The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 12, 1903, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
AUGUST 12, 1903.
Published Weekly
Annum in Advance
ler uure of K line 8 I'm1
Femquitre purh sulweouent Innertion
.(1 v.
Ali imvertim-ni'-cts inserted for ievi than
three month charged hv the rtiiire.
)no-fourth enlumn .
One-hull column....
One Column
.. 10 (IU
f i.ii. 7:"io
CO.'). -O
fin. 00. 7f 00
Noltilntf Inserted for les t linn II.
lrofcvlona; Canl urn- ye;.r ih
five stacii s on mn
At soventticn slif said: "I wa-it
a man wlio is ardent in a!l love's
ways and whose passionate' devo-;
tion may never flair.
lie must be
tall and broad shouldered a-ul
handsome, with dark, llasliii.fe'
soulful eyes, and. if need lie ro to
the ends of the world for
At twenty she said: "J want a
man who unites the tender sym
pathies of a woman with the bra
very of a lion. I don't mind li s
being a little dissapited, because
that always adds a charm. He
must bo, however, accomplished i
i n r
wura HtuK.W1,u '"be very careful about nut tin the
any saeriliee for my sake. "
At twenty-five she said : '! ;
want a iiuu who unites with au
engajrin personality a complete
knowledge of the world, and if, of .
necessity, he happens to have a
past, lie must also have a lu- .them uta cut lemons and then wash
turoa rnau to whom I can look 'hein oil' in hot water.
ur and with whom I caa trust1 .. A .u''ii,e may be prevented from
myself at all times without the
Sllnutsi t;iu out 1 unroiiuu u
At thirty she said: "I want a
mau with money. Ue can have
any other attributes a man oujriit
. .. , i
not t . possess, but he must rune
money, and the more he has the
better I shall like, it." !
At thirty-tive .she said: "1 want ,
a man." '
Mr. II. llaggins of Melbourne,
Fla., writes, "My doctor told me
I had consumption and nothing
could be done for me. I was given
up to die. The oiler of a free tnai
bottle of Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, induced roe
to try it. Results were starll'mar.
I am now on the road to recovery
and owe all to Dr. King's New
Discovery. It surely saved my
life." This great cure is guaran
teed for all throat and lung dis
eases by all druggist. Vi'w.u r'e.
aud $1.00. Trial bottle free.
The fate of him who waits t"0
long before decl.iriug his affec
tions is illustrated in the case of
the Minnesota young man who
hud been writing to a girl for
three years, intending some day
to ask her to marry him. The
other day he received a letter and
a picture from her. The letter
announced that she had been
married two years, and the pic
ture was of her baby. 'My hus
band and 1 have enjoyed your let
ters very much, she wrote, "but
I guess you had better stop writ
iug now, as I have to spend nil
my time caring for the baby."
The Ueeord says the words the
young man used after reading
the letter would shock a lield of
Why is a fashionable lady like a
steam engim Hocnuse she has
a train behind her.
What relation is a door scraper
to a door inatv Step farther.
Why is a horse the most curious
feeder in the world? l'ecauseho
cats best wheu ttiere is not u bit
in his inouth.
What flower is always under
your nose? Tulip.
A washerwoman dropped some
thing he couldn't pick up. Whit
was it? Water.
Why is a cat like a match? l '.e
cause the cat lights on its feet-and
the match lights on its head.
Why is an elephant an unwel
come caller? Hocause he always
brings his truuk with him.
What is the strongest rope in
the world. Europe.
Why is the heart of a tree like
the tail of a dog? Because it is
farthest.away from the bark.
What is the oldest table in t'ie
world? The multiplication table.
inf on Fur ir.'jlrv; ,i Bedroom With
C:-,-,pe tracer,
FV the trimmings I would select
either' red, orunpe, pink or clurk
.lIu', Imt of course one could use a
fa .. lite color. 1 will begin with the
.lic-il, US that is Iho Mont lI'OlllilKIlt
part of the room. For )illowslniins
lmi two M!('s ot the i)ii r, cildl
thii'i? foot louj. mid ioin together by
sil m mt- vt!ruijpiit: fuges unci sewing enre
M.uu pr ,,illh. l(trt;i1,.r. Now tllkt, anotJCf
fo'.r led Ion-', and cut in two
ioiigthwke. Ciiruully suv tliefC
two pieces together, cud to end, mid
then ruu on to the body jmrt, gath
ering a little ns you go. Always
overlap edges when sewing, for the
v oi k will not he neat if you do not.
When this is finished, sew on to all
"emus common feather edgo braid.
Tli is gives a pretty finish and al.-o
.hides nil seams. This will complcto
the slimns. Now fur the bedspread.
Tulii! live stiiis live feet long and
sew together lengthwise. Finish the
Reams with the braid mid the end of
the spread with nillles of the paper j
and linish with the braid. Xow for !
the bureau cover. Take u piece one
and a half vards loin; and finish
ends with rallies and braid. A
spiasher may be made by taking one
yard of the paper and carefully turn
ing the ends over and sewing the
finish with the braid.
Curtains are quite difficult to
make, but with a little pains it can
be accomplished. Take a piece sev
en feet long mid turn ends and
linish with the braid, and then put a
narrow ruille of . paper down the
front and around the bottom edges
nn'l ni'i'l- This is one
iJ1f tain, and ,hc P"ito one ia
to be made the name, but von must
ruille on or you will get it wrong.
Sarah's Mamma in Boston Globe.
Household Hints.
The longer and drier table linen
i ironed the better it looks.
To clean brass gas fixtures rub
,;? -
,11. ,.,.1,,.. .,.. 1... K.....I..
moistened with cold water.
In boiling eggs hard put them in
boiling water ten minutes and then
I,utt t! ,".:J water. It will pre-
vent the yolk Horn coloring,
A ,,,; j,.ss HU( cl(fln,v ?nalmmt
to drive away mice is to saturate a
cloth with cayenne pepper ir. a solu-
t' and s-tulf it into the hole. Dry
ca-V( 11110 thrown about will keep ama
and cochroaches awav.
Perfumed Linen.
Linen ehould Lo kcptlu perfumed
drawers. Sachets containing the
housertife'b favoiite scent scattered
about the drawer uill impart the
perfume. Aromatic shavings, leaves
and f'.owtr.-. sewed up in bags may
be substituted for the sachets. Ce
dar shavings, ca.-sia buds, powdered
sassafras, rose leaves, leaves of the
lose geranium, branelii s of lavender
and sweet verbena are all delicious
in odor. A few drops of perfume on
sheets of uhite blotting paper will
impart a fragrance to linen.
Preserved Plums.
Pour boiling water over tho plums,
then remove the skin. Make a tdrup
of one pound of sugar and a teacup
of water to each pound of fruit and
when boiling hot pour over tho
plums. Let it remain over night,
then drain, boil again, skim and
pour over the plums. Let them re
main in this another day, then put
over the lire in sirup and boil until
clear. Hemovc with skimmer, pack
carefully in jars, boil the sirup until
thick, pour over the plums and seal.
Covers For Polished Tables.
If the summer coverings for pol
ished tables are made at home, it
should be remembered that a close
fitting cover of some soft fabric of
the flannel variety should first be
fitted over the polished ton and cor
ners. The domett flannel or white
outing flannel is suitable for the
purpose. This prevents tho sti4
nolland from scratching tho sur
face, as might otherwise bo the case.
The high linish of the piano top
needs similar protection.
Canned Fruit In Hot Weather.
An expert on domestic fruit can
ning tells us that, being obliged to
store her jars in an upstairs room,
fchc is driven to various expedient
to keep down the temperature dur
ing hot weather. One plan is to
wring two large Turkish towels out
of cold water and hang them over a
line in n current of air in the room
to bo cooled. Tho evaporation ot
tho water as the towel dry lowers
the temperature several degrees.
8orens For Curtains.
Japunese screens of finely carved
wood are taking the place of cur
tains. The screens are of the same
length and depth as tho windows.
The designs ure of Jaimncso foliage
with the brnneluve in .,,i..,..,.-1
with (uainl birds with outspread
wiiurk limeritii ovur the Jlowers.
A conductor on thu Huntingdon
& broad Top railroad put a man
off the train because ho wouldn't
pay his fare. This hurt tho man's
feelings, and to fet a little satis
faction tho man threw a stone
through tho .'hiss in tho door of
one of tho coaches, and then
boarded a freight train.
Subscribe for tho Nkws.
Ftrocicua Jack and the Little Girl
Who L0...1I Anlmnla.
A girl of fourteen was sent lo the
butcher's to purchase meat for din
ner. The butcher was out, but be
hind the meat block was a great
tawny St. Hi rnaid do;: dozing and
vliapjiing ill (he occasional ily that
disturbed his dreams. "Oh, you
beautiful old doggie! What a dar
ling you are!" exclaimed the girl,
and 111 another moment she was
kneeling by him with her hand oa
his lion head and her yellow braids
half buried in his brown coat. The
dog opened bis sleepy ejes, licked
hrr other hand and wagged his tail,
thereby signifying that, though he
had not previously had the pleasure
of her acquaintance, he considered
her a very nice girl indeed.
Looking up, the little maiden saw
the buteVer standing in the door.
His face was white as death. "For
(ioil's sake, keep still!'' he cried.
"I ome here, Jack ! he added stern
ly to the dog, and in a moment he
had him by the chain. "1 wouldn't
have taken that risk for all that I
possess," he said afterward to the
child's father. "He was left to mind
the till, and he would have torn any
one else limb from limb. I cannot
understand-it." "Jhit I do," replied
the girl. "I love animals and am
not afraid of them." Maybe that U
the rcasoit why .lack ami I he young
heroine are the best of friends even
unto ibis day. Xew York News.
If I Were a King.
"If I vvere a king," said a child,
"I would have a ensile buiit that
would reach to the clouds."
"And I," said another, "would
wear only clothes made of silver
and gold.
"And I," said a fat fellow, "would
eat nothing but sausage and cakes."
"And 1," said a little girl, and she
blushed a little, "would take care of
all the poor children and. would give
them enough to cat. m.d to wear."
A Sweet Singer. ,
Marshall I'.righam, an Indianap-
olis (Ind.j hoy, is creating eonid- !
era!'!" cuihu-ia.-m as a singer. From !
the iime lie v. as four Mars old lie !
disi. laved marked musical talent,
and even at that early a..e he was j
siuginy iiej.irc chiircn amlieiices. On
June l last at a concert given by a
chorus of COO pupils of the Indian
apolis piblie schools be pang the
w-r -v.-. of the "Hat tie Hymn of the
Ih.'jnibiie'' as a solo. An Indianapo
lis paper spoke of his sweet voire
and unspoiled manner r.- captivat
ing the audience. Another paper
said of him : "Clear mid well modu
lated, the voice of the little fellow
rang out, filling the entire audito-
ilAllhllAI.L, UIIUlilAM.
rium and stirring the audience to
abundant enthusiasm, tiil'ted with
a 'clean' and with un enuncia
tion rarely cualcd by one so young,
th boy sang the trying solo with an
ruse and self confidence worthy of
note." Marshall is the son of Dr.
Kdwiu 11. lirigham of Indianapolis.
The Wedding.
Whut's ull Oils ntlr In umohf? tliu tuyn,
Thu ruHtlu mid Btlr? Tho dunkey
The paper runt!.', the llttlo bull rolls,
The rouml drum rumbli-n, the rubblt
Tlu'ro'B not a toy but nimim to vw.
In nil tliu iloHi t. from wi.ll to wall.
The wcdilliiK between tha Jai k-ln-che-bo
And the ireltlet chliiii doll of all.
Shu looked ho timid mid hu so proud,
And both were un huppy u they could
And the moon shone In through tho closet
It was really a heuutlful night to aee.
Hut when It un over und nil the toys
Hud net t U U uKUln upon the Hlielvei.,
Where Jtiek and the dolly could not henr,
They tulkuil about It umimn thei.iaelvea.
The Utile boy doll who eunie from Krance
HlKhed ua he ahoek hlx lluneu head.
'Twould hnvo been ull rltfht for u wood
en doll.
ut she niih'ht have done inoeh bi tter,"
ha ifuld.
Suld Mm. Noah; '! really think
'Twua a very stupid and alow ulTuir'
I hope we ahull find when wo reueh the
Tho anlmnla all In order there."
Hut Juck-ln-the-box and thu little doll
Smiled nt wh cither tenderly;
They did not hear, and they did not cure.
But both were aa huppy an they could
K.. tacrine l'yla In St. Nleholua. .
The Tuscarora Oil Compauy
located its well in the Narrows
near Cumberlaud and a force of
riggers are engaged in erecting
the derrick.. Mr. J. D. Wesner
who will direct the drilling of the
well, believes that the well cau bo
drilled to tho depth of IJOOO feet
within two mouths, at which
depth he exjects to liud the oil
mi few ft
bearing Btratu.
Wool Corcilng:
Carpet Weaving
H. H. HERTZLER still continues Carding and Weaving nt the
WIIJ.OW C.KOVK MILLS at Murnt Cabins.
Carpet Chain always on hand. V ool put into bats for Hans.
I will take iu Wool aud work at the following places, namely, Prank
Marc's, Fort Littleton: M ichael Laidig's, Dublin Mills; W. It.
Kpeer's, Saluvia; C. W. Lynch', Crystal Springs; J. 1C. Jack
sou's, Akersville; Caleb Darton's, Hustontown; A. N. Wltter's,
Waterfall: Harry Huston's, Clear Kirijfes W. L. lterkstresser s
Orchard drove.
I Will Visit these places monthly during the seasou. Thankful for
past favors, t hope for a continuance of tho same.
H. H. Hertzler,
Burnt Cabins.
Your Column.
To snow our uppn;oiutioD of the r uy In
whk'h Hie Fulton (,'minty New Is bei uclopl
fU into the hornvs of the people of thN county,
we bv; set Hparf mis "olumn for the KHKK
use of our sulisorlUeis.foriidvertKinK purposes,
object to the follow In k condition:
1. it In free only to those who are puiri-up nub
seribei'M. :!. Only pervitin property eun be advertised.
'A. Notices must not exceed ;to w rds.
t. All 'letral" imtlu-'N excluded
'. Not free to merchants, or tiny one to adver
tise foods sold under mercantile license.
Thi pi irnary object of this column Is to af
fo.d fanners, and folks w ho are not In public
biiMNf M. an opportunity to brin to public ut
tentlou poduots or crocks they may have to
sell, or may want to buy.
Now. this space Is yiur: If you wunt to buy a
lorse. if you want hired help. If you want to
uorro'V money. IT you wunt to sell u pl, a buK
JO some hay. a goose, or If you want to adver
tise for a wife this column Ik yours.
The New is read weekly by elk'ht thousand j
peoTile , and Is the b;st advertising medium iu
the countv.
tohn Habberton's Prank and Its Last,
ing Effects.
John llabberton, the author of
"Jh ieu':- H ibicr." told at a dinner
party receiiily an interesting story.
;'I am," he began, "a cousin of the
Xew York pubii.-diing family of the
Haxj crs, and I worked for the Har
pers in my youth, learning with
tluni the printing business. Well,
one day they gave me the manu
script of a book of l;ukin to set
u;. It was 'The Seven Lamps of
Architecture' or 'The Stones of
Venire,' 1 think. At any rate it
contained a long passage in praise
of the work done in tho world by
the great artists by the poets, tho
sculptors, the musicians, the archi
tects, the painter.-, and so on and
I, f'jr ini.-i'.'hi"f, changed one word in
this passage. I substituted for
'paiiii'T-:' 'prmli-rs.'
"Of coar.c 1 thought the proof
reader would catch the error. My
idea was that we should all have a
hltie laugh at Kiiskin's eulogy of
the printer along with such line fel
lows as the musician and the poet
and that then the types should be
set right again. Hut somehow my
willful blunder missed the proof
reader's eye, and in that and every,
following edition for many years it
appeared; hence thousands of Amer
icans have admired the perception.
and the originality of Luskin in
praising so highly the work of the
humble printer, thanks to me. I.
by the way, did't discover how this
error had endured till, recently. I
took up the volume, saw 'printer
where 'painter' should have been,
and the memory of that youthful
prank of mine came back to me. I
wrote immediately to one of myllar
pcr cousins, confessing all. His an
swer was a letter of three words
'You young rascal!' I am not pre
cisely a young rascal cither," iMr.
Hablicrton concluded,, smoothing
his gray hair.
Chaffing Minefield.
Oscar Haiunicrstein and Richard
Mansfield nu t on Jiroadwny. Said
Mr. Hammerr-tcii) :
"They tell me that 'Mousieur
Beaucaire' is not dramatized from
the novel, but was originally a play,
and that the novel was written from
-True," replied Mr. Mansfield,
with his most literary bow and an
amiable smile.
"Why don't you dramntize the
book some time ?" queried Mr. llam
luersteiu. "It would make quite
Mr. Mansfield checked his how
and with a freezing glare stalked
away. New York Times.
Are dus to Indlgejiion. Ninety-nine of every
one hundred people who have heart troubls
can rememDer when It was simple Indlces
lion. It Is a sclentlfio fact that all cases ol
heart rllroase, not organic are not only
traceable to, but are the direct result ol indi
gestion. All tood taken Into the stomach
which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stomach, puffing it up against the
ncari. niia imonorr.a wun ins action ol
the heart, and In the oourse of time thai
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. KUubU ol Nii. O., : I hid itonMch
trouble and wu In a bid aa I hid hurt troubla
aih a. I loot Kodol Dyapapiia Cute for about touff
Bun") l and II curd ma.
Kodol Digests Wbat You Eat
rid relieves the stomach of all r.trvou
strain snd Wis heart of all pressursi
Mtlaaenlr. Sl.00 Sin holdlnf 2 Umu tSa trial
alia, which ulia lor BOc.
Preparad b I. O. D.WITT 00., CHIOAQOb
Millinery Store
You can ";et bargains
during the next two weeks
beginning August 5th
All she asks, is that you
come and see goods, and
you will be convinced that
she is selling at cost.
Corns Early .
.VicConnellsburg, Pa.
f In . . .
f. Pianos
I buggies
t Carriages
1 Good marketable stock
l tiken in exchange.
JWhen iu need of any
thing in our lice write
for particulars to . . . x.
burnt Cabins, P.
Fresh Bread, Rolls, Cakes,
Doughnuts, aud Pretzels on
hand all the time.
Free Delivery in town on
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thurs
days, and Saturdays.
For Parties, Weddings, &c
we are prepared on a couple
of days notice to furuish all
kinds of cakes etc.
Your Patronage Solicited.
Teachers' Wanted.
We need at once a few more
teachers, both experienced and
inexjierieuced. Wo have more
calls this year .than ever before.
Schools and colleges supplied
with competent teachers free of
cost. Address with stamp,
American Teachers' Association,
J. L. Graham, L.L. D., Mgr.
Memphis, Teno.
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. Kins s
Nov Djscovory
A Perfect For All Throat nd
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Covers the Field.
In every part of the
County faithful re
porters krz located
that gather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
Markets. The Sunday-School
Helps for Christian
Endeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style along that line.
Sample copies of
the News sent to any
of your friends oh
I. c uve no. i no cno. t) no. c 110
A. M tA.MltA.M 'P.! tP.M p. u
WinhrstT 1 i .... t in il :to
Mttriltihuui'K H b i fil 1 1 1
liiiKurstown .... 6SO 9 0c I'J SO 8 4 8 IW 10 15
I liruencuHtlo .... V 11 9 aili 41 4 oh 8 lil 10 114
Vleruerwliurtt 8 mi 10 8 3o ....
('Iiauilii.'rxliuri;.. 7 HI 9 4A I OTi 4 t' 8 4A lu i8
'.VayneKbnro 7 lj .... IB 00 8 8....
Shlppensbui'K... 7 M 10 OS I i" 6 0J B OT,
Newvllle 8 10 10 4 142 5 21 llll
Carlisle 8 Ho 10 41 I! la 5 4H 9 4r r.
MecliuulCHbuTK,. 8 60 11 On t ai 8 10 10 07 ia SI
DillHburu 10 0) 6 Zi
Arr, Hurrlsburg. 9 07 11 in t 40 0 80 10 2Mit 40
Ait. l'hlla II 4H 8 17 6 47 10 40 4 HA 4 fi
Arr. New York, a 18 li ta 8 OH IU 7 13 7 13
Arr. Hitllttnore.. Is! lo 8 11 00 9 4JS 2 so 7 15
h. u. p. m. p. h. p. M. a. m. a. at
Train No i eHt runa dull j excrpt Sunday
between HHiferntown and Httrrlnbura-, leuvlnic
HuirerNtown 1. 05 and arriving- ut Harrlxburv at
Additional eaot-bound looul train will run
dully, except Sunduy, aa followa: Leuve
i iiriisie cuna. m., p. m., n.inp m,, leavo
Mcebunluhbiirir 5.51 a. m., a. m.. l'J.59 n m..
H.M p. m. Leave DUUburtf 6.85 a. in., 10.00 u,
o.j.) y. ui..
TraiUH Nob. S.8 and 110 run dully between Hu
Keratown und Hurrlsburg
t Daily exoept Sunday.
Leave no. I no. 8 no. 6 no. 7 no. t 109
P.H 1 H 1 H A U P. H P.M.
Ilalttmore II 55 4 44 8 K IK 00 485 f 0
New York 7 55 U 10 H 55 2 55 ft .V
I'hlla Il HO 4 25 8 40 II 40 $5 80 8 25
Hurrlsburg 6 00 7 55 II 46 8 liO 8 80 II 05
Dillsburs 8 60 4 (h! ... ,
Mechiinlosburg.. 5 19 8 14 12 05 8 87 8 61 11 23
Carlisle 6 40 8 Sol2 27 8 57 9I3I11J
Newvllle 6 03 9 00 12 61 4 ID 9 84 11103
Shlppetwburg... 6 20 9 18 I 10 4 8-.' 9 62 M 18
Wuynesboro 10 37 S 05 6 8M
t'humbei-Hburg. . 8 40 9 30 I 82 4 60 10 12 12 80
Meroentliurg..,. 8 15 10 80 6 4H
liieencustle .... 7 05 10 01 1 6)1 6 14 10 86 12 M
Hageratown .... 7 27 10 22 17 5 87 10 67 115
Murtlnsburg. 8 24 11 10 6 81
Ar. Wlnobeulor. 9 lo 11 55 7 10
A. U. A. M. P. M. P. M P. U. A. M.
Train No. 17 went rumi dallv eiunnt Hnnrluv
between Hurrlsburg und llugeralown, leav
ing iiiiriisuurg ut n. in p.tu. ana arriving ut tlu
gerstown ut 7.67 p. ni.
Additional local irulna will leave Ilarrlariurs
an follows: i'or Carlisle and Intermediate ata
lion ai 9.37 u. m.. 2.00 p. m. und 6.80 p. n... alao
for Mechanicsburg Dillsburg and Intermediate
tuUooHat 7 80 a. ni., 8. 10 p. m. and tl 80 p. m.
Trains Now. 1, 8 and log run dally between
llarnsburt and Hagaratown.
Pullman pulaoe aleenlng eura between New
York and Knoxvllle, Teun., on traina I went
and 110 eiwt und between 1'lilludelpbla und
Welsh on N. A W. Hull way on 'rams 109 west
und 12 east, exoept tliul on Sunday the 1'lihu
Uelphlu sleeper will run east on No. 8
Through eoaehea to and from Phlla1epbla
on traina 2, 4 aud II eaat and 5. 7 and S weat.
Dully except Sundav.
H. M
5 00
6 II
a oh
Pus Mlx. I
Mlx. I Pun.
A ulLve. Arr.
7 OOiChainbemburg..
7 20 Murlon
8 l6..Alerueniburg..
8 501 Iudon
9 05 ... . Richmond... .
9 46
8 4.M
A II P. tl
II 50!
9 67
8 83l 821
8 001 10 30
7 ! 9 43
4 OH
I 80
8 M
t 00
P. M.
10 30;
10 5M
11 05
t ml so
A. H.4 M
A. M IP. U
Vice Pres. & lieu. Supt Supt,
11. A. RlUDl.k. Oea PaHa. Ageut.
at4o 60 YEARS'
Copyrights 0.
Anyone tending a iketnh and deaeriucion ay
qulmlr aacaruin our opiutou frae wbacluar aa
tiivtintlon u pnibatily paiwitabl. Comiuutilna
tlnua Bind I J aiiiUUentlal. llaudbooft on Htlil
iviit f rea. OldMt agancy fur MMMirtng uataiii'.
fateuia tiuen tfiruugh Munu S Vo. raualve
prrCU avtiM, wli huut ciharga, tu the
Scientific Jlr.trlx t
A hftfidtXHuslr llinirtrtttM wkf MnrMt rtr
mUlum c( mtif inji(US VuratL Ternnv,
yr; four rtiontluL $L IM4 byil nawMltwliv.
UruoL otaoa. HIM, WaahUujiuB. U.U
J .
Fihst Class
Tonsorial Artist,'
A I'lnun Cup nnd TnwH with nnnh Shuvc
Kvoryllilng Antiseptic,
linxiim ttrlllr.rd.
STfTShop In room lately oveupled by Va Hrnlie
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly tip to date In nil ntylea of boir cut
ting. IJulole, ensy hnvc lliiv-rum. Crrums
Wltch-hniel. without extra charge. Kresh
towel to ench customer. Latest linproveil an
paraiUK for htcrlllilng tools. Parlors opnoiilti.
Fulton Houso.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Sauare,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All lea-ill buHlneiw and oolleotlona entrusted
will euelve careful and prompt attention.
cut kciiFs.
Prkshytkrian. Jev. W. A. West,
D. D.. Pastor. Prfiaoliinp ftctrvices
each alternate Sabbath atlOi.'tOa. m.
ami every Sunday evening at 7:io.
Services ut Grer-N Hill on- alternate
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath
school at 8:15. Junior Christian En
deavor at 2:00. Christian Kndeuvor
at (1:00. Frayer meeting Wednesday
evening: at 7:00.
Methodist Episcopal Rev. J. v.
Adams, l'astor, taunday School
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and ovorv
Suuday eveninR at 7:00. Kiwt.rtli
League at (1:00 p. m. Prater nieeiing
Thursday eveulay at 7:00.
United Prkshytkrian Rev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at U:30
ft. m. Preachinir every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evoninis are used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. in.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00. B
O. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school :15
a. m. Preat hlnjf every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian En
deavor at fi:00 p. ni. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Ukformkd Rev. C. M. Smith, Pas
tor. Sunday school at 0:30 a. m.
Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Kndeavor at (i:00 p. ui. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
The first term of the Courts of Ful
ton county in tho year shall commence
on tho Tuesday following the second
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The Recond term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
The third term on tho Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m. ,
Tho fourth term on tho first Monday
of October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
noHOt ;n om ickics.
Justice of the Peace Thomas F.
Sloan, L. H. Wible.
Constable John II. Doyle.
Rurgess H. W. Scott.
Councilmen D. T. Fields, Leonard
Hohman, Samuel Uender.M. W. Nace.
Clerk William Hull.
High Constable Wm.Raumgardner.
School Directors A. U. Nace. John
A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M.
Taylor, John Comerer, C. B. Stevens.
President J udge Hon. S.Mc. S woiie.
Associate Judges Lemuel Kirk, Da
vid Nelson.
Prothonotary, &c Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney George B. Dan
iels. Treasurer George B. Mellott.
Sheriff Daniel C. Fleck.
Deputy Sheriff D. T. Fields.
Jury Commissioners C. H. E. Plum
mer, Anthony Lynch.
Auditors John S. Harris, W. C.
Davis, S L. Garland.
Commissioners S. D. Mellott, Ceo
Sigel, and H. P. Palmer.
Clork Frank Henry.
County Surveyor Jonas Lake.
Couuty Superintendent Charles E.
Attorneys W. Scott Alexander, J.
Nelson Slpes, Thomas F. Slo!ri, F.
McN. Johnston, M. R. SharTuer, Geo.
B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, 8. W.
Kirk. i , . w.
Odd Fellows M'Conneilsburg Lodge
No. 744 meets every Friday evening in
tno Comerer Building in McConnells
burg. t
Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets
every Suturday evening in the Cromer
building at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meets
every Saturday evening -in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrisonville Lodge No. 701 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Barrisonvillo.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday evening In Odd Fellows'
Hall at W ami-fall Mills.
Warfordsburg Lodge No. 601 meets
In Warfordsburg every Saturday
King PostG. A. U. No. 3(15 meets in
McConnellsburir in Odd Fellows' Hall
the first Saturday in every month at 1
p. m.
Royal Arcanum. Tuscarora Council.
No. l.'., meets on alternate Monday
evenings in P. O. K. of A. Hall, in
Washington Camp No. 407. P. O. S.
A., of New Gt-eusdu, meets every Sat
urday evening in P. O. H. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp. No. 651. P. O.S.
of A., Hustontown, meets eVerv Satnr-
urday evening in P. q. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post O. A It.. No.
68i, meets every Saturday, on 1 or just
preceding Tun moon in Lasniey can.
at 2 p. ni., at Buck Valley.
Woman's Relief Corps. No. eO
meets at same date aud place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. II. MeKlbbln Post No. 4C2.
O. A. S.. meets the second aud fourth
Saturdays in each month at Pleasant
icings. ,
The FoltOB CcuBtj Km,