning out the hole to its depth of about J, 100 feet, it having been filled in by the well diggers nearly 1,000 feet after the well was supposed to have been abaudoned, or sink a uow well One or two companies are in process of formation to locate wells farther eastward in Juniata county, aud one company may be 2fin operations only a mile or two west of the Susquehanua Hiver. 'farrisburg Telegraph. NF.ARLY FORFEITS MIS LIFE A runaway almost ending fatal ly, started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. H. Orner, Franklin Grove 111. For four years it defied all doctors and all remedies. But Bucklen's Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for burns, bruises, skin eruptious ind piles. 25c at all drug stores Limekiln Wood For Sile A nice lot of pine limekiln wood for sale cheap. Seo A. M. Skvillk, M;(Jouuolliiburg, Pa. Facts Worth Knowing. For Milhut-n Wnjrons, Surreys and Uneaten. Ilimaboiit, Farm ers Milk-Wutrmift, Top Sprinjr-watfons, Minders, Mowers, ilny rakes. ( llivcr chilled, Syraeuso ami VViard ('hilled plows, Wood and Steel frame harrows. Sewing Machines with 4 drawers, drop head, guaranteed for ten years, for 11. The Wheeler .St Wilson Sewing Machine Is the best mado for dressmnkers. Don't fail to si e It before buying. I'm hcatUiiurters for Grain drills slock always on hand. I have the hir:est stock in the county In bit",!!'-8 "'"1 furm Imple ments. My (roods "re right and prices riht. Goods rljfht here and I will be here to tell you that I can give just as much for your money as any dealer In the County. He sure to come and see me or write to me before buying. T. J. COMERER, McConnellsburg, Pa, SAVE MONEY by buying where you can get the 13 EST GOODS for the least money. D. O. MALLOTT, Tlie fact that we keep our old cus tomers. Mid every day or two add n new one, is the best evidence that the people ure appreciating our effort to y ive them tlie Best Goods for the Least Money We can sell you Side meat at lUc, Ham, at l'i, Lard at 12, Arbtickle's Coffeo 1 2c, Lion, at 11c. I tad Hand at 10c, granulated stitrur utile. ''A "brown at in;, half-gallon (flass jars at 70c., a dozen, quarts at .Vic, jar lids with .'iims complete 2.1c, dozen. GUNS and SIIKLLS 12 or 1 etuie;.', .'!2-ineh barrel, full choked, !il:,o a full line of shells 12 timl l'i entire. Oas fir .'Mr., jrnl , Dotiblt-bit axes at riirht prices, also those handles you liked so well at 2"c eueh. Strintrs Lace Hsil'ers, chuins, tiles. Horse brushes, cider faucets, ptirinr knives, rules, ttipe-rneii-Jtires -.10 ft. line. Haw hiile Inijjvy whips at "0c, Mouse anil Hat tt.ips, Latest patent fruit jar openers, ciocks and jars from to L'I) irallon nt luc a riillon, it lot of jelly yhisses nt 2 lor .1c. DRY GOODS A line lot of Calicoes, II annuls, and silks- all new jjoods Calicoes .1 to lie. yd., I.ancaste" inehams, at 7 Jo, mus lin .1 to !ic. India linen 10c Overalls punts, anil jackets to mutch. A tine line of shoes a! prices to suit (jiiality. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in e.xchunj;e for fronds. Also, will pay u dollar u hundred for white pine lumber, in cash or trade. D. C Weill ott, INeeir Needmore (iRANQTRS PICNIC. For the ( rangers Picnic at Wil liams drove August LMlh to L'dth, lit')!, iuclusive. the (Jumboi'laud Valley Railroad will run special excursion trains to and from the Grove and sell excursion tickets, as follows: Leave Mercer.sbnrg nt K 00 A. M., lO.aOP. M. and 3.30 P. M. daily. Kotiirning leave WillianisOrove for Mercersburg, Richmond aud intermediate stations at h.00 A. M aud 3. 1G P.M. daily and at 5. 80 P. M. on Thursday only. Excursion tickets good to re turn until Saturday August l!0th will be ou sale the entire week at one fare for the round trip. Excursion tickets good for two days will be on sale from Tuesday until Friday, at rate of $1. L'a for the round trip. OCEAN GROVE. The Cumberland Valley Kail road has arranged for an eleven days excursion to Ocean Grove, Asbury Park, X. J. via their line and P. li. II.-on Friday August in st. Excursion tickets good to re turn until Kept. 1st, 1903, inclu sive will be sold for train No. 4, leaving Mercersburg at H.00 A. M. on above date. Uate $0.00 for the round trip. The Sliippenxburg Normal School. The Sl.ippeusburg Normal School haw become one of the loading institutions in the coun try foi- the education of teachers. The new course of study which 'opt into full ellVct t'le past year prepare those who linish it for iny grade oi public school work. The diploma of this course is en dorsed by New Jersey und other leading state iu the Union. If you are looking for a good school in which to prepare yourself te teach write to Dr. G. M. D. Eckels Shippensburg, Pa., for a ea-ta logue of the ShipjonHburg Nor mal School. Rev. 0. LI. Shull w ill preach at Siloam uox Sunday nt 10 A. M and at Asbury at 2 0) P. M. S. R. CROMER, TIININER Fort Littleton, Pa. Is prepared at short notice to do any work entrusted to his cure. A full line of STOVES, Pipe, Tinware, Arc, ulwiiys onhund Special attention (ftven to Spout inu, lloofinr. Ac, GALVANIZED STEEL SPOUTING A.X 5 CENTS A 1 OOT. Ilon't foi'Kel'that wo ure head quarters for ull kinds of PUMPS and pump repairs, anil at prices that ure right. Orchard Grove. Prices. l'ViJS pie. Untter lL'c. Tallow 5c. )ld Poultry tie, Young " lie (io to lierkstresser's for Uaw Tilde lli-lt-lacers i, i, J, in., all lentrths. 22 and 2H oz , rubber drill and duck fur 1 luy jjy Tops and Wagon Covers. Packing for Kntrines AUUOltA the best that tlie market affords, and the Hound Asbestos for chest packing. Don't you need a complete 8-day clock 1 !l": same with un alarm $2.40. Lemons for the hot davs. Pure Corn Starch 1 lb., package fic. 1 lb., can of IJoyal Raking Powder .'.Or. Pure Linseed oil .j'te a gallon or 5 gallon for .Vic. Lydia K. I'lnkham's Vegetable Compound Ude., Ilood'sSar suparlllu uuc, 1'oruna the Great Tonic S-'ic., l'uines Celery Compound 80c, Gurgling Oil 22c, W. Ar It. Butter color 2;ic , ami lie. Pure Drug Cas tile Soap, and IVttingill's Kidney wort Tablets 4.1c W. L. BERKSTRESSER, Manager. YOU NEED A BUGGY HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? 4 A Bran New Falling Top Iluggy with Full Leather Trimming, Spring Cushion and Hack, Thousand Mile Axle, A Grade Wheels, Pat- t ent Shaft Couplers and Fine- ly Finished throughout for 1 ONLY $50. I Largo Stock to select rem. I am also handling Hand I W. R. Evans, t Hustontown, Pa. Harness! Harness! WALKER MANUFACTURING CO. Fannettsburrj, Pa,, has on hand, and will make to order on short notice, from select material in most workmanlike manner, Team Harness, & Buggy Harness, any style and price. Nets, Whips, &c, at Wholesale and Retail, Special attention to Repair Work. S. Elmer Walker, Proprietor. MILLINERY.. We still have a few Hats "and Trimrulugs which we will close out below cost. Como and see, and be convinced that you can get lata as low as 20 Cents. Mbs. A. V. Little. Rubscribe for the News3 " JOHNSTON'fS JOHNSTON'S JOHNSTON'S Johnston's I. awns fc, a better one at 8c, and a beautiful lino of all colors at 10c. A line of tlie most attractive Mousselines at ldc, white lawn 8, 10 and 12c.--13 lack and colored Serges for skirts, and all the latest novelties in Shirt-waist-suit poods. CLOTHING Men's and boys' work shirts 25, 3!l and uOe. Dress shirts fancy noifl-lfrca 25, 49 and l.0O. Overalls and work pants 25, 40, 48 and 75c. Boys' dress pants 25c. Men; dress pants 11.00, 1.35, 1.15, 2.25, 42.75. Chil dren's suits 80c, 00, Jl. 2.5, $1.75, 2.00, if2.75. Men's suits Black and Figured Nobby Clothing, guaranteed In making, 2.40, .'1.90, , , i"o 7.75, W, 10. STRAW HATS Boys' straw hats 5, 8, 15, 25c. Men's straw hats 8, 10, 25, 35, 45, 15, Jl. 1.50. Men's and boys' Wool and Fur Hats 50, 75, 1.00, $1.25, 11.50. Shoes Children's 15, 25, 35, 48o. Misses! 50, 75, $1., J1.50. Ladlos' Patent Ox ford and Opera Sllppors 1.25, J1.40 Ladies' dress shoes 08c, J1.25, $1.50, 1.75, 2.50. Men's work shoes tl.OO, 11.18, 1.25, $1.G0, Men's dress shoes $1.23, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, 3.50. Men's Patent Leather $1.50, 2, $2.75, 3.50, Carpets and Mattings Carpets at 25, 35 and 50c. Straw Matting 12, 15, 17, 20, 2.V. . Lace Cur tains 3!), 4'J, 75, tl. Curtain poles complete with fixtures, 8 and 10c. Do You Want to Save Money? Do You? Then call and examine our stock of Hardware be fore buying. You have here the Largest Stock, of Hardware In the County to select from. We will name you a few of our many bargains : One 18-tooth spring harrow left we will sell at cost. Steel monkey wrenches 6-in., 19c, 8 in. 21 c, 10-in. 25c, and 12-inch, 30c. Job lot nickel plated ratchet braces, 10-in. sweep, 50c. Steel crowbars, 60 to 90c. Manure forks On tario 32 cts, Bachelor 40 and 45c. Hand 'saws 35, 45, 75, $1.20, $1.40, $1.60. Horse nails 10, 11, and 14 cts, a lb. Grain rakes 20 and 22c. Machine Oil 18 and 25c per gallon. Iron and steel tire at the lowest cash prices. Blacksmith's -supplies at the lowest prices. Head quarters for low pfice on high grade Hardware of all kinds, prices always the lowest. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. R. 'S. PATTERSON, McConnellsburg, Pa. Pour doors east of the Telegraph Office. Best Goods For the Least Money ! CLAY PARK'S THREE SPRINGS, PA. Table Oil-Cloth. Strictly first grade at $1. 75 per roll of 12 yards. Men' Heady made iiuitg at (3.U8 to 25.00 each. Boys Ready made suits at tl.i'O to 7.00. Drop Head SEWING at"13 75 agents get W15.00 for the same Machine, Syracuse Hill Side Tlows with STOVES AND RANGES 114.00 to $34.00 tutli fully guaranteed, Carpets 4it M els per jard. Kgg ' for HmcliitiK. White Ply- t ? . r .-4 t 1 Hardware, Wire, , I Harness Glass, Writ tor Cedar Tubs,' Churns, J Wagons, , - ' ". Buggies, Valuta and Oils, Implements, , ' ' -' Mattings We have large orders to fill on Eggs and Poultry every week and will pay the highest price either cash or trade. We want your trade. f (' J. K. JOHNSTON, McConnellsburg, Fa. Ticking faced horse collars at CO cts each. White Lead ('j ct per tb. Wire Nails at 2.75 per keg. Llshtninff Washing Machines at 1.1.25 each. Ball Bearing MACHINES wheel at 4.50 i Syracuse Furrow Plows with wheel and jointer $10. mouth Rocks, the great winter layers. 15 eggs for 60 cts. j - y Prices on ! ' Groceries, . Flour, Feed, Seed Oats, Garden Seeds Dress Goods, Ladles Trimmed Hats, Men's Hats, .Boyg' Hats Shoes, . . , . Potatoes. ,